1. The………………element is a staring element in an HTML, it indicates that document type definition being used
by the document.
Answer : <!DOCType>
Answer : <ul>
Answer : <iframe>
Answer: <video>
7. If a web developer wants to add the description to an image he must use ……… attribute of <img>
Answer : alt
Answer : Position
Answer : Flow
10. ………………is used with elements that overlap with each other.
Answer : Absolute position
Answer : FALSE
Answer : TRUE
Answer : FALSE
Answer : TRUE
5) Srccode specifies the HTML content of the page to show in the <iframe>
Answer : TRUE
6) The ‘controls’ attribute is not used to add play, pause, and volume.
Answer : FALSE
Answer : FALSE
Option :
a) <img> b) <td>
c) <map> d) <usemap>
Answer : d) <usemap>
Option :
a) <sound> b) <audio>
c) <video> d) <embeded>
Answer : b) <audio>
3) A programmer wants to define range for age between 18 to 50, he will use a form with following
appropriate control.
Option :
a) number b) compare
c) range d) Textboxes
Answer : c) range
Option :
a) % b) $
c) @ d) #
Answer : d) #
Option :
a) multilevel b) order
c) unordered d) general
e) cascading
Option :
Option :
a) Set b) Selector
c) post d) Declaration
e) block
4) Client-side image map can be created using two elements …………… and………...
Option :
a) <area> b) <image>
c) <usemap> d) <map>
e) <server>
Option :
a) href b) src
c) coords d) data
e) alt f) usemap
Option :
a) srcdoc b) name
c) att d) src
e) href f) loop
Option :
a) email b) search
c) label d) video
e) tel f) audio
Option :
a) autoplay b) href
c) controls d) cntrl
e) loop f) bgsound
Option :
a) internal b) external
c) control d) inline
e) loop f) style
Option :
a) Static b) fixed
c) absolute d)position
e) dynamic f) nested
Option :
a) left b) zero
c) right d) all
e) none f) dock
Note: In this question, They had not mentioned that which css use. Like internal css, inline css or external css. So here we can use any of them. Then inline css is most easy
type of css. Here we will create this program using Inline CSS.
Program :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1 style="font-family: comic sans ms;">This is large Heading with font "comic sans ms"</h1>
<p style="background-color: green; color: red">Company Name : XYZ Corporate Comoany</p>
<p style="color: blue " >Description : Write any description you want here</p>
Program :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
/* Pen-specific styles */
box-sizing: border-box;
/* Pattern styles */
div {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
width: 50%;
padding: 1rem;
.left-half {
background: #ff9e2c;
.right-half {
background: #b6701e;
<div class="left-half">
<p>tourist Cities</p>
<div class="right-half">
<p>tourist Cities</p>
What are the uses of <P>, <B>, <br> and <mark> tags?
(1) <P> Tag :
Meaning : The <p> tag defines a paragraph. It is a block-level element and always starts on a new
line. The <p> tag comes in pairs which is opening and closing tag.
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title of the document</title>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>The b element</h1>
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>The br element</h1>
(4) <Mark> Tag :
Meaning : The <mark> tag defines marked text. <mark> tag is used to highlight the specific word or
Example :
<!DOCTYPE html>
2 .........................are links on one website that, when clicked, take the user to another site.
Answer : Backlinks
Answer : Alt
4. An.................................helps to find out what you can be done to improve ranking on search
engines, so that consumers can find the website with greater ease.
5. The...........................files tells search engine which pages you want to exclude from indexing.
Answer :Robots.txt
Option :
a)<font> b) <title>
e) <input>
Option :
a) Desktop friendly
d) No backlinks
e) No external links
Answer briefly.
(1) Define SEO and State types of SEO.
Answer :
1. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of
traffic to your website through organic search engine results.
2. Thus SEO is useful in increasing the number of visitors to a website.
3. There are many strategies and techniques adopted to optimize the webpage.
1. On-Page SEO: This includes the provision of good content, good keyword selection, putting keywords on
correct places, giving appropriate title to every page, etc.
On-Page SEO is concerned with information that is displayed to the end-user, such as text, images, and
website navigation.
2. Off-Page SEO: It includes link building, increasing link popularity by submitting open directories, search
engines, link exchange, etc.
Off-Page SEO is concerned with Website-Website relationship.
Answer :
1. SEO techniques are classified into two broad categories, which are White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO.
2. White Hat SEO: Techniques that search engines suggest as a part of good design are called White Hat SEO.
3. It contains proper and well-labeled images according to the content.
4. It is in the form of a Standard-compliant HTML.
5. Black Hat SEO: Techniques that search engines do not approve of and those techniques which are used for
optimizing the website are called Black Hat SEO.
6. It mainly contains duplicate contents. Such websites are mainly used to redirect users to other websites and
cause traffic.
Answer :
1. Techniques that search engines suggest as a part of good design are called White Hat SEO.
2. It contains proper and well-labeled images according to the content.
3. It is in the form of Standard-compliant HTML.
4. The page titles are unique but relevant at the same time.
5. It has Complete sentences with good spelling and grammar.
Answer :
1. Techniques that search engines do not approve and those techniques which are used for optimizing the
website are called Black Hat SEO.
2. It mainly contains duplicate contents which mostly are stolen from other original creators mainly without
any credits and permissions.
3. Such websites are mainly used to redirect users to other websites and cause traffic.
4. Links from such sites are irrelevant and don't show the actual search content. Websites like these contain
invisible text and stuffed keywords.
Answer :
1. SEO keywords are the important words and phrases related to the developed website content.
2. A list of keywords needs to be carefully chosen to optimize the search. Keyword Research and Analysis is an
important part of the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as "Search Engine Marketing".
3. For "Search Engine Marketing", one can pay for certain keywords.
4. There are various online Keyword Planner tools (such as Google Add Words Keyword Planner) to shortlist
5. This is more useful to compare the cost of various keywords if the website designer opts for Paid Search
Engine Marketing.
1. <TITLE> - Title is the first thing that user notices in the search result list while using Google for searching.
Contents should be up to 60 characters (spaces included)
2. Meta-description Tag - While creating a web page, Meta description should be used to boost your On-Page
SEO. Meta Description should be between 70 and 160 characters (spaces included) that others are
interested to know about the contents form your website.
Answer :
1. Image Tags with ALT attribute: The alt attribute gives information about the image, so even if the image
does not download, it can make the viewers understand the image-related information.
2. Image Tag with Title attribute: The title tag of images shows the keyword of the image when the mouse has
hovered above the image.
3. Image compression: The images which are compressed load faster which give the user good friendly
4. Images can have Caption keywords: Certain images can have keywords on the image to make it relevant for
users to know about it.
Answer : Server-Side
Answer : Break
(4) ___________ property of window object returns Boolean value indicating whether window is
closed or not.
Answer : Closed
Answer : onblur
• True
• False
Answer : True
(2) Math.ceil() function is used to return the nearest integer less than or equal to given number.
• True
• False
Answer : False
• True
• False
Answer : False
• True
• False
Answer : False
• True
• False
Answer : False
• Compiled
• Interpreted
• Both Compiled and Interpreted
• None of the above
• charAt()
• characterAt()
• valueAt()
• lengthAt()
Answer : charAt()
(3) __________ method displays message box with Ok and Cancel button.
• Confirm()
• Alert()
• both Confirm() and Alert()
• None of these
Answer : Confirm()
• var
• dim
• variable
• declare
Answer : var
• 18
• 19
• 20
• 21
Answer : 20
a) setTime()
b) getValidTime()
c) getTime()
d) setValidTime()
a) URL
b) title
c) name
d) status
a) onBlur
b) onMove
c) onFocus
d) onAction
a) write()
b) alert()
c) writeln()
d) close()
e) open()
f) charAt()
Answer : supports event based facilities, provide inbuilt objects and can handle date and time
a) Time
b) Date
c) Inheritance
d) Array
e) Number
f) function
Answer :
Client-side Scripting:
1. It is used at the frontend which users can see from the browser.
2. Client-side scripting does not need any server interaction.
3. Client-Side scripting language involves languages such as HTML5, JavaScript, etc.
4. Client-side scripting is used for validation purposes.
Server-side Scripting:
1. It is used at the backend, where the source code is not visible or hidden in the client browser.
2. When a server-side script is processed it communicates to the server.
3. Server-side scripting language involves languages such as PHP, ASP.NET, Python, etc.
4. Server-side scripting is useful in customizing the web pages and implements dynamic changes in
the website.
Answer :
Answer :
JavaScript has a decision control statement known as switch. The switch statement test the value
of given expression against the list of case values and when the match is found a block of
statement associated with that case is executed.
case x:
//code block
case y:
//code block
//code block
Write event driven JavaScript program for the following.
(1) Write event driven JavaScript program for the following.
Display Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and remainder of two numbers, which were
accepted from user.
Answer :
<script type="text/javascript">
var a,b,res;
a=parselnt(prompt("Enter First Number"));
b=parselnt(prompt("Enter Second Number"));
document.write("<br><br>Addition is"+res);
document.write("<br><br>Substraction is"+res);
document.write("<br><br>Multiplication is"+res);
document.write("<br><br>Division is"+res);
(2) Write event driven JavaScript program for the following.
<script type="text/javascript">
var i;
document.write("<br>Numbers from 100-150 are <br>");
(3) Write event driven JavaScript program for the following.
Answer :
<script type="text/javascript">
var n=4,i,f=1;
for(i=n;i>= 1;i--)
document.write("<br>Factorial of 4 is"+f);
(4) Write event driven JavaScript program for the following.
Accept any string from user and count and display number of vowels occurs in it.
Answer :
<script type="text/javascript">
var n,i,ch,cnt=0;
n=prompt("Enter a String");
if(ch=='a' | | ch==' A' | | ch=='e' | | ch='E' | | ch='i' | | ch=='i' | |
ch=='o' | | ch=='O' | | ch=='u' | | ch=='U')
document.write("Number of vowels in string are"+cnt);
Column A Column B
trim() Returns the next integer less than or equal to given number.
Answer :
Column A Column B
floor() Returns the next integer less than or equal to given number.
Answer : IoT
Answer : SaaS
4) SaaS d) IOT
Answer :
• True
• False
Answer : True
(2) Cloud computing means to store and access data and programs over the internet.
• True
• False
Answer : True
Answer :
1. Smart thermostats - Allows users to schedule, monitor and remotely control home temperatures.
2. Smart lighting - The illumination of light is controlled on the basis of day light.
3. Smart locks and garage door openers, Password-based or facial recognition-based doors and locks.
4. Smart security cameras - Security cameras that can identify known and unknown persons and raise
alarm, in case of security threat.
5. Smart traffic signals - Signal that can adjust their commutes and holiday traffic and keep cars
Answer :
1. Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system without direct active
management by the user.
2. There are three primary service models of cloud computing that are Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
3. Infrastructure as a Service (laaS): IaaS provides automated and scalable environments that provide
a high degree of control and flexibility for the user.
4. Platform as a Service (PaaS): A service provider offers access to a cloud-based environment in
which users can develop, manage and deliver applications.
5. Software as a Service (SaaS): A service provider delivers software and applications through the
internet or an API.
6. There are three basic types of deployment of cloud computing that are Public, Private and Hybrid.
7. In public cloud, all the services and supporting infrastructure are managed off-site over the internet
and shared across multiple users.
8. Private cloud provides l.T services through the internet or a private network to selected users rather
than to general public.
9. Hybrid cloud environments combine both Public and Private cloud elements.
Answer :
• Cloud Computing is the on-demand availability of computer system without direct active
management by the user.
• There are three primary service models of cloud computing that are Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
• Infrastructure as a Service (laaS):
(i) IaaS provides automated and scalable environments that provide a high degree of control and
flexibility for the user.
(ii) Instead of purchasing hardware, users pay for IaaS on demand.
(iii) Examples: Amazon web services (AWS), Microsoft Azure VM, Google Compute Engine (GCE)
• Platform as a Service (PaaS):
(i) A service provider offers access to a cloud-based environment in which users can develop,
manage and deliver applications.
(ii) PaaS provides a platform with tools to test, develop and host applications in the same
(iii) Examples: Google App Engine
• Software as a Service (SaaS):
(i) A service provider delivers software and applications through the internet or an API.
(ii) Applications are accessible from almost any internet-connected device, from virtually anywhere
in the world.
(iii) Examples: Google's G suite, GitHub, Dropbox.
Answer :
• Artificial Intelligence is the study of making intelligent machines that can perform operations like a
human being.
• AI is different from robotics but related to some extent, in which machines sense their environment,
perform calculations and do physical tasks either by themselves.
1. Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through
2. Neural networks imitate the brain's array of interconnected neurons, and relay information between
various units to find connections and derive meaning from data.
3. Deep learning utilizes really big neural networks and a lot of computing power to find complex
patterns in data, for applications such as image and speech recognition.
4. Natural language processing involves analyzing and understanding human language and
responding to it.
Answer :
Answer : Server
(2) PHP is _________ language i.e. there is no need for compilation.
Answer : interpreted
Answer : $
(4) An _________ is a variable, which can hold more than one value at a time.
Answer : array
Answer : arguments
State True/False
(1) PHP is platform dependent scripting language.
• True
• False
Answer : False
• True
• False
Answer : False
• True
• False
Answer : True
• True
• False
Answer : False
• True
• False
Answer : True
Multiple Choice Question (1 correct)
(1) The program file of PHP have _________ extension.
• .asp
• .php
• .js
• .txt
Answer : .php
• outside
• anywhere
• inside
• none
Answer : outside
• trim()
• ucwords()
• substr()
• strpos()
Answer : substr()
a) Double
b) Varchar
c) Integer
d) Array
e) Biglnt
a) //
b) /* */
c) #
d) <!-- -->
e) $
a) Indexed
b) Simple
c) Associative
d) Multidimensional
e) Complex
f) General
a) local
b) global
c) universal
d) static
e) final
f) outside
Brief Questions.
(1) Explain any two features of PHP?
Answer :
PHP is the most popular and frequently used worldwide server-side scripting language.
1. Simple: It is very simple and easy to use, as compared to other scripting languages.
2. Interpreted: It is an interpreted language, i.e. there is no need for compilation.
3. Faster: It is faster than other scripting languages e.g. JSP and ASP.
4. Open Source: Open source means you need not pay for use of PHP. You can freely download and
use it.
5. Platform Independent: PHP code will be run on every platform, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows.
1. A variable starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
2. A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
3. A variable name cannot start with a number
4. A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and_)
5. Variable names are case-sensitive ($age and $AGE are two different variables)
Answer :
1. A server is a computer system that serves as a central control of data and programs shared by
2. The server-side environment that runs a scripting language is termed a web server.
3. A user's request is fulfilled by running a script directly on the web server.
4. It is used to provide interactive websites.
5. Programming languages for server-side programming are PHP, Python, JSP.
Answer :
1. String: A string is a sequence of characters. A string can be any text inside quotes. You can use
single or double-quotes.
2. Integer: An integer data type is a non-decimal number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
3. Float (floating point numbers): A float (floating-point number) is a number with a decimal point or a
number in exponential form.
4. Boolean: A Boolean represents two possible states. TRUE or FALSE.
5. Array: An array stores multiple values in one single variable.
6. NULL: Null is a special data type which can have only one value NULL. A variable of data type NULL
is a variable that has no value assigned to it.
Answer :
Function Description
Searches for a specific text within a string and returns the character position of the first match and
if no match is found, then it will return false
Answer :
<form method="post">
Enter a Number
<input type="text" name="sq"><br><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sqaure">
$sq= $_POST['sq'];
echo "<br><br> The Square of number is: ".$s;
(2) Write Programs for the following.
Answer :
$a="Hypertext Preprocessor";
echo "<br><br> String is ".$a;
echo" <br><br> Words in String is ".str_word_count($a);
(3) Write Programs for the following.
Answer :
<form action="wc.php" method="post">
Enter Name
<input type="text" name="name"><br><br>
Enter Password
<input type="password" name="pass"><br><br>
<input type="submit" name= "submit" value="Submit">
echo $_POST["name"]; ?> <br><br>
Your Password is
echo $_POST["pass"];
: ItexamNotes.com
Answer : Global
Answer : B2C
Answer : execution
4. E-wallet is a type of ………… account in which a user can store his/her money for any future
online transaction.
Answer : prepaid
Answer : electronic
6. The ……. type of e-governance refers to the government services which enable citizens to
get access to wide variety of public services.
Answer : G2C
7. The e-governance which provides safe and secure inter-relationship between domestic or
foreign government is ………..
Answer : G2G
Q. 2 True OR False.
Answer : FALSE
2. The lack of a personal touch can be a disadvantage for many types of services and
products in E-commerce.
Answer : TRUE
Answer : FALSE
4. E-commerce provides more options to compare and select the cheaper and better options.
Answer : TRUE
Column A Column B
Answer :
Column A Column B
4. Wholesaler-to-Retailer b) B2B
Answer in brief.
(1) Explain phases of trade cycle.
Answer :
A trade cycle is the series of exchanges, between a customer and supplier that take place when a
commercial exchange is executed.
1. Pre-Sales: It consists of two steps like Search and Negotiates. Customer searches for a required
website for products to be purchased. In Negotiate step customer find a supplier who offers a good
quality product at a cheaper price and then the customer agrees to the terms forwarded by the
2. Execution: This phase consists of Order and Delivery. Customer sends an order for the selected
product and after processing the order, customer receives delivery of the product.
3. Settlement: This phase consists of an Invoice (if any) and Payment. Invoice means customer will
receive a bill for the purchased product and after confirmation of received product, customer will
pay for the same.
4. After-Sales: This phase consists of warranty and After-Sale Services. In the warranty period,
customers will get all maintenance services for free or at minimum cost. After-sale services mean
customers will do complaints (if any) about the performance of product and get maintenance
service from the supplier.
Answer :
1. M-commerce is buying and selling of goods and services through wireless devices such as
smartphones and tablets.
2. M-commerce enables the user to access online shopping platforms without using desktop
3. Applications of M-commerce are Mobile banking, E-bill payment, ticket booking, etc.
Answer :
1. Encryption is widely used on the internet to protect user-information being sent between a browser
and a server.
2. This includes passwords, payment information, and other personal information that should be
considered private.
3. Encryption converts Plain text into Cipher text means non-readable form of data.
4. Decryption is the opposite of encryption i.e. it converts Cipher text into Plain text.
5. Encryption is of two types Symmetric and Asymmetric.
Answer :
Answer :
Advantages of E-commerce:
1. Global scope: E-commerce provides the sellers with a global reach. Now sellers and buyers can
meet in the virtual world, without the barrier of place.
2. Electronic transaction: E-commerce reduces the paperwork and significantly lower the transaction
3. Anytime shopping: The great advantage of E-commerce is the convenience. A customer can shop
24 × 7.
4. No intermediaries: Electronic commerce also allows the customer and the business to be in touch
directly, without any intermediaries.
Answer :
Answer :