A Survey Camp Report Grp 4
A Survey Camp Report Grp 4
A Survey Camp Report Grp 4
Project No.1
1.1 Aim:- To make a contour plan of 65m at Kullam Chinar
1.2 Instruments Used:- Auto Level , Tripod , Invar Tape and Staff.
A contour or a contour line may be defined as the line of intersection of a level surface with the surface of
ground. This means every point on a contour line has the same altitude as that of the assumed intersection
The process of tracing contour lines on the surface of the earth is called Contouring and the
maps upon which these lines are drawn are called Contour Maps. A contour map therefore, gives an idea of
the altitudes of the surface feature as well as their relative positions in plan. Thus a contour map serves the
purpose of both, a plan and a section.
The constant vertical distance between two consecutive contours is called the Contour Interval and the
horizontal distance between any two adjacent contours is termed as the Horizontal Equivalent. The horizontal
equivalent depends upon the slope of the ground.
There are mainly two methods of locating contours; 1) Direct Method and
2) Indirect Method.
Direct Method:- In this method, the contours to be located are directly traced out in the field by locating and
making a number of points on each contour. These points are then surveyed and plotted on plan and the
contours drawn through them. This method is the most accurate but very slow and tedious as a lot of time is
wasted in searching points of the same elevation for a contour. This is suitable for small areas and where great
accuracy is required.
Indirect Method:- In this method, the points are not necessarily on the contour lines but the spot levels (spot
level means the R.L of a point on the surface of the ground) are taken along the series of lines laid out over the
Su rvey Camp Report
area. The spot levels of the several representative points representing hills , depression , ridge and valley
lines , and the changes in the slope all over the area to be contoured are also observed. Their positions are
then plotted on the plan and the contours drawn by interpolation. This method of contouring is also known as
contouring by spot levels.
This method is commonly employed in all kinds of surveys as this is cheaper , quicker and less tedious as
compared with the direct method.
1) By Square Method:- In this method , the whole area is divided into a number of squares , the sides of
which may vary from 5m to 30m depending upon the nature of the ground and the contour interval.
The square need not to be of the same size throughout , the corners of the squares are pegged out and
the reduced levels of these points are determined with a level. The important points within the squares
may be taken when required and located by measurements from the corners. The squares are plotted
and the reduced levels of the corners are written on the plan. The contour lines are then interploted.
2) By Cross Section Method:- This method is most suitable for survey of long narrow strips such as a
road , railway , canal etc. Cross-section are run transverse to the centre line of the work and
representative points are marked along the lines of cross-section.
3) By Tacheometric Method:- Tacheometer is transit theodolite having a diaphragm fitted with two
stadia wires , one above and other below the central wire. This method is most suitable in hilly area as
the number of stations which can be commanded by a tacheometer is far more than those by a level
and thus the number of instrument setting is considerably reduced . A number of radial lines are laid
out at a known angular interval and representative points are marked by pegs along these radial lines.
These elevations and distances are then calculated and plotted on the plan and the contour lines are
then interploted.
1.6. Procedure:-
1) In this method area to be contured is divided into series of squares and ends(corner) of each
square is marked with pegs.
2) The size of square varies from 5m to 20m depending upon the contour intervals and nature of
ground and scale of the desired map.
3) The squares not need to be same throughout and may vary depending on requriment and field
4) The pegs are marked out and elevation of the ground at the corner of the square are determinied
by a level.
5) The grid is plotted to the scale of the map and the spot levels of the grid croners are entered.
6) The contours of desired values are then located by interpolations.
7) Special care should be taken to give the spot levels to the salient features of the ground such as
hilltops, deepest points of the depressions.
8) The method is used for large scale mapping and at average precision.
3. 1.48 m 100.135 m
4. 1.54 m 100.075 m
5. 1.45 m 100.165 m
6. 1.32 m 100.295 m
7. 1.425m 100.190 m
8. 1.485 m 100.130 m
9. 0.895 m 100.720 m
Project No.2
2.1 Aim:- To plot L-section and Cross-section of Larkipora-Khushipora Road Of Length 1 Km (1000m) using
Auto Level.
Levelling is a art of finding the relative heights and depths of the objects on the surface of the earth. It is that
part of surveying which deals with the measurements in vertical plane.
Levelling is of prime importance to an engineer for the purpose of planning , designing and executing the
various engineering projects such as roads , railways , canals , dams , water supply and sanitary schemes etc.
The success of any engineering project is based upon the accurate and complete leveling work of the project.
The Level:
Level consists essentially of a telescope and a level tube to provide a horizontal line of sight, both fitted above
the leveling head. It is supported on a tripod stand when in use.
Parts Of Level:
Accessories Of a Level:
(i) Capstan Bars (ii) Screw Driver (iii) Wrench or Spanner (iv) Brush
(v) Lubricating Oil (vi) Spare eye-piece which is generally kept in the box.
1) Dumpy Level.
2) Wye Level.
3) Cook’s Reversible Level.
4) Cushing Level.
5) Modern Tilting Level {Level such as Indis Office Pattern ( I.O.P)}
The permanent adjustments are made to establish the fixed relationship between the fundamental lines of an
instrument. Once made, the permanent adjustments last for a long time depending on the type of the
instrument. The temporary adjustments are made at each set up of the instrument before starting to take the
various staff readings.
Temporary adjustments of a level:- These are performed to make the axis of rotating vertical and to eliminate
the parallel every time when the instrument is shifted and set up in a new position. It is also known as “setting
up” of the instrument and is made in the following steps:
1) Differential Levelling.
2) Check Levelling .
3) Precise Levelling.
4) Reciprocal Levelling.
8) Barometric Levelling
9) Hypsometry
Longitudinal Levelling or Longitudinal Sectioning:- The object of this leveling operation is to obtain a record of
the undulations of the ground surface along the centre line of a proposed engineering project such as a road ,
railway or canal etc. The outline of the surface thus obtained is called Longitudinal Section or Profile. This
levelling is also known as Profile Levelling. The operation involves observing the elevations of a number of
points , along the centre line and also their distance along it. The line of section may be a single straight line
running in the centre or may consist of a series of straight lines changing direction or connected by curves. The
levels are taken at uniform intervals of distance along the centre line depending upon the requirements of the
work and nature of the ground. Besides these points the staff readings are taken at the fairly significant points
where outline of the ground changes appreciably so that the profile may be obtained as natural as possible.
Cross Levelling or Cross Sectioning :- The purpose of cross sectioning is to determine the necessary
information regarding the levels of the ground on either side of the longitudinal section for computing the
quantities of earth work etc.for designing the engineering projects. Cross sections are run at right angles to
the centre line at 20 to 30m intervals along the centre line. The length of the cross section depends upon the
nature of the proposed work. In the case of an ordinary road the length may be 30 to 60m on either side of
the centre line and in the case of railway , it may vary from 200 to 300m or even more on side of the centre
1) Set up the level to one side of profile line.
2) Mark points A,B,C-----------at every 20 m along the longitudinal line.
3) Mark the cross section points AR1, AR2, AL1,AL2----------,respectively on both sides at 1m interval.
4) The levelling is started from the bench mark of known value.
5) All these readings are recorded (first reading in B.S) and other readings are written in intermediate
sight upto the change point.
6) When the length of sight is beyond the power of the telescope (usually it is 100m) ,the fore sight on
the change point is taken.
7) The level is then shifted and set up in an next position and a backsight is taken on the change point.
8) The change point may or may not lie in the line of section,changing and reading are then continued
as before till the whole line of section is completed.
Project No.3
3.1. Aim:- :- To Draw Plan or Map of Larkipora – Khushipora Road using Plane Table.
3.2.Instruments Used:- Plane Table , Alidade , Tripod , Invar Tape , Ranging Rods , Drawing Sheet.
Plane Table surveying also called Plane Tabling , is a method of surveying in which field work and office work
are done simultaneously on a plane table. The field observations are taken and recorded side by side on the
sheet fixed upon plane table and a map of the area is obtained .The use of field book is altogether eliminated.
Su rvey Camp Report
It is commonly employed for small and medium scale mapping of comparatively large areas where great
accuracy is not the main consideration such as for topographical surveys.
The equipments essentially needed for plane tabling is plane table or drawing board which carries a drawing
sheet and is mounted on a tripod stand and an alidade which provides line of sight and a straight graduated
ii) Field notes are not required and thus the possibility of mistakes in booking is eliminated.
iii) Since the map is plotted in the field there is no chance of omitting necessary measurement.
iv) Contours and other irregular objects may be accurately represented on the map.
ii) It is not useful for large scale surveys and accurate work.
iv)The instrument is heavy and the various accessories being loose are likely to be lost.
The equipments needed in plane table surveying is dealt with under different heads as follows:
1)The Drawing Board:- The drawing board on which the field measurements are plotted is fixed on the plane
table or drawing board. The board is made of well seasoned good quality wood such as teak or pine and is
available in sizes (i) small: 50cm x 40cm x 1.5cm (ii) Medium: 50cm x 50cm and (iii) large: 70cm x 60cm x
1.5cm.The upper surface of the board must be perfectly plane. It is mounted on a tripod in such a way that it
can be leveled, rotated about a vertical axis and clamped in any position.
2) The Alidade:-The Alidade is a straight rule fitted with such an arrangement as to provide a line of sight. It is
used for sighting objects and drawing rays along one of its beveled edge known as rulling or working or fiducial
edge. The fiducial edge is graduated so as to serve as a scale for plotting distances. It is available in two forms
(i) Plane Alidade (ii) Telescopic Alidade.
(i) A Trough Compass:- It is used for making the direction of the magnetic meridian on the sheet of the plane
(ii) A Plumbing Fork or U- Frame:- With Plumb Bob it is used for centering the plane table.
1) Levelling.
2) Orientation.
3) Centering.
Methods of surveying with plane table may be classified under four distinct heads: (i)Radiation (ii)Intersection
(iii)Traversing (iv)Resection.
1)Radiation Method:- In this method, the plane table is set up at only one station and the points to be plotted
are located by radiating rays from the instrument station to the points and plotting to scale the respective
distances along the rays. This method is suitable of small areas which can be commanded from a single
2)Intersection Method:- In this method, the positions of the points are fixed on the sheet by the intersection
of the rays drawn from two instrument stations. The line joining these stations is termed as base line. The only
linear measurement required in the method is that of the base line. This method is largely employed for
locating detail and for locating the points to be used subsequently as instrument stations. This may also be
used for plotting the distant and inaccessible objects , the broken boundries of the river etc.
3)Traversing Method:- This is the main method of plane tabling and is similar to that of compass or theodolite
traversing. It is used for running survey lines of a closed or open traverse. The detail may be located by offsets
taken in the usual manner or by the radiation or by intersection method of plane tabling.
4)Resection Method:- This method is used for locating the station points only. The characteristic feature of
resection is that the point plotted on the sheet is the station occupied by the table. After station are fixed, the
surrounding detail is located by radiation or intersection.
3.4. Procedure:-
2. Then do the centering with the help of plumb bob and levelling of plane table with the help of spirit level.
3. Mark the North direction on sheet with the help of trough compass.
4. Sight the first point of road and mark it on sheet and then other points on both sides of road and mark
5.After sighting all the points at that place , shift the plane table to next point and do orientation of plane
table. Then sight all the points at place and mark them.
Project No.4
4.1. Aim:-To Draw a Plan Of College Campus Using Theodolite.
The theodolite is most accurate instrument used mainly for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. It can
also be used for locating points on a line, prolonging survey lines , finding difference in elevations , setting out
grades , ranging curves etc.
A theodolite is called to be transit when its telescope can be transited i.e, revolved through a complete
revolution about its horizontal axis in the vertical plane , whereas in non-transit type , the telescope cannot be
transited. The non-transit theodolite are inferior in utility and havr now become obsolete.Theodolite are also
classified as 1) vernier theodolite, and 2) micrometer theodolite according as vernier or micrometer is fitted to
read the graduated circle.The diameter of the graduated circle on the lower plate determines the size of
theodolite. The common sizes are 8cm to 12cm while 14cm to 25cm instruments are used for triangulation
1) centering:- It means setting the theodolite exactly over an instrument station so that its vertical axis
lies immediately above the station mark. It can be done by means of plumb bob suspended from a
small hook attached to the vertical axis of the thoedolite.
2) Transiting:- It is also known as Plunging or Reversing. It is the process of turning the telescope about its
horizontal axis through 180⁰ in the vertical plane thus bringing it upside down and making it point
exactly in opposite direction.
3) Swinging the Telescope:- It means turning the telescope about its vertical axis in the horizontal plane.
A swing is called right or left according as the telescope is rotated clockwise or counter clockwise.
4) Face Left:- If the vertical circle of the instrument is on the left of the observer while taking a reading ,
the position is called the face left and the observation taken on the horizontal or the vertical circle in
this position , is known as the face left observation.
5) Face Right:- If the vertical circle of the instrument is on the right of the observer while taking a
reading , the position is called the face right and the observation taken on the horizontal or the vertical
circle in this position , is known as the face right observation.
6) Changing Face:- It is the operation of bringing the vertical circle to the right of the observer , if
originally it is to the left, and vice versa.
7) Line of Collimation:- It is also known as the line of sight. It is the imaginary line joining the intersection
of the cross hairs of the diaphragm to the optical centre of the object glass.
8) Axis of the Telescope:- It is also an imaginary line joining the optical centre of the object glass to the
centre of the eye piece.
9) Axis of the Level Tube:- it is also called the bubble line. It is a straight line tangential to the longitudinal
curve of the level tube at the centre of the tube. It is horizontal when the bubble is central.
10) Vertical Axis:- It is the axis which the telescope can be rotated in the horizontal plane.
11) Horizontal Axis:- It is also called the tri-union axis or the transverse axis. It is the axis about which the
telescope can be revolved in the vertical plane.
Adjustments of a Theodolite:
Permanent Adjustments:-
Temporary Adjustments:-
(i) Centering.
(ii) Levelling.
(iii) Focussing.
1) Ordinary Method.
2) Repetition Method.
3) Reiteration Method.
1).Taking out digital theodolite from box and fix it on tripod over required station.
3) Levelling the digital theodolite using foot screws by usual method i.e, plate level parallel to pair of foot
screw and perpendicular position.
4) Focusing of diaphragm and object using eye piece and focousing screws.
7) Direct the telescope towards intial object, bisect it clamp the theodolite using horizontal clamp screw ,
make accurate bisection by using tangent screw.
9) Unclamp the clamp screw and bisect the final object, clamp it by clamping the clamp screw. Accurate
bisection by tanget screw.
10) Press the hold button, gives required horizontal angle between two points.
11) The process may be repeated for required number of times to get mean reading.
5. DE D 97° 12`8`` 2m
Project No.5
5.1 Aim:- To Plot Plan of College Building Using Compass.
According to method employed , Surveying is classified into Triangulation Surveying and Traverse Surveying. A
series of connected survey lines of known lengths and directions is called a traverse. When it is not possible to
divide the area into network of triangles as is done in Chain Triangulation, traversing method is employed. In
traversing a number of connected lines are run in the area to be surveyed whose lengths are measured with
chain or tape as usual and directions are determined with angular instruments.
A survey line can only be plotted if its length and direction both are known. The direction of the survey line
may be expressed in terms of the angle at which it is inclined either to its adjacent line or to a fixed reference
line called a meridian. The instruments commonly used for the measurement of angles and determining the
direction of the survey line are:
1) A Compass.
2) A theodolite.
3) A box-sextant.
Compass Surveying:
In traversing, when compass is used for making angular measurements, it is known as compass traversing or
compass surveying. In compass surveying, the compass is used to determine the direction of survey lines of
the frame work of the traverse by measuring the angles which the lines make with magnetic meridian. The
process of chaining and offsetting is the same as in chain surveying and running of check lines is not necessary.
The compass surveying is suitable when:
The compass surveying is unsuitable in places abounding in magnetic rock or iron ore. It is less accurate than
theodolite traversing but can be performed rapidly. Therefore, it is generally suitable for rough surveys where
speed and not the accuracy is main consideration.
A compass is a small instrument which consists essentially of a magnetic needle, a graduated circle and a line
of sight. When the line of sight is directed towards a line the magnetic needle points towards magnetic
meridian and the angle which the line makes with the magnetic meridian is read at the graduated circle. The
compass cannot measure the angle between the two lines directly. There are two forms of the compass in
common use:-
It is very valuable instrument and is commonly used for rough surveys where speed and not the accuracy is
main consideration. It was invented by Captain Kater in 1814 . Readings are usually estimated up to nearest 15
This can be used while holding it in hand , but for better accuracy , it is usually mounted on a light tripod
which carries a vertical spindle in the ball and socket arrangement to which the compass is screwed. By means
of this arrangement the compass can be placed in position easily. Its working involves the following three
(i) Centering
(ii) Levelling and
(iii) Observing the bearing.
It may be noted that with this compass , the sighting of the object and reading of the graduated ring are done
The Surveyor’s Compass:It was formerly much used for land surveys but now a days it is little used. It is similar
to a prismatic compass except that it has another plain sight having a narrow vertical slit in place of the prism
and that it carries an edge bar needle in place of broad form needle.
1:- Set the instrument at the starting station ‘A’ and perform the necessary adjustments.
2:- Sight the next station (B) take fore bearing of ‘AB’ and measure the distance of ‘AB’.
3:- Take F.B of ‘AE’ which provides check, simillary bearing of any line AC, CE, etc, also provide the check.
4:- Shift the instrument to subsequent station ‘B’.After fixing the instrument.
5:- Sight the previous station ‘A’ and observe the reading which gives the B.B of AB.
6:-Sight next station’C’ observe F.B of BC and measure the distance BC.
2 OB 226⁰ 24.75 m
3 OC 262⁰ 19.35 m
4. OD 267⁰ 30’ 21.75 m
5 OE 267⁰ 25.5 m
6 OF 279⁰ 26.25 m
7 OG 285⁰ 30’ 18 m
8 OH 295⁰ 19.2 m
9 OI 305⁰ 30’ 15 m
10 OJ 318⁰ 19.2 m
11 OL 324⁰ 25.2 m
12 OM 327⁰ 30’ 24.3 m
13 O O₁ 9⁰ 55.65 m
14 0₁K 209⁰ 30’ 46.65 m
15 O₁ N 218⁰ 30’ 36.3 m
16 O₁ P 224⁰ 40.2 m
17 O₁ Q 228⁰ 38.25 m
18 O₁ R 235⁰ 45.6 m
19 O₁ S 240⁰ 43.35 m
20 O₁ T 239⁰ 40.05 m
21 O₁ U 240⁰ 30’ 36.9 m
22 O₁ V 261⁰ 30’ 33.9 m
23 O₁ O₂ 287⁰ 63 m
24 O₂ W 131⁰ 30’ 32.25 m
25 O₂ X 155⁰ 24.75 m
26 0₂ Y 161⁰ 30’ 26.4 m
27 O₂ c 175⁰ 45.5 m
28 O₂ d 175⁰ 50.4 m
29 O₂ e 179⁰ 30’ 50.5 m
30 O₂ f 179⁰ 30’ 46.8 m
31 O₂ g 189⁰ J48 m
32 O₂ h 188⁰ 30’ 50. 7 m
33 O₂ i 191⁰ 51.45 m
34 O₂ j 192⁰ 30’ 45.6 m
35 O₂ k 204⁰ 30’ 52.2 m
36 O₂ O₃ 212⁰ 30’ 54.15 m
37 O₃ a 83⁰ 30’ 41.85 m
38 O₃ b 89⁰ 42 m
39 O₃ Z 80⁰ 39.3 m
40 O₃ l 161⁰ 33.9 m
41 O₃ O₄ 164⁰ 55.8 m
42 O₄ m 11⁰ 30’ 22.95 m
43 O₄ n 9⁰ 27.6 m
44 O₄ p 13⁰ 30’ 28.35 m
45 O₄ q 20⁰ 26.1 m
46 O₄ r 33⁰ 30’ 30.3 m
47 O₄ s 30⁰ 33.3 m
48 O₄ t 35⁰ 35.7 m
49 O₄ u 39⁰ 33 m
50 O₄ v 48⁰ 39.6 m
51 O₄ w 53⁰ 37.5 m
52 O₄ x 54⁰ 34.05 m
53 O₄ y 79⁰ 30’ 29.55 m
54 O₄ z 84⁰ 31.5 m
1)A “Text Book Of SURVEYING”11th Edition by C.L.
KOCHHER principal Mehar Chand Polytechnic Jalandhar City
Sepember 24, 1997.
Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.