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National Nanotechnology Initiative Assessment and

Recommendations Assessment and Recommendations 1st
Edition Jerrod W. Kleike




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ISBN: 978-1-61761-822-2 (Ebook)

Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.  New York

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science

Preface vii
Chapter 1 United States House of Representatives Committee
on Science and Technology. Hearing of: The National
Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008,
Testimony of Andrew D. Maynard 1
Andrew D. Maynard
Chapter 2 The National Nanotechnology Initiative:
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Second Assessment and Recommendations

of the National Nanotechnology Advisory Panel 37
President's Council of Advisors
on Science and Technology
Chapter 3 Testimony, U.S. House of Representatives,
House Committee on Science and Technology,
the National Nanotechnology Initiative Act of 2008 109
Joseph S. Krajcik
Chapter 4 Statement of Mr. E. Floyd Kvamme,
before the Committee on Science and
Technology, United States House of Representatives 119
E. Floyd Kvamme

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
vi Contents

Chapter 5 Testimony of Sean Murdock, NanoBusiness Alliance,

U.S. House Committee on Science and
Technology Hearing on the National
Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008 131
Sean Murdock
Chapter 6 House Committee on Science and Technology,
Testimony on the National Nanotechnology
Initiative Amendments Act of 2008 137
Robert Doering
Chapter 7 Panel to Speak in Favor of the NNI
Amendments Act of 2008 145
Raymond David
Index 149
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science

Nanotechnology has emerged in the last decades of the 20th century with the
development of new enabling technologies for imaging, manipulating, and
stimulating matter at the atomic scale. The frontier of nanotechnology research
and development (R & D) encompasses a broad range of science and engineering
activities directed toward understanding and creating improved materials, devices,
and systems that exploit the properties of matter that emerge at the nanoscale. The
results promise benefits that will shift paradigms in biomedicine (e.g. imaging,
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention); energy (e.g., conversion and storage);
electronics (e.g. computing and displays); manufacturing; environmental
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

remediation; and many other categories of products and applications.

Chapter 1 - Nanotechnology has vast potential to address some of the greatest
challenges facing society, including global climate change, poverty and disease.
And with this potential comes the possibility of stimulating sustainable economic
growth and job creation. The success of nanotechnology however is not a
foregone conclusion. Alongside the challenges of developing the underlying
science are broader issues that will influence its success or failure:

• How can we learn to use such a powerful technology wisely? - Who will
decide how it is used, and who will pay the cost?
• How can innovative science be translated into successful products?
• And in an increasingly crowded and connected world, how will the
supposed beneficiaries of nanotechnology be engaged in its development
and use?

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
viii Preface

These questions will not be answered without a clear strategy. And without
vision and strong leadership, the future of safe and successful nanotechnologies
will be put in jeopardy.
This committee should be applauded for having the foresight to author the
21st Century nanotechnology Research and Development Act—an act that has
enabled the United States to lead the world in developing research programs to
unlock the potential of the nanoscale. Yet as nanotechnology has increasingly
moved from the laboratory to the marketplace, the challenges have shifted from
stimulating innovative research to using this research in the service of society.
This is why it is so important that the National Nanotechnology Initiative
Amendment Act of 2008 builds on the strengths of the 2003 act, and establishes a
framework that will support nanotechnologies that can deliver on their promise. In
particular, it is vital that the reauthorization addresses the potential for
nanotechnologies to cause harm—and how this might be avoided.
Real and perceived risks that are poorly identified, assessed and managed will
undermine even the most promising new technologies, and nanotechnology is no
exception. In this context, the 2008 Act needs to explicitly address five areas if it
is to establish a sound framework for enabling safe, sustainable and successful

1. Risk Research Strategy. A top-level strategic framework should be

Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

developed that identifies the goals of nanotechnology risk research across

the federal government, and provides a roadmap for achieving these
goals. The strategy should identify information needed to regulate and
otherwise oversee the safe development and use of nanotechnologies;
which agencies will take a lead in addressing specific research
challenges; when critical information is needed; and how the research
will be funded. This top-level, top-down strategy should reflect evolving
oversight challenges. It should be informed by stakeholders from
industry, academia and citizen communities. It should include measurable
goals, and be reviewed every two years.
2. Funding for environmental safety and health research. A minimum of
10% of the federal government’s nanotechnology research and
development budget should be dedicated to goal-oriented environment,
health and safety (EHS) research. At least $50 million per year should be
directed towards targeted research directly addressing clearly-defined
strategic challenges. The balance of funding should support exploratory
research that is conducted within the scope of a strategic research

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
Preface ix

program. Funding should be assessed according to a top- level, top-down

risk research strategy, and be overseen by cross-agency leadership.
3. Leadership for risk research. A cross-agency group should be established
that is responsible for implementing a nanotechnology EHS research
strategy, and is accountable for actions taken and progress made. A
coordinator should be appointed to oversee this group, as well as given
resources and authority to enable funding allocations and interagency
partnerships that will support the implementation of a strategic research
4. Transparency. Government-funded nanotechnology environment safety
and health research investment should be fully transparent, providing
stakeholders with information on project activities, relevance, funding
and outcomes.
5. Public-Private Partnerships. Partnerships that leverage public and private
funds to address critical nanotechnology oversight issues in an
independent, transparent and timely manner should be established, where
such partnerships have the capacity to overcome the limitations of
separate government and industry initiatives.

Nanotechnology is a truly revolutionary and transformative technology, and

we cannot rely on past ways of doing things to succeed in the future. Without
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

strong leadership from the top, we run the risk of compromising the whole
enterprise—not only losing America’s technological lead, but also jeopardizing
the good that could come out of nanotechnology for other countries and the world.
Already, the hubris surrounding nanotechnology research and development
(R&D) funding is giving way to a sobering reality: Based on the federal National
Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)-identified risk-relevant projects, in 2006, the
federal government spent an estimated $13 million on highly relevant
nanotechnology risk research (approximately 1% of the nano R&D budget),
compared to $24 million in Europe,1 despite assurances from the NNI that five
times this amount was spent on risk related research in Fiscal Year 2006.2
Nanotechnology will not succeed through wishful thinking alone. Instead, it
will depend on clear and authoritative leadership from the top. If we are to fully
realize the benefits of this innovative new technology, we must bridge the gap
between our dreams and reality.
When I look back on the origins of the NNI, I am impressed by the foresight
and quality of leadership exerted by congressional visionaries from both sides of
the aisle, the president and executive branch, scientists and engineers,
businesspeople, and educators.3 Perhaps because of the tremendous successes

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
x Preface

achieved in the laboratory since its creation, we risk losing sight of the importance
of meeting the challenges involved in taking the NNI to the next level of research,
education, governance and commercialization. It is my belief that with the
proposed act—and with the continued vigilance of this committee—this will not
Chapter 2- The 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act
of 2003 (Public Law 108-153) calls for a National Nanotechnology Advisory
Panel (NNAP) to periodically review the Federal nanotechnology research and
development (R&D) program known as the National Nanotechnology Initiative
(N NI). The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
(PCAST) is designated by Executive Order to serve as the NNAP. This report is
the second NNAP review of the NNI, updating the first assessment published in
Including the NNI budget request for fiscal year (FY) 2009 of $1.5 billion,
the total NNI investment since its inception in 2001 is nearly $10 billion. The total
annual global investment in nanotechnology is an estimated $13.9 billion, divided
roughly equally among the United States, Europe, and Asia. Industry analysis
suggests that private investment has been outpacing that of government since
about 2006. The activities, balance, and management of the NNI among the 25
participating U.S. agencies and the efforts to coordinate with stakeholders from
outside the Federal Government, including industry and other governments, are
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

the subject of this report.

The first report answered four questions: How are we doing? Is the money
well spent and the program well managed? Are we addressing societal concerns
and potential risks? How can we do better? That report was generally positive in
its conclusions but provided recommendations for improving or strengthening
efforts in the following areas: technology transfer; environmental, health, and
safety (EHS) research and its coordination; education and workforce preparation;
and societal dimensions.
Since the first report, increasing attention has been focused on the potential
risks of nanotechnology, especially the possible harm to human health and the
environment from nanomaterials. In this second assessment, the NNAP paid
special attention to the NNI efforts in these areas.
During its review, the NNAP obtained input from various sources. It
convened a number of expert panels and consulted its nanotechnology Technical
Advisory Group (nTAG) and the President’s Council on Bioethics. NNI member
agencies and the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) also
provided valuable information.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
Preface xi

The NNAP finds that the United States remains a leader in nanotechnology
based on various metrics, including R&D expenditures and outputs such as
publications, citations, and patents. However, taken as a region, the European
Union has more publications, and China’s output is increasing. There are many
examples of NNI-funded research results that are moving into commercial
applications. However, measures of technology transfer and the commercial
impact of nanotechnology as a whole are not readily available, in part because of
the difficulty in defining what is, and is not, a “nanotechnology-based product.”
Chapters 3-6 contain testimony and statements submiited to the U.S. House of
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
In: National Nanotechnology Initiative ISBN 978-1-60692-727-4
Editor: Jerrod W. Kleike, pp. 1-36 © 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 1


Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Andrew D. Maynard

Nanotechnology has vast potential to address some of the greatest
challenges facing society, including global climate change, poverty and
disease. And with this potential comes the possibility of stimulating
sustainable economic growth and job creation. The success of
nanotechnology however is not a foregone conclusion. Alongside the
challenges of developing the underlying science are broader issues that will
influence its success or failure:

Excerpted from United States House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology,
dated April 16, 2008.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
2 Andrew D. Maynard

• How can we learn to use such a powerful technology wisely? - Who will
decide how it is used, and who will pay the cost?
• How can innovative science be translated into successful products?
• And in an increasingly crowded and connected world, how will the
supposed beneficiaries of nanotechnology be engaged in its development
and use?

These questions will not be answered without a clear strategy. And

without vision and strong leadership, the future of safe and successful
nanotechnologies will be put in jeopardy.
This committee should be applauded for having the foresight to author
the 21st Century nanotechnology Research and Development Act—an act that
has enabled the United States to lead the world in developing research
programs to unlock the potential of the nanoscale. Yet as nanotechnology has
increasingly moved from the laboratory to the marketplace, the challenges
have shifted from stimulating innovative research to using this research in the
service of society. This is why it is so important that the National
Nanotechnology Initiative Amendment Act of 2008 builds on the strengths of
the 2003 act, and establishes a framework that will support nanotechnologies
that can deliver on their promise. In particular, it is vital that the
reauthorization addresses the potential for nanotechnologies to cause harm—
and how this might be avoided.
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Real and perceived risks that are poorly identified, assessed and
managed will undermine even the most promising new technologies, and
nanotechnology is no exception. In this context, the 2008 Act needs to
explicitly address five areas if it is to establish a sound framework for
enabling safe, sustainable and successful nanotechnologies:

1. Risk Research Strategy. A top-level strategic framework should be

developed that identifies the goals of nanotechnology risk research
across the federal government, and provides a roadmap for achieving
these goals. The strategy should identify information needed to regulate
and otherwise oversee the safe development and use of
nanotechnologies; which agencies will take a lead in addressing specific
research challenges; when critical information is needed; and how the
research will be funded. This top-level, top-down strategy should reflect
evolving oversight challenges. It should be informed by stakeholders
from industry, academia and citizen communities. It should include
measurable goals, and be reviewed every two years.
2. Funding for environmental safety and health research. A minimum of
10% of the federal government’s nanotechnology research and

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 3

development budget should be dedicated to goal-oriented environment,

health and safety (EHS) research. At least $50 million per year should be
directed towards targeted research directly addressing clearly-defined
strategic challenges. The balance of funding should support exploratory
research that is conducted within the scope of a strategic research
program. Funding should be assessed according to a top- level, top-down
risk research strategy, and be overseen by cross-agency leadership.
3. Leadership for risk research. A cross-agency group should be
established that is responsible for implementing a nanotechnology EHS
research strategy, and is accountable for actions taken and progress
made. A coordinator should be appointed to oversee this group, as well
as given resources and authority to enable funding allocations and
interagency partnerships that will support the implementation of a
strategic research plan.
4. Transparency. Government-funded nanotechnology environment safety
and health research investment should be fully transparent, providing
stakeholders with information on project activities, relevance, funding
and outcomes.
5. Public-Private Partnerships. Partnerships that leverage public and
private funds to address critical nanotechnology oversight issues in an
independent, transparent and timely manner should be established,
where such partnerships have the capacity to overcome the limitations of
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

separate government and industry initiatives.

Nanotechnology is a truly revolutionary and transformative technology, and

we cannot rely on past ways of doing things to succeed in the future. Without
strong leadership from the top, we run the risk of compromising the whole
enterprise—not only losing America’s technological lead, but also jeopardizing
the good that could come out of nanotechnology for other countries and the world.
Already, the hubris surrounding nanotechnology research and development
(R&D) funding is giving way to a sobering reality: Based on the federal National
Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)-identified risk-relevant projects, in 2006, the
federal government spent an estimated $13 million on highly relevant
nanotechnology risk research (approximately 1% of the nano R&D budget),
compared to $24 million in Europe,1 despite assurances from the NNI that five
times this amount was spent on risk related research in Fiscal Year 2006.2
Nanotechnology will not succeed through wishful thinking alone. Instead, it
will depend on clear and authoritative leadership from the top. If we are to fully
realize the benefits of this innovative new technology, we must bridge the gap
between our dreams and reality.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
4 Andrew D. Maynard

When I look back on the origins of the NNI, I am impressed by the foresight
and quality of leadership exerted by congressional visionaries from both sides of
the aisle, the president and executive branch, scientists and engineers,
businesspeople, and educators.3 Perhaps because of the tremendous successes
achieved in the laboratory since its creation, we risk losing sight of the importance
of meeting the challenges involved in taking the NNI to the next level of research,
education, governance and commercialization. It is my belief that with the
proposed act—and with the continued vigilance of this committee—this will not

I would like to thank Chairman Bart Gordon, ranking Republican Ralph Hall,
and the members of the House Committee on Science & Technology for holding
this hearing on the National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008.
My name is Dr. Andrew Maynard. I am Chief Science Advisor to the Project
on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) at the Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars. Through my research and other activities over the past 15
years, I have taken a lead in addressing how nanotechnologies might impact
human health and the environment, and how we might realize the benefits of these
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

exciting new technologies without leaving a legacy of harm. I was responsible for
stimulating government research programs into the occupational health impact of
nanomaterials in Britain towards the end of the 1990’s. I spent five years
developing and coordinating research programs at the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention’s (CDC) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) that address the safety of nanotechnologies in the workplace. While at
NIOSH, I represented the agency on the Nanoscale Science, Engineering and
Technology (NSET) Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology
Council (NSTC), and was co-chair of the Nanotechnology Environmental and
Health Implications (NEHI) Working Group from its inception.
In my current role as Chief Science Advisor to PEN, I work closely with
government, industry and other groups to find science-based solutions to the
challenges of developing nanotechnologies safely and effectively. PEN is an
initiative launched by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and
The Pew Charitable Trusts in 2005.4 It is dedicated to helping business,
government and the public anticipate and manage the possible health and
environmental implications of nanotechnology. As part of the Wilson Center,
PEN is a non-partisan, non-advocacy policy organization that works with

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 5

researchers, government, industry, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and

others to find the best possible solutions to developing responsible, beneficial and
acceptable nanotechnologies.
In this testimony, I will lay out essential components of an overarching
framework to cultivate the growth and innovation of the emerging field of
nanotechnology while providing safeguards for environmental, health and safety
(EHS) and comment on the extent to which the current draft of the National
Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008 addresses these components.
The two aims of stimulating innovation and avoiding harm need not be, nor
should be, mutually exclusive. A successful strategy of scientific and
technological innovation, integrated with EHS research, will ensure that the
promised benefits of such a technology are not thwarted by potential EHS
disasters. With nanotechnology, we have the opportunity to do things differently.
It is my belief that the proposed reauthorization of the National Nanotechnology
Initiative (NNI) will redefine how emerging technologies are developed
successfully and safely.


The Promise of Nanotechnology

Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the world as we know it.

The increasing dexterity at the nanoscale provides opportunities to greatly
enhance existing technologies and to develop innovative new technologies. When
you couple this capability with the unusual and sometimes unique behavior of
materials that are engineered at near-atomic scales, you have the basis for a
transformative technology that has the potential to impact virtually every aspect of
daily life. Some of these emerging technologies will benefit individuals, while
others will help solve pressing societal challenges like climate change, access to
clean water and cancer treatment. And many will provide companies with the
competitive edge they need to succeed. In all cases, nanotechnology holds within
it the potential to improve the quality of life and economic success of America
and the world beyond.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
6 Andrew D. Maynard

Unconventional Behavior

The benefits of nanotechnology, however, will not be realized by default.

Nanotechnology is taking our understanding of what makes something harmful
and how we deal with that, and turning it upside down. New engineered
nanomaterials are prized for their unconventional properties. But these same
properties may also lead to new ways of causing harm to people and the
environment.5 Research has already demonstrated that some engineered
nanomaterials can reach places in the body and the environment that are usually
inaccessible to conventional materials, raising the possibility of unanticipated
harm arising from unexpected exposures. And studies have shown that the
toxicity of engineered nanomaterials is not always predictable from conventional
knowledge.6 For instance, we now know that nanometer sized particles can move
along nerve cells; that the high fraction of atoms on the surface of nanomaterials
can influence their toxicity; and that nanometer-diameter particles can initiate
protein mis-folding, possibly leading to diseases.

The Need for Foresight

Moving towards the nanotechnology future without a clear understanding of

Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

the possible risks, and how to manage them, is like driving blindfolded. The more
we are able to see where the bends in the road occur, the better we will be able to
navigate around them to realize safe, sustainable and successful nanotechnology
applications. But to see and navigate the bends requires the foresight provided by
strategic science.
With over 600 products currently listed on the PEN’s Consumer Products
Inventory7 and with hundreds more commercial nanotechnology applications on
the market or under development, the question is no longer whether
nanotechnologies will impact society but how significant the impact will be. The
question for policy makers is how these impacts will be manifest, and how we will
manage the consequences.

Avoiding Harm

Central to developing sustainable nanotechnologies is an understanding of

how new materials and products may harm people and the environment, and how
possible risks may be avoided or otherwise managed.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 7

Everything has the potential to cause harm. If we are smart, we learn how to
avoid harm. And if we are very smart, we work out the rules of safe use ahead of
the game. In a world of more than six billion people, everything that occurs has an
impact on some place and someone. And as a result, each emerging technology
forces us to think harder about what the consequences might be, and how to avoid
Ignoring the signs of adverse consequences will only result in poor decision-
making by governments, business and individuals. While nanotechnology
undoubtedly has the potential to do great good, the consequences of getting it
wrong could be devastating. Already, research is indicating that many
nanomaterials behave in unusual and unconventional ways that may lead to
human and environmental harm if not addressed early on.

A New Mindset for a New Technology

Twenty-first century technologies like nanotechnology present new

challenges to identifying and managing risks, and it would be naïve to assume that
twentieth century assumptions and approaches are up to the task of protecting
health and the environment in all cases. In the case of engineered nanomaterials,
the importance of physical structure in addition to chemical composition in
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

determining behavior is making a mockery of our chemicals-based view of risks

and regulation.
As a simple example, imagine picking up two common kitchen implements—
a skillet and a knife. Each can be used for very different purposes—for instance,
the knife for slicing an onion and the skillet for frying it. Likewise, each
implement can cause harm in different ways. Yet the chemical makeup of each
implement is very similar—it is predominantly iron. The very different rules for
safe use are intuitive, because one can see how the different shapes of the
implements influence behavior.
Nanomaterials are the same, in that how they behave—for good or bad—
depends on their shape as well as their chemistry. But this is where
nanotechnology becomes counterintuitive. Because we cannot see these intricate
nano-shapes unaided, we forget that they are important. If one were to hold up a
jar of nanometer-sized titanium dioxide particles all that would be seen is a white
powder, indistinguishable from many other powdered materials. Yet the potential
for this material to be used in new applications, and possibly to cause harm in new
ways, lies within the nanoscale structure of the material that can only be seen
using advanced microscopy techniques.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
8 Andrew D. Maynard


In thinking through how the potential risks of nanotechnologies can be

proactively addressed and the technologies can be developed safely, some things
are clear. Safe nanotechnologies will not happen without help—nanotechnologies
are simply too unconventional and counter-intuitive. Neither will safe
nanotechnologies emerge if the promoters of the technology are calling all the
shots. And in a similar vein, safe nanotechnologies will not come about through
wishful thinking and “spin”.
Instead, there needs to be strong independent leadership, and a framework
within which safe and sustainable nanotechnology can be developed. These must
ensure adequately funded research is targeted towards understanding and
addressing counter-intuitive behavior, that the process of developing safe and
sustainable nanotechnologies is transparent and inclusive, and that activities are
coordinated and directed towards developing solutions to developing and using
nanotechnologies as safely as possible.
Only then will it be possible to develop the foresight necessary to ensure
emerging nanotechnologies are as safe and as useful as possible. Having set the
pace of nanotechnology development in the U.S. through the 21st Century
Nanotechnology Research and Development Act, the House Committee on
Science & Technology now has the task of ensuring these emerging
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

nanotechnologies deliver on their promise; benefiting society without causing



Risk Research Strategy

We are unlikely to arrive at a future where nanotechnology has been

developed responsibly without a strategic plan for how to get there. Like all good
strategies, this should include a clear idea of where we want to be, and what needs
to be done to get there. A top-level, top-down strategic framework should be
developed that identifies the goals of nanotechnology risk research across the
federal government, and that provides a roadmap for achieving these goals. The
strategy should identify information needed to regulate and otherwise oversee the
safe development and use of nanotechnologies; which agencies will take a lead in
addressing specific research challenges; when critical information is needed; and

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 9

how the research will be funded. It should reflect evolving oversight challenges;
be informed by stakeholders from industry; academia and citizen communities;
include measurable goals; and be reviewed every two years.
Developing an effective roadmap to addressing these challenges is not as
simple as prioritizing research needs. As I discovered while developing
recommendations on research strategies in 2006,8 it is necessary to work back
from what you want to achieve, and map out the research steps needed to get
there. This inevitably leads to complex and intertwined research threads. Yet if
this complexity is not acknowledged, the result is simplistic research priorities
that look good on paper, but are ineffective at addressing specific aims. And
without a clear sense of context, it is all too easy to highlight research efforts that
appear to be strategically important, but are in reality only marginal to achieving
the desired goals.
The bottom line is that for such a strategy to be effective, it will require top-
down leadership. Establishing provisions for an effective nanotechnology risk
research strategy to be developed, funded and implemented in the National
Nanotechnology Initiative Amendment Act of 2008 will be essential to
underpinning the success and safety of current and future nanotechnologies, as
well as ensuring America’s continued leadership in this area.
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Funding for Environment, Safety and Health Research

To be effective, a nanotechnology risk-research strategic framework needs

adequate funding to support proposed research, as well as sufficient expert
personnel to oversee its development and implementation. In 2006, the U.S. spent
an estimated $13 million on highly relevant research addressing the impacts of
nanotechnology on human health and the environment.9 By comparison, European
countries invested approximately $24 million, including $13 million from the
European Union as a central funding organization. But these figures fall far short
of what is needed to address even the most urgent nanotechnology EHS questions.
In my testimony to this committee on September 21, 2006,10 and more
recently on October 31, 200711, I made the case for a minimum of $50 million
annually to be spent on targeted nanotechnology risk research within the U.S. This
was based on an assessment of critical short-term research needs, and only
covered highly-focused research to address these needs.12 This estimate still
stands. However, I must be clear that such an investment would need to be
directed towards addressing a very specific suite of problems that regulators and
industry need answers to as soon as possible. This is not envisaged as a general

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
10 Andrew D. Maynard

pot of money to be assigned to research that does not address specific and urgent
nanotechnology risk goals. In other words, this is an investment that needs to be
directed towards the right research.
What is more, such an investment would not necessarily generate more
general knowledge to effectively address emerging nanotechnology EHS issues.
For this, an additional investment is needed in goal-oriented exploratory
research—both specifically focusing on aspects of nanotechnology that might lead
to harm, and bridging the worlds of applications and implications research.
To address both targeted and exploratory research needs, a minimum 10% of
the federal government’s nanotechnology research and development budget
should be dedicated to goal-oriented EHS research. A minimum of $50 annually
should go to targeted research directly addressing clearly-defined strategic
challenges. The balance of funding should support exploratory research that is
conducted within the scope of a strategic research program. Funding should be
assessed according to an interagency risk research strategy, be overseen by cross-
agency leadership and tied into the strategic research plan.
Targeted research primarily should address specific questions where answers
are urgently needed to make, use and dispose of nanotechnology products as
safely as possible. I would envisage that much of the necessary research would be
funded by or conducted within mission-driven agencies, such as the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Environmental
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Protection Agency (EPA). In addition, we must ensure that regulatory agencies,

including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC), either have access to resources to fund regulation-
relevant research, or input to research that will inform their decision- making.
There will also be a role for science-oriented agencies such as the National
Institutes for Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in funding
targeted research, where the missions of these agencies coincide with research that
informs specific oversight questions. For example, these two agencies are ideally
positioned to investigate the science behind nanomaterial properties, behavior and
biological interactions in a targeted way, with the aim of predicting health and
environmental impact. But ensuring that targeted research conducted within these
agencies is relevant to addressing risk identification, assessment and reduction
goals will be critical, and underscores the need for a robust cross-agency, risk-
research strategy and pool of designated funds.
Exploratory research, on the other hand, primarily would be investigator-
driven (within determined bounds), and so would preferentially lie within the
remit of NSF and NIH. However, in ensuring effective use of funds, it will be
necessary to develop ways of supporting interdisciplinary research that crosses the

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 11

boundary separating these agencies, and combines investigations of basic science

with research into disease and environmental endpoints, with the goal of
informing oversight decisions.
Exploratory research should not be confined to these two agencies alone, as
there will be instances where goal-oriented but exploratory research will fit best
within the scope of mission-driven agencies, and will benefit from research
expertise within these agencies. For example, researchers at NIOSH are currently
engaged in exploratory research that is directly relevant to identifying and
reducing potential nanotechnology risks in the workplace.13
At present, there is no pot of “nanotechnology” money within the federal
government that can be directed to areas of need. Rather, the NNI simply reports
what individual agencies are spending. Yet if strategic nanotechnology risk
research is to be funded appropriately, mechanisms are required that enable
dollars to flow from where they are plentiful to where they are needed. Extremely
overstretched agencies like NIOSH and EPA cannot be expected to shoulder their
burden of nanotechnology risk-research unaided, and agencies such as FDA and
CPSC currently have no listed budget whatsoever for nanotechnology EHS
research. If the federal government is to fully utilize expertise across agencies and
enable effective nanotechnology oversight, resource-sharing across the NNI will
be necessary.
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Leadership for Risk Research

Without clear leadership, the emergence of safe nanotechnologies will be a

happy accident rather than a foregone conclusion.
This is a collection of technologies that is counter-intuitive and as a result,
safe and sustainable nanotechnologies will not emerge without help. Accepted
mechanisms of technology development and transfer—including investigator-
driven research, generation of intellectual property, knowledge diffusion and
market-driven commercialization—will not ensure the information and
approaches needed to proactively ensure the safety of emerging nanotechnologies
on their own. Instead, clear and authoritative top-down leadership is needed to
enable the generation and application of information that will support safe
nanotechnology development.
As a result, it is recommended that a cross-agency group be established that is
responsible for implementing a nanotechnology EHS research strategy, and is
accountable for actions taken and progress made. A coordinator should be
appointed to oversee this group, and given resources and authority to enable

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
12 Andrew D. Maynard

funding allocations and interagency partnerships that will support the

implementation of a strategic research plan. A key role for this coordinator would
be to ensure agencies are motivated and able to work within their missions and
competencies toward a common set of established goals. They would also provide
leadership to the broader stakeholder community involved— both nationally and
internationally—in developing safe nanotechnologies.


Without transparency, effective development, implementation and review of a

strategic research framework will be hampered, stakeholder engagement will be
impossible, and trust in the government to underpin safe nanotechnologies will be
severely compromised. As a result, it is recommended that government-funded
nanotechnology EHS research should be fully transparent, providing stakeholders
with information on project activities, relevance, funding and outcomes.
Activities to date within the federal nanotechnology initiative have been less
than transparent, to the detriment of an effective strategy for nanotechnology
development and use. For example, a PEN analysis of current research projects
listed in the National Nanotechnology Initiative’s “Strategy for Nanotechnology-
Related Environmental, Health, and Safety Research” found that only 62 of the
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

246 projects listed were highly relevant to addressing EHS issues (the remaining
projects had some relevance, but in general were focused on exploiting
nanotechnology applications).14 These 62 projects accounted for an estimated $13
million in research and development funding for 2006—a far cry from the $68
million cited by the NNI document as being focused on EHS research.15 Each of
these 246 projects has some relevance to addressing nanotechnology safety, and
the NNI was right to list them. But by not categorizing the relevance of the
research or including funding figures for each project, the stated $68 million being
invested has little credibility—and as has just been shown, is indeed highly
Lack of transparency such as this can only hinder the development of new
knowledge that is essential to ensuring safe and successful nanotechnologies. This
is such a critical issue to underpinning progress towards safe and successful
nanotechnologies that I would suggest any assessment of research investment,
relevance or direction that is not backed up by publicly accessible project-specific
data is worthless. It is for this very reason that the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) Working Party on Manufactured

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 13

Nanomaterials is developing a soon-to-be-launched comprehensive database on

risk-relevant nanotechnology research around the world.16

Public-Private Partnerships

Often, partnerships between public and private organizations have the

capacity to address critical challenges in a manner that is beyond the scope of
either partner in isolation. To expedite progress towards ensuring the safety of
emerging nanotechnologies, it is recommended that partnerships are established
that leverage public and private funds to address critical nanotechnology oversight
issues in an independent, transparent and timely manner and to overcome the
limitations of separate government and industry research.
Where research needs fall between the gap of government and industry
(because of their different goals), public-private research partnerships provide an
important mechanism for bridging the gaps. Industries investing in
nanotechnology have a financial stake in preventing harm, manufacturing safe
products and avoiding long-term liabilities. Yet many of the questions that need
answering are too general to be dealt with easily by industry alone. Perhaps more
significantly, the credibility of industry-driven risk research is often brought into
question by the public and NGOs as not being sufficiently independent and
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

transparent. For many nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, the current state of

knowledge is sufficient to cast doubt on their safety but lacks the certainty and
credibility for industry to plan a clear course of action on how to mitigate
potential risks. Getting out of this “information trap” is a dilemma facing large
and small nanotechnology industries alike.
Cooperative science organizations like public-private partnerships provide
one way out of the “trap” where they are established to generate independent,
credible data that will support nanotechnology oversight and product stewardship.
Such organizations would leverage federal and industry funding to support
targeted research into assessing and managing potential nanotechnology risks.
Their success would depend on five key attributes:

Independence. The selection, direction and evaluation of funded research

would have to be science-based and fully independent of the business and
views of partners in the organization.
Transparency. The research, reviews and the operations of the organization
should be fully open to public scrutiny.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
14 Andrew D. Maynard

Review. Research supported by the organization should be independently and

transparently reviewed.
Communication. Research results should be made publicly accessible and
fully and effectively communicated to all relevant parties.
Relevance. Funded research should have broad relevance to managing the
potential risks of nanotechnologies through regulation, product
stewardship and other mechanisms.

As I discussed in my comments to the House Committee on Science &

Technology Subcommittee on Research and Science Education last October,17 a
number of research organizations have been established over the years that
comply with many of these criteria. One of these is the Health Effects Institute
(HEI),18 which has been highly successful in providing high-quality, impartial,
and relevant science around the issue of air pollution and its health impacts. The
Foundation for the National Institutes for Health19 also has been successful in
developing effective public-private partnerships, and the International Council on
Nanotechnology (ICON)20 is a third model for bringing government, industry and
other stakeholders to the table to address common goals. The PEN is currently
exploring these and other models as possible templates for public- private
partnerships addressing nanotechnology risks.
Irrespective of which model is the best suited for nanotechnology, the need is
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

urgent to develop such partnerships as part of the government’s strategy to

address nanotechnology risks. Nanotechnologies are being commercialized
rapidly—going from $60 billion in manufactured goods in 2007 to a projected
$2.6 trillion in nanotechnology-enabled manufactured goods by 2014—or 15% of
total manufactured goods globally.21 And knowledge about possible risks is
simply not keeping pace with consumer and industrial applications.

The nanotechnology future is calling us forward, and the U.S. is at the
forefront of the race to get there as fast as possible. But we are skating on thin ice,
and are in danger of missing the warning signs. Nanotechnology is counter-
intuitive, and we cannot rely on past ways of doing things to succeed in the future.
Without strong leadership from the top, we run the risk of compromising the
whole enterprise—not only loosing America’s lead, but also jeopardizing the
good that could come out of nanotechnology for other countries.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 15

Already, the hubris surrounding nanotechnology R&D funding is giving way

to a sobering reality: Based on NNI-identified risk-relevant projects, in 2006, the
federal government spent an estimated $13 million on highly relevant
nanotechnology risk research (approximately 1% of the nano R&D budget),
compared to $24 million in Europe, despite assurances from the NNI that five
times this amount was spent on risk related research in Fiscal Year 2006.
But nanotechnology will not succeed through wishful thinking alone. Instead,
it will depend on clear and authoritative leadership from the top. If we are to fully
realize the benefits of this innovative new technology, we must bridge the gap
between our dreams and reality.
In my personal view, the proposed National Nanotechnology Initiative
Amendment Act of 2008 goes a long way to bridging this gap. I particularly
commend the committee for promoting transparency through a public database for
projects funding under EHS; education and societal dimensions; and
nanomanufacturing program component areas, with sub-breakouts for education
and ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) projects. This database will
complement the public international EHS database expected to be launched by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in June 2008,
and will provide an essential resource for evaluating the federal government’s
progress towards addressing critical research questions, as well as developing
future research strategies.
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

In addition, I believe the proposed act takes an important step in assigning to

a single coordinator the responsibility for ensuring that a top-down strategic plan
for nanotechnology environmental, safety and health research is developed and
implemented; that EHS research is appropriately funded with at least 10 percent
of the total NNI budget; and that public-private partnerships are established that
leverage government and industry research initiatives.
Finally, as the committee knows, my in-depth experience lies in the area of
the EHS implications of nanotechnology. But as one of the many scientists and
engineers deeply involved in nanotechnology development for over 20 years, I am
genuinely concerned about the education and “nano-readiness” of America’s
students, teachers, and workforce. For this reason, I personally endorse the
establishment of partnerships to help recruit and prepare secondary school
students to pursue postsecondary education in nanotechnology. I also support
enhancements to nanotechnology undergraduate education, faculty development,
and acquisition of equipment and instrumentation at the undergraduate level.
When today China has as many scientists and engineers working on
nanotechnology as the U.S., it is critical to support initiatives in nanotechnology
education aimed at our young people.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
16 Andrew D. Maynard

Similarly, the U.S. public and consumers are woefully unprepared for the
nano-age. Polling, focus groups and social science research commissioned by
PEN since its inception show that Americans’ awareness of nanotechnology
remains abysmally low, with seven in 10 adults having heard just a little of
nothing at all about it.22 This, in my opinion, is a significant failing of the NNI.
Too few resources and too little expertise has been devoted to educating and
engaging the public about the implications of what I believe is one of this
century’s most exciting areas of science and engineering. I particularly urge the
committee to address this problem as it works on the National Nanotechnology
Initiative Amendment Act of 2008.
When I look back on the origins of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, I
am impressed by the foresight and quality of leadership exerted by congressional
visionaries from both sides of the aisle, the president and executive branch,
scientists and engineers, businesspeople, and educators.23 Perhaps because of the
tremendous successes achieved in the laboratory since its creation, we risk losing
sight of the importance of meeting the challenges involved in taking the NNI to
the next level of research, education, governance and commercialization. It is my
belief that with the proposed act—and with the continued vigilance of this
committee—this will not happen.
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.



1. Assessment of Research Listed in the 2008 NNI Nanotechnology

Risk Research Strategy24

a. Research projects highly relevant to nanotechnology environment health and

safety accounted for an estimated $12.8 million in federal research funding in
b. Research that was either highly or substantially relevant to nanotechnology
EHS accounted for an estimated $28.9 million.
c. The majority of the research projects listed by the NNI as being relevant to
nanotechnology EHS have only limited relevance.

Listed research was categorized according to its relevance to addressing

potential nanotechnology risks (highly relevant, substantially relevant, having
some relevance, or having marginal relevance—as defined below). Projects

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 17

specifically addressing engineered nanomaterials, as well as projects generally

applicable to any source of nanoparticles, were included in the analysis.
The methodology for categorizing research relevance was the same as that
used in the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies on-line inventory of
nanotechnology EHS research,25 and in the forthcoming OECD database of
nanotechnology EHS research. 26 This approach allows a sophisticated and
transparent assessment of research investment. The categorization is based on
published project abstracts, and how these relate to addressing risk-specific issues.

2. A Broader Assessment of U.S. Federally-Funded Risk-Relevant

Research for 2006

The previously-released PEN inventory of EHS research contains

substantially more projects than are listed in the 2008 NNI risk research strategy.
Assessment of the full inventory of projects reveals that more risk-relevant
research was being funded in 2006 than is identified by the NNI, but that funding
levels are still low:

a. Research projects highly relevant to nanotechnology environment health and

safety accounted for an estimated $20.4 million in federal research funding in
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

b. Research that was either highly or substantially relevant to nanotechnology

EHS accounted for an estimated $37.8 million.

The disparity between the figures above and NNI figures on research
spending underline an urgent need for transparency in what is being funded, and
it’s relevance to addressing nanotechnology risk.

3. Comparison with European Risk Research Investments

a. In 2006, European countries invested an estimated US$23.6 million in

research that was highly relevant to understanding and addressing the
impacts of nanotechnology on human health and the environment. The EU as
a central funding organization invested an estimated US$12.6 million in
highly relevant research in 2006.

These estimates are based on figures published in the document “EU

nanotechnology R&D in the field of health and environmental impact of
nanoparticles,” published in 2008.27 Research funding within European countries

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
18 Andrew D. Maynard

for calendar year 2006 has been estimated. The analysis includes research funded
by the European Union, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany,
Greece, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

4. Definitions of Research Relevance

a. High: Research that is specifically and explicitly focused on the health,

environmental and/or safety implications of nanotechnology. Also included
in this category are projects and programs where the majority of the research
undertaken is specifically and explicitly focused on the health, environmental
and/or safety implications of nanotechnology. Examples of research in this
category would include research to understand the toxicity of specific
nanomaterials, research into exposure monitoring and characterization to
further understand potential impact, research into biological interactions and
mechanisms that is focused on answering specific questions associated with
potential risk. Examples of research that would not be included in this
category would include exploratory research into biological mechanisms
outside the context of understanding impact, general instrument
development, and research into therapeutics applications which also
incorporate an element of evaluating impact.
b. Substantial: Research that is focused towards nanotechnology-based
applications or developing fundamental new knowledge on nanoscience, but
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

that has substantial and explicit relevance to EHS implications. Examples of

research in this category would include non-targeted research into biological
mechanisms which is informative to understanding risk, instrument
development for assessing nanomaterials for applications and characterizing
nanomaterials in hazard evaluations, and major programs with a significant
component focused on risk research.
c. Some: Research that is focused on the application of nanotechnology and
developing fundamental new knowledge on nanoscience but that has some
relevance to EHS implications. Examples might include research into
therapeutics applications which also lead to the generation of useful data on
d. Marginal: Fundamental nanoscience and/or nanotechnology applications-
based research, which informs understanding on potential EHS implications
in a marginal way. Examples might include the development of new
analytical techniques such as analytical electron microscopy, where some
attempt is made to apply the techniques to understanding potential risks
unique to nanomaterials.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science Publishers,



Highly Relevant Research

NNI ID Agency Project Title Estimated Annual

a1-14 NIST Single Photon Sources and detectors
a1-23 NIST Metrology for the “Fate” of Nanoparticles in Biosystems Theoretical Models of
a2-12 NIST Chemical Properties of Nanostructures
a3-2 NIOSH Monitoring and Characterizing Airborne Carbon Nanotube Particles $133,333
a3-3 NIST Nanoparticle Risk Impact and Assessment Program
a4-2 NIH Submicron Particles and Fibers for Toxicological Studies $168,893
b1-1 DOD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative: Effects of Nanoscale Materials on $1,100,000
Biological Systems: Relationship between Physiochemical Properties and
Toxicological Properties
b1-2 EPA Impact of Physiochemical Properties on Skin Absorption of Manufactured $130,539
b1-27 NSF Lung Deposition of Highly Agglomerated Nanoparticles $133,333
b2-12 NSF SGER: Aquatic Nanotoxicology of Nanomaterials and Their Biomolecular $30,000
b2-5 NIH Physicochemical Characterisation and Formulation of Fullerene C60 and Titanium
b2-6 NIOSH Role of Surface Chemistry in the Toxicological Properties of Manufactured $133,333
b2-7 NIOSH Particle Surface Area As a Dose Metric $333,333
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science Publishers,

b2-8 NIOSH Nanoparticles: Lung Dosimetry and Risk Assessment $166,667

b2-9 NIOSH Generation & Characterization of Nanoparticles $333,333
b3-1 EPA A Rapid In Vivo System for Determining Toxicity of Manufactured Nanomaterials $133,333
b3-5 NIH Development of methods and models for nanoparticle toxicity screening: $120,109
b4-10 NIOSH Pulmonary Deposition and Translocation of Nanomaterials $300,000
b4-1 1 NSF Nanotox: Biochemical, Molecular and Cellular Responses of Zebrafish Exposed to $116,667
Metallic Nanoparticles
b4-4 NIH UTEP-UNM HSC ARCH Program on Border Asthma $948,159
b4-5 NIH Skin Penetration, Phototoxicity, and Photocarcinogenesis of Nanoscale Oxides of
Titanium and Zinc
b4-6 NIH Toxicokinetics of Quantum Dots In Rats
b4-8 NIOSH Role of CNT's in Cardiovascular Inflammation & Copd Related Diseases $300,000
b4-9 NIOSH Dermal Effects of Nanoparticles $233,333
b5-1 DOD Biological Interactions of Nanomaterials $300,000
b5-2 DOD Safer Nanomanufacturing
b5-28 NIH Nanoparticle Disruption of Cell Function $122,288
b5-29 NIH Long Term Cardiovascular Effects of Inhaled Nanoparticles $118,611
b5-3 DOD Identifying Critical P-C Characteristics of Np That Elicit Toxic Effects
b5-30 NIH Tumorigenicity of Photoactive Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide In Tg.ac Transgenic
b5-31 NIH Mechanisms of Chemically Induced Photosensitivity
b5-34 NIH Systemic Implications of Total Joint Replacement $288,959
b5-35 NIH Long Term Cardiovascular Effects of Inhaled Nanoparticles
b5-36 NIOSH Pulmonary Toxicity of Carbon Nanotube Particles $300,000
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science Publishers,

Table. Continued

NNI ID Agency Project Title Estimated

b5-37 NIOSH Systematic Microvascular Dysfunction Effects of Ultrafine Versus Fine Particles $200,000
b5-38 NIOSH Lung Oxidative Stress/Inflammation by Carbon Nanotubes $375,000
b5-4 EPA Effects of Ingested Nanoparticles on Gene Regulation in the Colon $100,000
b7-2 NIOSH Nanotechnology Safety and Health Coordination $100,000
c1-1 EPA Methodology Development for Manufactured Nanomaterial Bioaccumulation Test $133,256
c1-2 EPA The Effect of Surface Coatings on the Environmental and Microbial Fate of Nanoiron and $133,333
Feoxide Nanoparticles
c1-3 EPA Aquatic Toxicity of Waste Stream Nanoparticles $133,276
c4-1 DOD Measure The Transport Of Modified Nanoparticles Through Soil
c4-1 1 NSF SGER: Particle Incorporation of PAH in Aquatic Environments: Implications to Fate and $33,600
c4-14 NSF CAREER: Interfacial Reactions Affecting Heavy Metal Fate and Transport: An Integrated $78,965
Research and Education Plan
c4-1 5 NSF Carbon Nanoparticles in Combustion: A Multiscale Perspective $80,000
c4-17 NSF Aggregation and Deposition Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes in Aquatic Environments $133,333
c4-18 USDA Reactivity, Aggregation and Transport of Nanocrystalline Sesquioxides in the Soil System $61,736
c4-19 USDA Colloid Interfacial Reactions in Open Microchannel Representing Unsaturated Soil $48,001
c4-22 USDA Sorption and Availability of Metals and Radionuclides in Soils
c4-5 EPA Ecotoxicology of Underivatized Fullerenes (C60) in Fish $132,269
c4-6 EPA Carbon Nanotubes: Environmental Dispersion States, Transport, Fate, and Bioavailability $123,962
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science Publishers,

c4-7 EPA Biological Fate & Electron Microscopy Detection of Nanoparticles During Wastewater $132,999
c5-5 NSF Environmental Biogeochemistry and Nanoscience: Applications to Toxic Metal Transport $60,000
in the Environment
c5-6 NSF Collaborative Research: Fullerene Aggregation in Aquatic Systems $116,164
d1-1 NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Coordination $233,333
d1-2 NIOSH Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Nanoparticle Exposure Study $133,333
d5-1 DOD Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR): The Impact of Nanomaterials on Occupational
Safety and Health
d5-2 NIOSH Nanoparticle in the Workplace $133,333
d5-3 NSF Experimental and Numerical Simulation of the Fate of Airborne Nanoparticles from a Leak $133,333
in a Manufacturing Process to Assess Worker Exposure
e1-1 NIOSH Development and Evaluation of Nanofiber-based Filter Media $333,333
e1-2 NIOSH Penetration of Nanoparticles Through Respirator Filter Media $166,667
e1-3 NIOSH Automobile Ultrafine Intervention $333,333
e1-4 NIOSH Assessment Methods for Nanoparticles in the Workplace $133,333
e2-1 EPA Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Nano – and Bulk-materials in Photovoltaic Energy $100,000
e3-1 NIOSH Developing a Web-Based Nano-Information Library $300,000
e5-1 NIOSH Nanotechnology Information Dissemination $200,000
e6-2 DOD WINGSTM-Web-Interfaced Nanotechnology ESH Guidance System for Force Health
e6-5 NSF NIRT: Nanotechnology in the Public Interest: Regulatory Challenges, Capacity, and Policy $350,000
e6-6 NSF NIRT: Evaluating Oversight Models for Active Nanostructures and Nanosystems: Learning $305,191
from Past Technologies in a Societal Context
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science Publishers,

Substantially Relevant Research

NNI ID Agency Project Title Estimated Annual

a2-13 a2-1 NIST Nanocharacterization - NCI
a2-2 DOE Single Molecule Fluorescence In Nanoscale Environments The Reaction Specificity
DOE of Nano Particles In Solutions
b1-16 NIH Near-Infrared Fluorescence Nanoparticles for Targeted O* $578,922
b1-1 8 NIH NIR Absorbing Nanoparticles For Cancer Therapy $152,591
b1-19 NIH A Tumor-Specific Nanoimmunocomplex Markedly Improves MR Imaging $460,490
b1-23 NIH CNS Gene Delivery and Imaging in brain Tumor Therapy $552,763
b1-24 NIH Nanoparticles for siRNA delivery to mammalian neurons $166,709
b1-25 NIH Bioengineering of the blood-brain barrier permeability $199,169
b1-26 NIH Reuse in RI: A State-based Approach to Complex Exposures $2,784,592
b1 -4 NIH Design of Targeting Enhancement for Drug Delivery $ 1 84,653
b1 -5 NIH Nanoparticles for efficient delivery to solid tumors $ 111 ,028
b2-1 NIH Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Intracellular Delivery $271 ,029
b3-4 NIH Hybrid Nanoparticles in Imaging and Therapy of Prostate* $585,773
b4-2 NIH Training in Pharmacometrics and the Therapeutic Application of Nanotechnology $147,236
b5-20 NIH Nanoparticles As Promoters of Cell Longevity $368,831
b5-21 NIH Nano-Apatite Coating of the Porous Surface of Implants $249, 124
b5-22 NIH The Interaction of Polycationic Organic Polymers with Biological Membranes $278,170
b5-26 NIH Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory
b5-32 NIH Micellar VIP Nanoparticles for Rheumatoid Arthritis $257,713
a1-17 NIST Superresolution, In Situ Microscopies for Characterization of Nanostructured
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science Publishers,

a4-3 NIST R&D For Carbon Nanotube Reference Materials

a4-4 NIST R&D For Nanoparticle (non-Carbon Nanotube) Reference Materials
a1 -29 NSF NSEC for Molecular Function at the Nano/Bio Interface $ 1 ,820,700
a3-4 NSF IMR: Developement of an Analyzer for Size and Charge Characterization of $83,676
Nanoparticles in Research and Training
b2-10 NSF NIRT: Design of Biocompatible Nanoparticles for Probing Living Cellular $330,938
Functions and Their Potential Environmental Impacts
b2-1 1 NSF NER: Novel Cell Culture Stylus for the Rapid Assessment of Functional Nano-Bio $ 11 5,300
c4-9 NSF CAREER: Carbonaceous Particles of Tarry Origin $ 11 0,742
c5-2 NSF CAREER: An Integrated Research and Education Program in Long-Term Durability $103,331
of Nano-Structured Cement-Based Materials during Environmental Weathering
c5-4 NSF Investigating the Surface Structure and Reactivity of Bulk and Nanosized $109,857
Manganese Oxides
c5-8 NSF NSEC: Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology $937,984
e6-1 NSF NSEC: Center for Nanotechnology in Society at University of California, Santa $885,761
c1-5 USDA Cellular and Materials-based Studies of Marine Invertebrates to Advance
Biomineralization, Antifouling and Nanotechnology Fields
c5-9 USDA The Chemical and Physical Nature of Particulate Matter Affecting air, Water, and
Soil Quality.
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Research with Some Relevance

NNI ID Agency Project Title Estimated Annual

a1-32 NSF Molecular Simulation of Chemical Warfare Agent Adsorption $35,000
a1-33 NSF NSEC: Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing $814,472
b5-33 NIH Curcumin and Curcumin Derivatives for Alzheimer's $206,829
a1-34 NSF Nanoscale Science & Engineering Center for Integrated Nanopatterning and $2,117,092
Detection Technologies
a1-35 NSF CAREER: Engineering Nucleic Acid Devices $81,407
a1-36 NSF NSEC: Center Of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems (COINS) $1,915,697
b5-39 NSF NIRT: Controlling Interfacial Activity of Nanoparticles: Robust Routes to $300,000
Nanoparticle-based Capsules, Membranes, and Electronic Materials
a1-1 NIH A study of model beta-cells in Diabetes Treatment $298,020
a1-3 NIH Implantable 16-256 channel data system for sleep in mice $402,601
b1-3 NIH Nanoparticle, Raman-based Fiber-optic Glucose Sensor $377,105
a1-4 NIH Power Harvesting in Implanted Neural Probes $190,505
a1-5 NIH Surface Plasmon-coupled Fluorescence Microscope to Study Ion Channel $186,713
a1-6 NIH A Turnkey, Wireless, EEG/EMG/Biosensor Measurement $336,588
b1-6 NIH Engineered intelligent micelle for tumor pH targeting $268,607
a1-7 NIH Cut Nanotube Capsules for MR Imaging (RMI) $144,603
b1-7 NIH Carolina Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence $3,325,006
a1-8 NIH Flourescent Ceramic Nanoprobes $323,657
b1-8 NIH Center of Nanotechnology for Treatment, Understanding, and Monitoring of $3,839,972
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a1-9 NIH Targeted MRI with Protein Cage Architectures (RMI) $354,053
b1-9 NIH Emory-GA Tech Nanotechnology Center for Personalized and Predictive $3,523,612
a1-1 0 NIH MFe2O4-Loaded Polymer Micelles as Ultra-Sensitive MR Molecular Probes $351,746
b1-10 NIH Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutics $3,695,651
a1-11 NIH Membrane Topography of Cell Signaling Complexes $259,841
b1-1 1 NIH The MIT-Harvard Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellelence $3,905,825
a1-12 NIH Non-viral Liver-targeted Gene Delivery $297,630
b1-12 NIH The Siteman Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence $330,773
a1-13 NIH Morphogen Gradients in Microfluidic Cultures $138,118
b1 -13 NIH Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence Focused on Therapy Response $3,806,915
bl-14 NIH DNA-linked dendrimer nanoparticle systems for diagnosis $468,218
b1-15 NIH Nanotherapeutic Strategy for Multidrug Resistant Tumors $345,707
a1-15 NIST Quantum Optical Metrology
a1-16 NIST Nano-scale Engineered Sensors for Ultra-low Magnetic Field Metrology
b1-17 NIH Polymer chelate conjugates for Diagnostic cancer imaging $239,418
b1-20 NIH In vivo imaging of diabetogenic cytotoxic T-lymphocytes $253,117
b1-21 NIH Imaging Tumor Blood Vessels in Bone Metastases from Breast Cancer $322,971
b1-22 NIH Early Detection of Renal Injury
a1-24 NSF SST - Ferroelectric Thin-Film Active Sensor Arrays for Structural Health $150,667
a1 -25 NSF CAREER: Hybrid Nanomaterials for Multi-Functional Sensors - Synthesis and $80,000
Characterization of Nanocomposite Thin-Films for Device Applications
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Table. Continued

NNI ID Agency Project Title Estimated Annual

a 1-26 NSF CAREER: Integrated Research and Education in Nano- and Microscale $80,000
Photoacoustic and
Photothermal Microscopy
a1-27 NSF REU Site for Nanoscale Structures and Integrated Biosensors (NSIB) $130,400
a1 -28 NSF Selective Filling of Nanostructured Packings for Chromatographic Chip Systems $75,000
b1-28 NSF Nanostructured Interfaces for Targeted Drug Delivery $25,000
b1 -29 NSF Materials World Network: Designer Nanodiamonds for Detoxification $157,000
b1-30 NIH Integrated Nanosystems for Diagnosis and Therapy $2,713,460
a1 -31 NSF IGERT: Nanoparticle Science and Engineering $475,747
c2-1 NSF Environmental Molecular Science Institute: Actinides and Heavy Metals in the $920,292
Environment - The Formation, Stability, and Impact of Nano- and Micro-
b2-2 NIH Local Anesthetic Cardiotoxicity: Nanotechnology Therapy $250,062
e2-2 NSF The Life Cycle of Nanomanufacturing Technologies $100,000
a2-8 NIH Toxic Substances in the Environment $153,032
a2-9 NIH Bladder Tissue Engineering through Nanotechnology $170,033
b2-13 NSF NSEC: Center for Affordable Nanoengineering of Polymer Biomedical Devices $2,122,192
a2-14 NIST Metrology for Tissue Engineering: Test Patterns and Cell Function Indicators
c3-1 NSF NER: Nanoscale Size Effects on the Biogeochemical Reactivity of Iron Oxides in $114,998
Active Environmental Nanosystems
a3-1 DOE A Fundamental Study of Transport Within A Single Nanoscopic Channel
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b3-2 NIH Polymer-Nucleotide Complexes with Cytotoxic Activity $226,085

b3-3 NIH Detecting cancer early with targeted nano-probes for va $606,348
b3-6 USDA Role of Chromosome Alterations in Environmental Carcinogenesis
a4-1 NIH Cryopreservation of tissue engineered substitutes $320,356
b4-1 NIH Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes with Oral Administration of Nanoencapsulated $140,195
c4-2 DOE How Do Interfacial Phenomena Control Nanoparticle Structure?
c4-3 DOE "Frontiers In Biogeochemistry And Nanomineralogy: Studies In Quorum Sensing
And Nanosulfide Dissolution Rates
b4-3 NIH Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit $413,937
a4-5 NIST Fundamental Metrology for Carbon Nanotube Science and Technology
a4-6 NIST Scanning Probe Microscopy Reference Specimens
c4-8 NIH Sub-micrometer zero valent metal for in-situ remediation of contaminated $64,410
c4-10 NSF NIRT: Metal Ion Complexation by Dendritic Nanoscale Ligands: Fundamental $305,750
Investigations and
Applications to Water Purification
c4-12 NSF SGER: Metallic Nanocatalysts for Rapid Transformation of Polychlorinated $25,000
c4-13 NSF Center for Advanced Materials for Water Purification $4,014,292
c4-16 NSF Development of a Copolymer-Based System for Targeted Delivery of $50,000
Nanoparticulate Iron to
Environmental Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids
c4-20 USDA Elucidating Interactions and Transformations of Pollutants and Organic Matter in
c4-21 USDA Conference Symposium: Environmental Mineralogy and Toxic Metals $8,500
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Table. Continued

NNI ID Agency Project Title Estimated Annual

a5-3 DOE Directed Energy Interactions With Surfaces
c5-3 NSF CAREER: Gas-Phase Catalytic Processes on Metal Nanoclusters $108,918
b5-5 NIH Design of Targeting Enhancement for Drug Delivery $184,653
b5-7 NIH Pharmacology of Targeted Therapy to Brain Tumors $365,790
c5-7 NSF The formation rates and structure of nanodroplets $131,333
b5-8 NIH Nanotechnology Platform for Pediatric Brain Cancer Image $310,464
b5-9 NIH Multifunctional nanoparticles for targeted DNA vaccine delivery $137,582
b5-10 NIH Novel Lentiviral Packaging Systems $332,556
b5-1 1 NIH Translational Program of Excellence in Nanotechnology $3,081,892
b5-12 NIH Designing ECM-Inspired Peptide Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine $195,077
b5-14 NIH Nanotechnology in Osseointegration of TMJ Implants $298,727
a5-14 NSF Acquisition of a Powder X-ray Diffractometer for Environmental and Materials $93,704
Research at UC Merced
b5-1 5 NIH Complex Nanocomposites for Bone Regeneration $657,312
a5-15 NSF Engineering Research Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Science and Technology $2,275,755
b5-17 NIH Nanotechnology Strategies for Growth of Bones and Teeth $578,308
b5-1 8 NIH Nanocoatings for Biomedical Implants $211,480
b5-24 NIH Stimulus-responsive, Mechanically-dynamic Nanocomposite for Cortical $199,718
b5-25 NIH Mechanisms of Orthopedic Implant Osteolysis $23,799
b5-27 NIH Imaging Nanocomposites Targeting Tumor Microvasculature $254,829
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a6-1 NSF Idaho Research Infrastructure Improvement $3,000,000

e6-3 NSF NSEC: The Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) $2,033,540
e6-4 NSF NSEC: Templated Synthesis and Assembly at the Nanoscale $2,135,780
c7-2 NSF Reactive Membrane Technology for Water Treatment $101,062
c7-3 NSF Magnetocaloric Effect in Nanoparticle Assemblies for Refrigeration Applications $50,000
c7-6 NSF NIRT: Active Nanoparticles in Nanostructured Materials Enabling Advances in $278,000
Renewable Energy and Environmental Remediation
c7-10 NSF CAREER: On the Prevention of Selenium and Arsenic Release into the $79,952
c7-11 NSF Nanoscale Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Arsenian Pyrite in Ore Deposits $71,741

Research with Marginal Relevance

NNI Agency Project Title Estimated
ID Annual
a1-2 NIST Develop Fiber-Optic Confocal Microscope With Nanoscale Depth Resolution
a1-18 NIST Metrology of Semiconductor Quantum Nanowires
a1-19 NIST High Throughput Hyperspectral Data Analysis
a1-20 NIST Dimensional Metrology Program
a1-21 NIST Surface Metrology
a1-22 NIST Phase Sensitive Scatterfield Imaging for Sub-10 nm Dimensional Metrology
a1-30 NSF National High Magnetic Field Laboratory $28,647,208
a2-3 DOE Manipulation and Quantitative Interrogation of Nanostructures
b2-3 NIH Bioabsorbable Membranes for Prevention of Adhesions $415,114

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Table. Continued

NNI Agency Project Title Estimated

ID Annual
a2-4 DOE Diffraction Studies of Glasses, Liquids, and Nanoclusters
b2-4 NIH NanoMedex Propofol Microemulsions: Preclinical Studies to FDA IND Application $411,614
a2-5 DOE New Methods and Instrumentation For the Study of Complex Magnetic Materials and
Using Soft X-ray Spectroscopies
a2-6 DOE Using Plasmon Peaks In Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy To Determine the Physical and
Mechanical Properties of Nanoscale Materials
a2-7 DOE Nano-structures Examined With Spin-polarized Positron Beams
a2-10 NIH Nano-Porous Alumina Membranes for Enhanced Hemodialysis Performance $183,400
a2-11 NIH Biotechnology Research Infrastructure at Albany State U* $793,298
a5-1 DOE Chemical Analysis of Nanodomains
c5-1 DOE Experimental, Theoretical, And Model-based Studies Of Crystallographically Controlled Self-
assembly during Nanocrystal Growth
a5-2 DOE Atomic Scale Chemical Imaging In 3 Dimensions
a5-4 DOE Studies of Nanoscale Structure and Structural Defects of Advanced Materials
a5-5 DOE Microscopy Investigations of Nanostructured Materials
a5-6 DOE Three-dimensional Imaging of Nanoscale Materials By Using Coherent X-rays
a5-7 DOE Electron Diffraction Determination of Nanoscale Structures
a5-8 DOE Quantitative Electron Nano-crystallography and Nano-spectroscopy
a5-9 DOE High Resolution Lenseless 3d Imaging of Nanostructures With Coherent X-rays
a5-10 NIH Thin-walled Micromolding $336,916
a5-1 1 NIST 3-D Chemical Imaging at the Nanoscale
a5-12 NIST Metrology for the Manufacture of Robust Nanostructures
b5-13 NIH New Nanoparticles for Antimicrobial Therapy of Dental Plaque Related Diseases $145,988
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a5-13 NSF CAREER: Multi-Scale and Multi-Disciplinary Aspects of Indentation $79,923

b5-19 NIH Center of Excellence in Translational Human Stem Cell Research $893,968
b5-23 NIH Reconfigurable Nanoengineered Extracellular Matricss $172,163
a6-2 NSF NNIN: National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network $11,180,430
a7-1 NSF SGER: MEMS-Based Preconcentrators with Nano-Structured Adsorbents for Micro Gas $50,000
c7-1 NSF New Mexico EPSCoR RII (NM NEW) Proposal $1,687,500
c7-4 NSF Delaware Research Infrastructure Improvement Program $2,000,000
c7-5 NSF Alabama Research Infrastructure Improvement $2,066,667
c7-7 NSF NIRT: Actively Reconfigurable Nanostructured Surfaces for the Improved Separation of $250,000
Biological Macromolecules
c7-8 NSF NIRT: Environmentally Benign Deagglomeration and Mixing of Nanoparticles $304,688
c7-9 NSF CAREER: Hydroxyl Radical and Sulfate Radical-Based Advanced Oxidation Nanotechnologies $85,524
for the Destruction of Biological Toxins in Water
United States House of Representatives Committee … 33

These figures are based on an assessment of published U.S. and European risk-
related research projects, and their relevance to addressing potential risks. See
Annex A and Annex B for further information. Full access to the information
used in the assessment is available at www.nanotechproject.org/
inventories/ehs/ (accessed 4/15/08).
NNI (2008). Strategy for nanotechnology-related environmental, health and
safety research, National Nanotechnology Initiative, Washington DC.
Lane, Neal and Kalil, Thomas, “The National Nanotechnology Initiative: Present
at the Creation,” Issues in Science and Technology, Summer 2005.
For further information see www.nanotechproject.org. Accessed April 4, 2008.
Maynard, A. D., Aitken, R. J., Butz, T., Colvin, V., Donaldson, K., Oberdörster,
G., Philbert, M. A., Ryan, J., Seaton, A., Stone, V., Tinkle, S. S., Tran, L.,
Walker, N. J. and Warheit, D. B. (2006). Safe handling of nanotechnology.
Nature 444:267-269.
Oberdörster, G., Stone, V. and Donaldson, K. (2007). Toxicology of
nanoparticles: A historical perspective. Nanotoxicology 1:2 - 25.
An inventory of nanotechnology-based consumer products currently on the
market. http://www.nanotechproject.org/inventories/consumer/. Accessed
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Maynard, A. D. (2006). Nanotechnology: A research strategy for addressing
risk, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Project on Emerging
Nanotechnologies, Washington DC.
See Annex A, and supporting information in Annex B.
United States House of Representatives Committee on Science. Hearing on
Research on Environmental and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology: What are
Federal Agencies Doing? Testimony of Andrew D. Maynard. September 21
United States House of Representatives Committee on Science. Hearing on
Research on Environmental and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology: Current
Status of Planning and Implementation under the National Nanotechnology
Initiative. Testimony of Andrew D. Maynard, October 31, 2007.
See also: Maynard, A. D. (2006). Nanotechnology: A research strategy for
addressing risk, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Project
on Emerging Nanotechnologies, Washington DC.
NIOSH (2008). Strategic plan for NIOSH nanotechnology research. Filling the
knowledge gaps. Draft, February 26 2008 (Update). National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, Washington DC..

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
34 Andrew D. Maynard

See Annex A, with supporting information in Annex B. Project specific data
underpinning this analysis can be found in the Project on Emerging
Nanotechnologies Environment, Health and Safety Research inventory
(http://www.nanotechproject.org/inventories/ehs/, accessed 4/15/08). This
inventory is in the process of being adopted and updated by the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development, Working Party on
manufactured Nanomaterials.
Further independent assessment of research funded in 2006 reveals funding for
highly relevant risk research was closer to $20 million (http://
www.nanotechproject.org/inventories/ehs/, accessed 4/8/08). The discrepancy
appears to be due to relevant research that that the NNI missed in their
analysis—another indicator that the government is not on top of what
research is being funded, and lacks sufficient transparency for effective
The OECD nanotechnology risk research database is based on the Project on
Emerging Nanotechnologies inventory of nanotechnology Environment,
Health and Safety Research (http://www.nanotechproject.org/
inventories/ehs/, accessed 4/8/08). Due to be launched in June 2008, it will
include information on project relevance to addressing nanotechnology risks,
and funding levels. For further details, see http://www.oecd.org/
dataoecd/34/6/37852382.ppt (accessed 4/8/08)
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

United States House of Representatives Committee on Science, Subcommittee

on Research and Science Education. Research on Environmental and Safety
Impacts of Nanotechnology: Current Status of Planning and Implementation
under the National Nanotechnology Initiative Testimony of Andrew D.
Maynard. October 31 2007.
For further information see The Health Effects Institute, www.healtheffects.org.
Accessed Oct 13 2007.
For further information see The Foundation for the National Institutes of
Health, www.fnih.org. Accessed Oct 13 2007.
For further information, see the International Council On Nanotechnology,
icon.rice.edu. Accessed Oct 13 2007.
Lux Research (2007). The nanotech report. 5th edition., Lux Research Inc.,
New York, N.Y.
“Awareness of And Attitudes Toward Nanotechnology And Federal Regulatory
Agencies” conducted on behalf of the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies,
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars by Peter D. Hart Research
Associates, Inc., September 25, 2007.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
United States House of Representatives Committee … 35

Lane, Neal and Kalil, Thomas, “The National Nanotechnology Initiative:
Present at the Creation,” Issues in Science and Technology, Summer 2005.
NNI (2008). Strategy for nanotechnology-related environmental, health and
safety research, Washington DC, National Nanotechnology Initiative.
Environment, safety and health research. www.nanotechproject.org/
inventories/ehs/ (accessed 4/15/08).
For further details on the OECD risk research database, see http://www.
oecd.org/dataoecd/34/6/37852382.ppt (accessed 4/8/08)
EU nanotechnology R&D in the field of health and environmental impact of
nanoparticles. DG Research, January 28, 2008.
Refer to Annex A for definitions of relevance. All research projects in the
document “Strategy for nanotechnology-related environmental, health and
safety research, Washington DC, National Nanotechnology Initiative.” (NNI,
2008) are listed; not all specifically address engineered nanomaterials though,
or were funded in 2006.
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
Copyright © 2009. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Assessment and Recommendations : Assessment and Recommendations, Nova Science
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
me against you, to “be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
Matt. 10:16. Yes, you are such a brother to me, as the old, lying
prophet, who deceived the man of God by his lies; for God had
commanded the man of God to prophesy against the altar, and to
eat no bread, nor drink water at that place, until he should have
returned into his own country. But the seed of the serpent, the old
prophet, said: “Eat bread with me, and drink water.” The man of God
answered: “God has forbidden me this.” But the deceiver said: “I am
also a prophet of the Lord, as thou art, and the Lord spake to me,
that you should eat bread here, and drink water.” Then the man of
God went in with him, and transgressed the commandment of the
Lord; wherefore, in punishment of his disobedience, he was slain by
a lion on the way. 1 Kings 13.
This example is a great terror to my soul; for after deception, and
transgression of the word of the Lord, he sends lions, dragons and
bears, that they may get dominion of my soul, and kill it; for if my
faith were feeble and wavering, I should be overcome and certainly
be killed, but the anchor of my faith is steadfast.
In the fourth place, I come to your unreasonable or willful stupidity,
that you want to maintain your infant baptism by the circumcision of
the law, or Israel’s sign of the covenant. For Paul says that
circumcision (which you understand to be a figure of baptism), is
made without hands, in the spirit, for the putting off of the sinful
flesh; whose praise is not of men,—as was done with the hand on
Israel—but of God. Col. 2:11; Rom. 2:29. Now, is your infant
baptism in the spirit, without hands, and this for the putting off of
the sinful flesh, and for sin which they have not yet committed? For
to put off the sinful is this, as Paul says: “Mortify your members
which are upon the earth; fornication, adultery, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, evil concupiscence;” see, whether this can be
understood as having reference to your children.
And through your infant baptism you cause it that we are called
Anabaptists, though we do not baptize, nor are baptized, twice, but
once, and this according to the truth, and pursuant to the command
and practice of the apostles; and with this we are well satisfied.
In the fifth place, I will tell you our confession and practice, to show
you that our baptism originates not in an opinion, but in the
command of the most high God. After this, I hope to write against or
dispute with neither you nor any one else, as said before; for great,
presumptuous wisdom, I have not, but an assured heart and a firm
faith in my ground. Listen to this brief statement: Touching
circumcision, I confess that it was a token of Abraham’s covenant, to
him and to all his seed (Gen. 17:9): and also the entering into Israel,
the church of God. The external circumcision of Israel was a figure
of the future, inward circumcision of Christ, as may clearly be
understood from the spirit of the New Testament, even as Paul says
that that is not circumcision, which is outward in the flesh; but
circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter, or
law; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Rom. 2:28,29. Nor are
you those who are circumcised in Christ, with the circumcision made
without hands, in putting off the sinful flesh. Col. 2:11. Further, what
people are they who are buried with him through baptism? Listen, I
pray you: Are you risen? through what? Through faith. What faith?
What faith have the sponsors, through which God works, as you
people understand it? Mark here, no infants; but such as believe and
understand. And this you put forth as your strongest argument. O
friend, do not willfully kick against the goad; or it will be hard for
you to speak against God, and to drive his word and truth from you
so stoutly. For, if you claim outward circumcision to be a figure of
baptism, well, then, who makes you pedobaptists so presumptuous
that you baptize infants before the eighth day? And why do you
baptize female children? for, under the law, these were not
circumcised; from which it would follow that female children are not
to be baptized; for truth is consistent.
You are at an end with your figures of baptism; but we have a better
explanation concerning the figures of baptism, and Paul and Peter
shall help us keep it by their spirit and testimony. Peter says that the
entrance through the water into Noah’s ark signifies to us baptism.
Gen. 7:7; 1 Pet. 3:20,21. He who dares deny this, may also
contradict us, who are little and unlearned in their estimation, yet
are taught of God. Matt. 11:25.
Our second witness with regard to the figures of baptism is the great
apostle Paul, who declared the counsel of God. Acts 20:27. He says
that the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, their passage
through the Red Sea, and that they were baptized under the pillar of
cloud, through Moses, was a figure, and for our instruction. Ex.
14:22; 1 Cor. 10:1. But we, who are of the substance in the spirit
and the New Testament, confess a clear ordinance, doctrine and
command of God, and then the rule, practice and the clear examples
of the apostles, regarding baptism; this is explanation enough for us.
The command of Christ is: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the
Gospel to every creature; teach them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: he that believeth
and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
damned.” Mark 16:15,16; Matt. 28:19,20. [Baptism is,] in the first
place, a grave of sin, an entering in the church of God, a putting on
of Christ, a fleeing from the wrath of God, a washing of
regeneration, and the seal of a good conscience or assurance toward
God; and he that rejects this rejects the counsel of God. The
practice of the apostles was this: “If thou believest with all thine
heart, thou mayest.” Romans 6:4; Gal. 3:27; Tit. 3:5; 1 Pet. 3:21;
Luke 7:30; Acts 8:37.
The following was written by Jan Gerritts, although it is not
contained in the first edition.
Thus they were first asked. If you also ask the brethren this, and
they say yes, it is well; for the apostles baptized upon faith and not
otherwise. For if the eunuch had said: I cannot believe, Philip would
not have baptized him. But he said: I believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God. Acts 8:37. This is my faith, too, and
nothing else. Again, when the multitude at Jerusalem heard Peter’s
exhortation, they were alarmed, and asked: “What shall we do?”
Hear the good advice: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in
the name of Jesus, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
And they that gladly received the word were baptized. Acts 2:37, Do
your infants also do thus? then you are the old foundation; for other
foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ, his
word and example. The jailer rejoiced with all his house that he had
become a believer. Acts 16:34. Are your infants also believers? then
it is well. Peter preached in the house of Cornelius, the centurion of
the Italian band, and the Holy Ghost fell on the Gentiles as well as
on the Jews. Acts 10:44,45. Were there also infants present, on
whom the Holy Ghost fell? And this is what I asked you before we
parted, when the servant came to spread the table, and you said:
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and this with reference to
infant baptism. I then asked what became of the Spirit, but you gave
me no reply. For John says: The wind bloweth where it listeth, and
thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh.
John 3:8. Do children feel the Holy Spirit? Nicodemus was a carnal
man, and experienced nothing concerning the Spirit of God; hence
Christ referred him to a child as we find stated, Matthew 18:3. To be
born again through the water from carnality into the Spirit is as
Christ himself says, John 3:5. “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except
a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God.” A man, what else does this signify, than, he that is
carnally minded, as the aforesaid Nicodemus; for to be carnally
minded is death; it does not mean children, for they do not feel it.
But to be spiritual is life and peace, as Paul testifies. And to the
Galatians he says: If ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the
law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these,
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry,
witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,
heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such
there is no law. Gal. 5:18. As also Peter says: “Wherefore laying
aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all
evil speakings, as new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the
word, that ye may grow thereby”. 1 Peter 2:1,2. Thus do also; lay
aside the great conceitedness and presumptuousness of your heart,
and build yourself up, a lively stone in the house of God, a holy
priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by
Jesus Christ. These sacrifices are the works of righteousness, and
not human inventions, reason, or ordinances of outward sacrifices.
Behold, with this consciousness we go on, or, this assurance is
sufficient and valuable enough to us, to forsake property and life for
Christ’s sake, which is far from being the case with you people. In
short, we do not seal the epistle of Christ before it is written; we do
not sow before the field is well plowed with the Spirit and word of
God; we do not sail, before we have favorable weather and wind;
but you would have the child of the mother before it has been borne
its proper time. But we can well wait till it has been borne its proper
time and is brought forth by the mother. Who can forbear to speak
of what everybody sees? And thus we recognize baptism in the
Scriptures as a command of the Lord, and a certain clear practice of
the apostles. Moreover, we also clearly see, what cause baptism has,
why it is administered, what benefits it brings, to what people it is
adapted, and what other name it has in the Scriptures. It is, in the
first place, a grave of sin, an entering into the church of God, a
putting on of Christ, a fleeing from the wrath of God, a washing of
regeneration, and the seal of a good conscience toward God. And he
that forsakes or rejects this forsakes and rejects the counsel and
word of God.
In the sixth place, as regards this, that I spoke tartly and insolently
to you, I answer: Behold, my Lord and Master, taught me nothing
else, when he says: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in
sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matt. 7:15.
Seeing you came to me with so fair an appearance, to slay my soul,
as you indeed boasted, why then should I not speak or write the
truth? For what do you but seek to devour or tear me, to entice a
poor sheep away from Christ’s pasture. No, no! God the chief
Shepherd preserve me from this. No one shall pluck them out of his
hand, but if one goes out himself, then the case is different. Yet, you
have been assiduous, and struck your sharp fangs into my soul; and
yet you call me brother. Hence I call you a wolf in sheep’s clothing;
however, be converted and become a lamb. O friend, what have you
come to?
In the seventh place, you strewed sweet roses and down before my
feet, and made the bank slippery that I might glide off, saying: Mind
not what those who deceived you without the Scriptures will say. Yet
see, is this without the Scriptures? Just as if I had relied upon the
fair words of men. No, no; had it depended on fair speeches, you
would have laid enough snares for me; your works constantly testify
to this. See, my good friend, I think that this is enough for you,
namely, my own faith and confession; and I pray you, not so to
damn and condemn little infants, and this for Adam’s transgression,
lest you be condemned and damned; since Christ, by his death, has
redeemed us therefrom, as was stated when I was with you; for Paul
says: “As by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to
condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift
came upon all men unto justification of life.” Rom. 5:18. John says;
“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
John 1:29, [Paul says] to the Galatians: “Christ hath redeemed us
from the curse of the law.” Galatians 3:13. And to the Ephesians:
“That he abolished in his flesh the enmity, on the cross.” Moreover,
he has promised them his kingdom, when he says: Suffer little
children to come unto me . . . for of such is the kingdom of God.
And he received them, blessed them, laid his hands on them, and
said: Except ye receive the kingdom of God as a little child, you shall
not enter therein. Mark 10:14 to 16; Luke 18:16,17; Matt. 19:14,15.
Now when he says, of such, there is no difference, even as Paul
says; that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin. But you separate
them, and say that it is only spoken to Jewish children, as though
they were Jewish children, I replied that you should prove this to me
by the Gospel; but you could not do it, and gave me no answer. For
Christ showed his divine miracles on the children of the Gentiles as
well as on those of the Jews, as, for instance, on the Gentile woman
and the centurion’s servant; and he gives this testimony concerning
the centurion, that he has not found so great faith in Israel. And
enough other such examples.
Finally, I beg you to make the best allowance for my simple writing,
for it is rustic work. If I had received better talents from God, I
should indeed desire to do better; but now I thank him for what he
does give me. Farewell.
Below there was written: I, Jan Gerritts Ketelaer van Tessel, confess
but one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one Spirit, and one Father of
all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all. I come quickly:
hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Yea, the
Lord Jesus comes. Ephesians 4:4–5; Rev. 3:11.


After all affectionate greeting, dear brethren and sisters in the Lord,
here is what you requested of me. I have complied with your wish,
according to my feeble ability, as much as in me is; for which I most
heartily thank God the Father and his beloved Son Jesus Christ, that
he does not forsake his own, but always helps them to gain the
victory; for his gracious eyes are ever upon his own, and his ears are
constantly open to their prayers. Ps. 34:15. For it is written: When
thou passest through water and fire, I will be with thee. Is. 43:2.
Hence I give him alone praise and honor for his great succor and
working, which he has shown in me poor sinner, in my tribulation,
suffering and pain, yea, thus, my dear brethren, that the dogs, lions,
and bears have not been able to harm me, however much they bark,
roar and growl; for the Lord was my protector; even as I put my
hope of faith in him, that through his great grace he will also
preserve me unto the end; for if God is with us, who can harm us,
and if the Lord keeps the house (as David says), who can injure it.
My friends, I wish I could describe to you the state of my heart and
mind when I was suspended, and severely beaten for the testimony
of our Lord Jesus Christ; for his word, and his bitter suffering which
he endured for us poor sinners, was thus present with me that I
thought of nothing else. Behold, my brethren and sisters, how the
Lord can keep and protect his own that trust in him, even as the
apple of his eye. I would further inform you, my dear brethren and
sisters, that they first plied me with questions, namely, what my
name was, where I was born, how old I was, and how long I had
lived in Tessel. In the second place: When I received baptism? Ans.
“Five years ago.” Ques. “Where did it take place?” Ans. “I do not
wish to tell you.” Then they rejoined: “You will be made to tell,” and
pointed to the executioner, saying, further: “If you are asked
concerning the truth, you certainly ought to tell it.” Ans. “All that
concerns the faith, I am willing to tell you; but God has not
commanded me to tell this.” In the third place they asked me:
Whether my wife was also of this persuasion? Ans. “No, I regret to
say.” In the fourth place: Who had administered it? Ans. “I do not
wish to tell you.” Ques. “Was it N.?” Ans. “God has not commanded
me to tell it; and even if I should tell you, he does not reside in the
King’s dominions.” Ques. “Christ, when he was placed before the
authorities, answered when he was interrogated; why then will you
not do the same?” Ans. “When he was asked questions that
concerned the honor of his Father, and his own divinity, he
answered; otherwise, he was silent. Anything that you may ask me
concerning his law, word, commandments or prohibitions, I am
willing to confess before emperors, kings, dukes, counts, princes,
and other lords, and not to keep silent concerning it.” He forthwith
briefly said to the executioner: “Seize him.” In short, when they laid
hold of me, I fell down prostrate and besought the Lord for his
assistance. He immediately said to the rackers: “Lift him up.” Thus,
they fell upon me, and dealt with me as the Lord our Master was
dealt with, when he was divested of his garments. They tied my
hands behind my back unmercifully, blindfolded me, drew me up,
and then beat me, belaboring me as though I had been a tree, so
that the rods cracked like hemp stalks. They said: “Speak; if you
have a dumb devil in you, we will soon drive him out.” But the Lord,
blessed be his holy name, closed my mouth, so that not a single
exclamation of pain, nor any other sound, escaped my lips; for the
suffering of our Lord, as already said, and his testimony, so filled my
heart, that it is impossible to express it. In short, when they saw
that faintness seized all my members, they said: “Let him down;
perhaps the dumb devil will speak sooner then”. When they let me
down, I fell with my head against the boards; they therefore took
me and set me upon a bench, where I would have fainted again,
had they not held me. They stood there like lions and bears,
demanding that I should answer their questions; but the Lord was
my help and strength, praise and glory be to him for his grace, so
that nothing escaped my lips.
Then the president said: “Have you no stout rods to drive out this
dumb devil?” He replied: “No; but I have rope.” They would have
blindfolded me again, but he said: “Let him see it.” When he struck,
I thought: O Lord, thou seest it, and closed my eyes. Yea, my
friends, if they had continued to beat as long as there was breath, I
think they would have got nothing out of me; so was the strength of
the Most High with me. When they saw that it was of no avail, they
fetched the hundred pound weight, and hung it to my feet. Then
went my heart to the Lord: Keep, keep, my treasure. In short, all
their endeavors proved fruitless. Then they asked whether I
understood Latin. I replied: “Yes, as much as it is.” Ques. “Do you
understand French?” Ans. “No.” Ques. “Where did you go to school?”
Ans. “At Delft.” Ques. “When?” Ans. “At the time when Delft was
burned.” They also asked me whether I had read the books of
Menno or Dietrich Phillips? “Yes,” I said; for Boshuysen had taken my
doctrinal books, namely, the New Creature, by Menno, and the
Spiritual Restitution, by D. P. They asked me how I had come by it.
My lips were sealed. Then the order was: “Fetch water! candles! the
dumb devil must come out.” But the Lord was my preserver, for
which I cannot thank him enough. Sir. 43:30. Finally, the order was
given: Loose him; he must cool off a little; we shall give it to him
better yet. As they were leaving I told them to take heed what they
were doing; the day of the Lord should also come upon them; thus
they left me. My dear brethren and sisters, herewith I bid you my
last adieu, with the peace of Christ. I would have written more, but
time does not permit me. If it pleases the Lord, I want to stand at
the stake with him. The Lord be with you all. Amen.


After manifold persecution and fearful tyranny against the flock of

Christ, there was also apprehended, in the year 1565, at
Oudenaerde, in Flanders, a faithful brother named Adriaen den
Burry, who, after undergoing and enduring manifold temptations,
and severe conflicts against the devil and his tools, was burnt at said
place, in the year 1565, and testified to and confirmed the upright
and genuine faith of the truth with his death and blood, to the true
conviction of all bloodthirsty tyrants and persecutors, and all carnal
men, who seek to walk the broad way to eternal damnation,
according to the lusts of their flesh, and to the consolation and
strengthening of all true believers, that they might follow this friend
of God in true obedience, even as he followed Christ, wherefore his
name is written in the book of life, and worthy to be recorded in this
book, for long remembrance.


In the year 1565, at Ghent in Flanders, brother Willem de Duyck,

after much tribulation and unwavering steadfastness, being not
willing to apostatize in any wise, also had to bear witness with his
blood to the name of Christ, and suffer temporal death for it;
wherefore he shall also, at the resurrection, with all the children of
God, hear the blessed words: “Come, ye blessed of my Father,
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
world.” Matt. 25:34. Then shall he as one of the righteous enter into
life eternal.

CONRAD KOCH, A. D. 1565.

This Conrad Koch was kindled with the light of the knowledge of
God, when this light, in these latter days, began to rise again, along
the river Rhine as well as in the country of Berg, and the truth of the
holy Gospel commenced to shine. Hence he sought, by the divine
help, to leave the darkness, and to walk in this brightly shining light;
he forsook popery and the worldly and ungodly life, and betook
himself to the church of the Lord, heard and laid to heart the word
of the Lord, believed the Gospel, and was baptized, according to the
command of Christ, upon faith in Christ Jesus, and confession of his
sins, and accordingly, conducted himself in a brotherly and Christian
manner in the church, and, in weakness, showed himself edifying
and honorable toward all men. But as he that walks in darkness
cannot bear or endure the light, and the envy of the adversary
works in his followers, this man was envied by the papists, and
accused to the intendant of the revenue; who was judge and ruler of
the country in the name of the prince of Juelich. Thereupon the
intendant sent his servants to Houf, where Conrad lived, and they
apprehended him; he was ready, and as a lamb, willingly went with
them to Loewenburg, one of the seven castles which, on account of
their high situation, can be seen from a great distance. There they
brought Conrad into the tower, and placed him in severe
confinement, in which he remained nearly half a year; however, he
was greatly comforted by the Lord, though he had to suffer much
The intendant ofttimes browbeat him and threatened him most
severely, that his life should be taken if he should refuse to renounce
his faith. They tried him very hard with entreaties and solicitations,
then with hunger, and also with threats to put him to death; but he
remained immovable. His heart was of good cheer.
Now when he had boldly confessed his faith, and no tortures could
intimidate him, and the time drew near that he was to die for the
truth and depart from this world, the door of his prison was opened,
and he went of his own accord, free and unfettered, from the tower
of Loewenburg to the village of Houf. His guide was Barabbas, that
is a malefactor who went with him. His departure took place in great
secrecy; and thus he came to Houf, which is some distance from
Loewenburg. But even as Christ was crucified, and Barabbas
released, so it was also here. Conrad was taken to the town-hall of
Houf, where it was proposed to him, that if he should renounce his
faith, his young life should be spared, and his liberty be given him.
Manifold wiles were employed against him with great deceitfulness.
The sophists sang things sweet and sour, saying: “Go to church at
least once a year and if they do not preach the pure and clear truth,
stay away from it thenceforth.” One of these hypocrites said to
Conrad: “My dear Conrad, though we be false, subtle and evil, it
cannot harm your soul; do you only fear God and keep peace with
all men; what is it to you if our faith is little.” Conrad replied to the
magistrates: “O you ministers of God, you must know that God
wants no hypocrites. This was seen exemplified in old Eleazar, who
would rather surrender his life than dissemble. 2 Macc. 6:24.
Therefore I also hope to die before I go into your congregation.”
Conrad further said: “Christ is the head of the church; he that would
please him must show himself a member of his body; now, one must
not sever himself from Christ the captain. With this head I want to
remain, though it cost my flesh and blood.” They asked Conrad what
he thought of infant baptism. He said: “Of this I can only think that
it is also one of the Pope’s greatest abominations; however if you
can prove it by the word of God, I will suffer myself to be instructed
by the church of the Lord.” “O God,” said Conrad, “to thee I bring my
complaint; O God, what calamity this, that they put to death those
who speak the truth! They can certainly not allege that I have
committed anything criminal, and yet they malignantly seek to kill
me. O Lord, forgive them.” The mandate of the prince of Juelich was
then read to him, whereupon the judges passed sentence, upon
which the intendant broke the staff. The sentence was, that Conrad
should suffer death, if he did not recant. And when he had been
thus sentenced twice, they took him out [to the place of execution].
When he arrived there, he began to sing: “O God, how gently thou
dost chasten me. Reach me thy gracious hand, that my flesh may
now shun all sin, vice and shame, that I may rend the old garment,
and have eternal joy with thee. Christ, I praise thee, O my supreme
God, that I have lived to see this day and hour, that I may now
testify to thy name with my blood. My dear brethren and sisters, I
commend you all to the Lord. Keep the Gospel of Christ firmly fixed
in your hearts; this I leave you for an admonition: fear God, and be
valiant; be my followers, even as I am willing to follow Christ the
Lord, and to deliver up my life.” And thus they put this pious man to
death with the sword secretly, so that many did not hear of it. When
thieves and murderers are condemned there it is customary to let
the whole land know it; but the pious are murdered in secrecy,
which is a shame for the judges. Thus Conrad was beheaded with
the sword standing and proved himself a faithful witness of the
sufferings of Christ, at Houf, in the land of Berg, which belongs to
the prince of Juelich and Cleves.
In the year 1565, under the same intendant, who was a very
bloodthirsty man, also seven other persons, four brethren and three
sisters, had been previously apprehended. These four brethren were
also sentenced that they should be put to death, if they refused to
renounce their faith. But the Lord protected them, and delivered
them all out of prison unharmed in their faith, for this bloodthirsty
tyrant was smitten by God with sudden death, so that the prisoners
were liberated from prison, keeping their faith, and adhering to the


First Letter.
Grace, peace and mercy from God the Father and the Lord Jesus
Christ, is what I, Conrad Koch, a prisoner in the Lord, in
Loewenburg, wish my dear brethren and sisters in the Lord. Amen.
I herewith inform you, that I had a call from the executioner, and
they tried me hard with words, but did not torture me. The Lord
kept me, so that I did not consent to them. Then they said that they
would go to dinner, and then return and torture me. But before meal
time was over yet, the intendant returned to me and told me much
about the prince’s preacher, that I should let him come and see me
once more, since he knew the errors which we held. I replied: “I do
not want him; the word of the Lord has taught me. Did I not tell
you, that I want no preacher?” He said: “It is true; but still I wish
you would do my will so much as to say that you want him to come
to you. Though you do not agree then, all right; it does not matter,
so we only get rid of the man.” I replied: “I do not want to lay the
cross of Christ aside.” Then he said: “Then I cannot alter it,” and left
Thus, my dear brethren and sisters in the Lord, did the Lord
preserve me from them. Pray the Lord faithfully for me, to keep me
in his faithful word unto the end of my life, that I may adhere to it;
for I am still of good hope, and willing with all patience to await, by
the help of the Lord, all that he shall suffer to befall and come upon
me for his name’s sake. May he not suffer more to be laid upon me,
than I am able to bear, that his name may not be blasphemed
through me. Hence help me entreat the Lord; I expect also not to
forget to remember all my dear brethren and sisters, nor all those
that fear the Lord. May the Lord come to our assistance, that we
may pray according to his will, so that we may be heard with all the
pious; to this end, may the Lord help us by his grace. Amen.
I have also been informed that our fellow-members at Cologne have
been released from prison; the Lord be praised for his great love
which he manifests toward us in these latter days, preserving us so
safely from the deceitful serpents, who come to us so subtly with fair
words, which are nothing but mere hypocrisy employed by them to
seduce us from the covenant of the Lord. From this, may the Lord
preserve all those who have accepted his covenant. Amen. Herewith
I commend you to the Lord.


Grace, peace, and a heart steadfastly fixed upon the Lord, is what I
wish you, A. of B., my dear brother in the Lord, and I thank the Lord
for the letter you wrote me. Thanks to the Lord for it, and I also
request of you, my dear brother, that you help me to entreat the
Lord, that I may become worthy of what you wished me, and
desired of me. However, I still have a good hope, thanks to the Lord
for it. I also am still willing to suffer for his name’s sake; but may he
give me strength for it. Amen.
I also desire you, my dear brother, to wish our brother H. K. much
good in my name. May the Lord make us worthy of every good
thing; however, I cannot write you as much as I should like to see
you have. May the Lord, according to his great mercy, give us what
will tend to our salvation. Amen. And I ask you to wish all my
brethren and sisters with whom the Lord will cause you to come in
contact, much good, and to admonish them to faithfully pray the
Lord, to uphold me in his faithful word until death. I expect not to
forget to remember you, as much as shall be possible for me. May
the Lord assist us to pray in true love, so that we may be heard, and
hereafter, with all the pious, inherit his kingdom; to this end, may
the Lord help us. Amen.
I also inform you, that on Halloween two priests visited me, who
desired to take me to church; and when I did not consent to it, they
commended me to the Lord; there were also three judges here, and
did their best; but the Lord preserved me, praise and thanks to him
for it, and may he preserve you and me as long as we live. Amen. O
my dear brethren and sisters, beseech the Lord diligently for me,
that, since he suffers me, unworthy servant, to be cast into prison, it
may redound to his praise, and to my salvation; this I desire with all
my heart. May the Lord come to your and my assistance.
Herewith I commend you to the Lord, and to the word of his grace.
I, Conrad Koch, have written this letter from Loewenburg, in prison,
A. D. 1565.


As this Matthias Servaes was an elder and teacher of the church, it

happened, A. D. 1565, that one evening he had met with some
friends at a certain place in Cologne, to minister unto them with the
Gospel. But there was a Judas, to whom this was known; the same
went and fetched the double watch, who immediately came fully
armed, and entering the house in which the meeting was held from
the rear, broke up the meeting and captured the flock, with beating,
raging and fury; but those assembled went with them like sheep, to
the Beyen tower. There all their names were taken down, and they
were brought into other, separate places. They were asked with
great importunity, who their teacher was; in response to which
question, Matthias Servaes himself confessed that he was the man.
They sought to draw him from Christ and his holy word, attempting
it in various ways, with deception and subtilty, with entreaties and
threats; and as he repelled all these wiles, he was severely tortured;
however, he was not terrified by any torture or pain, but firmly kept
in his heart that which God had revealed to him. Afterwards, in the
morning, he was taken to prison, where also many a snare was laid
to catch his soul. From prison he was brought bound before the
penal court, where the imperial mandates were read to him, and he
was delivered into the power of the executioner, to be put to death
by the latter, according to the mandate.
Matthias was ready, and suffered himself to be led like an innocent
lamb to the slaughter. He lifted up his eyes toward heaven, folding
his hands, and said: “O my Father, I praise thy name, that I am
counted worthy of this.”
Much people flocked together, to see this; some of them felt
sympathy for him, and said: It is a pity indeed, that this fine man
has to die for such a deed.
On the way a young woman happened along, who wanted to speak
to him; but they apprehended her, and thrust her from him. Also a
lad wanted to greet him, whom they seized likewise, but the count
commanded them to let him go. Before he arrived at the place of
execution, he looked around him and said: “I have many people
present on my day. It were a pity indeed, if all these should perish.”
And when he was now about to die, he said aloud: “O God, thou
dost know full well, for what I have striven and what I have sought
in my life, from the beginning, day and night.” And to the count he
said: “You well know, sir count, how you have treated me; but I
have forgiven you all; it is all out of my heart.” And thus terminated
the life of this pious man, he being executed with the sword. Now,
as to what was his confession before and afterwards, what he met
with in prison, and how he admonished, comforted and
strengthened his brethren, all this may be found in the following
letters written by him.


The saving grace of God and the peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, be multiplied to all believers, through the ministration and
unction of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Further, my most beloved brethren in the Lord, I inform you that I
am still very well, both according to the flesh and the spirit, in body
and in soul, outwardly and inwardly. For I esteem it all very good
whether it be joy or sorrow, yea, life or death; for I live not to
myself, nor do I die to myself; for whether I live, I live unto the
Lord, and whether I die, I die unto the Lord; for I am in his hand,
and I am sure that no man shall pluck me out of it; yea, I now look
upon death as gain; I have a desire to depart, and to be with Christ,
my Lord; for whatever I meet with, all tends to my comfort. Romans
14:7,8; 2 Cor. 5:15; John 10:28; Philip. 1:21,23. I am now confined
here for the promotion of the Gospel, and my bonds become
manifest only to the praise of the Lord, I trust, and not to mine own,
and to the consolation of all the pious that are under like
chastisement, and to the strengthening of their purpose. Hence I
rejoice in my sufferings, that I am counted worthy by the Lord to
suffer reproach for his name (of which I nevertheless count myself
unworthy), to fill up that which is behind of his afflictions, and
entailed on his members. Colossians 1:24. And as the sufferings of
Christ abound in us, so I find my consolation abounding much more
by Christ, who abundantly comforts me in all my sufferings, and by
his help I shall succeed, and also all those who recognize him as the
supreme good, and are thereby induced to love him above all, so
that they gladly hate and depart from everything for his sake, that
they may be loved only by the Lover. That we may do all this from
filial love, this I wish you and me, and all those who sincerely desire
it, through Jesus Christ, firmly and unwaveringly unto the end.
Further, my L. B. H., and all that are appointed to watch over the
souls of men, exercise your office with diligence, that you may not
be found slothful, drowsy or negligent in it; but that you may be
faithful watchmen, who truly and honestly lead out and feed the
flock of Christ, and this with all humility and meekness; yea, as a
father over his children who severely reproves the wrong-doing of
his children; and though he cannot bring them to the point where he
would like to have them, yet his fatherly nature will not allow him to
forget them, so that he should not regard them as his children; and
though his heart is often grieved by their disobedience and folly, he
does not cease to chasten and instruct them, hoping that they will
yet become obedient; and though it causes him much sadness and
sorrow, he does not regard it, nor ceases to admonish, chasten and
correct them. Thus do also you; give attendance to reading, to
exhortation, to reproof, and this with all discretion, in the fear of the
Lord, not too severely, lest they become embittered; neither too
leniently, lest they wax slothful and negligent. 1 Tim. 4:13; Col.
3:21. Hence apply to them oil and wine, as did the true Samaritan to
the wounded man. I think you understand what I mean. Be
therefore not slothful or careless with the gift that has been
bestowed upon you; be faithful to him that has esteemed you
faithful, and accepted you as his ministers, and stewards of his
mysteries. But it is required in stewards, that a man be found
faithful. Hence be diligent laborers of the Lord in his vineyard, and
faithful builders in his house. And put the pound which you have
received from the Lord diligently out upon usury, and remember the
punishment of the slothful servant, who did not give his money into
the bank, but put it into a napkin and hid it in the earth.
Remember it, I say, my dear brethren, and let it be a warning to
you, even as Solomon says that the field of the slothful, and the
vineyard of the man void of understanding were a warning to him,
when he says: “I went by the field of the slothful, and by the
vineyard of the man void of understanding; and, lo, it was all grown
over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the
stone wall thereof was broken down. Then I saw, and considered it
well: I looked upon it and received instruction.” Prov. 24:30–32.
Thus also you, my dear brethren, be careful, and diligently dig
through the vineyard of the Lord, with the plow or the hoe which
breaks in pieces the hard stones, which is the word of God (Jer.
23:29); so that the nettles and thorns may not oppress, destroy or
choke the good seed that has been sown. Take also the sharp, two-
edged sword (Eph. 6:17), and cut off clean the unfruitful, evil and
dry branches, that the others may be more healthy and vigorous to
bring forth fruit. Inspect also carefully the wall of the vineyard; if it
begins to give way anywhere, prop up that part; if there are any
openings in it, go to work and close them; and if it has fallen down
in any place, build it up again speedily, that the little foxes may not
run into the Lord’s vineyard, and dig up and spoil it. Cant. 2:15. And
what more shall I say? Faithfully feed the flock of Christ, and watch
with all carefulness over the souls of men. 1 Pet. 5:2. Take heed
also, that you administer needed reproof, and act and judge without
respect of persons, and remember that judgment is God’s, and not
yours. Deut. 1:17. Weigh, therefore, every matter in the balance of
the divine word, so that when you reprove, judge, or forgive
anything, it may be truly reproved, judged or forgiven also before
the judgment of God, and thus your reproof agree with God’s
reproof, your judgment with God’s judgment, and your forgiveness
with God’s forgiveness. Take heed also, that you do not carry
avoidance too far, lest it prove a stumbling-block to you. For
avoidance is good indeed if it is not abused; however its purpose is
solely to avoid offenses (to which end it is instituted); hence we
must take heed that we do not, while seeking to avoid little offenses
by it, cause greater ones. Matt. 18:15–17; 1 Corinthians 5:11;
2 Thess. 3:14. Bestow great attention upon the first commandment
with promise, namely: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord.”
Eph. 6:1. This is an express word; hence be careful herein. Show a
friendly face to all apostates, and admonish them with all kindness
to that which they have surrendered and forsaken, and from which
they have fallen; I mean such as receive admonition; for
blasphemers and mockers are to be left alone. 2 Thess. 3:15; Tit.
Dear brethren, I do not write you this as something new, but to
remind you of the old; for I should like to see carefulness exercised,
and that one Scripture should not be observed so strictly and rigidly
as thereby to violate another. For sometimes some resort to
avoidance all on a sudden, without the least discretion, and pity for
the fallen. Hence I advise carefulness. For if we are to have the mind
of our Lord Jesus; yea, are to be perfect as our Father in heaven is
perfect, then let us from the heart consider his longsuffering, and
how he has borne with us, and let us also show ourselves thus
toward our fellow-servant, that we may give offense to no one,
neither to the world, nor to the church of God. Philip. 2:3,5; Matt.
5:48; Col. 3:12; Matt. 18:29; 1 Cor. 10:32. And be also not slothful
in seeking men’s souls; wherever you have some hope, there go.
Say not: “It will be labor lost.” Put your hand to the plow first, in the
fear of the Lord, and ask him to give the blessing; but you do the
planting and watering. Pray the Lord to give the increase. And if
then your endeavors are unsuccessful, you are free. For I have often
felt accused, that we have not much more sought men’s souls, to
the praise of the Lord.
O brother, beware of contentious tongues. Where-ever you go, there
make peace, if it can be done by the grace of God. O my dear
brother, how greatly I am grieved on account of what was done in
the upper country. Not, that you should think that I am doubtful; O
no, my brother; for I am still of the same mind as indicated in the
letter which I wrote to them; but I am fearful simply of the discord,
by which many who would like to see it remedied, and are innocent,
might perish. I do not know what account can be given for this
before God. O that those who are found guilty in this matter might
fall down with weeping before God, and repent of their sins! Thus I
am also concerned about the lower country, and should like to see
them helped, and put under good order, for I find them still wanting
in many things; yet I sincerely love them, but I should like to see
them yet put off much of their pride, and that they would consider
what kind of people they ought to be, and to what they are called,
so as to govern themselves accordingly, and that the elders do not
stay at home when meeting is held. I do not say that it can be
remedied right away. Do you also heartly receive it. O my dear
brethren, be little and low in your own eyes, and be not self-
complacent, so as to think: I have done this, and the like. It is
nothing; the Lord, and he alone, does all things, and this by man.
Hence, give him alone the praise. And let no one esteem himself
better than others; yea, let each esteem other better than
themselves. And let all submit one to another, and in lowliness of
mind let each serve the other. Philip. 2:3; Eph. 5:21. And I desire of
all brethren and sisters, that they beware of all those who leave the
church. And if you can tell L. to advise with himself in the time of
Grace; for how shall he be able to give an account in the day of
judgment? For his own conscience, if he properly considers the
matter, will accuse him. O L., O L., come back; for you are not in the
best way. O my brethren, how much I had to suffer on account of
the many factions! Hence beware of divisions. Seek peace, if you
can, and ensue it. 1 Peter 3:11.
O my dear brethren, what liars I have had before me! Cassander, a
man little and feeble of body, who led astray Joachim Suycherbacker,
visited me, and laid many little snares, to take captive my mind. He
read to me a book printed in Latin, which stated that infant baptism
was considered a clear commandment and a unanimous practice
throughout the whole world, no one gainsaying it, and he declared,
though not with power of divine Scripture, that they had received it
from the apostles; and when I denied this with the New Testament,
they asked me, how, if I denied and did not believe this, I could
believe that the New Testament was true; for, said he, we had the
latter from them, who recognized infant baptism as right; and that
there had been many other writings that were also called apostolical,
but were nevertheless not acknowledged as authentic, but rejected
by them; but that they testified that all teachers confessed that this
(namely, the New Testament,) was the true apostolical doctrine, as
also their baptism. They wanted to know, how, if we meant to reject
one, we would maintain the other; for, said they, you must believe it
from them, else you could not know it. Thus, also with baptism; and
he further said that if we were right, it would follow from it, that
there was no church for 1,500 years.
Of this nearly all treated who conversed with me: for many and
various persons visited me. There was there one who, as they said,
had just come from Egypt; him they also brought to me, and he
claimed that in Egypt they had received infant baptism from the
eunuch who was baptized by Philip, and that he knew of no other
baptism; but that if an adult person that had not been baptized
desired baptism, the faith should first be presented to such an one.
This, they said, had always been the sole practice there, and that if
any one opposed it, they said to him: “We have this practice from
the apostles.” But I denied it all with the New Testament, and said,
that whatever agreed with the same, I would gladly accept, and
believe by the help of God; and nothing else. Then I had to hear
again, that the New Testament had been handed down to us by the
teachers; otherwise, if we did not have it from them, we could not
tell whether it were true or false. This they said many times. I
replied to them: It did not avail the King of Assyria anything, that
God used him for the conversion of his people, since he did not
become converted himself. Isaiah 10:5. Thus also it did not help
Pharaoh, in his wickedness, that the power of God was made known
and manifest to him. Thus, also, Caiaphas was not benefitted by his
prophecy concerning Christ (though the same was true), because he
himself was not obedient to the doctrine of Christ. With this I gave
God alone the praise, saying that we had his word from him.
Thereupon they began to seek to move me by many entreaties and
solicitations; but when they could accomplish nothing thereby, they
commenced to threaten me severely; and when they perceived that
all this was of no avail, but only labor lost, they tortured me and our
brother Herman, which happened on the 17th of July. But thanks be
to the good God—who does not forsake his own, but, in time of
suffering and affliction, comforts them at the right time—he kept our
lips, so that they did not obtain one word (according to their will)
from us, concerning what they asked us. Herman, however, was
soon released. The chief reason why we were tortured, was, that we
should tell how many teachers there were, what their names were,
where they lived, where in the city I had taught, how many I had
baptized, where the ministry was imposed upon me, and what
teachers were present upon that occasion; and that I should
acknowledge the magistrates as Christians, and infant baptism as
right. Then I pressed my lips together, committed it to God, and
suffered patiently, remembering the words of the Lord, where he
says: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his
life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I
command you.” John 15:13,14. I also remembered that John says
that we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 1 John 3:16. It
seems as though I must suffer much yet; however, the Lord alone
holds it in his hand; nor can I pray otherwise than that the will of
the Lord be done.
O my brethren, knowledge or talk is of no account here, but a living
faith which is adorned with the power of love, patience, hope, and
with obedience, and that through the power of faith one can say
with the three men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego: O
Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If
it be so, our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us from the
burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O
king. But if not, be it known unto thee, (O antichrist) that we will not
serve thy god, nor worship the image, or the two golden calves
which thou hast set up. Dan. 3:16–18. And that, if they should
attempt to instruct one with high-sounding words of human wisdom,
yea, with soft words and entreaties (Col. 2:4,8), we could say
through the power of faith: “Begone, I want none of your advice;”
and should then keep his lips sealed. But if one enters into more
discussion with them than necessity requires, he will not escape
unharmed. Hence I wish that all prisoners were instructed in this
Few days pass that we do not talk together; yet, I observed as much
brevity as possible in confessing and speaking, though frequently
three or four hours were spent in this manner. O warn all prisoners,
whenever you can, that they refuse everything; and remember us
day and night, by praying to God. Thus we are also minded toward
you, and I desire that you greet all believers much with the kiss of
love, in our name.
O, how all believers lie at my heart, so that I very seldom forget
them; yea, I remember them with earnest prayers and requests (as
much as is possible to me through the grace of God) before the
Lord. I cannot write you much, for writing is more precious than
gold with me. Do not write us; as to the reason why, ponder it
yourselves. The God of Israel keep you and us. Amen.
Matthias Servaes, your brother and prisoner of the Lord for the
truth’s sake. As regards the children the bringing up of whom
devolves upon the church, I adhere to the opinion you have heard of
me. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen.



The saving grace of God be with us all. Amen. I desire that as soon
as possible a Dutch Testament be procured for my wife (who then
was not imprisoned), for she cannot read the German print.
Further, my dear brother, I inform you that I am alone now, but the
Lord is with me. It seems evident to me, that I shall have little
opportunity of seeing our brethren that are also imprisoned, and it is
quite probable that for the first my condition shall not be the best.
Hence I know not how to thank God enough, and though I should
like to be with my brethren, yet I prefer it much more as it is; for
since it pleases God thus, I also deem it the best and most
conducive to my salvation. And though it grieves me not a little, yet
I do not count it pain, because the Lord has so ordered it with me.
The following Thursday, the same morning that they brought me, at
a very early hour, from the Franken tower, to our prison, our
brethren were also to be tortured, for the tapers and candlesticks
stood near the rack, and everything was ready; but when they
brought me there, they began to talk with me, and to question me;
and before they had done questioning me, and I had confessed my
faith and office before many of them, and, in turn, had also put
many questions to them, to which I was impelled by certain reasons,
half the day had slipped by, and after long and much talking, when
they could not answer me any further (for which I gave the praise to
God alone, and not to me), one of them (he who had chiefly done
the questioning and talking) said to me that baptism was our
greatest error. Thereupon I replied: “If that is our greatest error, and
you therefore apprehend and rack us, why do you not first place the
abominable errors and ungodly life of the priests by the side of ours,
and then judge one against the other, without respect of persons, as
before the eyes and the judgment of God; and, whichever error then
be found the greater, visit summary punishment upon it (if you have
any for it).” But he did not deign me a reply.
When I perceived this, I said: “We are nevertheless also human
beings, and you no more; nor can I, from fear of God, esteem you
more than men. Hence, consider the matter well, and do not deal so
cruelly and tyrannically with us; for the Lord will visit and punish all
violence, and he is the Judge over all this. Amos 5:12. Remember
also, that in due time you will have to let us stand by the side of
you, when the Lord will judge you and us together; for, as the
Scripture says, we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ;
and there every one shall receive in his body, according to that he
hath done, whether it be good or bad. Rom. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:16. Yes,
then your judgment will appear again, and be sifted there by the
Lord. And I desire of you, my dear sir, that you do not take this as
an insolent answer or threat, but accept it as a warning; for as such
I say it to you, because I wish you eternal rest, as well as I wish it to
my own soul. Therefore lay it well to heart, and take good heed how
you deal with us.” Here it rested, and thus our brethren were for this
time exempted from torture, and I put in their stead. They led me to
the rack (where I still lie) and wanted to torture me simply because I
would not tell where I had been with Henry last, and how many
teachers there were, and where they lived. When they had asked me
this many times, I wanted to know of them the reason, why they
were so anxious to know it; whereupon the count replied to me: “If
we were to tell you this, you would probably answer that you did not
want to betray any one.” Then I said; “You answer yourself;” after
which I spoke several times with him yet. As they persisted in
demanding to know this, and the sole object was treachery, I
determined to give the matter into their hands before proceeding to
confess; hence I told them to retire into their own hearts and
confess the truth, as before God in Heaven, and then to say whether
they would or dared advise me this. In this manner I asked them
several times, but received no answer; and thus they desisted and
turned away from me, and said among themselves: “The matter
were well enough, if it would not finally give rise to an insurrection.”
I commend you all to God. I have not the time, for the present, to
write you more. Remember us always before the Lord. Amen.
Matthias Servaes, of Kottenem.


Peace and joy in the heart, through the operation of the Holy Ghost,
be multiplied unto you, and unto all believers that are in Christ
Jesus. Amen. Yea, also unto those who are willing to recognize God
as the supreme good, and desire, solely from love, as an obedient
child his father, to serve and follow him with a true and firm
confidence, through faith in Jesus Christ, steadfastly and immovably
unto the end. Amen.
Dear brethren, we have received the breakfast you sent us, thanks
to God for it. I send you in return a little out of my poverty; receive
it also with thanks, and communicate it to our other fellow
members, wherever it is profitable for edification and improvement,
wherever it is needful, wherever it is edifying for the hearers.
Whenever you compose, write or speak anything, do all to the praise
of the Lord, and compose it for a hymn of thanksgiving, through
Christ, to the God of heaven, that he has given his people such a
faith, which is not dead, but works by love, so that they have
forsaken and hated everything, and out of love (such as a child owes
to his father), adhered faithfully to their God even unto death. But
leave out the Count and everything else, as much as possible; for he
says that he has been vilified in the hymn of Thomas the Printer
which was certainly not the intention, though it is taken thus. He
says that though he meant it well, he was reprehended for it by
many. Therefore, my brother, whatever you do in word and in deed,
do all to the praise of the Lord, and give thanks to God the Father
through him.
Furthermore, my dear brother, I inform you, that Henry Altruyscher,
who resides in the Egelstein, and generally retails red wine there,
has been here to see me. He entered into conversation with me, and
wanted to know whence I had my office or ministry. But I recognized
him, and wanted him to tell me his name. He said he did not know
that. But I asked further, and said: “Do not people call you Henry?”
He said several times that he did not know. Then I told him to go
away and repent, since I did not want to talk with him. The Count
was displeased, and incensed at me, and determined to persuade
me to engage in conversation with Altruyscher; but I said: “No; I will
not do it.”
I wanted to inform you of this very briefly, my dear brother; for I
have not time to write much; besides, I am closely watched. And I
desire that you walk steadfastly in the fear of God, with all humility,
meekness, kindness, and goodness. And do not please yourself; but
much rather endeavor to please your neighbor for his good to
edification; and tell this also to the others. Herewith I commend you
to the grace of God. Remember us in your prayers before the Lord,
as also we, through the grace of God, are purposed to do for you
and all men, as much as the word of the Lord teaches us. But the
God of peace and of all grace, who has called us unto his eternal
glory by Christ Jesus, make us perfect in every good work, to do his
eternal, immovable will, and cause that our works may be pleasing
in his sight, through Jesus Christ. Yea, may the same also confirm,
strengthen, stablish, and prepare us who are ready here to suffer,
through him, reproach for his name’s sake, if this is to be. To him be
honor and might forever. Amen. Otherwise, we are still well in body
and soul. We are in good hopes that we shall help fulfill the number
of those that lie under the altar, and shall rest with them, and wait
for the glorious reward of all the pious. Greet the brotherhood in
Christ Jesus, in my name. The grace of God be with us all. Amen.
Matthias Servaes, of Kottenem.


The grace of God that bringeth salvation, and the peace of Jesus
Christ, be multiplied unto all believers that are scattered here and
there, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, sanctified
and justified through faith in Jesus Christ his dear Son, and washed
in his own blood from all our sins, in order that we should
henceforth be holy and without blame before him in love, to his
praise and honor, now and forever. Amen.

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