4 Marks
4) Distinguish between Energy conservation and Energy audit based on activities.
State the difference between energy conservation and energy audit.
5) State the needs and benefits of star labelling.
6) State salient features of Energy conservation Act-2001.
4 Marks
12) Why energy conservation technique should be adopted in transformer even though its
efficiency is mostly more than 90%.
13) Explain the energy conservation technique “By improving power quality of I.M.”
14) Explain when induction motors are run in star condition under 30% load condition, how
energy is conserved?
15) Identify five and explain energy conservation techniques in transformer by:
(a) Loading sharing (b) Transformer in parallel
16) Suggest the energy conservation techniques in following cases: (i) Motor is running with
70% loaded condition. (ii) Motor is continuously loaded at 50%. (iii) Motor runs with 30%
loaded condition but sometimes rises to 50% loading condition. (iv) Motor runs
continuously under no-load condition.
17) Describe variable frequency drive with suitable diagram.
18) State the comparison between Energy Efficient motors and conventional motors.
19) Epoxy resin transformers are more suitable in hazardous areas. Give reason.
4 Marks
23) Explain any four technical losses in transmission and distribution systems.
24) Summarize the commercial losses in Electrical Installation System. Also, state EC technique
adopted for optimizing distribution.
25) Explain the “mitigation of power theft” and “faulty meter replacement” for energy
conservation techniques to reduce commercial losses.
26) State the working principle and operation of automatic power factor controller used in
transmission & distribution system.
27) With the help of case study, explain the effect of ‘replacement of Lamps by EEF Lamps’ in an
Energy Audit Project (Any two).
28) Explain any three types of energy efficient light control devices used in energy conservation
29) Explain the energy conservation technique adopted for a lighting system using the energy
efficient luminaries.