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Software for Walter Graf's grinding book "The Philosopher's Grindstone," a practical
guide to general precision grinding

Software, in Excel format, is

available in one package for
most chapters of the grinding
book, which implements the
concepts of parameter
determination mathematically.

The user is relieved of

calculation work, can determine
the grinding parameters most
simply, and always work with the
same methodology.

Dressing Worksheets:
Three worksheets are contained in the package offering:

1. Dressing with stationery tools

2. Dressing with form rolls
3. Dressing with profile rolls

Here are examples for calculating the dressing parameters:

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Dressing with stationary dressing tools

Figure 1: Excel program for calculating the dressing parameters with stationary dressers

Example for dressing with form dressing rolls:

➢ The most important inputs are the speed ratio qd, the wheel's peripheral speed vc, the
dressing disk's diameter and radius, and the grinding methods, such as finishing or
rough grinding.

➢ Based on the input parameters, the program calculates the dressing feed rate vd and
the dressing roll speed.

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Dressing with form dressing rolls

Figure 2: Excel program for calculating the dressing parameters with form rollers

Example of dressing with diamond profile rolls

Figure 3: Excel program for calculating dressing parameters

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Cylindrical OD Grinding

Three OD and two ID programs are contained in OptimaLight

1. OD cylindrical traverse grinding

2. OD cylindrical plunge grinding
3. OD cylindrical angle plunge grinding
4. ID cylindrical traverse grinding
5. ID cylindrical plunge grinding

➢ The special feature of the cylindrical grinding program is the ability to differentiate
between various abrasives, such as aluminum oxide, micro-crystalline ceramics, and
vitrified CBN.

➢ In addition, for OD grinding, the "stability diameter" allows the parameters to be

modified depending on the rigidity of the workpiece. For ID grinding, the shaft
materials can be differentiated. For ID traverse grinding the shaft length is considered
for the design of the grinding parameters.

➢ The program suggests the possible related metal removal rate Q'w (Q-Prime), and the
user can accept the suggestion or adapt it according to his assessment. The program
then calculates the plunge feeds and grinding times.

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Input mask of OD plunge grinding

Figure 4: Input screen for OD plunge grinding

Figure 5: Input screen for external cylindrical plunge-cut grinding

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Output screen (continued)

Figure 6: Output screen for external cylindrical plunge-cut grinding

Internal cylindrical grinding

Example of ID plunge grinding:

➢ The special feature of internal grinding is that the user can select the system's rigidity
and the stiffness of the grinding spindle. Furthermore, the user can select the shank
material (hardened steel, Densimet, tungsten carbide), the abrasive type (vitrified
CBN, Ceramics such as Cubitron or Quantum, and standard aluminum oxides), and
the grit size.

➢ The aspect ratio – wheel diameter to shaft length – is considered for ID traverse and
plunge grinding. Up to a ratio of 1:7, the program responds by modifying the potential
material removal rate.

➢ All these elements affect the possible metal removal rate Q'w (material removal rate or

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Figure 7: Input screen of ID traverse grinding

Figure 8: Input screen for internal cylindrical plunge-cut grinding

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Output mask:

Figure 9: Output screen for internal cylindrical plunge-cut grinding

The program for ID plunge grinding is based on the same concept and design. For this
reason, there are no images here for ID plunge grinding.

Programs for surface grinding

Three surface programs are contained in the Excel file:

1. Surface reciprocal grinding

2. Surface grinding with rotary tables
3. Creepfeed grinding

Additionally, there is a worksheet for calculating the process aggressivity factor Fa, a
concept developed by Dr. Jeffrey Badger.

➢ The surface grinding programs calculate the grinding parameters and the grinding

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Example of Creepfeed Grinding

Output mask:

Figure 11: Input and output for creepfeed grinding

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


Figure 12: Input screen surface grinding with rotary table

Calculating a grinding wheel's aggressiveness

The aggressiveness factor Fa is a concept developed by Dr. Jeffrey Badger. It allows us to

establish a grinding wheel's cutting ability. It helps compare different grinding wheel
specifications. The grinding book dedicates a full chapter to this concept.

The following topics can be covered with Excel software on special request:

▪ Peel grinding
▪ Centerless plunge and traverse grinding
▪ CD-creepfeed grinding

➢ This valuable tool shows you a systematic way to systematically approach and
complete a grinding task.

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone


➢ Time and costs for parameter selection can be significantly reduced.

Costs: €/US$ 350 for the Software

€/US$ 390 for the Software and the book

For further questions, please get in touch with me at [email protected]

Walter Graf, November 2024, The Philosopher’s Grindstone

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