Navigating the Firefighters’ Experiences in Responding to Fire Incidents: Through Photovoice
Navigating the Firefighters’ Experiences in Responding to Fire Incidents: Through Photovoice
Navigating the Firefighters’ Experiences in Responding to Fire Incidents: Through Photovoice
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study explores the challenges faced by themselves safe from fires and protect themselves from heat,
firefighters during fire incidents, focusing on their smoke, and hazardous materials. It has helmets, gloves,
emotional experiences, the impact of negligence, and the boots, and fireproof suits (Smith et al., 2020). Training gives
critical role of preparedness. Conducted with 20 the idea of how they will utilize and understand the correct
firefighters selected through purposive sampling, the usage and maintenance of their equipment, and it is also
research utilized a photovoice methodology to collect critical for firefighters to know what hazards their
data, combining interviews and photographs to capture equipment cannot and will not shield them from (Khan et
the lived experiences of participants. The study identified al., 2020). Firefighters will be able to perform their duties
four key themes: (1) Fear and Responsibility in more safely and effectively, preventing injuries and better-
responding to fire; (2) The Battle Against Negligence; (3) safeguarding people and property by adhering to PPE
The Emotional Rollercoaster of Firefighting; and (4) regulations (Penney et al., 2022).
Failure to Prioritize Personal Protective Equipment. The
findings underscore the need for improved public fire When responding to fire situations, firefighters may
safety education, emotional resilience training for encounter physical harm such as extreme heat, smoke
firefighters, and ongoing investment in proper intake, and the possibility of building collapse. They may
equipment and team coordination. Recommendations also experience much psychological stress because of
include enhancing firefighter training programs, having to make tough choices and seeing traumatic events.
increasing community awareness of fire risks, and Managing intricate construction designs and guaranteeing a
ensuring mental health support for first responders. sufficient water supply pose significant logistical obstacles
These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of (Lagata et al., 2022). Noise, construction materials, and the
the multifaceted challenges of firefighting and the chaotic nature of fire scenes can all hinder effective
strategies that can improve safety and effectiveness in communication, which is why it is so important. Their
the field. already difficult jobs are further complicated by handling
hazardous items and making sure they stay safe while saving
Keywords:- Emotional Resilience, Firefighter Challenges, others (Florentin et al., 2022).
Fire Safety Education, Firefighting Training, Personal
Protective Equipment. The psychological burden of their job is something that
firemen frequently deal with in addition to the logistical and
I. INTRODUCTION physical difficulties. Firefighters who witness the aftermath
of fires, including property destruction and even fatalities,
The purpose of the existence of the Bureau of Fire may experience psychological discomfort and develop post-
Protection is to protect the property and lives of those who traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Their mental health may
are in danger of facing fire outbreaks. According to the suffer greatly from the ongoing exposure to terrible
statistical results of Phil Star, throughout the year 2023, experiences and the pressure to perform well in difficult
MANILA, Philippines, there were 15,900 fire occurrences in situations (Guilaran et al., 2021). Additionally, their
2023; the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) has noted a 21.1 personal life and relationships may be disrupted by long
percent rise in fire events nationwide. This shows that fire hours and erratic schedules, which can lead to emotional
outbreaks are one of the most destructive phenomena that tiredness and burnout (Houton et al., (2022). Firefighters are
happen within a year. In these situations, the skills and committed to their work despite these obstacles, and they
knowledge of the fire-fighters on how to deal with these frequently turn to peer support, counseling, and resilience
situations at a given time with certainty of their abilities to training to help them handle the pressures of their line of
control the fire from spreading (Urriza 2023). Their role has work (Conway & Waring, 2021)
a significant impact in suppressing and preventing fires in
the community and maintaining the safety and security of This study provided insight into the difficulties and
property and lives (Kumar & Paul, 2023). dangers that firefighters encountered in emergencies. The
study highlighted the psychological and physical challenges
There are equipment or safety measures that every of the work by investigating their experiences. It identified
firefighter must obtain for their safety, like personal the essential abilities and methods that firefighters employed
protective equipment (PPE). Firefighters must obtain and to manage these stressful circumstances. The purpose of the
have personal protective equipment (PPE) to help keep study was also to assess the effectiveness of the safety
Fig 8 Outlet
“Every fire incident is a tough experience, and just Real-world experience also sharpens their ability to
being there in person is already a challenge. It’s natural to handle unexpected challenges. Beyond individual skills,
feel nervous, especially during fires or vehicular incidents, teamwork is essential; firefighters rely on each other for
but nerves can’t get in the way—it’s our responsibility to get support, knowing that good coordination can make all the
the job done. There’s no room for hesitation.After the fire is difference in an emergency. When firefighters work well
out, there’s always a mix of emotions. We feel relief and together, they can safely manage the risks of the job and
happiness knowing we’ve done our job, but seeing the ensure everyone makes it home safely at the end of the day
citizens crying over their losses is heartbreaking. Still, we (Heydari et al., 2022).
find comfort in knowing they’re alive, and that’s what
matters most in the end.”(P6) IV. CONCLUSION