Roccatello 2011
Roccatello 2011
Roccatello 2011
doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfr109
Advance Access publication 8 March 2011
Downloaded from at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on May 12, 2014
Dario Roccatello, Savino Sciascia, Daniela Rossi, Mirella Alpa, Carla Naretto, Simone Baldovino,
Elisa Menegatti, Rita La Grotta and Vittorio Modena
compared to conventional immunosuppressive treatment, score was separately assessed by two investigators (S.S. and M.A.) specif-
while the major target of uncontrolled studies was testing ically trained for activity score processing in rheumatology.
In order to prevent possible interferences in biological detection due
its role in refractory cases or in patients who were intolerant to complex formation of rituximab and antibody, serum samples were
to conventional treatments. collected 6 months after the last drug administration.
The present study focuses on the effects of an intensive Human anti-chimeric antibodies directed against rituximab were
course of therapy, using rituximab in combination with quantified using validated antigen-binding tests radio immuno assay
(RIA), while levels of therapeutic antibodies were assessed using validated
two intravenous pulses of cyclophosphamide and three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, both performed at Sanquin Diag-
pulses of methylprednisolone and followed by a short course nostic Services (Amsterdam, NH) on a routine base.
of prednisone, given prospectively to a selected cohort of Due to the low number of patients, mainly descriptive statistical anal-
severe patients. This intensive short-time treatment gave yses were performed. For comparing means between SLEDAI scores at
prolonged remissions even though maintenance therapy the beginning and at 12 months of study, the paired t-test was used. Differ-
ences among study groups were analyzed by multifactorial analysis of
consisted of only 5 mg prednisone since the second month. variance. Differences were considered statistically significant when two-
This represents the novelty of this open single-center study. sided P-values were <0.05. Statistical analyses were carried out using
StatView 5.0.1 for Macintosh (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
This study was performed according to the local rules of off-label
Methods therapy in Piedmont Region (Northwest Italy).
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Baseline data are summarized in Table 1.
Eight patients, six women and two males, six white and two black
subjects, mean age 41 years (range 27–51 years), with severe multiorgan Results
involvement including kidney (five cases, including three patients with
Class IV and two with Class V International Society of Nephrology/Renal Treatment with rituximab resulted in complete depletion of
Pathology Society glomerulonephritis), skin lesions (six cases, with ne-
crotizing ulcers in four), involvement of central nervous system [2], poly- B cells in peripheral blood, as shown by the percentage of
neuropathy [4], severe polyarthralgias with arthritis [8], polyserositis [3], CD20-positive cells, diminishing from the pre-treatment
lymphadenopathy [4], secondary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome mean value of 18% (5.6–25%) to 0.1% 7 days after the
(APS) (two cases), were considered eligible for rituximab therapy due fourth infusion. No CD20-positive cells were found to be
to their resistance or intolerance to previous therapy (six cases) or as a
front line immunosuppressive treatment in two women with unsatisfactory
detectable at 12 months. A definite reappearance of CD20-
therapeutic compliance (#1) or as a specific request of a short-time im- positive cells was observed only after 18 months (mean
munosuppression for gestational perspectives (#7). value 14.2%, range 4.6–22%).
Previous immunosuppressive therapy included steroids in every case Rituximab blood levels were invariably undetectable
(three intravenous pulses of 15 mg/kg methylprednisolone followed by 6 months after the last drug administration.
prednisone 1 mg/kg/day for at least 4 weeks with subsequent tapering
according to clinical features), cyclophosphamide (given in a monthly intra- Anti-rituximab antibody levels were undetectable (i.e.
venous dose of 1 g for 6 months in Patient #4 and both intravenously and <12 AU/mL) in all cases but one (Patient #5) showing very
orally for a cumulative dose of 9 g in Patient #3) in two nephritis patients, high levels (1500 AU/mL).
azathioprine in three patients, mycophenolate mofetil in three patients, As shown in Figure 1, levels of erythrocyte sedimenta-
methotrexate in one non-nephritis patient, cyclosporine A in four cases,
hydroxychloroquine in six cases and thalidomide in one patient.
tion rate and anti-double-strand (ds) DNA antibodies sig-
Rituximab was administered intravenously at a dose of 375 mg/m2 on nificantly decreased (P < 0.01 at 12 months), whereas C3
Days #2, 8, 15 and 22. Two more doses were administered 1 and 2 months and mainly C4 values increased at 6 months (P < 0.01 for
following the last weekly infusion. This treatment was combined with two C4) and remained within the normal range at 12 months.
pulses of 750 mg cyclophosphamide (Days #4 and 17) and three intravenous Before treatment, only two patients had an increase in
pulses of 15 mg/kg (Days #1, 4 and 8) methylprednisolone followed by oral
prednisone, 50 mg for 2 weeks rapidly tapered until 5 mg in 2 months. serum creatinine [#3, serum creatinine 2.30 mg/dL, estimated
Response was evaluated by assessing the changes in clinical signs and glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)-Modification of Diet in Re-
symptoms and laboratory parameters for at least 12 months. SLEDAI nal Disease (MDRD) 33 mL/min; #4, serum creatinine 1.20
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of eight patients treated with rituximab under studya
Response duration
Pt/gender (age), SLE duration before (months) at last
ethnicity RTX (years) follow-up visit Manifestations
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Fig. 1. Serologic profile of the SLE patients treated with rituximab. Anti-DNA antibodies (a DNA), erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR), eGFR,
evaluated by MDRD [8], and C4 were evaluated at 0, 3, 6 at 12 months.
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Fig. 3. Renal function valuated by serum creatinine, proteinuria and serum proteins of a representative case treated with rituximab (Table 1, #3). Notably,
proteinuria decreased from 10 to 2 g/24 h and creatinine from 2.8 to 1.5 within 1 month, dropping to normal range in 9 weeks.
et al. [11] found that peripheral blood B-cell abnormalities in ing and avoid prolonged administration of conventional
patients with SLE, including naive B-cell lymphopenia and immunosuppressant drugs, obtained long-lasting responses
increased memory B cells and plasmoblasts, were corrected without relapse in patients with cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis
by rituximab treatment. because of a more extensive tissue depletion of CD20-
Our patients did neither show significant mild-to- positive cells [27–29]. Accordingly, reappearance of
moderate infusion reactions nor clinically relevant infec- CD20-positive cells in circulation was found in our SLE
tion sequelas. Rituximab has proven to be generally well patients only after 18 months.
tolerated. However, it has been rarely associated with se- This is an uncontrolled single-center study in severe SLE
rum sickness, agranulocytosis, fatal infections especially patients showing promising results similar to those obtained in
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy [20–24]. The Lu’s large series in comparably difficult patients [34]. These
incidence of serious infections could be quantified in a results are in contrast with two recently concluded controlled
representative cohort of 1053 rheumatoid arthritis patients trials. Both ‘Explorer’ [5] and ‘Lunar’ [6] were randomized,
as 5.4 events per 100 patient-year [25]. Fatal infections double-blind placebo-controlled studies addressed to deter-
were invariably associated to the combination of rituximab mine the additional efficacy of rituximab added to standard
with conventional immunosuppressants, especially gluco- immunosuppressive therapy in moderate or severe SLE with
corticoids in moderate to high doses, azathioprine, myco- [6] or without nephritis [5]. Despite a significant improvement
Downloaded from at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on May 12, 2014
phenolate mofetil and cyclophosphamide, rather than in anti-dsDNA and complement levels in rituximab-treated
rituximab alone [26]. patients of both studies, and a definite trend toward a greater
A steroid and immunosuppressant-sparing strategy is control of disease activity of the rituximab arm in the ‘Lunar’
probably mandatory to avoid the rare but fatal complica- study, both trials failed to demonstrate statistically significant
tions of combination therapy. A combination of rituximab differences between rituximab and placebo groups with re-
with a short-term intensive steroid treatment and low doses gard to efficacy on clinical activity. Background treatment,
of intravenous cyclophosphamide was used in this open concomitant therapies and ethnic factors have been empha-
study in order to offer the patients an effective therapy sized as relevant factors in explaining the different outcomes
limiting the effects of a prolonged immunosuppression vir- of patients examined in controlled and uncontrolled studies [8,
tually abolishing immunosuppressive maintenance treat- 31, 35]. As recently emphasized [7], the possible synergistic
ment. This scheme was adapted from Leandro’s effect of rituximab in combination with cyclophosphamide,
experience [2] with some modifications, mainly consisting which has been suggested by some authors to have significant
of a four plus two infusion protocol of rituximab, which advantages in complicated, refractory SLE cases [34, 36], was
was associated with a delayed occurrence of relapses in our not evaluated in randomized controlled trials.
own experience in other immune-mediated diseases [27– Moreover, open uncontrolled studies focussed on pa-
30]. Since the beginning of the third month of therapy, tients either refractory or intolerant to standard immuno-
patients were given 5 mg prednisone. The mean post-in- suppressive drugs who are not exceptionally observed in
duction follow-up was as long as 36 months (range 12–59 clinical practice. Actually, it is unlikely that these patients
months). Two patients needed a reinduction after 36 and 41 may be included in randomized controlled studies.
months and had a complete remission. Although patients treated with rituximab are B-cell de-
Our results are similar to Gunnarsson’s experience in pleted and definitely immunosuppressed, drug safety pro-
seven cyclophosphamide-resistant female patients treated file seems to be better than standard immunosuppression.
with a combination of rituximab and cyclophosphamide In conclusion, although this prospective study had major
[13]. SLEDAI score and anti-dsDNA significantly drop- limits (especially in the absence of control patient group), it
ped, while on repeat renal biopsy, improvement in the his- brings additional evidence of a role of rituximab as an off-
topatologic class of nephritis with a decrease in the renal label drug in severe cases of SLE (with or without neph-
activity index occurred in the majority of patients. ritis) who are intolerant to conventional therapy and need
It is generally accepted that there is a relationship between alternative therapeutic options. Used in an intensive short-
serum rituximab concentration and degree of B-cell deple- term course in combination with intravenous cyclophos-
tion in patients with SLE and between B-cell depletion and phamide and methylprednisolone, rituximab obtained a
reduction in disease activity score, i.e., only SLE patients long-lasting remission, which was maintained with mini-
with B-cell depletion equal or greater than <5 cells/lL did mal doses of prednisone by the beginning of the third
experience significant reduction in disease activity scores month of therapy, avoiding the need of prolonged immu-
[13]. Our patients experienced a complete B-cell depletion nosuppression and minimizing the devastating effects of
within 5 weeks following the first injection. This is expected steroids. This scheme could have a place in the context
in rheumatoid arthritis [31] but is not the rule in SLE [32]. of the acknowledged opportunity to offer patient treatments
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