1.25 mi (2 km) from his home so he could walk there Institutions University of Cambridge
and back, by Park Avenue South and Abington Park University College London
Crescent, but he more often went by bus or, later, by
Cavendish Laboratory
bicycle. The teaching in the higher forms was
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
satisfactory, but not as stimulating. After the age of 14,
he was educated at Mill Hill School in London (on a Salk Institute for Biological
scholarship), where he studied mathematics, physics, Studies
and chemistry with his best friend John Shilston. He Thesis Polypeptides and proteins: X-ray
shared the Walter Knox Prize for Chemistry on Mill studies (
Hill School's Foundation Day, Friday, 7 July 1933. He
declared that his success was founded on the quality of 46) (1954)
teaching he received whilst a pupil at Mill Hill. Doctoral Max Perutz[2]
Crick studied at University College London (UCL), a
constituent college of the University of London[11] and Doctoral None[2]
earned a Bachelor of Science degree awarded by the students
University of London in 1937. Crick began a PhD at Website
UCL, but was interrupted by World War II. He later /francis-crick (
became a PhD student[12] and Honorary Fellow of
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and mainly Signature
worked at the Cavendish Laboratory and the Medical
Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular
Biology in Cambridge. He was also an Honorary
Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, and of
University College, London.
Crick began a PhD research project on measuring the viscosity of water at high temperatures (which he
later described as "the dullest problem imaginable"[13]) in the laboratory of physicist Edward Neville da
Costa Andrade at University College London, but with the outbreak of World War II (in particular, an
incident during the Battle of Britain when a bomb fell through the roof of the laboratory and destroyed his
experimental apparatus),[2] Crick was deflected from a possible career in physics. During his second year
as a PhD student, however, he was awarded the Carey Foster Research Prize, a great honour.[14] He did
postdoctoral work at the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute,[15] now part of the New York
University Tandon School of Engineering.
During World War II, he worked for the Admiralty Research Laboratory, from which many notable
scientists emerged, including David Bates, Robert Boyd, Thomas Gaskell, George Deacon, John Gunn,
Harrie Massey, and Nevill Mott;[16] he worked on the design of magnetic and acoustic mines and was
instrumental in designing a new mine that was effective against German minesweepers.[17]
For the better part of two years, Crick worked on the physical properties of cytoplasm at Cambridge's
Strangeways Research Laboratory, headed by Honor Bridget Fell, with a Medical Research Council
studentship, until he joined Max Perutz and John Kendrew at the Cavendish Laboratory. The Cavendish
Laboratory at Cambridge was under the general direction of Sir Lawrence Bragg, who had won the Nobel
Prize in 1915 at the age of 25. Bragg was influential in the effort to beat a leading American chemist,
Linus Pauling, to the discovery of DNA's structure (after having been pipped at the post by Pauling's
success in determining the alpha helix structure of proteins). At the same time Bragg's Cavendish
Laboratory was also effectively competing with King's College London, whose Biophysics department
was under the direction of Randall. (Randall had refused Crick's application to work at King's College.)
Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins of King's College were personal friends, which influenced subsequent
scientific events as much as the close friendship between Crick and James Watson. Crick and Wilkins
first met at King's College and not, as erroneously recorded by two authors, at the Admiralty during
World War II.
Personal life
Crick married twice and fathered three children; his brother Anthony (born in 1918) predeceased him in
Ruth Doreen Crick, née Dodd (m. 18 February 1940 – 8 May 1947), became Mrs. James
Stewart Potter
Odile Crick, née Speed (m. 14 August 1949 – 28 July 2004)
Crick's Nobel Prize medal and diploma from the Nobel committee was sold at auction in June 2013 for
$2,270,000. It was bought by Jack Wang, the CEO of Chinese medical company Biomobie.[20][21] 20% of
the sale price of the medal was donated to the Francis Crick Institute in London.[21]
Crick was interested in two fundamental unsolved problems of biology: how molecules make the
transition from the non-living to the living, and how the brain makes a conscious mind.[22] He realised
that his background made him more qualified for research on the first topic and the field of biophysics. It
was at this time of Crick's transition from physics to biology that he was influenced by both Linus
Pauling and Erwin Schrödinger.[23] It was clear in theory that covalent bonds in biological molecules
could provide the structural stability needed to hold genetic information in cells. It only remained as an
exercise of experimental biology to discover exactly which molecule was the genetic molecule.[24][25] In
Crick's view, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, Gregor Mendel's genetics and
knowledge of the molecular basis of genetics, when combined, revealed the secret of life.[26] Crick had
the very optimistic view that life would very soon be created in a test tube. However, some people (such
as fellow researcher and colleague Esther Lederberg) thought that Crick was unduly optimistic.[27]
It was clear that some macromolecule such as a protein was likely to be the genetic molecule.[28]
However, it was well known that proteins are structural and functional macromolecules, some of which
carry out enzymatic reactions of cells.[28] In the 1940s, some evidence had been found pointing to another
macromolecule, DNA, the other major component of chromosomes, as a candidate genetic molecule. In
the 1944 Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment, Oswald Avery and his collaborators showed that a
heritable phenotypic difference could be caused in bacteria by providing them with a particular DNA
However, other evidence was interpreted as suggesting that DNA was structurally uninteresting and
possibly just a molecular scaffold for the apparently more interesting protein molecules.[29] Crick was in
the right place, in the right frame of mind, at the right time (1949), to join Max Perutz's project at the
University of Cambridge, and he began to work on the X-ray crystallography of proteins.[30] X-ray
crystallography theoretically offered the opportunity to reveal the molecular structure of large molecules
like proteins and DNA, but there were serious technical problems then preventing X-ray crystallography
from being applicable to such large molecules.[30]
Crick taught himself the mathematical theory of X-ray crystallography.[31] During the period of Crick's
study of X-ray diffraction, researchers in the Cambridge lab were attempting to determine the most stable
helical conformation of amino acid chains in proteins (the alpha helix). Linus Pauling was the first to
identify[32] the 3.6 amino acids per helix turn ratio of the alpha helix. Crick was witness to the kinds of
errors that his co-workers made in their failed attempts to make a correct molecular model of the alpha
helix; these turned out to be important lessons that could be applied, in the future, to the helical structure
of DNA. For example, he learned[33] the importance of the structural rigidity that double bonds confer on
molecular structures which is relevant both to peptide bonds in proteins and the structure of nucleotides in
Late in 1951, Crick started working with James Watson at Cavendish Laboratory at the University of
Cambridge, England. Using "Photo 51" (the X-ray diffraction results of Rosalind Franklin and her
graduate student Raymond Gosling of King's College London, given to them by Gosling and Franklin's
colleague Wilkins), Watson and Crick together developed a model for a helical structure of DNA, which
they published in 1953.[36] For this and subsequent work they were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine in 1962 with Wilkins.[37][38]
When Watson came to Cambridge, Crick was a 35-year-old graduate student (due to his work during
WWII) and Watson was only 23, but had already obtained a PhD. They shared an interest in the
fundamental problem of learning how genetic information might be stored in molecular form.[39][40]
Watson and Crick talked endlessly about DNA and the idea that it might be possible to guess a good
molecular model of its structure.[24] A key piece of experimentally-derived information came from X-ray
diffraction images that had been obtained by Wilkins, Franklin, and Gosling. In November 1951, Wilkins
came to Cambridge and shared his data with Watson and Crick. Alexander Stokes (another expert in
helical diffraction theory) and Wilkins (both at King's College) had reached the conclusion that X-ray
diffraction data for DNA indicated that the molecule had a helical structure—but Franklin vehemently
disputed this conclusion. Stimulated by their discussions with Wilkins and what Watson learned by
attending a talk given by Franklin about her work on DNA, Crick and Watson produced and showed off
an erroneous first model of DNA. Their hurry to produce a model of DNA structure was driven in part by
the knowledge that they were competing against Linus Pauling. Given Pauling's recent success in
discovering the Alpha helix, they feared that Pauling might also be the first to determine the structure of
Many have speculated about what might have happened had Pauling been able to travel to Britain as
planned in May 1952.[42] As it was, his political activities caused his travel to be restricted by the United
States government and he did not visit the UK until later, at which point he met none of the DNA
researchers in England. At any rate he was preoccupied with proteins at the time, not DNA.[42][43] Watson
and Crick were not officially working on DNA. Crick was writing his PhD thesis; Watson also had other
work such as trying to obtain crystals of myoglobin for X-ray diffraction experiments. In 1952, Watson
performed X-ray diffraction on tobacco mosaic virus and found results indicating that it had helical
structure. Having failed once, Watson and Crick were now somewhat reluctant to try again and for a
while they were forbidden to make further efforts to find a molecular model of DNA.
It is also not clear how important Franklin's unpublished results from the progress report actually were for
the model-building done by Watson and Crick. After the first crude X-ray diffraction images of DNA
were collected in the 1930s, William Astbury had talked about stacks of nucleotides spaced at 3.4
angström (0.34 nanometre) intervals in DNA. A citation to Astbury's earlier X-ray diffraction work was
one of only eight references in Franklin's first paper on DNA.[45] Analysis of Astbury's published DNA
results and the better X-ray diffraction images collected by Wilkins and Franklin revealed the helical
nature of DNA. It was possible to predict the number of bases stacked within a single turn of the DNA
helix (10 per turn; a full turn of the helix is 27 angströms [2.7 nm] in the compact A form, 34 angströms
[3.4 nm] in the wetter B form). Wilkins shared this information about the B form of DNA with Crick and
Watson. Crick did not see Franklin's B form X-ray images (Photo 51) until after the DNA double helix
model was published.[46]
One of the few references cited by Watson and Crick when they published their model of DNA was to a
published article that included Sven Furberg's DNA model that had the bases on the inside. Thus, the
Watson and Crick model was not the first "bases in" model to be proposed. Furberg's results had also
provided the correct orientation of the DNA sugars with respect to the bases. During their model building,
Crick and Watson learned that an antiparallel orientation of the two nucleotide chain backbones worked
best to orient the base pairs in the centre of a double helix. Crick's access to Franklin's progress report of
late 1952 is what made Crick confident that DNA was a double helix with antiparallel chains, but there
were other chains of reasoning and sources of information that also led to these conclusions.[47]
As a result of leaving King's College for Birkbeck College, Franklin was asked by John Randall to give
up her work on DNA. When it became clear to Wilkins and the supervisors of Watson and Crick that
Franklin was going to the new job, and that Linus Pauling was working on the structure of DNA, they
were willing to share Franklin's data with Watson and Crick, in the hope that they could find a good
model of DNA before Pauling was able. Franklin's X-ray diffraction data for DNA and her systematic
analysis of DNA's structural features were useful to Watson and Crick in guiding them towards a correct
molecular model. The key problem for Watson and Crick, which could not be resolved by the data from
King's College, was to guess how the nucleotide bases pack into the core of the DNA double helix.
Another key to finding the correct structure of DNA was the so-called Chargaff ratios, experimentally
determined ratios of the nucleotide subunits of DNA: the amount of guanine is equal to cytosine and the
amount of adenine is equal to thymine. A visit by Erwin Chargaff to England, in 1952, reinforced the
salience of this important fact for Watson and Crick. The significance of these ratios for the structure of
DNA were not recognised until Watson, persisting in building structural models, realised that A:T and
C:G pairs are structurally similar. In particular, the length of each base pair is the same. Chargaff had also
pointed out to Watson that, in the aqueous, saline environment of the cell, the predominant tautomers of
the pyrimidine (C and T) bases would be the amine and keto configurations of cytosine and thymine,
rather than the imino and enol forms that Crick and Watson had assumed. They consulted Jerry Donohue
who confirmed the most likely structures of the nucleotide
bases.[48] The base pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds, the
same non-covalent interaction that stabilise the protein α-helix.
The correct structures were essential for the positioning of the
hydrogen bonds. These insights led Watson to deduce the true
biological relationships of the A:T and C:G pairs. After the
discovery of the hydrogen bonded A:T and C:G pairs, Watson and
Crick soon had their anti-parallel, double helical model of DNA,
with the hydrogen bonds at the core of the helix providing a way
to "unzip" the two complementary strands for easy replication: the
last key requirement for a likely model of the genetic molecule. As
important as Crick's contributions to the discovery of the double
helical DNA model were, he stated that without the chance to
Diagrammatic representation of
collaborate with Watson, he would not have found the structure by
some key structural features of
himself.[49] DNA. The similar structures of
guanine:cytosine and
Crick did tentatively attempt to perform some experiments on adenine:thymine base pairs is
nucleotide base pairing, but he was more of a theoretical biologist illustrated. The base pairs are held
than an experimental biologist. There was another near-discovery together by hydrogen bonds. The
of the base pairing rules in early 1952. Crick had started to think phosphate backbones are anti-
about interactions between the bases. He asked John Griffith to try parallel.
to calculate attractive interactions between the DNA bases from
chemical principles and quantum mechanics. Griffith's best guess
was that A:T and G:C were attractive pairs. At that time, Crick was not aware of Chargaff's rules and he
made little of Griffith's calculations, although it did start him thinking about complementary replication.
Identification of the correct base-pairing rules (A-T, G-C) was achieved by Watson "playing" with
cardboard cut-out models of the nucleotide bases, much in the manner that Linus Pauling had discovered
the protein alpha helix a few years earlier. The Watson and Crick discovery of the DNA double helix
structure was made possible by their willingness to combine theory, modelling and experimental results
(albeit mostly done by others) to achieve their goal.
The DNA double helix structure proposed by Watson and Crick was based upon "Watson-Crick" bonds
between the four bases most frequently found in DNA (A, C, T, G) and RNA (A, C, U, G). However, later
research showed that triple-stranded, quadruple-stranded and other more complex DNA molecular
structures required Hoogsteen base pairing. The entire field of synthetic biology began with work by
researchers such as Erik T Kool, in which bases other than A, C, T and G are used in a synthetic DNA. In
addition to synthetic DNA there are also attempts to construct synthetic codons, synthetic endonucleases,
synthetic proteins and synthetic zinc fingers. Using synthetic DNA, instead of there being 43 codons, if
there are n new bases there could be as many as n3 codons. Research is currently being done to see if
codons can be expanded to more than 3 bases. These new codons can code for new amino acids. These
synthetic molecules can be used not only in medicine, but in creation of new materials.[50]
The discovery was made on 28 February 1953; the first Watson/Crick paper appeared in Nature on 25
April 1953. Sir Lawrence Bragg, the director of the Cavendish Laboratory, where Watson and Crick
worked, gave a talk at Guy's Hospital Medical School in London on Thursday 14 May 1953 which
resulted in an article by Ritchie Calder in the News Chronicle of London, on Friday 15 May 1953,
entitled "Why You Are You. Nearer Secret of Life." The news reached readers of The New York Times the
next day; Victor K. McElheny, in researching his biography, "Watson and DNA: Making a Scientific
Revolution", found a clipping of a six-paragraph New York Times article written from London and dated
16 May 1953 with the headline "Form of 'Life Unit' in Cell Is Scanned". The article ran in an early
edition and was then pulled to make space for news deemed more important. (The New York Times
subsequently ran a longer article on 12 June 1953). The university's undergraduate newspaper Varsity also
ran its own short article on the discovery on Saturday 30 May 1953. Bragg's original announcement of
the discovery at a Solvay conference on proteins in Belgium on 8 April 1953 went unreported by the
British press.
In a seven-page, handwritten letter[51] to his son at a British boarding school on 19 March 1953 Crick
explained his discovery, beginning the letter "My Dear Michael, Jim Watson and I have probably made a
most important discovery".[52] The letter was put up for auction at Christie's New York on 10 April 2013
with an estimate of $1 to $2 million, eventually selling for $6,059,750, the largest amount ever paid for a
letter at auction.[53]
Sydney Brenner, Jack Dunitz, Dorothy Hodgkin, Leslie Orgel, and Beryl M Oughton, were some of the
first people in April 1953 to see the model of the structure of DNA, constructed by Crick and Watson; at
the time they were working at Oxford University's Chemistry Department. All were impressed by the new
DNA model, especially Brenner who subsequently worked with Crick at Cambridge in the Cavendish
Laboratory and the new Laboratory of Molecular Biology. According to the late Dr. Beryl Oughton, later
Rimmer, they all travelled together in two cars once Dorothy Hodgkin announced to them that they were
off to Cambridge to see the model of the structure of DNA.[54] Orgel also later worked with Crick at the
Salk Institute for Biological Studies.
Crick was often described as very talkative, with Watson – in The Double Helix – implying lack of
modesty.[55] His personality combined with his scientific accomplishments produced many opportunities
for Crick to stimulate reactions from others, both inside and outside the scientific world, which was the
centre of his intellectual and professional life.[56] Crick spoke rapidly, and rather loudly, and had an
infectious and reverberating laugh, and a lively sense of humour. One colleague from the Salk Institute
described him as "a brainstorming intellectual powerhouse with a mischievous smile. ... Francis was
never mean-spirited, just incisive. He detected microscopic flaws in logic. In a room full of smart
scientists, Francis continually re-earned his position as the heavyweight champ."[57]
Soon after Crick's death, there have been allegations about him having used LSD when he came to the
idea of the helix structure of the DNA.[58][59] While he almost certainly did use LSD, it is unlikely that he
did so as early as 1953.[60]
Molecular biology
In 1954, at the age of 37, Crick completed his PhD thesis: "X-Ray Diffraction: Polypeptides and
Proteins" and received his degree. Crick then worked in the laboratory of David Harker at Brooklyn
Polytechnic Institute, where he continued to develop his skills in the analysis of X-ray diffraction data for
proteins, working primarily on ribonuclease and the mechanisms of protein synthesis. David Harker, the
American X-ray crystallographer, was described as "the John Wayne of crystallography" by Vittorio
Luzzati, a crystallographer at the Centre for Molecular Genetics in Gif-sur-Yvette near Paris, who had
worked with Rosalind Franklin.
After the discovery of the double helix model of DNA, Crick's
interests quickly turned to the biological implications of the
structure. In 1953, Watson and Crick published another article in
Nature which stated: "it therefore seems likely that the precise
sequence of the bases is the code that carries the genetical
George Gamow established a group of scientists interested in the role of RNA as an intermediary between
DNA as the genetic storage molecule in the nucleus of cells and the synthesis of proteins in the cytoplasm
(the RNA Tie Club). It was clear to Crick that there had to be a code by which a short sequence of
nucleotides would specify a particular amino acid in a newly synthesised protein. In 1956, Crick wrote an
informal paper about the genetic coding problem for the small group of scientists in Gamow's RNA
group.[64] In this article, Crick reviewed the evidence supporting the idea that there was a common set of
about 20 amino acids used to synthesise proteins. Crick proposed that there was a corresponding set of
small "adaptor molecules" that would hydrogen bond to short sequences of a nucleic acid, and also link to
one of the amino acids. He also explored the many theoretical possibilities by which short nucleic acid
sequences might code for the 20 amino acids.
During the mid-to-late 1950s Crick was very much intellectually engaged in sorting out the mystery of
how proteins are synthesised. By 1958, Crick's thinking had matured and he could list in an orderly way
all of the key features of the protein synthesis process:[7]
Proof that the genetic code is a degenerate triplet code finally came from genetics experiments, some of
which were performed by Crick.[67] The details of the code came mostly from work by Marshall
Nirenberg and others who synthesized synthetic RNA molecules and used them as templates for in vitro
protein synthesis.[68] Nirenberg first announced his results to a small audience in Moscow at a 1961
conference. Crick's reaction was to invite Nirenberg to deliver his talk to a larger audience.[69]
Prior to publication of the double helix structure, Watson and Crick had little direct interaction with
Franklin herself. They were, however, aware of her work, more aware than she herself realised. Watson
was present at a lecture, given in November 1951, where Franklin presented the two forms of the
molecule, type A and type B, and discussed the position of the phosphate units on the external part of the
molecule. In January 1953, Watson was shown an X-ray photograph of B-DNA (called photograph
51),[72] by Wilkins.[73][74] Wilkins had been given photograph 51 by Rosalind Franklin's PhD student
Raymond Gosling.[73][75] Wilkins and Gosling had worked
together in the Medical Research Council's (MRC) Biophysics
Unit before director John Randall appointed Franklin to take over
both DNA diffraction work and guidance of Gosling's thesis. It
appears that Randall did not communicate effectively with them
about Franklin's appointment, contributing to confusion and
friction between Wilkins and Franklin.[76] In the middle of Experimental set up of photo 51[71]
February 1953, Crick's thesis advisor, Max Perutz, gave Crick a
copy of a report written for a Medical Research Council
biophysics committee visit to King's in December 1952, containing data from the King's group, including
some of Franklin's crystallographic calculations.[77][78][79][80] Franklin was unaware that photograph 51
and other information had been shared with Crick and Watson. She wrote a series of three draft
manuscripts, two of which included a double helical DNA backbone. Her two manuscripts on form A
DNA reached Acta Crystallographica in Copenhagen on March 6, 1953,[81] one day before Crick and
Watson had completed their model.[82]
The X-ray diffraction images collected by Gosling and Franklin provided the best evidence for the helical
nature of DNA. Before this, both Linus Pauling, Watson, and Crick had generated erroneous models with
the chains inside and the bases pointing outwards.[83] Her experimental results provided estimates of the
water content of DNA crystals, and these results were most consistent with the three sugar-phosphate
backbones being on the outside of the molecule.[84] Franklin's X-Ray photograph showed that the
backbones had to be on the outside. Although she at first insisted vehemently that her data did not force
one to conclude that DNA has a helical structure, in the drafts she submitted in 1953 she argues for a
double helical DNA backbone.[85] Building on her manuscripts, she discovered that form A DNA had
antiparallel backbones, which supported the double helical structure of DNA.[86] She did this through
identification of the space group for DNA crystals. This would go to help Watson and Crick decide to
look for DNA models with two antiparallel polynucleotide strands.
In summary, Watson and Crick had three sources for Franklin's unpublished data: 1) her 1951 seminar,
attended by Watson,[87] 2) discussions with Wilkins,[88] who worked in the same laboratory with
Franklin, 3) a research progress report that was intended to promote coordination of Medical Research
Council-supported laboratories.[89] Watson, Crick, Wilkins and Franklin all worked in MRC laboratories.
Crick and Watson felt that they had benefited from collaborating with Wilkins. They offered him a co-
authorship on the article that first described the double helix structure of DNA. Wilkins turned down the
offer, a fact that may have led to the terse character of the acknowledgement of experimental work done
at King's College in the eventual published paper. Rather than make any of the DNA researchers at King's
College co-authors on the Watson and Crick double helix article, the solution that was arrived at was to
publish two additional papers from King's College along with the helix paper. Brenda Maddox suggests
that because of the importance of her experimental results in Watson and Crick's model building and
theoretical analysis, Franklin should have had her name on the original Watson and Crick paper in
Nature.[90] Franklin and Gosling submitted their own joint "second" paper to Nature at the same time as
Wilkins, Stokes, and Wilson submitted theirs (i.e. the "third" paper on DNA).[91]
Watson's portrayal of Franklin in The Double Helix was negative and gave the appearance that she was
Wilkins' assistant and was unable to interpret her own DNA data.[92] However, according to Nathaniel
Comfort, a historian of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, Franklin's colleague Aaron Klug believed
that Franklin "..was 'two steps away' from the double helix. After completing an analysis of her lab
notebook, Klug stated that she surely would have had it.[93]
The X-ray diffraction images collected by Franklin provided the best evidence for the helical nature of
DNA. While Franklin's experimental work proved important to Crick and Watson's development of a
correct model, she herself could not realize it at the time. When she left King's College, Director Sir John
Randall insisted that all DNA work belonged exclusively to King's and ordered Franklin to not even think
about it.[94] Because of this, the scientific community did not understand the depth of Franklin's
contributions. Franklin subsequently did superb work in J. D. Bernal's Lab at Birkbeck College with the
tobacco mosaic virus, which also extended ideas on helical construction.[38]
Crick occasionally expressed his views on eugenics, usually in private letters. For example, Crick
advocated a form of positive eugenics in which wealthy parents would be encouraged to have more
children.[95] He once remarked, "In the long run, it is unavoidable that society will begin to worry about
the character of the next generation ... It is not a subject at the moment which we can tackle easily
because people have so many religious beliefs and until we have a more uniform view of ourselves I
think it would be risky to try and do anything in the way of eugenics ... I would be astonished if, in the
next 100 or 200 years, society did not come round to the view that they would have to try to improve the
next generation in some extent or one way or another."
Sexual harassment
Biologist Nancy Hopkins says when she was an undergraduate in the 1960s, Crick put his hands on her
breasts during a lab visit.[96] She described the incident: "Before I could rise and shake hands, he had
zoomed across the room, stood behind me, put his hands on my breasts and said, 'What are you working
on?' "[97]
Views on religion
Crick referred to himself as a humanist, which he defined as the belief "that human problems can and
must be faced in terms of human moral and intellectual resources without invoking supernatural
authority." He publicly called for humanism to replace religion as a guiding force for humanity, writing:
The human dilemma is hardly new. We find ourselves through no wish of our own on this
slowly revolving planet in an obscure corner of a vast universe. Our questioning intelligence
will not let us live in cow-like content with our lot. We have a deep need to know why we are
here. What is the world made of? More important, what are we made of? In the past religion
answered these questions, often in considerable detail. Now we know that almost all these
answers are highly likely to be nonsense, having sprung from man's ignorance and his
enormous capacity for self-deception ... The simple fables of the religions of the world have
come to seem like tales told to children. Even understood symbolically they are often
perverse, if not rather unpleasant ... Humanists, then, live in a mysterious, exciting and
intellectually expanding world, which, once glimpsed, makes the old worlds of the religions
seem fake-cosy and stale[98]
Crick was especially critical of Christianity:
I do not respect Christian beliefs. I think they are ridiculous. If we could get rid of them we
could more easily get down to the serious problem of trying to find out what the world is all
Crick once joked, "Christianity may be OK between consenting adults in private but should not be taught
to young children."[100]
In his book Of Molecules and Men, Crick expressed his views on the relationship between science and
religion.[101] After suggesting that it would become possible for a computer to be programmed so as to
have a soul, he wondered: at what point during biological evolution did the first organism have a soul? At
what moment does a baby get a soul? Crick stated his view that the idea of a non-material soul that could
enter a body and then persist after death is just that, an imagined idea. For Crick, the mind is a product of
physical brain activity and the brain had evolved by natural means over millions of years. He felt that it
was important that evolution by natural selection be taught in schools and that it was regrettable that
English schools had compulsory religious instruction. He also considered that a new scientific world view
was rapidly being established, and predicted that once the detailed workings of the brain were eventually
revealed, erroneous Christian concepts about the nature of humans and the world would no longer be
tenable; traditional conceptions of the "soul" would be replaced by a new understanding of the physical
basis of mind. He was sceptical of organised religion, referring to himself as a sceptic and an agnostic
with "a strong inclination towards atheism".[102]
In 1960, Crick accepted an honorary fellowship at Churchill College, Cambridge, one factor being that
the new college did not have a chapel. Some time later a large donation was made to establish a chapel
and the College Council decided to accept it. Crick resigned his fellowship in protest.[103][104]
In October 1969, Crick participated in a celebration of the 100th year of the journal Nature in which he
attempted to make some predictions about what the next 30 years would hold for molecular biology. His
speculations were later published in Nature.[105] Near the end of the article, Crick briefly mentioned the
search for life on other planets, but he held little hope that extraterrestrial life would be found by the year
2000. He also discussed what he described as a possible new direction for research, what he called
"biochemical theology". Crick wrote "so many people pray that one finds it hard to believe that they do
not get some satisfaction from it".[105] A field similar to Crick's hypothesized "biochemical theology"
now exists as neurotheology.[106]
Crick suggested that it might be possible to find chemical changes in the brain that were molecular
correlates of the act of prayer. He speculated that there might be a detectable change in the level of some
neurotransmitter or neurohormone when people pray. Crick's view of the relationship between science
and religion continued to play a role in his work as he made the transition from molecular biology
research into theoretical neuroscience.
Crick asked in 1998 "and if some of the Bible is manifestly wrong, why should any of the rest of it be
accepted automatically? ... And what would be more important than to find our true place in the universe
by removing one by one these unfortunate vestiges of earlier beliefs?"[107]
In 2003 he was one of 22 Nobel laureates who signed the Humanist Manifesto.[108]
Crick was a firm critic of young Earth creationism. In the 1987 United States Supreme Court case
Edwards v. Aguillard, Crick joined a group of other Nobel laureates who advised, " 'Creation-science'
simply has no place in the public-school science classroom."[109] Crick was also an advocate for the
establishment of Darwin Day as a British national holiday.[110]
Directed panspermia
During the 1960s, Crick became concerned with the origins of the genetic code. In 1966, Crick took the
place of Leslie Orgel at a meeting where Orgel was to talk about the origin of life. Crick speculated about
possible stages by which an initially simple code with a few amino acid types might have evolved into the
more complex code used by existing organisms.[111] At that time, proteins were thought to be the only
kind of enzyme, and ribozymes had not yet been identified. Many molecular biologists were puzzled by
the problem of the origin of a protein replicating system that is as complex as that which exists in
organisms currently inhabiting Earth. In the early 1970s, Crick and Orgel further speculated about the
possibility that the production of living systems from molecules may have been a very rare event in the
universe, but once it had developed it could be spread by intelligent life forms using space travel
technology, a process they called "directed panspermia".[112] In a retrospective article,[113] Crick and
Orgel noted that they had been unduly pessimistic about the chances of abiogenesis on Earth when they
had assumed that some kind of self-replicating protein system was the molecular origin of life.
In 1976, Crick addressed the origin of protein synthesis in a paper with Sydney Brenner, Aaron Klug, and
George Pieczenik.[114] In this paper, they speculate that code constraints on nucleotide sequences allow
protein synthesis without the need for a ribosome. It, however, requires a five base binding between the
mRNA and tRNA with a flip of the anti-codon creating a triplet coding, even though it is a five-base
physical interaction. Thomas H. Jukes pointed out that the code constraints on the mRNA sequence
required for this translation mechanism is still preserved.[115]
Now perhaps it's a pretty well kept secret that one of the most uninspiring acts of the
University of Cambridge over this past century was to turn down Francis Crick when he
applied to be the Professor of Genetics, in 1958. Now there may have been a series of
arguments, which led them to reject Francis. It was really saying, don't push us to the
The apparently "pretty well kept secret" had already been recorded
in Soraya De Chadarevian's Designs For Life: Molecular Biology
After World War II, published by Cambridge University Press in
2002. His major contribution to molecular biology in Cambridge
is well documented in The History of the University of
Cambridge: Volume 4 (1870 to 1990), which was published by
CUP in 1992.
Results from an fMRI experiment in
According to the University of Cambridge's genetics department which people made a conscious
decision about a visual stimulus.
official website, the electors of the professorship could not reach
The small region of the brain
consensus, prompting the intervention of then University Vice-
coloured orange shows patterns of
Chancellor Lord Adrian. Lord Adrian first offered the activity that correlate with the
professorship to a compromise candidate, Guido Pontecorvo, who decision making process. Crick
refused, and is said to have offered it then to Crick, who also stressed the importance of finding
refused. new methods to probe human brain
In 1976, Crick took a sabbatical year at the Salk Institute for
Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. Crick had been a
nonresident fellow of the Institute since 1960. Crick wrote, "I felt at home in Southern California."[116]
After the sabbatical, Crick left Cambridge to continue working at the Salk Institute. He was also an
adjunct professor at the University of California, San Diego.[117][118][119] He taught himself
neuroanatomy and studied many other areas of neuroscience research. It took him several years to
disengage from molecular biology because exciting discoveries continued to be made, including the
discovery of alternative splicing and the discovery of restriction enzymes, which helped make possible
genetic engineering. Eventually, in the 1980s, Crick was able to devote his full attention to his other
interest, consciousness. His autobiographical book, What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific
Discovery, includes a description of why he left molecular biology and switched to neuroscience.
Upon taking up work in theoretical neuroscience, Crick was struck by several things:
there were many isolated subdisciplines within neuroscience with little contact between
many people who were interested in behaviour treated the brain as a black box
consciousness was viewed as a taboo subject by many neurobiologists
Crick hoped he might aid progress in neuroscience by promoting constructive interactions between
specialists from the many different subdisciplines concerned with consciousness. He also collaborated
with neurophilosophers such as Patricia Churchland. In 1983, as a result of their studies of computer
models of neural networks, Crick and Mitchison proposed that the function of REM sleep and dreaming
is to remove certain modes of interactions in networks of cells in the mammalian cerebral cortex; they
called this hypothetical process "reverse learning" or "unlearning". In the final phase of his career, Crick
established a collaboration with Christof Koch that led to publication of a series of articles on
consciousness during the period spanning from 1990[120] to 2005. Crick made the strategic decision to
focus his theoretical investigation of consciousness on how the brain generates visual awareness within a
few hundred milliseconds of viewing a scene. Crick and Koch proposed that consciousness seems so
mysterious because it involves very short-term memory processes that are as yet poorly understood. In his
book The Astonishing Hypothesis, Crick described how neurobiology had reached a mature enough stage
so that consciousness could be the subject of a unified effort to study it at the molecular, cellular and
behavioural levels. Crick was sceptical about the value of computational models of mental function that
are not based on details about brain structure and function.
Crick was aware that research on consciousness was a difficult task, as he wrote to Martynas Yčas in
April 1996:
I don't think we shall fully understand consciousness by the end of this century, but it's
possible we can get a glimpse of the answer by then. Whether it will all fall into place, as
molecular biology did, without a vital force, or whether we need a radical formulation, only
time will tell. Best wishes, Yours, Francis. P.S. By the way, I've not been knighted.[121]
The award of Nobel prizes to John Kendrew and Max Perutz, and to Crick,
Watson, and Wilkins was satirised in a short sketch in the BBC TV
programme That Was The Week That Was with the Nobel Prizes being
referred to as 'The Alfred Nobel Peace Pools'.
Other honours
The inscription on the helices of a DNA sculpture (which was donated by James Watson)
outside Clare College's Thirkill Court, Cambridge, England reads: "The structure of DNA
was discovered in 1953 by Francis Crick and James Watson while Watson lived here at
Clare." and on the base: "The double helix model was supported by the work of Rosalind
Franklin and Maurice Wilkins."
Another sculpture entitled Discovery, by artist Lucy Glendinning was installed on Tuesday,
13 December 2005 in Abington Street, Northampton. According to the late Lynn Wilson,
chairman of the Wilson Foundation, "The sculpture celebrates the life of a world class
scientist who must surely be considered the greatest Northamptonian of all time — by
discovering DNA he unlocked the whole future of genetics and the alphabet of life."
Westminster City Council unveiled a green plaque to Francis Crick on the front façade of 56
St George's Square, Pimlico, London SW1 on 20 June 2007; Crick lived in the first floor flat,
together with Robert Dougall of BBC radio and later TV fame, a former Royal Navy
In addition, Crick was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1959,[3][4] a Fellow of
the International Academy of Humanism, and a Fellow of CSICOP.
In 1987, Crick received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of
At a meeting of the executive council of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) (formerly
CSICOP) in Denver, Colorado in April 2011, Crick was selected for inclusion in CSI's
Pantheon of Skeptics. The Pantheon of Skeptics was created by CSI to remember the
legacy of deceased fellows of CSI and their contributions to the cause of scientific
A sculpted bust of Francis Crick by John Sherrill Houser, which incorporates a single
"Golden" Helix, was cast in bronze in the artist's studio in New Mexico, US. The bronze was
first displayed at the Francis Crick Memorial Conference (on Consciousness) at the
University of Cambridge's Churchill College on 7 July 2012; it was bought by Mill Hill School
in May 2013, and displayed at the inaugural Crick Dinner on 8 June 2013, and will be again
at their Crick Centenary Dinner in 2016.
The Benjamin Franklin Medal for Distinguished Achievement in the Sciences of the
American Philosophical Society (2001), together with Watson.[136]
Crick featured in the BBC Radio 4 series The New Elizabethans to mark the diamond
Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 2012. A panel of seven academics, journalists and
historians named Crick among a group of 60 people in the UK "whose actions during the
reign of Elizabeth II have had a significant impact on lives in these islands and given the age
its character".[137]
Of Molecules and Men (Prometheus Books, 2004; original edition 1967) ISBN 1-59102-185-
Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature (Simon & Schuster, 1981) ISBN 0-671-25562-2
What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery (Basic Books reprint edition,
1990) ISBN 0-465-09138-5
The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul (Scribner reprint edition,
1995) ISBN 0-684-80158-2
Georg Kreisel: a Few Personal Recollections. In: Kreiseliana: About and Around Georg
Kreisel (1996), pp. 25–32. ISBN 1-56881-061-X
See also
Crick, Brenner et al. experiment
Crick's wobble hypothesis
History of RNA biology
List of RNA biologists
Molecular structure of Nucleic Acids (article)
Neural correlates of consciousness
1. "Golden Plate Awardees of the American Academy of Achievement" (
g/our-history/golden-plate-awards/#science-exploration). American
Academy of Achievement.
2. Rich, A.; Stevens, C. F. (2004). "Obituary: Francis Crick (1916–2004)" (
8%2F430845a). Nature. 430 (7002): 845–847. Bibcode:2004Natur.430..845R ( doi:10.1038/430845a (
2F430845a). PMID 15318208 ( S2CID 686071
3. Anon (2015). "Fellowship of the Royal Society 1660–2015" (
3RxoAZah128gQR-NM/pubhtml). London: Royal Society. Archived from the original (https://
M/pubhtml) on 15 October 2015.
4. Bretscher, Mark S.; Mitchison, Graeme (2017). "Francis Harry Compton Crick OM. 8 June
1916 – 28 July 2004" ( Biographical Memoirs of
Fellows of the Royal Society. 63: 159–196. doi:10.1098/rsbm.2017.0010 (
1098%2Frsbm.2017.0010). ISSN 0080-4606 (
5. Watson, James; Crick, Francis (25 April 1953). "Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A
Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid" ( Nature
(171): 737–738. doi:10.1038/171737a0 (
6. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962 (
e/1962/summary/). Nobel Prize Site for Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962.
7. Crick FH (1958). "On protein synthesis" (
f) (PDF reprint). Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 12: 138–63. PMID 13580867 ( Archived ( (PDF) from the original on 12 September 2005.
8. Shermer, Michael (30 July 2004). "Astonishing Mind: Francis Crick 1916–2004" ( Skeptics Society. Retrieved 25 August 2006.
9. Darwin, Charles (1882). "On the Dispersal of Freshwater Bivalves" (
8%2F025529f0). Nature. 25 (649): 529–30. Bibcode:1882Natur..25R.529D ( doi:10.1038/025529f0 (
10. Crick (1990), p. 10: "I remember telling my mother that I no longer wished to go to church".
11. Crick (1990), Chapters 1 and 2 provide Crick's description of his early life and education.
12. Crick, Francis Harry Compton (1954). Polypeptides and proteins : X-ray studies ( (PhD thesis). University of Cambridge.
OCLC 879394484 ( EThOS
13. Crick (1990), p. 13
14. Olby, Robert (1970). "The Making of Modern Science: Biographical Studies". Journal of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 99 (4): 941.
15. White, Michael (3 October 2009). "Francis Crick as Late Bloomer" (
m/adaptive_complexity/blog/francis_crick_late_bloomer). Science 2.0. ION Publications
LLC. Retrieved 11 January 2017.
16. Cruise, A. M. (11 February 2004). "Sir Robert Boyd" (
004/feb/11/obituaries.spaceexploration). The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077 ( Retrieved 8 October 2023.
17. "Bio at Wellcome Trust" ( Archived from the original (htt
p:// on 26 April 2007.
18. Olby, p. ix
19. Wade, Nicholas (30 July 2004). "Francis Crick, Co-Discoverer of DNA, Dies at 88" (
C8B63). The New York Times. Retrieved 21 July 2007.
20. "Francis Crick's Nobel Prize Brings $2.27 Million To Lead $4.97 Million Manuscripts And
Rare Book Event" (
formation/francis-crick-nobel-prize.s?ic=ih-arti-francis-crick-nobel-prize-071513). Heritage
Auctions. Archived from the original (
prize.s?ic=ih-arti-francis-crick-nobel-prize-071513) on 17 January 2021. Retrieved 18 June
21. "Francis Crick's Nobel prize medal sells for over £1.3m" (
The Guardian. Archived from the original (
2/francis-crick-nobel-prize) on 10 May 2023. Retrieved 16 March 2023.
22. Crick (1990), p. 17
23. Crick (1990), p. 18
24. Crick (1990), p. 22
25. Page 30 of The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Biology by Horace
Freeland Judson published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (1996) ISBN 0-87969-
26. Crick (1990), p. 25
27. "Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg: Anecdotes" (
28. Crick (1990), p. 32
29. Crick (1990), pp. 33–34
30. Crick (1990), Ch. 4
31. Crick (1990), p. 46: "there was no alternative but to teach X-ray diffraction to myself."
32. Pauling L, Corey RB (May 1951). "Atomic Coordinates and Structure Factors for Two Helical
Configurations of Polypeptide Chains" (
1g.pdf) (PDF). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. 37 (5): 235–40. Bibcode:1951PNAS...37..235P (
1951PNAS...37..235P). doi:10.1073/pnas.37.5.235 (
35). PMC 1063348 (
PMID 14834145 ( Archived (
(PDF) from the original on 22 September 2017.
33. Crick (1990), p. 58
34. Cochran, W.; Crick, F. H.; Vand, V. (1952). "The structure of synthetic polypeptides. I. The
transform of atoms on a helix" (
df) (PDF). Acta Crystallographica. 5 (5): 581–6. Bibcode:1952AcCry...5..581C ( doi:10.1107/S0365110X52001635 (
g/10.1107%2FS0365110X52001635). Archived (
25/ (PDF) from the original
on 10 October 2008.
35. Cochran, W.; Crick, F. H. C. (1952). "Evidence for the Pauling–Corey α-Helix in Synthetic
Polypeptides" ( Nature. 169 (4293): 234–235.
Bibcode:1952Natur.169..234C (
doi:10.1038/169234a0 ( S2CID 4182175 (
36. Watson JD, Crick FH (1953). "Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for
Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid". Nature. 171 (4356): 737–8. Bibcode:1953Natur.171..737W (http
s:// doi:10.1038/171737a0 (
g/10.1038%2F171737a0). PMID 13054692 (
S2CID 4253007 (
37. Francis Crick's 1962 Biography from the Nobel foundation (
38. "James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and Rosalind Franklin" (
n). Science History Institute. June 2016. Retrieved 20 March 2018.
39. Crick (1990), p. 22: Crick traced his interest in the physical nature of the gene back to the
start of his work in biology, when he was in the Strangeways laboratory.
40. In The Eighth Day of Creation, Horace Judson describes the development of Watson's
thinking about the physical nature of genes. On page 89, Judson explains that by the time
Watson came to Cambridge, he believed genes were made of DNA and he hoped that he
could use X-ray diffraction data to determine the structure.
41. Page 90, In The Eighth Day of Creation by Horace Judson.
42. "Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA: A Documentary History" (
edu/specialcollections/coll/pauling/dna/narrative/page13.html). Special Collections, The
Valley Library, Oregon State University.
43. Chapter 3 in The Eighth Day of Creation by Horace Judson.
44. Perutz MF, Randall JT, Thomson L, Wilkins MH, Watson JD (June 1969). "DNA helix".
Science. 164 (3887): 1537–9. Bibcode:1969Sci...164.1537W (
abs/1969Sci...164.1537W). doi:10.1126/science.164.3887.1537 (
science.164.3887.1537). PMID 5796048 (
S2CID 5263958 (
45. Franklin's citation to the earlier work of W. T. Astbury is in:
Franklin RE, Gosling RG (1953). "Molecular configuration in sodium thymonucleate" (http:// (PDF reprint). Nature. 171 (4356): 740–
1. Bibcode:1953Natur.171..740F (
doi:10.1038/171740a0 ( PMID 13054694 ( S2CID 4268222 (
D:4268222). Archived (
m/nature/dna50/franklingosling.pdf) (PDF) from the original on 10 June 2004.
46. Crick F (1974). "The double helix: a personal view". Nature. 248 (5451): 766–9.
Bibcode:1974Natur.248..766C (
doi:10.1038/248766a0 ( PMID 4599081 ( S2CID 4224441 (
47. In chapter 3 of The Eighth Day of Creation, Horace Judson describes the development of
Watson's and Crick's thinking about the structure of DNA and how it evolved during their
model building. Watson and Crick were open to the idea of tentatively ignoring all individual
experimental results, in case they might be wrong or misleading. Judson describes how
Watson spent a large amount of time ignoring Crick's belief (based on Franklin's
determination of the space group) that the two backbone strands were antiparallel. On page
176, Judson quotes a letter written by Watson, "The model has been derived almost entirely
from stereochemical considerations with the only X-ray consideration being the spacing
between the pair of bases 3.4 A which was originally found by Astbury."
48. See Chapter 3 of The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Biology by
Horace Freeland Judson published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (1996) ISBN 0-
87969-478-5. Judson also lists the publications of W. T. Astbury that described his early X-
ray diffraction results for DNA.
49. Crick (1990), p. 75: "If Jim had been killed by a tennis ball, I am reasonably sure I would not
have solved the structure alone".
50. Simon, Matthew (2005) Emergent Computation: emphasizing bioinformatics. Springer.
ISBN 0-387-22046-1.
51. Letter from DNA discoverer to young son to be auctioned (
hnology/letter-from-dna-discoverer-to-young-son-to-be-auctioned) Archived (
coverer-to-young-son-to-be-auctioned) 27 March 2013 at the Wayback Machine. MSN.
Retrieved 21 November 2013.
52. My Dear Michael, We've Discovered DNA (
science/crick-letter-on-dna-discovery.html). Crick's letter transcribed at The New York
Times. 26 February 2013
53. "The 'Secret of Life' Letter to Be Sold at Christie's On April 10: Remarkable Letter from
Francis Crick to His Son, Outlining the Revolutionary Discovery of the Structure and
Function of DNA Estimate: $1–2 million" (
es/pressrelease.aspx?pressreleaseid=6195) Archived (
aseid=6195) 29 November 2014 at the Wayback Machine. Christie's. New York, Rockefeller
Center. 26 February 2013
54. Olby, Ch. 10, p. 181
55. Watson's book The Double Helix painted a vivid image of Crick, starting with the famous
line, "I have never seen Francis Crick in a modest mood." The first chapter of Horace
Judson's book The Eighth Day of Creation describes the importance of Crick's talking and
his boldness in his scientific style.
56. Describing Crick's influence on his scientific colleagues, Francis Crick Papers archivist Chris
Beckett wrote of the importance of "Crick's presence and eloquence —direct and beguiling,
by all accounts in the archive— at conference after conference, through formal lectures,
extempore summaries, informal meetings and individual conversations. Indeed, one has the
impression that it was through these frequent persuasive moments of personal delivery and
purposive conversations that Crick was most influential."
Beckett C (2004). "For the Record: The Francis Crick Archive at the Wellcome Library" (http
s:// Med Hist. 48 (2): 245–60.
doi:10.1017/S0025727300007419 (
PMC 546341 ( PMID 15151106 (htt
ps:// Also described as an example of Crick's wide
recognition and public profile are some of the times Crick was addressed as "Sir Francis
Crick" with the assumption that someone so famous must have been knighted.
57. Eagleman, D.M. (2005). Obituary: Francis H. C. Crick (1916–2004). (
agleman/papers/Eagleman_Crick_VisionResearch2005.pdf) Archived (
search2005.pdf) 26 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine Vision Research. 45: 391–
58. Wade, Nicholas (11 July 2006). "A Peek into the Remarkable Mind Behind the Genetic
Code" ( The New York Times.
59. "Nobel Prize genius Crick was high on LSD" (
60. "Francis Crick, DNA & LSD – Reality Sandwich" (
crick-dna-lsd/). 4 May 2015.
61. Watson JD, Crick FH (May 1953). "Genetical implications of the structure of
deoxyribonucleic acid" ( (PDF reprint).
Nature. 171 (4361): 964–7. Bibcode:1953Natur.171..964W (
s/1953Natur.171..964W). doi:10.1038/171964b0 (
PMID 13063483 ( S2CID 4256010 ( Archived (
4219/ (PDF) from the original on 12
September 2005.
62. Morgan GJ (February 2003). "Historical review: viruses, crystals and geodesic domes" (http
s:// Trends in Biochemical Sciences.
28 (2): 86–90. doi:10.1016/S0968-0004(02)00007-5 (
4%2802%2900007-5). PMID 12575996 (
63. Rich A, Crick FH (November 1955). "The structure of collagen" (
C/B/B/Z/L/_/scbbzl.pdf) (PDF reprint). Nature. 176 (4489): 915–6.
Bibcode:1955Natur.176..915R (
doi:10.1038/176915a0 ( PMID 13272717 ( S2CID 9611917 (
D:9611917). Archived (
ov/SC/B/B/Z/L/_/scbbzl.pdf) (PDF) from the original on 12 September 2005.
64. "On Degenerate Templates and the Adaptor Hypothesis: A Note for the RNA Tie Club (http
s://" by Francis Crick (1956).
65. Cobb M (29 June 2015). "Who discovered messenger RNA?" (
ub.2015.05.032). Current Biology. 25 (13): R526–R532. Bibcode:2015CBio...25.R526C (http
s:// doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.05.032 (http
s:// PMID 26126273 (
66. Hayes, Brian (1998). "The Invention of the Genetic Code" (
issues/pub/the-invention-of-the-genetic-code). American Scientist. 86: 8.
doi:10.1511/1998.17.3338 ( S2CID 121907709 (h
ttps:// Retrieved 11 January 2017.
67. Crick FH, Barnett L, Brenner S, Watts-Tobin RJ (December 1961). "General nature of the
genetic code for proteins" ( (PDF
reprint). Nature. 192 (4809): 1227–32. Bibcode:1961Natur.192.1227C ( doi:10.1038/1921227a0 (
921227a0). PMID 13882203 ( S2CID 4276146
( Archived (
20050912214328/ (PDF) from the
original on 12 September 2005.
68. Crick FH (1967). "The Croonian lecture, 1966. The genetic code" (
v/SC/B/C/B/X/_/scbcbx.pdf) (PDF reprint). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 167 (9): 331–47.
Bibcode:1967RSPSB.167..331C (
C). doi:10.1098/rspb.1967.0031 (
PMID 4382798 ( S2CID 11131727 ( Archived (
4319/ (PDF) from the original on 12
September 2005.
69. Goldstein, Bob (30 May 2019). "The Thrill of Defeat: What Francis Crick and Sydney
Brenner taught me about being scooped" (
ps:// Nautilus. Archived from the original
( on 10 December 2021. Retrieved
21 January 2021.
70. Judson, H.F. 1996. The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Biology. Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, chapter 3. ISBN 0-87969-478-5.
71. "Geograph:: Dr Rosalind Franklin and Photo 51 © Robin Stott" (
k/photo/3258777). Retrieved 23 April 2024.
72. Maddox, pp. 177–178
73. Maddox, p. 196
74. Crick (1990), p. 67
75. Wilkins, p. 198
76. Sayre, Olby, Maddox, Elkin, Wilkins
77. Hubbard, Ruth (1990). The Politics of Women's Biology (
womens00hubb). Rutgers State University. p. 60 (
s00hubb/page/60). ISBN 0-8135-1490-8.
78. Chapter 3 of The Eighth Day of Creation: Makers of the Revolution in Biology by Horace
Freeland Judson published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (1996) ISBN 0-87969-
79. Elkin, L.O. (2003)p 44
80. Maddox, pp. 198–199
81. Franklin, R.E. and Gosling, R.G. authors of papers received 6 March 1953 Acta Crystallogr.
(1953). 6, 673 The Structure of Sodium Thymonucleate Fibres I. The Influence of Water
Content Acta Crystallogr. (1953). 6, 678 The Structure of Sodium Thymonucleate Fibres II.
The Cylindrically Symmetrical Patterson Function
82. Maddox, p. 205
83. Schwartz, James (2008) In Pursuit of the Gene. From Darwin to DNA (
u/large_files/darwin_dna.pdf). Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674034910.
84. Wilkins provides a detailed account of the fact that Franklin's results were interpreted as
most likely indicated three, and possibly four, polynucleotide strands in the DNA molecule.
85. "Rosalind Franklin's Legacy" (
y/). 22 April 2003. Retrieved 23 April 2024.
86. "Rosalind Franklin's Legacy" (
y/). 22 April 2003. Retrieved 7 April 2024.
87. Cullen, Katherine E. (2006). Biology: the people behind the science. New York: Chelsea
House. p. 136. ISBN 0-8160-5461-4.
88. Cullen, Katherine E. (2006). Biology: the people behind the science. New York: Chelsea
House. p. 140. ISBN 0-8160-5461-4.
89. Stocklmayer, Susan M.; Gore, Michael M.; Brtyant, Chris (2001). Science Communication in
Theory and Practice. Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 79. ISBN 1-4020-0131-2.
90. Maddox
91. Ferry, Georgina (November 2019). "The structure of DNA" (
d41586-019-02554-z). Nature. 575 (7781): 35–36. Bibcode:2019Natur.575...35F ( doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02554-z (
org/10.1038%2Fd41586-019-02554-z). PMID 31686042 (
92. Elkin, L. O. (2003). "Rosalind Franklin and the Double Helix" (
570771). Physics Today. 56 (3): 42–48. Bibcode:2003PhT....56c..42E ( doi:10.1063/1.1570771 (
93. "Rosalind Franklin's Overlooked Role in the Discovery of DNA's Structure" ( HISTORY. 25 March 2024. Retrieved 7 April
94. Maddox, p. 312,
95. Ridley
96. Alicia Chen (22 October 2009). "Women in the sciences still struggle, Hopkins says" (https://
Brown Daily Herald. Retrieved 17 June 2020.
97. Laura Hoopes (1 April 2011). "Nancy Hopkins' Keynote Speech Shockers" (
06/). Scitable by Nature Education. Retrieved 17 June 2020.
98. Crick, Francis (1966). "Why I Am a Humanist" (
cord/C__Rb1817155). Varsity. Retrieved 15 March 2014 – via Francis Crick Papers: The
Wellcome Library.
99. Crick, Francis (1966). "Letter to the Editor, Varsity, the University of Cambridge newspaper.
(1966)" ( Francis Crick
Papers. The Wellcome Library. Retrieved 15 March 2014.
100. McKie, Robin (17 September 2006). "Genius was in his DNA" (
eviews/biography/0,,1874072,00.html). The Guardian. London. Retrieved 4 August 2007.
101. Of Molecules and Men (Prometheus Books, 2004; original edition 1967) ISBN 1-59102-185-
5. A portion of the book was published as "The Computer, the Eye, the Soul (" in Saturday Review (1966): 53–55.
102. Crick (1990), p. 10: Crick described himself as agnostic, with a "strong inclination towards
103. Beckett C (2004). "For the Record: The Francis Crick Archive at the Wellcome Library" (http
s:// Med Hist. 48 (2): 245–60.
doi:10.1017/S0025727300007419 (
PMC 546341 ( PMID 15151106 (htt
104. Do our genes reveal the hand of God? (
Fecfgod19.xml) The Daily Telegraph. 20 March 2003.
105. Crick F (November 1970). "Molecular biology in the year 2000" (
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106. Borg J, Andrée B, Soderstrom H, Farde L (November 2003). "The serotonin system and
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( PMID 14594742 ( S2CID 5911066 (
107. Crick (1990), p. 11
108. "Notable Signers" ( Humanism and Its
Aspirations. American Humanist Association. Archived from the original ( on 5 October 2012.
Retrieved 28 September 2012.
109. Amicus Curiae Brief of 72 Nobel Laureates, 17 State Academies of Science, and 7 Other
Scientific Organization in Support of Appellees (
uillard/amicus1.html) filed in the case Edwards v. Aguillard before the U.S. Supreme Court
110. Press release from the British Humanist Association: Darwin Day a natural holiday? ( Archived (
p?article=1348) 26 October 2005 at the Wayback Machine (12 February 2003).
111. Crick FH (December 1968). "The origin of the genetic code". Journal of Molecular Biology.
38 (3): 367–79. doi:10.1016/0022-2836(68)90392-6 (
6%2868%2990392-6). PMID 4887876 (
S2CID 4144681 (
112. Crick, Francis; Orgel, Leslie E (1973). "Directed Panspermia" (
C/B/C/C/P/_/scbccp.pdf) (PDF). Icarus. 19 (3): 341–346. Bibcode:1973Icar...19..341C (http
s:// doi:10.1016/0019-1035(73)90110-3 (htt
ps:// Archived (
web/20050912214232/ (PDF) from the
original on 12 September 2005. Crick later wrote a book about directed panspermia: Crick,
Francis (1981). Life itself: its origin and nature (
_0). New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-671-25562-2.
113. Orgel LE, Crick FH (1993). "Anticipating an RNA world. Some past speculations on the
origin of life: where are they today?" ( The
FASEB Journal. 7 (1): 238–9. doi:10.1096/fasebj.7.1.7678564 (
sebj.7.1.7678564). PMID 7678564 (
S2CID 11314345 (
114. Crick FH, Brenner S, Klug A, Pieczenik G (December 1976). "A speculation on the origin of
protein synthesis". Origins of Life. 7 (4): 389–97. Bibcode:1976OrLi....7..389C ( doi:10.1007/BF00927934 (
7%2FBF00927934). PMID 1023138 (
S2CID 42319222 (
115. Jukes, T. H.; Holmquist, R. (1972). "Evolution of transfer RNA molecules as a repetitive
process". Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 49 (1): 212–216.
doi:10.1016/0006-291X(72)90031-9 (
1-9). PMID 4562163 (
116. Crick (1990), p. 145
117. Mestel, Rosie. "Co-discoverer of DNA's double helix dies" (
sns-crick-obit-story.html#). Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
118. "Nobel Laureates" ( University of California. Archived from the original ( on 16 March 2013. Retrieved 20 September 2018.
119. "University of California History Digital Archives" (
al_history/overview/1960timeline.html). Retrieved 20 September 2018.
120. "Towards a Neurobiological Theory of Consciousness (
D/_/scbcfd.pdf)" by Francis Crick and Christof Koch in Seminars in the Neurosciences
(1990): Volume 2 pages 263–275.
121. Strauss, Bernard S (1 March 2019). "Martynas Yčas: The "Archivist" of the RNA Tie Club" (h
ttps:// Genetics. 211 (3): 789–795.
doi:10.1534/genetics.118.301754 (
ISSN 1943-2631 ( PMC 6404253 ( PMID 30846543 (
122. "Cabinet Office list of honours declined by since deceased persons, 1951–1999" (
ult/files/resources/document2012%2D01%2D24%2D075439.pdf) (PDF). Archived from the
original (
75439.pdf) (PDF) on 4 April 2012. Retrieved 2 November 2016.
123. "Francis Crick EMBO profile" ( Heidelberg: European Molecular Biology Organization.
124. "Francis Harry Compton Crick" (
k). American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Retrieved 23 August 2022.
125. "Francis Crick" (
l). Retrieved 23 August 2022.
126. "APS Member History" (
d). Retrieved 23 August 2022.
127. "Francis Crick Medal and Lecture: This prize lecture is given on a subject in the field of
biology" (
s-crick-lecture/). London: Royal Society. Archived from the original (
wards/francis-crick-lecture/) on 11 February 2015.
128. The Francis Crick Lecture (2003) (
Archived (
p?tip=1&id=1809) 12 November 2007 at the Wayback Machine: The Royal Society website.
Retrieved 12 July 2006.
129. Jha, Alok (19 June 2010). "Plans for largest biomedical research facility in Europe unveiled"
pe). The Guardian. London. Retrieved 11 August 2010.
130. "Three's company: Imperial, King's join UCL in £700m medical project" ( Times Higher
Education. 15 April 2011. Retrieved 16 April 2011.
131. Back and Forward: From University to Research Institute; From Egg to Adult, and Back
Again ( Archived (
html) 3 January 2006 at the Wayback Machine by Professor Sir John Gurdon, Francis Crick
Graduate Lectures, 29 November 2005. University of Cambridge.
132. A Life in Science (
Archived (
ol/adverts/timhunt-review.html) 3 January 2006 at the Wayback Machine by Dr Tim Hunt,
Francis Crick Graduate Lectures, 29 June 2005. University of Cambridge.
133. Westminster honours Francis Crick (20/06/2007) (
ews/pr-3802.cfm). City of Westminster.
134. "Summit Overview Photo" (
135. "The Pantheon of Skeptics" ( CSI.
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Archived (
p:// from the original on 31 January 2017.
Retrieved 30 April 2017.
136. "Benjamin Franklin Medal for Distinguished Achievement in the Sciences Recipients" (http:// American Philosophical Society. Retrieved
27 November 2011.
137. "The New Elizabethans – Francis Crick" (
res/about). BBC. Retrieved 30 May 2016.
Crick, Francis (1990). What Mad Pursuit: a Personal View of Scientific Discovery
(reprint ed.). New York: Basic Books. ISBN 0-465-09138-5.
Maddox, Brenda (2002). Rosalind Franklin: the dark lady of DNA (
rosalindfranklin00madd). London: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-018407-8.
Olby, Robert (2009). Francis Crick: Hunter of Life's Secrets. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press. ISBN 978-0-87969-798-3.
Ridley, Matt (2006). Francis Crick: Discoverer of the Genetic Code. Ashland, OH: Atlas
Books. ISBN 0-06-082333-X.
Wilkins, Maurice (2003). The Third Man of the Double Helix: The Autobiography of Maurice
Wilkins. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-860665-6.
Further reading
John Bankston, Francis Crick and James D. Watson; Francis Crick and James Watson:
Pioneers in DNA Research (Mitchell Lane Publishers, Inc., 2002) ISBN 1-58415-122-6.
Bill Bryson; A Short History of Nearly Everything (Broadway Books, 2003) ISBN 0-7679-
Soraya De Chadarevian; Designs For Life: Molecular Biology After World War II, CUP 2002,
444 pp; ISBN 0-521-57078-6.
Roderick Braithwaite. Strikingly Alive: The History of the Mill Hill School Foundation 1807–
2007; published Phillimore & Co. ISBN 978-1-86077-330-3
Edwin Chargaff; Heraclitean Fire, Rockefeller Press, 1978.
S. Chomet (Ed.), D.N.A. Genesis of a Discovery, 1994, Newman- Hemisphere Press,
Dickerson, Richard E.; Present at the Flood: How Structural Molecular Biology Came About,
Sinauer, 2005; ISBN 0-87893-168-6.
Edward Edelson, Francis Crick And James Watson: And the Building Blocks of Life, Oxford
University Press, 2000, ISBN 0-19-513971-2.
John Finch; A Nobel Fellow On Every Floor, Medical Research Council 2008, 381 pp,
ISBN 978-1-84046-940-0.
Hager, Thomas; Force of Nature: The Life of Linus Pauling, Simon & Schuster 1995;
ISBN 0-684-80909-5
Graeme Hunter; Light Is A Messenger, the life and science of William Lawrence Bragg
(Oxford University Press, 2004) ISBN 0-19-852921-X.
Horace Freeland Judson, The Eighth Day of Creation. Makers of the Revolution in Biology;
Penguin Books 1995, first published by Jonathan Cape, 1977; ISBN 0-14-017800-7.
Errol C. Friedberg; Sydney Brenner: A Biography, pub. CSHL Press October 2010, ISBN 0-
Torsten Krude (Ed.); DNA Changing Science and Society (ISBN 0-521-82378-1) CUP 2003.
(The Darwin Lectures for 2003, including one by Sir Aaron Klug on Rosalind Franklin's
involvement in the determination of the structure of DNA).
Robert Olby; The Path to The Double Helix: Discovery of DNA; first published in October
1974 by MacMillan, with foreword by Francis Crick; ISBN 0-486-68117-3; revised in 1994,
with a 9-page postscript.
Robert Olby; Oxford National Dictionary article: Crick, Francis Harry Compton (1916–2004).
In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, January 2008.
Anne Sayre. 1975. Rosalind Franklin and DNA. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
ISBN 0-393-32044-8.
James D. Watson; The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure
of DNA, Atheneum, 1980, ISBN 0-689-70602-2 (first published in 1968) is a very readable
firsthand account of the research by Crick and Watson. The book also formed the basis of
the award-winning television dramatisation Life Story by BBC Horizon (also broadcast as
Race for the Double Helix). [The Norton Critical Edition, which was published in 1980, edited
by Gunther S. Stent: ISBN 0-393-01245-X]
James D. Watson; Avoid Boring People and Other Lessons from a Life in Science, New
York: Random House. ISBN 978-0-375-41284-4.
External links
The Francis Crick Institute (
"Francis Harry Compton Crick (1916–2004)" by A. Andrei at the Embryo Project
Encyclopedia (
Francis Crick ( on
Portraits of Francis Crick (
05207) at the National Portrait Gallery, London
Crick papers
National DNA Day, 25 April 2006 Moderated Chat Transcript Archive (
Independent On Line article ( about Consciousness, 7 June
Siegel RM, Callaway EM (December 2004). "Francis Crick's Legacy for Neuroscience:
Between the α and the Ω" ( PLOS
Biology. 2 (12): e419. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0020419 (
pbio.0020419). PMC 535570 (
PMID 17593891 (
100 Scientists and Thinkers: James Watson and Francis Crick (
20000510021309/ from
Time magazine.
Francis Crick: Nobel Prize 1962, Physiology or Medicine (
First press stories on DNA ( but for the "second" DNA story in The New
York Times, see: — for
reproduction of the original text in June 1953.
50th anniversary series of articles (
etics/index.html) -from The New York Times.
Quotes (
l) of Robert Olby on exactly who may have discovered the structure of DNA.
A celebration of Francis Crick's life in science (
Francis Crick tells his life story ( at Web of Stories
Bretscher M, Lawrence P (August 2004). "Francis Crick 1916–2004" (
6%2Fj.cub.2004.08.006). Current Biology. 14 (16): R642–5. Bibcode:2004CBio...14.R642B
( doi:10.1016/j.cub.2004.08.006 (h
ttps:// PMID 15324677 (
Article by Mark Steyn from The Atlantic in 2004 (
Review of Francis Crick: Hunter of Life's Secrets in Current Biology (