Dungeon Magazine #108_text
Dungeon Magazine #108_text
Dungeon Magazine #108_text
Challenge of =
In This Issue
pancakesfromGad nc ohery,
tome myst has tha Un Gala around
thisplanetandtheatt a
fever boring par ike ring 6 find ce in
Editorial 6
MapofMystery 4] 72
Letters 10 Challenge
ofChampions V_48
Jonathan M. Richards
Dungeon Adventure
Player Rewards!
Take advantage of the RPc 5 Player
Rewards program by scoring points
with the adventures from this issue of
Dungeon! Each adventure is worth 2
D&D Player Rewards points, and
remains active until 4/30/04. Drop by
www.rpga.com for more details, and use
the following adventure codes:
The Iron Satyr (1081S1DN)
Challenge of Champions V (108CC1DN)
Erik Mona
polyhedron @paizo.com paizo
6 Dunceon/PotyHeDRON March OW
Telluswhatyouthinkofthisissue. Writeto:Prison Mail,
Paizo Publishing,
3245 146th Place SE,Suite110,Bellevue, WA 98007
‘or send an email to dungeon @paizo.com.
© Ahh, the glory days... archive wouldrit necessarily need to ‘Thanks again for a great issue and
I've held back for some months now on
reprint the entire adventure, but might bringing back the “coolest” evil fighter,
offering my comments on the content,
list key elements or characters with d20 Warduke!
number of adventures, and Polyhedron stats, tobeintegrated with theoriginal. GeorgeA.
debate. Honestly, | appreciate the over- Ireallydolookforward tothereturn of ‘Via Email
the Glory Days.
all quality and content of Dungeon and,
even more so, the hard work involved in
Japji Khalsa Art Director Sean Glenn deserves most of
putting cach issue together. However
‘Via Email thecredit, sincebringing
backWarduke was
issue #105 has prompted me to offer my
hisideafromtheverystart. Thefinalwrite-
Well, Japji, if the “Glory Doys” must up was @ true team effort (with
theable help
two cents.
Another reader commented in your include a half-dozen adventures in every ofAssociate Editor James Jacobs), and we're
letters section about the “Glory Days of
issue, you're going to be waiting forquite thrilled itwent over sowell. Wedon't cur-
Dungeon.” The glory days will never some time. Forthetime being, themonthly rentlyhave anyplanstoupdate otheraction
Sormat is here tostay, That means, ingen- JSigure/cartoon characters, but you never
return while there are only two adven-
eral, each issue will contain from two to know, Sooner orlaterwemaygetaround to
tures per issue. Part of my glorious expe-
rience in those days was to flip to the
three adventures. providing much-needed 3.5 statistics for
it's 0 motter of size, both interms ofthe sweet, sweet Uni,
table of contents, and quickly scan the
five or six adventures. Almost always I'd physical page count ofthe magazine and in @ Death Knelled
find at least one that was level appropri- terms ofthesprawl of3.5 statblocks, To take
ate and length appropriate. Dungeon #1 os an example, most stat T have aquestion regarding the Maps of
blocks seem to take up about fivelines of Mystery feature.
1 have no objections to two long
adventures in Dungeon, as long as there text. Most modem stat blocks take upfrom | really love these maps and find them to
are a couple of shorter ones to choose 16 to30 linesoftext.While allofthatextra beofhighquality. | dor’tuse D&D (I prefer
information helps the game move more a low-magic setting and find the “demons
from as well.
smoothly and forces the DM tolook up less trying tocontrol the world” stories too far.
This brings me to Polyhedron, For fetched formyownfantasy liking)but find
months now, my thumb has wavered in information, it does take up considerably
the horizontal position. Issue #105 has ‘more space.
Ideally, we'd print three adventures every
themaps tobeenough togive me ideasfor
my own gaming sessions,
finally turned the thumb down.
‘The DeathNet Mini-Game was utterly
issue, So far, we've only been able to pull Td like toknow if these maps are from
thot off a couple oftimes in
useless tome,anda totalwaste of good ond I'd bea fooltopromise wecan doit the lost year, a particular setting or environment? Or
color ink—ink and paper that could have
aretheytheartist's particular game world?
been used for other D&D adventures,
every issue, Also, what program do you/they use to
Town everyissue of Dungeon everpub-
lished because | want D&D adventures!
© Warduke! create these wonders? Adobe Photoshop?
Isthere a template that others can use to
Just wanted to drop a quick line and tell create their own maps (and submit them
Not DeathNet, or superheros, or modern Erik Mona what a good job he did bring- to you possibly?). You see, while I love
spies, etc! There are other magazines
und venues for such things. ing back one ofmy all time favorite “car- them, I'd like toexpand upon them. For
Pure and simple...give me D&D. If you toon” D&D characters. Warduke was a example: Darkendale Keep (issue #103).
big favorite ofmineandwhile Inormally
need to experiment, or create “value add”
‘What lies further along the road and the
yourissues, thengiveme D&D value do
with not buy Dungeon or Dragon maga-
zines, | bought this issue without a sec-
rivers further west? Where does the river
drain out to? The towns, fields and farms
add. Like villains, spells, markers, maps,
ond thought just by recognizing the are great and I'dlike tocreate my own to
magic items...and more adventures.
Ona side note, if you really need more character on the cover. fit in withthesemaps, for my owngames.
1 hope to sce more classic characters
content (to replace the uselessness of
make a return or at least get stats written
Polyhedron), I'd like to suggest a “From for them like Kelek. Braveheart, or
the Archives” section that brings classic
Dungeon adventures up to d20 3.5 stan-
Ringlerun, but having Warduke is good
dards. I know there are“purists” outthere enough right now. The “Maps ofMystery” feature exists forpre-
who oppose re-printing old material. The
cisely the reasons you enumerate—to kindle
the fires ofimagination in our readers. What
10 Dungeon/Polyhedron March O4
indeed lies east of Darkendale Keep? The just as Warduke was done so excellently you'l find, and it'sagreat way to “pre-screen”
map itself is a question meant to be for us this month. I'm gonna crossmy fin- players for you own home campaigning.
answered by each OM who sees fit to adapt gers and wish for Strongheart, Elkhorn,
it for use in a campaign. and “the gang” to be updated. because @ What's Next For
We passed along your technical question Christrnas is coming up in a month and Cauldron?
to cartographer Christopher West, ond I've been nothing but nice all year long. I've been running a campaign using
here's what he had to say: (He he he, optimistic, arerft 12) Either way, your Shackled City Adventure Path
The “Global Positioning” maps ond keep up the good work with both Dungeon series, and | wanted to give you some
“Maps ofMystery” shat | create generally and Dragon magazines! feedback, and insight, on how we've
spring from my own imagination, of out of PS: | also really enjoyed the Incursion been using your adventures.
suggestions and requests sent in by friends or crossover story line. | would like to see I've been having a great time with this
readers. They're not designed for a particular more crossovers in the future. campaign, and my players car‘t wait to
world or setting. generally speaking, but |
like Dave Russell find out what happens next. You have
to put a lot of thought into the background of Muskegon MI. provided us with an engaging story with
each one. | ask myself; “How would | vse Jots of plot hooks, filled with intrigue and
this location in o campaign ofmyown, and Look for another crossover
event inDrogon offering many possible future events,
what can | addtothe map that mightinspire #319.andDungeon #170. A little something And that is the only problem | have as a
adventure ideas in other GMs?" we like to call “Dark Sun.” Don't miss it! DM using the adventure path series: we
‘Asan example, the “Town ofDeepwatch” dorit know the ending.
Map of Mystery from issue #103 was based @ Best of Gen Con I've read through each of the adven-
on the idea that some ancient creature of ‘Since issue number one | think about tures that have been published so far,
darkness slumbers in the depths. This village every editor of Dungeon has talked about and I've been able to keep the key NPCs
eventually grew up around a keep that was the problem of a limited selection of interacting with my players, tossing out a
built to guard against the creature's retum. | adventures to choose from for print. My little information here and there to set
also tried to give the town enough points of solution istocreate aspecial issue once a up encounters that wort happen for a
interest to sustain a series of adventures set year dedicated to the winners or best month or more, However, we've been
within it or letagroup ofPCsuse it as 0 bose adventures from conventions like Gen finishing the adventures in between two.
of operations. Since the map isn't dependent Con. I've read some of their adventure and four weeks each, and we're slowly
upon @ particular game world, however, lists andsaid to myself “Wow, some of catching up to the publishing times of
GMs are free to use it as they see fit. these really sound great!” Yet as far as I the adventures, which come out every
Regarding how the maps are made: as know, fewofthem haveeverbeen printed other month. By the time we hit the fifth
you guessed, the majority of my work is cre- Another special issue 1 would like to installment, the sixth one might be hot
ated within Adobe Photoshop, using hond- see is in the month of October, a totally off the presses, and the seventh one
drown sketches as a guide. scary issue. In particular, I would love to won't be available at all.
Thanks very much for the kind words! If see Ravenloft adventures again, and |
there's something you'd like to see in future think most people would like to see this
Maps of Mystery or Global Positioning fea- stuff around Halloween.
tures, be sure to send in your requests. Our Tyler Heimbuch Getting in Touch
list of map ideas is long enough to keep ‘Via Email
these features running for years, but fresh with Dungeon
suggestions are ahways welcome! We'll see whot we can do about providing
some scary adventures come Holloween
© Warduke! (Part Il) time, Tyler. Frankly, with the tastes of our
I just picked up my copy of Dungeon os editorial staff, you'll probobly be gesting
and when | saw Warduke on the cover | spooky adventures all year long.
think I had a tear form in the corner of my Ofcourse, some ofthebest D&D adventures
eye; suddenly I was reminiscent of all the of alltime got theirstartastoumament mod-
Saturday morning DUNGEONS & Dragons tes. We'vegotplansin thehopper topresent
cartoons and action figures that 1 had 2 veryspecial toumiament in thesepoges some
when T was knee high to a kuo-toa, My time in the mext year, so yoursuggestion isn't
only question (and request) is if this awe- faroffthemork. Instead
oflooking atconven
some return of one of the coolest villains tiongomelistsondthinking “boy,thatlooks
out there is just the beginning. Can we cool,” however, we suggest you actually take
plan on seeing more critical threats of our the plunge and plan to attend Gen Con or o
old and never-forgotten cartoon/action fig- more modest local convention. You'll probably
ure characters? I'd love to see the various be pleasantly surprised by the quality ofplayers
characters from yesteryear updated to 3.5
12 Dungeon/Polyhedron March O4
We need as much information as you inside. The contents didn't disappoint,
can give us in each installment so we with two atmospheric adventures and
can be prepared to foreshadow upcom- some fantastic cartography from Rob
ing adventures as best we can, Ina side- Lazzaretti—he deserves the highest praise
bar in Dungeon #102, you state that you for his work. | also admired your bold use
wor't tell us who or what Celeste is, The of full-page illustrations—particularly
information that you provided is Peter Bergting’s picture facing page 45,
great...for the players. But the DM which made me want to send my players
needs this information to prepare for into the briny deeps at once!
whatever encounter may occur with a | thought “Tammeraut's Fate.” by Greg
group of PCs in which anything could A. Vaughan, was unusually well-written
happen. How should I react if the PCs and structured. The story really draws you
somehow discover that charm person in, and then unfolds in a nicely varied
doesn't work on Celeste, so they use range of encounters, all of which seem
charm monster instead? appropriate to the environment, In com-
I'm not looking for an answer to that parison, Steven Montands "The Black
question, but could you answer this Egg” wasa littledisappointing.
‘one: how many adventures are planned beginning gives way to a rather linear
to be written for the adventure path, series of combat encounters with powerful
and what will be the level of the charac- humanoids, whose personalities and moti- DON'TMISS
ters at the end?
Thanks for your great work, and I'm
vations will remain obscure to the players.
[also feelthat more detail shouldbegiven DUNGEON #109! —
looking forward to each new installment on the tactics of high-level opponents with
of the Adventure Path. a wide range of skills and abilities.
Casey Jacobson ‘Ona related note, I'd liketovoteinfavor
Seoul, Korea of the Quick Reference format previewed
in “Zenith Trajectory” (Dungeon #102). 1
Thanks for the kind words, Casey. As you find this summary of pertinent informa-
guessed, we're not about to give away the tion extremely helpful when running an
“story” behind Celeste yet, only partly adventure. For example, my players listen
because as of right now, there isn't a “story” atevery doar, andit'sa godsend tohavethe
to that NPC. We've left her as a potential potential sounds and DCs listed right up
plot element for future authors to do with front. It also acts asa reminder tothe
what they will. There's even @ chance that authors to include relevant details.
her story will never be revealed, although I'd One addition that most adventures—
be @ little disappointed to discover that was particularly longer, site-based ones—
the case. Only future installments will say would benefit from is a consideration of "Faces ofCauldron” artfeature. A D&D
for sure. responses to the players’ actions. Any one adventure
for12th-level characters. —
We've outlined the entire Adventure Path from the excellent Adventure Path series,
series, but we like to leave as much leeway for example, cannot reasonably be com- |The Devil Box 4
for our authors as possible. We've made pleted by characters of the given levels By Richard Pett |
without at least one night's rest to heal
Friendly kobolds, a bizarre freakshow, _
every effort to bring the absolute best talents
in adventure design to bear on this story, and prepare new spells. Yet no guidelines and Tiny devils conspire tobring havoc _
and we haven't yet been disappointed by are given as to how the adversaries might tothelivesofyourplayercharicters,
the surprising twists and turns that pop up react to the obvious signs of an incursion,
with each new installment (there's another whether any reinforcements are avail-
one coming next issue, by the way) able, etc. Ofcourse, the DM can work up
As for your question, we intend the this information from scratch, but it
‘Adventure Path to span 10 adventures. At would be most helpful to include some
Polyhedron #168
the end of it all, the PCs should be some- suggestions, where appropriate.
where around 20th level. My thanks, again. for the outstanding Dungeon's Polyhedron section presents the
issue #106. 1 look forward to enjoying larest d20 System and RPGA Network
© Zombies and Eggs many more—and even better—issues in news, including a massive 2s-page
May |offer my plaudits for issue #106? the future! gazetteer ofGreyhawk's city ofHardby
The stunning cover design was both Hanrahan Highland and a lookatFEAR, theFascist Extremist
aesthetically pleasing and intriguing, Bristol, UK. Action Network, a group ofcolorful ter
rorists for your 420 Moprxn campaign,
piquing my interest as to what might lie And we look forward to providing them!
14 Dungeon/Polyhedron March O4
“This adventure takes the characters from a village om the demon. In time both the tale of the duel and the true
Material Plane to Thuldanin, the second layer of Acheron. nature of the goristro were forgotten. Recently, however,
“The Iron Satyr” is suitable for four characters of 11th level. Maglubiyet has taken an interest fh the transformed
The first halfofthe adventure focuses on uncovering the goristra. He hopes to capture it for use on Acheron in his
true motives of anew church in the village of Drarnshae, continual war with the ore god Gruumsh. He made his
The story then moves to Thuldanin, where the PCs must desires clear to one of his favored clerics, a hobgoblin
Use all their skills and powers to surviveonan alfen plane. named Murdaget, in the form of. vision. Murdaget set out
Successful heroes should gain approximately one level at immediately to retrieve the statue, and arrived in
the conclusion of the adventure. Dramshae using the ancient portal from Thuldanin:
The Manual of the Planes and Fiend Folio are highly rec Unfortunately, he found that the portal was simply too
ommended resources for ranning this adventure, though small to allow transport of'an object ax large as the fron
enough information is provided within the adventaire that Satyr. Murdaget was not deterred, however, and deter
these pooksare not required. You should also review of
the mined then to expand the existing portal’s size so that he
material on Acheron and Thuldanin on page 163 of the could pull the Iron Satyr through to the other side.
Duweron Master's Guide before running this adventure. The portal itselfis lirked'to # ring of stones in the
For those wishing to introduce the challenges ofthe Planes Dramshae town square. The portal opens only for some-
totheir players, “The [ron Satyr” can provide the gateway to ‘one who carries a portal key. The stones that surround the
continuing adventures on the Great Wheel. portal are of an unusual material—petrified stone formed
by long exposure to ‘Thuldanin—and serve to focus the
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND. portal on Thuldanin. Originally, there were four stones
“That ugly statue werertt always here, ya know. Hell, any laid in @small, rough circle, far enough apart to accom
fool can see it airit even a proper satyr!” So say the gray- modate Medium creatures. In order to expand the gate to
beards of the village of Dramshae—and they're right on allow the Huge goristro statue to pass through, Murdaget
both counts. The huge, towering iron monstrosity sitting must expand the diameter of the stone ring and move the
in the town, square dates from the earliest days of the vile stones around the Iron Satyr. To do so, he requires the
lage. but the features on the thirty-foot-tall rusting figure skill of a talented sculptor. and a local artisan named Berli
resemble a misshapen humanoid bison far more than a is the perfect candidate:
satyr. Still, it has always been called “the [ron Satyt,” as Alas, Murdaget is not the only fiendwho lusts for Berlis
Jongas anyone can remember, and no one seems sure how skills. A vain and powerhungry succubus named Viela had
it got there. ‘Unfortunately, the village of Dramshae is already set her sights on Berli, and for some time has been
about to find out working on corrupting him so she could steal him awayto
Many decades ago, a duel between a wizard dedicated to the Abyss as a personal artisan. She learned of
the portal to
Pelar and a powerful hobgoblin cleric of Maglubiyet spilled Thuldanin and the true nature of the [ron Satyr when
through an ancient gate from Thuldanin onto the Material Murdayet contracted Berli to help expand the stone circle,
Plane, just outside a collection of huts called Dramishae. and immediately decided she must have the restored garistra
‘The settlers of Dramshae fled in terror as the hobgoblin ‘asa minion as well. Not long after, Murdaget kidnapped Berli
gated a goristro tanar'ri to aid him in the battle; the wizard and moved him to the Thuldanin side of the gate, where he
countered with a Variation of flesh to stone. The gotistro stic- swould have access to the raw materials peeded to create more
éiimbed to the wizard’s spell and transformed intoatower- stone menhirs to expand the portal. Viela was enraged by this
ing iron statue. The tide of the battle turned, and the Rob- development, but row realizes that since the goristro can
goblin fled back to Thuldanin with the wizard in purspit only be restored on Thuldanin she needs Murdaget’s cooper-
What fate became of the two is unknown, but the Iron ation for now. She plans on claiming Berli and the goristro
foristro remained behind. for her own once Murdaget’s usefulness has passed.
nsuiing decades, the tiny settlement of Dramahae Murdaget himself suspects Viela has such plans for him as
has prospered, growing up around the statue of the well: atid plans to use the goristro to kill the succubus
For now, though, the two are cooperating. They are quite ing the delay. Alternately, the PCs could be sent by an
aware that if their schemes are discovered, a swarm of ally or patron who is waiting patiently for Berli to deliver.
pesky do-gooder types are sure to show up and attempt to + Acleric PC is asked by high-ranking priests in her
stop them. Thus, the two have formed a shaky alliance and temple to investigate rumors of a suspicious “new”
cooked up a plan to hide the truth from the villagers of deity being worshiped in Dramshae. The church suy~
Dramshae while work on the portal continues. pects that the “new” religion is a front by con artists
Viela fronts the group in Dramshae, falsely posing as a who are stealing from the town in the form of *dona-
priestess of a fictitious demi-god named Ealira, patron of tions” to their deity.
beauty and the arts. Under the pretense of “beautifying” + The PCs hear rumors of a huge, peculiar iron statue
the town square, she organizes the physical labor and work that sits in the Dramshae town square, and that on cer-
required to erect the new stones of Thuldanin material tain nights of the year the statue grants permanent
around the portal. On Thuldanin, Berli carves the stones enhancements to physical power if a mysterious ritual
with great care and precision. Hobgoblin minions of is performed before it. Of course, this is little more than
Murdaget then move the stones from Thuldanin through a tall tale, but it may be enough to get the PCs interested
the portal under cover of night to newly excavated tunnels in Dramshae.
under Ealira’s temple, where Murdaget and his other cleri
cal minions perform the necessary rituals to prepare the
stanes as proper portal foci CHAPTER ONE
For her assistance, Murdaget has promised Viela that
hell return Berli unharmed once the portal is done. Both There are four primary locations to be investigated within
she and the hobgoblin are cognizant of the fact that the the village of Dramshae during the course of the adven-
other plans a double cross at some point, but for now it ture: the town square, the temple of Ealira, a warehouse
advances both their agendas to cooperate. where building materials for the gate are stored, and Berlis
house. The characters could visit these sites in almost any
ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS sequence depending on which hook you are using and the
The PCs come to Dramshae for unrelated reasons, and soon sequence of play. You should be familiar with how the
come to suspect something strange is afoot in town. They clues at the sites link to one another in order to be prepared
learn that a local artist has gone missing. Investigations for the actions of the players.
eventually point to the Temple of Ealira. There, they discover W Dramshae (village): Conventional; AL NG; 200 gp
the tunnels that have been excavated under the temple and limit; Assets 8,500 gp; Population 850; Mixed (87%
confront Viela, Murdaget, and their minions. The hobgoblin human, 7% halfling, 3% half-elf, 2% gnome, 1% other).
escapes and opens the now completed portal, transporting Authority Figures: Kembell, male human Com2/Ari2
the goristro back to Thuldanin, Viela may offer a truce to the (head of the Tawn Council.)
PCs in an attempt to use them to open the gate to rescue Important Characters: Berli, male human Exp6 (local arti-
Berli, or they may decide on their own to travel through the san, currently imprisoned on Thuldanin); Viela, female
portal to save the artist or stop Murdaget from completing succubus Brd4/Fiend of Corruption 4 (Priestess of Ealira);
his plans. After facing the guards Murdaget stationed at the Murdaget, male hobgoblin Clr8/Divine Agent 4; Town
other side of the gate, the adventurers track the hobgoblin Guard (Ftra [1], War [2], War [14]), Council members
across the face of oneof the cubes that make up the plane to (Comi/Arit (7),
his stronghold in a fallen siege tower. After overcoming Note: Although Dramshae has a 200-gp limit, some of
guards at the tower, the heroes confront Murdaget in a final Berli's more exquisite works have brought in much more
encounter, during which he restores the goristro to life to than this total.
join in the ensuing battle Dramshae is a peaceful village built around trade and is
wholly unprepared to defend itself from powerful individu:
ADVENTURE HOOKS als such as Viela and Murdaget. The villagers are friendly
This adventure begins as the PCs realize that something and helpful but are limited in the amount of useful aid they
rotten is going on in Dramshae. As such, their initial can provide.
reasons for traveling to Dramshae are left vague, and
should be tailored to fit your campaign. Some possible
reasons include;
+ The PCs have entered a contract with Berli to create a
piece of jewelry or a specific masterwork item, and when
he fails to deliver the object in a timely manner the PCs
are forced to travel to Dramshae to find out what's caus-
The Village of Dramshae
290 feet
retreat to their homes and board up their windows and dark. shaj y hair, He wearsagray doublet and plain belt
doors, hoping the PCs take care of things soon. and is constantly in a foul temper.
Murdaget or Viela don't take long to decide that the PCs Unlike Viela, Murdaget does not want to entangle himself
represent the greatest threat to their plans yet. but each with the PCs at this point, and if he leams who they are and
reacts quite differently to this new development. Their that they may be looking for him, he retreats to his ware
reactions to the PCs depend heavily on the nature of their house and leaves one of the workers in charge at the port
first interactions. Since both can be encountered in numer- Inquiries there about Murdaget are met with indifference.
ous places throughout the adventure, they are detailed in None of the workers particularly enjoy his overbearing atti
this section, separate from the encounter keys tude, but the pay is good enough that they're willing to put
up with a lot. Ifasked about his current location, the workers
MURDAGET (EL 12) assume he's meeting with Viela at the temple.
Murdaget, in his disguise a: ¢ foreman of the workers, Ifthe PCs catch Murdaget unaware (most likely because
appears asa tall man with a thick, muscular build and they approach him early in the adventure) he avoids long
answers, responding with grunts and curt single-word LE; SV Fort +11, Ref +5, Will 414; Str 16, Dex 14, Con
responses while trying to give the impression of a man too 18, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 10.
busy to be bothered with silly questions from curious Altered Appearance (Ex): As a result of Murdaget's close
gawkers, If pressured, he insists that the PCs stay out of affiliation and faith in Maglubiyet, his physical appearance
the way of his workers and discourages them from asking has grown more fiendish. His skin is black, his ears large
ons. A successful Sense Motive check (DC 20) indi- and bat-like, and his teeth are blood red. His hat of disguise
cates that Murdaget is trying to get rid of the PCs, but his helps to conceal these features.
motivations should remain unclear. He does his best to Contact (Su): Maglubiyet sometimes contacts Murdaget
avoid an actual confrontation with the PCs. via dreams or nightmares to guide his actions; this is how
If confronted or attacked, Murdaget immed flees in Murdaget learned of the Iron Satyr.
the directionofthe warchouse, using ethereal jaunt from Godly Gift: As a divine agent, Murdaget has been
his scroll if necessary, Murdaget is no coward, but neither granted the ability to cast magic circle against good’ once per
does he desire to face a powerful party of adventurers day as a spell-tike ability.
unprepares . His driving goal is to complete the work on Menacing Aura (Ex): Aura affects hostile creatures
the portal and return to Thuldanin with the goristro; once within a 20-foot radius; any who attack Murdaget must
this is done he can think about confronting characters who make a successful Will save (DC 12) or suffer a -2 morale
have challenged him, penalty on attacks, checks, and saves for one full day or
The DM should allow Murdaget every opportunity to until they successfully damage Murdaget. A creature that
escape at this early stage. A worker might spill a load of made its initial save or damaged Murdaget is immune to
marble slabs in front of the PCs, or a horse and cart might this effect for one day
block an alleyway just after Murdaget has fled down it. He Spells: Murdaget’s spells are cast at caster level so.
nvisibility at the first opportunity to shake off pursuit Skills: Bluff +11, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +2, Dis-
Once he reaches the warehouse he orders the guar there guise +8 (+10 acting), Heal +13, Intimidate +2, Knowledge
to intercept the PCs while he enters the tunnels below (religion) +17, Listen +6, Spellcraft +10, Spot +12, Use
Murdaget, Male Hobgoblin Clr8/Divine Agent4 Magic Device +4.
(Maglubiyet): CR 12; Medium humanoid (goblinoid); Feats: Alertni Combat Casting, Leadership, Cleave,
8+48; hp 105; Init +2; Spd ao fi; AC 19, touch Power Attack,
17; Base Atk +9; Grap +12; Atk +14 melee Languages: Common, Infernal, Goblin, Orc
(idro+5pl 16 acid/19~20, +2 caustic heavy flail); Full Spells Prepared (6/5+1/5+4/4+1/441/2+1, save DC = 14 +
Atk +14/+9 melee (1d1045 plus 1d6 acid/19-20, +2 spell level); o—cure minor wounds, detect magic, light, read
caustic heavy flail); SA spells, godly gift magic, resistance, virtue; 1st—bane,
rebuke/command undead; SQ altered command, divine favor, doom, pro
appearance darkvision 60 ft. contact tection from good, shield of
granted domain, menacing aura; AL and—bull's strength, death knell"
invisibility", resist elements, silence,
spiritual weapon; 3rd—glyph of
warding, invisibility purge, nonde-
tection*, searing light, summon
monster ILI, 4th—death ward,
divine power, unholy blight**; 5th—
flame strike, mass inflict light
wounds*, spell resistance
*“Domain spell. “Evil spell.
Domains: Destruction (smite
s/day, +4 on attack, extra +8
damage), Evil (cast Evil spells at +1
Murdaget caster level), Trickery (Bluff, Dis.
guise and Hide are class skills).
Possessions: Portal key, 42
glamered chainmail, +2 caustic
heavy flail (caustic property is identical to flaming, except
that it deals an additional 146 acid damage on a hit instead
of 146 fire damage), divine scroll of dispel good and ethereal
jaunt, hat of disguise, key to area W2, 450 gp.
Viela the succubus has assumed the form ofa striking THULDANIN PORTAL KEY
human female with gray eyes and extremely pale blonde There are currently two portal keys
huir. The robes she wears emulate a priestess of Ealira, and in Dramshae; one carried by
are diaphanous and brightly colored. Murdaget and one carried by Viela.
Viela quickly recognizes the PCs as adventurers, uriless The key itself is an oblong silver
they have disguised themselves before arriving in town, and brooch with a head on each end.
therefore a potential danger. She also realizes they may be One end depicts a shouting gobli-
potentially visefidl tools against Murdaget. Using her charms noid face, and the other shows a
to the fullest, she ascertains the degree of threat posed by the pathetically weeping elf. To operate
group and tries to subtly steer them offcourse. the key, one need only firmly grasp
Viela wishes to appear helpful while deflecting and the correct end of the key (the gob:
delaying any curious individuals from investigating her lingid face on the Thuldanin side
and the church too closely until the portal can be com- and the elf face on the Material
pleted. She's enjoying her role as the town’s religious Plane side) and move within 15 feet
leader, and has big plans for its corruption. In addition, she of the gate to cause it to open. The
plots to wrest control of the goristro from Murdaget, and portal key itself is not magical; it is
tries to use the PCs to her own end if she can manipulate merely the object to which the
them into helping her. She continues to play her role as portal’s activation is linked. A
priestess of Ealira as long as the PCs fall for it. While she legend lore spell reveals the portal
relies on her magic to protect her from magical investiga- key's use, but identify and analyze
tion, Viela is also highly intelligent and charming, and her dweomer do not.
interaction with the PCs should reflect this.
Since Ealira is a complete invention of Viela's, a Knowl-
edge (religion) check does not unveil any information public without unveiling her true nature, however, at which
about the deity. At best, a successful Knowledge (religion) point the hobgoblin may have a chance toescape. She attempts
check (DC 25) allows a character to notice certain parallels to convince the adventurers to ally with hertostop Murdaget’s
between Ealria and other religions of arts and beauty. A plans, but if they refuse or attack her, she teleports to the
character who asks about Ealira or expresses a desire to temple of Ealira to set upadefense against the PCs.
learn more about her is invited to the temple later in the Viela, Female Succubus Brd4/Fiend
ofCorruption 4: CR
evening to become acquainted with the goddess’s teaching. 12; Medium outsider (chaotic, extraplanar, evil, tanar'ri); HD
Ifa character takes her up on the offer, she tries to win the 6d8+8d6+28; hp 91; Init +5; Spd 30 ft, fly 50 ft. (average); AC
character over to her side with charm monster; she avoids 25, touch 16, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +12; Grap +13; Atk +17
using her kiss attack unless she thinks that the character's melee (1d6+1, claw); Full Atk +17 melee (1d6+1, 2 claws); SA
disappearance wor't be missed. If she feels that the charac- energy drain, fascinate, spellike abilities, suggestion, summon
ter is susceptible to her, she may even use her fiend’s favor tannar'ri, spells; SQ alternate form, bardic knowledge +9,
ability or a fiendish graft to gain his further cooperation. bardic music, countersong, damage reduction 10/cold iron or
Viela wears her portal key as a brooch. [f the PCs have good, darkvision 60 ft. fiend’s favor. fiendish graft, immunity
already investigated Berli's house and found the key’s mold, to electricity and poison, inspire competence, inspire courage
a successful Craft (sculpture) check (DC 20) identifies it as +1, major creation, mark ofjustice, mind shielding, resistanceto
a match for the mold. If asked about it, Viela lies about the acid 10, resistance to cold 10, resistance to fire 10, spell resist-
brooch origin, claiming it’s an old family heirloom. If can- ance 18, telepathy 100 ff, tongues,; AL CE; SV Fort +12, Ref
fronted by the molds from Berli’s house, she smiles and +17, Will +12; Str 13, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 32.
says that she loaned the broach to Berli several weeks ago Alternate Form (Su): Viela can assume any Small
after he was unaccountably taken with its design. Medium, or Large humanoid form as a standard action,
IfMurdaget is unmasked and the PCs report his true nature This ability is similar to polymorph but only allows
to her, Viela feigns surprise and distress about the revalation Humanoid forms. She gains a +40 circumstance bonus on
that a bobgoblin has been overseeing the workers on her proj- Disguise checks when using this ability.
ect. She asks the PCs in her most persuasive manner to inves- Fiend’s Favor (Su): Once per day Viela can grant a
tigate the matter, keeping up her ruse as long as possible. touched creature a +3 bonus to one of the creature’s ability
Eventually, her true nature will doubtless be uncovered. At scores. This ability bonus lasts for one day. When it
this point, Viela concocts a new story about how she's been expires, the creature takes a -3 penalty to the same ability
working to catch and kill Murdaget for some time for reasons score for the r xt day. Another application of fiend's favor
she'd rather not discuss, She carit move openly against him in not only negates the penalty, but restores the full bonus.
Mind Shielding (Su): Viela isimmune to detect thoug Possessions: Portal key, ring of protection +1, gloves of Dex
cer lies, and any attempt to ayically discern her ali terity +4, ¢ persuasion, wand of invisibility (19
Fiendish Graft (Su): Once per month, a fiend ofcorn charges), key to areaE4, platinum ring set with sapphire
bestow a fiendish graft or symbiont on (2,000 gp), pair of jade earrings (800 gp total), gold “holy
Fiendish fts and symbionts are detailed in the symbol” of Ealira on a silver necklace (200 gp), silver
Skills anklet (200 gp). priestly vestments embroidered with gold
Concentration +11, Craft (painting) threads and studdedwith pearls and garnets (1,800 gp).
Disguise +33 (+35 acting) The fiend of corruption prestige class is detailed on
ropes) Jump 43, Hide +16, In es 202-204 of the Fiend Folio
Knowledge (religion) +14, Lister Move Silently +14
Perform (sing) +2 Search +14, Sense Motive DRAMSHAE TOWN SQUARE
+10, Tumble +13, Use Rope + 14 (+16 bindin,
Feats Dodge, Negot Looking about the square you see that traders have
Weapon Fir brought their wares to market, setting up stalls in the
Spells Known (3/5/3, save DC ar + spell level): © shade of the buildings forming the square. There also
detect magic sound, mage hand, messag appears to be quite a lot of work going on around the
ist—cure light wounds, hypnotism Iron Satyr itself, The statue has been bracketed by two
and—cure moderate woun person. rows of freshly planted yew trees flowering with full red
Spell-Like Abilitic At will: fruit, and a gaggle of workers, overseen by a dour-look-
good, detectthoughts (DC 23), ethereal jau t (self plus 50 pounds ing foreman, are busy laying beautiful new marble
fobjects c stion (DC 24) stonework around the base of the statue. Another
ofobjects only). 3/day worker enters the opposite side of the square pushing
justice. Caster leve! The save DCs are Char a wheelbarrow full of marble slabs.
Three times per day Viela can use he
like bility as a fiend of corruption During the day, the town square is the focus 0
suggestion is DC 26, Dramshae’s ac jority of the outlying building
are private homes. Visitors who wish to stay overnight in the PCs are engaged in the tunnels below the city. The
town have one choi Dramshae’s only inn, a comfortable portal itself is keyed, and only opens if someone carries a
two-story building called “The {ron Satyr” in honor of the specially crafted portal key into the ring of stones (see the
village's primary attraction. Normally, the town square is Thuldanin Portal Key sidebar). When opened, the portal
filled with merchant booths and farmers selling produce, appears as a swirling, silent vortex of black smoke located
but recently the majority of the square has been occupied at the feet of the Iron Satyr. Until the stone ring around the
by artisans and laborers toil g to rebuild and beautify the portal is completed, the portal only allows the passage of
square under the direction of the local temple, For the Medium creatures. Once the stone ring is complet ctl.
most part, the townsfolk ¢ cou! ¢ this activity, and they vating the portal creates a flash of blinding light as ever
hope that the finished square draws visitors fromeven fur thing within the ring is instantly transported to the Far
ther afield. Gate on Thuldanin. Once it is activated, the portal remains
Of course, what these workers are actually doing ix active for one minute, after which it deactivates for 146
expanding the size of the portal to Thuldanin. Organized hours before it can be opened again
nd paid by Viela and supervised by Murdaget, the workers Murdaget has one of the portal keys. When Viela real-
themselves have no idea that they're actually doing any- ized what he was up to, she managed to sneak into
thing but t utifying the town square. A character who Murdaget's caves and make a copy of the key using a lump
seems interested in the yew trees that have been planted in of wax; she then had Berli craft a duplicate of the key. This
the square and who makes successful Knowledge (nature) action is what forced Murdaget to relocate Berli to Thul-
check (DC 13) notices that the red fruit that grows on the danin; he didn't like how close he and Viela had become
tre is highly poisonous. Someone who cats one of the and saw this connection as a liability
fruits suffers effects identical to arsenic poisoning (Dv
GEON Master's Guide 297). This is a little joke of Viela's: BERLI'S HOUSE
she selected the trees for just this reason, though she
denies any knowledge that they could be harmful if this This house stands out amongst the other rural
fact is pointed out. dwellings with its stylish decoration. Wrought iron
The portal expansion project is nearly complete, but the goat's head waterspouts dot the roof, and the front
DM should time its actual completion and activation so door is stained in a subtle blue earth tone, set with an
that Murdaget is able to move the Iron Satyr statue while expensive brass knob, A cobbled path leads up to the
front porch,
Berli’s House Berli is well known locally not only for his excellent work
but also for his oftimes odd subjects, many of which evoke
a dark sense of brooding, Primarily a jeweler and sculptor,
a number of his creations decorate the interior of his
house, including statuettes of goats, gargoyles, and imps.
When Viela commissioned the duplicate portal keys, she
took a liking to both the charismatic Berli and his unusual
art. Giving in to one of her fiendish urges, she began to cot
rupt the artist, intending to take him back to the Abys:
there to serve as her house artist and plaything,
Several important clues can be found at Berlis residence
and workshop. If you're using t hook that Berli has cre
ated an item for one of the characters, his home m: bethe
first stop for the PCs. They may also investigate his home
once they uncover his ties to Murdaget or Viela, or even if
they hear rumors around town that he’s gone missing. Any
of the villagers in town can provide directions to his home.
A successful Listen check (DC a5) made while approach
ing the house allows a charactertonotice
the sound of soft
whimpering coming from somewhere within the house.
The sound seems to be coming from the eastern wing of
the house. Berli’s friend Fizz, a pseudodragon, is the cause
of the whimpering. Fizz misses Berli terribly since he was
kidnapped. She grows silent if she hears anyone approach.
BI. FRONT ROOM distu: ing im arted to creep into his» K.Close
inspection ofthesculptures ster qual.
This is a well-appointed living room with soft divans, ties not quite apparent atfirst; the dancing goats have
cushioned arm chairs, a plush sofa, and thick draperies sharp teethand all uman expressions, spiders dance
framing the windows, Statuettes and sculptures of inside thelaughing down's mouth, and the jewelry has just
brooding gargoyles and dancing imps clutter every a fe too many sharp edg: tobeworn comfortably.
available tabletop, countertop, and shelftop. A few neg- Trap: If any of the sculptures or jewelry
lected plants droop listlessly from hanging baskets jouched without first speaking the password “chi
fountain trap is triggered. The password deactivates the
Berli used this room to relax and entertain gu trap for one hour, oruntilth s spoken
potential buyers. room, at which point it immediately reacti Wher
Treasure: The statues ‘onsis gered, the fountain spews out a large volume of water that
immediately transforms into three Medium water elemen
We a ae
Ue ee te
This temple is a small oblong building with exterior The main hall ofworshipisa simple affair, with three
stone walls washed white and set with marble colon- rows of polished birch benches fronting amatching
nades in the front, Beautiful stained-glass windows are plain square alter hung with white cloth stitched with
‘set high upinthe walls, and fresh green creepers grow gold patterns. Light streams infrom the high windows
around the building. A jumble
ofbeautiful flowering ‘onboth sides of the chamber, A golden curtain hangs
plants and shrubs decorate thegrounds. A single door of at thenorth end ofthe chamber, giving the entire room.
burnished birch wood appears tobethe main entrance. a soft golden glow asitreflects thelight. The eastand
west walls bear numerous paintings, eachdepicting
This small, oblong temple was once dedicated to the wor- scenes ofbeautiful people dancing in flawless glades,
ship of St. Cuthbert. For many years, the temple was tended fashioning stunning works ofart, or strolling along
by a solitary priest known to the locals as Old Feargus. The magnificent shorelines.
villagers believe that Feargus went crazy and killed himself in
an attempt to bum down the temple. In fact, Feargus was
During the day, there is a 30%
chance that 1d6 local worshippers
of Balira are present along with
Viela herself. Viela does not hold
organized masses, but tries to
make herself available to any of
her “faithful” during the day to
talk one on one about any matters
that need discussion. During
these discussions, Viela often
tries to subtly guide her flock to
follow their base instincts, sup:
porting married individuals who
start affairs with those they “really
love, " reassuring petty thieves
that stealing is okay as long as the
ends justify the means, and
encouraging the darker nature of
artists to come forth. She avoids
using charm monster or other
magic means to influence people,
since she’s a little paranoid that
some group of do-gooders might
notice the magic auras. Visitors
are welcome in this part of the Treasure: These vestments are all high quality, and the
temple at all hours, although after dark Viela spends her whole collection is worth 500 gp (but weighs 50 pounds). A
time elsewhere.
‘Treasure: Viela created all the paintings on the walls. successful Search check (DC 12) turns up a vial of dust of
While each seems to be of something beautiful and appearance tucked in a pocket.
benign, each contains an unsettling detail that is only E4. VIELA’S BEDCHAMBER
noticed upon close examination and a successful Search The door to this room is always kept locked (Open Lock DC
check (DC 25). Here, an onlooker with angry, glowing eyes
watches dancers from the cover of twisted shrubs. There, a
35); Viela carries the only key.
pair of vile eyes rises on stalks from the water streaming
This large room stands as a testamenttoluxury. To the
toward walkers on the shoreline, There are eight paintings
east, a large bed with polished brass fittings resem-
in all, each of which is worth 100 gp.
bling fire-spewing dragons is fitted with gold silk
E2. STORAGE AREA sheets and piled high with thick pillows and blankets.
A marble bedstand with matching brass details stands
nearby, upon which rests @ pearl hair comb and crystal
This small room isstacked with spare chairs, several decanter set. A white birch wardrobe stands in the
folding cots, a barrelofwater, a barrel ofwine that has ‘opposite comer, one door hanging open to display a
gone sour, and shelves of mundane foodstuffs. dazzling array of
luxurious clothes. Atop a nearby
matching dresser are several small vials, a feather fan,
Treasure: Viela stores her painting materials here. The and a small assortment of earrings, chokers, rings,
various pigments, canvases, and brushes are of master and a carelessly strewn silk scarf. Several exquisitely
work quality and are worth 100 gp in all crafted sculptures, each with increasingly erotic
themes, sit upon shelves and on the floor throughout
the room. An artay of potted plants adds the finishing
touches to the opulent display.
Robes and garments hang inthis room. The clothing is
fashioned ofextremelyfine white silk and patterned Viela keeps nothing truly incriminating in this room
with the same design asthecloth onthealtar inthe though she allows only charmed characters to enter her pri
hall ofworship. vate sanctuary. The vials on the dresser contain rare per:
fumes, and none of the items of jewelry is magical. They A successful Search check (DC 20) tums up two clues
are all quite valuable. that Berli has been working here. Mixed among the work
Directly south of the bedstand is a hidden trap door in tools is a masterwork sculptor's set matching the tools
the floor. A successful Search check (DC 30) uncovers it found in his workshop. Also present is a partially cut stat-
the door opens to a vertical shaft with a ladder and leads to uette of a succubus (exceptional craftsmanship, though
area Es below the temple unfinished) worth 20 gp. A character who has seen other
‘Treasure: The expensive clothing, jewelry, perfumes, and examples of Berli's work and makes a successful Craft
other portable objects of wealth in this chamber are worth (sculpting) check (DC 10) recognizes his style on the suc-
a combined total of 1,200 gp; most of it is fairly inexpen- cubus statuette. The fact that the succubus looks similar to
sive individually. Viela wears her most exquisite jewelry as Viela's human form is a coincidence that could set the PCs
a general rule, on the right path to uncovering her plans.
The ten erotic statuettes were all carved by Berli under Creatures: A pair of hobgoblin guards are stationed here,
Viela’s inspiration. Close inspection reveals disturbing tasked by Murdaget to convert this room into a weapons
qualities in the figures, but each of the five-pound stat forge. In truth, Murdaget stationed these two guards here
uettes is nevertheless worth 50 gp. because he suspects them of being Gruumsh sympathiz-
ers. Murdaget called on an invisible stalker with a summon
ES, ENTRANCE TO THE CATACOMBS planar ally scroll to observe the hobgoblins and report any
This iron ladder leads up to a secret trap door that can be treasonous actions back to Murdaget. So far, the hobgob
found with a successful Search check (DC 20). The trap lins havenit betrayed themselves... yet
door leads to area E4 of the temple. 2 Hobgoblin Guards Ftrs (2): hp 38 each, see area Wi,
These chambers were originally intended as catacombs Invisible Stalker: hp 64; Monster Manual 161
for the church, but they were never used. The prior cleric Tactics: The hobgoblins attack intruders immediately,
didrit even know they existed, but Viela found the secret but the invisible stalker hangs back and observes unless it
entrance quickly. These tunnels are damp and cold, and is discovered, in which case it flees to Murdaget to inform
have an average height of e hit feet. There are no wander. him of the latest development. If not, it waits until the hob-
ing monsters here, but loud noises and sounds of combat goblins are slain before returning to report to its master.
may bring nearby denizens to investigate. The catacombs
are lightless E8. STORAGE ROOM
EG. GUARD POST (EL 7) This small room contains several large blocks ofunfin:
Creatures: Two hobgoblin guards are stationed here at all ished marble.
times. Charged with monitoring traffic in the tunnel
between the workshop and the warehouse, the guards use Treasure: This marble is surplus left over from the portal
no light source and rely on their darkvision and ears to project. Taken as a whole, the unpolished marble has a
detect intruders market value of 600 gp, although it weighs 1,200 pounds,
Hobgoblin guards Firs (2): hp 38 cach, see area Ws
Tactics: The hobgoblins shout an alarm once they notice E9. GUARD QUARTERS (EL 10)
intruders, This alarm draws the creatures from areas Ey
and Eg in 1d4+1 rounds, while the clerics in area Ero cast This cold, damp chamberislined with a dozen moldy
their defensive spells before investigating cots. The place smells like wet fur.
E7, WORKROOM (EL 9) Creatures: Off-duty hobgoblin guards sleep in this dingy
cell. Six guards are found resting here at any given time
This large workroom contains several sturdy work- unless they have been alerted by the noise of battle else-
benches on which rest thick slabs of gold-veined white where underground
marble invarious stages offinishing. Stone-cutting and 2 Hobgoblin guards Ftrs (6): hp 38 each, see area Ws
shaping tools,adzes, polishing grt,chisels, and barrels
of water occupy the cluttered space. A fine layer of EJO. CLERICS’ ROOM (EL 9)
marble dust covers every surface.
This room is sparsely furnished, with four bedrolls
Originally, Murdaget had Berli working in this room to neatly arranged near a small fire pit. Nearby, a large
prepare the portal stones, but when he leamed that Viela unfinished block of marble serves as a stand for a
was visiting him and making copies of the portal key. he crudely rendered statuette of Maglubiyet.
moved the sculptor to Thuldanin
Creatures: This chambe is where Murd: t’s four other two hang back and cast spells ealing their allies as
acolytes performed the dese on ritual prep necessary and replacing them as they become too wounded
stone blocks for integration into the portal. Finish to carry on the fight. | instead, the I alarm has been rais
this task, Murdaget is them here in case he the clerics cast shield c ith, invisibility, and bull's stren
tance should his alliance with Viela break down es before they mov to area Eu to enlist the aid
% Hobgoblin Acolyte, Clrs (Maglubiyet) (4): CR 5 ir allies there. They then move to intercept the PCs
Medium humanoid (goblinoid); HD 548410; hp 36 each:
Init+2;Spd 20 ft.: AC 18, touch 12, t-footed16;Base Atk Ell. SPIDER CHAMBER (EL 9)
"3 Grap +4; Atk/Full Atk +5 melee (1d6+2, ight mace);
SA command undead, spells; SQ darkvision 60 ft AL LE ‘This large naturalcavern has had little in theway of
SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +7; Str 12, Dex 14, Cor n 14, Int 10, ficial expansion. A dry and disgusting odor permeates
Wis 16 Cha 10, the cave. Sticks and rubble have been piled in the
Skills; Heal +6 Hide +7, Knowledge (religion) +5 room, forming some sort of nest. A desiccated goat
Listen +5, Spot carcass lies sprawled nearby.
Feats: Alert Craft Wondrous Item
Spells Prepared (5/4+1/3+1/2*1; save DC ~ 13 + spell Creatures: This huge natural cavern was discovered as
level): o—cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, resist the hobgoblins expanded the catacombs, providing an
ance, virtue; ist—cause fear, cure light wounds, inflict light excellent tat for four phase spiders that have long been
wounds*, obscuring mist, shieldoffaith; 2nd—bull’s strength, f the n clerics. Two of the phase spiders
cure moderate wounds, invisibility spiritual weapon; 3¢¢: ¢ nest while the other two lurk about the room
bestow cur: , contagion cure serious w punds, as the c ics continue to pro-
Domain spell. Domains: Destruction (smite 1/day, +4 fe Sp '$ (mostly inthe form of wild an
on attack xtra +5 damage), Trickery (Blufi Disg mals and stolen li jock), the spiders are content
Hide are cla kills) as gu: ‘dians.
ht mace, masterwork scale mail, master: @ Phase Spiders (4): hp 42 each; Monster Manual 207,
hield, potion ofcure moderate wounds (2) Tactics: In the absence of the hobgoblin clerics, the spi
Tactics: If the clerics are caught inthis room by the PCs, ders attack anything that look like it might make a tasty
two of them rush up to engage them in melee while the meal. After dropping on opponents from above, their
favorite method of attack is to flank their potential prey, use their
using the walls and ceiling to surround their foes if possible. physical
The door to this chamber is protected by a Trap. PCs. If a
good opportunity presents
The furnishings of this chamber are stark and austere. self, the dretches fill the outer hallway with stinking douds.
A simple bedroll is laid out next to a small wooden Trap: Murdaget has protected the door to this room with a
chest that contains personal items and a change of glyph of warding. It triggers ifa nonevil creature opens the door.
clothes. A nearby iron brazier heats the room, 4” Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 4; spell; spell trigger, no
reset; spell effect (glyph of warding [blast], rith-level cleric, 548
This room is Murdaget's personal chamber on the Mate cold, DC 19 Reflex save half damage); multiple targets (alltar
rial Plane, He doesn't spend much time here, and chances gets within 5 ft); Search DC 28;Disable Device DC 28.
are that while the PCs are exploring this room, he's up on
the surface finishing and activating the portal E13. ESCAPE TUNNEL CEL
Creatures: Viela “loaned” Murdaget s: unnaturally agtph of warding on a sup.
Trap: Murdaget has inscribed
strong dreiches from her personal entourage in her lair on port beam here. The glyph is set to trigger if any nonevil
the Abyss. On the surface, the loan me: to be a show creature passes through this area.
of good will, but in fact she hoped t ¢ the demons to spy 1 Glyph of Warding (Blast); CR 4; spell; spell trigger; no
upon Murdaget. Alas. since Murdaget deliber: y feeds reset; spelleffect (glyph of warding [blast], 11th-level cleric, 548
them conflicting and false nformation the dim-witted cold, DC 19 Reflex sa + half damage); multiple targets (all tar
dretches ai it quite up to the task. They areupto attacking gets within
5ft.);SearchDC a8; Disable Device Dt
anyone they dont recognize, and do so iramediately if the
PCs enter the room.
Advanced Dretch (6): CR 4: Sr ler (chaotic INTERLUDE
extraplanar, evil, tanar’ri); HD 6d8+12; hp 39 each; Init +
Spd 20 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +6 Onc the portal’s nlargement is complet d, Murd:
Grap +3; Atk +9 melee (1d8+1, claw); Full Atk +9 melee orders all of the workers out of the circle and activates the
(1d8+1, 2 claws) and +6 melee (1d, claw); SA spell-like portal. With aflash oflight, everythingv in the circle
abilities summon tanar'ri; SQ damage reduction 5/cold {including the Iron Satyr) istransported to ar 1 Tron Thul.
iron or good, darkvision 6o ft., immunity to electricity and danin. This event is impossible to ignore for those nearby
poison, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, telepath on the surface, and it quickly becomes the talk of the town.
100 ft AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 12 Dex 10 None of the villager: s are brave enough to enter the stone
Con 14, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha rt circle to investigate the disappr ¢ of the Iron Satyr
Skills: Hid +9, Listen +9, Move Silently +9, Search +6 and eventually they turn to Viela for advice on what to do
Spot +9, Survival +0 (+2 following tracks). next. Viela tells them that there's been some sort of planar
Feats: Improved Natural Attack (claw), Multiattack warp, and Junteer to inve gate it using the magic
Weapon Focus (claw), granted to her by Ealira, In fact, she simply uses her portal
Tactics: The dretches immedia ely attempt to summon key to follow Murdaget (once the portal becomes active
other (non-advanced) dretches when combat begins: they then
again after 1d6 hours) and attempts to wrest c
ofthegoristrofrom him
The timing of this e nt is up to you. It can
occur while the PCs are exploring one of the other
locations in or under Dramshae in which case eB nebAaD
Gee sahliae
they certainly hear about the event from the other
townsfolk. You can even have it occur while the
PCs re on the surface so they can see the fi
light generated by the f 1, but in this case you
should time the event so that it’s over by the time
the PCs
Depending on the way the adventure has pro-
ceeded to this point, the PCs should have at least
one son to go through the portal themselves in
pursuit of Murdaget. If they've befriended Fizz
the pseudodragon neour s them to follow
Murdaget to find out from him what he did with
Berli, [fone of the PC: has been charmed by Viela,
she tries to get tha PC to accompany her to Thul-
danin. She may ev ry to recruit the PC’s aid
against Murdaget in a flat-out bit of uncharacteris
tic honesty, if she feels that no other options
re in. Fir lly, the villagers of Drams! ¢ them:
selves might courage the PCs to investigate the
portal; they cer nly arer{t happy to have a func-
tioning portal to another plane in the cen! er of
their villa
In order to move through the portal, the PCs
need aportal key. There are currently two keys in
the area; one is carried by Murdaget and the other
by Viela. Ifthe PCs are working with the succubus,
she allows them to tag along with her to Thul
danin. The PCs could take the key from her by
force as well. Finally, if the PCs have recovered the
key mold from Berli’s home (found in area B3),
they can even cast their own key with an hour's
work and a successful Craft (sculptin check (DC ent in a disconcerting way. Acheron is detailedonpage
In any case, if the PCs pass through th portal, continue of the DuNGEoN Masrer’s Guide; make sure you're fami:
the adventure with Chapter Two. ar with the natureof this realm before runningthispartof
the a enture, If you'relooking formore in-depth informa:
tion, consult pages 123-127
Murdaget maintains anoutpost on Thuldanin, the sparsely As the characters activate the portal to Thuldanin, read
populated s layer of Acheron. Supported by mall them the following text
groupofloyal allies, he launched his mission te ize the
transformed goristro from a ruined siege tower located on As you step into the marble circle the world is imme:
the edge of one of the massive cubes that fill the diately plunged into darkness. Your stomach lurches
this realm. Once he brings the goristro b ck to life and a strange rushing sound fills your head. The air
Murdaget ir ends tolead the demon into battle against the bears a strange metallic tang that wasn’t there a
minionsofG umsh for the lory of Maglubiyer second ago. Far off you hear a faint rumbling, an echo-
When the PCs travel through th P tal, you shi ld ing ring like the clanging of great cymbals.
stress the alien nature of Ache on, particularly if they have
never traveled the planes before. Things should feel differ
‘There is no light in this area, but if the PCs can see or PCs are on to him he'll give Garg and Vem descriptions of
provide their own, read the following: them in particular.
? Garg, Male Fiendish Goblin Sor8: CR 10; Small
You are still standing within the circle of marble humanoid (goblinoid); HD 8d4+8; hp 34; Init +a; Spd 30
stonework, Thefamiliar sight ofthese carved stone ft.; AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +4; Grap -1
menhirs isa welcome one,foreverything else looks Atk/Full Atk +5 melee (1d4~1/19-20, masterwork dagger);
and feelscompletely wrong. You standinan immense SA smite good 1/day (+8 melee damage); SQ damage
cavernofparticularly‘unusual shape, The walls and reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft, resistance to cold 10,
floor aremadeofsome metallic material ofindefinable resistance to fire 10, spell resistance 13; AL NE; SV Fort +3,
composition streaked withrust, butmore disconcert- Ref +6, Will+8: Str 8, Dex15, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 15.
ingisthearchitecture itself, Unlikeanormal natural Skills: Concentration +12, Hide +6, Knowledge (arcana)
cavern, thewalls andceiling above seem tohave been +12, Listen +2. Move Silently +6, Ride +6, Spellcraft +14,
created by removing five-foot square blocks ofmaterial. Spot +2.
A lattice of rusted cracks runs up one wall, yet the Feats: Alertness (as long as Yarky is in arm's reach)
angles ofthecracks areallperfectly square. Thefloor of Combat Casting, Empower Spell, Iron Will.
the cavern isstrewn with rubble andstone, and theceil- Languages: Common, Goblin, Giant.
ingitself arches to a height ofnearly a hundred feet, Spells Known (6/7/7/5/3; save DC = 12 + spell level): o—
‘One ofthestone menhirs hasbeen knocked over and dancing lights, daze, detect magic, flare, light, ghost sound, ray
now liesonitsside neartherestoftheblocks. Leading of frost, resistance; 18t—expeditious retreat, mage armor,
‘outofthestone ring from this gapand intothe cavern. magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield; and—Melf's acid
beyond isa swath ofdozens oftiny tracks and two deep arrow, resist elements, Tasha’s hideous laughter; 3rd—light
tuts jn the ground, as if ahundred children hauled ning bolt, surmmon monster 11; 4th—ice storm,
away a massive
heavy wagon. Possessions; Masterwork dagger, ring of protection +2,
potion of eagle's splendor, potion of cure serious wounds, belt
While some of his minions worked on the Material pouch holding 50 gp and a 350-gp gem.
Plane side of the portal, Murdaget had his other allies Yarky, Ferret Familiar: CR —; Diminutive magical
working on enlarging this side as well. Both projects were beast; HD effective 8; lnp 17; Init +2; Spd 15 ft, climb 15 ft
finished at about the same time. When Murdaget arrived AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +0; Grp -16;
here with the Iron Satyr, his waiting minions quickly Atk/Full Atk +6 melee (rda~g, bite); Space/Reach 1ft./o ft.
loaded it onto a large cart with hook-studded iron wheels. SA attach; SQ improved evasion, scent, granted abilities;
These wheels allowed the cart to fairly easily trundle over AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10,
the rubble that dominates the surfaces of Thuldanin, espe- Int 9, Wis 2, Cha 5.
cially when hauled by Murdaget’s team of 103 goblin Skills; Balance +6, Concentration +11, Hide +18, Knowl
slaves. The trail left by these goblins and the massive edge (arcana) +10, Move Silently +6, Ride +6, Spell-
wagon is bluntly obvious, even to those who dontt possess craft +10
the Track feat. It leads toward area Ta Feat: Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse"
Murdaget had to take down one of the stone blocks in Vem, Fiendish Goblin Rog7: CR 8; Small humanoid
order to fit the statue out of the ring. The portal still func- (goblinoid); HD 746+14; hp 44; Init +3: Spd 30 ft; AC 17,
tions, but until the stone block is replaced, the portal only touch 14, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +5; Grap +1; Atk/Pull Atk
allows the transport of Medium or smaller creatures and +7 melee (1d6/19~20, masterwork short sword) or +10
objects when activated. ranged (1d6+1/3, +1 shortbow); SA smite good 1/day (+7
Creatures: Murdaget expects others to follow him melee damage), sneak attack +4d6; SQ damage reduction
through the portal once it becomes active again, In order to s/magic. darkvision Go ft, evasion, resistance to cold 5,
keep them from reaching the siege tower, he stationed sev resistance to fire 5, spell resistance 12, trapfinding, trap
eral of his more powerful minions in this chamber to sense +2, uncanny dodge; AL CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +8, Will
ambush anyone else who uses the portal. 43; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8,
When the portal is activated, it generates a bright flash of Skills: Balance +5, Escape Artist +13, Hide +17, Jump +12,
light; this flash automatically alerts the ambushers that Listen +11, Move Silently +17, Ride +7, Sleight of Hand +13,
something has arrived in the cavern. The guards include Spot +11, Tumble +15, Use Rope +3 (+5 bindings),
Garg (a fiendish goblin sorcerer), Vem (a fiendish goblin Feats: Toughness, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot
rogue), three fiendish bugbear fighters, and a fiendish bug Languages: Common, Goblin.
bear rogue. Murdaget has ordered them to attack any non Possessions: Masterwork shortsword, +1 shorthow, master
goblinoids that come through the portal; if he knows the work studded leather armor, 100-gp topaz ring.
% Fiendish Bugbear, Ftr4 (3) fighters wait in
CR 7; Medium humanoid he ground-level cave
(goblinoid). HD in area TB
3d8+4dro+r4; hp 52 Upon spot
each; Init +2; Spd 20 ting the PCs,
ft; AC 22, touch 1, Garg casts
flat-footed 21; Base mage ar) or,
Atk +6; Grap +9 shield, and
Atk +11 melee expeditious
(1d&+5, masterwork retreat on him
morning s F) OF +10 self. He then
ra ged (146, masterwork drinks his potion of
javelin); Full Atk +11 +6 melee (1d8+5 eagle's splendor and casts
masterwork morning star) or +10/+5 summon monster III to
ranged (1d6+3, masterwork javelin) ummon monsters to attack the
SA smite good 1/day (+7 melee PCs. He continues summoning
dar age): SQ dimage reduc monsters each round, saving his ice
tion 5/magic, d vision storm If the PCs cluster in a group.
60ft,resistance to cold The appearance of the first sum
5, resistance to fire 5, moned monster is the cue for the
scent, spell resistance 12; others to begin the attack. The bugbear
AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref fighters close to melee, throwing
+8, Will +5; Str 16, Dex xy round they
14, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, aren't able > engage a
Cha to: ©? Prec in melee combat
Skills: Climb
45,Jump =5. The bugbear rogue pre
Hide +0, Move Silently +4 ion to shoot
Feats: Iron Will, Light
ning Reflexes, Quickdraw. whe tries to cast a spell
Weapon Focus (morning star), Weapon Focus (javelin) Vem uses his magic shortbow tc sneak attack as often as
Weapon Specialization (morning star), he can; elven PCs in the party find themse es f ed tar
Languages: Common, Goblin gets of Vern’s due to his fanatical hatred of elve
Possessions: Masterwork morning stat, 3 masterwork Ifthings turn sour, G: treats down the side tunnelto
javelins, banded mail, heavy wooden shield, 30 pp. area Ta and thence to the surface towarn Murdaget. It
Fiendish Bugbear, Rog4: CR 7;Medium humanoid takes about 20 minutes for him to reach Murdaget in the
(goblinoid); HD 3d8+4d6+14 hp 40; Init +3; Spd yo i; AC
touch 13, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +5; Grap +8; Atk/Full
Atk +9 melee (1d8+3, masterwork mornir T2. SLASRATH CAVE (EL 11)
d (1d10/19-20, masterwork heavy crossbow); SA
¢ good 1/day (+7 melee damage), sneak attack +246 This chamber is a voluminous cavern, lit with a wan
SQ damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft evasion gray light from an exit along the opposite wall. Thrust
resistance to cold 5, resistance to fire 5, scent, pell resist ing up from the floor are what might be called stalag-
ance 12, trapfinding, trap sense +1, unca ge; AL CE mites, though they are strangely regular in shape. Six
SV Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +2; Str 16,Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11 square pillars rise from the ground to the ceiling 100
Wis 10, Cha 9. feet above,
Skills Balance +8, Climb +7, Hide +11, Escape Artist +7.
Jump +5, Listen +8, Move Silently +15, Spot +8, Tumble +8 cavern towers over 100 feet high. The trail left by the
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Point Blank Shot goblins pulling the cart remains obvious, and leads out
Langi ages: Common, Gob in. ntothe surface of Thuldanin.
Possessions: Masterwork heavy crossbow, 10 , mas: Creatures: A pair of particularly tough slasraths lurk in
terwork mornii g star, 1 sterwork chain shir 6o pp. this cavern. These hideous, worm-bodied, slate gray crea-
Tactics: The guards are split into two groups. Garg and tures flop through the air near the ceiling or purple
the bugbear rogue lurk atop an outcropping in ea THA, veined manta-like wings with long barbed tai streaming
This outcroppingisGo feet high. Vem andt ree bug:
Th ¢ two slasraths escaped servitude ‘oved Bull Rush, Improved Natural
their yugoloth master died many year go. The creatures Attack (stin, Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexe
though extremely aggressive and territorial, dorft attack ck
goblinoids moving through the cavern. Murdaget and his lasraths offer little in the way of tactics other
minions pummeled them nearly to death several times nan all-out unrelenting frontal assault, They immedi
until the slasraths learned the lesson. The slasraths now ately charge the PCs with their wing slash attacks. If either
serve as additi 1, ever-vigilant guards blocking asual slasrath is reduced tofew than 15 hp it ases its ack and
access totheportal flees. The do not pursue prey outofthiscave
9 Advanced Slasrath (2): CR 9; Large aber
16d8+64; hp 136 each; Init +2;Spd 10 ft., fly 50 ft. (per OUT INTO THULDANIN
fect); AC 17, touch 11 flat-footed 15; Base Atk +12: A short passage leads from the slasrath cavern out onto
Atk +16 mel e (2d6+5 plus poison, sting); Full Atk +16 Thuldanin itself. The sight
ofthealienrealm, even to expe
melee (246+5 plus poison, sting) and +11 melee (1d6+2. rienced planar adventurers, is unsettling
bite); S poison, wing slash: SQ darkvision Go ft ALN
SV Fort +9, Ref +g, Will +10; Str 21, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 1 The short passage opens abruptly upon a wondrous and
Wis 10 Cha 10 terrible vista. The ground stretches into the distance,
Poison (Ex): Each sting attack delivers poison (Fort DC seemingly composed of the same pettified material as
18 negates), Initial damage id4 Str plus 1d4 Dex; secondary the cavern walls and refuse. Here and there great cracks
da nage is 46 Con radiate from immense pock marks, the fracture lines all
Wing Slash (Ex): A charging slasrath can end a charge at right angles and etched with rust. Vast dunes of ruined,
with a wing slash, The slas makes a +9 melee a ack petrified objects and creatures litter the ground.
against each creature tha t threatens at the end Even stranger Is the sky. No sun or stars can be seen
Each creature hit takes 346+r0 points ofdamage in the dark gray void overhead, but a number of distant
An arr ingcreature damaged by this attack moons drift slowly about. Oddly cubic-shaped, these
make a Reflexs:aving throw (DC 19) or have its arn moons move much more swiftly than ever the stars do
hredded away instantly In fact, their movement is easily noticeable to the
Skills; Listen +12, Spot+1 naked eye. Their cubic moons drift chaotically, and
line of relative gravity
The Siege Tower
(side view)
tron Satyr
open to goblin
exterior camp
Main Floor
(top view)
Vine of retativ
Skills: Appraise +13 (+15 paintings and sculpture), Craft results of the combat rather than rolling attacks for every-
(painting) +13, Craft (sculpting) +13, Perform (stringed ‘one involved.
instruments) +12, Perform (oratory) +12, Profession (artist) Fiendish Goblins (103): hp 5 each; SA smite good
+9, Ride +10, Swim +9. 1/day (+1 melee damage); SQ darkvision Go ft, resistance
Feats: Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Appraise), Skill Focus to cold 5, resistance to fire 5, spell resistance 6; Monster
{Craft [painting)), Skill Focus (Craft {sculpting} Manual 133.
Treasure: The red statuette of the goblin is a bloodstone Fiendish Orcs (7): hp 5 each; SA smite good 1/day (+1
idol of Maglubiyet worth 900 gp. melee damage); SQ darkvision Go ft., resistance to cold 5,
Ad-Hoc Experience Award: If the PCs manage to rescue resistance to fire 5, spell resistance 6; Monster Manual 203,
Berli and return him to his home in Dramshae, award
them XP as if they had defeated him in combat IT’S ALIVE! (EL 15+)
Murdaget's plan to sacrifice the captured orcs to Maglubiyet
THE GOBLIN CAMP CEL 13+) should take place at some point while the PCs are exploring,
Thuldanin. You should stage the ritual at some exciting
This collection ofnearly four dozen small, dirty tents is point during the adventure so the PCs must face down the
ri coaeanee tekaround the Iron goristro in all its might. If the PCs head straight for the
‘which isperched neartheedgeofthepitinwhich goblin camp, they should witness the goristro’s awakening
the siege tower stands. Several fire pits smolder just as they reach the edge of thecamp. If the PCs instead
between the tents, and a huge stone-wheeled wagon. explore the siege tower. they should witness the awakening
sits atthefringe. of the goristro from the window in the “roof” of area Ts.
Creature: Although there are more than a hundred
Creatures: This encampment is populated by 103 fiendish goblins in the camp, they scatter in terror as the
fiendish goblins, minions of Murdaget “on loarf from a goristro awakens and add nothing to any resulting combat.
larger temple dedicated to Maglubiyet located on another ® Goristro: CR 13; Huge outsider (chaotic, extraplanar,
cube on Thuldanin. These goblins were tasked with haul- evil, Tanar'ri); HD 16d8+96; hp 183; Init -1; Spd 4o ft.; AC
ing the Iron Satyr from the portal to this location, where 23, touch 7, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +16; Grap +33; Atk +23
Murdaget intends to perform an impressive ritual involv- melee (2d6+13, slam) or +13 ranged (ad8+9, rock}; Atk +23
ing the sacrifice of seven captured fiendish orc soldiers and melee (2d6+13, 2 slams) or +13 ranged (2d8+9, rock);
culminating in the awakening of the goristro from its pet- Space/Reach 15 ft./15 ft: SA rock throwing, spell-like abili-
tified slumber. ties, stamp; SQ damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60
‘The goblins and orc prisoners should be litle more than fi, fast healing 5, immunity to electricity and poison, resist-
a nuisance to r1th-level characters, despite their vastly ance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, spell resistance 22,
superior numbers. Combat between a group of adventur- telepathy; AL CE; SV Fort +16, Ref +9, Will +12; Str 29,
ers and 103 goblins is best served by simply describing the Dex8,Con 23, Int 5, Wis 15, Cha 13.
Road to >
#) Settled ands"
“Challenge of Champions Vis 4 D&D adventiire for 3 year, the Adventurers Guild provides the PCs with a
patty of four PCs of
any level and of any character class. wealth of information, beneficial contacts, and a 10% dis-
Like the four previous “Challenge of Champions” adven- count on standard adventuring gear. Other benefits can
tures (appearing in DUNGKON issues #58, 69, 80, and 9y), be added as you See fit. Possibilities Include offering
this adventure takes place on the outskirts of a major city expendable magical items (scrolls and potions) ata
and can be inserted into nearly any campaign, reduced cost, as well as providing a place to sell the varl-
You should read the entire adventure before running it ous treasures recovered while adventuring. There might
‘A firm understanding of each of the ten scenarios is neces even be Guild-affiliated armorworkers and weaponsmiths
dutyTorthe smooth progress of the adventure and will help willing to “upgrade” the magical properties of agiven
you adjudicate alternative solutions the players may devise weapon, shield, or suit
ofarmor. »
to each challenge. The four winners Of the contest are each granted a
lifetime membership into the Adventurers Guild, as well
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND a8 the trophies and prestige Usually associated with such
Once again, the Adventurers Guild is sponsoting an event an honor
to test the kills of teams of adventurers. Open to adven-
turing teams of all levels of experience, the contest is to be ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS
held in two days’ time at the edge of the city. Teams begin The PCs enter the Challenge of Champions, acompe-
forming and registering days before the event. Some of tition compoxed of ten scenarios testing their adven:
thom have gone through previous Challenges, while others turing capabilities. At the end of the contest, the
are new to the contest. scores of all Contestants are ranked to determine the
Each tearn must be registered at the Guild Headquarters winning team:
by sundown the night before the contest, The team mem.
bers must each provide the Guild with their name, charac- ADVENTURE HOOKS
ter class (for record-keeping purposes only: the Challeng The PCs could enter the contest for several reasons, They
scenarios are no longer'geared toward specific character might overhear other adventurers talking about the fifth
classes), and team name. They must also sign a form annual Challenge of Champions and decide to enter gu
absolving the Adventurers Guild of any responsibility in their own, A rival adventurer might form a team of con-
the case of injury or death. Contestants are given the testants and dare the PCs to enter the contest to see which
opportunity to sign up in advance for either a raise dead team performs better. If the PCs have already joined the
spell (5.450 gp) or a resurrection spell (10,910 gp), to be Adventurers Guild, they might have competed in a previ-
used in the event of their death during the course of the ‘ous Challenge and be eager to give it another go. (If they
Challenge. The Guild officials do their best to ensure the won a previous contest, they may be especially eager to
safety of the participants, but accidents can happen. PCs keep the winning streak going.) A newly formed adventur-
wishing to use this service must pay in advance; the money ing band might enter the ChallengeXo prove themselves
is returned at the end of the Challenge if they come and establish a reputation, possibly as an advertisement
through alive, for future employment. A fair bit ofside-betting goes on
Finally, all contestants must pay an entrance fee of spp, during these contests, so the PCs might even enter as a
unless they're already Guild members, in which case the money-making scheme. They could even be hired to tep:
fee is waived (a benefit of membership, as the Guild is resent a wealthy merchant or aristocrat who has a bet
quick to point out), If the PCs arerft yet members, they going with his associates as to who can field the superior
get to hear the standard sales pitch: for a mere 25 gp per team of contestants.
HE SAT NSE magic items requiring them are normally provided at
this time (unless determining the command word is part
The contest itself is a series of ten scenarios, each of the puzzle). Once the team is satisfied that all equip:
designed to test the resourcefulness and cohesion of the ment is in place, the official reads the scenario briefing
adventuring group. The scenarios are set up so as to be and starts the clock. The briefing consists ofthe goal the
of equal difficulty to everyone, regardless of level. In team must try to accomplish, as well as any special rules
other words, a 2oth-level druid should have no advantage for that scenario. A team has 15 minutes to accomplish
over a 1st-level one, In addition, an attempt has been cach scenario.
made to address advantages returning contestants might
have over newcomers. THE HINT
If a team is stumped, they can ask for “The Hint.” The
THE RULES proctor then reads a prepared clue for the scenario, The
All team members must show up in non-magic clothing; no team can ask for “The Hint” at any time during the sce-
armor is permitted. Weapons may not be brought to the nario, but it must be a unanimous decision by all active
contest grounds; scenarios that require weapons are sup- team members. Once “The Hint” is given, the team earns
plied appropriately. The same goes for magic items of any half normal points for completing th scenario. The
type, Spellcasters cannot cast any prepared spells; this specifics of “The Hint” for each scenario are decided upon
includes spell-like abilities. All spells used in the contest by the Guild proctors in advance, so it's possible that "The
must be cast using rings of spell storing provided as part of a Hint" may address a part of the scenario that the contest-
scenario. This allows all spells to be cast at the same level, ants have already solved.
negating any advantage high-level spelicasters have over
low-level ones. Items cannot be transferred between scenar- WHEN TO RUN THE ADVENTURE
jos. Characters with familiars, animal companions, or spe- If your players’ adventuring group does not have a full
cial mounts are not allowed to bring them into the contest. complement offour team members, the PCs can recruit
All contestants are inspected by a Guild wizard before one or more NPCs from the hopefuls milling about the
the contest begins. The Guild wizard uses detect magic to contest. See the “Rounding Out the Teant’ sidebar for
make sure no magic items are being smuggled in. Anyone more information. If instead you have more than four
caught attempting to smuggle magic items into the contest players in your group, you can allow them to choose
is immediately disqualified. Guild proctors have no qualms which four members of the group tackle a particular
against ejecting contestants who try to cast unauthorized scenario; this choice must be made before the proctor
spells during the course of the scenarios, describes what the scenario entails, though. Players
An unscrupulous adventuring group might devise an who don't have active characters in a scenario should
elaborate plan to circumvent the rules. For example, a remain silent; if they provide clues or assistance to the
group might plant one of their party members in an earlier active characters, the scenario and any points gained
group. When the spy makes it through the scenarios, he or are forfeited.
she can cast sending to communicate the solution or clues A word of caution: although “Challenge of Champions
to the later group. Such devious tactics shouldrit be “auto- V* can be played with one DM and one player (with that
matically” detected. player running all four team members), that puts the onus
A PC attempting to smuggle an illegal object into a sce- of coming up with solutions on the lone player. This is fea-
nario can make a Sleight of Hand check opposed by the sible—though it’s easier to solve the scenarios with input
Proctor’s Search check of +16. PCs who cheat and are and ideas from several people
caught after the fact are removed from the Challenge and Alternately, any of the “Challenge of Champions" adven-
their points are nullified from all scenarios in which they tures can be used as a contest between individual players.
participated. Any remaining PCs are free to recruit a Simply give one player control of all four NPCs provided
replacement member before continuing with the rest of and let him or her go through the adventure solo. The
the contest other players shouldn't be present at this time; it's simply
If the PCs are clever enough to outsmart the Adventur: you and the one player. At the end, the score is tallied, and
crs Guild, they'll probably be seen as a boon to the organi- then you send another player through the adventure, Con-
zation anyway. If characters manage to pull offacheat you tinue this process until each of theplayers has “gone solo”
didrit expect, don't punish them, This is a contest of wits through the scenarios. After everyone has finished, com:
and ingenuity, and finding a novel way to circumvent tricky pare scores to sce how everyone did. This allows players to
obstacles is part of beinganadventurer, against each other, but it prevents the multiple-
At the start of each scenario, a proctor briefs the team player interaction and brainstorming that is often the key
on any equipment they can use. Command words to any to solving the scenarios.
RUNNING THE SCENARIOS vided. Skill checks are generally unnecessary to success-
At the beginning of each scenario, show the players the fully complete a scenario, but they can help give the players
a hint.
map or diagram corresponding to that event. Allow the
players to read the appropriate spells in the Player's Hand- As the PCs complete each scenario, record their scores
on the score sheet, After each of the first nine scenarios,
book and magic item entries in the DUNGEON MasTER’s check off the box if at least one team member accom-
Guide, Once all of the players have had a chance to review
plished that scenario's goal and made it to the metal
their starting equipment, give them the scenario briefing. number disk featured as the unifying theme of this year’s
Once the briefing begins, track the time. The players have contest, This is important in determining their score for
a total of 15 minutes for their PCs to accomplish the task. the final scenario.
This is 15 minutes in real time, not game time. Some tasks
the PCs must perform to complete a scenario goal take
more time in game than in real time, though, and for these THE CHALLENGE BEGINS
tasks the approximate completion time is provided, often
The day of the contest, the participating teams are led to
with a modifier, under the heading “Time Constraints.” the large, multicolored tent where the initial briefings are
Whenever a player announces that her PC is performing given. test
This year, 16 teams are competing. Before the con-
officially begins, some of the teams pass around a sign-
that task, determine the length of time it takes and subtract
that from the 15 minutes of the scenario. For example, if it pool, and there betting
up sheet for a pool. Not all teams have entered the
is no pressure to do so, but those interested
takes 30 seconds to secure a rope properly, tell the players are putting up 100 gold pieces per team, and the winners
that time has been used.
(among those in the pool) go home with the pot. “Make no
A "school solution is provided for each scenario, This is
doubt about it, this is my year to win,” declares Bisquayne,
the way the Adventurers Guild anticipates the goal to be
accomplished, However, it is by no means the only or best a long:time competitor, as he passes you the sign-up sheet
way to accomplish the goal. It is provided so you can see for the betting pool. “You guys want to throw some of your
money my way? I'm a certified shoo-in this year. | almost
one method to accomplish each goal, in the event the PCs
fail to accomplish it and the players dorit think it can be feel sorry for you other competitors!"
done. Be flexible in all cases, and allow a good idea an
The betting pool is a tradition among the Challenge of
appropriate chance ofsuccess. Champions competitors. Since the Adventurers Guild has
‘The Guild official proctoring each scenario is responsi: no interest in providing monetary rewards for winning
(that’s not why they've designed the contests), several con-
ble for ensuring the safety of the participants. While many testants have taken it upon themselves to provide their own
of the scenarios place the contestants in danger, each proc-
(or has the means to counter the danget. For example, sev- cash reward. So far, seven of the teams have put in 100 gp,
eral scenarios involve climbing up or down sheer surfaces. 80 if the PCs decide to enter, the pot becomes 800 gp. Once
the PCs have had a chance to interact with some of the
The Guild wizards proctoring those scenarios are ready to other contestants and made a decision whether to partici-
cast feather fall immediately upon signs of trouble. pate in the betting pool, the contest begins.
In any scenario, the official has the power to declare any
PC “dead” at any time, and he does so if he has to save the Farthingale, a heavy-set human Guildmaster, is running
the Challenge of Champions this year. When he arrives at the
PC or if the PC commits a“lethal” act (like falling into a tent, things get down to business. Farthingale goes over the
*pool of piranhas” represented by a shallow pool of water) rules for the Challenge and answers any initial questions. He
PCs who have been declared “dead” are not allowed to par. then mentions a new addition to this year’s contest
ticipate further in the scenario in which they “died,” and
they receive no points for that scenario. They are allowed to
watch their teammates finish the scenario without them “Thisyear,you'llbecollecting numbered metal diskslike
but any assistance on their part—be it actual participation these," hesays,holding upa medallion some sixinches.
in accomplishing the scenario’s goal or merely shouting in diameter.
The disk hasa "1" engraved on it. “You.
suggestions from the sidelines—are grounds for disqualifi- won't be keeping thedisks aftereachscenario,” Farthin-
cation of the entire team. Once the team moves on to the gale continues, “butwewillbekeeping track ofwhich
next scenario, any “dead” PCs are restored to “living” status disks you have attained throughout the scenarios. They
and may continue as before. come intoplayduring thefinalscenario."
Many of the scenarios are puzzles. As part of the spirit of
the Challenge of Champions, you should require your play Finally, each team's name is entered on a slip of paper
ers to figure out the solution themselves. However, most and the names are drawn randomly out of a small chest to
people roleplay to play their characters, not themselves; the determine the order in which the teams will compete. The
PCshave “lived” entirely different lives than their players, PCs’ group is scheduled to go fourth. After Team One is led
In each scenario, some potential uses for skills are pro away to the start of their first scenario, the PCs have about
45 minutes to relax before their turn starts. This time can be
spent wandering through the Guild's display tents, examin- That's your goal,All yougotta doisget past thegriffon
ing various weapons, armor, and adventuring gear, relaxing and through the door within the next 15 minutes. Oh,
in one ofthe several ale tents, or warming up in one of the andgrabthat metal diskwiththe‘1’onit,whileyou're
numerous training yards. Eventually, the PCs are brought atIt. Now, seethatlineonthefloor? Soon as even one
‘ofyousteps across that line,that ol"griffon isgonna
to the location of the first scenario and are greeted by two
Guild members. Kuthbar, a thin-faced wizard, casts detect
attack you!
magic one last time to search for illicit magic items. Mean: “Now, lucky for you, that ain't no ordinary griffon,
while, a red-bearded fighter wearing a leather kilt, gives Nope, it’soneofthem figurines ofwondrous power, see?
And that means there's a command
word that'll turn
everyone a thorough frisk, looking for smuggled items like
lockpicks or hidden blades him back intoalittlestatue, right? Now then, seethem
cubbyholes upthere?” Justin points tosixindentations
Assuming nothing goes wrong the PCs are ready
to begin! along the tops ofthe 10-foot walls atyour end of the
room, “inside each ofthem cubbyholes isa card. Ifyou
SCENARIO #1; ONE GRIFFON get allsix cards and put them together right, they'll tell
you the word that'll deactivate thegriffon, Here, you
might want this mirror,
too.Any questions from you
Youare led through a door and into a long room, some
lot? No? Then start!”
ten feet wide and thirty feetlong. A redlineispainted
across thefloor atthemidpoint oftheroom. Onthefar When running this scenario, present the players with a
end of theroom you see a strange beast, halflion and hand mirror of some type so that they can use it with the
half eagle. Behind it stands a door. Centered onthe door
is a 3-inch metal diskwith the numeral “1"engraved on.
six “command word cards.”
it,The beast stares atyouwith a feverish intensity.
The room is 10 feet wide and 30 feet long, with a 10-foot
“You guys is Team Four, right?” asksJustin, the gruff
ceiling and rough walls hewn from stone. Illumination is
Guild fighter in charge of this scenario, “Okay, listen
provided by four continual flame spells cast upon the sides
up, then. See that door onthe farside ofthe griffon?
of the longer walls. Each of
the six cubbyholes is six inches
wide, two inches tall, and three inches deep. The cubby
Command Word Solution Player Handout: Card A
3 . z
, ao 2 _=
| 4
2 oe J Player Handout: Cord B
vyuUURKYnoooooD wiiu
Player Handout: Card C
Lnmun tinting
~ APPRRALOMU- Player Handout: Card D
holes are flush with the ceiling, and are all located on the
contestants’ side of the red line bisecting the room. The
mirror provided for this scenario is a six-inch steel mirror
Scoring: to points per PC that bypasses the griffon and
Player Handout: Card E
makes it to the far side of the room by the end of the 15-
minute time limit.
Solution: The PCs collect the six cards, assemble them
together in the correct fashion (see the diagram provided),
and say the command word (“apparalomu) which deacti
vates the bronze griffon, They then exit the scenario via the
door on the far wall.
oo mm
Player Handout: Card F
ri PP
“The Hint”: “The cards may not necessarily line up evenly.”
DM Notes: A PC can make a Climb check (DC 20) to
scale a wall and pull out the card from within a given cub
byhole. The cubbyholes are situated far enough apart that
separa climb checks must be made to retrieve each card.
Optionally, a PC can climb onto another PC's back (or
stand upon his shoulders or cupped hands) to reach into
i mmMuUNJ
the cubbyhole and retrieve the card within. This requires a the correct command word or clue necessary to com:
Strength check (DC 10) on the part of the PC supporting plete a scenario’s goal. This also drives home the fact that
the other's weight, and a Balance check (DC 1a) on the part not all of the PCs’ starting squipment is necessarily useful
of the PC doing the climbing and retrieving Ifa PC crosses the red line without first deactivating the
Each time a PC retrieves a card from a cubbyhole, pres bronze griffon, it immediately attacks, Justin (the bronze
ent the player with one of the six “command word cards” griffon’s owner) calls it off if a PC is in danger of being
provided for this scenario. It makes no difference which killed; in such a case that PC is declared "dead" and the grif
card is placed in which cubbyhole. fon is instructed to ignore that PC {at which point it then
The hand mirror is not necessary to solve this scenario, attacks the next-closest PC), The griffon ignores any PCs
It is provided because previous Challenges have included that exit through the door, but once a PC crosses the red
scenarios where symbols had to bx ted in a mirror to
line the griffon is no longer constrained to stay on its side the door midway up
the ramp. Some points of
of the room ‘The cylinder ishollow, and there isa rather large hole
The PCs may attempt to fight their way past the griffon onthesidecurrently facing theceiling, Thisis unfortu-
if they desire. Justin's word is final as to when a PC is nate, for inside the cylinder are two highly poisonous
declared dead, but he worit declare someone dead until serpents. Thesnakes arecalm now,butif youmove the
they are reduced to zero or fewer hit points cylinder you'll naturally rile them up. The serpents are
Griffon: hp 59; Monster Manual 139, highly aggressive and attack anyone they see. Anyone
bitten by a serpent is declared ‘dead,’ I'm afraid,
SCENARIO #2: TWO SERPENTS although I'lldo my best to make sure that that is not
truly the case.
‘You exit through the door at the far end of the previous To assist you in your quest, here is a ringofspell
scenario and are metbyan elderly Guild cleric who ing. \t contains two spells, animal trance and hold
Introduces himself as Father Quespin. “Good moming, animal. Right. | believe that’s everything you need to
all," he beams as he escorts you to the next scenario, accomplish your goal, so if there are no further ques-
You mave down a short hallway and through another tions, you may begin, Good luck to you!”
door; the room beyond is10 feet wide and 60feetlong,
with a 20-foot ceiling. About two-thirds ofthe way down The room is lit with four continual flame spells. Both
the room, a ramp risesup tothefarwall, Halfway up spells in the ring of spell staring are cast at yrd level.
the ramp, on the left side, is a closed door. This door Scoring: 10 points per PC that makes it past the ser
also holds a metal disk, this time engraved with a "2." pents, up the ramp, and through the door by the end of the
Blocking the path is a large wooden cylinder on its side. 15-minute time limit
The cylinder extends nearly from wall towall (there is Solution: PC (wearing the ring of spell storing) holds the
an Inch or so of clearance on either side) and has a cylinder steady against the ramp, while PCs 2 and 3 give
diameter of8 feet. PC4 a boost up onto the top of
the cylinder. (While up there
“Your goal this time is rathersimple," Father Quespin PC4 can see that the hole is 6 feet long, leaving a one-foot-
tells you."You must get past thecylinder and make it to wide section to stand upon at either end of
the hole.) PCs 1
through 3 back off as far away from the cylinder as possible,
leaving PC4 on top of the cylinder, against one of the side but only fifteen feet indiameter. A trap doorissetinthe
walls, PC4 then “walks” the cylinder toward the other PCs, ‘center ofthe ceiling.
Painted onthe floor isa spider
“dropping” the hole toward them and allowing the serpents web design thatiscovered with various letters and
to escape from the cylinder on the side of the other PCs. numbers, Three gray cloaks jiescattered around the
PCr waits until the serpents approach before casting the ‘edges ofthisdesign,
animal trance spell. While PCx concentrates on keeping the “Your goal this time istoescape this room within the
serpents immobile, PCs “walks” the cylinder one full revo-
next fifteen minutes through the trap door upthere in
lution toward the PCs so that the hole is once again facing theceiling. Thedoor pushes upwards, butgetting up
them. The PCs (including PC4, if he wishes) then enter the there may pose a problem. First ofall,asyoucan see,
hollow cylinder and walk along its inner surface, rolling the
the ceiling is twenty feethigh. Oneofthese cloaks may
cylinder toward the ramp until the hole faces the ramp. The hold theanswer: Oneisacloak ofarachnida, oneisa
PCs then exit the cylinder, walk up the ramp, remove the ook ofresistance, andoneis a cloak of
metal disk from the door, and exit.
Naturally, it’suptoyoutodetermine which iswhich,
“The Hint”: “The cylinder can be moved in two directions.”
Dae oarSGU: forthe ekopciones
DM Notes: Climbing onto the top of the cylinder anyone whowears it, Noexceptions,|point
requires a Climb check (DC ro). Walking along the top of each ofthecloaks has a six-letter word i
‘onto itsback;ape ea 3h
the cylinder (and thus moving it in the opposite direction)
requires a successful Balance check (DC 15), Ifa PC fails a ‘mining which iswhich. In any case, you now have all
Balance check by 5 or more, he falls. Roll a d6 to determine you need; youmaybegin!”
in which direction he falls: 1-2, away from the ramp; 3-4. The room is lit with four continual flame spells. The web
toward the ramp; 5-6, onto the top of the cylinder. Note
that if the hole is situated at the top of the cylinder when
design is as shown in the diagram. The three cloaks are
embroidered with the words “ENTOTU,” “HROTRI,” and
the PC falls, he may fall into the hole. Allow the falling PC
a Reflex save (DC 15) to prevent himself from falling “THOZNE.” The slanted walls of this room cannot be
entirely into the cylinder; success indicates that he grabbed
dimbed. Climbing the inward slope of the walls is nearly
the edge of the hole. However, while he can pull himself
impossible, and requires a successfial Climb check (DC 40)
out the following round, the serpents (if inside the cylinder Scoring: 10 points per PC that makes it through the trap
at the time) get to attack. door in the 20-foot ceiling by the end of the 15-minute
Note that the hold animal spell only affects one of
the ser-
time limit.
Solution: The PCs can use the letters and numbers
pents, and even then only lasts for a maximum of three
rounds, This may have disastrous results if the PCs are
shown on the web pattern to decipher the words embroi-
inattentive. The animal trance spell, on the other hand,
dered on the cloaks. Each letter in the web is “shifted” a
affects both serpents and lasts as long as the caster con number of times along the alphabet to become another
centrates on keeping them tranquil letter. For example, the “T” in the web has a “-1" above it.
Pushing the cylinder up the ramp requires a Strength
Thus, a “T* embroidered on a cloak stands for the letter
check (DC 20). PCs may use the “aid another” rules (page
one step in front of it in the alphabet, or "S." The “H" is
135 of the Player’s Handbook) to gain a +2 bonus; up to two associated with "+8," so start with “H” and count out 8
additional PCs may aid in this manner.
more letters, resulting in “P." Wrap around the alphabet
Due to the curve of the cylinder, when the hole is situ-
(from “2” back to “A’) if necessary. The following table
ated on the bottom there is enough room for the serpents
shows the solution to the cipher puzzle
to slither out in either direction. They always attack the
e "3 R
closest PC, A PC bitten by a serpent is immediately
" +” P
declared “dead” for the rest of the scenario, 1 Ss N
As these are normal vipers, the wild empathy ability can
be used to calm the initially hostile snakes N =) E
Medium Vipers (2): hp 9 cach, Monster Manual 280. ° 6 i
R 3 °
T 1 s
u WV T
r4 4 D
A Guild wizard by the name of Mercurio awaits you at
the third scenario. This one takes place in an oddly-
Deciphering thewords on the cloaks reveals the words
shaped room: theflooris a 20-foot-diameter circle. The
walls angle inward to theceiling, which is also circular
“RESIST” ("ENTOTU”). One PC dons the cloak of arach:
nida (the one embroidered with
the word THOZNE") and uses it
a vertical web anchored on
the floor and the ceiling, ju to
one side of the trap door. That PC
then ferries each of the other PCs
up the web and through the trap
door in turn.
“The Hint” The numbers show
how many times you shift a letter
and in which direction.”
DM Notes: If the PCs realize the
solution lies in the letter dd num
bers on the web design but cannot
figure it out for themselves, you can
allow them a Decipher Script check
(DC 20) They can take 20 on this
check, but it costs them 2 minutes.
If the check succeeds, you can read
them “The Hint” at no penalty; in
other words, they have figured out
that much by themselves and are
not penalized in their scores if they
complete the scenario within the You will each be taken to a different ledge, where you'll
time limit. However, even if they know the “trick” in deci be shackled at the ankle with a length of chain con-
phering the embroidered words, you should have the play nected to the guard rail. You will each be given a potion
ers figure out each word by themselves. The players must vial. Each potion is different: One is a potion ofalter self,
do this in their heads, since their characters have no writ
ing equipms nt with them.
one is a potion ofgaseous form, one is a potion ofswim-
Only the > wearing the cloak of arachnida canclimbthe
ming. and one is a vial of deadly poison. As you might
web without difficulty, Anyone else who attempts to climb
expect, you must determine which vial contains which
the sticky web only becomes stuck. The PC wearing the potion. Each of you will receive a key to one of the four
cloak ofarachnida can carry passengers on a web, as long as shackles binding your ankles, although you won't nec-
he is strong enough. essarily get the key that opens your own shackle.”
Of course, the PCs can just try their luck and put on
“You have 15 minutes to escape through the trap door
random cloaks in order to figure out which one is the right in the center of the ceiling,” Mussfinch informs you.
one. Anyone whodonsthe “cloak ofpoiso s* is imme “You may begin!”
diately declared "de: although the cloak itself is in fact Just beforethescenario begins, Mussfinch gives each
nonmagical. } turally, once the “cloak of poisonousness” is PC a separate
vialandakey. Each potion
vialislabe od with
located, it can be avoided. 2 letters on a 3 by 4 grid
Mercurio stands by with a feather f spell should anyone Inside the room, the entire area is lit with continual flame
fallwhile climbing up through the trap door. When the spells in such a way that the light seems to be coming from the
PCs make it through the trap door, they see a metal disk “poolofmolten lava" covering the floor, The chart onpage 5
engraved with a “3” waiting for them on the floor of the shows what cach PC receives as h starting equipment.
room they just entered Important Note: Give each player the appropriate card
SCENARIO #4 FOUR POTIONS showing the let rs on his or her potion vial. However, do
not allow the players tc show each other their individual
‘AGulld wizard named Mussfinch welcomes you at the start cards, unless a character makes a successful Spot check
(pc >) to see the tiny card from a distance of 20 feet
of thenext scenario. “I'l need you to designate yourselves Scoring: > pointsperPC that makes it through the trap
as tearm members 1 through 4, if you would, please..." door in the ceiling by the end of the 15-mim fe time limit.
“Right. The room beyond is 40 feet tall and 20 feet per
Solution: The PCs read aloud the letters on their potion
side. Midway up the walls are four triangular ledges, vials, and determine the sentence formed when the letters
‘one in each corner, overlooking a pool of molten lava. are placed in the correct sequence, as follows:
Reading down _ the formed. They can call out the letters on their vials to the
columns, the following sen. other players, but they can't show the other players their
tence is formed: “POTION “potion vial label cards,” unless two or more PCs are on
COLOR BEGINS WITH the same platform.
THE SECOND LETTER IN The PCs may try to toss their potion vials or their keys
POTION NAME.” Thus, the to each other. A thrown key or potion vial has an AC of
potion of gaseous form is the 16 while it's hurled through the air; if aPC misses the
amber one (since the second vial it falls to the floor and is lost as it is consumed by
letter in “gaseous form,” *a,” the “lava,”
is the first letter in “amber.” A successful Escape Artist check (DC 30) lets a character
Similarly, the potion of alter squeeze out of a shackle. Each Escape Artist check takes a
selfs light blue, the potion of full minute, taking 20 requires more time than the PCs are
swimming is white, and the allowed to complete this scenario. PCs can attempt an
poison is orange. Open Lock check (DC 30) on their manacles, using the key
PCr drinks the potion of they were provided with as a “simple tool” (even though it's
gaseous form, escapes his the wrong key). Remember to apply the ~2 penalty due toa
shackles and flies over to lack of proper lockpicks.
PC}, and then dispels the The following list shows which key opens which PC’s
effects of the gaseous form shackles:
‘once he's on PC;'s platform. PCr has Key A, which opens PCa's shackle.
He then drinks the amber PC2 has Key B, which opens PC4's shackle,
potion of alter self, using it to PC3 has Key C,which opens PCr's shackle,
assume winged form. At PC4 has Key D, which opens PC3's shackle.
that point, he can fly from Of course, the PCs could simply drink their potionsallat
PC to PC, trying the various once. Doing so results in PC2 being declared “dead,” but
keys until everyone is PCr can fly to the ceiling in gaseous form and seep through
released from their shack- the narrow crack around the trap door, and if PC3 uses the
les. PCt, still winged, then potion of alter seifto not only give himself wings but also to
carries each PC to the trap make his body smaller, he can squeeze his foot out of his
door in the ceiling, and shackle and fly to the trap door. If time permits, he may
everyone exits. even be able to figure out which key opens PC4's shackle
“The Hint": “The labels and carry him up through the trap door.
form a sentence when Mussfinch is prepared to cast a feather fall spell on
placed together correctly.” anyone who falls offaplatform. Doing so instantly brings
DM Notes: As in the pre- falling characters to “dead” status for the remainder of
vious scenario, the PCs have scenario, as they are consumed by the “lava,” The “lava”
PC 1's Label nothing to write with, so itself is actually a permanent image. The actual floor to the
dorit let the players write down other players’ letters from room is an additional 10 feet below the top of the “lava,”
their potion vial. They must work it out in their heads. and a PC falling through the illusion is ushered out of the
Ifa PC makes a successful Decipher Script check (DC area by Guild pages to meet up with his tearn at the start of
20), he can gain a clue to the solution of the puzzle. The the next scenario,
PC can choose to take 20 on this check, but doing so Any PCs still on a platform at the end of the 15 minutes
costs 2 minutes, If the check is successful, inform the are released from their shackles and carried through the
player that the four letter grids on the potion vials trap door by Mussfinch. A PC that makes it through the
should create a sentence when placed in the correct trap door in time finds a metal disk engraved with a “4”
order and read in sequence. Again, have the players waiting for them.
actually do the work in determining the actual sentence
Pol Pca =} PA
Potion color: amber orange light blue white
Label onvial: OTTA INOO PESI cILo
Key: Key A Key 8 Keyc Key D
SCENARIO #5: FIVE DOORS is locked! It is, in fact, the only door that is locked,
despite the fact that all five doors have keyholes.
Parnival, a Guild cleric, greets you at the startofthe “But how to tell which door is which? Observe: Each
fifth scenario, He ushers
youthrough a doar
and along door has a mathematical equation painted upon it.
a wooden plank leading Into an unusual room. The Solve the equation, and it will tell you which door it is.
room is pentagonal inshape, with a door in each ofthe Simplicity itself
five walls. The plank you walk on leads over a moat “Oh, and note the floor ofthe room surrounding your
filled with water choked with green algae and onto a little pentagonal island of safety. Do you know what
pentagonal island in the middle of the room. There, that greenish substance is? Green slime! Anyone
you are instructed to sit in a circle with your backs to touching the stuffmust scrape it offimmediately, or I'll
each other and to link arms, As soon as you doso, the be forced to intercede. If | have tosave anyone from the
room plunges into total darkness and the pentagonal green slime, I'll declare thern ‘dead’ for the rest of the
‘structure you're sitting on starts tospin, slowly at first ‘scenario. Fortunately for you, it cannot eat through
and then more rapidly. ‘stone and cannot move on its own, so you should be
When the platform stops spinning, the darkness fades. safe up there on your littlestone platform.
The plank has been removed and thedoor through which “Let's see, is thereanything else?Oh yes, your starting
you entered isnow closed. Allfivedoors lookalike;there's equipment.” Parnival reaches into his Guild robe and
notelling which is theoneyou came through. pulls out a 10-foot coil ofrope, followed by a familiar-
“An interesting dilemma, no?" asks Parnival. "Your goal looking ring. “This is another ning ofspell storing.” he
thistimeistoexitthrough thedoor in which you came. says. “This one holds a flesh to stone spell; maybe it'll
But whichoneisit?I'ltellyou:Door #5.Furthermore, help you against one of the homuncull. In any case,
VII tellyouthat Door #1 and Door #2 each have homun- you've now got everything you need. Begin!"
cull lurking behind them, which will attack you if you
open those doors. Behind Door #3 is a ringofspellstor The entire area is lit by continual flame spells. Green
ing containing a /evitate spell,and Door #4contains the slime covers the entire lower floorofthis pentagonal room.
key tounlock Door #5. Aha! You now know that Door #5 which has been carved from stone. The slime does not coat
the walls in the room or the sides ofthe island, just the
lower floor. The island stands 2 feet above the floor, with an may help her pinpoint which door is the one she came
8-foot clearance directly overhead. It is 8 feet from a side of through, Door #5 is still locked and requires the key from
the pentagonal island to the nearest wall. All of the doors Door #4 to unlock it, so the knowledge is of limited value,
are wooden and swing inward into the rooms beyond; the Throwing the rope across from the island to someone
hinges are on the opposite side and cannot be seen from standing in a doorway requires a successful attack roll
inside the central chamber, against AC to on the part of the catcher. If the catch
Scoring: 10 points per PC that makes it through Door #5 misses the rope, it falls to the floor and the portion of it
by the end of the 15-minute time limit, touching the green slime is devoured on the second round.
Solution: The PCs examine the mathematical symbols If either Door #1 or Door #2 is opened, a homunculus flies
on each of the doors and determine which door is which, out and attacks the PCs with its bite, hoping to cause one or
PCx puts on the ring of spell storing. PC2 holds one end of more of them to succumb to its venom and fall asleep. Note
the rope while PC3 ties the other end around PC4’s chest. that a PC that fails two Fortitude saves against a homunculus’
PC4 then jumps toward Door #3, dropping to all fours for venom could sleep through the rest of the scenario! The
stability. PCx casts flesh to stone on PC4, who voluntarily homunculi break off combat if they take any damage.
fails his save and becomes petrified (and therefore The doors are simple wooden doors with hardness 5 and
immune to the green slime). PCr then crosses over to 10 hp. Only Door #5 is locked; it has a Break DC of 15. The
PC4's back while PCs 2 and 3 hold the rope steady at their PCs might think of scooping some green slime onto one of
end, PCr opens Door #3, takes the second ring of spell stor: the doors and letting it dissolve the door, but the biggest
ing. and casts levitate (the spell is cast at caster level 11, and problem with this approach is they have nothing with which
can lift a Medium petrified creature but not a Large one) to safely handle the slime. (A resourceful PC might scoop up
upon the petrified PC, PCs 2 and 3 pull PC4 back over to some slime with his shirt and quickly apply it to a door, but
the pentagonal island with PCr perched on PC4's back. the slime eats through the shirt in one round, rendering it
PCr steps from PC¢ to the island and maneuvers the levi- useless for further use, The Adventurers Guild doesn't
tating PC4 toward Door #4. While PCs 2 and 3 hold the replace articles of clothing “fed” to the green slime in this
rope steady, PC1 pushes PCs toward Door #4, lowers him fashion.) Green slime deals 2d6 points of damage to wood
to the ground, and then crosses over to him using the rope. but docs not ignore the wood's hardness rating while doing
Opening Door #4, PCr removes the key, levitates PC4 into 80, 50 it might take a while to eat completely through.
the air again, and is pulled back by PCs 2 and3.The same At the end of the scenario, the green slime is scraped off
procedure is used to return to the island and reposition of a petrified PC with a stone utensil and then a dose of
PC4 in front of Door #5, PCr crosses over to PC4 again, stone salve is applied to restore him to his normal form.
unlocks Door #s, and exits, PC2 crosses over to PC4 while The “5” disk is waiting for the PCs on the other side of
PCs holds the rope. PC2 exits. PC3 coils the rope and Door #5, should they get it open in time.
tosses it over to PCa, standing in the doorway of Door #5, 2 Homunculus (2): hp 11 each; Monster Manual 154
PCr levitates PC4 again and gives him a shove toward the
island. PC} steps onto PC4 and is dragged toward Door #5 SCENARIO #6: SIX-ARMED STATUE
by PCs 1 and 2. PC3exits, and PCs 1 through 3 pull PC4
through the doorway. Since a petrified creature is not tech: “I'll need youtonumber yourselves off again, one
nically dead, full points are earned for a petrified creature through four,please,” says Marilyssa, theGulldcleric
that is brought out of the room proctoring the sixth scenario, asshe leads you through
“The H 1”: “One of you can become an additional piece a door onto a small, hexagonal platform. “This iswhere
of starting equipment.” Team Member 1 starts,” she says. “Team Member 2
DM Notes: There is a shortcut to solving the mathemat- starts there, Team Member 3 there, and Team Member
ical puzzles on the doors, In each case, the first number 4 overthere.” She points tothree other hexagonal plat-
and the last number add up to 10, the second number and forms arranged in a half-circle around one side ofthe
next-to-last number add up to 10, the third number and large, open area in which the scenario is staged,
third-from-last number add up to 10, and so on. In effect, Another two hexagonal platforms complete the circle,
these numbers cancel themselves out, leaving only the and a seventh stands in the center of the ring thus
middle number intact. Once this formula is noticed, it formed. The central platform holds a stone statue ofa
becomes a simple matter to determine which door is demonic woman whose lower body is that of a giant
which. Plus, if you forget which door is which it's then a ‘snake. The statue wields a variety ofweapons in her six
simple matter to just look at the middle number. arms. The platforms are all about 10 feet apart, and
A PC can make a successful Survival check (DC 15) to try dark water flows between them.
to determine her orientation after being spun around in “| mustadvise
youalltostayoutof thewater,” Mar-
the darkness at the beginning of the scenario. While this ilyssa says, “for it has been stocked with swarms of
hungry piranhas that canstrip theflesh from your bones “Now then, if there are no questions, let's get you
in moments. Should you come under attack bythe pira- three over toyour starting platforms,
and then we can
nhas |will intercede,but naturally |willthen haveto get this scenario under way.”
declare you‘dead! fortherestofthescenario.
“You each have one piece of starting equipment, This scenario is open to the outside air and is lit by the
located in thetrap door on thefloor ofyour platform. sun. Bach of the seven hexagonal platforms measures 10
You get to see what you start with once we actually fect across, with a 10-foot gap between platforms. The
begin the scenario. Your goal is to make itfrom your water is a uniform 5 feet deep. The trapdoors on the PCs
individual platforms totheexit at the far side between starting platforms are 2 feet square and open into a stor
the twoempty platforms. Please note the metal disk age cavity. Marilyssa uses a ring of water walking to proctor
with the ‘6'engraved onitonthe wall next tothe exit, this scenario,
“To make things alittle mare difficult, we've added a Scoring: 10 points per PC that makes it to the exit by the
few complications tothis scenario. The demon statue on end of the 15-minute time limit
the central platform animates and attacks ifanyone or Solution: The PCs open their trap doors and retrieve their
touches the floor oftheplatform on which she equipment: PCr has a 10-foot ladder, PC2 has a 10-foot
stands. |'Iladdthat she's asdangerous asshelooks: she board, PC3 has a 10-foot rope, and PC4 has a 10-foot chain.
might bemade ofstone, butthose weapons ofhers are PC} coils the rope and throws it to PCa. PCr hands the
bad news; a flaming /ongsword, a javelin oflightning, an ladder over to PCa. PC2 places the end of the board over the
adamantine dagger and battleaxe, a dagger ofvero, and end of the ladder so that they overlap by several feet, and
a trident offish command, Asa special condition ofthis uses the rope to tie them together. PC2 then extends the
scenario, once she’s activated, anyone who takes a improvised bridge to PC1's platform. PCr walks across to
single blowfrom anyofherweaponsis‘dead.’ Noexcep- PC2’s platform. The bridge is then placed between plat
tions. Finally, one of thetwo empty platforms flanking forms and 3, and PCs 1 and 2 cross to PC3's platform. The
the exit is safe, and the other Istrapped, Anyone orany- bridge is then placed between platforms 3 and 4, and PC4
thing touching it also animates the statue. crosses to platform 3, The PCs then extend the bridge to the
statue's shoulder, and while PCs 1 and 2 hold it steady at
shoulder level, PCs boosts PC4 up onto
the bridge. PC4 walks across to the
statue, removes the trident of fish com-
mand, then crosses back to platform 3.
PC4 uses the trident to keep the piranhas
at bay while the PCs swim (or walk} to
the exit platform, keeping within 10 feet
ofeach other at all times.
“The Hint": “You can use the statue's
weapons if you can get to them without
activating the statue.”
Time Constraints: It takes 5 rounds
(30 seconds) to tie the board to the
ladder securely with the rope.
DM Notes: The PC tying the board to
the ladder must make a successful Use
Rope check (DC 15) to make sure he ties
the knot tight enough to support the PCs’
weight. A failure of the Use Rope check
means the knot comes undone when a
PC gets to that part of the impromptu
bridge, plunging him into the water to
his “death.” Crossing the bridge requires
a Balance check (DC 10), with a failure by
more than 5 points indicating that the PC
has fallen into the water (at which time
he is declared “dead” by Marilyssa). Note
that the Balance check rises to DC ra if
the bridge gets wet. The “piranhas” dorit
attack objects that fall into the water. Actually, there are no
pitanhas in the water; they're just a starting condition of the
scenario. When crossing from a starting platform to the A Guild wizard named Searrolupio proctors thissce-
statue, the PCs supporting the bridge must make a Strength nario, Heleads you ha door and uptoa blank
check (DC 12) to keep their end steady. If the Strength check wall, against which leans a 15-foot-long ladder, Onthe
is failed, a PC on the bridge must make a Balance check (DC floor byyourfeetlietwo10-foot boards, a small bag,a
20) to remain standing, with a failure by 5 or more points S-foot length ofsilkcord, anda staff. “The bag is a tan-
sending him falling into the water to be devoured.
glefoot bag,and thestaffisu staffoffire,”explains
Once the trident of fish command is in a PC’s grasp, he Scarrolupio, "I believe theother equipment should be
can use it to keep the piranhas at bay. Despite the fact there self-explanatory.’
are no actual piranhas in the water, Marilyssa rules that ‘Thewizard points uptothetopoftheladder, which
they do not approach within 10 feet of the trident’s wielder. you can see leads toanopening inthe wall. “When the
PCs must stay within ro feet of the trident wielder to
‘scenario begins, you'll have toclimb tothetop of the
remain within its radius of protection; those who stray too Jadder tosee thelayout ofthe area you'll bedealing
far are eaten. A successful Swim check (DC 10) is required with, I'llgiveyouthebasics, though: you'll becrossing
to swim to the exit. a roughly 25:foot by35:foot room togettotheexit door
The empty platform on the left is the trapped one; the ‘onthefarside.Naturally, therewillbeobstacles in your
right platform is safe to step upon. If the statue is activated. ‘way,nottheleastofwhichisa layerofbrown moldthat
it attacks the nearest PC. As part of the conditions of this
cavers theflooroftheroom. Careful with those boards,
scet jo, any PC struck once by the statue is immediately too, asthey're only strong enough to support two of
you at a time.” Scarralupio tells you thecommand
declared “dead” by Marilyssa and the statue moves on to its
next victim. The statue does not attack anyone it has words toactivate the staff offire'sthree main powers:
already hit once, even in selfdefense. (buming hands, fireball, and walloffire). With that, the
Animated Marilith Statue, Large Animated Object scenario begins!
hp 52; SQ Hardness 8; Monster Manual 14.
These ai (both
thestarting area
andthe a5-ft. by 35-ft The walls of this scenario area (both inside the room and
area on the far side of the door) are lit by a pairofcontinual outside by the starting area) are too smooth to climb.
flame spells. If more than two PCs stand upon a b ard at th
Important Note: Do not show the players the scenario time, Scarrolupio uses a shatter spell to bi the by
map until you've already started the 15-minute countdown. since that was one of ¢ starting © this se nario.
When a PC makes it to the top of the ladder, show his PCs can then nake a Balance check (DC 20) to move
player the map and allow him to describe what his PC sees onto an available column rath than fall to the brown
to the other players, but do not give them access to the sce mold below. In any case, the boa dis no longer available
nario map until their PCs can actually se the area. making the completionof the scenario much more difficult.
The scenario map is labeled with the letters A~G along This scenariocanactually be accomplished without
one side and the numbers 1-5 along the top. This makes it using any of the starting equipment (besides ¢ ladder),
easy to refer to aspecific column. bu it is much more dangerous. A PC can jump from
Scoring: 10 points per PC that crosses
totheexit area at column to co nn if he desires. However, each jump
the end of the 15-minute time limit requires a separate Jump check. The column: Il 4 feet
Solution: PC climbs the ladder and describes what he apart (and about 5 feet apart diagonally), and due to a lack
sees to the others. PC2 climbs the ladder carrying oneofthe of room allof the jumps are standing jumps. At the endof
torft. boards (designated “board 1°). PCt places board 1 a jump, the PC must ke a Balance check (DC 10) to
from columns A1-Cr and steps onto it. PC3 climbs the rem in standingon the column
ladder with the other board (*board 2") and passes it to PC2 The * disk hangsonthe wal just inside the exit doorway.
atth top of the ladder, who in turn passes it to PC1. PCr
s board 2 across columns D2~E3 and steps onto it. SCENARIO #8: EIGHT BOOTS
onto board 1, and PC3 moves to the top of the
ladder. PCs ties one end of the cord to an end of the staff of “Well, this next scenario ought to be fun,” remarks
fire and the other to the tanglefoot bag, then climbs the Julian, the Guild wizard in charge of the next event. He
ladder with it and passes it down the line to PC1 as well. PC leads you to a unfurnished 20-foot-square room. There
wields the staff likea fishing pole to place the tanglefoot bag are only two ways into and out of the room: the door
onto the top of column £5, then slams the end of the staff through which you just entered, and a trap door in the
onto the top of the bag. bursting the tanglefoot bag and center of the ceiling.
cementing the staffoffire in place across columns E4-E5. “Yes, it's another "escape through the trap door in the
PCr climbs onto column 4. PC2 advances onto board ceiling’ scenario, I'm afraid. It seems Guildmaster Far-
PC4, standing in the doorway, pulls up the ladder, and PCs thingale has rather a fondness for such events, doesn't
3and 4 maneuver it into the room, passing it down the line he? This trap door is a little more complex to open than
to PCr, whoplaces it across the cemented staff of fireand the the others, though. It requires two people to toggle four
open doorway of the exit, PCr then crosses the ladder to the different levers at the same time. In any case, this
exit, followedinturn by the other PCs. shouldn't be too bad. You've got four pairs of magic
“The Hint” The ladder is useful for more than just boots tohelp you getup there: boots oflevitation, boots of
ascending heights.” striding andspringing, boots ofspeed, and even a pair of
Time Constraints: It takes 5 junds (30 seconds) to tie winged boots. The trouble is, they've all been jumbled
the tanglefoot bag securely to the aff of fire with the rope together so there’s no telling which boot is which,”
DM Notes; The 35 columns in the room are all about one Sure enough, looking down at the jumbled boots, you
foot wide and 14 feet tall, with a 4-foot gap between each. can tell that they all look identical save that four of
The entire floor of the room looks like t's covered with them are “righties” and four are “lefties.” You do
brown mold s« me § feet thick; this “brown mold” is in fact notice that they have been labeled “1" through “8" on
4 permanent image. Anyone falling into the brown mold is the backs of their heels, which should help you keep
declared “dead”byScarrolupio (ifnotthrough the absorp. them straight as to which is which
tion of body heat, then by smotheringinthe mold). Fur “Naturally, you must be wearing a complete set for
th rimore, the mold can absorb heat at a distance of 5 feet, their magic properties to be used,” continues julian,
so its area of effect extends a full 10 feet from the floor, 5 “and furthermore, we've made each pair so that they
feet below the topsofthe columns. For this reason, using won't work until the wearer speaks the correct com-
any of the fire-based spells from the staff of fire (which mand word aloud. Never fear, I've got the command
holds 10 char is not a good idea, since it causes the ill words written down right here.” With that, he presents
sory brown mold to double in siz ind thus extends the ‘each ofyou with a word written on a card. “It’s up to you
area of cold to one foot above the tops of the columns, to determine which command word goes with which
where it affects any PCs standing there) pair of boots. Simple enough, no? You may begin!"
The room is lit by four continual
flame spells. The eight boots are all
identical in appearance. The trap
door on the ceiling opens upward
into the room above.
Important Notes: You might
wish to create some props to help
your players visualize this sce-
nario. This can be simply done by
taking cight brown grocery bags
and labeling them “1” through "8"
with amagic marker. Write “LEFT
FOOT on the odd-numbered
bags and “RIGHT FOOT” on the
even-numbered bags. Then, when
the players have their PCs try out
different pairs of boots, you can
have them actually place the bags
on their feet.
Also, give each of the players a
command word card at the startof
the scenario, but ensure that you
hand them to them so they read
“XINNIZIM,” and “SOINWOS.” Be careful so you do not
drop them or make it obvious that they form words when “'mm Luther,” saystheGuildrogue incharge oftheninth
viewed both right-side-up or upside-down. scenario. “!hope youguyslikepuzzles, because that's
Scoring: 10 points per PC that makes it through the trap pretty much whatthis nextscenario's allabout. Come on
door in the ceiling by the end of the 15-minute time limit Intotheroom, andI'llexplain whatyou'llbedealing with.”
Solution: Through trial and error, the PCs try on each You follow him insidea10-foot-square room and he
possible combination of boots and command words, even- ‘shuts the door behind you, locking it.“This door is now
tually identifying the boots of speed. When none of the other officially offlimits,” Luther informs you, "Your taskisto
command words work on the other possible pairs, the PCs make your way through that door over there.” Luther
tum their “command word cards” upside down and use points toa blank wall in front ofyou. You see nodoor,
those as the command words, eventually identifying the just theoutlines of theword "EXIT" in green, yellow,
boots of levitation and the winged boots. The PCs wearing blue, and red. "Course, it’s a magical door. It's not
those boots fly up, open the trap door on the ceiling, and really even there yet; tomake it appear, allyou gottodo.
then carry the other PCs through the exit. is putthese puzzle pieces into thecorrect locationsto
“The Hint”; “Each card holds two possible command words.” ‘spell outtheword ‘exit.’ Here, youbethegreen guy,” he
DM Notes: Note that -MONNONOW" and its flip-side says, handing out a small bag ofgreen metal puzzle
“MONONNOW* are phonetically the same, so the com- pieces ofvarying shapes and sizes. "You can beyellow,”
mand word works no matter which way the player is read he says, handing out a bag of yellow puzzle pieces,
ing that card. The matching of the correct command words “you can beblue, and you can bered.”
to the correct boots is as follows: “Lonly gotone more thing toexplain, andthat's thename
‘Command Word LeftBoot RightBoot Boot Type of thisscenario. Nodoubt you've noticed the names have
MONONNOW s 4 Speed allstarted with a number, huh? Well, thisone's
XIMNOS 1 a Levitation ent. ‘Nine Strokes,’
it'scalled, Anybody
know why? It's
WIZZINIX 7 2 Striding/Springing ‘cause ittakes nine strokes towrite theword ‘exit’Incapi-
SOMNIOS 3 6 Winged talletters, Okay,kind ofa stretch, | admit, but| guess old
wanted tokeep the pattern alive.
You guys
Opening the trap door requires two people; it’s not heavy ready? Then go! Yougot fifteen minutes!”
of difficult, but it forces there to be two people up there to
open it. Waiting on the other side of the trap door is a metal The room is lit by four continual flame spells. One PC
disk engraved with the number “8.” starts with 9 green puzzle pieces, one with 7 yellow puzzle
Nine Strokes
all of the spaces in the letters have been filled, a doorway resent
thetenth scenario. “Note the ten circular inden-
appears in the middle of the wall. The door opens easily, and tations along the base ofthe statue,” says Lydric. “Ten
inside the PCs find a metal disk engraved with a “9.” ofthese disks fitthere,
Ifyou have chosen the correct
ten disks and placed them in the configuration that
SCENARIO #10: TEN DISKS most pleases Sheela the She-Goblin, then the eleventh
disk opens the door. You need only place the leftover
A Guild clericnamed Lydric welcomes
you into thefinal diskonthecircular indentation on thedoorand say the
scenario.“|imagine you've been wondering what allof command word, ‘Sheela. Lydric chuckles. "She always
those metal disks have been about, haven't you?" he was something ofa vain old thing,” he explains.
asks. “Well, you're about to find out.” “It seems simple enough, doesn't it? Here's the
Lydric consults a score sheet passed tohim bya Guild final catch: if the ten disks are not in the correct
page, indicating the score your team has attained thus sequence to please Sheela the She-Goblin's vainglo-
far. You see checked boxes on the score sheet indicat- rious spirit, shewillstrike out from the dead and slay
ing which metal disks you have gotten during the previ- whomever placed the last disk into the door slot.
ous scenarios, "We're doing things alittle differently Choose wisely, my friends, for you only get four
this year,” Lydric remarks. “In earlier Challenges, 3 ‘attempts! You may begin!"
team member earned either 10 points ornone for each
Lastyear, weadded ‘The Hint’ andthepossi- The room is lit by four continual flame spells. The statue
bility of earning only S points each. This year, for this of Sheela the She-Goblin glares down at the contestants
scenario, we're breaking it down even further. You can from an overall height of 8 feet (half of which is her stone-
only earn as many points as your team has previously carved throne)
gathered metal disks, plus one. If you successfully Important Note: Give the players the 11 disks as hand
complete this last challenge, you'll get credit for the outs at the be; ginning of this scenario.
previous disks you've gathered, and this one as well. Scoring: “X+1" points per PC that makes it through the
Now, come with me, please.” door within thi 15-minute time limit, where “ X” is the
Lydric leads you into a small room, empty but for a number of metal disks attained in prior scenarios (even if
statue and another closed door. Thestatue is ofa female only one team member made it the disk at the end of the
goblin sittingona crude high throne carved from solid scenario). Thus, if theteam made it to 6 previous number
rock. “This is Sheela the She-Goblin, a powerful sorcerer disks, those surviving this scenario each carn 7 points (6
in her own right, She was a force to bereckoned with in points for their previous victories, and one extra point for
her time, and even now, years after her death, she has finishing this one)
Influence over many lives, Yours, for instance. The spirit Solution: Takingaclue from She a's vanity (which
of Sheela the She-Goblin must beappeased if you expect Lydric mentioned twice), the PCs ar nge the metal disks
topassthrough theexitdoorunscathed.” to spell out the word “she-goblin’ with the numbers.
Lydric hands you 11 metal disks. Nine ofthem are This leaves onlythe “8” disk, which is placed into the cir
numbered "1" through "9" and are identical to the cular indentation on the exit door. The PC who placed it
metal disks you've seen in the previous scenarios. The there says the command word “Sheela,” the door opens
last two are numbered "1" and "0" and collectively rep- and the PCs exit.
Player Handout
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Wo play,
by what truly is possible. A world where shadowy
players spin a web of lies and half-truths to keep
the public blissfully ignorant of the horrible truths
that lurk in dark places, A world where knowledge
fs simultaneously the ultimate weapon and the ulti
mate curse, and where the comfortable hues of
black and white blend in a decidedly uncomfortable
manner. A world where the dark tide is rising, and
you're one of the chosen few who can hold it back,
tfeven only for a little while.
Welcome to the day after tomorrow. Welcome to
the world of DarkeMatter: Shades of Grey. few people are actually interested in the truth. Oh, sure,
they all say that’s what they want—the media looking
The heroes of the DarkeMatter: Shades of Grey set- for your money, politicians looking for your votes and
ting work for a quiet, private institution called the your money, and the general public because that's what
Hoffmann Institute. Those in the public who even the media and politicians tell them they should want
mow of the Institute's existence believe it to be a (right before asking them for their money)
think tank devoted to developing new technologies, But show them a glimpse, just a tiny peek behind
particularly in the field of alternative energies. the tightly woven curtain of lies and self-deceit that
You know better. The Hoffmann Institute's public hangs before their eyes, and what happens? They call
face conceals a secret agenda: the investigation of you a troublemaker, a crackpot, or even a traitor.
paranormal phenomena ranging from back-alley psy: That's because they don't want the truth, they want
chics to rituals of dark magic to the illicit activities of their truth, and that’s all the difference in the world.
honest-to-God alien creatures, right here on Mother Hearing their truth isn't enough for you, and that's
Earth. The goal? Nothing less than the preservation of why you're here—working side-by-side with those
the human race. who share your thirst for what's real, rather than
You work as a field operative for the Hoffmann what's accepted. It's often a terrifying ride, but you
Institute, rooting out the truths behind urban leg: wouldn't have it any other way.
ends, tabloid stories, and ancient myths alike.
Following the truth isn't easy—you may find your- THE DARK TIDE
self in the back alleys of Istanbul one day and the If all this were just a search for the truth, though, you
sewers of Chicago the next. It isn't safe—just about wouldn't be any different than the UFO-chasers who
every other government, corporation, or organization give your quest a bad name. No, it’s far more serious
in the world would like to get its hands on what you than that. In fact, the fate of the entire human race
know, and they’re more than willing to break a lot of may well be at stake.
laws to do it Hoffmann researchers claim that the ebb and flow of
And of course, it certainly isn’t glamorous. You psychic, arcane, and even cryptozoological phenomena
don’t get any parades or medals. You don't get to throughout history is connected to the presence of a
read newspaper stories about how you and your mysterious and undetectable substance known as
team kept a team of saurian assassins from knock: “dark matter.” As the level of dark matter in a partic
ing off the vice president on his fact-finding trip to ular region of the galaxy—dubbed “the dark tide" by
Egypt. You can't even tell your family that you Hoffmann scientists—rises, the occurrence of para
missed last Thanksgiving dinner because you were normal events increases dramatically, and vice versa.
— ne
Some researchers claim that the dark tide’s rise and Oh, and the Institute isn't the only group who saw
fall also influences the pace of cultural and technolog: this coming. Centuries ago, the Maya asserted that the
ical advances. Apparently, just as this dark tide world that we knew was actually the fifth version that
unlocks previously hidden psychic talents, makes had existed. Four previous worlds had been created
ancient magic rituals function once again, and triggers and destroyed, and indeed our fifth epoch also had an
strange biological mutations, it also enhances human “expiration date” scheduled, when aterrible cataclysm
creativity and ingenuity. would wipe out humanity. The date for this event?
Unfortunately, these dark tides don't tend to end December 23, 2012.
well. Without fail, they result in strife, natural disas- The ultimate goal of the Institute, then, is a simple
, and other catastrophic events before ebbing away one: Ensure that humanity survives the cosmic shift
BAS into history. Hoffmann researchers suggest that the
destruction of Atlantis, the fall of the last Egyptian
due to occur in a mere handful of years.
That's a tall order, to be sure, and nobody expe
dynasty, and the Crusades themselves can all be you to accomplish it single-handed. Your job is to
traced to high-water marks of the dark tide. gather information, to retrieve important artifacts of
Of course, dark matter itself can't be measured, but ancient or alien origin, and to protect humanity from
its effects on the world can be tracked and theorized. those forces who don't share the Institute's altruist
After decades of painstaking investigations around the aim. Let the higherups worry about how it all fits
globe, the Hoffmann Institute has come to the conclu: together; that’s their problem. You? You're on the front
sion that the latest rise of the dark tide, which began line of the battle, fighting to make sure they have the
more than two centuries ago, threatens to reach the time and resources to win the war.
highest levels in recorded history. The explosion in
unexplainable events, sightings of unidentified crea WORKING FOR THE
tures, and sheer weirdness over the past few decades HOFFMANN INSTITUTE
point to an inescapable conclusion: The world is head Obviously, working for the Hoffmann Institute isn't
ing for a catastrophe of titanic proportions. like your ordinary day job, That said, it can at times
bear a striking resemblance to exactly that, with the
obligatory paperwork, travel itineraries, meetings,
videoconferences, and bureaucracy that comes with a
sprawling organization. Indeed, most employees of the ALIEN TECH: FEATS
Institute work long hours not terribly dissimilar to a
corporate executive or government researcher,
whether chained to a desk or in a lab coat.
Thankfully, you don't have one of those jobs. You're
a field agent, assigned to casework that sends you out ALIEN CRAFT OPERATION
of the office on a regular basis. Sometimes the job is as The charact perating one type of
simple as picking up a report on the link between toxic
waste disposal and mothman attacks; other cases may
lead you into steaming tropical jungles in search of a Prerequisite: Pil
heretofore unknown species of giant reptile. But
whether tracking down alien artifacts in Antarctica,
Bigfoot sightings in British Columbia, or crazed
cultists in Calcutta, you go where the Institute needs
you to go.
Nobody knows exactly how the Institute finds new
members—it’s not like it advertises job openings (at
least not openly). There's no denying that it recruits a feat multiple
wide range of operatives, from wily street punks
who've seen something unexplainable to staid librari-
ans who spend their hours poring over dusty tomes of
ancient lore. Occupations favored by the Institute in ALIEN WEAPONS
its would-be agents include academic, adventurer, PROFICIENC
criminal, dilettante, doctor, investigative, law enforce- The chara ficie
ment, military, religious, and technician. They recruit Benefit:
an equal mix of Charismatic, Dedicated, Fast, Smart,
Strong, and Tough heroes, as well as heroes of Normal:
advanced classes as befits the need of the missions.
Soldiers, Martial Artists, and Bodyguards are
recruited as “muscle” for a job in which the Institute
is concerned about the potential for conflict
Infiltrators, Investigators, Negotiators, Telepaths (see need to know more, Hoffmann has no interest in
“Agents of PSI” in Chapter 9: Campaign Models of the recruiting the simpleton who sells his alien-abduction
d20 Movern Roleplaying Game) and Field Guides (see story to cash in on the talk show circuit, nor does the
Advanced Classes, below) are all critical in getting Institute have faith in the scientist who dismisses
the team of agents past the various obstacles stand reports of strange occurrences without a second
ing in their way. The talents of Field Scientists, thought. These individuals lack the drive that sets a
Techies, Occultists (see “Shadow Chasers” in Chapter Hoffmann employee apart from the rest of humanity.
9: Campaign Models of the d20 Moverw Roleplaying Sure, the Institute might investigate that alien
Game) and Antiquarians (see Advanced Classes, abductee’s claim, or consult the scientist on matters
below) are needed in order to divide truth from fiction, within her specialty, but they'll never be more than
and if things get bad, there's no telling how useful the case numbers.
talents of a Field Medic or Gunslinger might prove
While the Institute tends to shy away from the spot: RESOURCES AND
lights that follow high-Reputation characters such as ACCOUNTABILITY
Personalities or Daredevils, sometimes fame can be As a trusted field agent for the Hoffmann Institute, you
the perfect cover for an operative. can count on a wide array of resources to aid you in
Two things all these recruits have in common is your missions, from the obvious (security dossiers,
some experience with the paranormal, and the burning transportation, surveillance gear, and the obligatory
Tho Proponed facilis: sales)
tunity for tho cccurs 9
untraceable firearms) to the not-so-obvious (fake IDs,
portable satellite telephones, demolitions kits, and bail
money). In general, if the Institute thinks you'll need it,
you'll get it, and usually without even having to ask. Pethaps the mo:
Agents can also requisition specific items for use on
missions. The Institute has an effective Wealth score
of 35 (military), but that doesn't mean that the heroes
can simply take whatever they want. Instead, use the
“Requisitioning Equipment” rules in Chapter 4
Equipment in the d20 Moprrn Roleplaying Game.
That said, the Institute isn't a bottomless pit of
money with no accountability. Agents must meticu-
lously track their use of Institute resources, right down
to the last bullet fired at the raging yeti. Furthermore,
abuse of Institute resources is a dire offense, punish
able by censure, fines, or even suspension.
The Hoffmann Institute depends upon the discretion of
its employees at all times. In essence, it has all the
security problems of a multinational corporation com:
bined with those of a government intelligence agency.
All operatives, whether field agents or office workers,
ee must swear an oath of secrecy concerning the
Institute's true nature and activities. It's whispered
that higher-ranking members must submit to periodic
It's up to you to decide how much of the information is
true, of course.
evaluations by a team of psychics to ensure loyalty.
Employees who don't take this oath seriously may
find their security clearances within the Institute
DarkeMatter: Shades of Grey uses the familiar rules
revoked, their pay docked, or their posting changed from the d20 Movern Roleplaying Game. All the
from downtown Chicago to Nome, Alaska without even
basic and advanced classes from the rulebook are
a chance to pack a bag. The threat of “permanent used, as well as a smattering of prestige classes
debriefing” may well only be an urban legend within previously published.
the walls of the Institute, but stories persist, passed
The DarkeMatter: Shades of Grey setting adds two
down from senior agent to raw recruit, about rogue
new advanced classes, the Antiquarian and Field
agents who were “disciplined” with lengthy sessions
fo of psionic torture before being dumped in alleyways,
Guide, and four new prestige classes: the fiend-sum:
moning Diabolist, the magical Hermetic Adept, the
virtually lobotomized by the experience. Regardless of wise and faithful Visionary, and the master of alien
the truth, the message is clear: You do not talk about
the Institute with those outside the Institute.
technology, the Xenoengineer. These six new
classes are described below, and are available to
heroes who qualify for them with their GM's permis
sion. In some cases, the GM may decide that entry
is more difficult than merely meeting a set of numer:
These sidebars appear throughout the text. Each one
ical requirements—these classes may require
briefly describes a particular conspiracy, illuminati
access to secret knowledge, training by reclusive
group, or other threat that Hoffmann agents might
face, and includes a few clues to alert wary agents of
tutors, and the like.
what they might be up against. Feel free to let players
read these sidebars, particularly those playing charac
ters who are knowledgeable of conspiracy theories.
Advanced Classes
‘The two new advanced classes in DarkeMatter: Shades
The Antiquarian gains a number of action points equal
to 6 + one-half her character level, rounded down, every
of Grey are almost diametrically opposed in their tac: time she attains a new level in this class.
tics, The Antiquarian favors a quiet life, surrounded by
dusty tomes of ancient lore, The Field Guide, on the CLASS -S$KILLS
other hand, is at his best in the thick of danger, sur- The Antiquarian’s class skills are as follows
rounded by unfriendly locals. Computer Use (Int), Decipher Script (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (arcane lore, history, the
ology and philosophy) (Int), Profession (Wis),
Read/Write Language (none), Research (Int),
The Antiqharian lives in libraries, muse Search (Int), Speak Language (none)
ums, and other storehouses of old Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.
knowledge, poring over every scrap of
information she can find. Most CLASS FEATURES
Antiquarians prefer a life of quiet The following features pertain to the
research and reflection, though many Antiquarian advanced class.
surprise themselves by getting
into situations requiring much ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE
more bravery than they thought The Antiquarian has a storehouse of
they had. useful and not-so-useful knowl.
Select this advanced class if edge in her brain. As a full-round
you want your character to be a action she can spend an action
font of potentially useful lore, point and make a special level
long-forgotten stories, and check (1d20 + Antiquarian level
ancient secrets perhaps best + Int modifier) to see if she
left untold. knows something potentially
The fastest path into this helpful regarding a current
advanced s is from the dilemma. The result of this check
Smart hero basic class, although never simply solves the character's
other paths are possible. problem, but may give her a hint as
to the significance of a place, time,
REQUIREMENTS or thing. The GM determines the
To qualify to become an Difficulty Class of the check by refer.
Antiquarian, a character must fulfill ring to the table on page 84.
the following criteria
Skills: Decipher Script 6 ranks, BONUS LANGUAGES
Knowledge (arcane lore, history, or At 2nd level, the Antiquarian may adda
theology and philosophy) 6 ranks, language to those that she knows. She
Read/Write Language (any two), immediately gains the Speak Language
Research 6 ranks. and Read/Write Language skill for the
chosen language.
CLASS INFORMATION The Antiquarian gains another
The following information pertains to bonus language at Sth level and again
the Antiquarian advanced class. at 8th level.
3. :
the seen mes
eeaY :
; : of tunktyTheforprozoved
Skill mastery 2
Renown or Low Profile 3 “
Bonus feat
10th ” +7 +5 8
Prestige Classes
This game Ige b four new pres
class is from the Charismatic hero basic class, though
Diabolists from other basic classes can dabble in the
Occultist class to aid in qualifying
tige classes appropriate to the
setting. Three focus on har- REQUIREMENTS
nessing supernatural power, To qualify to become a Diabolist, a character must
while the fourth seeks to mas: fulfill the following criteria.
ter alien technology. Skills: Intimidate 8 ranks, Knowledge
In general, the prestige (arcane lore) 4 ranks.
cla of the Ursan ARCANA set
ting are inappropriate for the CLASS INFORMATION
DarkeMatter: Shades of Grey The following information pertains to the
game. They come from a world Diabolist prestige class.
where magic is too prevalent
too accepted, and simply too HIT DIE
mundane. It's possible that The Diabolist gains 1d8 hit points per
races with great familiarity level. The character's Constitution modi
to the magical arts might fier applies.
pursue such classes, but
they aren't generally avail ACTION POINTS
able to heroes. The Diabolist gains a number of action
points equal to 6+ one-half her character
level, rounded down, every time she
attains a new level in this class.
called black magic— The Diabolist class skills are as follows.
focuses on the summon Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con),
ing and controlling of Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcane
malevolent extradimen lore, theology and philosophy) (Int)
sional beings. Some dia. Profession (Wis), Read/Write
bolists claim to summon Language (none), Research (Int),
demons, while others say Speak Language —_ (none),
they channel the power of Spellcraft (Int)
Satan himself. While the art Skill Points at Each
of diabolism could theoreti Level: 3 + Int modifier
cally be used to further the
cause of good, the corruptive ASS FEATURES
influence of demonic power The following features pertain to the
usually proves too strong for Diabolist prestige class.
those who would seek to use
it in that way. Of course, COMMAND
most diabolists don't have Three times per day, a Diabolist can bend
far to go in that direction a living creature's will, forcing the target
Select this prestige class to submit to a spoken command, This
if you want to gain power by bargain. functions identically to the command
ing with fiends from Hell. Of course, spell (see Chapter 10: FX Abilities in the d20
keep in mind that all power has Monern Roleplaying Game); the Will
its costs... save to resist has a DC equal
The fastest path to 10 + class level + Cha
into this prestige modifier. If a target resists
te 3S = The provoped facki4: od pa
: git’ :
tunlity for tho cccurs bay, ate2 fo
De — —— >
Taste 1-3: THE Diasouist
Class Base Attack Ref will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Bonus Bonus
4th + 1 +2 Hellfire +2 #2
Sth 2 “4 + 3 Call demon servant #2 +2
the Diabolist's command, he can't be targeted again by less or suicidal, the demon merely flees the scene.)
the same Diabolist's command ability for 24 hours. Once control over a summoned demon is lost, it can
At 3rd level, the Diabolist can spend a single use of never be regained, even with other magic.
the power to give the same command to a number of The Diabolist may have a maximum number of sum:
targets equal to 1 + his Cha bonus simultaneously. moned demons present at any given time equal to one-
half her class level, A summoned demon remains for a
SUMMON DEMON number of minutes equal to the Diabolist’s class level
At 2nd level, the Diabolist gains the power to summon before returning to its horrible otherworldly home. A
a demon to Earth to do his bidding. The Diabolist must slain demon disappears, along with any items it
spend an action point and use a full-round action to brought with it (but leaving behind anything from this
complete the ritual of summoning. If the Diabolist world it might be carrying)
desires a specific kind of demon, she must succeed at
a DC 12 Charisma check; otherwise, the Gamemaster BLACK WARDING
determines what kind of creature is summoned. (If the A 3rd-level Diabolist can spend an action point and
Diabolist desires to summon a specific individual Sacrifice 1d4 hit points to surround herself with a faint
demon, the Charisma check DC increases to 15.) field of shimmering dark purple light. This grants the
In general, the Diabolist can safely summon any Diabolist unbeatable damage reduction equal to her
fiend described in the d20 Monerw Roleplaying Game or class level for a number of minutes equal to her
Menace Manual (or any other suitably horrific creature, Charisma bonus (minimum 1 minute). For example, a
at the GM's option) whose CR is equal to or less than 3rd-level Diabolist with Cha 18 who invokes black
the Diabolist’s class level +2. For instance, a 2nd-level warding gains DR 3/— for 4 minutes
Diabolist could summon a rotlord (see Chapter 8:
Friends and Foes in the d20 Mopsrw Roleplaying HELLFIRE
Game), while a Sth-level Diabolist could summon a At 4th level, the Diabolist learns to evoke blasts of
kwevencha (see the Menace Manual). The player and hellfire, As an attack action she can blast a single
the Gamemaster should work together to create a target within 60 feet with hellfire, dealing 3d6+Cha
short list of appropriate creatures that the character mod points of fire damage (Reflex half; DC = 10 +
can summon. class level + Cha mod). Each blast also deals 1 hp
The Diabolist can attempt to increase her effective of damage to the Diabolist—Hell's cost for calling
class level for purposes of summoning demons by an upon its power. This damage can only be healed by
amount up to her Charisma bonus; however, for rest—the damage can't be restored by the Treat
every point added to her class level for this purpose, Injury skill (except as part of long-term care) or by
the DC of the Cha check to get the desired demon magical means.
increases by +1. Also, a Diabolist who summons a
demon more powerful than she could normally sum CALL DEMON .SERVANT
mon must make an opposed Charisma check against A Sth-level Diabolist gains the power to call a demonic
the demon each round or the demon turns on her. For servant bodily to Earth to serve her as a bodyguard or
example, if a 3rd-level Diabolist attempt to summon other minion. The Diabolist must first summon the
a CR 7 kwevencha, the Charisma check DC would be demon (see Summon Fiend, above). A Diabolist can't
14 and each round she would have to succeed at an have a demonic servant more powerful than she could
opposed Charisma check or the kwevencha would control without a Charisma check.
attack her. (If attacking the Diabolist would be use:
After summoning the potential servant,
Diabolist must bind it to service. This costs an action
point and requires a five-minute ritual culminating in
an opposed Charisma check. If the check fails or if the
Hermetic Adept
Hermetic magic—or alche
Diabolist's concentration is interrupted, the ritual fails
dates back to the time of Egyptian pharaohs. It com
and the demon retums to its home dimension.
bines astrology, philosophy, and Gnosticism. It works
If the ritual succeeds, the demon is bound to
through the use of complex mystic formulae,
including ritual incantations and rare ingredi
the Diabolist’s service. It now exists bodily on
ents. Such formulae are typically encoded,
Earth (unlike a summoned creature), and
thus doesn't disappear if slain. It must carry
requiring intense study to understand fully.
Select this prestige class if you want to
out the Diabolist’s bidding, even to the
point of self-sacrifice. The demon is only master the magical arts of the ancient Arabic
world, including illusions and even the
freed from service with the Diabolist’s
death, and thus the Diabolist must
secret of alchemical transmutation itself.
The fastest path into this prestige
take care that the demon does not
have the opportunity to scheme
> class is from Smart hero, though
against her. \ . > many would-be Hermetic Adepts
ph take one or more levels in the
‘A Diabolist may only have one - Occultist advanced class to help
demon servant at any given : qualify more quickly.
time. The servant doesn't count
against the diabolist's normal “:
limit of summoned demons
{see Summon Demon, above).
To qualify to become a Hermetic
Adept, a character must fulfill
the following criteria.
Skills: Craft (chemical) 10
ranks, Decipher Script 6 ranks,
Knowledge (arcane lore) 10
ranks, Knowledge (history) 2
ranks, Research 6 ranks.
J The following information
tains to the Hermetic Adept
prestige class
The Hermetic Adept gains
1d6 hit points per level. The
character's Constitution mod:
ifier applies.
The Hermetic Adept gains a
number of action points
equal to 6 + one-half his
character level, rounded
down, every time he
attains a new
this class.
The Hermetic Adept's class skills are as follows. HOMUNCULUS
Concentration (Con), Craft (chemical) (Int), Craft A 2nd-level Hermetic Adept can magically grow a Tiny
(pharmaceutical) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy artificial life form that obeys his will. The process
(Cha), Knowledge (arcane lore, history, physical sci requires ten consecutive days of work (8 hours per
ences, theology and philosophy) (Int), Profession (Wis) day) and uses an array of special rare materials such
Read/Write Language (none), Research (Int), Speak as a bear's gall bladder, mandrake root, shark carti
Language (none), Spellcraft (Int). lage, human growth hormones, and a small measure of
Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int modifier. the alchemist's own blood. (The ritual materials have
a purchase DC of 18 and include items restricted to
CLASS FEATURES those in the medical profession.)
The following features pertain to the Hermetic Adept At the end of the process, the alchemical homunculus is
prestige class. complete. It generally resembles an 18-inch-tall roughly
formed humanoid figure. The homunculus is identical to a
SECRET OF GLAMOUR mage's familiar (see Chapter 9: Campaign Models in the
The 1st-level Hermetic Adept can create the visual illu- 20 Moperw Roleplaying Game), except as follows:
sion of an object, creature, or force. The range of the © Double the Hermetic Adept's class level to determine
effect is 100 feet, and the Hermetic Adept must have the homunculus's statistics and special abilities.
line of sight to the illusion at all times. The illusion’s * The homunculus’s natural attacks deal no damage
size can be up to one 10-ft. cube per level. The illusion (it can wield weapons, though it has no weapon pro-
does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. ficiencies) and it has no base save bonuses or skill
He can move the image within the limits of the size of ranks of its own (it uses its master’s instead).
the effect, but must concentrate on the illusion to main- * Use the “Familiar’s Intelligence” column to deter-
tain it. If he ends concentration, the illusion fades. Any mine the homunculus’s ability scores (except that,
person interacting with the illusion may attempt a Will as a construct, it has no Con score).
save (DC 10 + class level + Int mod) to discern the illu © The homunculus has unbeatable damage reduction
sion’s nature (after which the person can still perceive equal to its natural armor rating (for example, the
the illusion as an ephemeral image). homunculus of a 3rd-level alchemist has DR 3/—}.
At 3rd level, the Hermetic Adept may add sound It has no ability to speak with animals,
(including intelligible speech) to his illusion. At 5th © Unlike a familiar, a homunculus has no restriction
level, he may also add smell and temperature to it. on the skills that it can perform, and many Hermetic
At Ist level, the Hermetic Adept also gains the abil. Adepts use their homunculus as a lab assistant
ity to see through illusions. By spending an action (despite its limited intellect)
point, the alchemist can perceive all illusions for what The Hermetic Adept can spend action points on
they really are. This ability functions identically to the behalf of her homunculus, though he still can't spend
true seeing spell (see Chapter 10: FX Abilities in the more than one action point per round. If the homuncu-
d20 Movern Roleplaying Game) except that it only lus dies, the Hermetic Adept suffers 1d4 points of
affects the Hermetic Adept himself. Charisma damage. If the alchemist dies, the homuncu
lus dissolves into muck 1 round later.
Beginning at 3rd level, the Hermetic Adept can put a The most well-publicized, but also most well-guarded, of
single living creature into a deep sleep as a full-round the Hermetic Adept's talents is the transmutation of mate:
action, This functions like the sleep spell (see Chapter rial from one form to another. By spending an action point,
10: FX Abilities in the d20 Monee Roleplaying Game) the Sth-level Hermetic Adept can attempt to transform one
except that it only works on a single target and can substance into another, He can transmute up to one pound
affect any creature with HD equal to or less than twice of material per class level in a single attempt. Gases are
the alchemist's class level. The Will save DC to resist easier to transmute than liquids, and liquids easier than
equals 10 + class level + Int mod. solids, Also, it's easier to transmute something into the
same type of matter (gas, liquid, or solid) than a different
FLIGHT OF DAEDALUS type. The Hermetic Adept can't affect living tissue (animal
By spending an action point and concentrating upon com or plant), nor can he create living matter. Mass is con:
plicated abstract mental equations, the 4th-level Hermetic ‘served in the transmutation, so the mass of the final object
Adept can flythrough the airat a speed equal tohis base equals the mass of the original object. For instance, a
land speed (at good maneuverability). The Hermetic Hermetic Adept who successfully transmutes a 1-kg. block
Adept must spend an attack action each round to remain of lead into gold finishes with a 1-kg. block of gold.
airborne, otherwise he falls from the air. If he suffers dam- The process of transmutation normally requires a 12-
age or might otherwise be distracted, he must make a hour ritual and a successful successful Craft (chemical)
Concentration check to stay airborne. He can remain aloft skill check (see below for DCs). The Hermetic Adept can't
for a number of hours equal to his class level; after that, take 10 on this check, because the result is unpredictable,
he must make a Concentration check (DC 15, +1 per hour ‘The ritual itself requires substances with a Purchase DC of
thereafter) each hour to remain in flight. The alchemist 20; these are expended in the ritual regardless of its suc:
can carry up to a medium load while aloft. cess, The duration of the transmutation varies based on
the original and final substance; see below for details.
Alternatively, the alchemist can attempt to perform
CONSPIRACY. HUNTERS GUIDE: the transmutation without the ritual and expensive
THE "ROSICRUCIANS substances. This increases the DC of the check by 10
z di and requires a full-round action. If the check succeeds,
the duration is only one-half normal. If the alchemist
fails this check by 5 or more, he suffers a backlash of
energy and takes 144 points of Con damage.
Obviously, an unethical alchemist can use this ability
to grant himself occasional boosts to his personal
wealth. However, since the duration of the transmuta.
tion is impermanent, characters who go around paying
for goods with gold that turns into lead a few hours later
will quickly draw the attention of (admittedly confused)
law enforcement officials, as well as other Hermetic
Adepts eager to halt the character's misuse of this abil.
ity, steal the secret of transmutation from him, or both.
Transmutation pc Duration
Gas into gas 15 ) day/ievei
Gas Into liquid 25 1 hour/ievet
Both the Eg Gas into solid 30 T round/level
Liquid into gas 20 1 hour/level
Liquid into liquid 18 1 day/level
Liquid into solid 25 1 minute/level
Solid into gas 25 1 round/tevel
Solid into liquid 2 Lminute/level
Solid into solid 20 1 hour/level
’ Tho provoped Lac: enciae, rok
i Sanity for to jotehesross ¢ “asec
The Vi: ionary draws power from his faith in an all
benevolent being. The object of the
y'sbelief canvary dramatically from one char
her, but the result is similar: the Visionary
hero is blessed with great gifts ing and protec
tion from evil for
Select this prestige class if you want to use your
faith to help others in need, and to battle the minions
of evil.
The fastest path into this prestige class is from the
Charismatic hero or Dedicated hero basic classes,
To qualify to become a V. must ful
fill the following criteria
Skills: Concentration 5 ranks, Diplomacy 5 ranks,
Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 10 ranks, Sense
Motive 5 ranks.
Allegiance: Any benevolent omnipotent divine
being, or good.
The following information pert s to the Visionary
prestige class.
The Visionary gains 1d8 hit point level. The char-
acte ’s Constitution mo
The Visionary gains anumberofaction points equ I to
6 + one-half his character level, rounded down, € ry
time he attains a new le nis class
The Visionary class skills are as follows,
Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge
(Wis), Read/W Sense Motive
(Wis), Speak Language (none) divine energy, This aura provides the Visionary with a
Skill Points at Each Level: + Int modifier. bonus on saves and Defense equal to his class level, as
well as an equal bonus on Diplomacy checks. The aura
LASS FEATURES lasts for 1 minute per class level. If the Visionary attacks
The following features pertain to the Visionary while the aura is active, the aura is dismissed and the
prestige class. Visionary suffers a penalty to attack rolls for one hour
equal to the bonus granted by the aura. The aura may be
DIVINE AURA dismissed by the Visionary as a standard action
As a standard action, the Visionary may spend one At 3rd level, the Visionary's divine aura also pro-
action point to surround himself with an invisible aura of tects a vithin 10 feet of him. If anyone pro-
tected by the aura attacks, the aura is dismissed and DEMON WARD
penalties are assigned both to the attacker and the As a standard action, a 3rd-level Visionary can invoke
Visionary as described above. divine power and spend an action point to create a
warded area in a 10-foot radius around him. Any crea
SIGNS ANO PORTENTS ture with an evil allegiance (or that has an allegiance
As a standard action, the 2nd-level Visionary can to a creature with an evil allegiance) must make a suc
spend an action point to cause obvious signs of the cessful Will save (DC = 15 + Visionary class level +
divine to manifest in the area around him, Trees and Wisdom modifier) to enter this area. If already in the
flowers bloom in the heart of winter or from dead area when the ward is created, the creature must suc:
wood, lights shine in the sky or bathe the Visionary in ceed at the same Will save or leave the area at its ear
a luminous glow, thunderclaps rattle the windows, and liest opportunity.
the like. These manifestations are perceived by any or Even if the creature succeeds at the Will save and is
all those within 100 feet of the Visionary, at his prefer- able to enter or remain within the warded area, it is
ence, and last for up to 1 minute per class level. No shaken while in the area, suffering a ~2 penalty on
creature can be affected by signs and portents more attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
than once in a 24-hour period The ward lasts for 10 minutes per class level, or
The signs and portents can have one of three until the Visionary dismisses the ward (a standard
effects. The Visionary chooses which effect when action). Unlike the divine aura (see above), the
spending the action point, and the same effect is visi- Visionary may attack freely while protected by the
ble to all those who perceive the signs and portents. demon ward.
In each case, the DC of the Will save is 10 + Visionary
class level + Charisma modifier. HEALING TOUCH
© Terror: All those who perceive the signs and por: At 5th level, the Visionary can use a full-round ac! ion
tents cower in fear. A successful Will save reduces to channel divine power into a healing touch. By
the effect to shaken. Creatures immune to fear or to spending an action point and placing his hand upon
mind-affecting effects are immune to this. another character, the Visionary wipes away injury
* Wonder: All those who perceive the signs and por: and afflictions. The healing touch immediately ends
tents are fascinated, standing or sitting quietly and any and all of the following adverse conditions affect
taking no actions other than to pay attention to the ing the target: ability damage, blindness, daze, deaf.
effect. (A successful Will save negates the effect.) ness, disease, exhaustion, fatigue, insanity, nausea,
‘The fascinated creatures take a —4 penalty on skill sickness, stun, and poison. It also cures 50 hit points
checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot of damage, as well as all nonlethal damage suffered by
checks. Any potential threat, such as a hostile crea the character.
ture approaching, allows the fascinated creature a Using healing touch takes a physical toll on the
new saving throw, Any obvious threat automatically Visionary, rendering him fatigued. If the Visionary is
breaks the effect. Creatures immune to mind-affect. already fatigued, he becomes exhausted; if already
ing effects are immune to this. exhausted, the Visionary is reduced to -1 hit points
Inspiration: All those who perceive the signs and and begins dying. The Visionary cannot use healing
portents are inspired with courage. They gain a +2 touch on himself.
morale bonus on attacks and on Will saving throws.
:: Proponed Packs; tend Z
aes gmuty firte seussty, : ort oks
we ee —
The Xenoenginetr seeks to master the mysteries of
alien technology. As one might imagine, the field is
necessarily limited to those with some exposure to
technology beyond the reach of humanity. Most
Xenoengineers work for governments or power
ful multinational corporations, although the
Hoffmann Institute also has a thriving training
program for would-be Xenoengineers.
Select this prestige class if you want to take
your character's mastery of technological
devices to the next level—to learn secrets
beyond what any textbook could teach.
The fastest path into this prestige class is Nh
from the Smart hero basic class, though A)
most Xenoengineers have one or more levels
of Techie as well
To qualify to become a Xenoengineer, a charac
ter must fulfill the following criteria.
Skills: Computer Use 6 ranks, Craft (elec
tronic) 10 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 10 ranks,
Disable Device 6 ranks, Knowledge (technol
ogy) 10 ranks, Repair 10 ranks,
Feats: Gearhead.
The following information pertains to the Xeno-
engineer prestige class.
The Xenoengineer gains 146 hit points per level. The
character's Constitution modifier applies.
The Xenoengineer gains a number of action points
equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded
down, every time he attains a new level in this class. CLASS FEATURES
The following features pertain to the Xenoengineer
prestige class.
The Xenoengineer class skills are as follows. XENOTECH FAMILIARITY
Computer Use {Int}, Craft (electronic, mechanical) A Xenoengineer's familiarity with alien technology
(Int), Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive allows him to reduce the penalties normally assessed
+ (Dex), Knowledge (physical sciences, technology) for using alien spacecraft or alien weapons (see the
4 (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Alien Tech feats sidebar). Each class level of
4 Repair (Int), Research (Int) Kenoengineer reduces these penalties by one point, to
Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier. a minimum of -0 at 4th level or higher. (This can't turn
the penalties into bonuses.)
ar se
At 3rd level, the Xenoengineer discovers a new appli-
cation for the alien gadgets he’s been studying. This
Proroved facitity ieiglimttion? <7,
Y of tunity for ‘y at a
Pale sey e
Whereas the first section of this game was for players and have a brush with the unexplainable. Assuming that
Gamemasters alike, this part is only for Gamemasters. they deal with their experiences in a positive man
Players who read this section risk their GM's wrath (as ner, a representative of the Institute approaches the
well as risk spoiling the secrets of the campaign). heroes afterward and invites them to learn more
Besides, a little knowledge can often be more dangerous about such unusual occurrences. (Of course, in the
than none at all, meantime the Institute has already run background
checks on the heroes to deter.
Part Two
mine what risks, if any, they pose
to the organization.)
This sort of starting point works
best if even the players don't know
the truth about the campaign set
ting. Just tell them that they're
playing 420 Mopexw, and let the
truth slowly dawn on them over the
course of a few adventures.
DARK: MATTER CAMPAIGNS Eventually, you'll have to let them
read Part I of this setting, but that
can come after a couple levels’ worth of missions.
Tho a
Cand ty
Hoffmann knows about the item, it’s likely that at
least one other illuminati group does as well, which
CONSPIRACY HUNTERS GUIDE: may turn the chase into a race.
ALIENS FROM OUTER -SPACE Of course, agents don't always know exactly what
Perhaps no “co! sends a shudder the category a mission falls into when they take their
pine assignment. (Sometimes, the Institute doesn't know
either.) What begins as an investigation can easily
abductir become a bug hunt or recovery, and an extraction may
require infiltration (or even change midway to become
a liquidation).
The GM, on the other hand, should always know the
true nature of the mission. Even if you don't decide
beforehand on every little detail, have at least an outline
of the expected course of events. Use the information in
Chapter Seven: Gamemastering in the d20 Mangry
Roleplaying Game to help you build adventures.
augh ther off
It can be tempting to run a DarkeMatter campaign as a
neverending “bug hunt,” with heroes battling a new
~ dark-matter-enhanced creature every week, but this
undercuts the air of uncertainty upon which the game
a thrives. If the heroes know that every culprit is a tele-
pathic alien, or a magic-wielding necromancer, or
some hideously twisted mutant, then they come to
expect such things, and they become commonplace.
Take care to blend normal and paranormal elements
carefully. The more “normality” that the heroes deal
with on their missions, the more powerful the paranor.
mal elements become. After wading through dusty
libraries, contacting back-alley informants, and stron-
garming bodyguards, finding out that the target isn't
investigations. This also includes surveillance-type entirely human comes as more of a shock.
missions, where the heroes must keep watch on a Better still, mix in the paranormal in places the
particular individual or location for an extended heroes might not expect it. Maybe the head honcho of
period of time. the evil cult is all too human—instead, it's the evil
Liquidation: Similar to an extraction or recovery, cult's target who's actually an alien being.
this type of mission doesn't have any of the difficulty It's also OK to run adventures that don't showcase
of bringing back the individual or item. While it’s true paranormal elements. If your players have come to
that Hoffmann prefers to avoid violent solutions to expect a supernatural twist in every session, keep
problems, it occasionally must resort to eliminating its them guessing by avoiding such themes. Even though
enemies in a permanent manner. (Unless you want an the Institute focu: tigations on the unusual,
especially callous group of agents, use this type of sometimes the heroes should find entirely usual expla.
mission sparingly.) This also applies to missions in nations for otherwise weird events.
which agents must track down a particular item and
destroy it (particularly true of items that can't easily SYNICISM AND PARANOIA
be transported, such as a downed alien spacecraft). Eventually, anyone researching conspiracies develops a
Recovery: The agents must track down and recover level of cynicism about the world. The more a hero
a lost item of value, anything from an ancient relic to learns about the way the world really works, the less he
a sensitive data file to a piece of alien technology. If believes in the rest of his life's experiences and knowl:
edge. It becomes easier and ier to believe the worst and twenty-three is the tenth in a base-ten numbering
about people and organizations—to trust no one. system. Twenty-three male chromosomes match with
Therein lies paranoia. When you suspect ¢ twenty-three female chromosomes to form a human
driving slowly past your home of keeping tabs being. Twenty-three items on the average shopping
think you recognize that particular white van, list. Two plus three is five, a number important to all
der about what the police are hiding at every crime kinds of occult belief systems. And so on.
scene, you've moved from cynicism into egotism. “They” Coincidence? Once you buy into the paranoid world
aren't just out there, they're out of conspiracy theory, you come to bel VI that there's
While such behavior is worrisome in real life no such thing. Is t here some kind o cosmic signifi
though there are those who claim t at on n't be cance to the number 23? Whether there is or isn't, the
paranoid enough—you should capitalize on it when it point is that merely by paying special attention to the
appears in your DarkeMatter game. Foster the sense of number, itbecomes significant. Use that to your advan-
paranoia that appears in the heroes of your campaign tage—when you need a number, whether for a taxi, a
Subtly encourage it by having dark figures watch hem date, an apartment, or a page in a book, use 23. Don't
from crowds, only to disappear
ifapproached. Mention make a big deal of it; if the players don't notice, that's
superfluous details in otherwise mundane scenes, and fine. id even if th do notice, don't make a joke out
watch as the players latch on to meaningless clues. of it—let ‘em wonder about the connection. If they
“Wait, wasn't there a Starbucks Coffee right next to believe hard enough, they might evenfi
the last place w estigated?” It's worth the effort.
Here's another example of that pt in action. MINATI OF DARK
Conspiracy culture has latched on to the number 23 as Atits heart, the Darke Matter campaig ng is about
having special significance. The claim is that it shows secrets. Knowledge is power, after al , and that truth
up in the media with surprising frequenc , from je ey isn't lost on th 0 would shape world events.
numbers to street addresses. Twenty-three injuries Seeing thems as enlightened, at least on some
from a warehouse fire. Twenty-three consecutive days level, those who hold knowledge gather together to
of rain. Two and three are the first two prime numbers, se t power. In some cases, such secret societies
Fodder for the lore of countless conspiracy buffs, the
Free and Accepted Order of Masons has members
scattered throughout the world. To the average per
son—indeed, to the average member—the Masons are
nothing more than a public service organization, a fra:
ternity of like-minded individuals who get together for from Ismaili Muslims during the Crusades, who in turn
spaghetti dinners and the like. learned them from the ancient Egyptians, (And who, in
Knowledgeable types know otherwise. Though the turn, learned them from the Atlanteans, who learned
Masons came to public attention three or four cen: their secrets from the Greys and other alien races!) In
turies ago, the order actually dates back to the time of the modern era, the Masons were instrumental in
Babylon, when they were commissioned to build the founding the United States, and the nation's capital is
Tower of Babel. Later, the order constructed the littered with their symbols.
Temple of Solomon as a repository of occult know! Now, the Masons continue their public facade only to
edge. The Masons supposedly learned their secrets conceal their central goal: the “perfection of creation,”
from the Knights Templar, who in turn learned them which can only be accomplished by completing three
Mew) A
goals. These include the creation and destruction of Ages, the Rosicrucians endeavored to disseminate
primal matter, the sacrificial killing of the divine king, information deemed subversive by the ruling classes. Of
and the joining of prima material and prima terra. course, this marked it as an enemy of the Church.
Whether or not the Masons have achieved any of these Today, the organization remains small and scat
goals already, and how close they maybeto theperfec tered, ruled by the Ascended Masters, who reside in a
tion of creation (and indeed, what the result of that idden lair high in the Himalayas. Some individuals
may be), is unknown except perhaps to a few excep y claim to belong to the group, though it’s
tionally high ranking members of the lodge. ik truly or simply seek to
on the traditions of the ancients. The
THE -ROSICRUCIANS cians are bitter foes of the Masons (see above),
ginally known as the Companions of Ho having never forgiven that order
Rosicrucians date back to Egypt in the third mil betrayal many centuries ago. Due
to limited resources,
nium B.C. Founded as the keepers of secret knowl this enmity takes the form of occasional strikes
edge, the Companions dedicated them elves to against the would-be totalitarianism of Masonic plans.
protecting knowledge of all sorts from destruction
Rumors persist that the Companions worked side HE UNITED STATES
* side with kinori alche nists and some Grey GOVERNMENT
telepal s, making it tnuly inte More a collection of conspiracies than a single mono:
indeed! Over the years, they came into conflict with lithic illuminati group itself, the U.S. government
many gro sought t or eliminate certain holds enough secrets to keep a conspiracy hunter busy
truths or beliefs ffor multiple lifetimes. The trouble is, no one depart-
After their greatest failure—the destruction of the ent has access to all the secrets, making for a mud
Library of Alexandria—the Companions nearly disap dled mess of tangled plots and not-so-friendly
any centuries in hiding, they rivalries. Law forcement a intel nce
Rosicrucians, derived from the agencies, military organizatior and more all compete
used as a symbol of the group. Throughou
Tho Provoned fack24 entinge, ae
furity for the cecuro & ar 2
have been the result of a massive human sacrifice of pro- It is merciless, it is despicable, and it is utterly malev.
portions not duplicated until Hitler's Final Solution olent. And it has no goal but to serve its dark masters.
That was over 20,000 years ago. Just think about
that for a mo t: a secret orgs nization at least 200 THE NEO-~SCIENTOLOGISTS
centuries old, and likely far more ancient than that This quasi-religious organization was born from a
That would make the Final Church the oldest conspir- m within the Church of Scientology. Led by the
acy by far, predating even the first allian ween charismatic William Kwouk, thousands of members
humans, kinori, and Greys that resulted in the left the Church of Scientology in the year 2002 to form
CompanionsofHorus (see Rosicrucians, above). And their own organization. The Neo-Scientologists seem
through all those years, the conspiracy has stayed harmless enough to the average person, offering free
alive—hiding in the shadows during icult personality tests in malls and airports, but this facade
years, and thriving during the good times. conceals a group working diligently to explore and
Unfortunately for humanity, the last 100 years or so devel ) psyc ic powers. This, they believe, will open
have been one of those good times, with an explosive up a new state of mind capable of tapping into human.
growth in the Final Church's membership. From ity’s collective subconscious. Members of the group
Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn the Thule Society also tend to tum x UFO sightings,
and its ions with th rise of the Nazi p ty though they have a more sinister purpose than mere
from the Manson Family to the Son of Sam, from the curiosity—Kwouk hopes that human-alien contact
thrill-kill death squad to the demon-worshiping may help his agenda move along even more quickly
culti hiding in the basement of a suburban home, This organization is described in greater detail in
the Final Church is everywhere. Each arm exists sep- the d20 Menace Manual.
arate from the ot cut down one group of cultists,
and you'r likely no closer to finding the next group,
as no central organization exists, And yet somehow
the Final Church quietly guides the actions of those
dedicated to its causes.
In many cases, a direct link
between the rising tide of dark
matter and the rising population
of these xenoforms can be drawn,
suggesting that their mere exis
tence may signal a larger danger
to the human population.
Most xenoforms fall into one of
three categories. Some are natu-
rally existing creatures, more or CREATURES OF DARK:-MATTER
less native to Earth. The second
group is the opposite of the first:
invaders from another world or dimension, beings which the three categories described earlier. Each one
by all rights shouldn't even exist on our globe. The third includes a brief description of how you might use the
and final group is perhaps the most terrifying, for this cat- creature in a DarkeMatter setting, as well as an adven
egory contains those horrors that humanity has created on ture hook to get you started. By no means are these
its own—usually unintentionally, though not always so. the only creatures appropriate to DarkeMatter. The
Of course, it isn't quite as cut-and-dried as that. Some d20 Mopern Roleplaying Game, d20 Menace Manual,
creatures don't fit neatly into a single category—the and the Urnan Arcana campaign setting include many,
Montauk monster, for example, is an otherworldly threat, many more creatures that might find a place in your
but it only exists on Earth because of human experimenta- game. (Unless stated otherwise, the creatures below
tion. Many claim that the sasquatch is actually a non: are taken from the d20 Menace Manual.)
native species, but regardless of origin, those on Earth When selecting or creating a new xenoform for an
know nothing of living on any other world and have encounter, avoid using overtly fantastic or mythologi:
adapted completely to terrestrial existence. cal creatures. Encountering a group of ghouls or grim-
locks in the Chicago sewers is one thing, but running
USING XENOFORMS into a unicorn or fire-breathing dragon in Central Park
At its heart, an encounter with a xenoform is a strange breaks the mood of eerie mystery. (That said, if you're
and terrifying brush with the unknown. At best, it's a running a more fantasy-themed game, perhaps incor-
wondrous and fascinating experience to be remembered porating elements of the Uren ARCANA campaign set
until the end of your days. At worst...well, at worst you ting, a higher fantasy tolerance is acceptable, even
don't get to remember it for more than a few seconds. expected.) In a DarkeMatter game, xenoforms should
Use xenoforms sparingly in your Dark*Matter game. inspire shock and revulsion in at least equal parts as
It's easy for the campaign to become a “monster of the awe and wonder.
week” storyline, but that robs the encounters of their
wonder and mystery. If every dark alley, sewer, or jun HORRORS OF ‘NATURE
gle holds another creature that doesn't appear in any These creatures may be evolutionary dead ends,
zoology textbooks, the characters (and thus the play- throwbacks to earlier ages, or simply as-yet uncata:
ers) are rightfully going to wonder what's so special logued denizens of our planet.
The provoved fackiity Seip eatelenm)
Breathsnatcher: The bi eathsnatcher, from Urban for his private zoo. Hoffmann sends a group of agents
Arcana, makes a eat lone killer. Whether preying on to follow the hunters and, if possible, prevent them
urban pub-crawlers homeless winos, or pmatose from succeeding. Bringing back DNA samples of the
patien local hospitals, the breathste: aler combines mapinguar ould be a bonus.
unthinkable evil with an all-too-human appearance Sasquatch: Known more colloquially as Bigfoot,
Adventure Hook: The mayor of a small city is getting this creature may be the most iconic figure of the mod.
olades for clearingt etsofthe homeless. But em monster-hunter. Most are as savage astheir repu
it's not the city’s social policies that are doing the tation describes, but a few still cling to the culture of
trick—it's a breathsnatcher who's been clearing the their ancestors—the alien race known as weren,
streets of human detritus. Vi still, the breath uught to Earth fraal long ago
Gay snatcher’sonthe mayor's payroll! Adventure Hook: Campers attacked in the Mount
Crawfordsville Monster: These amoebalike prehi Rainier National Park claim that their assailant was “a
toric throwbacksfirst came to the Institute's ater big ape.” Hun ers publicity hounds of all stripe
in the 1930s, when a pack of them devoured an entire in mediat: ly descend on the area, hoping for a picture
town in rural Illinois. (or a trophy) worth thousands of dollars. The Institute
Adventure Hook: Hikers have been disappearing knows the truth—tl ¢ culprit isa rogue weren soldier
along a stretch of the Appalachian Trail. The FBI sus: fron their com; ind in the Pacific Northwest—and
pects that a local Satanic cult has been kidnapping
the dispatchesa team to bring
back thermnaway before he
hikers, but t ve actually been feeding a does more damage. Of course, the agents may not
Crawfordsville monster, which has grown to know the whole story beforehand
Gargantuan size Sea Serpent: Tales of great aquatic leviathans date
Mapinguari: This enormous ground sloth roams back to the sailo1 s such creatures have
through remote regions of South America, farfromthe roamed the world for millions of years. Despite human
predationsof mankind. orts, enough dark corners of the ocean
Adventure Hook: An eccentric billionaire ha: jw these beasts to remain “ covered,”
patched a team of hunters to bring back a mapinguari
Adventure Hook: In the area of the Atlantic known as
the Bermuda Triangle, three vessels have been lost in the
past two weeks, Though the Institute's official stance is CONSPIRACY HUNTERS GUIDE:
that the region has no paranormal links, it sends a few NEO=SCIENTOLOGY
agents to check out the possibility of alien involvement.
Instead, they find out to their horror that a great sea ser-
pent is to blame—and is still hungry, to boot!
Skunk Ape: Another classic critter of modem leg
end, this one comes from the Uraaw Arcana campaign
setting. Surprisingly intelligent, these hominids are
generally peaceful and non-threatening unless
attacked first.
Adventure Hook: Government agents brought into
investigate poaching on federal land are discovered
dead and half-eaten. Further investigation reveals a
family of skunk apes living in the vicinity, and a few
leftover scraps of government agent in their cave.
Though these apes did indeed consume some of the
dead agents, they aren't responsible for the murders;
those were the work of a group of drugrunners grow:
ing opium on the federal land
Yeti: Thought by many to be related to the
sasquatch, the yeti may actually be some form of
human-weren hybrid. Many are closely allied to the
Ascended Masters, the ancient and secret rulers of the
Rosicrucians (a.k.a. the Companions of Horus)
Adventure Hook: A patrol of Chinese soldiers in Tibet
has killed a yeti, but a snowstorm prevents them from
returning to base with the body. A team of Hoffmann
agents must intercept the soldiers and steal the body,
preferably without the soldiers even knowing they
were there.
These frightening beings hail from dimensions or
worlds far from our own. They don't belong here, but
just try telling them that!
Alien Probe: These devices, utilized by the alien
fraal (see below), are used to explore and collect data.
They are often sent to areas that the fraal wouldn't
dare go themselves.
Adventure Hook: While on another mission (such as below) wherever they find them, but rarely pause to
any of those listed in this chapter), the heroes occa. allow innocent bystanders to escape the scene.
sionally spot a fast-moving light in the air. The alien Adventure Hook: A particularly charismatic evangel
probe is investigating the same phenomenon as the ist has rallied a large group of followers to his funda
agents, and is willing to use its powers to thwart them mentalist (and quasi-apocalyptic) cause. Fearing
in their quest. either an ugly conflict with the feds or a mass suicide,
Elohim: These mighty beings of elemental fire are Hoffmann sends a few agents to infiltrate the cult.
inextricably intertwined with human history, having When the agents try to stop the group from torching
been regarded at various times as kings, angels, or the headquarters of a local software company secretly
even gods. They destroy fiends and Inciferans (see
gee The provoped fac: és
tukty for the socane ey,
run by a luciferan (see below), the elohim reveals him- that don't display alien features are typically unaware
self in all his glory. of their heritage, while those with visible mutations
Etoile: These bizarre alien creatures seek to are shunned as freaks.
enslave the entire human race, transforming them into Adventure Hook: The carnival has come to town,
cybernetic minions (see the sand slave, below) including a full-fledged freak show, Since such gather-
Adventure Hook: MUFON (a private group of UFO ings often include paranormal beings, the agents are
enthusiasts) has retrieved an unconscious (and dor- dispatched to investigate. While they're there, a pair
mant) etoile, which they believe to be a machine of of Men in Black show up in search of an alien hybrid
alien manufacture, The Hoffmann Institute seeks to who supposedly travels with the carnival. The obvious
retrieve the etoile before the group manages to repair target, the alabaster-skinned, pink-eyed “Alien Boy,” is
{and thus reactivate) the creature, their quarry, but he’s just an albino: the real half-fraal
Fiends: A wide variety of fiends exist, including is the hypnotist.
those in the d20 Moperw Roleplaying Game and the d20 Kinori: Though the species has been present on Earth
Menace Manual. Some are murderous monsters, while for millions of years, the dinosaurlike kinori are origi-
others are coldly ruthless killers, but regardless of nally from another world or dimension (no kinori truly
form these otherdimensional beings are pure manifes- remembers their original home). They have lived under-
tations of corruption and evil, and find the world of the ground in secret for countless generations, but still hope
Dark*Matter setting to their liking. to take back “their” world from the usurping humans,
Adventure Hook: A tumor fiend has taken up resi- Adventure Hook: Reports of alligator sightings in the
dence in the basement of a local hospital, where it New York City sewers are up 23% in the last six
feeds on the occasional cancer patient. The hospital months. Hoffman sends in a team of agents to investi-
does its best to cover up the unexplainable deaths, gate, but neglects to warn them that these “gators” are
because its chief administrator (a necromancer) more likely the intelligent and deadly kinori.
doesn't want any undue attention. Luciferan: These clandestine alien beings exist in
Fraal: These small humanoid aliens (nicknamed secret among or on the outskirts of human civilization.
Greys for the hue of their skin) have meddled in human Despite their devilish appearance, luciferans have no
affairs for thousands of years. Sometimes they seem to natural bent toward evil, though they often enjoy med-
be our allies; but in other cases, they have been will- dling in human affairs (sometimes with positive out:
ing to sacrifice human lives for their own needs. comes). They fear the elohim, but rarely discuss the
Adventure Hook: A crashed fraal scout ship, long: origin of this antipathy.
buried under the ice of Greenland, has become uncov- Adventure Hook: The CEO of a local software company,
ered due to seismic activity. Its emergency beacon is too a close ally of the Institute, fears for his safety.
weak to summon help from space, but has been picked Apparently, some apocalyptic cult has marked him as an
up by the Hoffmann Institute (among other groups). enemy of humanity and now threatens his business (as
Now it's a race between the Institute and its rivals to well as his personal well-being). A few Hoffmann agents
see who can reach the ship first and claim its secrets. are quietly added to his security detail, but when they
Gardhyi: These sinister aliens are often misidenti- leam along the way that he's actually a luciferan, they
fied as government "Men in Black” due to their somber must quickly reassess which side they should be on.
garb and marked interest in paranormal events. Worst Montauk Monster: Brought to Earth through scien:
of all, these creatures represent only the first contact tific experiments in the mid-20th century, the Montauk
with a larger alliance of alien creatures, feared even by monster is a thing of pure energy—and hatred.
the fraal. Adventure Hook: Despite being fired from the
Adventure Hook: Arriving on the scene of an unusual Department of Defense, a scientist continues her work
event (such as one of those listed here), the agents on teleportation on her own. She manages to open a
learn that they aren't the first to investigate—a pair of dimensional rift for a split-second—just long enough
men in dark suits with dark sunglasses just left the to bring a Montauk monster into our world. The crea-
scene. This happens a few times before the heroes ture escapes the containment field of the device and
spot the culprits: a pair of gardhyis gathering data for begins its rampage through a quiet New Jersey suburb
their alien masters. Hoffmann agents must either destroy the monster or
Half-Fraal: Genetic experiments by the alien fraal find the scientist and reverse the experiment that
(see above) created these half-human hybrids. Those brought it here.
igé _
These alien beings have migrated to Sand Slave: Creations of the alien etoile (see
Earth from an alternate di No one knows why above) are cybernetically transformed
they have co whether their original home is no humans, Loyal only to their etoile masters, these pow RA
longer habitable, or perhaps if they are fleeing some erful minions can easily pass as human, infiltrating
terrible threat organizations in order to subvert them from within. SHR
Tourists at an out-of-the-way Adventure Hook: A group of missing women shares a
Mesoamerican pyramid report being chased away by single link—all took part in medical experiments
with glowing red eyes. involving antifertility implants. Unbeknownst to them,
es claim this is an avatar of Quetzalcoatl, the experiment wastainted—the women were instead
wreak vengeance upon those who implanted with dormant etoile nanites which have SEA
d the area. It’s actually a mothfol accidentally been activated. The women are now sand 28s
warn people away from the pyramid, which slaves, and are traveling toward Houston to ren
recently activated portal to an wi dezvous with their new master. Agents are called in to
chic parasites, found in the track down the women before they fall under the con:
20 Moverw Rolepla ing Game, control living ¢ trol of the etoile.
to accomplish nefarious schemes.
Hook: A local city councilwoman widely CREATI OF MAN
a tool of big business reverses her vote on a Throughout the course of history, humanity has often
crucial issue that costs a noted been its own worst enemy, giving birth to uncounted
‘onmental fees. Though la monsters of flesh, s' dream. Most horrifying are
the politician isn't operating of her own free will— those that were once human themselves.
controlled by a puppeteer tha Flesh Golem: This creature, from d20 MoneRn
poration’s clearcutti Roleplaying Game, works well as the servant or body
more of its kind. The puppeteer itself isn't a guard of a necromai
the politician, but to a low nctionary workingin Adventure Hook: A 'smaster died unexpect
edly, When creditors came to reposess the necro-
forprovooed faci 41
the encure bey
oie mc
mancer's laboratory equipment, the flesh golem went developed symptoms shortly after receiving a ship
berserk. Now it haunts the slums, lashing out at anyone ment from an affiliated museum in Tunisia—a ship-
who comes near. Local gangs are terrified of the mon ment which was stolen from the museum that very
ster, as it's nigh-invulnerable to their attacks. The twist: night. The shipment, of course, contained a mummy,
Aresident has recognized the golem (well, the head any: sent as part of a terrorist plot of biological warfare.
way) as a loved one, and needs help “rescuing” him. Now the mummy roams free in the city, spreading its
Ghoul: Victims of a horrible strain of virus, ghouls rotting disease to all it touches.
are human beings transformed into disease-ravaged Night Terror: Whether created from whole cloth by
corpses. No longer human, they survive on the fringe the nightmares of children or summoned to this world
of society, taking what they need to survive. from alien dimensions by particularly vivid dreams,
Adventure Hook: The biohazard disposal fees the horrors known as night terrors pose dire threats to
incurred by a local hospital have dropped dramatically their chosen victims.
during a new administrator's tenure. The savings Adventure Hook: A young girl targeted by Hoffmann
aren't due to any diligent attention to cost-cutting, but as a potential future recruit begins to suffer from
rather to a bargain cut between the administrator and extraordinary fatigue and tension. Her parents, fearing
a local pack of ghouls. When the administrator for their daughter's health, contact the Institute for a
becomes the victim of a layoff, the ghouls’ food supply follow-up visit. The heroes assigned to her case can't
disappears...with predictable results. let the parents know that the agency's been watching
Maniac: Though insanity rarely needs a supernatural their daughter for many months, even as the girl's
push, the rising tide of dark matter has also led to nightmares begin to take very real form,
increased mental instability. Some of these poor souls, Replacement: These vat-grown clones (see the d20
particularly those confronted by the hidden horrors of the Monern Roleplaying Game) are used by wealthy and
world, are pushed over the edge into homicidal mania. unethical organizations and governments for purposes
Adventure Hook: A close friend of one of the agents of deception and subterfuge.
begins to suspect that there's something more to the Adventure Hook: After many weeks of negotiation
agent's activities than he's letting on. When he finally with his kidnappers, the CEO of a major defense con-
witnesses them battling some horrific creature, his tractor is safely returned to his family. When top-
obsession is transformed into insanity. Now, the for- Secret technology starts disappearing out the back
mer friend fixates on the agent as the target for his door, the government blames left-leaning technicians,
violent nature and seeks an opportunity to “punish” but the truth is more dire: an enemy nation has
the agent for what has happened. replaced the CEO with a clone loyal only to them. The
Moreau: These animal-human hybrids, detailed in agents must uncover the conspiracy, learn if the origi-
the d20 Moneaw Roleplaying Game, may be created by nal is still alive (and where he is), and stop the knowl-
mad scientists or via government contract. Some edge drain without creating an international crisis,
organizations use them as elite soldiers, others as Revenant: Like a spirit (see below), a revenant is a
spies or assassins, once-living person returned from the grave, Unlike the
Adventure Hook: Agents all-too-accustomed to deal- spirit, the revenant exists for only one reason—to
ing with psychotic cannibal-killers find that their lat seek vengeance upon those still alive.
est target is actually a rat moreau. But this isn't the Adventure Hook: A judge has been slain, brutally torn
end of the story, as the agents follow the moreau's trail limb from limb by an unknown assailant. Due to the
back to a secret government lab dedicated to the cre unusual circumstances of the crime, the Institute
ation of these hybrid xenoforms. sends in some agents to check it out. The culprit is a
Mummy: These undead creatures from the d20 revenant, sentenced to death 7 years earlier after his
Mobern Roleplaying Game are preserved through public defender (now a very dead judge) intentionally
ancient rituals. Some claim that the kinori (see above) allowed him to be framed in exchange for political
taught humans the art of mummification more than favors that led to his election. The revenant isn't done,
5,000 years ago. though—it also seeks the death of those who traded
Adventure Hook: An outbreak of an illness resem- the attorney those favors, including the mayor herself.
bling a flesh-eating virus strikes a major city. The first Sewer Sludge: The product of an unknown mix of
victim turns out to be the curator of a local natural his: toxic chemicals, the sewer sludge feeds on whatever
tory museum. Under pressure, he lets slip that he creatures are unlucky enough to cross its path.
Adventure Hook; Half-eaten cattle found along an those who wronged them in life. Though once human,
irrigation ditch are chalked up by locals to the activity the dark tide has tainted these wretches, turning them
of wolves, or perhaps devil worshipers (except for into unspeakable horrors. Or perhaps, the dark tide
those few who insist that aliens are responsible). The merely revealed what was there all along.
real predator is a sewer sludge, washed downriver Adventure Hook: A rash of missing persons is traced
from its urban home by recent torrential rainfalls. to an area of a half-dozen blocks. Suspecting some.
Spirit: A wide range of spirits exist, from the animat thing more than just another serial killer, Hoffmann
ing spirit (poltergeist) to the possessing spirit (or sends a team of agents to keep the problem from
haunt). These beings, described in getting too public. Investigating a condemned
UrbAN ARCANA, are the essences of tenement in the middle of this area, the ill-
once-living creatures cursed to equipped heroes run afoul of a hunting
remain on Earth for any of a pack of urban wendigos.
variety of reasons, Some are
malevolent, others merely
malicious or spiteful, anda
few may even prove help
ful to living beings.
Adventure Hook: A
schoolteacher contacts
one of the agents for
help solving a mur-
der. She claims to
have tanght the
agent in his
youth, though
the agent has
no particular
memory of
the teacher.
During the
the agents fail
to find any con:
nection between
the schoolteacher
and the murder vic-
tim (who, it tums
out, is known to the
agent). When the
agents finally track
down the killer, they
learn the truth: the
schoolteacher has been
possessed by the spirit of
the murder victim, who
used his extra days on
Earth to bring his own killer
Urban Wendigo: These canni
balistic urban creatures, detailed in
Urgan Arcana, hunger for the flesh of
MARCH 04, ar
Tacility pict)
his game owes its life to the work of Wolfgang from the U.S. government to the Catholic Church to
B aur and Monte Cook, and their groundbreaking the Illuminati itself.
work on the original DarkeMatter campaign setting And of course, the Intern The great thing
for the Alternity roleplaying game. By necessity, about researchin your DarkeMatter campaign on
DarkeMatter: Shades of Grey only scratchest the Internet is tha the accuracy (or lack thereof) of
face of weirdness. For a wealth of
ideas for yo conspiracy:
med game, you owe yoursel
to track down a copy of theoriginal
published in 1999 by Wizards of the
Coast, as well as any of e other
fine DarkeMatter products
There's a wealth of ther sources
out there, both fictional and non-fic
tional to inspire your Darken fatter
game. Doug Moench’s Big Book of BY ANDY COLLINS
Conspiracies and Big Book of the
Unexplained provide a great overview of topics the subject matter is meaningless. What is perhaps
appropriate to DarkeMatter. Grant Morrison's The the Internet's greatest weakness as a research
Invisib com series (available in collected ver tool—the questionable veracity of its “facts"—
sions) is a great model for a groupofheroes fighting becomes its greatest strength. After all, in
against grand onspiracies. Jan Brown has written DarkMatter, the Gamemaster is the one deciding
a number of fictional works (Angels and Demons is “What is Truth?”
probably the best,but they're all worth reading) fea
turing heroes attling conspiracies large and small