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Flow chart and algorithm (30)

F-H. Operating system and Graphical User Interface (20)
I-L. Spreadsheet- Functions and Charts (20)
M-R. Java programming (30)

A. Fill in the blanks: (1 Marks Each)

1. The set of sequential steps that helps in solving a problem is known as


2. The _______________ box is used to enter data and give the result of a program.

3. The box used to represent a condition is _______________.

4. The _______________ are used to join one part of flowchart with another.

5. The _______________ symbol represents the beginning or ending point of a


B. Multiple choice questions: (1 Marks Each)

1. To create a ___________ different shapes are used, which are connected with each
other with the help of the flow lines.

a. Flowchart b. Algorithm
c. None of these

2. Which box is used to display the final result?

a. Stop box b. Output box

c. Processing box

3. In a flowchart, the ____________ indicates the sequence of steps and directions

of flow.

a. Start/Stop Box b. Flow line

c. Connector

4. To perform a certain action depending upon a condition, you can use the

a. Conditional statement b. Step by step Procedure

c. None of these

C. True/False: (1 Marks Each)

1. A Start/Stop box is also known as the terminal box.

2. Algorithm consist of a set of rules that specifies how to solve the problems.

3. A processing box shows the continuation of the flowchart from on page to

4. The Decision or Condition box is represented by a diamond shape.

D. Answer the following questions: (3 Marks Each)

1. What is an algorithm? Write any two characteristics of an algorithm.

2. Describe the use of flow lines in flowcharts.

3. Write any three characteristics of a flowchart.

4. Describe the use of flowcharts.

E. Draw the diagrams, which are used to represent the following box/lines. (1 Marks

1. Decision box 2. Start/Stop Box 3. Flow lines 4. Input/Output Box 5.

Processing Box

F. Fill in the blanks: (1 Marks Each)

1. OS acts as an interface between the ____________ and the ____________.

2. The CPU must be used _______________ so that computer can keep pace with the
instructions being input by the user.

3. The primary memory is ____________ where a program is stored before being sent
to the CPU.

4. Whenever an application or a process makes an input output request, the

operating system passes it to the concerned _______________.

5. To know your computer's IP Address, which is used by the computer to connect to

the Internet, type _______________ at command prompt.

G. True or False: (1 Marks Each)

1. Operating system helps the CPU to manage processes.

2. Windows is a CLI based operating system.
3. An RTOS is used in embedded computers.
4. Android is a popular mobile OS.
5. UNIX is a multi -user, multitasking OS.

H. Define the following: (2 Marks Each)

1. Operating System
2. Multitasking OS
3. Processor Management
4. Memory Management
5. Device Management

I. Explain the below functions used in MS-Excel: (1 Marks Each)

1. Sum() 2. Average()3. Min() 4. Max() 5. Count()

J. State whether the following statements are True/False: (1 Marks Each)

1. A range of cells is a group of cells that have been selected and which form a
shape of a rectangular box.
2. A spreadsheet can only contain numeric data.
3. You can insert a chart but not clipart in a worksheet.
4. The cell in which the cell pointer is located in a worksheet is the active cell.
5. You can select a range of data as per your choice in a spreadsheet.

K. Fill in the blanks: (1 Marks Each)

1. Charts are the _______________ representation of data values stored in the

2. When the corresponding cell address changes with reference to a new cell
address, it is known as _______________.
3. By default, MS Excel provides ___________ worksheets in a workbook.
4. The built-in formulae for specific numeric/non-numeric processing are called
5. A _______________ is a rectangular block consisting of a few cells, an entire
row, an entire column or the whole worksheet.

L. Write the format of the functions used in MS Excel to perform the following
tasks: (1 Marks Each)

1. To calculate the average of 82, 67, 80, 74 and 95.

2. To find the highest value of the cell references from D3 to K3.
3. To calculate the sum of the first five multiples of 7.
4. To determine the lowest value of the cell references from A4 to A12.
5. To find the sum of all the prime numbers from 1 to 10.

M. Fill in the blanks: (1 Marks Each)

1. The Java programming language is an _______________ Programming language.

2. _______________ is a process of assigning some initial value to a variable.
3. The smallest meaningful element of a Java program is called a ____________.
4. ___________ is a blueprint that defines data and functions common to all objects
of a certain kind.
5. _______________ translates human code to machine readable format.

N. The average height of 6 boys is 158 cm. When the seventh boy joins the group the
average height changes to 159 cm. Find the height of the seventh boy in the group.
Write a program to store the above data and find and display the height of the
seventh boy. (5 Mark)
O. Write a program in java to input two numbers. Find and display its sum,
difference, product, quotient and reminder. (5 Mark)
P. Write a program that will compute and display total bill where a loaf of bread
cost Rs. 23.5 and an egg cost Rs. 5.75, where the user enters the loaf of bread and
number of eggs to purchase. (5 Mark)
Q. Write a program to enter temperature in Fahrenheit and convert it to temperature
in Celsius using formula c = 5/9(f-32). (5 Mark)

R. Multiple Choice Questions: (1 Marks Each)

1. _______________ is a named location in the memory, which stores data

a. Identifier b. Keyword c. Variable

2. What does OOP mean?

a. Object Oriented Programming b. Object Oriented Procedure c. Object Origin

3. The _______________ works on a single variable or constant.

a. Unary Operator b. Arithmetic Operator c. Relational Operator
4. Which symbol is used to combine two or more items in a single line?
a. ? b. + c. !

5. A Java program is compiled into an intermediate language called _______________

a. Source Code b. Bytecode c. None of these

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