MS BULLET NOTES 8 - Relevant Costing
MS BULLET NOTES 8 - Relevant Costing
MS BULLET NOTES 8 - Relevant Costing
Decision Making is the process of choosing from at least two alternatives. For business
entities, management must choose in favor of the option that maximizes the company
Short-term decisions:
Accept or reject a special order.
Sell or process further.
Make or buy.
Retain or replace equipment.
Continue or shut down a business segment.
Choosing the best product combination.
Utilization of scarce resources.
Selecting a change in profit factors.
Relevant Costs – future costs that are expected to be different under each alternative
course of action.
Differential Costs – increases (increments) or decreases (decrements) in total costs
that result from selecting one alternative instead of another.
Avoidable Costs – costs that will be saved or those that will not be incurred if a
certain decision is made.
Opportunity Costs – the benefit lost by taking one action as opposed to another.
Sunk Costs – refer to the non-recoverable costs incurred in the past.
Joint Costs – costs incurred in simultaneously processing or manufacturing two or
more products which are difficult to identify individually as separate types of products
until a certain processing stage known as the point of separation or split-off point.
Further Processing Costs – Costs incurred beyond the split off point as separated
joint products are to be processed further.
Split-Off Point – The earliest stage in the production where joint products can be
recognized as distinct and separate products.
Shutdown Costs – usual costs that a company will continue even if it decides to
discontinue or shutdown the operation of a company segment.
Incremental Analysis
The process used to identify the financial data that change under alternative
courses of action is called incremental analysis.
These data are relevant to the decision because they will vary in the future among
the possible alternatives.
Incremental analysis sometimes involves changes that might seem contrary to your
intuition. For example, sometimes:
o Variable costs do not change under the alternative courses of action.
o Fixed costs do change.
b. Make or buy
o In a make or buy decision, the relevant costs are:
The variable manufacturing costs that will be saved.
The fixed manufacturing costs that can be eliminated.
The purchase price.
Opportunity costs: The potential benefit that may be obtained by
following an alternative course of action.
o The book value of the old asset does not affect the decision. Book value is a
sunk cost, which is a cost that cannot be changed by any present or future