1 - Learning Styles MD
1 - Learning Styles MD
1 - Learning Styles MD
• They benefit most from visual aids • They benefit most from visual aids
like projectors, outlines during like videos, maps, charts, diagrams,
lectures, textbooks, and class ...
• They prefer work in quiet rooms
• They work in quiet rooms alone or alone.
with others.
• When remembering, they see the
• When remembering, they see the pictures clearly.
written information by their mind
Verbal Vs. Non-Verbal
Verbal Visual Learners Non-Verbal Visual Learners
• They learn better when information • They learn better when information
is presented (visually) in a written is presented (visually) in a picture
format. format.
• They benefit most from visual aids • They benefit most from visual aids
like projectors, outlines during like videos, maps, charts, diagrams,
lectures, textbooks, and class ...
• They prefer work in quiet rooms
• They work in quiet rooms alone or alone.
with others.
• When remembering, they see the
• When remembering, they see the pictures clearly.
written information by their mind
Study Tips for Visual Learners
• Sit near the front of the classroom.
• Use flashcards to learn new things.
• Try to visualize things you hear.
• Write down key words, ideas, or instructions.
• Draw pictures to help explain new concepts and then
explain the pictures.
• Color things and use highlighter pens.
• Avoid distractors during study times.
• Prefer to hear information spoken.
• Can absorb a lecture with little effort.
• May not need careful notes to learn.
• Often avoid eye contact in order to concentrate.
• May read aloud to themselves.
• Like background Qur’an or music when they study.
Study Tips for Auditory Learners
• Sit where you can hear.
• Have your hearing checked on a regular basis.
• Read stories, assignments, or directions out loud.
• Record yourself spelling words and then listen to the
• Study new materials by reading them out loud.
• Join a study group to assist you in learning course material.
• Work with a "study buddy" to review key information and
prepare for exams.
• Prefer information presented in written form, such as
textbooks, articles, and notes.
• Enjoy reading and often comprehend and retain
information better when they can read it rather than hear
it or see it.
• Tend to take detailed notes during lectures or when
• Prefer to receive instructions and explanations in written
form rather than through diagrams or oral presentations.
• Express themselves better in writing, whether in essays,
reports, or written exams.
Study Tips for Reading/Writing Learners
• Write detailed notes during classes, lectures, and while
• Summarize key points in your own words.
• Rewrite notes or summaries and review written content multiple
• Organize information into lists, bullet points, and outlines.
• Engage in writing essays, summaries, or reports.
• Create flashcards with key terms or concepts written on them.
• Convert diagrams and charts into text.
• Prefer touch and motions as their primary mode for taking
in information (learning through physical activity and
hands-on experience).
• In traditional lecture situations, they should write out
important facts.
• Create study sheets connected to vivid examples.
• Role-playing can help them learn and remember
important ideas.
• May benefit from using manipulatives.
They learn better when they are …