Global Citizenship Education CASE STUDY
Global Citizenship Education CASE STUDY
Global Citizenship Education CASE STUDY
Global Citizenship Education (GCED) is one of the targets of the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goal. Implementing a curriculum can be challenging due to
various factors. One challenge is the readiness of teachers, including their attitudes,
knowledge, and behavior. Also, another challenge is the structural and cultural
constraints that can hinder the successful management and implementation of the
Every curriculum is based and covers the cultural universal, cultural specialties and
cultural alternatives. These are reflected in the school curricular. Other factors include
beliefs about the importance of learning about other countries, how countries relate to
each other, speaking a foreign language, social media use, and attitude towards
participatory citizenship are also associated with global competence. factors such as
global community concept, multinationalism, general citizenship, and national identity
also contribute to cultural competency. These factors highlight the importance of
knowledge, skills, attitudes, gender, social interactions, and awareness of global issues
in developing global citizenship competencies.
Additionally, there may be challenges related to the availability of instructional materials
and resources, as well as the need for coordination among teachers for integrated
courses. The modular approach to curriculum implementation also presents challenges,
such as the need for teachers to adopt new teaching strategies and students'
approaches towards deep learning. Furthermore, administrative challenges, such as
inaccurateness and improperness in implementation, can also hinder the effective
implementation of a curriculum.
Statement of the Problem
The study aimed to determine the challenges on GCED implementing integrated
Specially the following problems were answered.
1. What are the potential benefits of implementation an integrated curriculum?
4. What are the best practices for designing and implementing an integrated
Significance of the Study
This study is significant because the findings serve as the basis an intervention
program. Specially, the effects would be beneficial to the following Individuals:
School Administrators. The results of this study will provide insight into the
quality of current curriculum implementation. And the study’s implications may
eventually guide revision of classroom practices and curriculum development under
Curriculum Planners. The findings will help the curriculum planners to have an
appropriate guide and recommendation to be considered in the formation of
implementation of GCED curriculum. Any subject or learning area needs a professional
understanding of what problem is to be analyzed. A strong curriculum support system is
necessary to produce holistically-developed GCED curriculum.
Future Researcher. The information and insights that will be gained from this
study may serve as guide for other researchers.
Curricula integrating global citizenship education (GCED) can be a driver toward
achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015–2030
because of the connection between SDG targets and GCED ideals. GCED empowers
learners to address global challenges and to “become active promoters of more
peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, secure and sustainable societies” (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], 2019).The SDGs
espouse aligned ideals; for instance, Goal 16 emphasises promoting just, peaceful,
and inclusive societies with strong institutions to support sustainable development.
Goal 4 promotes inclusive, equitable and quality education; target 4.7 specifically
lists human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-
violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity as essential in
education. Ideals underlying GCED have been labelled as global mindedness and
global consciousness; these link to intercultural competence whereby intercultural
understanding, international mindedness and agency is key (Barker, 2000; Perry &
Southwell, 2011). GCED also fosters appreciation of human rights, diversity,
cosmopolitanism, our interconnectedness with, and impact on, the world at large
(Harshman & Augustine, 2013; Tawil, 2013; United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2017a, 2017b).
Teachers may not have the adequate knowledge implementing curriculum and training necessary to
use the materials effectively, especially with advanced or technology-based resources.
. Overall, addressing these challenges requires regular training for educators,
provision of necessary resources, involvement of teachers in curriculum
development, and revision of policies to support curriculum implementation
PD provides educators with the necessary skills to effectively utilize instructional materials, whether
by giving them a better understanding of the materials, aligning them with curriculum standards or
seamlessly integrating them into lessons.
Research and knowledge Phased implementation with feedback and
significant evaluation strategies: for a subject such as GCED, where
transformative teacher training is necessary, it is recommended to conduct
a phased implementation with feedback that allows a training that is not
based on ‘cascade’ methods. Monitoring and evaluation processes are of
special importance but need to go beyond learners’ knowledge of facts to
also include assessment of skills, values and attitudes. It can be conducted
in different ways, taking into consideration different aspects such as the
inputs (e.g. educators’ competencies, resources, tools, and learning
environment), process (eg teaching practices, types of actions, and learners’
engagement) and outcomes (eg knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, and
impact on communities). Sometimes, new teaching materials are difficult to
use, and some teachers may not be able to handle certain activities despite
training. As a result, even the production of resource materials should be
seen as an iterative activity, with revisions based on feedback.
Research and knowledge Phased implementation with feedback and
significant evaluation strategies: for a subject such as GCED, where
transformative teacher training is necessary, it is recommended to conduct
a phased implementation with feedback that allows a training that is not
based on ‘cascade’ methods. Monitoring and evaluation processes are of
special importance but need to go beyond learners’ knowledge of facts to
also include assessment of skills, values and attitudes. It can be conducted
in different ways, taking into consideration different aspects such as the
inputs (e.g. educators’ competencies, resources, tools, and learning
environment), process (eg teaching practices, types of actions, and learners’
engagement) and outcomes (eg knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, and
impact on communities). Sometimes, new teaching materials are difficult to
use, and some teachers may not be able to handle certain activities despite
training. As a result, even the production of resource materials should be
seen as an iterative activity, with revisions based on feedback.
And therefore, it must be across the classes, across disciplines. School
leaders need to chalk out the vision, agenda, purpose, and objectives. And
then they need to create a strategic initiative group which will be part of the
core leadership group, train members, and then bring the teachers to drive
the GCED program,’ Pandey tells Teacher.
Previous literature found that once GCE is established in a country, teachers play a
pivotal role in applying GCE to classroom regardless of how it was codified into
official objectives of the curriculum (Rapoport, 2010;Reilly & Niens, 2014). When the
goals or policy of GCE are absent or vague, teachers' agency and willingness to
teach GCE is more often than not driven by their own experiences, resistance and
dispositions (Goren & Yemini, 2016, 2017. ...
... As Rapoport (2010) indicated, teachers' perceptions and practice in GCE can be
summarized as teaching with what they are unfamiliar with -The study found an
aversion to teaching GCE among social studies teachers as they themselves lack
the knowledge of global citizenship. Schweisfurth (2006) and Reilly and Niens
(2014) revealed similar struggles in the US context. It is also possible for the
students' characteristics to shape teachers' partiality in the other way round. ... INTRO
The GCED program for any school needs to be a whole school program. And
therefore, it must be across the classes, across disciplines. School leaders need to
chalk out the vision, agenda, purpose, and objectives. And then they need to create a
strategic initiative group which will be part of the core leadership group, train
members, and then bring the teachers to drive the GCED program,’
This study aimed to identify the main problems faced by teachers in developing learning
resources, and to provide recommendations for these problems. A qualitative
descriptive approach was used. This study’s paticipants were recruited randomly, and
included 55 teachers of SMP, SMA, and SLB. Data were collected through an online
survey with a digital questionnaire instrument. Data analysis was carried out through
three steps: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that
there are three main problems that teachers face in developing learning resources: 1)
the technical ability to use tools and devices to create digital learning resources; 2) the
strategy of organizing learning materials to be applied to learning resources; and 3) the
lack of skills in managing learning materials to be applied to digital learning resources.
Based on these findings, it is recommended that teachers collaborate with educational
technologists who are masters of learning resource development. Keywords: teachers’
difficulties, learning resources, instructional strategy