Bharat Electronics owns the copyright of this document, which is supplied in confidence
and which must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied and
must not be reproduced without the written permission from the copyright holders
Section - I Abbreviations 03 – 04
Section - II Introduction 05 - 05
Section - I
Section - II
2.0 The demand for power is growing rapidly in the country resulting in shortage in
electrical energy. To mitigate this shortage along with the ever increasing price of fossil
fuels, depletion of fossil fuel resources, growing concern for conservation of
environment worldwide and to reduce emission of CO2 in the environment worldwide,
renewable energy resources like wind energy, solar energy are the choice. BEL-
Bangalore Complex had taken up initiative to establish renewable energy sources for
Captive power consumption of BGCX and create green environment with reduction in
CO2 emissions. In this regard, BG-CX had already established 13.9 MW Wind Energy
Power plants (WEPP) in Karnataka for Captive consumption of the factory.
3.0 BEL-Bangalore Complex intends to set up additional Wind Energy Power Plant (Not
less than 4.0 MW and shall not exceed 5.0 MW) in Karnataka to increase its share of
usage of Renewable Energy and thereby strive forward to achieve Net Zero Grid
Energy (RE100) status along with reducing GHG emissions. The organization is
looking forward to become a Carbon Neutral Company.
4.0 This tender document is floated for execution of the above project that includes Supply,
Installation, Testing, Commissioning, handing over, Land transfer, Facilitating WBA
and Comprehensive operation & maintenance of Wind Energy Power Plant in
Karnataka. The Energy Generated from the plant will be wheeled through the state
grid for Captive consumption for BEL factory and Corporate Office at Bangalore.
5.0 It is not the intent to specify completely herein, all the details of design and construction
of the equipment / plant. However, the equipment/plant shall conform in all respects to
high standards of engineering, design and workmanship and be capable of performing
in continuous commercial operation upto the VENDOR's warranties in a manner
acceptable to the PURCHASER / ENGINEER, who will interpret the meaning of
specifications and drawings and shall reject any work or material which in his
judgement is not in full accordance therewith.
6.0 The scope is deemed to include all the items required for successful establishment of
the power plant irrespective of whether it is explicitly brought out in this tender
specification/schedule etc.
7.0 The statutory fees to be paid to all statutory bodies like KPTCL / SLDC / ESCOMs etc.,
for the purpose of executing Wheeling and Banking agreement also shall be paid by the
successful bidder on behalf of BEL and submit the receipts to BEL along with
intimation letters etc., from the statutory bodies.
8.0 All necessary approvals and statutory clearances shall be included in the scope of
Section – III
1.0 Tender document pertaining to the below Item has been uploaded in the website (Search: Active Tenders). Bidders are advised to go through the
instructions provided in along with NIT ‘Instruction for Online Bid Submissions’.
2.0 Tenderers are required to access the tender document on the website and go through all the conditions and other details pertaining to
the tender like Special Terms & Conditions, Standard terms & Conditions of BEL,
Scope of Work etc., Tenderer can download the tender documents from the website.
Tenderers are required to fill all relevant information, upload the relevant documents
called for in the tender and submit the quote online in the portal
on or before stipulated due date. Hard copy of tender documents will not be accepted.
Particulars Date Time
1 Tender E-Publishing Date and Time 29.03.2023 12.00
2 Tender Document Download Start Date and Time 29.03.2023 12.00
3 Seek clarification Start Date 29.03.2023 12.00
4 Seek clarification End Date 10.04.2023 12:00
5 Tender Document Download End Date and Time 10.04.2023 12.00
6 Pre Bid Meeting Date and Time 05.04.2023 10.30
7 Online Tender Submission Start Date and Time 29.03.2023 12.00
8 Online Tender Submission End Date and Time 10.04.2023 14.00
Online Tender Opening Date and Time (Cover-1
9 11.04.2023 14.00
& Cover-2 )
Will be intimated later
Online Tender Opening Date and Time (Cover-3
10 through system generated
Price Bid)
If the date fixed for online opening of tenders is subsequently declared as holiday, the
tenders will be opened on the next working day following the holiday but there will be
no change in the time for opening as indicated above.
4.0 The Tender will be opened by the Bid Openers at the tender opening time and date in
the office of Manager (Purchase/ES).
5.0 In Order to facilitate the tenderers to clearly understand scope for work and T&C
of the Order, a pre-bid meeting will be held as per the schedule above in the
Conference hall of Engineering Services division, BEL, Jalahalli post 560013,
before tenderers submit their tenders. All the tenderers are requested to attend
the meeting without fail. If they do not attend, it shall be presumed that they have
made themselves aware of the scope and T&C of the Order and their quoted rates
are deemed to include all the points clarified in the pre bid meeting. Proceedings
of the pre bid meeting shall form part of the tender and shall be binding on the
6.0 Corrigendum, amendments etc., to the tender, if any, shall be issued / available online
only. Prospective tenderers are requested to visit the website regularly.
8.0 The quotation must remain valid for a minimum period of 04 months from the
date of price bid opening.
9.0 Tenderers shall upload the relevant documents called for in the tender / website along
with their quote. Tender of those tenderers who have not uploaded the relevant
document in the website along with their quote is liable for rejection.
12.0 Company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning
any reason thereof.
14.0 Your User ID and password shall be chosen by you during enrolment of DSC in the e-
Procurement Portal (
15.0 Tenderers are hereby advised to download, duly fill, sign and should upload the Tender
Acceptance Letter uploaded along with this tender. Tenders submitted online without
submitting the Tender Acceptance Letter shall be liable for rejection.
16.0 Tenderers are hereby advised to submit their offers online well before the closing hours
as any delay in submission of tenders due to slow internet accessibility or for any other
reason will not be accepted by the system.
18.0 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is required to be sent before Bid closing date and
time, otherwise Bid will be rejected. A scanned copy of this document should also be
uploaded along with the Un-priced bid documents. However, the EMD for this work
is exempted for Micro and small agencies who furnishes the valid MSE Certificate
issued by National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) / Micro Small Medium
Enterprises (MSME). Hence, the tenderers who claim EMD exemption shall upload
the scanned copy of relevant documents and valid NSIC/MSME/UDYAM Certificate
while submission of quote.
19.0 The EMD of Unsuccessful bidders will be returned back after completion of
tendering and Placement of order on successful bidder. For successful bidder, EMD
will be returned after completion of Supply, Installation & Commissioning of items
as per P.O and suitable validity extension to be done by successful bidder.
20.0 The tenderers shall enter into an Integrity Pact with M/s. Bharat Electronics Limited as
per the proforma enclosed at Annexure-1. Each page of the Integrity Pact shall be duly
signed and stamped by the tenderer’s authorized signatory.
21.0 Integrity pact (as per Annexure-1) shall be blue ink signed and deposited in the
tender box of “Office of Manager (Purchase/ES), Engineering Services, M/s.
Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bengaluru – 560 013” on or before
stipulated due date and time of submission of tender. The scanned copy of the
same shall also be attached in cover-1 as detailed in tender. Tenders submitted
online without submitting the required Integrity Pact shall be liable for rejection.
22.1 First, upload the following documents online in “COVER-1” before submission of
a) Scanned copy of duly signed and stamped “Integrity Pact” (As per Annexure-1)
in pdf format.
b) Scanned copy of “Tender Acceptance Letter” duly filled and signed by the
tenderer in ‘pdf format’ on their letterhead, (As per Annexure-2).
22.2 Upload the following documents online in “Cover-2” before submission of quote.
a) Documents related to the Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) Machines.
b) Land related documents.
c) Sign and sealed tender document with correspondence pre-bid MOM.
d) Annual Energy Production Documents.
The Wind data documents shall be compressed to less than 25 MB and shall be
attached if possible.
Wind data documents shall be divided into two portions of each less than 25 MB
and attached shall be attached in “Annual Energy production documents” and
“Miscellaneous / Any other related documents” folders of Cover-2 in NIC e-portal.
Wind data documents shall be submitted in a compact disc and sent to the office of
Manager (Purchase/ES), Engineering Services, Bharat Electronics Limited,
Jalahalli post, Bangalore - 560013 on or before bid submission end date.
22.3 After uploading above documents, Submit the “Price bid / SOQR / BOQ” online in
‘excel format’ in “COVER-3”.
i. The price bid of those agencies who have qualified in Techno-commercial,
based on documents furnished at cover-1 and cover-2, only be opened and the
price bid of disqualified agencies will not be considered.
COVER-1 AND COVER-2. If price details are mentioned in Cover-1 and Cover-
2, the respective bidder will not be considered for further evaluation”.
23.0 Tenderers shall upload the relevant documents called for in the tender / website along
with their quote. Tender of those agencies who have not uploaded the relevant
document in the website along with their quote is liable for rejection. Hard copy of
tender documents will not be accepted.
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) invites bids for the subject item under "Single Stage Three
Part Bid System” complete in all respects in accordance with the following details and
enclosed Sections of the TENDER Document:
Description of Item Particulars
Supply, Installation,
testing, Commissioning
and synchronization with
grid of Wind Energy
Power Plant (Not less
than 4.0 MW capacity) At a suitable wind potential site in the state of
along with its KARNATAKA.
Comprehensive Operation
& Maintenance for 10
years (including Two (2)
years of successful
warranty period).
Description of Item Particulars
Open tender with Single Stage Three Part Bid system
iv. Type / Mode of tendering through BEL e-procurement portal i.e.,
The Bid Document comprises of Sections / Annexures and
v. Bid Document
other details
Technical Specification of
vi. As given in the Tender document
WTG and Equipments
vii. Currency of Offer Indian Rupees
Description of Item Particulars
Any queries regarding tender specification, terms and
conditions may be seek before scheduled pre-bid meeting
xv. Any Queries
date through BEL e-procurement portal (or) through BEL
official mail i.e., [email protected]
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 10,00,000 (Rs. Ten
lakhs) either in the form of crossed demand draft drawn in
Earnest Money Deposit
xvi. favour of “Bharat Electronics Limited” payable at
Bengaluru or bank guarantee for the same amount issued
by any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank
xvii. Integrity Pact Bidders to submit Integrity Pact as per Annexure-1.
2.0 If a BIDDER has doubt with regard to any portion of the specification, he should seek
clarification on the same from the PURCHASER / ENGINEER through BEL e-
procurement portal i.e., (or) official mail of BEL
([email protected]) well within seek clarification end date. The requisite clarification
will be published in the e-procurement portal (or) will be clarified in the pre-bid
meeting by the PURCHASER / ENGINEER client and / or Consultant and such
clarification shall be binding on both the PURCHASER and the BIDDER.
3.0 If the Bidder indicates any comments on the specification elsewhere in his bid, the
same will not be accepted.
4.0 All corrections, overwriting, overtyping, etc. in the bid submission shall be initialled by
5.0 In order to avoid clarification/ confirmation after opening of bids, a system of holding
pre-bid conference has been introduced so that objections/points of the bidders, if any,
are taken into account and a mutually acceptable level of understanding is reached
between BEL and the participating bidders with regard to various tender provisions
before the bids are submitted. Hence, prospective bidders are advised to carefully
examine the various tender provisions before attending pre-bid conference and that the
doubts, if any, to the tender conditions/tender specifications should be raised during
pre-bid conference itself. BEL would try to ensure that the doubts raised by the
prospective bidders are clarified to their satisfaction. In case, due to the points/doubts
raised by the prospective bidders, any specific terms and conditions needs to be
modified, then the same will be considered for modification. All the bidders must
ensure that their bid is complete in all respects and conforms to tender terms and
conditions, Bid Evaluation Criteria and the specifications in to failing which their bid
would be straightaway rejected without seeking any clarifications on any exception/
deviation taken by the bidder in their bid. Bidder should ensure that after award of work
and during execution, the bidder shall not seek to alter any agreed contractual terms,
conditions & specifications.
6.0 Bidders are advised to depute their authorized & accredited representative to attend pre-
bid conference.
The tenderers are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the BEL e-
Procurement Portal (, using valid Digital Signature Certificates.
Instructions given below are meant to assist the tenderer in registering on the BEL e-
Procurement Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirement and submitting
their bids online on the BEL e-Procurement Portal. More information useful for submitting
online bids on the BEL e-Procurement Portal may be obtained at:
1. Tenderers are required to enrol on e-Procurement module of BEL e-Procurement Portal
(URL by clicking on the link “online bidder enrolment” on the
BEL e-Procurement Portal, which is free of charge.
2. As part of the enrolment process, the tenderers will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
3. Tenderers are advised to register their valid E-mail address and mobile numbers as part
of the Registration process. It will be used for any communication from the BEL e-
Procurement Portal.
4. Upon enrolment, the tenderers will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any certifying
authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / TCS / nCode / eMudra etc.), with their
5. Only one valid DSC should be registered by a tenderer. Please note that the tenderers are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others which may lead to
6. Tenderers then logs into the website through the secure login by entering their user id/
password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
2. Once the tenderers have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the respective
“My Tenders” folder. This would enable the BEL e-Procurement Portal to intimate the
bidders through SMS / e-mail in case there is any corrigendum, amendment etc. issued to
the tender document.
3. The tenderers should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in
case they want to obtain any clarification/ help from the helpdesk.
1. Tenderers should take into account any corrigendum, amendment etc. published on the
tender document before submitting their bids.
2. Please go through the tender advertisement, tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid and in case of any deviation from
these, the tender is liable for rejection. Please note the number of covers in which the bid
documents have to be submitted, the number of documents including the names and
content of each of the document that need to be submitted.
3. Tenderers, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated
in the tender document / schedule and it should be in PDF format. Bid documents may be
scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option.
4. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such
standard documents (e.g. Pan card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been
provided to the tenderers. Tenderers can use “My Space” area available to them to
upload such documents (if necessary as per Tender Document). These documents may be
directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be
uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for
submission process.
Note: Follow the step give in BEL e-Procurement Portal in Bidder Manual kit
( for
Step by step procedure of Online Bid Submission, Online Re-Bid Sub mission,
Registration, Online Bid Withdrawal, BoQ Preparation Guidelines etc.
1. Tenderers should log into the web site well in advance for bid submission so that he / she
upload the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be
responsible for any delay due to other issues.
2. The tenderers have to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document.
3. Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their Price bids in the
format provided and no other format is acceptable. While downloading the Price Bid
system generates a name for price bid, Tenderers are required to keep the same generated
name for the price bid while uploading.
4. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders‟ dashboard) will be considered as the
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders,
opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
5. All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized person until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the
bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128-bit encryption technology. Data
storage encryption of sensitive fields is done.
6. The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
7. Upon the successful and timely submission of bids, the portal will give a successful bid
submission message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid No. and the date &
time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
8. The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of
the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening
Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to BEL e-
Procurement Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 e-Procurement Portal
Helpdesk. The contact numbers for the helpdesk are 0120-4200462, 0120-4001002.
Section – IV
14. BEL, the company reserves the right to accept / reject any or all the tenders without
assigning any reason whatsoever.
15. The bidder shall have possession of sufficient land in windy zones for setting-up of
Wind Energy Power Plant in Karnataka and shall furnish details of the same along
with the tender.
16. The Bidder shall have evacuation permission from KPTCL and shall furnish details of
the same.
17. Incomplete and conditional offers are liable for rejection.
18. Submission of Documents, Drawings & Manuals:
The following details / documents shall be uploaded along with the techno-
commercial bid. The copies of the following documents to be uploaded in e-
procurement portal of BEL i.e., before opening date of techno-
commercial bid.
All the relevant statutory approval for the site for establishing the viable wind form
in Karnataka.
Contour Map with 5-meter interval taken from the topography details obtained
from Google earth shall be submitted. And Contour plan of the area with 5-meter
contour interval if available.
Layout plan of the Wind Energy farm / Plant indicating, WTG locations, roads,
buildings, equipments foundation, wind mast location etc.
A copy of all approvals already obtained regarding Land, Power evacuation &
others from KREDL / GOK / GOI / KPTCL etc.
Micro-siting calculation & criteria / Micro survey details.
Details & drawings of the power evacuation system.
Complete test reports & power curve of the WTGs. The model of the WTG’s
should be in the latest list of RLMM of NIWE.
Specifications and details of WEPP and Electrical system along with associated
Power evacuation scheme.
Makes of Components / Equipments offered.
Monitoring plan for project execution and after commissioning.
Details of calculation including methodology and Wind data considered for
estimation of Generation indicated for performance Guarantee.
Documents and data for Estimated Energy Production as enumerated at “Section -
XIII” of this document.
The following shall be furnished before commencement of work:
(a) Details of Project progress monitoring tool/dashboard, execution plan.
(b) Quality plan & relevant standards
(c) Details of centralized SCADA system
(d) O&M plan and schedule
Section – V
1.1 The average annual financial turnover of the agency shall not be less than Rs. 1050
Lakhs during the years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22. The agency currently under
Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) or any proceedings under National
Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) or Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) shall
not be considered for prequalification.
(The agency shall submit photocopy of the audited balance sheet along with Profit and
Loss account statement and Certificate from Chartered Accountant towards CDR or
NCLT or IBC Status).
1.2 The agency should have successfully completed the similar work of “Design,
Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Wind Energy
Power Plant of total capacity not less than 2 MW at a single project location
(within India)” during the last 7 years from the due date of submission of
prequalification application.
(The agency has to submit the copies of purchase orders or work orders for a period 7
years and completion certificates issued by respective client meeting the above
1.3 The agency shall be manufacturer / OEM authorized supplier possessing valid Type
certificate / approval from NIWE (National Institute for Wind Energy) for Wind
Electric Generators and should be enlisted in the latest Revised List of Models and
Manufacturers(RLMM) issued by NIWE, Chennai. The generators shall be
manufactured in India along with O&M facilities and the agency shall have an
established organization set up in India.
(The agency shall submit MAF or OEM authorization letter, valid NIWE certificate for
the offered machine enlisted in RLMM, Details of Manufacturing and O&M facilities
in India).
1.4 The bidder shall have possession of NIWE (C-WET) / KREDL identified/allocated and
approved wind potential land for setting-up wind energy power plant in Karnataka and
shall furnish the details of the same if available. However, the bidder shall also confirm
that the proposed land as a Wind potential site along with approval by KREDL. NIWE
certification of Wind data shall also be submitted. The land can be either Forest / Govt.
revenue / Private.
(a) The land shall have to be transferred to BEL on lease for at least 25 years in case of
Govt. Revenue / Forest land.
(b) In case of Private land, outright sale of the land to BEL shall be made. In case
offered land is private, land shall have clear title and also NA (Non-agricultural)
conversion, preferably. In case of Non-completion of NA conversion, the agency
shall submit MOU signed between the bidder & the land aggregator. Further the
points mentioned in the Clause 1.6 (A) in Page 53 & 54 of 135 shall be followed.
1.5 The agency shall have their own PAN No. and Goods & Service Tax Registration No.
(The agency shall furnish the documents for the same).
2.1 Name, address and registration details of the firm with name of the proprietor, partners
and directors.
2.2 The agency shall establish the proposed wind energy power plant at windy zones in
Karnataka, with well-established power evacuation facility from KPTCL / ESCOMs.
The energy generated will be used for captive consumption for our factory at Bangalore
and the Vendor shall be facilitating the execution of Wheeling and Banking agreement
successfully with KTPCL / ESCOMs to enable BEL, Bangalore to consume the energy
from date of commissioning of the Wind Energy Power Plant as per KERC guidelines.
2.3 The agency has to indicate the total area of land required in acres (approx.) for
Establishing and Operation and Maintenance of the proposed Wind Energy Power Plant
(i.e., WTGs, transformers, switch-gears and approach road of WTGs) offered for BEL
excluding shared facilities.
2.4 The agency has to provide total Operation and Maintenance backup with spares /
manpower etc., for the entire life cycle (25 years) of the Wind Energy Power Plant.
2.5 The agency shall furnish client reports for satisfactory performance for their Wind
Energy Power Plants in operation.
2.6 Details of technical personnel on the rolls with qualification and experience. List of
equipments, machinery, tools and plants etc., available with the bidder for execution of
the work.
2.7 The details of experience in preparation of Project Concept Note (PCN) and Project
Design Document (PDD) for obtaining Carbon credits as per Clean Development
Mechanism as bundled / unbundled projects / IRECs / any other applicable State /
Central Govt. benefits against Renewable Energy Projects, if available.
2.8 The agency shall not be blacklisted by Central Govt. / State Govt. / PSUs / Other Govt.
Agency. A declaration on company’s letterhead must be submitted by Bidder. Details
of civil suit/litigation/arbitration arisen, if any, in the Orders executed during the last 3
years including orders regarding exclusions/expulsions or black listing, if any.
2.9 MSME registered agencies must submit copies of valid MSME Registration (Udyam
Registration Certificate). MSME norms will be considered.
2.10 List of similar works on hand indicating the name of work, value of work, nature of
work, stipulated date of completion etc., This shall be accompanied with the copies of
the Work Orders or Purchase Orders issued by respective clients. These works will be
considered appropriately in addition to completed works, if required.
2.11 Any other relevant information / details the agency may like to furnish.
Section - VI
The Scope of Supply covered under this specification shall be, but not limited to, the
1. Establishment of 4.0 MW Wind power plant project (Not Less than 4MW) on turnkey
project basis in Karnataka complete in all respects including detailed design, micro
siting, supply, erection, testing, commissioning, making arrangements with the
transmission and distribution utilities for wheeling power till BEL Bangalore, and
proving the generation output for Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs), Central
monitoring and control system (CMCS), the generation data shall be loaded by the
bidder on his company web site and the bidder shall provide BEL with login ID and
password to view the entire generation report on daily basis. Wind monitoring mast(s),
associated electrical works required for grid interfacing (i.e. unit transformer sub-
station for each WTG, internal 33 kV overhead lines, common 33 kV group control and
metering station, common EHV sub-station(s) with necessary switch gear equipment
and materials), grid extension (i.e. external overhead line up to grid sub-station, bay
extension or creation of additional facilities at grid sub stations), associated civil
engineering works like WTG tower foundations, internal roads, Office cum control
room building & storage sheds (including toilet & CMCS room with permanent water
supply arrangements) if required, approach road, required land for wind power plant
project including transportation, insurance, storage, all type of taxes, levies and duties,
all fees and charges payable to various govt. agencies towards infra-structure
development, applications, approvals and clearances etc. complete up to final
commissioning of wind power plant and acceptance of the same by BEL. Bidder should
indicate the details of facilities which are common to wind power plant and are
provided on sharing basis. The spares, consumables, cranes, tools and tackles including
testing instruments and equipment can be utilized from the common pool facility. The
CMCS room, office cum control room and storage sheds can also be utilized from
common pool facility if already available or if the offered site by the bidder is part of a
larger wind power plant.
2. Operation and Maintenance of the 4.0 MW Wind power plant Project after the date of
successful commissioning for Two (2) years warranty period including supply of
spares, consumables, tools, tackles, crane arrangement, testing equipment and
instruments, man power, liaison with all govt. agencies, all administrative work,
maintaining records and submission to all concerned authorities, and delivery of energy
to the grid including meeting the warranties as specified in the relevant clauses of
tender document;
3. Operation and Maintenance of the 4.0 MW Wind power plant Project after the date of
successful completion of warranty period for Eight (8) years including supply of spares,
consumables, tools, tackles, crane arrangement, testing equipment and instruments,
man power, liaison with all govt. agencies, all administrative work, maintaining records
and submission to all concerned authorities, and delivery of energy to the grid including
meeting the warranties as specified in the relevant clauses of tender document.
Section - VII
3.3. The performance security specified above must be valid for 24 months plus 3 months
of claim period after satisfactory erection & commissioning of the project. In the event
of extension of the Contract period, the validity of the bank Guarantee shall be suitably
extended by the Vendor. This PBG will be returned upon completion of the above
mentioned period and only after submission of Bank Guarantee (BG) for O&M
period as mentioned at Clause 6.4.
3.4. The PBG/BG shall not accrue any interest.
3.5. INVOKING PBG/BG: In the event of the Vendor failing to honour any of the
commitments entered into under the Order and/or in respect of any amount due from
the Vendor to the Company, the Company shall have an unconditional option under
the Guarantee to invoke their Bank Guarantee and clear the amount from Bank. The
Bank Guarantee is enforceable either for full value or for partial value and the decision
of BEL in this regard is final.
4.1. Bidder shall treat documents and contents of this tender as private and confidential. If
at any time during bid preparation, bidder decides to decline the invitation to bid; all
documents must be immediately returned.
4.2. Bidder shall not, without BEL’s prior written consent, make use of any document or
information except for purposes of performing the contract.
4.3. Any document supplied to the Bidder in relation to the Order other than the Order
itself remain the property of BEL and shall be returned (in all copies) to BEL on
completion of Vendor’s performance under the Order, if so required by BEL.
5.2. BEL shall deduct income tax (TDS, GST TDS etc.,) or any other similar tax as
applicable as per the prevailing rates from the bills of the Vendor. BEL shall not be
responsible for any liability on this account on the Vendor in respect of this order and
exclusion of any applicable taxes at prescribed rates due to ignorance or otherwise
shall not form a reason for claiming anything extra at a later date.
5.3. If the Vendor feels that any variation in work or in quality of materials or proportions
would be beneficial or necessary to fulfil the Guarantee called for, he shall bring this
in writing to the notice during pre-bid meeting.
commissioning issued by the respective State Nodal Agency or the State utility for
all WTGs.
ii. Transfer / lease / sub-lease of Land:
(A) Private Land: - Transfer process of private land in the name of BEL shall be
commenced immediately after award of contract. The transfer to BEL should
be preferably made after suitable land use permission is obtained from
Government authorities or after ensuring that suitable land use permission
will be obtained from Government authorities.
(B) Forest/Revenue Land: - Sub-lease of Government land in favour of BEL shall
be got done as per policy of the State.
(C) Process of lease/transfer of land in favour of BEL shall be commenced soon
after finalization of WTG locations after issue of Purchase Order.
8.2. The Vendor shall provide evidence to the Engineer-in-charge, before commencement
of work at site that the insurances required under the order have been affected and
shall within 60 days of the commencement date, provide the insurance policies to the
Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor’s All Risk (CAR) policy shall be obtained within
one month after the date of acceptance of the order, insure the work against loss and
damage by fire, tempest floods, earth quakes, riots, civil war insurrection and against
damage by air-craft etc., and any additional covers decided by Engineer-in-charge.
8.3. The Vendor shall keep the policy renewed from time to time even for the extended
period of contract, if any, and at the vendor’s cost until the Company issues the
certificate of completion. The copy of renewed insurance certificate shall be
submitted to engineer in-charge prior before expiry of previous insurance certificate.
If at any time, the policy so obtained and kept with the Company expires; it shall be
lawful for the Engineer to stop further payments until the duly renewed policy is
lodged with the Company. For the extension period if delay is not attributable to the
agency the premium shall be reimbursed by the company.
8.4. The Vendor shall obtain at his expense an Insurance Policy, from a nationalized
Insurance Company / IRDA certified insurance company, in the joint names of BEL
or endorsement to be ensured by the bidder in favour of BEL for the project cost till
the commissioning of all the WTGs. There shall be No extra cost to BEL on this
account. Vendor shall cover the following risks.
i. Works including temporary structures, materials, tools etc., on the site against
damage by fire, burglary, strikes, riots and civil commotion and natural calamities
like floods, earthquake, explosion etc.
ii. The workmen employed by the Vendor and who have not been covered under
ESI against Workmen Compensation Act and other statutory laws where
compensation is payable by the Vendor.
iii. Damages to property of third parties including neighbouring facilities etc.
iv. Damages to third parties including the visitors, neighbours and other passers-by
against any claim that may arise due to accidents on account of the incidental risks,
which may occur during the execution of works.
8.5. Any item not covered under above policy shall be the responsibility of Vendor. The
polices of the Vendor shall remain in force throughout the period of execution of the
works and till commissioning of the wind power plant. If at any time, the policy so
obtained expires, it shall be lawful for BEL to stop further payments until the duly
renewed policy is lodged with BEL. No extra cost to BEL on this account and no
extension in completion of the project is allowed on this ground.
The successful bidder shall submit Insurance policies from IRDA approved insurance
companies covering all supplies till project commissioning to BEL. The following
endorsement shall be submitted to BEL before commencement of works at site:
(a) Marine Cargo Open Policy.
(b) Erection All Risk insurance policy.
(c) Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy.
(d) Group Personnel Accident insurance policy.
8.6. The Insurance Policy shall be obtained for the Total Value of the Orders
(Excluding GST and O&M order value). The Insurance policy obtained by the
agency shall cover all kind of risks and costs from supply till successful
commissioning to BEL.
8.7. In addition to the Insurance Clauses outlined under General Terms and conditions,
the Vendor has to take necessary insurance for his personnel, material including
equipments and tools during the O&M period. The Vendor shall provide or obtain
and maintain in force throughout the period of contract at, his own cost, the following
insurance coverage:
i. Insurance to cover third party liability along with an undertaking indemnifying
BEL from any such claim.
ii. Workmen compensation and /or group personal accidents Insurance policy
covering all its employees and works including the sub-vendor.
iii. Vendor shall also effect and maintain any and all other insurance, which he may
be required under any law or regulation or practice from time to time.
iv. The Vendor may or may not take MBD insurance policy but it would be the
responsibility of the Bidder to operate and maintain the wind power plant and all
the associated equipment at his own cost during the entire O&M period for which
BEL shall pay the agreed O&M charges only. Any replacement / repair /
modification of any item / equipment shall be carried out by the Bidder at his own
cost during the entire O&M period, so as to have minimum machine down time.
BEL shall not be responsible for any break down / failure of any equipment due to
any reason thereof except for Force Majeure / Fire & Allied Perils Events or
extraneous reasons. In the case of any delay/ lapse on the part of O&M Vendor in
restoring the operations beyond the time periods (equivalent to the Machine
availability clause No.2.2 of section XIV i.e., Machine Availability not less than
95%), the loss in generation would be charged to the O&M Vendor. BEL shall
recover from the Vendor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty,
a sum equivalent to 100% of the cost of such shortfall in delivered energy on
prorate basis at the prevailing rate of purchase of energy by BEL from
v. The Vendor shall take all pre-cautions to prevent fire of any nature in the area of
jurisdiction of his operations and in case of any losses arising out of such
accidents, due to negligence on the part of the Vendor or Sub vendor (except
Force Majeure), has to be borne by the Vendor.
vi. The Vendor shall replace the damaged equipment without waiting for settlement
of the insurance claim, on the basis of a separate work order to be issued by BEL,
wherever applicable, enabling the contractor to carry out repairs / replacement of
such damaged components / equipment. BEL shall settle the insurance claim with
its Insurance company, for which contractor shall have to provide the necessary
project related documentation, wherever applicable. BEL shall bear the additional
cost of replacement / repair over & above the insurance claim settled with its
insurance company.
8.8. After successful commissioning of entire system by the successful bidder, BEL will
obtain the necessary insurance coverage for Fire, earthquake, storm, cyclone, tempest
and flood damage and any other coverage advised by the O&M Vendor and accepted
by BEL. Any damage to the wind power plant due to any event covered under the
insurance policy, shall be rectified by the O&M Vendor at mutually agreed rate vide
a separate order.
receiving of all necessary notices, and keep the Engineer-in-charge informed in writing
of the said compliance with such Act, Rules, Bye-Laws, Regulations, Statutory
requirements, payments made, notices issued and received.
12.2. All major / critical items like towers, rotor blades, nacelle assembly etc. shall be
inspected and tested at manufacturer premises in India prior to dispatch in accordance
with the standard practice / QAP of the manufacturer and applicable Standards at no
cost to BEL. All other items of the WTGs will be inspected and accepted at Site.
Copies of test certificates for such inspections in triplicate shall be supplied before
dispatch of the equipments. In case of imported components, the same should be
inspected by deputation of BEL inspection team for plant inspection & prototype
inspection at overseas works.
12.3. After the award of work, the successful bidder shall furnish a complete list and details
of all tests to be conducted on all major equipments.
12.4. The bidder shall also furnish a schedule of inspection / testing, so that BEL may
associate his representative to witness the tests. The Vendor shall also furnish copies
of all test / inspection reports for records and reference of BEL.
12.5. BEL may depute its personnel or authorized representative or consultant for
witnessing testing of major equipment at manufacturer’s works. The bidder shall
make all the required arrangements for such testing at its work and extend full
cooperation for inspection.
12.6. Vendor shall arrange and extend necessary cooperation for effectively carrying out
inspection / testing. However, this shall not absolve the responsibility of the Vendor
in providing the performance warranty.
12.7. For HT / EHT Circuit Breakers manufacturers test certificate shall be submitted. All
other items like cables, conductors, relays and associated equipment / components
shall conform to relevant international/national standards.
12.8. The scope of work broadly includes review of manufacturing / fabrication
procedures, QA / QC plans, review of Non Conformance Report (NCR) issued by the
Vendor during fabrication stage, review of documents including Quality Assurance
Plan during manufacturing / fabrication activities.
12.9. All the standard tests in accordance with the Standards adopted shall be carried out at
the manufacturer’s works on all the major equipment and accessories so as to ensure
efficient operation and satisfactory performance of all the component / parts.
12.10. Any special test to be performed shall be mutually agreed upon between the Bidder
and BEL.
12.11. All equipment shall be further tested at site, wherever required, before
12.12. The work is subject to inspection at all times and at all places by BEL. The Vendor
shall carry out all instructions given during inspection and shall ensure that the work
is carried out according to the relevant codes of practice.
12.13. Decision of BEL in regard to the quality of work and materials and performance to
the specifications and drawings shall be final.
12.14. If any item is not found conforming to standards during test/inspection, the same
shall be replaced / rectified by Vendor without any cost to BEL and shall be reoffered
for inspection.
It shall be the responsibility of the Operator to liaison with the State Government,
concerned Renewable Agency, State Transmission & Distribution Companies, CEIG
or any such agency / department which may be required for expediting the project.
16.3 In case BEL carried out any work at the risk and expense of the Vendor under the
provisions of this condition BEL may do so by any means and agency at their sole
discretion and the cost thereof as certified by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final,
binding and conclusive on the parties.
charge shall be under no obligation to specify the works or repair, but such
requisition shall be conclusive evidence against the Vendor or that he is not
performing, or as not performed his obligations under the order.
25.2. Post commissioning checks on turbines viz. fine tuning of pitching & yawing
mechanism, checks for oil leakages, braking system, voltage converters, providing of
auto start facility on each WTG irrespective of Grid failure period, any other checks as
prescribed in Vendor’s Protocol, checking of all electrical installations & rectification
of defects observed, if any, attending to all punch points, torqueing, checks of all bolts
& lubrication of bearings after first 500 operational hours of WTGs.
25.3. Further Stabilization of all WTG’s in the wind power plant shall be considered to have
been achieved on successful accomplishment of the following activities:
(a) Project has been completed in all respect including power evacuation facility till
utility grid.
(b) SCADA has been commissioned and made fully operational.
26.1 All Equipments / accessories of Wind Energy Power Plant (WEPP) supplied, installed
and commissioned shall be warranted against any defect that might be caused due to
defective design, use of faulty materials, faulty workmanship and any other reasons for
a minimum period of 24 months (Two years) from the date of Commissioning of
last WTG of the wind power plant (Total project capacity) and date of issue of
commissioning certificate as certified by the State utility / ESCOM. Any damage
or defect that may lie undiscovered at the time of issue of commissioning certificate or
arise later, connected in any way with the equipment or materials supplied by him or in
the workmanship shall be rectified or replaced by the Vendor at his own expenses as
deemed necessary by the BEL or in default, the BEL may cause the same to be made
good by other workman and deduct expenses (of which the certificate of BEL
Engineer-in-charge shall be final) from any sums that may be then or at any time
thereafter, become due to the Vendor.
26.2 The operation and maintenance of the WEPP is the responsibility of the Vendor during
the Warranty period without any additional cost to BEL.
26.3 The manufacturer's warranty for all items supplied shall be made available to BEL and
shall be valid at least for the entire warranty period. If manufacturer's warranties are
not made available to BEL, the Vendor shall guarantee the items supplied for the
entire warranty period. However, in case the manufacturer's warranty period is in
excess of the warranty period, such warranty’s for such excess period shall be passed
on by the Vendor to BEL.
26.4 Any material and / or equipment and/or accessories which shall prove defective or
which shall fail to meet the desired design guarantee or performance guarantee during
the warranty period, the Vendor shall replace at his own cost that material and / or
equipment and / or accessories with another make approved by BEL. Manufacturer's /
Vendor's warranty for such replaced equipment shall also be made available to BEL
and should be kept valid at least for one year from the date of last replacement
provided such date falls within the defect liability period.
28.2. Authorized officials of SEB/ESCOM may visit metering premises any time for
surprise inspection and also for routine testing, calibration, resealing to check
healthiness of metering system. All observations of such visit shall be properly
recorded and jointly signed by O&M Vendor.
28.3. The testing of metering system shall be done at proper interval in accordance with
relevant IS/IE Rules/SEB’s/ESCOM’s Standards.
28.4. In case, at any time the O&M Vendor finds any discrepancy in the metering system it
shall be immediately informed and also notified in writing to BEL and SEB / ESCOM
authority within 24 (Twenty-four) hours requesting for a joint inspection /
investigation of the discrepancy. It would be O&M Vendor’s responsibility to sort out
the differences and discrepancies, if any.
31.2. Any extension of time granted by the Company in terms of sub-clause 31.1 above shall
neither entitle the Vendor to any claim for increase in price nor shall it release him
from any of the obligations under the Order. If the performance of the Order as a
whole is delayed by reason of the force majeure conditions continuing to persist for a
continuous period exceeding six months, the Company and the Vendor shall discuss
the matter and decide either to terminate the Order without obligations on either side
or to continue its execution on such terms as may be agreed upon.
31.3. The Company shall not be held responsible or be called upon to make good any
losses / costs incurred by the Vendor consequent to the happening of any of the event
under clause 31.1 above.
33.5. The EIC may without prejudice to any other right or remedy which shall have accrued
or shall accrue thereafter to BEL cancel the order as a whole or in part thereof or only
such work order or items of work in default from the order. Whenever the EIC
exercises his authority to cancel the order as a whole or in part under this
condition, he may complete the work at the Vendor’s risk and cost.
33.6. If the cost of completion as invited exceeds the money due to the Vendor under this
order, the Vendor shall either pay the excess amount ordered by EIC, or recovered
from the payment due to him from any other order of the company.
33.7. In case BEL completes the work or any part thereof under provisions of this condition
the cost of such completion is to be taken into account in determining the excess cost
to be charged to the Vendor, such charges under this condition shall consist of the cost
of materials purchased/and/or labour provided by BEL with an addition of such
percentage to cover supervision charges and establishment charges as may be decided
by the EIC whose decision shall be final and binding.
33.8. The EIC will issue letters to the Vendor regarding slow progress / non commencement
of work and the Final Notice. In such cases BEL reserves the right to debar the
defaulted Vendor from quoting as per rules and procedures of BEL.
34.2. Arbitration
In case any dispute or difference shall arise between BEL and the vendor on any
matter within the scope of this Order except as to matters entirely left to the decision
of BEL under the provisions of this agreement, then either party shall forthwith give to
the other written notice of such dispute or difference and such disputes or difference
shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator to be selected by the Vendor from among the
panel of three nominees to be indicated by BEL at the time of reference of the disputes
to arbitration. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties.
The procedure laid down in Indian Arbitration Act of 1996 and the rules made there
under from time to time shall apply in the matter of the reference. Only Courts at
Bangalore shall have jurisdiction to entertain a claim or for enforcement of the award.
Notwithstanding reference of any matter for arbitration, the Vendor shall continue to
execute the Order in all respects except to the extent such execution itself is the subject
matter for the arbitration.
It is a term of the Order that the party invoking arbitration shall specify the dispute or
disputes to be referred to arbitration under this clause together with the amount or
amounts claimed in respect of each such dispute.
It is also a term of the Order that if the Vendor does not make any demand for
arbitration in respect of any claim(s) in writing within 90 days of receiving the
intimation from BEL that the bill is ready for payment, the claim of the Vendor will be
deemed to have been waived and absolutely barred and BEL shall be discharged and
released of all liabilities under the Order in respect of these claims.
Section - VIII
2.0 Payments shall be released in the following manner after furnishing of Performance
cum warranty Bank Guarantee (PBG) by the successful bidder and signing of
agreement as per provisions of bidding document and against bank confirmation.
25% of the Service order value on Pro-rata basis on completion of each WTG
a. foundation, within 30 days from the date of acceptance and certification by
25% of the Service order value on Pro-rata basis on completion of Erection of
b. each WTG, within 30 days from the date of acceptance and certification by
30% of the Service order value on completion of erection of Evacuation system
c. including internal OH lines, within 30 days from the date of acceptance and
certification by Engineer-in-charge.
Final 20% of the value after commissioning of all WTGs and submission of
commissioning certificate issued by State utility / ESCOM with submission of
completion certificate, within 30 days from the date of acceptance, handing over
and certification by Engineer-in-charge.
2.5. Note:
i. For all payments linked to Bank Guarantee, payment shall be made only
after obtaining Bank Guarantee confirmation from respective banks.
ii. Bank guarantee against land (BGL) shall be in the format as per
iii. After successful transfer of land ownership along with all the related
legal formalities to BEL, the submitted Bank guarantee against land
(BGL) will be released / returned as mentioned in Clause 2.1 (a) & (b).
4.2. The statutory charges / fee including CEIG charges, meter calibration / testing charges
or any other charges, after successful commissioning of the plant, payable to Govt.,
agencies will be borne by BEL. However, all necessary liasioning/ coordination works
shall be carried out by the successful bidder.
4.3. The statutory charges applicable / payable for captive usage i.e., wheeling and banking
charges, transmission charges etc., shall be to BEL’s account and shall be paid directly
by BEL, as and when demanded, from the date of commissioning of each WTG of
wind power plant as per the prevailing policy.
Section - IX
1.0 Evaluation of both un-priced bids (Cover-1 and 2) and priced bids (Cover-3) shall be
done separately.
2.0 Techno-commercial evaluation of the un-priced bids shall be carried out for
completeness & conformity with tender requirements and MoM (If any).
3.0 MOU signed between bidder and land aggregator and copies of the title deed (if
available) of the property mentioned in the MOU shall be submitted to BEL for
evaluation for its compliance to tender requirement Techno- commercial bids will be
evaluated after assessment of the land offered for its suitability.
4.0 Price bids of only qualified and techno-commercially acceptable bidders shall be
5.0 Financial evaluation of the bids shall be carried out by calculating the Overall cost
per kWh for Ten (10) years period with following considerations:
(a) Total price quoted by bidder as per Price Bid (including GST etc.)
(b) Total O&M charges for Eight (8) years post warranty period as per Price schedule
further evaluated / corrected by BEL.
(c) Total Annual Energy Production (AEP) for Ten (10) years as arrived at by BEL /
Consultant after effecting uniform corrections in the AEP furnished by the bidders, as
enumerated at para 1.0 of “Section-XII - Special conditions of Order for erection,
testing & commissioning” will be considered for evaluation.
6.0 Any other factor which may have financial bearing on overall return/revenue of the
project can also be considered in the evaluation.
7.0 Cost per kWh will be calculated by taking the cost of project and AEP as given
A = Price of Supply (Schedule of price 1)
B = Price for Installation and Commissioning (Schedule of
price 2)
C = Price of Land (Schedule of price 3)
D = NPV value of O&M charges for Eight (8) years, discounted
at the rate of 8.50%. (Schedule of price 4)
E = All other taxes and duties etc. as quoted by the bidder.
G = AEP for Ten (10) years (AEP will be arrived as
enumerated above)
8.0 Order shall be placed on the successful bidder whose Cost per kWh is found to
be the lowest for the overall project. Cost per kWh will be calculated up to two
decimal points by BEL/its consultant, whose decision in this regard will be final.
9.0 BEL reserves the right to cancel site/project without ascribing any reason
based on its own assessment and can accordingly modify the capacity of
the project to be awarded.
Section - X
1.0 Standards not indicated in the specification are acceptable (subject to approval by the
ENGINEER/PURCHASER) if they are established to be equal or superior to the
standards indicated in the specification.
2.0 In the event of any conflict between the codes and standards referred to in this
specification and the requirements of this specification, the requirements of this
specification shall govern. The equipment & system shall also conform to the latest
Indian Electricity Rules as regards safety, earthing and other essential provisions
specified therein for installation and operation.
3.0 All equipment & system shall also comply with the statutory requirement of the
Government of India and the State Government in which the plant is located.
4.0 Electrical installations shall be constructed strictly according to the following latest &
revised codes/acts: -
(a) Relevant Code of Practices issued by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
(b) Electricity Act, 2003.
(c) Statutory requirements by Chief Electrical Inspector (CEI) of the State.
(d) Standard Practices followed by SEBs / ESCOMs as per SERCs.
(e) Central Electricity Authority (CEA) Guidelines and all applicable regulation(s) as
(f) notified from time to time.
(g) Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP) Manuals.
(h) Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) Manuals.
5.0 The provisions of the latest Indian Standards listed below form part of these
specifications: -
IS 800 -1984 /
1 IS Code Practice for General Construction in Steel
IS:2062 /
2 IS Code of Practice for Hot Rolled Sections and Plates
IS: 226
3 IS Code of Practice for Cold Formed Structure IS:801-1975
4 IS Code of Practice for Design Loads Part-3 IS:875-1987
5 IS Code of Practice for Earth Quake Loads IS:1893
IS:814 / 816 /
6 IS code for Practice for Welding
IS: 9595
7 Specification for M.S hollow tubes IS: 1162
Other I.S. Codes pertaining to the items of structural steel not specifically listed shall
also be deemed to come under the purview of this clause.
6.0 Any other codes/Act as required and applicable to this project is deemed to have been
included though not specifically mentioned in this document.
1.0 General:
1.1 Vendor has to provide and maintain workplaces, plant, equipment, tools and machinery
and organize the work so that, there is no risk of accident or injury to health of workers.
Work should be planned, prepared and undertaken as under:
1.1.1 Provide such supervision to ensure that workers perform their work with due regard to
safety and health of theirs as well as that of others.
1.1.2 Obtain the necessary clearance / work permits as required and specified by the
1.1.3 Dangers, liable to arise at the workplace, are prevented.
1.1.4 Should take into account the safety and health of workers.
1.1.5 Materials and products used are suitable from the safety and health consideration.
1.2 Working methods are adopted to safeguard workers against the harmful effects of
chemical, physical and biological agents.
1.3 Only non-sparking tools are used near or in the presence of flammable or explosive
dusts or vapors.
1.4 While working at a height of more than 3 meters, works permit should be obtained
from competent person before commencement of the job.
1.5 Safety awareness to all sections of personnel ranging from site-in-charge to workmen
employed shall be given by the Vendor.
1.6 Vendor shall ensure that all workers are informed and instructed in the hazards
connected with their work and environment and trained with regard to precautions
necessary to be taken avoid accidents and injury to health.
1.7 Vendor shall ensure that buildings, plant, equipment, tools, machinery or workplaces in
which a dangerous defect has been found should not be used until the defect has been
1.8 Vendor shall ensure that removal of scrap, inflammable material; surplus materials,
waste and debris are carried out at appropriate intervals and as per the direction of
1.9 Vendor shall ensure that labour force and staff employed on the work do not operate or
interfere with plant and equipment that they have not been duly authorised to operate,
maintain or use.
1.10 Vendor shall ensure that all openings through which workers are liable to fall should be
kept effectively covered or fenced and displayed prominently.
1.11 All necessary personal safety equipment such as helmet, footwear, gloves, goggles,
welding shield etc., as considered adequate by the Engineer-in-Charge should be made
available for the use to the persons employed on the site and maintained in a condition
suitable for immediate use, and the Vendor should take adequate steps to ensure proper
use of equipment by those concerned.
1.12 Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials, cement and lime mortars shall be
provided with protective footwear and protective gloves.
1.13 Those engaged in painting and mixing or stacking of cement bags or any materials
which are injurious to the eyes shall be provided with protective goggles.
1.14 Those engaged in welding and cutting works shall be provided with protective face and
eye shields, and gloves, etc.
of sides to collapse. The excavated materials shall not be placed within 1.5 m. of the
edges of the trench or half of the depth of the trench whichever is more. Cutting shall
be done from top to bottom. Under no circumstances undermining or undercutting shall
be done.
3.0 Demolition:
3.1 Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the process of the work: -
3.1.1 All roads and open areas adjacent to the work side shall either be closed or suitably
3.1.2 No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger over a cable or
apparatus used by the operator shall remain electrically charged.
3.1.3 All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from risk of
fire or explosion of flooding. No floor, roof or other part of the buildings shall be so
overloaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe.
4.0 All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer should
be kept available for the use of the person employed on the site and maintained in a
condition suitable for immediate use and the Vendor should take adequate steps to
ensure proper use of equipment by those concerned.
4.1 Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials, cement and lime mortars shall be
provided with protective footwear and protective goggles.
4.2 Those engaged in white washing and mixing or stacking of cement bags or any material
which is injurious to the eyes shall be provided with protective goggles.
4.3 Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welder’s protective eye sight
4.4 Stone breakers shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and
seated at sufficiently safe intervals.
5.0 The Vendor shall not employ men below the age of 18 years and women on the work of
painting with products containing lead in any form. Wherever men above the age of 18
years are employed on the work of lead painting, the following precautions should be
taken: -
5.1 No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or
readymade paint.
5.2 Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when paint is applied in
the form of spray or a surface having lead paint dry rubbed and scrapped.
5.3 Overalls shall be supplied by the Vendor to the workmen and adequate facilities shall
be provided to enable the working painters to wash during the cessation of work.
5.4 White lead, sulphate of lead or product containing these pigments shall not be used in
painting operation except in the form of pastes or paint ready for use.
5.5 Measures shall be taken, wherever required in order to prevent danger arising from the
application of paint in the form of spray.
5.6 Measures shall be taken, wherever practicable, to prevent danger arising out of from
dust caused by dry rubbing down and scrapping.
5.7 Adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters to wash during and on
cessation of work.
5.8 Overall shall be worn by working painters during the whole of working period.
5.9 Suitable arrangements shall be made to prevent clothing put off during working hours
being soiled by painting materials.
5.10 Cases of lead poisoning and suspected lead poisoning shall be notified and shall be
subsequently verified by medical man appointed by the competent authority of the
5.11 The Company may require, when necessary medical examination of workers.
5.12 Instructions with regard to special hygienic precautions to be taken in the painting trade
shall be distributed to working painters.
6.0 When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all necessary
equipments should be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for
prompt rescue of any person in danger and adequate provision should be made for
prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the
7.0 Use of hoisting machines and take including their attachments, anchorage and supports
shall conform to the following standards or conditions:
7.1 These shall be good mechanical constructions, sound material and adequate strength
and free from patent defects and shall be kept in good working order.
7.2 Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall be
of durable quality and adequate strength, and free from patent defects.
7.3 Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified and no
person under the age of 21 years should be in charge of any hoisting machine including
any scaffolding which gives signals to operator.
7.4 In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle swivel and
pulley block used in hoisting or as means of suspension, the safe working load shall be
ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to above
shall be plainly marked with the safe working load. In case of a hoisting machine
having a variable safe working load and the conditions under which it is applicable
shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or any gear referred to above in this
paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except for the purpose of
7.5 In case of departmental machines, the safe working load shall be notified by the
Engineer-in-Charge. As regards Vendor’s machines the Vendors shall notify the safe
working load of the machine to the Engineer whenever he brings machinery to site of
work and get it verified by the Electrical Engineer concerned.
8.0 Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting
appliances should be provided with efficient safeguards. Hoisting appliances should be
provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum the risk of accidental descent
of the load. Adequate precautions should be taken to reduce the minimum risk of any
part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When worker employed on
electrical installations which are already energised, insulating mats, wiring apparel such
as gloves, sleeves and boots as may be necessary should be provided. The workers
should not wear any wrist watches and carry keys or other materials which are the good
conductors of electricity.
9.0 All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be
maintained in safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered or
removed while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities should be provided at or near
places of work.
10.0 These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a
notice board at a prominent place of work spot. The person responsible for compliance
of the safety code shall be named therein by the Vendor.
11.0 To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety
precautions, the arrangements made by the Vendor shall be open to inspection by the
Labour Officer, Engineer or their representatives.
12.0 Notwithstanding the above clauses from 1 to 15 there is nothing in these to exempt the
Vendor from the operations of any other Act or Rule in force in the Republic India.
13.9 Acetylene cylinder key for opening valve shall be kept on valve stem, while cylinder is
in use, so that the acetylene cylinder could be quickly turned off in case of emergency.
Flash back arrestors shall be used to prevent back-fire in acetylene / oxygen cylinder.
13.10 When not in use, valves of all cylinders shall be kept closed.
13.11 All types of cylinders, whether full or empty, shall be stored at cool, dry place under
13.12 Forced opening of any cylinder valve should not be attempted.
13.13 Lighted gas torch shall never be left unattended.
13.14 Store acetylene and oxygen cylinders separately.
13.15 Store full and empty cylinders separately.
13.16 Avoid cylinders coming into contact with heat.
13.17 Cylinders that are heavy or difficult to carry by hand may be rolled on their bottom
edge but never dragged.
13.18 If cylinders have to be moved, ensure that the cylinder valves are shut off.
13.19 Before changing torches, shut off the gas at the pressure reducing regulators and not by
crimping the hose.
13.20 Do not use matches to light torches, use a friction lighter.
13.21 Move out any leaking cylinder immediately.
13.22 Use trolleys for oxygen and acetylene cylinder and chain them.
13.23 Always use Red hose for acetylene and other fuel gases and Black for oxygen, and
ensure that both are in equal length.
13.24 Ensure that hoses are free from burns, cuts and cracks and properly clamped.
13.25 Avoid dragging hoses over sharp edges and objects.
13.26 Do not wrap hoses around cylinders when in use or stored.
13.27 Protect hoses from flying sparks, hot slag, and other hot objects.
13.28 Lubricants shall not be used on Ox-fuel gas equipment.
13.29 During cutting / welding, use proper type goggles / face shields.
14.0 Electrical:
14.1 Insulating mats, rubber gloves, electrical insulated shoes etc., shall be used while
carrying out work at or near electrically live apparatus / Equipments etc.
14.2 Only insulated or non-conducting tools should be used on or near live electrical
apparatus / Equipment.
14.3 Low voltage portable electrical tools should generally be used.
14.4 All electrical tools used shall be "all insulated" or "double insulated" tools which do not
require earthing.
14.5 All electrical tools should be got inspected and maintained on a regular basis by a
competent electrician and complete records of fitness for use kept.
14.6 Only persons having valid licenses should be allowed to work on electrical facilities.
14.7 No person should be allowed to work on live circuit. The same, if unavoidable, special
care and precautions need to be taken.
14.8 Treat all circuits as "LIVE" unless tested and made dead.
14.9 Electrical "Tag Out" lock out procedure "MUST" be followed for carrying out
maintenance jobs.
14.10 Display voltage ratings prominently with "Danger" signs.
14.11 Put caution / notice signs before starting the repair works.
14.12 All electrical equipment shall have separate and distinct connections to earth grid.
14.13 Proper grounding to be ensured for all switch boards and equipment including portable
ones prior to taking into service.
14.14 Make sure that electrical switchboards, portable tools, equipments (like grinding
machine etc.) don't get wet during their usage. If it happens, stop the main supply, make
the tools dry and then only use them. Check proper earthing. All temporary switch
boards put up at work site should be suitably protected from rain and the level of same
should be high enough to avoid contact with water due to water logging.
14.15 Don't work with wet hands / body on electrical system.
14.16 Don't overload the electrical systems.
14.17 Don't make any unsafe temporary connections, naked joints / wiring etc.
14.18 Use only proper rated High Rupturing Capacity fuses or circuit breakers.
14.19 Industrial type extension boards and Plug sockets are only to be used.
14.20 ELCB for all temporary connections must be provided. Use insulated 3-pin plug tops.
14.21 All power supply cables should be laid properly and neatly so that they don't cause
hindrance to persons working and no physical damage also takes place to the cables
during various construction activities.
14.22 All Power cables shall be properly terminated using glands and lugs of proper size and
adequately crimped.
14.23 Use spark-proof / flame proof type electrical fittings in Fire Hazard zones.
14.24 Never connect any earthing wire to the pipelines / structures.
14.25 Ensure that temporary cables are free from cuts, damaged insulation, kinks or improper
insulated joints.
14.26 Check at periodic intervals that pins of sockets and joints are not loose.
14.27 Protect electrical wires / equipments from water and naked flames.
14.28 Insulating mats shall be provided in the front and back end of switch boards.
14.29 All parts of electrical installations should be so constructed, installed and maintained as
to prevent danger of electric shock, fire and external explosion.
14.30 Inspection and maintenance:
(a) All electrical equipment should be tested as per approved procedures and
commissioning inspected before to ensure suitability for its proposed use.
(b) At the beginning of every work, the person using the electrical equipment should make
a careful external examination of the equipment and conductors, especially the flexible
cables for any physical damage, which is likely to give electric shock or damages to the
(c) Electricians should be provided with approved and tested tools, and personal protective
equipment such as rubber gloves, mats etc.
(d) All conductors and equipment should be considered to be live unless the same is tested
and found dead.
(e) When work has to be done in dangerous proximity to live parts the power supply
should be cut off. If for operational reasons this is not possible, the live parts should be
fenced off or enclosed by qualified staff from the work area concerned.
15.0 If Vendor fails to ensure safety, Engineer-In-charge has rights to suspend the work.
16.0 The Vendor shall at his own expense arrange for the safety provisions in respect of all
labour directly or indirectly employed for performance of the works and shall provide
all facilities in connection therewith.
IS codes (Latest
As applicable to the relevant work
3696-1987 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders
4014 (Part 2) -1986 Safety regulations for steel tubular scaffolding
3764-1966 Safety code for excavation work
4081-1986 Safety code for blasting and related drilling operation.
4130-1976 Safety code of demolition of building
4138-1977 Safety code for working in compressed air
Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and
toe board
7969-1975 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials
13415-1992 Safety code for protective barriers in and around the Building
Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at
13416 (Part2) -1992
workplace - fall prevention
Safety code for construction involving use of hot bituminous
7293-1974 Safety code for working with construction machinery
8989-1978 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structure
7205 – 1973 Safety code for Erection of Structural steel works
Section - XI
associate / subsidiary company/s, the land should be transferred in the name of BEL
with clear titles by bidder for outright purchase. Submission of clear title deeds with
NA conversion lies with the bidder. The same will be ascertained by BEL team
through due diligence immediately after submission of bids during technical tender
evaluation. However, if the bidder wants to offer the private land without NA
conversion and take up for NA conversion after Placement of Purchase Order,
whichever is earlier, the onus of NA conversion still lies with the bidder. Payment
against such event will be released as per the payment terms mentioned in Section-
VIII. The time period for transfer of Land and NA conversion shall be preferably
within Ten months from the date of placement of Purchase order.
The Bidder shall preferably furnish the following documents along with the bid:
i. Agreement of Sale of the offered land with the actual land owner.
ii. An appropriate extract of Government land record showing details, such as the name
of owner(s), identification of the piece of land, type of land, area, details of tax paid
etc. in respect of the offered land.
iii. The bidder shall ensure that in the event of placement of Purchase Order by BEL to the
bidder, land shall be transferred to BEL, on sale basis without any other consideration
free from all encumbrances.
iv. In case the Agreement of Sale is executed with an agency other than the Bidder, then
the development agreement/MOU between the Bidder and the land supplying agency
shall also be submitted.
v. The successful bidder shall be required to ensure the following while selling/leasing
land in favour of BEL:
(a) The seller/lessor from whom the Bidder/Bidder's nominee/3rd Party is
leasing/buying the land has a clear title to the said land.
(b) Validity of the said agreement of Sale shall be maintained or extended, if
required, atleast up to the validity of the Bid and it must also provide reasonable
time (of 60 days) for executing Sale Deed with BEL from the Date of Purchase
Order by BEL.
(c) Agreement of Sale should provide that the Sale Deed will be executed and duly
registered in favour of Bidder or Bidder’s nominee.
(d) The land use in the records/policy of the Government does not prohibit the
purpose for which the land is being procured i.e. setting up of a wind energy
project and allows change of land use for allowing setting up of a wind energy
(e) All taxes, legal dues, charges, incidental / logistics expenses etc. for the said land
applicable up to the period of execution of Sale deed in favour of BEL by the
Bidder shall be duly paid to the concerned Authority by the Bidder.
(f) Obtain permission of competent authority for Non Agriculture (NA) use of
agriculture land for Wind power plant project.
vi. MOU indicating details such as the name of owner(s), identification of the piece of
land, type of land, area etc. in respect of the offered land along with copies of the title
deed (if available) of the property mentioned in the MOU to be furnished to BEL for
techno-commercial evaluation.
ii. If the land has been allotted to a third party with whom the Bidder has signed an
Agreement to Transfer such land to BEL without consideration, then the land should be
subleased to BEL for at least 25 years from the date of commissioning. The bidder is
responsible for completing the formalities and ensuring the sublease in name of BEL.
Transfer/sublease in the name of BEL shall be done as per state policy. The lease /
sublease in the name of BEL shall be completed preferably within Four months from
the date of commissioning of the plant.
(D) General:
i. Bidder shall indicate minimum area of land for installation of each WTG as well as for
approach road etc. The approximate area of land of the wind power plant to be
transferred / sub leased / leased / sold to BEL is to be indicated in the offer irrespective
of the type of land offered.
ii. Approach road may be on sharing basis but bidder shall give documentary proof
showing that land for such approach road belongs to him or have right of way. Bidder
can give a declaration to meet the above requirement
iii. Building of approach roads to Wind power plant and internal service roads. Motorable
approach road shall be shortest connecting all obligatory points and avoiding big
culverts as required for erection, operation and maintenance of WTG and also for
moving erection equipments like crane etc.
iv. Land development activities, obtaining all clearances related to land development, civil
works including administrative building having control room, store, office, amenities,
water arrangement, extensions etc. Details of pooling station with facilities shall be
shared to BEL.
v. Bidder shall comply with all the rules and regulations already in force and formed by
the regulatory/statutory and local bodies notified from time to time effective at the time
of submission of bid. In case change / new in statutory & regulatory charges imposed
after submission of bid, the same will payable by BEL.
vi. Obtain permission of competent authority for Non Agriculture (NA) use of agriculture
land for wind power plant project.
vii. The bidder shall carryout soil investigation for the site.
viii. The bidder shall provide suitable water supply system up to the office building /
pooling station for the water supply requirement of the O&M staff as per the best
suitable industrial practice on sharing basis.
ix. The bidder shall provide proposed plot plan for establishing wind power plant to BEL
for review and approval.
x. The bidder shall carry out grid extension work including augmentation of EHV
substation of State Electricity Board/ESCOM.
“Micro-siting” shall mean identification of points on the available land contours based
upon wind resource assessment of the site, where individual WTGs are to be located.
These points should be optimized to have maximum electricity generation from the
offered wind power plant.
Following details are to be provided along with Bid Document (Also refer 19.2 of
Section III):
i. Wind data- Time series (speed and direction-10 min avg.) for a minimum period of one
year (continuous) for two levels (one level should be equal to the hub height of the
proposed wind turbines.
ii. Digitized contour map at contour intervals of 5 meter for the proposed wind power
plant site and the surrounding wind power plant area including roughness considered in
the form of “map” file as input to WAsP. The digitized map of contour &roughness up
to 10km from the offered WTGs and reference wind mast shall be provided.
iii. The bidder shall provide valid “type certificate” from Certifying agencies like
NIWE/UL/GL including certified power curve & thrust curve of the proposed wind
turbines, in tabular & graphical forms both.
iv. Exact positioning (co-ordinates) of each WTG with reference to contour map along
with neighbouring turbine co-ordinates.
v. The bidder shall submit all calculations pertaining to micro siting including all input
data/information in soft copy.
vi. Details of reference wind mast i.e.:
The Scope of Supply covered under this specification shall be but not limited to the
following: -
3.1. Design, engineering, manufacture and supply at site of towers suitable for WTGs.
3.2. Design, engineering, manufacture and supply at site of wind power plant internal
electrical system between WTGs, 22/33 kV circuit breakers and connected works at
the point of inter connection with evacuation system.
3.3. Design, engineering, manufacture and supply at site of Grid interfacing equipments
including transformers, HT lines, panels, VCBs/kiosks, protection equipment,
metering equipment for evacuation of power from the wind power plant to the nearest
State grid sub-station.
3.4. Supply of ABT type energy meter(s) as per norms for recording data regarding export
and import of power to/from State grid and also recording KVAH & KVARH data on
real time basis. The supplier shall install energy meter for the export of power to the
State grid substation and recording import of the power from the grid.
3.5. Design, engineering, manufacture and supply of VAR drawal compensation system, if
3.6. Design, engineering, manufacture and supply of all control system to give command to
WTGs, receive data, processing and getting required report on energy generation, wind
speed etc.
3.7. The Vendor shall construct control room of adequate area (on common usage on
sharing basis), and make provision for Centralized Monitoring and Control System
(CMCS) along with SCADA for monitoring by BEL, Bangalore, through web viewing
or better system.
3.8. Laying of appropriate evacuation system for inter connection with the state grid etc.
shall be provided for this project, on common usage on sharing basis.
3.9. All items shall be carefully inspected and tested during manufacture and prior to
dispatch in accordance with the Quality Assurance Plan /standard practice of the
manufacturer and the applicable standards as per inspection and testing.
3.10. Specifications of all components of metering system which include meter, CT/PT unit,
telemetering equipment, cable, meter box etc. shall be according to the requirement of
SEB/ESCOM. The meter shall be electronic, four quadrants type suitable for
measurement of active and reactive energy in both export and import mode. A check
meter shall also be provided. Whole metering system including CT/PT and meter shall
be duly tested by the SEB/ESCOM.
3.11. Necessary current limiting devices such as thyristor in the generating equipment and
Capacitors of sufficient rating will also be provided in the equipment to ensure that the
kVArh consumption is nil or negligible. Penalty charges payable to SEB/ESCOM
towards kVArh consumption by wind power plant and due to low power factor
will be to the account of the bidder.
3.12. Supply of all spares, consumables, lubricants, hardware with necessary skilled
manpower support required till commercial operation and stabilization of the wind
power plant and handing over to O&M Vendor/ OWNER. The Bidder shall provide
the support/spares for all equipment, for complete plant life i.e. 25 years along with
undertaking certificate for supply of spares and support.
3.13. Design, engineering, manufacture and supply of any item not specified but essentially
required for the wind power plant.
3.14. Stocking of adequate spares at site for operation & maintenance of wind energy
project. List of such mandatory and critical spares to be provided.
3.15. Bidder shall submit detailed technical specifications, Bill of materials, G.A. drawings
for O.H. Lines, Earthing, Switchyard, schematic drawings for grid interfacing format
up to grid sub-station and also construction drawings (if applicable) according to
relevant IS codes/IE Rules. Softcopy of relevant Drawings can be submitted in
AutoCAD/pdf format.
Horizontal axis with active yawing.
3-bladed type rotor.
Grid compatible.
Pitch or active stall regulated.
Tubular steel / RCC / lattice / tubular / hybrid type tower fabricated from structural
grade steel sections.
Single speed, dual speed or variable speed
Having survival wind speed capable to withstand cyclonic effect in the offered area;
Generator having insulation class 'F' or better.
LVRT capability
ii. The blades should be designed based on a standard specification, which may be,
indicated by number, date of issue, issuing authority.
iii. The WTGs shall have a minimum of two independent and fail-safe braking systems of
which at least one must be of the aerodynamic type.
iv. The WTG operation and safety shall be governed by control and protection system.
The protection system shall be activated whenever the WTG is not kept within normal
operating limits due to Control System failure, effects of internal/external failure, or
on account of any dangerous event.
v. The Local Control System (LCS) of the WTGs shall be based on PLC/ microprocessor
having facility for fiber optic cable/RF based communication with Central Monitoring
& Control Station (CMCS) with a facility for remote control and a centralized remote
monitoring system for control and monitoring and database system. The CMCS being
provided shall have a personal computer for monitoring purposes but same shall not be
under the scope of this Order for exclusive supply but shall be on common usage basis.
(d) Stopping the WTG automatically whenever the grid supply fails.
(f) The LCS shall be connected with the Central Monitoring and Control System. It
should be possible from central monitoring and control system at the master
control room to control all the Wind Turbine Generators, give commands, record
their various data and take out the printed reports of energy generated from the
wind power project as a whole and from each WTG, export /import of energy etc.
ix. The Vendor in his bid shall give values for the following design parameters:
x. The withstand capability for maximum 10-minute average wind speed at hub height.
- The withstand capability, for maximum 3 sec gust wind speed at hub height.
- The maximum operation wind speed, given as 10-minutes average wind speed.
- The maximum electrical power output.
- The maximum rotor revolution speed.
- The certified Power curve.
xi. Start-Up: The WTG must be equipped with a soft start arrangement for limiting the
starting current and avoiding peak loads on the grid and excess voltage drop across the
generators. The maximum inrush/starting current shall not exceed 1.5 times full load
current of the generator.
6.3. The methods to be used to protect against corrosion of all components of the WTGs
shall be described and submitted along with the bid.
The rotor shall be so manufactured as to be least affected by the tropical weather at site
for its life profile surface smoothness etc. The rotor should have its own aerodynamic
brake so that extra torque due to strong wind, gust, storm, etc. is only marginally
transmitted to the high-speed shaft of the gearbox if any. The blades shall be sturdy
enough to maintain its shape and alignment when kept in stalled or stopped condition
at any angle to the vertical and for a long period of time. Safety system of the rotor
assembly shall be of fail-safe design. The blades of the rotor shall have in built
lighting protection. This will be in addition to lightning protection provided for rest of
Nacelle equipment.
The gearbox, if provided, shall be of proven and special design suitable for WTG
application from an experienced and reputed manufacturer for long and trouble free
operation. Standard components shall be used to give high reliability. The gearbox, if
used, shall be provided with a temperature sensor mounted in the sump for measuring
the oil temperature amongst other parameters. Information about the safety factor and
lifetime of all gear wheels, bearing shall be given in the bid. The transfer of vibrations
from the gearbox to the nacelle shall be minimized. The Vendor shall mention as to
how it is achieved. Except proprietary / IP rights all another required details shall be
submitted by the bidder to BEL.
11.0 TOWER
11.1. The WTGs shall have identical towers, either RCC or lattice or tubular or hybrid type
fabricated from structural grade steel sections or plates and shall be galvanized or
painted as specified. The tower shall be designed for the dynamic loading imposed by
the normal operation of the WTGs as well as to withstand survival wind speed without
any damage. The permissible tolerances in fabrication of towers shall be as per the
relevant Indian standards. Complete details of the towers shall be furnished along with
11.2. The towers shall be provided with facilities like convenient climbing devices etc. for
safe access to the nacelle and to the aerodynamic brakes. The safety ropes & belts shall
be made available by the Vendor as and when required during the construction period
and O&M period. The necessary foundation bolts should be supplied along with the
tubular towers.
11.3. If tubular towers are offered and the local control panels and associated electrical
equipment are installed inside the tower, lockable door shall be provided at the base of
the tower.
12.3. Any deviation sought from the original scope of work shall be brought to the notice of
BEL or his authorized representative in writing well in time and necessary approval
shall be taken.
12.4. The bidder shall get tested all required equipment from State Electricity Board (like
CT, PT, Meter, etc.) well before commissioning of the wind power plant, so as to
avoid any delay in commissioning.
12.5. The WTGs should be integrated by installing Remote Terminal Unit (RTUs), if so
mandated, so that the injection can be monitored at the connectivity substation by the
SLDC on real time basis, and in accordance with the KERC orders from time to time.
12.6. The bidder shall make required liaison work with the SEB/ESCOMs for
interconnection so as to have all the metering equipment ready for connection before
final completion of the wind power plant and export of power from wind power plant.
12.7. The required logic modification/changes in PLC / Control panels, if necessary, at site
shall be carried out by the Vendor as per system requirements and as per Owner’s
requirement, without any cost implication to BEL.
12.8. Obtaining all statutory approvals, clearances and permissions including permission
from State Nodal Agency, State Government, Agreement with SEB / ESCOMs and
approval from Chief Electrical Inspector of State Government to develop the wind
power plant and operation and maintenance shall be Vendor’s responsibility at his cost
including infrastructure development charges payable to SEBs / State Govt.
Organizations / State Nodal Agencies etc.
12.9. The procurement and supply, in sequence and at the appropriate time, of all materials
and consumables shall be entirely the Vendor's responsibility and his rates for
execution of work will be inclusive of supply of all these items.
12.10. Vendor may have to work in energized or partly energized conditions. In such cases, it
shall be the responsibility of the Vendor to arrange for necessary permits or shuts
downs and provide skilled and responsible persons for the execution of works. Bidder
shall organize his works during the shutdown periods properly and complete the
programmed works within the time given. Vendor shall not be paid any extra
payments for working under the above said circumstances.
12.11. It shall be entirely the Vendor's responsibility to provide, operate and maintain all
necessary construction equipment, scaffoldings and safety gadgets, cranes and other
lifting tackles, tools and appliances to perform the work, in a workman like and
efficient manner and complete all the jobs as per time schedules.
12.12. The procurement and supply, in sequence and at the appropriate time, of all
construction materials shall be entirely the Vendor's responsibility and his rates for
execution of work will be inclusive of supply of all these items.
12.13. BEL name & Logo should be painted/engraved in suitable size on each tower in
vertical arrangement, clearly visible from a distance. This shall be decided during
installation based on site condition.
12.14. Any item not specifically mentioned but found essential for successful metering of
wind power plant with full safety according to statutory requirements shall be included
in scope of work of the bidder.
13.3. Generators
i. The generators may be three phase induction generators asynchronous/synchronous
generators/doubly fed induction generators/PMG (Permanent Magnet Generator)
compatible for 50 Hz grid connection, designed for tropical environment and in
accordance with Indian / International standards applicable for design and
manufacturing of generators which are also approved type by certifying agencies in
their approved valid type certificates.
ii. The generators shall meet the following technical specifications:
Rated voltage: - 690 V, 3 phase according to the design of the Vendor
Rated frequency: 50 Hz
14.2 Switch board shall be provided with adequately rated copper bus bar, incoming
control, outgoing control etc. as a separate compartment inside the panel to meet the
requirements of the CEA/CEIG. All live terminals and bus bars shall be shrouded. The
outgoing terminals shall be appropriate to receive suitable runs and size of cables
required for the WTG/Transformer rating.
14.3 Switchboard shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the relevant
Indian standards. Separate control and power panels shall be provided with separate
power circuit for isolated operation of control circuit.
17.2 Bidder shall submit complete scheme for grid interfacing and interconnection for
wind power plant at each site including schematic diagrams and the brief / de-
tailed specifications of equipment, materials and installations. All equipment /
materials shall be suitable for the site conditions and shall be manufactured strictly in
accordance with latest relevant Indian Standards published by BIS and all similar
materials and removable parts shall be uniform and interchangeable with one another.
Adequate preventive measures shall be taken against hostile climatic conditions like
temperature, corrosion, salinity, humidity, sand storms, wind pressure etc.
17.3 Electrical installations shall be constructed strictly according to the following latest
Relevant Code of Practices issued by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
Electricity Act, 2003.
Statutory requirements by Chief Electrical Inspector (CEI) of the State.
Standard Practices followed by SEBs / ESCOMs as per SERCs.
Central Electricity Authority (CEA) Guidelines and all applicable regulation(s) as
notified from time to time.
Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP) Manuals.
Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) Manuals.
17.4 Any item not specifically mentioned but found essential for successful operation of
electrical system with full safety according to statutory requirements shall be included
in scope of work of the bidder.
17.5 The transformer area for each WTG shall be provided with fencing of suitable height if
necessary, complying with statutory security/safety requirements issued by competent
authorities from time to time. The bidders can also offer Packaged sub-station
(USS/CSS) complying with statutory security/safety requirements issued by competent
authorities from time to time.
17.6 66kV or above switchyard specification (applicable only if the pooling station is not
readily available) complying in accordance with the prevailing Indian Electricity (IE)
Rules, Chief Electrical Inspector General (CEIG) requirements, Standard Practices of
SEBs / ESCOMs, Code of Practices issued by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
Bidder may furnish the details of new/existing Pooling station.
i. The scope of work shall include design, detailed Engineering, manufacture, shop
testing, inspection, packing, dispatch, loading, unloading and storage at site, transit /
storage and construction insurance, assembly, erection civil structural, architectural
work, complete pre-commissioning checks, testing & commissioning at site, obtaining
statutory clearance and certification from State Electrical Inspector, KPTCL etc. after
satisfactory commissioning of complete 66 KV or above switchyard, 66KV or above
control & relay panel, HT & LT indoor switch gear along with the power and control
cabling, supply for miscellaneous accessories, tools tackles for wind power plant.
ii. The scope includes all material, equipment and works required for the construction of
the 66 KV or above switch yard and indoor HT & LT Switchgear with all items
considered essential for safe and trouble-free continuous commercial operation of the
system in a manner acceptable to the Owner and complying with latest revision of
national and international standards Codes & Practices, Indian Electricity Rules and
Indian Electricity Act.
iii. Complete switchyard & number of bays shall be as per KPTCL requirement.
iv. Major equipment of Switchyard & system shall be as below but not limited to:
(a) Step up/step down transformers
(b) 66 kV or above circuit breakers
(c) 66 kV or above Lighting Arresters
(d) 66 kV or above CTs/PTS
(e) 66 kV or above isolators
(f) ABT SYSTEM including ABT meters along with metering CTs & PTs
(g) Switchyard structure
(h) Aviation obstruction lights
(i) Lighting arrangements
(j) Fire protection and alarm system
(k) Tele-metering arrangements, if mandated by CEIG/SLDC/ESCOM
(l) Cables
v. All hardware/ software / tools tackles required for meeting the functional requirements
stated above, whether specifically listed out & not limited to the above, shall be
included in the scope of supply. The design of the equipment and structures shall be as
per the CEA / CBIP guidelines for the switchyard.
vi. The Vendor should submit copies of the approvals obtained from KPTCL/ESCOMs
for the various equipment of the switchyard and also the interconnection arrangements.
vii. The Vendor shall, on demand, submit the test certificates of all the equipment installed
in the switchyard.
viii. The scheme and drawings for the Electrical installations including Transmission line
by the Vendor have to be got approved from the Chief Electrical Inspector to the
Government. The Equipment and other material procured for these installations have
to comply with applicable Indian standards. Construction of the installations shall
strictly be in compliance with approved drawings.
ix. Execution of electrical works has to be carried out by Licensed Electrical
Vendors holding Class ‘A’ or Class ‘1’ License appropriate for the works.
18.5. Vendor shall arrange and extend necessary cooperation for effectively carrying out
inspection / testing. However, this shall not absolve the responsibility of the Vendor in
providing the performance Warranty/warranty.
18.6. Inspection shall be carried out on 10% quantity of the ordered equipments viz. The
major items requiring inspection/testing are towers, rotor blades, nacelle assembly,
and transformers. For HT/EHT Circuit Breakers manufacturers test certificate shall be
submitted. All other items like cables, conductors, relays and associated
equipment/components shall conform to relevant international/national standards.
18.7. The scope of work broadly includes review of manufacturing / fabrication procedures,
QA/QC plans, review of Non Conformance Report (NCR) issued by the Vendor
during fabrication stage, Review of documents, inspection including Quality
Assurance Plan during manufacturing/ fabrication activities.
18.8. All the standard tests in accordance with the Standards adopted shall be carried out at
the manufacturer’s works on all the major equipment and accessories so as to ensure
efficient operation and satisfactory performance of all the component/parts.
18.9. Any special test to be performed shall be mutually agreed upon between the Vendor
and Owner.
18.10. All equipment shall be further tested at site, wherever required, before commissioning.
18.11. The work is subject to inspection at all times and at all places by Owner. The Vendor
shall carry out all instructions given during inspection and shall ensure that the work is
carried out according to the relevant codes of practice.
18.12. Decision of Owner in regard to the quality of work and materials and performance to
the specifications and drawings shall be final.
18.13. If any item is not found conforming to standards during test/inspection, the same shall
be replaced / rectified by Vendor without any cost to Owner and shall be re-offered for
18.14. Tariff metering equipment shall be tested in NABL approved lab as per requirement of
State Grid Authority / ESCOM Authority and in presence of representative of
respective authorities.
20.8. Submission of all the drawings on "as built" basis covering all changes / modifications,
if any, due to site conditions in four sets to after commissioning of the project for
record purpose.
20.9. Approvals received from statutory agencies / KPTCL / ESCOM / Government etc.
x. Fencing and gates (if installed) for land areas around WTG tower foundations,
buildings, sub-stations etc. to be handed over to BEL on outright purchase/lease.
xi. Fencing of each equipment like transformers, switchyard as per rules & regulations.
xii. Construction of room(s) for accommodating all electrical & instrumentation
equipment in the pooling switchyard.
xiii. Civil work for power evacuation facility along with all tools, tackles & other
machinery required.
xiv. Painting, identification of equipment/system/building.
xv. Required trenches for installation of switchgear, control panel, other panels and
opening shall be covered with removable MS plate.
ii. All civil, structural and architectural work shall be designed, supplied and constructed
as per latest editions of Indian Codes and Standards with addendums and supplements
issued by BIS. Wherever Indian Standards are not available / formulated, applicable
BS or International Standards shall be followed. In case of ambiguity between codes,
specifications and drawings, the more stringent of them shall govern.
iii. The work to be performed under this specification consists also of providing all labour,
materials, consumables, equipment, temporary works, temporary labour and staff
colony, constructional plant, fuel supply, transportation and all incidental items not
shown or specified but reasonably implied or necessary for the completion and proper
functioning of the wind power plant, all in strict accordance with the specification,
including revisions and amendments thereto as may be required during the execution
of work.
iv. The Bidder shall conduct geo-technical soil investigation and decide on various design
parameters he proposes to adopt for foundation design. No commercial implications
for any variations in this regard during execution shall be entertained.
v. All structures and portions thereof shall be analysed and designed to sustain various
loads and combinations thereof, conforming to the latest revision of applicable Indian
Standards, specifications, Engineering practice and other technical requirements. All
structures shall be designed to sustain worst combination of dead loads plus assigned
live loads, equipment, wind, seismic, temperature forces developed due to differential
settlement or any other load condition it is being subjected to which can occur during
the design life of the facility.
vi. Stability of structures shall be investigated for loading conditions during construction.
However, factors of safety given in relevant Standards and codes shall also be taken
care of.
brought to site and not conforming to specifications and satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-charge shall be rejected and the Vendor shall have to remove the same immediately
from site at his own expense and without any claim for compensation due to such
ii. The Vendor shall set up a complete testing laboratory in the field to carry out all
relevant tests required for the civil works for the project or get done the necessary
testing from the nearest NABL Approved laboratory/institute subject to approval by
Engineer-in-charge. Providing & operating necessary measuring and testing devices
and materials including all consumables if required are included in the scope of bidder.
No separate measurement or payment for testing the work will be made. The rates
quoted for various items shall be deemed to include the cost of such tests which are
required to ensure achievement of specified qualities.
exclusively for this project, then the plan, layout and construction methodology shall
be submitted to BEL for prior approval.
25.12 Switchyard
In case the switchyard is a shared asset, then it is not mandatory to submit the detailed
plans of the same. However, if the switchyard is constructed exclusively for this
project, then the plan, layout and construction methodology shall be submitted to BEL
for prior approval. In any case, the switchyard shall comply with all the statutory
provisions/requirements of KPTCL/Electrical Inspectorate.
27.4. The Vendor shall ensure that all equipment have a name plate with identification and
27.5. The Vendor shall ensure mandatory checks with respect to quality & quantity of the
material received.
27.6. The Vendor shall maintain records for material incoming and outgoing (issued for
execution) and shall make the same available to BEL Engineer-in-charge or his
afforded reasonable opportunity for completion of these works for the issue of
completion certificate.
31.3. All the aforesaid safeguards/rights provided for BEL shall not prejudice its other
rights/remedies elsewhere provided herein and/or under law.
The scope of work covered in this bid shall be as specified in the Section-XI of
Technical Requirements and Scope of work and as mentioned elsewhere in this bid
document. It is however understood and confirmed by the bidder that the scope as
described in the bid document is not limiting in so far as the responsibilities of the
bidder shall include inter-alias, carrying out any and all works and providing any and
all facilities those are required in accomplishing an operating system, complying fully
with all requirements as are envisaged of it, complete in all respects and satisfying all
performance and Warranty requirements stated or implied form the contents of the bid
Section - XII
The bidder shall submit the following details with the bid in soft copy (in CDs if
unable to upload in portal) / hard copy.:
1.1 Bidder shall submit the SOI (Survey of India) map at both the locations (Wind power
plant and Mast location). SOI map in the scale 1:25,000 indicating boundary line of
proposed site and location of reference wind mast. Map should cover at least 2 sq. km
area in all directions beyond boundary line of offered site and reference wind mast
location. Bidder can also submit Micro siting drawing with SOI map.
i. NIWE mast or Bidder’s own mast. The mast height should be equal to the hub
height of the proposed WTGs or 2/3 of the hub height of the WTGs. The lowest
wind data recording height shall be considered minimum as 60mt or 2/3 of the hub
height of WTG model being proposed.
ii. Location of the mast with respect to offered site(s) giving co-ordinates and
elevation. Bidder’s/NIWE wind mast location should not be more than 10km from
site for homogeneous terrain and 3km for complex terrain.
iv. Period of wind data of the mast considered for calculation. The wind data
provided by the customer should be vetted by NIWE.
vi. Wind data of the mast from the date of installation till the date of removal or one
month prior to the bid opening, if the mast is in existence.
vii. Calibration certificates of all sensors mounted on wind mast duly indicating Sr.
No. Hub height, slope, offset etc.
1.3 Wind data time series in 10 minute intervals in soft copy with authentication certificate
from NIWE, if available for a minimum period of one year or joint frequency
distribution of wind data for two levels in WAsP format.
1.4 Digitized contour map at contour intervals of 5 meter for the proposed site(s) for
complex terrain and also for uniform terrain and 10 m / 20 m for surrounding area
including roughness map in the form of MAP file as input to WAsP. The digitized map
should cover at least 2 km area in all directions beyond boundary line of offered site(s)
and reference wind mast location.
1.5 Roughness map should be submitted separately as well as incorporated with digitized
contour map Roughness map should be incorporated with digitized contour map.
1.7 Wind Resource Assessment report of the entire wind power plant including Micro-
siting along with assumptions considered.
1.8 AEP of each WTG as per Wind Resource Assessment tool for the complete wind
power plant for P50, P75 & P90. Bid evaluation will be carried out on P90 confidence
1.9 The bidder shall furnish details of nearest wind mast of NIWE.
1.10 Electrical single line diagram of wind power plant from WTG up to the metering point
of SEB/ESCOM indicating size, length and brief specification of cable, OH line
conductor and transformer etc. along with calculation of transmission losses.
1.11 Actual energy generation of the WTGs already existing in offered area or nearby area
from the date of installation of such WTGs, if available.
1.12 Following correction factors mentioning percentage thereof to be considered for AEP
estimation shall be furnished clearly:
i. Machine Availability: Shall be considered as 95% or as offered by the bidder,
whichever is lower.
ii. Grid Availability: Shall be considered as 95% or as offered by the bidder,
whichever is lower.
iii. Array Efficiency shall be considered as per the WASP.
iv. Air Density (site specific)
v. Internal / Transmission losses up to metering point and internal consumption: 5%
vi. Year to year wind variation
vii. Other uncertainties
viii. Any other factor
1.13 Layout of complete wind power plant indicating location of offered WTGs and also
other surrounding WTGs with co-ordinates.
1.14 Based on the above inputs, BEL / Consultant shall get the estimated deliverable
generation worked out. If required, BEL / Consultant may ask for additional
information. Further, BEL and Consultant’s representative may visit the offered site(s)
and collect site specific information for which bidder will provide all the necessary
1.15 BEL/Consultant, during site visit, will collect the actual generation of the WTGs
installed in that area or nearby area from the date of installation of such WTGs and
calculate the average annual energy generation so as to arrive at final Estimated
Annual Energy Production of the offered site(s).
1.16 Wind data (Raw data, not processed data) submitted by the bidder for own mast should
have NIWE (National Institute for Wind Energy) report on verification procedure with
data like Wind Power Density(WPD), annual mean wind speed etc. NIWE certificate
should be submitted along with the submission of bid.
1.17 Estimated deliverable annual energy production (AEP) will be worked out by
BEL/Consultant by giving effect of array efficiency, machine availability, grid
availability, wind variation, internal consumption and evacuation losses and as
accepted by BEL, shall be considered for financial evaluation of the Bids.
1.18 Necessary corrections shall be carried out by BEL or its Consultant in the AEP
furnished by bidders. The lower out of the two estimated generations (bidder /
EL’s consultant), after corrections shall be considered for evaluation of bids.
1.19 No change in data once furnished by the bidder at the time of submission of the bid
relating to estimation of generation like machine model, rotor diameter, hub height,
location of site, micro-siting plan of the wind power plant etc., shall be permitted.
However, during the execution of the project, in case it becomes absolutely inevitable
for the Bidder then minor changes in positioning of WTGs within the offered wind
power plant location may be accepted by BEL but this should not affect the Annual
Energy Estimation. In such an event BEL will get the estimation of generation of the
wind power plant checked from the Consultant with the changed data and if the
generation so worked out is found to be less than what was considered for financial
evaluation, then the Bidder will have to modify the parameters in such a way that
estimated generation with changes does not fall below the generation considered for
financial evaluation.
extended for the corresponding outage period so as to attain the period of 96 hours for
the test.
The test shall be considered successful if values of observed parameters of WTGs are
found within the set values.
In case of non-conformance of the parameters of any component/item of WTG,
replacement of the defective component shall be done and test repeated till such time it
is successful.
3.7. Should the test fail, then the test shall be repeated once again (with minimum 1400 hrs
of data sets as above) either in the same wind season or in the next windy season
between April and October.
3.9. Energy Production Demonstration Test shall be carried out as given hereunder:
a. Wind speed distribution shall be prepared for a continuous duration of three
months during high wind season.
b. Certified power curve (CPC) for the WTG as per Order shall be applied to the
above wind speed distribution to arrive at the Annual Energy Production.
c. Following factors shall be applied on AEP to arrive at the Net Expected
Energy Generation (NEEG):
i. Air density correction factor as actually measured
ii. Array losses as per arraying efficiency as determined by WAsP application
for the selected WTG taking into account the selected wind mast location
and factoring in all obstacles. Array losses will be calculated by software
for test period and applied.
iii. Grid availability as actually measured at the supply point of the selected
WTG during test period
iv. Machine availability as actually measured and recorded at LCS of the
selected WTG during test period
v. Uncertainty factors in terms RSS, of 3 -5 % for wind measurement and 5-
7% for power curve will be applied in the calculations.
vi. Metering arrangement CTs duly calibrated shall be provided at LCS.
vii. Accuracy class of all the measuring equipments shall be 0.4 or better.
Vendor shall furnish valid calibration certificates of accredited test house
for all measuring instruments before their installation at site.
3.10. NEEG thus arrived shall be verified against actual energy generated by the WTG as
recorded by the meter in the control panel during test period.
3.11. If actual generation recorded by the meter installed at WTG is equal to or more than
95% of NEEG, then the turbine will be considered to have met Energy Production
Demonstration Test performance test.
3.12. For any further reference, IEC-61400-12-1: 2004(E) titled “Power performance
measurements of electricity producing wind turbines” shall be followed.
Section - XIII
BEL intends to entrust the operation and maintenance (O&M) of this wind power plant on
comprehensive basis to the Vendor for Twenty-five (25) years including Two (02) years free
O&M service during Warrantee period. It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to operate
and maintain the wind power plant and all the equipment in perfect condition at his own cost
for the entire period for which BEL shall pay the agreed Comprehensive O&M charges only
(excluding warrantee period). The replacement / repair / modification of any / all equipment
have to be carried out by the bidder at his own cost for the entire period of Order. BEL shall
not be responsible for any break down / failure of any equipment due to any event, that is
not insured.
1.1. The bidder shall quote rates for Comprehensive O&M for the first block on yearly
basis from 3rd year to 10th year.
1.2. The Vendor shall be responsible for Comprehensive O&M of the proposed wind
power plant including power evacuation system for a period of 10 (Ten) years
including Warranty period of 24 months.
1.3. The Vendor shall maintain the facility, accurate and up-to-date operating logs, records
and monthly reports regarding Operation & Maintenance of the Wind Power Plant.
1.4. The Vendor shall perform for and to oversee the Performance of periodic overhauls or
maintenance required for the facility in accordance with the recommendations of the
original equipment manufacturer.
1.5. The Vendor shall maintain and up-keep of control room, all internal roads, tool room,
stores, equipment, etc. in workable conditions.
k. Security
l. Coordination with the required agencies for revenue realization
Cost of all the above items shall be included the price quoted for O&M Order.
Operator shall provide all day to day operation and maintenance services for the wind
energy project as set forth herein. Operator shall perform the work and arrange/supply
all required spare parts, cranes, special tools & tackles or any other items as may be
required, in a prudent and efficient manner and in accordance with manufacturer’s and
systems designers' specifications, Annual Operating Plan for the Plant and O&M
All applicable laws of the land including environmental protection, pollution, sanitary,
employment and safety laws, ("Government Rules") shall be complied.
3.2. General up-keeping of all equipment, building, roads, wind power plant land area etc.
3.3. Continuous monitoring of performance of the Wind Turbine Generators and regular
maintenance of the whole system including WTGs, transformers, overhead lines,
outdoor kiosks, switchgear, equipments etc. as necessary for extracting and
maintaining the maximum energy output from the wind power plants.
3.4. Necessary spares including capacitors, consumables etc., shall be arranged by the
3.5. The Vendor shall ensure compliance with Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC
regulations 2010) regulations in vogue during the period of O&M Order.
3.6. The Vendor shall provide necessary support to the qualified QCA of BEL for the wind
forecasting system (10-minute interval data of WTGs) as per the applicable regulations
of KERC. The deviation charges payable or receivable based on under/over injection
will be borne by BEL.
3.7. The Vendor shall prepare the initial Annual Operating Plan in consultation with BEL
as recommended by OEM and shall also indicate the proposed resources (manpower,
material & machinery) that would be deployed for O&M. The Vendor shall carryout
daily or monthly checks and draw the preventive maintenance schedules for half-
yearly and yearly as per OEM’s recommendation and attend to the breakdowns
keeping in view that the machine availability is always more than 95%.
3.8. The Vendor shall provide necessary routine and preventive maintenance schedules of
the plant and shall carry out all routine and preventive maintenance accordingly for
smooth running of wind power plant as required.
3.9. The Vendor shall perform periodic overhauls and preventive maintenance required for
the Plant in accordance with the recommendations of equipment manufacturers. Also
attend break down and other maintenance in the Plant. The Vendor shall be
responsible for the performance guarantee of the plant as per the warranties defined in
this tender document.
3.10. The Vendor shall operate and maintain fire protection system / fire extinguishing
system and safety equipment as applicable for the plant as recommended by OEM and
Statutory agencies.
3.11. The Vendor shall do maintenance of Electricity system including overhead lines in the
wind power plant area up to the interconnection point(s) to the grid at the site.
Necessary co-ordination shall be made by the Vendor with SEB/ESCOMs.
3.12. The Vendor shall make arrangement to procure required spare parts, or equipment/s as
required, overhauling of parts, tools and equipment, required to operate and maintain
the Plant in accordance with the recommendations of individual original equipment
manufacturer at his own cost. Cost of imported spare parts, if any, shall be included in
the O&M quoted cost.
3.13. Deputation of Engineering and other supporting personnel: The Vendor shall employ
only such personnel who are adequately qualified and experienced for operating and
maintaining wind power plants. The Vendor shall ensure that such personnel are
available on duty at all times, 24(twenty-four) hours a day and 7 (seven) days a week
commencing from the Date of successful commissioning. There should at least one
supervisor and three technicians at BEL wind power plant. The Vendor can deploy
dedicated manpower or from shared resource pool to carryout operation,
routine/preventive maintenance of BEL wind power plant for smooth running of
wind power plant as required. The Vendor shall provide all day-to-day operation
and maintenance for the Power plant as set forth herein. The Vendor shall perform the
work and supply all required spare parts in a prudent and efficient manner and in
accordance with manufacturers and systems designers' specifications, the Annual
Operating Plan for the Plant and all operation and maintenance manuals, all Indian
applicable laws including environmental protection, pollution, sanitary, labour act,
factory act, employment and safety laws, ("Government Rules") and Prudent Utility
3.14. Deputation of security personnel.: The Vendor shall arrange necessary security staff
for watch and ward of the wind power project round the clock at his own cost.
However, Vendor can deploy the security staff from shared resource pool.
3.16. The Vendor shall maintain accurate and up-to-date operating logs, records and
monthly reports regarding operation and maintenance of the Plant which shall include
details of power output, other operating data, repairs performed and status of
equipment. All such records to be maintained for a minimum of 24 (Twenty-four)
months after the creation of such record or data and for any additional length of time if
required by regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the Parties on Mutually agreed
terms during O&M period. Upon expiry of term, the Vendor shall hand over all such
records in a compact disc to BEL. However, BEL shall have access to all such records
at any time. Generation and O&M reports should be made available to BEL on daily
and periodical basis in mutually agreed formats including operating conditions of the
wind power plant.
3.17. The Vendor shall develop and implement plans and procedures including those for
firefighting, maintenance planning, procuring and inventory control of stores and
spares, plan to meet emergencies, plant safety and security; and such other facilities
and systems as may be necessary to commence Vendor’s ongoing responsibilities.
3.18. The Vendor shall provide three copies each of all necessary documents including the
following while handing over the plant:
a. Operation and maintenance manuals,
b. Failure Analysis /history/trouble shooting details of all the equipment
c. Identification of equipment needing preventive maintenance
d. List of Vendors indicating name and addresses during operation and maintenance
with credentials if warranted by BEL at the end of O&M period / discontinuance
of O&M, on mutually agreeable terms.
3.19. The Vendor shall be responsible for conveying following details to the Owner on a
daily basis either by email/online monitoring system.
a. Power generated at every WTGs
b. Downtime of individual WTG, with reason for the downtime
3.20. The Vendor shall be responsible for liaising with statutory authorities and local
authorities in order to ensure smooth operation of the Power Plant. The Vendor shall
ensure that monthly readings are taken by the relevant authorities of State utility to
enable captive consumption by BEL under the prevailing wheeling & banking
3.21. The Vendor shall undertake to comply with the requirements of the Insurance policy
taken by BEL and provide necessary support in the nature of documentation,
Liasoning etc. as and when any claims are made/become applicable.
The operator shall record daily and monthly energy output of each WTG. Monthly
Performance reports indicating turbine wise energy production, downtime, capacity
utilization factor, machine availability etc. shall be prepared for each WTG as well as
for the wind power plant and furnished in soft mode to BEL on daily basis.
BEL at its discretion may get the performance checked from an independent technical
Section - XIV
The Vendor should ensure that all the efforts are made to maximize the annual energy
generation from the wind power plant during the whole O&M Order period. The
following shall be guaranteed by the Vendor during the entire O&M period.
i. The bidder shall provide the power curve guarantee (PCG) to the owner at
95%(ninety-five percent) of the certified power curve (CPC) of the wind turbine
offered by the bidder. This PCG would be verified by the BEL’s consultant as per the
methodology explained in the subsequent clauses.
ii. The power curve guarantee shall be tested during the first year after due completion,
commissioning & testing of wind power plant. The actual metered energy generation
as recorded at the WTG meter of the WTG under testing should not be less than 95%
of the Net Expected energy generation (NEEG) estimated for that wind turbine as per
the certified power curve of the offered wind turbine.
iii. If actual generation recorded by the meter installed at WTG is equal to or more than
95% of NEEG, then the turbine will be considered to have met power curve
performance test.
iv. Whereas, If the actual generation as recorded at the WTG meter is less than 95% of
the calculated Net Expected Energy Generation (NEEG) from the wind mast data,
then bidder shall conduct the test again after making necessary checks & settings, as
per the procedure.
v. In case the test is again unsuccessful, technical explanation for this shall be given to
BEL. If BEL is satisfied by the explanation submitted by the Vendor, then the power
curve test shall be considered as fulfilled.
vi. In case BEL is not satisfied with such technical explanation submitted by the Vendor,
the Vendor shall compensate the loss due to shortfall in the test in the manner as
given here under: -
(a) For every 1% (or part thereof) shortfall in actual metered generation than 95%
NEEG, the Vendor shall pay to BEL @ 0.5% (half percent) of the Order Value
(excluding duties and taxes) of supply, erection and commissioning of wind power
(b) In case the actual generation as recorded at the WTG meter is less than 90 %, the
bidder shall rectify the defects in all WTGs or replace all the WTGs as the case
may be in the manner that power generation is not less than 95 % of NEEG.
(c) The power curve performance test should be repeated again after rectification in
case the actual generation is equivalent or more than 95% of NEEG, the test will
be deemed to have passed the performance test. In this case, the Vendor will also
compensate BEL for the actual revenue loss in terms of KWH during the period
and compensate to BEL at the prevailing BESCOM tariff paid by BEL during the
end of financial year i.e., 31.03.20xx, when generation was lower due to
performance of the WTG.
2.6. The total compensation levied on account of the shortfall in the guaranteed values at
(b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be limited to 100% of the O&M charges of the
respective year. If the compensation is applicable during the free O&M period (2
years), then the limit will be equal to 100% of the O&M charges quoted for the 3rd
year. Any Compensation arising out of Warranty during O&M period shall be
adjusted against the O&M charges to be made to the Vendor in the subsequent bills
during the year to be paid.
The Contract shall be deemed to have been completed on successful commissioning of
the plant and completion of its O&M for Twenty-five (25) years thereafter.
In any of such events, BEL shall have the power to enter upon the works and take
possession of the materials, temporary works, equipment, tools and stocks thereon, and
to revoke the Vendor's order to complete the works by his agents, other Vendors or
Section - XV
Description Particulars
b) Make
2 Site details
a) Site name
b) District
c) State
3 Land
a) MNRE/NIWE/Bidder’s own
Description Particulars
Details of Offered Site for Wind power plant
1 Nearest Village / Town
2 Location w.r.t. nearest village/town
3 Taluka / Tehsil
4 District / State
5 Nearest Railway station / Airport / Highway
6 Altitude of area
Land area (Ha. / Acre) Land area per WTG to be offered
(WTG and transformer/CT/PT etc. area, separately).
Whether the bidder has a clear title for the land offered?
(if yes, please furnish the details)
9 Ownership Details
(also indicate basis of holding ownership/ lease/sub-lease
of the land)
10 Furnish details about how to approach to the site.
The total capacity of wind power planned by the bidder
11 to install at the proposed site, other than the capacity
offered to BEL?
Whether micro-siting details submitted by the bidder
consist of details/positioning/turbines (with capacities)
other that offered to BEL for the same site and nearby
wind power plants if not developed/owned by Bidder?
Whether details of nearest MNRE/NIWE Wind
13 Monitoring Mast, its distance from the offered site etc.
are submitted?
Details of Wind Monitoring Mast installed by the bidder
in this land (if any) i.e. height of mast, date of
establishment of mast, date of closing of data collection
(in case mast is already removed)
Whether sanction of project obtained from KREDL or yet
to be obtained?
Whether grid evacuation arrangement for the proposed
wind power plant is obtained?
Note: The bidder should give all relevant documents to satisfy BEL regarding above
information and attach extra sheets (if necessary) along with Technical bid.
Bidder shall furnish calculations for estimated Annual Energy Production (AEP) of the wind
power plant based on actual micro-siting of WTGs. Procedure followed viz. WAsP/PARK
method or any other method and factors considered for calculating AEP shall be detailed in
the offer.
MAP file containing contour and roughness of the site and surrounding area in digitized
Input wind data file for WAsP / PARK in the form TAB file. Chart showing year to year
Wind variation.
10-minute average time series Wind Data (speed & direction, pressure and temperature)
Class Mid Frequency Total Wind speed Wind speed Power Power
Interval Wind percent hours at measured interpolated output at output at
Speed height of at hub height Standard Site Air
...m of ... .m Air Density Density
m/sec m/sec % Hrs m/sec m/sec kW kW
Details of Reference Met Mast of NIWE near each of offered site be furnished
Obtaining correct site information with relevant details for working out AEP shall be the
responsibility of the bidder.
Proforma for Estimated Annual Delivered Energy (kWh) from Wind Energy
Power plant
Description Particulars
A Wind power plant details
1) Total Capacity (MW)
2) No. of WTGs
3) Rating of WTG (kW)
4) Name of Site
5) District
1) 1st Year
2) 2nd Year
3) 3rd year
4) 4th year
5) 5th year
6) 6th year
7) 7th year
8) 8th year
9) 9th year
1) Machine Availability
2) Grid Availability
3) Array Efficiency
4) Air Density
5) Internal/Transmission losses and consumption
6) Year to year wind variation
7) Evacuation losses if any (supported by calculation sheet)
8) Other uncertainties
9) Any other factor
Note: Bidder should clearly give the details of other uncertainty and any other
factors mentioned at Sl. No. 8 & 9 respectively in the above table, which have been
considered for estimation of Net Energy Generation. Bidder may give the details in
separate sheet also.
In case Annual Energy Production estimates are not worked out by the bidder, the value as
worked out by BEL / Consultant will be utilized for Bid Evaluation as per Section-XIII.
Signature of Bidder
Air Density:
Signature of Bidder
Description Particulars
1.0 General Data
1.1 Make of WTG
1.2 Type
1.3 Rated output (kW)
1.4 Hub height (m)
1.5 Rotor diameter (m)
1.6 No. of blades
1.7 Rotor orientation (upwind /downwind)
1.8 Power Regulation
1.9 Pitch angle for stall regulated machine
1.10 Wind Speed at rated output (m/ Sec)
1.11 Cut in wind speed (m/sec)
1.12 Cut out wind speed (m/sec)
1.13 Tip speed (m/sec)
1.14 Survival wind speed (m/sec)
a) 10 minute average at Hub Height
b) 2 seconds gust at Hub Height
1.15 Rotor speed (rpm)
1.16 Maximum designed rotor speed
1.17 a) Nacelle tilt angle
b) Angle of Cone
1.18 Voltage (V)
1.19 Voltage Variation (%)
1.20 Frequency (Hz)
1.21 Frequency Variation (%)
1.22 Rated Current (Amps)
1.23 Asymmetry variation (%)
1.24 Designed max. temp. (deg. C)
1.25 Noise level (dB) (also specify distance)
1.26 Designed life (years)
1.27 Designed turbulence intensity
2.0 Weight
2.1 Rotor (kg)
4.0 Generator
4.1 Make
4.2 Rated power output (kW)
4.3 Type (Synchronous/Asynchronous)
4.4 Make
4.5 Rated power output (kW)
4.6 Type (Synchronous/Asynchronous)
4.7 Dual speed/Variable speed
4.8 Voltage
4.9 Rated rpm
4.10 Frequency (Hz)
4.11 Current (Amps)
4.12 Coupling
4.13 Frequency
4.14 No. of poles
4.15 Insulation class
4.16 Protection type/class
4.17 Type of cooling
4.18 If forced cool then
a) Type & quantity of coolant
b) Pump rating
c) Motor make & rating
d) No. of phase
e) Motor duty cycle
5.0 Rotor
5.1 Make
5.2 Blade material
5.3 Number of blades
5.4 Rotor diameter (m)
5.5 Swept area (Sq. m)
5.6 Length of blade (m)
5.7 NACA Specification
5.8 Blades profile
5.9 Weight of each blade
5.10 Reference Standards
Ref. No., Date of issue, Name of authority
5.11 Lightning protection for blades
6.0 Tower
6.1 Make
6.2 Height (m)
6.3 Type (Tubular/Lattice)
6.4 Material
6.5 No. of Sections
6.6 Mode of Assembly
6.7 Ladder type
6.8 Safety system
6.9 Surface treatment protection
6.10 No. & type of landing platforms
6.11 Type of reptile protection
6.12 Weight
6.13 Type, Capacity & details of Lift
9.0 Hub
9.1 Make & Type
9.2 Material
12.0 Coupling
12.1 Make
12.2 Type & specification
13.0 Nacelle
13.1 Material
13.2 Type of nacelle bed
18.0 Sensors
Signature of Bidder
Description Unit Particulars
1. Service
2. Type
3. Make
4. Rating kVA
5. Rated frequency Hz
6. No. of Phase
HV Side No
LV Side No
7. Rated Voltage
HV winding kV
LV winding kV
Range %
No. of steps
In steps of
Winding by resistance Deg. C C
14. Terminals
HV Side
LV Side
i) HV (kV peak)
ii) LV
Power frequency withstand Voltage for one
minute (dry)
i) HV kV rms
ii) LV kV
at 75% load(ONAN) %
Height mm
Breadth mm
Length mm
Overall dimensions (L x B x H) mm
Core Kg
Oil weight Kg
Overall weight Kg
25. Painting
Signature of Bidder
Description Specification
1. Service (Outdoor/Indoor)
3. Rating (A)
6. Operating time
8. Insulation level
Note: Bidder is required to submit specifications of other items viz. LA, CT, PT, Isolators,
installations and single line diagram of the whole wind power plant from WTG upto grid
Signature of Bidder
Signature of Bidder
Bidder shall furnish Bar Chart for the following activities and his plan to for implementation
of the project to meet the completion date. This information shall be in addition to detailed
project schedule and other information he is required to furnish as part of his offer. The
activities indicated herein are minimum activities for which bidder shall furnish the required
information. Bidders are encouraged to furnish more detailed information in their offer.
Description Particulars
Land offered (Revenue / Forest / Private(with or without
NA conversion))
Details of Allotment in case of Govt. revenue / forest land.
1. The Bidder should preferably give all the above and any other documents found
relevant to satisfy BEL and attach extra sheets (if necessary). In case of any of the
above not available, the same shall be communicated to BEL.
2. All the documents submitted along with bids will be verified with originals and also on
site visits during due diligence by BEL / BEL authorized Experts.
Signature of Bidder
Description Particulars
A. Details of Wind Mast
1. Whether Wind mast of NIWE / Bidder’s own
2. Source of wind data (Published or own data)
Distance & direction from the proposed site (To
mark on SOI map)
4. Height of wind mast
5. Make of data logger (in case of own mast)
Whether approved by NIWE / MNRE / State
Nodal Agency (in case of own mast)
7. Period of Wind data collection
Supply of Wind Turbine Generators, : 1 Set
Erection, Testing, Commissioning, Synchronization with Grid and handing over of
Wind Turbine Generators, : 1 Set
Turbine Generators : 1 AU
3. Cost of land considering the lease / sublease/ outright purchase to BEL including all
necessary Civil works and all liaison works with Govt., departments for establishing
Wind Turbine Generator, 4.0MW including payment of statutory fees to Govt. stamp
duty for leased land, payment to third parties, all types of taxes, levies etc., as
required / instructed as enumerated in the scope of work elsewhere.
Comprehensive operation and maintenance of Wind Turbine Generators for Eight
(08) Years (on yearly basis) after warranty period of Two (02) years : 1 AU
1. The Price should be uploaded in the (cover-3, price bid) provision available in the
e-procurement portal.
2. The O&M charges should be quoted on ‘Firm’ Basis.
3. Any item of work not mentioned in the above particulars but written elsewhere in the
scope of work or technical specifications or essentially required for efficient
operation and maintenance of wind power plant, safety of equipment and operating
personnel, shall be deemed to have been included in the above particulars.
4. The prices mentioned in the online e-procurement portal shall be taken into
consideration for evaluation of bids as per details mentioned in bid evaluation criteria.
5. Any variation observed elsewhere in the bid shall not be applicable.
6. Any incentive subsidy granted by the Central / State Government shall be to the
benefit of BEL
7. Any statutory changes in taxes and duties will be to BEL’s account.
Annexure - 1
1.0 Whereas Bharat Electronics Ltd. ("BEL") having its registered office at Outer Ring
Road, Nagavara, Bengaluru-560045, India, acting through its Engineering Services
Division Unit/SBU, represented by General Manager, hereinafter referred to as the
Principal and the first party, proposes to award Purchase Order/Works Contract
……………………………… and
…….…………..., represented by ………………………………………….., Chief
Executive Officer (which term, unless expressly indicated by the contract, shall be
deemed to include its successors and its assignee), hereinafter referred to as the
Bidder and the second party, is willing to offer/has offered the stores/services.
3.0 Objectives:
Now, therefore, the Principal and the Bidder agree to enter into this pre-contract
agreement, hereinafter referred to as Integrity Pact, to avoid all forms of corruption by
following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any influence / unprejudiced
dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the currency of the contract to be entered
into with a view to:
3.1 Enabling the Principal to obtain the desired product at a competitive price in
accordance with the specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary
impact of corruption on public procurement, and
3.2 Enabling bidder to abstain from bribing or any corrupt practice in order to secure the
contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also refrain from
bribing and other corrupt practices and the Principal will commit to prevent
corruption in any form by their employee(s) by following transparent procedures.
The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and
to observe the following principles:
4.1 The Principal undertakes that no employee(s) of the Principal, connected directly or
indirectly with the contract, will demand, take a promise for or accept, directly or
through intermediaries, any bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material
or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the Bidder, either for themselves or
for any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for an
advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation
process related to the Contract.
4.2 The Principal will, during the pre-contract stage, treat all Bidders alike, and will
provide to all Bidders the same information and will not provide any such information
to any particular Bidder which could afford an advantage to that particular bidder in
comparison to other bidders.
4.3 All the employee(s) of the Principal will report to the Management any attempted or
completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion of
such a breach.
4.5 The principal will exclude from the process all the known employees with conflict of
5.0 In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of such employee(s) is reported by
the Bidder to the Principal, with full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie
found to be correct by the Principal, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other
action as deemed fit, including criminal proceedings under the IPC / PC Act may be
initiated by the Principal and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings
related to the contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by
the Principal the proceedings under the contract would not be stalled. The principal
will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer in all such cases.
The Bidder commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt
practices, unfair means and illegal activities during any stage of his bid or during any
pre-contract or post-contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to
secure it and in particular commits himself to the following:
6.1 The Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, consideration,
gift, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage,
commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any employee(s) of the principal,
connected directly or indirectly with bidding process, or to any person, organization
or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the bidding,
evaluation, contracting and implementation of the Contract.
The Bidder further undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give,
directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or
immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to
any employee(s) of the Principal or otherwise in procuring the Contract or forbearing
to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the Contract
or any other Contract with the Principal for showing or forbearing to show favour or
disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract or any other Contract with respect
to the Principal’s Organisation.
6.2 The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the
transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting
and implementation of the contract.
6.3 The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair
means and illegal activities.
6.4 In cases of Purchase/Subcontract orders, the Bidder confirms and declares to the
Principal that the Bidder is the original manufacturer/authorized distributor/
authorized govt. sponsored Export entity.
6.5 The Bidder confirms and declares to the Principal that it has not engaged any
individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in
any way to recommend to the Principal, or any of its functionaries, whether officially
or unofficially to the award of the contract to the Bidder; nor has any amount been
paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or Company in
respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation.
6.6 The Bidder(s) / Contractors(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the name and address of
the Agents / representatives in India, as exist. Similarly, the Bidder(s)/Contractors(s)
of Indian Nationality shall furnish the name and address of the foreign principals.
6.7 The Bidder, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or
before signing the contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to
or intends to make to employee(s) of the Principal or their family members, agents,
brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of
services agreed upon for such payments.
6.8 The Bidder shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or
pass on to others, any information provided by the Principal as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details; including
information contained in any electronic data carrier. The Bidder also undertakes to
exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.
6.9 The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any
other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
6.10 The Bidder shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of
the actions mentioned above.
7.1 The Bidder declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years -
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any
country in respect of any corrupt practices envisaged herein or with any Public Sector
Enterprise in India or any Government Department in India, that could justify bidders'
exclusion from the tender process.
7.2 If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, Bidder can be disqualified
from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such
9.1 Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the Bidder or any one employed by him or
acting on the behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the Bidder) or the
commission of any offence by the Bidder or any one employed by him or acting on
his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention
of Corruption Act 1988 or any other act enacted for the prevention of corruption shall
entitle the Principal to take all or any one of the following action, wherever required:
(i) To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any
reason or giving any compensation to the Bidder and to impound any earnest
money deposit, if made by the Bidder. However, the proceedings with the other
Bidder(s) would continue.
(ii) The Earnest Money / Security Deposit shall stand forfeited either fully or
partially, as decided by the Principal and the Principal shall not be required to
assign any reason therefore.
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed without giving any
compensation to the Bidder.
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the Principal, and in case of an Indian
Bidder with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending
Rate, while in case of a Bidder from a country other than India with interest
thereon at 2% higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due by the
Principal to the Bidder in connection with any other contract for any other
stores, such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recover the aforesaid
sum and interest.
(v) To encash the bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty bond, if furnished
by the Bidder, in order to recover the payments, already made by the Principal,
along with interest.
(vii) To debar the Bidder from entering into any bid from the Principal for a
minimum period of five years, which may be further extended at the discretion
of the Buyer.
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this pact by the Bidder(s) to any
middleman or agent or broker with a view to securing the contract.
(ix) If the Bidder or any employee of the Bidder or any person acting on behalf of
the Bidder, either directly or indirectly, is closely related to any of the
employee(s) of the principal, or alternatively, if any close relative of an
employee(s) of the Principal has financial interest/stake in the Bidder's firm, the
same shall be disclosed by the Bidder at the time of filing of tender. Any failure
to disclose the interest involved shall entitle the Principal to rescind the contract
without payment of any compensation to the Bidder.
The term 'close relative' for this purpose would mean spouse whether residing
with the Principal’s employee or not, but not include a spouse separated from
the Principal’s employee by a decree or order of a competent court; son or
daughter or step son or step daughter and wholly dependent upon Principal’s
employee, but does not include a child or step child who is no longer in any way
dependent upon the Principal’s employee or of whose custody the Principal’s
employee has been deprived of by or under any law; any other person related,
whether by blood or marriage, to the Principal’s employee or to the Principal’s
employee's wife or husband and wholly dependent upon Principal’s employee.
(x) The Bidder shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any
monetary dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of
the Principal, and if he does so, the Principal shall be entitled forthwith to
rescind the contract and all other contracts with the Bidder. The Bidder shall be
liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the principal resulting from
such rescission and the Principal shall be entitled to deduct the amount so
payable from the money(s) due to the Bidder.
(xi) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any
contract signed by the Principal with the Bidder, the same shall not be opened.
9.2 The decision of the Principal or his nominee to the effect that the Bidder has
committed breach of the provisions of this Integrity Pact shall be final and binding on
the Bidder, however the Bidder can approach monitor (s) appointed for the purpose of
this Pact as per Clause 11 of Pact agreement.
The Bidder undertakes that he has not supplied/is not supplying the similar systems or
subsystems at a price lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any other
Defence Public Sector Undertakings / Ministry of Defence and if it is found at any
stage that the similar system or subsystem was supplied by the Bidder to any other
Defence Public Sector Undertakings/ Ministry of Defence at a lower price, then that
very price, with due allowance for elapsed time, will be applicable to the present case
and the difference in the cost would be refunded by the Bidder to the Principal, if the
contract has already been concluded.
11.1 The Principal has appointed Independent External Monitor for this Pact in
consultation with Central Vigilance Commission (Names and addresses of the
Monitors are given below). The task of the Monitor is to review independently and
objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under
this agreement.
The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and
performs his functions neutrally and independently. He will convey his observations
to the Chairman & Managing Director, BEL.
11.2 The Bidder accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without restriction to all
project documentation of the Principal including that provided by the Bidder. The
Bidder will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid
interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same
is applicable to Subcontractors. The Monitor is under obligation to treat the
information and documents of the Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Subcontractor(s) with
11.3 The monitor has signed “Non-Disclosure Agreement” and of “Declaration of Absence
of Conflict of interest”. In case of any conflict of interest arising at a later date, the
IEM shall inform Chairman, BEL and recuse himself / herself from that case.
11.4 The principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings
among the parties related to the project provided such meetings could have an impact
on the contractual relations between the Principal and the Contractor. The parties
offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings.
11.5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he
will so inform the Management of the Principal and request the Management to
discontinue or take corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The monitor
can in this regard submit non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the
Monitor has no right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific
manner, refrain from action or tolerate action.
11.6 The Principal reserves the right to refer a particular case to any other approved
Independent External Monitor(s) as and when felt necessary. In such an event, the
IEM nominated as per Para 11.1 shall examine the case jointly with those whom the
case is referred to as per this Para.
11.7 The Monitor will submit a written report to the Chairman, BEL within 8 to 10 weeks
from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Principal and, should the
occasion arise, submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.
11.8 If the Monitor has reported to the Chairman BEL, a substantiated suspicion of an
offence under relevant IPC / PC Act, and the Chairman BEL has not, within the
reasonable time taken visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to
the Chief Vigilance Officer, the Monitor may also transmit this information directly to
the Central Vigilance Commissioner.
13.0 Law and Place of Jurisdiction: This Pact is subject to Indian Law. The place of
performance and Jurisdiction is the Corporate Office of the Principal i.e., at
Bangalore. “A person signing IP, while representing the matters to the IEMs will
await their decision in the matter and shall not approach the courts.”
14.0 Other Legal Actions: The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without
prejudice to any other legal action that may follow in accordance with the provisions
of the extant law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings.
15.0 Validity:
15.1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend till the
complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both the Bidder and the
15.2 Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of
this Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to
their original intentions.
General Manager Chief Executive Officer
Engineering Services Division
Bharat Electronics Ltd.,
1. 1.
2. 2.
The blue ink signed and stamped hard copy of Integrity Pact shall be deposited in the
tender box situated in the “Office of Manager (Purchase/ES), Engineering Services,
M/s. Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli Post, Bengaluru – 560 013” on or before
stipulated due date and time for submission of tenders. Tenders submitted online
without submitting the required Integrity Pact shall be liable for rejection.
Annexure - 2
Date: ……………………
Manager (MM/ES)
Engineering Services,
Bharat Electronics Limited,
Jalahalli Post,
Dear Sir/Madam,
1.0 I / We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
‘Tender/Work’ from the web site(s) namely: as per your
advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s).
2.0 I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender
documents i.e., Instructions to Tenderers and Conditions for Submission of Tender,
Standard Terms and Conditions of Tender, Special Conditions of Tender, Detailed
Technical Specification, BOQ, which form part of the Tender agreement and I / we
shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein.
3.0 The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organizations too
have also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
4.0 I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender
document(s) / corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
5.0 I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted/ debarred by any Govt.
Department/Public sector undertaking.
6.0 I / We certify that all information furnished by our Firm is true & correct and in the
event that the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your
department/ organization shall without giving any notice or reason therefore or
summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other rights
or remedy including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit absolutely.
Yours Faithfully,
Annexure - 3
From: (__________________Bank)
To: The President of India (represented _________________________)
Ministry of Defence, Government of India
Dear Sir,
2. We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and guarantee by any
arrangements, variations made between you and the SELLER, indulgence to the SELLER by
you, or by any alterations in the obligations of the SELLER or by any forbearance whether as
to payment, time performance or otherwise.
4. This Performance guarantee shall remain valid for a period until three months beyond the
scheduled period as specified in the contract.
5. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing or on before the
aforesaid expiry date as provided in the above referred contract or unless this guarantee is
extended by us, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be
discharged from the liabilities hereunder.
6. This guarantee shall be continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged by and change in the
Constitution of the Bank or in the constitution of M/s ______________________ We
undertake no to revoke this guarantee during the currency except with previous consent of
BUYER in writing.
Annexure - 4
From: (__________________Bank)
To: The President of India (represented _________________________)
Ministry of Defence, Government of India
Dear Sir,
2. We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and guarantee by any
arrangements, variations made between you and the SELLER, indulgence to the SELLER by
you, or by any alterations in the obligations of the SELLER or by any forbearance whether as
to payment, time performance or otherwise.
4. This Performance guarantee shall remain valid for a period until three months beyond the
scheduled period as specified in the contract.
5. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing or on before the
aforesaid expiry date as provided in the above referred contract or unless this guarantee is
extended by us, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be
discharged from the liabilities hereunder.
6. This guarantee shall be continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged by and change in the
Constitution of the Bank or in the constitution of M/s ______________________ We
undertake no to revoke this guarantee during the currency except with previous consent of
BUYER in writing.
Annexure - 5
For supply of Wind Turbine Generators, Land, installation and commissioning of 4.0 MW
Wind Energy Power Plant.
O&M CHARGES – 10th
1. The Placement of Service order for CAMC & duration period of CAMC will be at the
discretion of the BEL management.
2. O&M charges (post warranty period) will be paid on quarterly basis at the end of each
quarter after completion of work based on the certification by BEL Engineer-in-charge
BEL and against submission of bank guarantee and bank confirmation.
3. Annexure – 5 is only for reference, price details should not be mentioned and
Special Instructions:
(a) Bidders shall mention the unit basic rate at Column No. 13 of BOQ, unit GST for the
respective line item shall be of "Absolute Value" in column No.15. Other duties, taxes
etc., (if any) shall be mentioned in Column No. 20 of BOQ against each line item.
(b) Price breakup for multiple item's within Sl.No.1 (such as No. of WTG's, No. of
Transformer's etc.,) will be obtained from the successful bidder. Hence, bidders shall
be conscious while mentioning the "Absolute Value" in Column no. 13,15 and 20 of
BOQ. Similarly, price breakup for other line items will be obtained (if required).
(c) Bidder shall indicate applicable GST (in absolute figure) for development of land and
others in Column No.15 of BOQ. Bidder may also be aware that, basic rate of land
attracts ‘Nil’ GST.
(d) Duty or taxes other than indicated in Column No. 15 shall be mentioned in Column
No.20 of BOQ.
(e) Price breakup provided by successful bidder should match with the total price of
respective line item of BOQ.
(f) If in case of variation, price break up provided by the bidder will not be considered
and the revised price break up will be obtained.