PDF Ethnomathematics a multicultural view of mathematical ideas 1st Edition Marcia Ascher download
PDF Ethnomathematics a multicultural view of mathematical ideas 1st Edition Marcia Ascher download
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Ethnomathematics a multicultural view of mathematical
ideas 1st Edition Marcia Ascher Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Marcia Ascher
ISBN(s): 9780534148805, 1351449516
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 7.96 MB
Year: 2017
Language: english
A Multicultural View of Mathematical Ideas
A Midticultural V m ofMathematical Ideas
Marcia Ascher
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for making me aware of other scholars who were concerned with some
what similar issues. The Wenner-Gren Foundation provided partial
support for the study of the Inca artifact, discussed in Chapter 1, and for
my study of graphs in cultures, discussed in Chapter 2.
The specific impetus to write this book was a conference at the Mathe
matical Research Institute at Oberwolfach; there I found historians of
mathematics who welcomed new ideas. An invitation to spend the aca
demic year 1987-1988 as a Getty Scholar at the Getty Center for the
History of Art and the Humanities in Santa Monica, California, provided
the opportimity to begin writing. The administration and staff of the
Center made every effort to make the year valuable and special. My
particular thanks to Carole Frick and Lori Repetti (then graduate stu
dents) for their assistance and sincere interest in my work. Ithaca College
provided the reduction of one course so that I could complete the book.
Although they are also acknowledged in the text, I thank those who
permitted me to reproduce figures or photographs. My appreciation also
goes to all of those who helped by typing, reading parts of the manuscript,
suggesting further sources, and questioning and commenting on what I
wrote or what I said. I am especially grateful to the following reviewers of
the manuscript for their helpful comments: H.J.M. Bos of the University
of Utrecht, The Netherlands; Paul Campbell of Beloit College; Donald
W. Crowe of the University of Wisconsin; Ubiratan D ’Ambrosio of
UNICAMP, Brazil; James Rauff of Millikin University; Melanie
Schneider of the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Alvin White of
Harvey Mudd College; and Claudia Zaslavsky.
Above all, I thank my husband, Robert Ascher, for his encouragement,
critical reading, and constructive suggestions.
Marcia Ascher
o n t n t
Introduction i
Numbers: Words and Symbols 4
Tracing Graphs in the Sand so
The Logic o f Kin Relations 66
Chance and Strategy in Games and Puzzles 84
The Organization and Modeling o f Space 122
Symmetric Strip Decorations 154
In Conclusion: Ethnomathematics 184
Index 201
I n t r o d u c t i o n
traditional cultures. Some of the peoples whose ideas are included are
the Inuit, Navajo, and Iroquois of North America; the Incas of South
America; the Malekula, Warlpiri, Maori, and Caroline Islanders of
Oceania; and the Tshokwe, Bushoong, and Kpelle of Africa. Only after
ward will you find a discussion of the scope and implications of ethno-
mathematics and how it relates to other areas of inquiry.
The concept of culture is subtle and multifaceted; thus, to capture
its essence, the word has numerous definitions and elaborations. What
most have in common, and what is significant for us, is that in any culture
the people share a language; a place; traditions; and ways of organizing,
interpreting, conceptualizing, and giving meaning to their physical and
social worlds. Because of the spread of a few dominant cultures, there is
no culture that is completely self-contained or unmodified. The effects
that were wrought or things that were adopted or adapted concern us
only peripherally. We focus, rather, on what is called the ethnographic
present, that is, the period during which the traditional culture holds full
As is the case for well over 95 percent of all cultures, until very
recently each of the cultures we draw upon had no system of writing. As
a result, there are no early records by them in their ozvn words. Most of
our information is based on the writings of others who translated what
they heard and what they observed into their own terms. For Europeans,
the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were a time of exploration. They
discovered then, and continued to discover, that there were many people
in the world living in ways quite different from their own. Explorers,
traders, and missionaries wrote about thè people they encountered but,
because these people were so different from themselves, the descriptions
vary considerably in reliability. During the late nineteenth century,
but particularly during this century, more meaningful descriptions and
greater understanding became available with the growth of the fields of
ethnology, culture history, and linguistics. From twentieth-century in
sights, theories, and knowledge, we have come to understand that there
is no single linear path along which cultures progress, with some ahead
and others behind. Cultiures share some ideas but not others. Even where
an idea is the same or similar, it will be differently expressed and have
different contexts in different cultures. This is as true for mathematical
ideas as it is for other ideas; the Western expression is but one of many.
Among mathematical ideas, we include those involving number,
logic, spatial configuration, and, even more significant, the combination or
organization of these into systems or structures. Our interest is this broad
realm of mathematical ideas. Mathematics has no generally agreed-upon
definition; it means to some whatever was included in their school or
I n t r o d u c t i o n
Words and
A- ,i-|^ k-,.-i ,S';-?.'4;:;i'-
4 f -i i: :::i '
o n
5, 10, 15, 20, 400, and 8000. The numerals have a cyclic pattern based
on cycles of length twenty. Just as our cycle based on ten has a root word
for ten times ten (hundred), so this pattern has a root word for twenty
times twenty (four himdred) and for twenty of those (eight thousand).
Within the cycle, there are reference points at five, ten, and fifteen. The
implied arithmetic operations are addition and multiplication. Combin
ing these, and using our symbols only as shorthand for their words, the
Nahuatl number words can be described as:
1 11 implies 1 0 + 1
2 12 implies 10 + 2
3 13 implies 10 + 3
4 14 implies 10 + 4
5 15
6 implies 5 + 1 16 implies 15 + 1
7 implies 5 + 2 17 implies 15 + 2
8 implies 5 + 3 18 implies 15 + 3
9 implies 5 + 4 19 implies 15 + 4
10 20
21 implies 2 0 + 1
36 implies 20 + (15 + 1)
41 implies (2 x 20) + 1
56 implies (2 x 20) + (15 + 1)
72 implies (3 x 20) + (10 + 2)
104 implies (5 x 20) + 4
221 implies [(10 + 1) x 20] + 1
463 implies 400 + [(3 x 20) + 3]
7463 implies [(15 + 3) x 400] + [(13 x 20) + 3]
8861 implies 8000 + (2 x 400) + (3 x 20) + 1.
Numbers: Words and Symbol s
Nahuatl and Choi numerals both have cycles based on twenty, but
languages with number word cycles based on four, five, eight, and ten
are also reportedly common, some with and some without additional
reference points within the cycles. Yet other languages have other types
of number word patterns. One such example is Toba (western South
America) in which the word with value five implies (two plus three), six
implies (two times three), and seven implies (two times three) plus one.
Then eight implies (two times four), nine implies (two times four) plus
one, and ten is (two times four) plus two. There is also implied subtraction
in, for example, some Athapaskan languages on the Pacific Coast. In
them, eight implies (ten minus two) and nine implies (ten minus one).
The foregoing illustrations have been drawn from Native American
languages. They do reflect, however, the diversity foimd throughout the
world. For all of them, it is important to keep in mind that number words
are historically derived; they are not formulas and none are any more
sensible or necessary than others. There is an often-repeated idea that
numerals involving cycles based on ten are somehow more logical because
of human fingers. The Yuki of California are said to believe that their
cycles based on eight are most appropriate for exactly the same reason.
The Yuki, however, are referring to the interfinger spaces. For each
people, their own number words are simple, obvious, and spoken without
recourse to arithmetic or calculation. And, to emphasize that number
words constructed differently from our own are not confined to non
literate peoples, we conclude with two European examples. In French
number words, there are cycles based on ten, but, within them, starting
at sixty, a cycle based on twenty intrudes. Again, using symbols as
shorthand for their words:
Chapt er One
80 implies (4 x 20)
81 implies (4 x 20) + 1
82 implies (4 x 20) + 2
And, in Danish,
20 impl es (2 X 10)
30 impl es (3 X 10)
40 impl e s (4 X 10)
50 impl es (3 - §) X 20
60 impl es (3 X 20)
70 impl es (4 —^) X 20
80 impl e s (4 X 20)
90 impl es (5 - i ) X 20.
N u mb e r s : Wor ds and S y m b o l s
Chapter One
a. animates (except for fish longer or larger than people), spirits, and
b. groups of humans, especially family groups
c. days
d. years
e. generations
f. coconut thatch
g. bundles of thatch
h. rows of thatch
i. rows of things (except of thatch)
j. layers
k. pandanus fruit
l. elongated things (posts, bones, dried pandanus fruit stored in long
tubular containers, fish larger or longer than the speaker, fingers,
m. leaves, pages of books, playing cards
n. baskets, dances
o. customs
p. all modes of transportation
q. things from which edibles are detached (trees, plants, shrubs, fish
hooks, land sections)
r. general (often replacing other classifiers of inanimates and used for
serial counting).
Numbe r s : Words and Symbol s
Chapter One
An early misunderstanding of
numeral classifiers became translated into a significant mathematical
misunderstanding of nonliterate peoples. The theory of classical evolu
tion, a late-nineteenth-century/early-twentieth-century paradigm, as
sumed that there was a single linear evolutionary path leading from
savagery to civilization in a series of predestined stages. What appeared
to be different number words for different things were taken to be from
earlier stages before the general concept of number was understood. To
this day, many histories of mathematics associate ntimeral classifiers only
with nonliterate people and repeat that peoples using them do not under
stand that two human fishermen and two long things bananas both contain
the same concept of two. From this, these historians concluded that such
people are incapable of abstraction. But it is clear that numeral classifiers
combined into or coupled with number words do not interfere with the
concept of number. It would be no less abstract and no less tmder-
standing of seven hundred if one had to say seven hundred human traffic
fatalities rather than seven himdred traffic fatalities. We would not bela
bor the point if the implications of this misunderstanding were not
N u mb e r s : Wor ds and S y m b o l s
C h a p t e r One
meaning. There are increasingly many number labels in the world arotmd
us—your social security munber, the ISBN number of this book, the
product codes on most everything that is purchased, and so on. The more
information we process by computers, the more such number labels are
used. Part of the power of computers is that they can electronically
represent, store, and process both quantities and labels. The quipus are
records, not calculating or processing devices. The combined use of
numbers as quantities and numbers as labels made the quipus sufficiently
flexible to serve as the only record-keeping system of a large, complex,
bureaucratic state.
How these quantities and labels were organized and what more is
known about the logical-numerical system of the quipus is another longer
story. Here we coniine ourselves to how numbers, whether they be
quantities or labels, were symbolized. Because the medium is so different
from our own, some rudiments of the quipu’s construction and logic are
needed. But first we shall introduce the Incas and the important role that
quipus played in their communication network.
Numbers: Words and Symbol s
group that justified its destructive acts on the basis of cultural superiority.
Some is obtained from the study of Inca artifaas that survived, and
among these artifacts are the quipus. In Inca practice, people were buried
with objects they had made or used while alive. All of about 500 quipus,
that today are housed in museums through the world, were recovered
from gravesites in relatively dry coastal areas.
The Incas can be characterized as methodical, highly organized,
concerned with detail, and intensive data users. The Inca bureaucracy
continuously monitored the areas under its control. They received many
messages and sent many instructions daily. The messages included de
tails of resources such as items that were needed or available in store
houses, taxes owed or collected, census information, the output of mines,
or the composition of work forces. The messages were transmitted rap
idly using the extensive road system via a simple, but effective, system
of runners. A runner carried a message from the posthouse where he was
stationed to the next posthouse on the road, where a new runner stood
ready to take the message the next few miles to another posthouse, and
so on. The messages had to be clear, compact, and portable. Quipu-
makers were responsible for encoding and decoding the information.
In each of the occupied regions, the Incas selected a few people with
some local standing and sent them to Cuzco, the capital, to learn Inca
ways in general and quipumaking in particular. The people then remmed
home to serve as bureaucrats in the Inca administration. In addition to
dealing with resources, the messages on quipus, according to the Spanish
chroniclers, were as varied as ballads, peace negotiations, laws, and state
A quipu is an assemblage of colored knotted cotton cords. Among
the Inca, cotton cloth and cordage were of great importance. Used to
construct bridges, in ceremonies, for tribute, and in every phase of
the life cycle from birth to death, cotton cordage and cloth were of
unparalleled importance in Inca culture and, hence, not a surprising
choice for its principal medium. The colors of the cords, the way the
cords are connected together, the relative placement of the cords, the
spaces between the cords, the types of knots on the individual cords, and
the relative placement of the knots are all part of the logical-numerical
recording. Figure 1.1 shows a quipu in the rolled form in which it was
probably transported. Figure 1.2 shows the same quipu unrolled. Just
as anything from simple scratch marks to complex mathematical nota
tion can be contained on a piece of paper or a blackboard, the logical- Figure 1.1. A quipu that
is completed and rolled
numerical system embedded in the cord arrays sets them quite apart from (courtesy of the Smithsonian
any other knotted cord usage by individuals or groups in other cultures. National Museum,
The quipus are distinaively Inca and unique to them. Washington, D.C.)
Chapt er One
In general, a quipu has one cord, called the main cord, that is thicker
than the rest and from which other cords are suspended. When the main
cord is laid horizontally on a flat table, most of the cords fall in one
direction; these are called pendant cords. Those few that fall in the
opposite direction are called top cords. Suspended from some or all of the
pendant or top cords are other cords called subsidiary cords, and there can
be subsidiaries of subsidiaries, and so on. Sometimes a single cord is
attached to the end of the main cord. Because it is attached in a different
way from the pendant or top cords, it is referred to as a dangle end cord.
All the attachments are tight so that once the quipu is constructed, the
cord positions are fixed. A schematic of a quipu is shown in Figure 1.3.
In that illustration, by spacing along the main cord, the pendants are
formed into two different groups. And the first cord has two subsidiaries
on the same level, while the fourth cord has subsidiaries on two different
levels. Pendant cords, top cords, and subsidiary cords range from 20 to
50 centimeters in length. A quipu can be made up of as few as three cords
or as many as 2000 cords and can have some or all of the cord types
Numbers: Words and Symbol s
Subsidiary cord
Chapt er One
each other by color, such as red (i?) for family 1, yellow (Y) for family
2, and blue (B) and green (G) for families 3 and 4 (see Figure 1.5). There
are several other assortments of spacing and color that could be used to
organize these data. But one particular use of color had important ramifi
cations for the Inca mode of number representation. Continuing with
our potato consumption example, let the colors red (B), yellow ( Y), and
blue (B) be associated with men, women, and children, respectively.
Then each consecutive repetition of the color pattern red-yellow-blue
would be another family. The significance of this technique is that
pendants can be omitted from a group without ambiguity when the
category with which it is associated is inapplicable. As you look at Figure
1.6, note that the color blue has been omined for the third family; that
is, there will be no potato consumption recorded for children because
family 3 has no children. This elimination of “blanks” makes for com-
pacmess but, more crucial, it clarifies that a cord that is present with no
knots has some other meaning.
Groups by spacing
Groups by color
F igure 1.5. Quipu layouts of potato consumption record
N u m b e r s : Wor ds and S y m b o l s
Figure 1.6. Another quipu layout of the potato
consumption record
C h a p t e r One
it is the relationship of the value of a symbol to the value of nearby
s}miboIs that is of importance rather than the positions of individual
symbols per se. For example, the value of a collection is the sum of the
individual values if the symbols decrease in value as you move to the
right. Thus, XVI translates into our 16 because it is interpreted as
10 + 5 + 1. On the other hand, subtraction is indicated when a symbol
of smaller value precedes one of larger value; IX translates into our 9. In
the collection MCMXLIV, both the additive and subtractive principles
are involved. A direct translation of each symbol in this collection is
1000, 100, 1000, 10, 50, 1, 5. Since the 100 precedes the 1000, it is
subtracted from it as is 10 from 50 and 1 from 5, but these differences
decrease in value and so their results are added. In all, the collection is
translated as:
N u mb e r s : Wor ds and S y m b o l s
C h a p t e r One
Nu mb e r s : Wor ds and S y m b o l s
Chapt er One
cord, which required careful planning and careful execution, can also be
The Incas were what is generally termed a civilization except for
one attribute; namely, they had no writing system. They had, nonethe
less, this symbolic representation of numbers, which served as the
cornerstone for recording information. Utilizing numbers, the logical-
numerical system embedded in the quipus was sufficient to serve the
needs of the complex, highly organized Inca state.
1. This description of the counting capacity as a human universal follows
Noam Chomsky, Language and Problems of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures,
M IT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1988, pp. 167-169, 183. Also see Burt W.
Aginsky and Ethel G. Aginsky, “The importance of language universals,” Word,
4 (1948), 168-172 and Kenneth Hale, “Gaps in grammar and culture” in Linguis
tics and Anthropology in Honor of C. F. Voegelin, M. D. Kinkade, K. L. Hale, and
O. Werners, eds.. The Peter de Ridder Press, Lisse, 1975, 195-316. James R.
Hurford, Language and Number, Basil Blackwell, London, 1987 is a compre
hensive discussion of how people use and acquire numerals. It relates linguistic
analysis to psychological and social considerations, as well as addressing the
philosophy of number. Hurford sees the human number faculty as innate but
N u m b e r s : Wor ds and S y m b o l s
3 . The Nahuatl words are from Stanley E. Payne and Michael P. Closs,
“Aztec numbers and their uses” in Native American Mathematics, Michael P.
Qoss, ed.. University of Texas Press, 1986, pp. 213-235; the Choi words fnjm
Wilbur Aulie, “High-layered numerals in Choi (Mayan)” International Journal
of American Linguistics, 23 (1957) 281-283; the Toba words from W. J. McGee,
“Primitive Numbers,” Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology,
19th Annual Report, Washington, D.C., 1900, pp. 821-851; the Athapaskan
words from Virginia D . Hymes, “Athapaskan numeral systems,” International
Journal of American Linguistics, 21 (1955), 26-45; and the Danish words from
James R. Hurford, The Linguistic Theory of Numerals, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1975. Collections o f number words span about one hundred
years and reflect large changes in imderstanding. Some earlier works such as
W. C. Eells, “Number systems of the North American Indians,” American
Mathematical Monthly, 20 (1913) 263-299, are good reference sources, but
theoretically outdated.
Although about a different part of the world, we particularly recommend
John Harris, “Facts and fallacies of aboriginal number systems,” Work Papers
of Summer Institute of Linguistics—Australian Aborigines Branch, S. Hargrave,
ed., series B, 8 (1982) 153-181, and his 1987 article “Australian Aboriginal and
Islander mathematics,” pp. 29-37 in Australian Aboriginal Studies, number 2.
They contain significant observations and are important as a refutation of the
firequendy heard generalization that all Native Australians count only to three or
four. Also, Jadran Mimica’s book Intimations of Infinity, Berg Publishers Ltd.,
Oxford, 1988, is an important contribution to viewing number in cultural con
Chapter One
text. In the words of its author, “The book is an interpretation of the counting
system and the meanings of the category of number among the Iqwaye people of
Papua New Guinea.” It explores “their intrinsic relations with the Iqwaye view
of the cosmos” (p. 5).
Although it is not as generally applicable as the author suggests, the
descriptive model proposed by Zdenek Salzmann, “A method for analyzing
numerical systems,” Word 6 (1950), 78-83 is recommended.
N u mb e r s : Wor ds and S y m b o l s
h a
Tracing Graphs
in the Sand
S ~
w o
Chapt er Two
Tracing Graphs in the Sand
Chapt er Two
chiefs, and so the Bushoong live in and arovind the Kuba capital (see
Map 1). In the late nineteenth century, there were about 100,000 Kuba
with about 4000 people living in the capital. Those living in the capital
were the nyimi, hundreds of his wives, nobility, and specialized crafts
people. The Belgian government became the colonial authority just after
1910, ruling the Kuba territory indirectly until the establishment of Zaire
in 1960.
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Documents with Different Content
1. Silently corrected obvious typographical errors and
variations in spelling.
2. Retained archaic, non-standard, and uncertain spellings
as printed.
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