Full Download Nolo s Encyclopedia of Everyday Law Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions 8th Edition Shae Irving PDF DOCX
Full Download Nolo s Encyclopedia of Everyday Law Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions 8th Edition Shae Irving PDF DOCX
Full Download Nolo s Encyclopedia of Everyday Law Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions 8th Edition Shae Irving PDF DOCX
Stereotyping Africa Surprising Answers to Surprising
Questions Surprising Answers to Surprising Questions 1st
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“Practical examples, explanations of legal
principles, and useful tips...”
8th Edition
Law Answers to Your
Most Frequently Asked
Legal Questions
Shae Irving, J.D. & the editors of Nolo
Emma Cofod
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Nolo’s Encyclopedia
of Everyday Law
Answers to Your
Most Frequently Asked
Legal Questions
Nolo’s encyclopedia of everyday law : answers to your most frequently asked legal
questions / by Shae Irving & Nolo editors. -- 8th ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4133-1321-5 (pbk.)
ISBN-10: 1-4133-1321-3 (pbk.)
ISBN-13: 978-1-4133-1347-5 (e-book)
ISBN-10: 1-4133-1347-7 (e-book)
1. Law--United States--Popular works. 2. Law--United States--Miscellanea. I. Irving,
Shae. II. Nolo (Firm) III. Title: Encyclopedia of everyday law.
KF387.N65 2010
Copyright © 1996, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2011 by Nolo.
All rights reserved. The NOLO trademark is registered in the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office. Printed in the U.S.A.
Please note
We believe accurate, plain-English legal information should help you solve many of
your own legal problems. But this text is not a substitute for personalized advice
from a knowledgeable lawyer. If you want the help of a trained professional—and
we’ll always point out situations in which we think that’s a good idea—consult an
attorney licensed to practice in your state.
For Edward F. Dolan
Thanks to Jake Warner for inspiring and Stephen R. Elias, author of numerous Nolo
supporting this project. And thanks to books, including The New Bankruptcy: Will
all the Nolo editors and hardworking It Work for You?, Special Needs Trusts: Protect
production folks who keep the book on Your Child’s Financial Future, How to File for
track. Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and Legal Research:
How to Find & Understand the Law
We’re also grateful to every Nolo author
whose fine work has shaped these Cora Jordan, author of Neighbor Law: Fences,
pages. You’ll find many of these talented Trees, Boundaries & Noise and coauthor
individuals listed in the Contributors section (with Denis Clifford) of Plan Your Estate
on the following page. But we want to give
Mimi Lyster Zemmelman, author of Building
special thanks to:
a Parenting Agreement That Works: Child
Paul Bergman and Sara Berman-Barrett, Custody Agreements Step by Step.
authors of Represent Yourself in Court and
Anthony Mancuso, author of Incorporate
The Criminal Law Handbook
Your Business, How to Form a Nonprofit
David W. Brown, author of Beat Your Ticket: Corporation (national and California
Go to Court & Win! editions), Form Your Own Limited
Liability Company, The Corporate Records
Denis Clifford, author of many Nolo titles,
Handbook, and LLC or Corporation?
including The Quick & Legal Will Book,
Nolo’s Simple Will Book, and Make Your Joseph Matthews, author of How to Win Your
Own Living Trust, and coauthor of Plan Personal Injury Claim and Long-Term Care:
Your Estate and A Legal Guide for Lesbian How to Plan & Pay for It, and coauthor
& Gay Couples (with Dorothy Matthews Berman) of Social
Security, Medicare & Government Pensions
Frederick W. Daily, author of Stand Up to the
IRS and Tax Savvy for Small Business. Fred S. Steingold, author of The Legal Guide
for Starting & Running a Small Business and
The Employer’s Legal Handbook
Ilona Bray Ilona’s legal background includes especially for same-sex couples. She is the
solo practice as well as experience in coauthor of several Nolo books, including
the nonprofit and corporate worlds. She Nolo’s Essential Guide to Divorce, The
has written or coauthored several Nolo Sharing Solution, A Legal Guide for Lesbian
titles, including Effective Fundraising for & Gay Couples, and How to Change Your
Nonprofits, Becoming a U.S. Citizen, and Name in California.
Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying Your First
Diana Fitzpatrick Diana worked on municipal
finance issues at the San Francisco City
Catherine Caputo Before joining Nolo, Cathy Attorney’s office before joining Nolo. She
was an attorney in private practice assisting also worked at a law firm in New York for
start-up and small business clients with a several years before moving to the Bay Area.
wide range of legal needs. She edits small Diana is a graduate of New York University
business books and software and also School of Law and Barnard College.
focuses on issues affecting seniors, such
Lisa Guerin During her years as a law
as Social Security benefits and retirement.
student at Boalt Hall School of Law at
Cathy received her law degree, with honors,
the University of California at Berkeley,
from the University of San Francisco School
Lisa worked for Nolo as a research and
of Law.
editorial assistant. After a stint as a staff
Amy DelPo Amy has been an editor at attorney at the U.S. Court of Appeals for
Nolo since January 2000. She specializes the Ninth Circuit, Lisa has worked primarily
in workers’ rights, sexual harassment law, in the field of employment law, in both
employment law, criminal law, and civil government and private practice. Lisa
litigation. She brings more than six years of rejoined Nolo in 2000 and is the coauthor
criminal and civil litigation experience to her of several employment titles, including
work at Nolo, having litigated cases in all Create Your Own Employee Handbook and
levels of state and federal courts, including Dealing With Problem Employees.
the California Supreme Court and the United
Shae Irving Shae graduated from Boalt Hall
States Supreme Court. Amy received her law
School of Law at the University of California
degree, with honors, from the University of
at Berkeley in 1993 and began working for
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Nolo in 1994. She has written extensively
Emily Doskow Emily is a Nolo author and on durable powers of attorney, health
editor, and a mediator and attorney in care directives, and other estate planning
private practice in Berkeley, California, issues. She is the managing editor for Nolo’s
specializing in adoption and family law, Quicken WillMaker Plus software.
Bethany K. Laurence Beth graduated Betsy Simmons-Hannibal Betsy is a Nolo
from Hastings College of the Law at the editor specializing in estate planning books
University of California in 1993. She spent and software. She graduated with The
several years working for a corporate legal Honors Lawyering Program from Golden
publisher before coming to Nolo. She joined Gate University School of Law where she
Nolo’s editorial staff in 1997 and has never was research editor of the law review. Prior
been happier. Beth is the coauthor of Nolo’s to joining Nolo, she trained at two private
Business Buyout Agreements and the editor law firms as well as the San Francisco
of many of Nolo’s small business books. Superior Court and the Federal District
Court of Northern California.
Janet Portman Janet received undergraduate
and graduate degrees from Stanford Marcia Stewart Marcia is an expert on
University and a law degree from the landlord-tenant law, buying and selling
University of Santa Clara. She was a public houses, and other issues of interest to
defender before coming to Nolo. Janet is consumers. She is the coauthor of Nolo’s
Nolo’s managing editor, the author of Every Every Landlord’s Legal Guide, Every
Landlord’s Guide to Finding Great Tenants, Tenant’s Legal Guide, Renters’ Rights, and
and the coauthor of many Nolo titles, Leases & Rental Agreements, and editor of
including Every Landlord’s Legal Guide, Every Nolo’s LeaseWriter software for landlords.
Tenant’s Legal Guide, Renters’ Rights, and
Richard Stim Rich graduated from the
Negotiating the Best Lease for Your Business.
University of San Francisco Law School and
Mary Randolph Mary has been editing worked in private practice for 16 years until
and writing Nolo books and software for joining Nolo as an editor in 2000. He is the
more than a decade. She earned her law author of Profit From Your Idea, Getting
degree from Boalt Hall School of Law at Permission, and Music Law, and is the
the University of California at Berkeley, and coauthor of Patent Pending in 24 Hours.
her undergraduate degree at the University
Ralph Warner Ralph is a cofounder of Nolo.
of Illinois. She is the author of Deeds for
He is the author (or coauthor) of a number
California Real Estate, The Executor’s Guide,
of Nolo books, including Every Landlord’s
and other Nolo materials.
Legal Guide, Everybody’s Guide to Small
Alayna Schroeder Alayna graduated from the Claims Court, Form a Partnership, and Get
University of California, Hastings College a Life: You Don’t Need a Million to Retire
of the Law, and worked as an employment Well. Ralph is a lawyer who became fed
attorney before joining Nolo’s staff in 2005. up with the legal system and dedicated
In addition to editing employment and his professional life to making law more
real estate titles, she is coauthor of Nolo’s accessible and affordable to all Americans.
Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home. ●
Table of Contents
1 Houses..........................................................................................................................................3
Buying a House.............................................................................................................................4
Selling Your House....................................................................................................................12
2 Neighbors. ..............................................................................................................................21
Boundaries................................................................................................................................... 22
Fences............................................................................................................................................. 23
Trees................................................................................................................................................ 25
Views............................................................................................................................................... 26
Noise............................................................................................................................................... 28
5 Small Businesses.............................................................................................................. 99
Before You Start......................................................................................................................100
Legal Structures for Small Businesses..........................................................................106
Nonprofit Corporations..................................................................................................... 113
Small Business Taxes............................................................................................................. 116
Home-Based Businesses..................................................................................................... 121
Employers’ Rights & Responsibilities...........................................................................126
6 Patents.................................................................................................................................... 143
Qualifying for a Patent........................................................................................................144
Obtaining a Patent................................................................................................................149
Enforcing a Patent.................................................................................................................. 151
Putting a Patent to Work...................................................................................................153
How Patents Differ From Copyrights and Trademarks.....................................156
7 Copyrights........................................................................................................................... 159
Copyright Basics.....................................................................................................................160
Copyright Ownership..........................................................................................................162
Copyright Protection...........................................................................................................165
Copyright Registration and Enforcement.................................................................168
8 Trademarks........................................................................................................................ 171
Types of Trademarks............................................................................................................172
Trademark Protection......................................................................................................... 175
Using and Enforcing a Trademark.................................................................................178
Conducting a Trademark Search...................................................................................180
Registering a Trademark.....................................................................................................183
How Trademarks Differ From Patents and Copyrights.....................................186
9 Your Money.......................................................................................................................189
Purchasing Goods and Services......................................................................................190
Using Credit and Charge Cards......................................................................................195
Using an ATM or Debit Card...........................................................................................198
Strategies for Repaying Debts..........................................................................................200
Dealing With the IRS............................................................................................................206
Debt Collections.....................................................................................................................210
Bankruptcy................................................................................................................................ 212
Rebuilding Credit................................................................................................................... 215
13 Older Americans..........................................................................................................289
Retirement Plans....................................................................................................................290
Social Security..........................................................................................................................294
Finding a Caregiver or Residential Care Facility.....................................................305
G Glossary.................................................................................................................................437
I Index..........................................................................................................................................471
About This Book
hether we like it or not, the law answered many common ones to get you
touches our personal lives in started. Throughout each chapter, you’ll
many ways each day. We may find resource boxes listing sources for more
not think much about the laws that affect information about a particular subject.
us as we carry out simple tasks such as In addition, for those of you who are
driving a car, making a telephone call, or computer savvy, each chapter contains a list
buying milk at the corner grocery store. But of online sites that will help you learn more
every now and again, we’re sure to need about a particular area of the law. Look
an answer to a common legal question that for the “Online Help” icon as you read.
arises in the course of daily life: And if you need more information about
finding the law, the appendix contains a
What can I do about my noisy neighbor?
section that shows you how to do basic
legal research—with a focus on using the
What are my rights if I’m fired from my job?
Think of this book as a desk reference—
Do I really need to make a will?
a little encyclopedia that explains what the
law really means in a language you can
What should I do if I can’t pay the child
understand. But remember that the law
support I owe?
changes constantly, as legislatures pass new
And so on. statutes and courts hand down their rulings.
This book provides answers to frequently We will publish new, revised editions of
asked questions about more than 100 this book periodically, but it will never be
subjects you might encounter in your perfectly current. It’s always your responsi-
personal life—topics that range from buying bility to be sure a law is up to date before
a house to getting a divorce, from paying you rely on it. Check for legal updates on
your debts to starting and running a small our website at www.nolo.com for the most
business. Obviously, we can’t answer every current legal information affecting Nolo
question on a particular subject, but we’ve books and software.
C H A P t er
Houses 1
Buying a House..............................................................................................................................................4
Selling Your House.................................................................................................................................... 12
Deeds................................................................................................................................................................ 17
4 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
uying or selling a house is a both homeowners’ insurance and other house-
exciting and demanding. To do it related costs like utilities and maintenance.
successfully, you need to understand Now compare that to your monthly income.
how houses are priced, financed, and Lenders expect you to make all monthly
inspected; how to find and work with a real housing payments with 28% to 38% of your
estate agent; how to protect your interests gross monthly income (before taxes). The
when negotiating a contract; and how legal exact percentage depends on the amount
transfer of ownership takes place. This of your down payment, the interest rate on
chapter covers many of the basic topics the type of mortgage you want, your credit
that buyers, sellers, and owners need to score, the level of your long-term debts, and
understand. other factors.
It’s best to run the numbers yourself
before you talk to a bank or lender. Various
Buying a House online mortgage calculators, such as those
on the websites listed at the end of this
Before you fall in love with a house, it’s chapter, will help you get a realistic picture
essential to determine how much you can of your budget.
afford to pay and what your financing Once you’ve done the basic calculations,
options are. You’ll also need to choose a you can ask a lender or loan broker for
good real estate agent or broker, decide a prequalification letter saying that you
whether to buy an old house, new house, or are likely to be approved for a loan of a
condo, and finally, even if you think you’ve specified amount based on your income
found your dream home, understand house and credit history.
inspections and insure your new home However, unless you’re in a very slow
against unforeseen problems. market, with lots more sellers than buyers,
you’ll want to do more than prequalify—
I’m a first-time home buyer. How do I
you’ll want to be all but guaranteed
determine how much house I can afford?
for a specific loan amount. This means
Don’t rely on abstract formulas to determine that the lender actually evaluates your
how much you can pay. Instead, take a financial situation, runs a credit check,
close look at how much of your monthly and preapproves you for a loan (subject
income you can realistically set aside to you satisfying any last-minute questions
ChaPter 1 | Houses | 5
or conditions). Having lender preapproval How can I find the best home loan or
makes you more financially attractive to mortgage?
sellers than simple loan prequalification and Banks, credit unions, savings and loans,
is crucial in competitive markets or where insurance companies, mortgage bankers,
sellers are wary of accepting any offer that and others make home loans. Lenders and
might not close successfully. terms change frequently as new companies
appear, old ones merge, and market
How important is my credit history in
conditions fluctuate. To get the best deal,
getting loan approval?
compare loans and fees from at least a half-
Your credit history plays a vital role in dozen lenders. This information is widely
determining the type and amount of loan available on the Internet.
lenders offer you. When reviewing loan Mortgage rate websites come in two basic
applications, lenders typically request flavors: those sites that don’t offer loans
your credit score from the credit bureaus. (called “no-loan” sites) and those that do.
This score is a statistical summary of the No-loan sites are a great place to examine
information in your credit report, including: mortgage programs, learn mortgage lingo,
• your history of paying bills on time and crunch numbers with online mortgage
• the level of your outstanding debts calculators.
• how long you’ve had credit Many online mortgage sites also offer
• your credit limit direct access to loans from one or more
• the number of inquiries for your credit lenders. However, many customers report
report (too many of a certain kind can dissatisfaction with online mortgage services
lower your score), and and prefer to complete their transaction with
• the types of credit you have. a “live” lender or broker.
The higher your credit score, the easier See the end of this chapter for addresses
it will be to get a loan. If your score is of some mortgage websites.
low, a lender may either reject your loan To avoid all the legwork involved in
application altogether or insist on a very shopping for mortgages on your own, you
large down payment or high interest rate to can also work with a loan broker, someone
lower the lender’s risk. who specializes in matching house buyers
To avoid problems, always check your with an appropriate mortgage lender. Given
credit report and clean up your file if the increasing variety of loan types—as
necessary—before, not after, you apply discussed further on in this section—an
for a mortgage. For information on how to experienced broker can also help you decide
order and clean up your credit report, see which is best for you. (But check the broker’s
Chapter 9. qualifications carefully—not all brokers are
licensed.) Loan brokers usually collect their
fee from the lender, not from you.
6 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
What are my other options for home loans? out. To avoid constant and drastic changes,
You may also be eligible for a government- ARMs typically regulate (cap) how much
guaranteed loan, offered by: and how often the interest rate and/or
• the Federal Housing Administration payments can change in a year and over the
(FHA), an agency of the Department life of the loan.
of Housing and Urban Development
How do I decide between a fixed and an
(HUD) (see www.hud.gov)
adjustable rate mortgage?
• the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
(see www.homeloans.va.gov), or Because interest rates and mortgage options
• a state or local housing agency. change often, your choice of a fixed or an
Government loans usually have low down adjustable rate mortgage should depend
payment requirements and sometimes offer on the interest rates and mortgage options
better-than-market interest rates as well. available when you’re buying, how much
Also, ask banks and other private lenders you can afford in the short term, your view
about any “first-time buyer programs” that of the future (generally, high inflation will
offer low down-payment plans and flexible mean that ARM rates will go up and lower
qualifying guidelines to low- and moderate- inflation means that they will fall), and how
income buyers with good credit. willing you are to take a risk.
Finally, don’t forget private sources of Risk-averse people usually choose the
mortgage money—parents, other relatives, certainty of a fixed rate mortgage, even
friends, or even the seller of the house you when balanced against the possibility that
want to buy. Borrowing money privately is an ARM might be cheaper in the long run.
usually the most cost-efficient method of all. However, some people can’t afford the
relatively higher interest rates at which fixed
What’s the difference between a fixed and rate mortgages usually begin.
an adjustable rate mortgage? Keep in mind that if you take out a loan
With a fixed rate mortgage, the interest now, and several years from now interest
rate and the amount you pay each month rates have dropped but your home has
remain the same over the entire mortgage retained its value, refinancing may be an
term, traditionally 15 or 30 years. option. But if the only way you can afford
With an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), your home over the long term given your
your interest rate will fluctuate in step with expected income is to count on a refinance,
the interest rates in the economy. Initial don’t take the risk—many others have done
interest rates of ARMs are usually offered at so and lost.
a discounted (“teaser”) rate, which is lower To make sure you can refinance
than those for fixed rate mortgages. Over profitably in the future, avoid prepayment
time, however, initial discounts are filtered penalties on your first mortgage.
ChaPter 1 | Houses | 7
What’s the best way to find and work with a agent separately, there’s not payday until
real estate agent or broker? you buy a home, and the more you pay for
Get recommendations from people who a house, the bigger the agent’s cut.
have bought or sold a house in the past To offset this conflict, you need to
few years and whose judgment you trust. become knowledgeable about the house-
Don’t work with an agent you meet at an buying process, your ideal affordable house
open house or find in the Yellow Pages and neighborhood, your financing needs
or on the Internet unless and until you and options, your legal rights, and how to
call references and thoroughly check the evaluate comparable prices.
person out. (In fact, it’s best to line up an
What’s the best way to get information
agent before visiting open houses, because
on homes for sale and details about the
if you visit an open house unaccompanied
and wish to make an offer, some listing
agents have been known to claim that they Most people begin their search on the
found you first, and so they’re owed the full Internet, scanning online listings to see
commission.) which homes are worth a visit, how much
The agent or broker you choose should they cost, and what amenities they offer.
be in the full-time business of selling real Virtual tours of new homes often include
estate and should have the following five floor plans and photographs.
traits: integrity, business sophistication, Once you identify a house you like,
experience with the type of services you you can email the address or identification
need, knowledge of the area where you number to your agent, the listing agent,
want to live, and sensitivity to your tastes or the owner (if it’s a listing by a FSBO—
and needs. for sale by owner) to obtain additional
All states regulate and license real estate information or to set up an appointment to
agents and brokers. You may have different see the home.
options as to the type of legal relationship The list of websites at the end of this
you have with an agent or broker; typically, chapter includes some of the major national
the seller pays the commission of his or real estate listing sites. Your state or regional
her listing agent, who splits it with of realty association or multiple listing service
the real estate salesperson who helps the (MLS) may also have a website listing
buyer locate the seller’s house. The total homes for sale. Major real estate companies,
commission is a percentage (usually 5–6%) including ERA, RE/MAX, Coldwell Banker,
of the sales price of the house (so 2.5–3% Prudential, and others offer home listings
per agent). What this means is that your on their websites.
agent or broker has a built-in conflict of Virtually all online editions of newspapers
interest: Unless you’ve agreed to pay the offer a homes-for-sale classifieds section
8 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
that works much like an online listing site. Shop for an excellent builder—someone
On most newspaper sites, you can browse who builds quality houses, delivers on time,
all the listings or customize your search by has adequate cash reserves to finish the job
typing in your criteria, such as price range, (your home plus any promised amenities
location, and number of bedrooms and such as a clubhouse or pool), and stands
baths. Check the Newspaper Association of behind the work. To check out a particular
America (www.naa.org) for a link to your builder, talk to existing owners in the
newspaper. (Under “Quick Links,” click development you’re considering, or ask
“Newspaper Websites.”) an experienced contractor to look at other
Advice on relocation decisions and houses the developer is building. Keep
details about your new community and its tabs on the builder as the work is done, by
services are also readily available online. scheduling regular home inspections. (You’ll
For valuable information about cities, need to negotiate for these in your purchase
communities, and neighborhoods, including contract.)
schools, housing costs, demographics, crime Many developers of new housing will
rates, and jobs, see the websites listed at the help you arrange financing; some will also
end of this chapter. pay a portion of your monthly mortgage or
Keep in mind that the Internet is no subsidize your interest payments for a short
substitute for your own legwork. Ask period of time (called a “buydown” of the
your friends and colleagues, walk and mortgage). As with any loan, be sure you
drive around neighborhoods, talk to local comparison shop before arranging financing
residents, read local newspapers, visit the through a builder.
local library and planning department, and Also, be sure to negotiate the prices of
do whatever it takes to help you get a better any add-ons and upgrades, such as a spa
sense of a neighborhood or city. or higher-quality appliances. These can add
substantially to the cost of a new home.
I want to buy a newly built house. Is there
anything special I need to know? Is there anything I need to know before
The most important factor in buying a buying a home in a development run by a
newly built house is not what you buy (that homeowners’ association?
is, the particular model), but rather from When you buy a home in a new subdivision
whom you buy. New is not always better, or planned unit development, chances are
especially if the house is slapped together good that you also automatically become
in a hurry. And as the first person to live in a member of an exclusive club—the
the house, you could be in for unpleasant homeowners’ association, whose members
surprises, such as water pipes that aren’t are the people who own homes in the same
connected to the sewer or light switches development. The homeowners’ association
that don’t work. will probably exercise a lot of control over
ChaPter 1 | Houses | 9
how you use and alter your property. You’ll considerable information about the condition
not only have to pay regular dues (often of the house. (See “Selling Your House,”
several hundred dollars per month), but below.) Regardless of whether the seller
count on your fellow members to pay their provides disclosures, however, you should
dues in order to maintain the common have the property inspected for defects or
areas and deal with any issues that come malfunctions in the building’s structure.
up, such as major repairs or sudden damage Start by conducting your own inspection.
that’s not covered by your insurance. To help you learn what to look for, see
Deeds to houses in new developments Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying Your First
almost always include restrictions—from Home, by Ilona Bray, Alayna Schroeder, and
the size of your dog to the colors you can Marcia Stewart. Ideally, you should take a
paint your house to the type of front yard close look at a house on your own before
landscaping you can do to where (and what you make a formal written offer to buy it
types of vehicles) you can park in your so that you can save yourself the trouble
driveway. Usually, these restrictions, called should you find serious problems. (Believe
covenants, conditions, and restrictions it or not, people have bought houses on the
(CC&Rs), put decision-making rights in the Internet sight unseen. Don’t do that!)
hands of a homeowners’ association. Before If a house passes your inspection,
buying, study the CC&Rs carefully to see hire a general contractor to check all
if they’re compatible with your lifestyle. If major house systems from top to bottom,
you don’t understand something, ask for including the roof, plumbing, electrical
more information and seek legal advice if and heating systems, and drainage. This
necessary. will take two or three hours and cost you
It’s not easy to get out from under overly anywhere from $200 to $500 depending
restrictive CC&Rs after you move in. You’ll on the location, size, age, and type of
likely have to submit an application (with home. Accompany the inspector during the
fee) for a variance, get your neighbors’ examination so that you can learn more
permission, and possibly go through a about the maintenance and preservation
formal hearing. And if you want to make a of the house and get answers to questions,
structural change, such as building a fence or including which problems are important
adding a room, you’ll probably need formal and which are relatively minor. Depending
permission from the association in addition on the property, you may want to arrange
to complying with city zoning rules. specialized inspections for pest damage
(your mortgage lender may require a
How can I make sure that the house I’m pest inspection), hazards from floods,
buying is in good shape? earthquakes, and other natural disasters
In some states, you may have the advantage and environmental health hazards such as
of a law that requires sellers to disclose asbestos, mold, and lead.
10 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
I want to save on the real estate Is there some middle ground where I can
commission. Can I sell my house myself use a broker on a more limited (and less
without a real estate broker or agent? expensive) basis?
Usually, yes. This is called a FSBO Yes. You might consider doing most of
(pronounced “fizzbo”)—for sale by owner. the work yourself—such as showing the
You must be aware, however, of the legal house—and hiring a real estate broker for
rules that govern real estate transfers such crucial tasks as:
in your state, such as who must sign • setting the price of your house
the papers, who can conduct the actual • advertising your home in the local
transaction, and what to do if and when any multiple listing service (MLS) of
disputes or other problems arise. You also homes for sale in the area, an online
need to be aware of any state-mandated database managed by local boards of
disclosures as to the physical condition of realtors, and
your house. (See the discussion below.) • handling some of the more complicat-
If you want to go it alone, be sure you ed paperwork when the sale closes.
have the time, energy, and ability to handle If you work with a broker in a limited
all the details—from setting a realistic price way, you may be able to negotiate a reduc-
to negotiating offers to closing the deal. tion of the typical 5–6% commission, or you
Also, be aware that FSBOs are usually more may be able to find a real estate agent who
feasible in hot or sellers’ markets, where charges by the hour for specified services.
there’s more competition for homes, or
when you’re not in a hurry to sell. And you How much should I ask for my house?
may not be able to save the whole 5% –6%. No matter how much you love your house,
For example, a buyer who is represented or how much work you’ve put into it, you
by an agent may approach you and agree must objectively determine how much
to complete the transaction only if you your property will fetch on the market—
pay the commission for the buyer’s agent. called “appraising” a house’s value. The
(Traditionally, that’s one-half of the total most important appraisal factors are recent
5–6%.) sales prices of similar properties in the
For more advice on FSBOs, including neighborhood (called “comps”).
the involvement of attorneys and other Real estate agents have access to sales
professionals in the house transaction, data for the area and can give you a good
contact your state department of real estate. estimate of what your house should sell
Also, check online at www.owners.com. for. Many real estate agents will offer this
If you’re in California, check out For service free, hoping that you will list your
Sale by Owner, by George Devine (Nolo). house with them. You can also hire a
This book provides step-by-step advice on professional real estate appraiser to give
handling your own sale in California. you a documented opinion as to your
14 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
personal knowledge. However, many sellers modest service fee)—and the new buyer
hire a general contractor to inspect the saves money. Many sellers find that adding
property. The inspection report will help a home warranty to the deal makes their
you determine which items need repair or house more attractive and easier to sell.
replacement and will assist you in preparing Before buying a home warranty, be sure
any required disclosures. The report is also you don’t duplicate coverage. You don’t
useful in pricing your house and negotiating need a warranty for the heating system, for
with prospective buyers. example, if your furnace is just six months
Full disclosure of any property defects will old and still covered by the manufacturer’s
also help protect you from legal problems three-year warranty.
from a buyer who seeks to rescind the sale Your real estate agent or broker can pro
or sues you for damages suffered because vide more information on home warranties.
you carelessly or intentionally withheld
important information about your property. What is the “house closing”?
Check with your real estate broker or The house closing is the final transfer of
attorney, or your state department of real ownership from the seller to the buyer. It
estate, for disclosures required in your occurs after both you and the buyer have
state and any special forms you must use. met all the terms of the contract and the
Also, be aware that real estate brokers are deed is recorded. (See “Deeds,” below).
increasingly insisting that sellers complete Closing also refers to the time when the
disclosure forms, regardless of whether it’s transfer will occur, such as “The closing
legally required. on my house will happen on January 27 at
10:00 a.m.”
What are home warranties, and should I
buy one? Do I need an attorney for the house closing?
Home warranties are service contracts This varies depending on state law and
that cover major housing appliances local custom. In some states, attorneys are
and systems—electrical wiring, built- not typically involved in residential property
in refrigerators or dishwashers, heating, sales, and an escrow or title company
plumbing, and the like—for one year from handles the entire closing process. In many
the date the house is sold. (But note they other states, particularly in the eastern part
don’t cover basic structural components of the country, attorneys have a more active
like the roof, windows, or foundation.) role in all parts of the house transaction;
Most warranties cost $300 to $500 and are they handle all the details of offer contracts
renewable. If something goes wrong with and house closings. Check with your state
any of the covered systems after the sale department of real estate or your real estate
closes, the repairs are paid for (minus a broker for advice.
ChaPter 1 | Houses | 17
new owners. Here’s a brief rundown of the After a deed is signed and notarized, do I
most common types of deeds: have to put it on file anywhere?
A quitclaim deed transfers whatever Yes. You (or your escrow or title agent)
ownership interest you have in the will need to “record” (file) the deed in the
property. It makes no guarantees about the land records office in the county where
extent of your interest. Quitclaim deeds the property is located. This office goes
are commonly used by divorcing couples; by different names in different states; it’s
one spouse signs over all rights in the usually called the county recorder’s office,
couple’s real estate to the other. This can land registry office, or register of deeds.
be especially useful if it isn’t clear how In most counties, you’ll find it in the
much of an interest, if any, one spouse has courthouse.
in property that’s held in another spouse’s Recording a deed is simple. Just take the
name. signed, original deed to the land records
A grant deed transfers your ownership office. The clerk will take the deed, stamp
and implies certain promises—that the title it with the date and some numbers, make
hasn’t already been transferred to someone a copy, and give the original back to you.
else or been encumbered, except as set out The numbers are usually book and page
in the deed. This is the most commonly numbers, which show where the deed
used kind of deed, in most states. will be found in the county’s filing system.
A warranty deed transfers your ownership There will be a small fee, probably about
and explicitly promises the buyer that you $5 a page, for recording. If you’re buying or
have good title to the property. It may make selling a house, the escrow company will
other promises as well, to address particular normally take care of this for you.
problems with the transaction.
What’s a trust deed?
Does a deed have to be notarized?
A trust deed (also called a deed of trust)
Yes. The person who signs the deed (the isn’t like the other types of deeds; it’s not
person who is transferring the property) used to transfer property. It’s really just a
should take the deed to a notary public, version of a mortgage, commonly used in
who will sign and stamp it. The notarization some states.
means that a notary public has verified that A trust deed transfers title to land to a
the signature on the deed is genuine. The “trustee,” usually a trust or title company,
signature must be notarized before the deed which holds the land as security for a loan.
will be accepted for recording. And in some When the loan is paid off, title is transferred
states, deeds must be witnessed, just like to the borrower. The trustee has no powers
wills. unless the borrower defaults on the loan;
then the trustee can sell the property and
ChaPter 1 | Houses | 19
pay the lender back from the proceeds, • www.ashi.org The American Society of
without first going to court. Home Inspectors offers information on
buying a home in good shape, including
referrals to local home inspectors.
Resource • www.inman.com A team of real estate
More information about buying a columnists provide the latest real estate
home. Deeds for California Real Estate, by Mary news.
Randolph (Nolo), contains tear-out deed forms • www.deadlinenews.com Real estate news
and instructions for transferring California real and commentary by real estate writer
estate. Broderick Perkins.
For information about deeds in other states, • www.fanniemae.com Fannie Mae,
check your local law library. the nation’s largest source of home
mortgage loans, offers several useful home
affordability mortgage calculators. See the
Online help “Homebuyers” section. It also provides a
The following sites are excellent wide range of consumer information.
resources for buying a home: • www.hsh.com HSH Associates publishes
• www.nolo.com Nolo offers information detailed information on mortgage loans
on a wide variety of legal topics, including available from lenders across the United
real estate matters. The website also has States.
several real estate calculators, at www. • www.realtor.com The official website of
nolo.com/calculators. the National Association of Realtors lists
• www.homefair.com Homefair offers over one and a half million homes for sale
lots of information and calculators that throughout the United States and provides
will help you move and make relocation links to real estate broker websites and a
decisions. It’s especially useful if you’re host of related realty services.
deciding where to live based on home • www.move.com This website lists new
prices, schools, crime, salaries, and other homes and developments in major
factors. metropolitan areas.
• www.bestplaces.net Run by Bert Sperling, • www.owners.com This site lists homes
the guru of “Best of” lists, this site will tell sold without a broker, also known as
you everything from the best towns for FSBOs (for sale by owner). It also provides
affordable housing to the worst for getting useful information for anyone considering
a good night’s sleep. selling their home without a real estate
• http://realestate.msn.com This site agent.
helps with all aspects of buying or selling • www.escrowhelp.com Sandy Gadow,
a home—from listings and financing to author of The Complete Guide to Your
home improvements. Real Estate Closing (McGraw-Hill), offers
20 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
FAQs and articles on this key part of the • www.domania.com This site’s free Home
purchase process. Price Check service allows you to enter an
• www.homegain.com HomeGain is geared address and see what other houses in the
toward home sellers. It provides an agent- neighborhood have sold for.
evaluator service to help you find a real • www.zillow.com A site containing not
estate agent, a home-valuation tool to only home and mortgage listings, but also
help price your home, calculators for a articles and advice, plus unique features
wide variety of tasks, and other resources. like home “zestimates."
C H A P t er
Neighbors 2
22 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
You and the neighbor can decide where
ears ago, problems between neigh you want the line to be, and then sign
bors were resolved informally, deeds that describe the boundary. If you
perhaps with the help of a third have a mortgage on the property, consult
person respected by both sides. These days, an attorney for help in drawing up the
neighbors—who may not know each other deeds. You may need to get the permission
well, if at all—are quicker to call the police of the mortgage holder before you give your
or head for court. Usually, of course, lawsuits neighbor even a tiny piece of the land.
only cost everyone money and exacerbate Once you have signed a deed, you
bad feelings, which makes it even harder for should record (file) it at the county land
neighbors to coexist peacefully. But knowing records office, usually called the county
the legal ground rules is important; it can recorder’s office, land registry office, or
help you figure out who’s right, who’s wrong, something similar. Deeds are discussed in
and what your options are—without having more detail in Chapter 1.
to call in a judge.
What can I do if a neighbor starts using my
Boundaries If a neighbor starts to build or otherwise
Most of us don’t know, or care, exactly encroach on what you think is your
where our property boundaries are located. property, do something immediately. If the
But if you or your neighbor want to fence encroachment is minor—for instance, a
the property, build a structure, or cut down small fence in the wrong place—you may
a tree close to the line, you need to know think you shouldn’t worry. But you’re wrong.
where the boundary actually runs. When you try to sell your house, a title
company might refuse to issue insurance
How can I find the exact boundaries of my because the neighbor is on your land.
property? Also, if you don’t act promptly, you could
You can hire a licensed land surveyor lose part of your property. A person who
to survey the property and place official uses another’s land for a long enough time
markers on the boundary lines. A simple can gain a legal right to continue to do so
survey usually costs about $500; if no and, in some circumstances, gain ownership
survey has been done for a long time, or if of the property.
ChaPter 2 | Neighbors | 23
before you make your request, to explain by another law, such as a blighted property
your problem and get them on your side. ordinance. And if the fence was erected just
for meanness—it’s high, ugly, and has no
My neighbor is building a fence that reasonable use to the owner—it may be a
violates the local fence law, but nothing’s “spite fence,” which means you can sue the
happening. How can I get the law enforced? neighbor to get it torn down.
Cities are not in the business of sending
around fence-inspection teams, and as long The fence on the line between my land and
as no one complains, a nonconforming my neighbor’s is in bad shape. Can I fix it or
fence may stand forever. tear it down?
Tell the neighbor about the law as soon Unless the property owners agree
as possible. If the fence is still being built, otherwise, fences on a boundary line
your neighbor may be able to modify it at a belong to both owners as long as both
low cost. If the neighbor suggests that you are using the fence. Both owners are
mind your own business, alert the city. All it responsible for keeping the fence in good
takes in most circumstances is a phone call repair, and neither may remove it without
to the planning or zoning department or the the other’s permission.
city attorney’s office. If the neighbor refuses A few states impose harsh penalties
to conform, the city can impose a fine and on neighbors who refuse to chip in for
even sue. maintenance after a reasonable request from
the other owner. Connecticut, for example,
My neighbor’s fence is hideous. Can I do allows one neighbor to go ahead and repair
anything about it? the fence, then sue the other owner for
As long as a fence doesn’t pose a threat double the cost.
of harm to neighbors or those passing Of course, it’s rare that a landowner
by, it probably doesn’t violate any law needs to resort to a lawsuit. Your first step
just because it’s ugly. Occasionally, should be to talk to the neighbor about how
however, a town or subdivision allows to tackle the problem. Your neighbor will
only certain types of new fences—such probably be delighted that you’re taking
as board fences—in an attempt to create the initiative to fix the fence. When you
a harmonious architectural look. Some and your neighbor agree on how to deal
towns also prohibit certain materials—for with the fence and how much you’ll each
example, electrically charged or barbed contribute to the labor and material costs,
wire fences. put your agreement in writing. You don’t
Even without such a specific law, if a have to make a complicated contract. Just
fence is so poorly constructed that it is an note the specifics of your agreement and
eyesore or a danger, it may be prohibited sign your names.
ChaPter 2 | Neighbors | 25
Most of a big oak tree hangs over my yard, My neighbor’s tree looks like it’s going to
but the trunk is on the neighbor’s property. fall on my house any day now. What should
Who owns the tree? I do?
Your neighbor. It is accepted law in all
You can trim back branches to your property
states that a tree whose trunk stands wholly
line, but that may not solve the problem if
on the land of one person belongs to that
you’re worried about the whole tree coming
If the trunk stands partly on the land of
City governments often step in to take
two or more people, it is called a boundary
care of dangerous trees or make the
tree, and in most cases it belongs to all
owner do so. Some cities have ordinances
the property owners. All the owners are
that prohibit maintaining any dangerous
responsible for caring for the tree, and
condition—including a hazardous tree—
one co-owner may not remove a healthy
on private property. To enforce such an
boundary tree without the other owners’
ordinance, the city can demand that the
26 | Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law
owner remove the tree or pay a fine. Some deliberately and maliciously block another’s
cities will even remove such a tree for the view with a structure that has no reasonable
owner. To check on your city’s laws and use to the owner.
policies, call the city attorney’s office. This rule encourages building and
You might also get help from a utility expansion, but the consequences can be
company, if the tree threatens its equipment. harsh. If a view becomes blocked, the law
For example, a phone company will trim a will help only if:
tree that hangs menacingly over its lines. • a local law protects views
If you don’t get help from these sources, • the obstruction violates private
and the neighbor refuses to take action, subdivision rules, or
you can sue. The legal theory is that the • the obstruction violates some other
dangerous tree is a “nuisance” because it specific law.
is unreasonable for the owner to keep it
in its current state, and it interferes with How can a view ordinance help?
your use and enjoyment of your property. A few cities that overlook the ocean or
You can ask the court to order the owner other desirable vistas have adopted view
to prune or remove the tree. You’ll have to ordinances. These laws protect property
sue in regular court (not small claims court) owners from having their view (usually,
and prove that the tree really does pose a the view that they had when they bought
danger to you. the property) obstructed by growing trees.
The laws don’t cover buildings or other
structures that block views.
Views The ordinances allow someone who has
lost a view to sue the tree owner for a court
The privilege of sitting in one’s home and
order requiring the tree owner to restore the
gazing at the scenery is a highly prized
view. A neighbor who wants to sue must
commodity. And it can be a very expensive
first approach the tree owner and request
one. Some potential buyers commit their
that the tree be cut back. The complaining
life savings to properties, assuming that a
person usually bears the cost of trimming
stunning view is permanent. However, that
or topping, unless the tree was planted
isn’t always the case.
after the law became effective or the owner
If a neighbor’s addition or growing tree refuses to cooperate.
blocks my view, what rights do I have? Some view ordinances contain extensive
limitations that take away much of their
Unfortunately, you have no right to light, air,
power. Some examples:
or view unless it has been granted in writing
• Certain species of trees may be
by a law or subdivision rule. The exception
exempt, especially if they grew
to this general rule is that someone may not
ChaPter 2 | Neighbors | 27
regulate most matters that could concern a will probably understand your concern. If
neighbor, including views. For example, a someone is unfriendly and uncooperative,
rule may state that trees can’t obstruct the you stand warned.
view from another lot, or may simply limit
tree height to 15 feet.
If someone violates the restrictions, Noise
the homeowners’ association may apply
pressure (for example, by taking away Nothing so needs reforming as other
swimming pool or clubhouse privileges) people’s habits.
or even sue. A lawsuit is costly and time-
—Mark Twain
consuming, however, and the association
may not want to sue unless there have been
serious violations of the rules. If you are a reasonable person and your
If the association won’t help, you can neighbor is driving you wiggy with noise,
take the neighbor to court yourself, but be the neighbor is probably violating a noise
prepared for a lengthy and expensive ordeal. law.
I want to buy a house with a great view. Do I have any legal recourse against a noisy
Is there anything I can do to make sure I neighbor?
won’t ever lose the view—and much of my
You bet. The most effective weapon you
have to maintain your peace and quiet
First, ask the property owner or the city is your local noise ordinance. Almost
planning and zoning office whether the every community prohibits excessive,
property is protected by a view ordinance. unnecessary, and unreasonable noise, and
Then check with the real estate agent to see police enforce these laws.
whether neighbors are subject to restrictions Most laws designate certain “quiet
that would protect your view. Also, if the hours”—for example, from 10 p.m. to
property is in a planned unit development, 7 a.m. on weekdays, and until 8 or 9 a.m.
find out whether a homeowners’ association on weekends. So running a power mower
actively enforces the restrictions. may be perfectly acceptable at 10 a.m. on
Check local zoning laws for any property Saturday, but not at 7 a.m. Many towns also
that might affect you. Could the neighbor have decibel level noise limits. When a
down the hill add a second-story addition? neighbor complains, they measure the noise
Finally, look very closely from the with electronic equipment. To find out what
property to see which trees might later your town’s noise ordinance says, ask at the
obstruct your view. Then go introduce public library or the city attorney’s office.
yourself to their owners and explain your Once you’ve figured out that your neigh
concerns. A neighbor who also has a view bor is in fact violating a noise ordinance, try
ChaPter 2 | Neighbors | 29
approaching the neighbor in a friendly way lease agreements contain a clause entitled
and letting the neighbor know the noise is “Quiet Enjoyment.” This clause gives tenants
disturbing you. It’s always possible that you’ll the right to occupy their apartments in
get an apology and the noise will stop. The peace, and also imposes upon them the
next step would be to ask the neighbor to responsibility not to disturb their neighbors.
attend a mediation session and try to work it It’s the landlord’s job to enforce both sides
out. (To learn about mediation, see Chapter of this bargain.
16.) If all else fails and your neighbor keeps If the neighbor’s stereo is keeping you
disturbing you, you can also sue and ask the up every night, the tenants are probably
court to award you money damages or to violating the rental agreement, and could
order the neighbor to stop the noise (“abate be evicted. Especially if several neighbors
the nuisance,” in legal terms). For money complain, the landlord will probably order
damages alone, you can use small claims the tenant to comply with the lease or face
court. For a court order telling somebody to eviction. For more information about your
stop doing something, you’ll have to sue in rights as a tenant, see Chapter 3.
regular court.
Of course, what you really want is for
Tips for Handling a Noise Problem
the nuisance to stop. But getting a small
claims court to order your neighbor to pay
• Know the law and stay within it.
you money can be amazingly effective.
• Be reasonably tolerant of your neighbors.
And suing in small claims court is easy and
• Communicate with your neighbors—
inexpensive, partly because you don’t need
both the one causing the problem and
a lawyer.
the others affected by it.
Noise that is excessive and deliberate
• Try mediation before taking more aggres-
may also violate state criminal laws
sive steps.
against disturbing the peace or disorderly
• Assert your rights.
conduct. This means that, in very extreme
• Ask the police for help when it is
circumstances, the police can arrest your
neighbor. Usually, these offenses are
• Use the courts when necessary.
punishable by fines or short jail sentences.
in court, however, a judge will be more • radio or television stations that offer
sympathetic if you made at least some effort help with consumer problems, or
to work things out first. Here are the steps • a state or local bar association.
to take when you’re losing patience (or For more information on mediation,
sleep) over a neighbor’s noisy dog: see Chapter 16.
1. Ask your neighbor to keep the dog quiet. 3. Look up the law. In some places, barking
Sometimes owners are blissfully unaware dogs are covered by a specific state or
that there’s a problem. If the dog barks local ordinance. If there’s no law aimed
for hours every day—but only when it’s specifically at dogs, a general nuisance
left alone—the owner may not know that or noise ordinance makes the owner
you’re being driven crazy. responsible. Local law may forbid loud
If you can establish some rapport with noise after 10 p.m., for example, or
the neighbor, try to agree on specific prohibit any “unreasonable” noise. And
actions to alleviate the problem: for someone who allows a dog to bark after
example, that your neighbor will take numerous warnings from police may be
the dog to obedience school, get the dog arrested for disturbing the peace.
a citronella collar to prevent barking, or To find out what the law is where
consult with an animal behavior specialist, you live, go to a law library and check
or that the dog will be kept inside after 10 the state statutes and city or county
p.m. After you agree on a plan, set a date ordinances yourself. Look in the index
to talk again in a couple of weeks. under “noise,” “dogs,” “animals,” or
2. Try mediation. Mediators, both profes “nuisance.” For more information on
sionals and volunteers, are trained to how to do this, see the appendix. Or call
listen to both sides, identify problems, the local animal control agency or city
keep everyone focused on the real attorney.
issues, and suggest compromises. A 4. Ask animal control authorities to enforce
mediator won’t make a decision for you local noise laws. Be persistent. Some cities
but will help you and your neighbor have special programs to handle dog
agree on a resolution. complaints.
Many cities have community mediation 5. Call the police if you think a criminal law
groups that train volunteers to mediate is being violated. Generally, police aren’t
disputes in their own neighborhoods. Or too interested in barking dog problems.
ask for a referral from: And summoning a police cruiser to a
• the small claims court clerk’s office neighbor’s house obviously will not
• the police improve your already-strained relations.
• the local district attorney’s office— But if nothing else works, and the
the consumer complaint division, if relationship with your neighbor is shot
there is one anyway, give the police a try.
ChaPter 2 | Neighbors | 31
My neighbor just started giving piano solve the problem through neighborhood
lessons at her home—very loud lessons, mediation. (For information about
starting at 7 a.m. on the weekends. What mediation, see Chapter 16.) If all efforts at
can I do about this? compromise fail, you can either complain
The first thing you should do is figure to local authorities (such as the zoning
out whether your neighbor is breaking board, if your neighbor is violating the
any laws. Check your local zoning law to zoning laws, or the police if your neighbor
find out whether your neighborhood is is breaking a noise ordinance) or take your
zoned for residential use only—if so, your neighbor to court.
neighbor is in violation. Next, find out
whether your neighborhood imposes “quiet
hours,” during which neighbors can’t make
excessive noise. Typically, quiet is enforced For more information about dealing
until at least 8 a.m. on weekends. with neighbors, see:
Once you know your rights, talk to the • Neighbor Law: Fences, Trees, Boundaries &
other folks on your block (and perhaps Noise, by Cora Jordan and Emily Doskow
those who live behind your noisy neighbor). (Nolo), explains laws that affect neighbors
Are others also bothered by the noise? If and shows how to resolve common
so, approach the piano teacher as a group. disputes without lawsuits.
Explain the problem and present some • Every Dog’s Legal Guide, by Mary Randolph
possible solutions. For example, perhaps (Nolo), is a guide to the laws that affect
your neighbor can soundproof her practice dog owners and their neighbors.
room and agree to hold her first lesson of
the day at 9 a.m.
Online help
If your neighbor is breaking the law,
make that clear—but also emphasize that The following sites are good
you have not yet spoken to the police or resources for dealing with neighbors:
any other local authority, and that you’d • www.nolo.com Nolo offers information
like to work the problem out informally. about a wide variety of legal topics,
Don’t let yourself get pushed around, including neighbor law.
however—if your neighbor refuses to be • www.statelocalgov.net Piper Resources
reasonable, explain that you know your maintains State and Local Government
legal rights and are prepared to enforce on the Net, a comprehensive index of
them. And remember, even if your neighbor websites for states, counties, cities, and
isn’t violating a particular zoning or noise towns. Check here first for the local laws
regulation, she may be creating a nuisance. that are so important in neighbor disputes.
If your neighbor agrees to your proposed ●
solution, great. If not, you might try to
C H A P t er
• the number of people who can live on
orty years ago, custom, not law, the rental property
controlled how most landlords and • who pays for utilities
tenants interacted with each other. • whether the tenant may have pets
This is no longer true. Today, whether you • whether the tenant may sublet the
focus on leases and rental agreements; property
habitability; discrimination; the amount, use • the landlord’s access to the rental
and return of security deposits; how and property, and
when a landlord may enter a rental unit; • who pays attorneys’ fees if there
or a dozen other issues, both landlord and is a lawsuit over the meaning or
tenant must understand their legal rights implementation of the agreement.
and responsibilities. Leases and rental agreements should
Because landlord-tenant laws vary always be in writing, even though oral
significantly depending on where you live, agreements are enforceable for up to one
remember to check your state and local year in most states. Though oral agreements
laws for specifics. A list of state landlord- can be easy and informal, they often lead
tenant statutes is included later in this to disputes. If a tenant and landlord later
chapter. You can find and read the state disagree about key issues, such as whether
statutes online. (See “Finding Statutes and the tenant can sublet, the result is all too
Regulations Online” in the appendix.) likely to be a court argument over who said
what to whom, when, and in what context.