Extrusion (1)

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Experiment No: 6

Name of the Experiment: To study and analyze the Extrusion Process.

Theory: Extrusion is a bulk forming process in which the work metal is forced or
compressed to flow through a die hole to produce a desired cross-sectional shape.
Example: squeezing toothpaste from a toothpaste tube.

Types of extrusion: Direct or forward extrusion, Indirect or backward extrusion

Direct extrusion: A metal billet is first loaded into a container having die holes. A
ram compresses the material, forcing it to flow through the die holes. - Some extra
portion of the billet will be present at the end of the process that cannot be
extruded and is called butt. It is separated from the product by cutting it just
beyond the exit of the die.

In direct extrusion, a significant amount of friction exists between the billet surface
and the container walls, as the billet is forced to slide toward the die opening.
Because of the presence of friction, a substantial increase in the ram force is
In hot direct extrusion, the friction problem is increased by the presence of oxide
layer on the surface of the billet. This oxide layer can cause defects in the extruded
In order to address these problems, a dummy block is used between the ram and
the work billet. The diameter of the dummy block is kept slightly smaller than the
billet diameter, so that a thin layer of billet containing the oxide layer is left in the
container, leaving the final product free of oxides.
Hollow sections like tubes can be made using direct extrusion setup shown in
above figure. The starting billet is prepared with a hole parallel to its axis. As the
billet is compressed, the material will flow through the gap between the mandrel
and the die opening.

Indirect extrusion: In this type, the die is mounted to the ram and not on the
container. As the ram compresses the metal, it flows through the die hole on the
ram side which is in opposite direction to the movement of ram.
Since there is no relative motion between the billet and the container, there is no
friction at the interface, and hence the ram force is lower than in direct extrusion. -
Limitations: lower rigidity of the hollow ram, difficulty in supporting the extruded
product at the exit.

Simple analysis of extrusion

Assuming the initial billet and extrude are in round cross-section. An important
parameter, extrusion ratio (re), is defined as below: True strain in extrusion under
ideal deformation (no friction and redundant work) is given by, Under ideal
deformation, the ram pressure required to extrude the billet through die hole is
given by, where re=Ao /Af
A0 - CSA of the initial billet
Af - CSA of the extruded section

True strain in extrusion under ideal deformation (no friction and redundant work)
is given by, = ln(re) = ln(Ao/Af)

Under ideal deformation, the ram pressure required to extrude the billet through die
hole is given by,
P=Yf ln(re) = Yf ln(Ao/Af) where Yf = K.n/1+n
Where Yf is average flow stress, and  is maximum strain value during the
extrusion process.
Note: The average flow stress is found out by integrating the flow curve equation
between zero and the final strain defining the range of forming

The actual pressure for extrusion will be greater than in ideal case, because of the
friction between billet and die and billet and container wall.

There are various equations used to evaluate the actual true strain and associated
ram pressure during extrusion. The following relation proposed by Johnson is of
great interest. x=a+bln(re) =a+b P=Yf .x
Where x is extrusion strain; a and b are empirical constants for a given die angle.
Typical values are: a = 0.8, b = 1.2 - 1.5.

In direct extrusion, assuming that friction exists at the interface, we can find the
actual extrusion pressure as follows:
billet-container friction force = additional ram force to overcome that friction
µpeπDoL = pfπDo2/4
Where pf is additional pressure required to overcome friction, pe is pressure
against the container wall

The above eqn. assume sliding friction condition. Assuming sticking friction at the
interface, we can write:
KπDoL = pfπDo2/4 Where K is shear yield strength & m = 1 Stress τ= mK
Pf = 4KL/D0
Assume K=Yf/2 Pf = Yf. 2L/D0

This is the additional pressure required to overcome friction during extrusion.

Now the actual ram pressure required for direct extrusion is given by,
P=Yf (x+2L/D0)

L is the billet length remaining to be extruded, and D0 is the initial diameter of the
billet. Here p is reduced as the remaining billet length decreases during the
extrusion process.

Ram pressure variation with stroke for direct and indirect extrusion is shown in

The shape of the initial pressure build up depends on die angle. Higher die angles
cause steeper pressure buildups.

Extrusion dies
- Two important factors in an extrusion die are: die angle, orifice shape.
- For low die angles, surface area of the die is large, resulting in increased friction
at the die-billet interface. Higher friction results in higher ram force.
- For a large die angle, more turbulence in the metal flow is caused during
reduction, increasing the ram force required.

- The effect of die angle on ram force is a U-shaped function, shown in Figure. So,
an optimum die angle exists. The optimum angle depends on various factors like
work material, billet temperature, and lubrication.

The extrusion pressure eqns. derived earlier are for a circular die orifice.

- The shape of the die orifice affects the ram pressure required to perform an
extrusion operation, as it determines the amount of squeezing of metal billet.

-The effect of the die orifice shape can be assessed by the die shape factor, defined
as the ratio of the pressure required to extrude a cross section of a given shape
relative to the extrusion pressure for a circular cross section of the same area.

kx = 0.98 + 0.02 (Cx/Cc)2.25

Where kx is the die shape factor in extrusion; Cx is the perimeter of the extruded
cross section, and Cc is the perimeter of a circle of the same area as the actual
extruded shape.

Cx/Cc varies from 1 to 6.

Die materials

For hot extrusion - tool and alloy steels. Important properties of die materials are
high wear resistance, high thermal conductivity to remove heat from the process.

For cold extrusion - tool steels and cemented carbides. Carbides are used when
high production rates, long die life, and good dimensional control are expected.

Defects during extrusion

Centerburst: - This is an internal crack that develops as a result of tensile stresses
along the center axis of the workpiece during extrusion. A large material motion at
the outer regions pulls the material along the center of the work. Beyond a critical
limit, bursting occurs. - Conditions that promote this defect are: higher die angles,
low extrusion ratios, and impurities in the work metal. This is also called as
Chevron cracking.
Piping: It is the formation of a sink hole in the end of the billet. This is minimized
by the usage of a dummy block whose diameter is slightly less than that of the

Surface cracking: This defect results from high workpiece temperatures that
cause cracks to develop at the surface. They also occur at higher extrusion speeds,
leading to high strain rates and heat generation. Higher friction at the surface and
surface chilling of high temperature billets in hot extrusion also cause this defect.

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