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AUGUST 2007.

Prepared By:

Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ 1



2.1 Hydrogeology......................................................................................... 1
2.2 Methodology of the Geophysical survey................................................1
2.3 Site selection………..

3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................2

Annex 1- Survey summary sheets for Teregu Borehole site

Hydrogeological Investigation Report August 2007 2


At the request of Awany- NUSAF Programme, a hydrogeological

investigation has been carried out by GEOPLAN Ltd. at Teregu, Kathile
S/Cty, Kaabong District
The objective of the study was to determine a suitable location for the
drilling of a hand-pump borehole, to supply water to the community under
NUSAF Programme.

To assess the groundwater potential of the area, all available

hydrogeological data, including the topographical map, existing reports,
geological map and borehole data have been analyzed. The investigations
considered all aspects relevant to groundwater availability, distribution and
sustainability. These were supplemented by geophysical investigations at
selected sites. A desk study and subsequent fieldwork were carried out.
Sites for borehole drilling have been recommended after a thorough analysis
and interpretation of all the data.

In chapter 2 some of the general information with regard to survey

methodology and the hydrogeology of the area typical for the site are given,
as well some information on the existing boreholes in the area. In chapter 3
the results of the survey are summarized and recommendations are given
with regard to the drilling at the site.
Details of the survey are given in the survey summary sheets listed in annex 1 plus sketches of
the location of these sites.


2.1 Hydrogeology

Groundwater in the information encountered in the investigated area

generally occurs in the weathered rock, or overburden (regolith), and in the
fractured rock. The weathered rock may have a good transmissivity and
storage abilities to provide some yield; generally, however the better aquifer
are found in the contact zone between the overburden and the fresh rock.
This zone is mechanically disintegrated with less secondary clay minerals
resulting in a higher transmissivity. Ultimately the highest yielding aquifer
in this area is expected in the fractured bedrock. Boreholes are usually
drilled into the fractured bedrock where permeability is rather high and
where the storage can be provided by the overburden. Large and deep,
fractured aquifers may be recharge through connected system of fractured
zones. The recharge of the shallow aquifers, found in the overburden or in
the fractured bedrock generally depended on the size of the catchment area
and the Lithology character of the overburden.

2.2 Methodology of the Geophysical Surveys

Hydrogeological Investigation Report August 2007 2

The geophysical surveys were focused on areas indicated to be favorable by
the client, as well as areas with good groundwater potential in terms of
topography and geological features.
The geophysical survey was done by means of the resistivity measurements
in the form of the profiles and vertical electrical soundings using the
Terrameter. The resistivity profile was run with ½ AB distances of 80m and
a station interval of 10m. The aim of the survey with the resistivity profiles is
to map anomalies in resistively values caused by the presence of fractured
zone, and or deeper weathering profile that maybe favorable for
groundwater abstractions. The anomalous measurements were expected
near the anticipate lineaments; which were mapped. For this reason the
profiles were to be run across the lineament features. Vertical electrical
soundings were subsequently to be carried out on the promising sites of the
profile. The soundings were carried to get an insight in the differences in
depth and type of the overburden. It should be stressed that in the absence
of the well log data of borehole drilled on sounding sites the interpretations
of the depths of the layers should be considered more qualitatively than
quantitatively. Electrical line profiling was deserted since there was no significant change in
the resistivity values obtained. And fractured system could not be detected with any accuracy.
Faillance (1973)

2.3 Site selection

Sites were selected based on geophysical survey results, topography, nature

of the anomaly, pre-bedrock resistivity and calibration results. Other
aspects considered included accessibility to the site, sanitation around the
site and client’s considerations


 Based on the investigations, the studies indicate that the groundwater

potential in the area is low but however it is possible to obtain yields
that can sustain hand pump.
 Groundwater is expected in the fractured zones.
 Site may be inaccessible during the rainy seasons.
 The Geology expected is similar to what has been found during desk study. This consists
of black cotton soils and is underlain by Basement Complex rocks characterised by
undifferentiated gneiss and granite. In some areas there are quartz horizons.

It is thus recommended that:

(a) Drilling should be carried out at the location where VES-4 (Site) was

(b) About 30m of casing pipes will be required for borehole construction.

(c) Drilling should be as deep as possible to penetrate the aquifer fully,

and in any case not less than 100. Drilling will be stopped once
enough water has been obtained. All the water available in the

Hydrogeological Investigation Report August 2007 2

weathered zone should be tapped through screening the borehole to
maximize the yield.



Hydrogeological Investigation Report August 2007 2




VES-4 is located in Teregu situated in Kathile Parish,
DESCRIPTION OF Kathile sub-county, at distance of about 1.4 km from
THE LOCATION The road leading to Kalapala

TOPOGRAPHY Teregu is located on a gentle slope. VES – 4 is near a

According to the geological map, the area consists of
GEOLOGY reddish brown soils and is underlain by Basement Complex rocks
characterised by undifferentiated gneiss and granite.

HYDROGEOLOGY The area is characterized by the presence of seasonal

streams, which dries up during dry seasons. The main
water supply options are shallow wells, streams, rain
water, and deep boreholes
No fractures are indicated on the geological map of the
STRUCTURAL area of interest. In the neighborhood of the school N-S
FEATURES trending valley is found. This valley seems to be
structurally controlled as can be seen by their strike
The geophysical surveys was focused on detecting the
GEOPHYSICS center of the inferred fractured zone coinciding with
mapped lineament by means of resistivity profiling
perpendicular to the lineament. The profile was done
using a ½ AB distance of 58m, and ½ MN distances of
5m, and station interval of 10m.
VES-1 Curve generally has high resistivity at shallow
SOUNDINGS depth, possibly due to laterites. Low
groundwater potential, site is not
recommended for drilling.
VES-2 Curve generally has high resistivity and PBR
values. Less saturation bedrock is expected.
Low groundwater potential, site not
recommended for drilling.
VES-3 Curve generally has low resistivity at shallow
depth, possibly due to clay and low PBR
values. Saturation zone is expected between
30 and 60m. Low groundwater potential, site
is not recommended for drilling.

Hydrogeological Investigation Report August 2007 2

VES-4 Curve generally has low resistivity at shallow
depth, possibly due to clay and low PBR
values. Saturation zone is expected between
78 and 90m. Medium groundwater potential,
site is recommended for drilling.

EDB: Expected depth to bedrock (m), PBR: Pre-bedrock resistivity (ohm),

RDD: Recommended drilling depth (m),

Hydrogeological Investigation Report August 2007 2

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