M. N. Macrossan - Scaling Parameters For Hypersonic Flow: Correlation of Sphere Drag Data
M. N. Macrossan - Scaling Parameters For Hypersonic Flow: Correlation of Sphere Drag Data
M. N. Macrossan - Scaling Parameters For Hypersonic Flow: Correlation of Sphere Drag Data
M. N. Macrossan
Centre for Hypersonics, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 4072, Australia
Abstract. Various parameters have been suggested as correlation parameters for high-speed rareed ow, or as indicators of when rarefaction effects make the Navier-Stokes equations invalid. We consider Tsiens (1946) parameter, Chengs (1961) rarefaction parameter, Birds (1971) breakdown parameter, and a form of the viscous interaction parameter from shockboundary layer theory. We show how all these parameters may be derived from the Boltzmann equation and interpreted in terms of the ratio of mean time between molecular collisions and a characteristic ow time, or as the ratio of typical shear stress to pressure in the ow. Tsiens parameter, M / Re , is proportional to the square root of M Kn (or S Kn ) and is 2 a better correlation parameter than the Knudsen number alone Kn . Chengs parameter, C M /Re , as well as the closely related viscous interaction parameter, is a modied form of Tsiens parameter. The modication factor C = T / ( T ), accounts for the effective molecular size or collision cross-section in a characteristic region of the ow. We consider the drag coefcient for spheres in hypersonic ow as calculated with DSMC by various authors and show that Chengs appears to be the best correlation parameter for this data.
Keywords: Kinetic Theory of Gasses, DSMC, Direct Simulation, Navier-Stokes Equations, Boltzmann Equation PACS: 31.15.Qg, 34.10.+x,47.10.A-,47.11.-j,47.11.Mn,47.45.Ab,47.45.-n
Fig. 1 shows DSMC data for the drag coefcient of spheres calculated by various authors [5, 7, 12] for a range of Knudsen numbers, /D, where is the nominal mean free path in the freestream, and D is the sphere diameter. The nominal mean free path was derived from the theoretical viscosity, = (T ) of the DSMC collision model, evaluated for the freestream temperature T as
= 2 / ( c )
SPHERE DRAG DSMC calculations 3
1 2.5 0.9
2 CD
Kissel, M = 10, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 8, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 5, ~ T0.5 Overell, M = 2.95, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 4.92, ~ T0.74 0.74 Overell, M = 9.93, ~ T 0.74 Overell, M = 19.7, ~ T 0.73 Dogra, M = 1027, air, ~ T
Kissel, M = 10, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 8, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 5, ~ T0.5 Overell, M = 2.95, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 4.92, ~ T0.74 0.74 Overell, M = 9.93, ~ T 0.74 Overell, M = 19.7, ~ T 0.73 Dogra, M = 1027, air, ~ T 10
10 Kn
0.5 2 10
10 Kn
FIGURE 1. Drag coefcient CD for cold wall spheres (Tw T ) in supersonic ow as calculated by DSMC. The data from Dogra et al. [5] is for a multi-species air model. The data of Kissel [7] and Overell [12] is for a pure gas with ratio of specic heats = 5/3.
where is the freestream mass density and c = (8RT / )1/2 . The cold-wall condition (Tw T ) was applied in all calculations. The free-molecular drag coefcient CD f (i.e. for Kn ) is a function of freestream speed ratio U / (2RT )1/2 , and the wall temperature ratio Tw /T , and varies from 2.2 - 2.5 for this data. As shown in the second part of Fig. 1, when the data is expressed as CD /CD f the correlation in the highly rareed regime is improved, as it must be, but it is clear that the Knudsen number is generally not a good correlation parameter for this data. The data does not collapse into a single-valued (or close to single-valued) empirical function CD /CD f = f (Kn ); there is strong dependence on Mach number in the results. This Mach number dependence is not surprising since, although the Knudsen number can be expressed in terms of the Mach number and Reynolds number, Kn =
U /c M , L cL U L/ Re
the Knudsen number is not a ow parameter for supersonic ow in the sense that the Mach number and Reynolds numbers are ow parameters; the Knudsen number is in effect a state parameter, a measure of the gas density and molecular size (or equivalently the gas viscosity) for the given temperature. Various parameters, other than the Knudsen number, have been suggested as breakdown parameters (i.e. as measures of when rarefaction effects make the NavierStokes equations invalid) or as correlation parameters for high speed rareed ow data. We will review some of these parameters, show their near equivalence and how they are derived from the Boltzmann equation.
nf nf +v = [n f ]coll t r
where t is time, r denotes position in space, n = n (r) is the number density of molecules (molecules/volume), v is molecular velocity, f (v) dv is the fraction of molecules in the element of space r r + dr having velocity in the range v v + dv, and [n f ]coll is the collision term denoting the rate of change of f as the result of binary intermolecular collisions at point r. We will use the Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) approximation and write [n f ]coll = 1 (n fe n f ) c
where fe is the local Maxwell distribution and c is a local characteristic collision time (or relaxation time). If we now select a reference gas state (density and temperature) of (nr , TR ), a reference collision time r , a reference speed Ur and a characteristic length Lr we can write the non-dimensional BGK-Boltzmann equation as
n f Ur r n f 1 r +v = n fe n f where r = . t r r c Lr
The non-dimensional variables are r = r/Lr , v = v/Ur , n = n/nr , t = tUr /Lr and f = fUr3 . For an equilibrium state ( f fe ), the collision time can be expressed in terms of the pressure nkT and viscosity as = (T ) / (nkT ), where k is Boltzmanns constant. As an approximation we will assume this relation holds for any f, where T is the kinetic temperature. Thus, putting F n f, Eq. 3 may be approximated as 1 F F +v = t r
r T Tr
1 n Fe F = n Fe F C
where C =
Tr . r T
A natural choice of reference state for the supersonic ow round a sphere is the freestream ow, and the natural choice of Lr is the sphere diameter D. Then F U T F 1 +v = n Fe F where = and C = . t r C D T (5)
The parameter = U /D = /D might be called the body-relative Knudsen number, since = U is the average distance moved, relative to the body, by a freestream molecule between collisions, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Note
FIGURE 2. Typical paths of molecules as they move past the body. The distance the molecules move between collision, relative to the body, is denoted by j . The mean free path, in the body frame of reference, is = j /N. The ratio D/ = (D/U ) / is a measure of the number of collisions suffered by a typical molecule as it moves past the body.
that / = U / (c ) = U /c S M so that
M2 S Kn M Kn , D Re
2 where Eq. 2 has been used. The parameter M /Re = was once commonly used as a correlation parameter for rareed ow, e.g. [4, 6, 13], and the parameter M / Re = has been used as a correlation parameter for the skin friction coefcient on a at plate in hypersonic ow [8], and for the lift-to-drag ratio for various hypersonic vehicles [14]. The latter form of this parameter was suggested by Tsiens 1946 investigation of high speed rareed ow, which he referred to as superaerodynamics [15].
Tsiens parameter
Consider Eq. 5 in the special case of a linear viscosity law, = (T /T ), so that C = 1 for all temperatures. Then the non-dimensional Boltzmann equation is F F 1 +v = n Fe F . t r When the diffusely-reecting condition is taken into account at the body surface, the non-dimensional solution of the Boltzmann equation depends on Tw /T , M , and Kn [10], and not just on the combination M Kn . Nevertheless, from the form of the non-dimensional Boltzmann equation above, it is reasonable to expect that the ow might be a strong function of . Tsien [15] reached this conclusion by another route for hypersonic slender body ow; he showed that the Burnett equations were appreciably different from the Navier-Stokes equations when / 1/2 was large, where is the boundary layer thickness. Since for laminar ow L/Re , where L is the body length, Tsiens Knudsen number (or Tsiens parameter) may be written
L M = Kn Re1/2 1/2 (7) L Re where Eq. 2 has been used; thus Tsiens parameter M / Re is just the square root of the ow parameter . Fig. 3 shows Tsiens parameter used as a correlation parameter for the sphere drag data. Compared to the correlation via the Knudsen number, we see an improved collapse of the data in the slip ow regime, which Tsien identied as 1/2 1/2 0.01 M /Re < 1, but little improvement for more rareed ow (M /Re > 1).
Kissel, M = 10, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 8, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 5, ~ T0.5 Overell, M = 2.95, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 4.92, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 9.93, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 19.7, ~ T0.74 Dogra, M = 1027, air, ~ T0.73 10
Kissel, M = 10, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 8, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 5, ~ T0.5 Overell, M = 2.95, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 4.92, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 9.93, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 19.7, ~ T0.74 Dogra, M = 1027, air, ~ T0.73 10
0.5 2 10
10 Kn
0.5 1 10
M/Re0.5 ~ /
FIGURE 3. Sphere drag vs. Knudsen number (left) and Tsiens rarefaction parameter M / Re . This parameter correlates the data in the in Tsiens slip regime M / Re < 1 better than the Knudsen number
where U is the ow speed, L = | / | is a ow length derived from the density gradients, = U is a local mean free path relative to the (xed) ow gradient, S is the local speed ratio and Kn = /L is the local gradientlength-Knudsen-number. The local ow speed will be proportional to the freestream speed, and that the gradient ow 2 In length L will be proportional to the dimension of the body in the ow, so P S Kn M /Re . other words the breakdown parameter is another form of the rarefaction parameter , or Tsiens parameter M / Re . We can replace L with LU = |U/U| and by /p to P |U| /p indicating that non-equilibrium ow is expected when the shear stress ( U) is appreaciable relative to the pressure.
Chengs parameter
Cheng [3] considered the hypersonic ow about a blunt body and introduced the parameter
2 KC =
p D where C = T / T . CU
Here T = (Ts + Tw ) /2 is a temperature characteristic of the merged shock and boundary layer ahead of the blunt body, = (T ) and D is the body dimension. As shown in Fig. 4, Ts is the temperature immediately behind the normal 2 bow shock, and Tw is the body wall temperature. The inverse of KC is proportional to C . The Boltzmann equation in the form of Eq. 4 shows that the ow depends not just on the parameter , but on the local value C where C = (T ) / (T ) T /T is proportional to the varying collision rate throughout the ow. Thus we can interpret Chengs C as an average value or characteristic value of the term C in the Boltzmann equation evaluated for a characteristic region of the ow, i.e. a region where the molecular collisions are assumed to have the greatest effect on the overall ow. Chengs parameter has been used to correlate the heat transfer to blunt bodies for experimental results [11] and for DSMC results [9]. The DSMC results are shown in the rst part of Fig. 5. Various non-dimensional groups or parameters have been given the name viscous interaction parameter for hypersonic slender body ow. One of these is V = C M / Re C , where T is a characteristic temperature in the boundary layer [1]. Thus V is a form of Chengs parameter. It has has been used to correlate the ight and wind-tunnel data for the axial force coefcient on the NASA shuttle [16]. A particular value of T , discovered by trial-and-error, gave the best correlation, which is shown in Fig. 5. 2 Fig. 6 shows the sphere drag data correlated with the square of Tsiens parameter M /Re = and the inverse M 2 /Re = C . The correlation is improved by the factor C , which adjusts for the different Chengs parameter C collision frequency at the characteristic temperature T , compared to the freestream collision frequency.
Chengs parameter
2 KC =
s w
p D RTU D Re = 2 2 CU U C M
C (T ) / (n kT ), characterizes the collision time in the merged shock and boundary layer.
T* = 0.5(Ts + Tw)
V = [C*M2 /Re]0.5
FIGURE 5. Left: Heat transfer to blunt cylinder (DSMC results [9]) vs. inverse Chengs parameter. Right: Shuttle axial force coefcient (wind tunnel and ight) vs. modied viscous interaction parameter [16]. Parameters differ in choice of T only.
CD/CDf Kissel, M = 10, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 8, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 5, ~ T0.5 Overell, M = 2.95, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 4.92, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 9.93, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 19.7, ~ T0.74 Dogra, M = 1027, air, ~ T0.73 10
Kissel, M = 10, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 8, ~ T0.5 Kissel, M = 5, ~ T0.5 Overell, M = 2.95, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 4.92, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 9.93, ~ T0.74 Overell, M = 19.7, ~ T0.74 Dogra, M = 1027, air, ~ T0.73 10
0.5 2 10
10 M2 /Re
0.5 2 10
10 C*M2 /Re
Square of Tsiens parameter (left) and inverse Chengs parameter (right) used as a correlation parameter.
Various independently proposed rarefaction parameters are closely related to the non-dimensional group
2 C CM /Re , where C
/T , /T
which appears on the RHS of the non-dimensional Boltzmann equation. Tsien (1946) proposed the parameter M / Re / for slender body ow, where is the boundary layer thickness, as a breakdown parameter. The 2 square of Tsiens parameter M /Re was once popular as a correlation parameter for rareed ow. It is closely related to Birds (1971) breakdown parameter, and is proportional to the expected ratio of shear stress to pressure in the ow. 2 Cheng (1961) proposed a parameter equivalent to C M /Re which we have referred to as Chengs parameter or a modied Tsien parameter; it is similar to a viscous interaction parameter. The modication factor C = T / ( T ) accounts for the effective molecular size at a characteristic temperature of the ow T . For a given ow conguration, one must select (guess) the characteristic T of the ow. Wilhite et al. [16] have given an expression for T for the boundary layer temperature in a special case, and Cheng gave a simple expression for T for blunt body ow, which was an estimate of the temperature in the merged shock/boundary layer region ahead of the blunt body. We tested the various parameters as correlation parameters for DSMC derived values for hypersonic sphere drag coefcients; Chengs parameter is a better correlation parameter than Tsiens parameter, which in turn is better than the Knudsen number alone.
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