Index No………………
Paper 1
2¾ hours
2 Hours 45 Minutes
Instructions to Candidates
Answer all questions in section A and six questions in section B.
All questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
The Periodic Table, with relative atomic masses, is supplied.
Mathematical tables (3-figure table) are adequate or non-programmable scientific electronic
calculators may be used.
Illustrate your answers with equations where applicable.
Where necessary, use the following:
Molar gas constant, R = 8.31 𝐽𝐾 −1 𝑚𝑜𝑙 −1 .
Molar volume of gas at s.t.p is 22.4 litres.
Standard temperature = 273 K
Standard pressure = 101325 Nm-2
4. Name one reagent that can be used to distinguish between each of the following pairs of
compounds and state what would be observed in each case if the reagent is reacted with
the compounds.
5. (a) Write;
(i) equation for the ionisation of benzoic acid in water. (01 mark)
(b) (i) Write the structural formulae and IUPAC names of all the possible isomers of Q.
(02 marks)
(ii) Q reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide and iodine solution to give a yellow
precipitate. Identify Q. (0½ mark)
(b) Use the values in the table to calculate the enthalpy change for the following
𝐶2 𝐻4 (𝑔) + 𝐻2 (𝑔) ⟶ 𝐶2 𝐻6 (𝑔) (03 marks)
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11. Write a mechanism to show how each of the following conversions can be effected.
(a) Butan-2-ol to but-2-ene. (03 marks)
(b) Propene to propan-2-ol. (03 marks)
(c) Ethene to 2-chloroethanol. (03 marks)
(C𝐻3 )3 𝑁
(b) Briefly explain why the following molecule/ion adopt the structure drawn in (a)
(i) SO2−3 (1½ marks)
(ii) 𝑆𝑖𝐹4 (1½ marks)
14. (a) State what is meant by the term melting point. (01 mark)
(b) The table below shows the melting temperatures of some of the Period 3 elements of
Periodic Table.
Element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
Melting temperatures (K) 371 923 933 1680 317 392 172
Explain why;
(i) the melting point of magnesium is higher than that of sodium.
(1½ marks)
(i) Use the values above to construct a Born-Haber cycle for the formation of
calcium fluoride. (03 marks)
17. In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the contact process, sulphur dioxide is
catalytically oxidised to sulphur trioxide according to the following equation.
2𝑆𝑂2 (𝑔) + 𝑂2 (𝑔) ⇌ 2𝑆𝑂3 (𝑔); ∆𝐻298𝐾 = −197𝑘𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙 −1
The sulphur trioxide is then absorbed in a substance T.
(a) Name two major sources of sulphur dioxide in the contact process.
(01 mark)
(b) State the industrial conditions used to obtain maximum yield of sulphur trioxide.
(1½ marks)
(c) (i) Identify T. (0½ mark)
(ii) Write equation to show what happens when sulphur trioxide is absorbed in T.
(1½ marks)
(d) State the conditions and write equation for the reaction between carbon and
sulphuric acid. (2½ marks)
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(e) Sulphuric acid is used in the manufacture of calcium dihydrogenphosphate from
calcium phosphate.
(i) Write equation for the reaction leading to the formation of calcium
dihydrogenphosphate. (01 mark)
(ii) State one use of calcium dihydrogenphosphate. (01 mark)