Model Question 1726829044
Model Question 1726829044
Model Question 1726829044
e˛õ%Óy˚ §Ó˚ܲyÓ˚
!Óòƒy°Î˚ !¢«˛y !Ó˲yà
~§ !§ •z xyÓ˚ !ê˛ Roll No.
3. 15 cm is equal to –
3– 15 cm §Ùyl •Î˚ ÈüüüÈ
(a) 150 mm
(a) 150 mm
(b) 15 mm
(b) 15 mm
(c) 1.5 mm
(c) 1.5 mm
(d) 0.15 mm
(d) 0.15 mm
5. Which of the following characteristion is 5– !˛õl‰ˆÏ•y° ܲƒyˆÏÙÓ˚y myÓ˚y §,T˛ ≤Ã!ï˛!ӈϡ∫Ó˚ ˆ«˛ˆÏe ˆÜ˛yl‰
observed in an image formed by a pinhole camera? ˜Ó!¢T˛ƒ!ê˛ °«˛ƒ ܲÓ˚y ÎyÎ˚⁄
(a) x§ò‰ !Ó¡∫ñ §Ù¢#£Ï≈
(a) virtual image & crrect
(b) §ò‰ !Ó¡∫ñ §Ù¢#£Ï≈
(b) real image & crrect
(c) x§ò‰ xÓ¢#£Ï≈
(c) virtual & inverted
(d) §ò‰ xÓ¢#£Ï≈˛
(d) real & inverted
6. Look at the following figures and choose the 6– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ !ã˛eà%ˆÏ°y °«˛ƒ ܲˆÏÓ˚y ~ÓÇ §!ë˛Ü˛ í˛z_Ó˚!ê˛ ˆÓˆÏSÈ lyG–
correct option.
> >
> >
> >
7. Which one of the following statement is 7– È l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl‰ !ÓÓ,!ï˛!ê˛ §!ë˛Ü˛⁄
(a) a periscope works on the principle of (a) xyˆÏ°yÓ˚ ≤Ã!ï˛§Ó˚ˆÏîÓ˚ l#!ï˛Ó˚ í˛z˛õÓ˚ ˆ˛õ!Ó˚ˆÏflÒy˛õ ܲyç
refraction of light ? ܲˆÏÓ˚–
(b) a broad stream of light consists of a large (b) ~ܲ!ê˛ ≤âhflÏ xyˆÏ°yÓ˚ ≤ÃÓy• xˆÏlܲà%ˆÏ°y Ó˚!Ÿ¬ !lˆÏÎ˚
number of rays. à!ë˛ï˛–
(c) image formed by a plane mirror is either (c) §Ùï˛° ò˛õ≈î myÓ˚y à!ë˛ï˛ ≤Ã!ï˛!Ó¡∫ •Î˚ Óí˛¸ lï%˛Óy áÓ≈yܲyÓ˚
enlarge or diminished. •Î˚–
(d) our image in a plane mirror is an example (d) §Ùï˛° ò˛õ≈ˆÏî xyÙyˆÏòÓ˚ ≤Ã!ï˛!Ó¡∫ §ò‰!ӈϡ∫Ó˚ í˛zòy•Ó˚î–
of real image.
8. Shalini arranged a torch, a cylinder and a screen. 8– ¢y!°l# ~ܲ!ê˛ ê˛ã≈˛ñ ~ܲ!ê˛ ˆã˛y. ~ÓÇ ~ܲ!ê˛ ˛õò≈yÓ˚ ÓƒyÓfiÌy
ܲÓ˚° ÈüüüÈ
ê˛ã≈˛ ˆã˛y.
Torch cylinder screen ˛õò≈y
(a) ˆày°yܲyÓ˚
(a) Circular
(b) ˆã˛y.yÜ,˛!ï˛
(b) Cylindrical
(c) xyÎ˚ï˛yܲyÓ˚
(c) rectangle
9. Which of these uses a chemical reaction to 9– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl‰!ê˛ˆÏï˛ ï˛!í˛¸Í≤ÃÓy• í˛zͲõߨ ܲÓ˚ˆÏï˛ Ó˚y§yÎ˚!lܲ
produce an electric current ? !Ó!ܲÎ˚y ÓƒÓ•yÓ˚ ܲˆÏÓ˚ ÈüüüÈÈ
(a) an electric generator (a) ˜Óò%ƒ!ï˛Ü˛ ˆçlyˆÏÓ˚ê˛Ó˚
(b) a dry cell (b) ~ܲ!ê˛ !lç≈° ˆÜ˛y£Ï
(c) wind mill (c) ˛ÓyÎ˚%ܲ°
(d) all of these (d) í˛z˛õˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ §Óà%ˆÏ°y
10. An electrician wears a rubber glove while doing 10– ~ܲçl •zˆÏ°Ü˛!ê˛∆!§Î˚yl ˜Óò%ƒ!ï˛Ü˛ ˆÙÓ˚yÙ!ï˛Ó˚ §ÙÎ˚ •yˆÏï˛
electrical repairs to – Ó˚ÓyˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ @’y˲§ ˛õˆÏí˛¸ ÈüüüÈ
(a) save electricity (a) ˛ !Óò%ƒÍ §y◊Î˚ ܲÓ˚yÓ˚ çlƒ
(b) prevent himself from shock (b) ˛˜Óò%ƒ!ï˛Ü˛ ¢Ü‰˛ Óy ôyE˛y ˆÌˆÏܲ !lˆÏçˆÏܲ Ó˚«˛y ܲÓ˚yÓ˚ çlƒ
(c) just make fun (c) ˛Ùçy ܲÓ˚yÓ˚ çlƒ
(d) keep away from dirty (d) ˆlyÇÓ˚y ˆÌˆÏܲ ò)ˆÏÓ˚ ÌyܲyÓ˚ çlƒ–
11. Some electric circuits are shown in the figure. 11– !ܲS%È ï˛!í˛¸Í Óï≈˛l#Ó˚ !ã˛e ˆòáyˆÏly •°– ˆÜ˛yl‰ ˆ«˛ˆÏe ÓyÕ∫!ê˛
In which case the bulb light up ? çµ°ˆÏÓ ⁄
12. The material present inside the bulb that glows 12– ÈÓyˆÏÕ∫Ó˚ ˆË˛ï˛Ó˚ xÓ!fiÌï˛ ˛õòyÌ≈ Îy ï˛yˆÏ˛õÓ˚ ≤Ã˲yˆÏÓ í˛zIµ°
or heating is called – •Î˚ñ ˆ§!ê˛ •° ÈüüüÈ
13. If iron filings are scattered around a bar magnet, 13– ÈÎ!ò ~ܲ!ê˛ ò[˛ ã%˛¡∫ˆÏܲÓ˚ ã˛yÓ˚!òˆÏܲ ˆ°Ô•ã)˛î≈ SÈí˛¸yˆÏly ÌyˆÏܲ
most of the iron filing sticks ï˛ˆÏÓ x!ôܲyÇ¢ ˆ°Ô•ã)˛î≈ ÈüüüÈ
(a) to the centre of the magnet. (a) ã%˛¡∫ܲ!ê˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛ˆÏw xyê˛ˆÏܲ ÎyˆÏÓ
(b) to only left side of the magnet (b) ã%˛¡∫ܲ!ê˛Ó˚ ÓyÙ ≤ÃyˆÏhs˝ xyê˛ˆÏܲ ÎyˆÏÓ
(c) at the poles of the magnet (c) ã%˛¡∫ܲ!ê˛Ó˚ ˆÙÓ˚%à%ˆÏ°yˆÏï˛ xyê˛ˆÏܲ ÎyˆÏÓ
(d) None of these. (d) í˛z˛õˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ~ܲ!ê˛G lÎ˚–
14. Which of the following magnetic ores was 14– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl‰ ˆã˛Ô¡∫ܲ xyܲ!Ó˚ܲà%ˆÏ°y ≤Ãyã˛#lܲyˆÏ° ܲ¡õy§
once used as a primitive compass.
!•§yˆÏÓ ÓƒÓ•,ï˛ •ˆÏï˛y ÈüüüÈ
(a) Bauxite
(a) Ó:y•zê˛
(b) Hematite
(b) ˆ•Ùyê˛y•zê˛
(c) Magnetite
(c) ÙƒyàˆÏlê˛y•zê˛
(d) xƒy°%!Ù!lÎ˚yÙ
15. The magnetic properties of a magnet can be 15– ~ܲ!ê˛ ã%˛¡∫ˆÏܲÓ˚ ˆã˛Ô¡∫ܲ ôÙ≈ ˆ°y˛õ ˛õyÎ˚ ÈüüüÈ
destroyed by –
(a) •yï%˛!í˛¸ !òˆÏÎ˚ xyâyï˛ Ü˛Ó˚ˆÏ°
(a) hammering
(b) í˛z_Æ Ü˛Ó˚ˆÏ°
(b) heating
(c) í˛z˛õÓ˚ ˆÌˆÏܲ ˆÊ˛ˆÏ° !òˆÏ°
(c) dropping
(d) ~ˆÏòÓ˚ §Óà%ˆÏ°y ܲÓ˚ˆÏ°
(d) all of these
16. Which instrument is used to measure 16– È l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl Îsf!ê˛ ÓyÎ˚Ù% u˛°#Î˚ ã˛y˛õ ˛õ!Ó˚Ùy˛õ ܲÓ˚ˆïÏ ˛ ÓƒÓ•,ï˛
atmospheric pressure? •Î˚⁄
(a) Thermometer (a) ÌyˆÏÙ≈y!Ùê˛yÓ˚
(b) Barometer (b) ÓƒyˆÏÓy˚ !Ùê˛yÓ˚
(c) Hygrometer (c) •y•zˆ@Ï ˝Ãy!Ùê˛yÓ˚
(d) Anemometer (d) xƒy!lˆÏÙy!Ùê˛yÓ˚
17. Which of the following has a fixed shape ? 17– È l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ !l!ò≈T˛ xyÜ,˛!ï˛ !Ó!¢T˛ ⁄
(a) Milk (a) ò%ô
(b) Oxygen (b) x!:ˆÏçl
(c) Iron (c) ˆ°y•y
(d) All of these (d) í˛z˛õˆÏÓÓ˚ ˚ §ÓܲÎ˚!ê˛
18. Moving air is called 18– È ≤ÃÓy•Ùyl ÓyÎ˚%ˆÏܲ Ó°y •Î˚ ÈüÈ
(a) dust (a) ô%!°Ü˛îy
(b) smoke (b) ˆÏôyÑ Î˚y
(c) wind (c) Óyï˛y§
(d) somg (d) ˆôyÑÎ˚y¢y
21. The process of conversion of water into water 21– È ç° ˆÌˆÏܲ ç°#Î˚ ÓyˆÏ‹õ Ó˚)˛õyhs˝!Ó˚ï˛ •GÎ˚yÓ˚ ˛õÂô!ï˛ˆÏܲ
vapour is called - Ó°y •Î˚ ÈüüüÈ
(a) condensation (a) âî#˲Ól
(b) evaporation (b) Óy‹õ#˲Ól
(c) sedimentation (c) !Ìï˛yˆÏly
(d) decantation (d) xyflÀyÓl
22. When no more salt dissolves in water at a 22– ~ܲ!ê˛ !l!ò≈T˛ í˛z£÷Ïï˛yÎ˚ Îál çˆÏ° xyÓ˚ x!ï˛!Ó˚=˛ °Óî
particular temperature, then the solution at the oÓ#Ë)˛ï˛ •Î˚ly ï˛ál ˙ í˛z£÷Ïï˛yÎ˚ oÓî!ê˛ˆÏܲ Ó°y •Î˚ÈüüüÈ
temperature is called - (a) x§¡õ,=˛
(a) unsaturated (b) §¡õ,=˛
(b) saturated (c) x!ï˛˛õ,=˛
(c) supersaturated (d) ˆÜ˛yˆÏly!ê˛•z lÎ˚
(d) none of these
23. A mixture of mustard oil and kerosene oil can 23– §!Ó˚£yÏ ˆï˛° ~ÓÇ ˆÜ˛ˆÏÓy˚ !§l ˆï˛ˆÏ°Ó˚ !Ù◊îˆÏܲ ˛õ,Ìܲ ܲÓ˚yÓ˚
be separated by - ˛õÂô!ï˛!ê˛ •° ÈüüüÈ
(a) sublimation (a) í˛zÂô≈˛õyï˛l
(b) evaporation (b) Óy‹õyÎ˚l
(c) separating funnel (c) !ÓˆÏÎ˚yçܲ Êœ˛yˆÏl° myÓ˚y
(d) filtration (d) ˛õ!Ó˚flyÀ Ól˛
25. Major part of the air is - 25– ÓyÎ˚%Ó˚ §Ó≈y!ôܲ í˛z˛õyòyl!ê˛ •° ÈüüüÈ
(a) water vapour (a) ç°#Î˚ Óy‹õ
(b) oxygen (b) x!:ˆÏçl
(c) nitrogen (c) ly•zˆêÏ ˛∆yˆÏçl˛
(d) dust (d) ô)!°Ü˛îy
26. What property of a substance does the 26– ˛õòyˆÏÌ≈Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl ôÙ≈!ê˛Ó˚ í˛z˛õÓ˚ V˛yí˛¸y•z ≤Ã!ܲÎ˚y!ê˛ !lË≈˛Ó˚ ܲˆÏÓ˚⁄
process of winnowing depend on ? (a) âlc
(a) Density (b) oyÓƒï˛y
(b) Solubility (c) Óî≈
(c) Colour (d) xyܲyÓ˚
(d) Shape
27. Which of the following is a heterogeneous 27– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ ~ܲ!ê˛ x§Ù§_¥ !Ù◊î ⁄
mixture ?
(a) Salt water (a) °Óî ç°
(b) Sugar solution (b) !ã˛!lÓ˚ oÓî
(c) Lemon water (c) ˆÏ°Ó%Ó˚ ç°
(d) Miture of sand and salt (d) Óy!° ~ÓÇ °ÓˆÏîÓ˚ !Ù◊î
28. The property of materials to be compressed 28– ˛õòyˆÏÌ≈Ó˚ ˆÎ ôˆÏÙ≈Ó˚ çlƒ ~!ê˛ˆÏܲ §•ˆÏç §ÇÜ%˛!ã˛ï˛ ܲÓ˚y ÎyÎ˚
easily is known as - ï˛yˆÏܲ Ó°y •Î˚ ÈüüüÈ
(a) hardness (a) ܲy!ë˛lƒ
(b) transparency (b) fl∫FSÈï˛y
(c) softness (c) lÙl#Î˚ï˛y
(d) solubility (d) oÓl#Î˚ï˛y
29. Which of the following is a green house gas? 29– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ ~ܲ!ê˛ @˝Ã#î•yí˛z§ àƒy§⁄
(a) Helium (a) !•!°Î˚yÙ
(b) Carbondioxide (b) ܲyÓ≈l í˛y•z x:y•zí˛
(c) Nitrogen (c) ly•zˆêÏ ˛∆yˆÏçl
(d) Oxygen (d) x!:ˆÏçl
30. Which of the following is water soluble ? 30– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ çˆÏ° oyÓƒ ÈüüüÈ
(a) Vinegar (a) !˲!làyÓ˚
(b) Sugar (b) !ã˛!l
(c) Commonsalt (c) §yôyÓ˚î °Óî
(d) All of these. (d) í˛z˛õˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ §Óܲ!ê˛
31. In which of the following fruits, phosphorus is 31– Ê˛§Ê˛Ó˚y§ñ l#ˆÏã˛ í˛z!Õ‘!áï˛ ˆÜ˛yl‰ Ê˛ˆÏ° ˆÓ!¢ ˛õ!Ó˚ÙyˆÏî ˛õyGÎ˚y
available in more quantity ? ÎyÎ˚ È?È
(a) Apple (b) Orange (a) xyˆÏ˛õ° (b) Ü˛Ù°y˛
(c) Banana (d) Grapes (c) ܲ°y (d) xy.%Ó˚
32. Parallel venation is seen among which of the 32– §Ùyhs˝Ó˚y° !¢Ó˚y!Ólƒy§ l#ˆÏã˛ í˛z!Õ‘!áï˛ ˆÜ˛yl‰ àyˆÏSÈÓ˚ ˛õyï˛yÎ˚
following plants ? ˆòáy ÎyÎ˚ ⁄
(a) Pumpkin plant (b) Banyan tree (a) Ü%˛ÙˆÏí˛¸y àySÈ (b) Óê˛àySÈ
(c) Jack fruit plant (d) Paddy plant (c) ÜÑ˛yë˛y° àySÈ (d) ôyl àySÈ
35. Which of the following organs helps the 35– !lˆÏ¡¨ í˛z!Õ‘!áï˛ ˆÜ˛yl xˆÏAàÓ˚ §y•yˆÏ΃ ˆÜÑ˛ˆÏã˛y ï˛yÓ˚ Ÿªy§Ü˛yÎ≈
earthworm to respire ? ã˛y°yÎ˚ È?
(a) heart (b) gills (a) •,Í!˛õ[˛ (b) Ê%˛°Ü˛y
(c) lung (d) skin (c) Ê%˛§Ê%˛§ (d) cܲ
36. which of the following gas is produced during 36– í˛z!qˆÏòÓ˚ Ÿª§l ܲyˆÏÎ≈Ó˚ Ê˛ˆÏ° l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl àƒy§!ê˛ í˛zͲõߨ
the respiration of plant ? •Î˚ ?
(a) Oxygen (a) x!:ˆÏçl
(b) Hydrogen (b) •y•zˆÏí»˛yˆÏçl
(c) Carbon-di-oxide (c) ˛Ü˛yÓ≈lÈüÈí˛y•zÈüÈx:y•zí˛
(d) Nitrogen (d) ly•zˆÏê˛∆yˆÏçl
37. Through which of the following processes the 37– È §ç#ÓÓ› l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl ¢yÓ˚#Ó˚Ó,_#Î˚ ≤Ã!ܲÎ˚yÎ˚ ÓyÎ˚%Ù[˛ˆÏ°Ó˚
living organisms take in oxygen from air ? x!:ˆÏçl @˝Ã•î ܲˆÏÓ˚ È⁄
(a) Digetion (b) Excretion (a) ˛õ!Ó˚˛õyܲ !ܲÎ˚y (b) ˆÏÓ˚ã˛l !ܲÎ˚y
(c) Respiration (d) Cirealation (c) ˛Ÿª§l !ܲÎ˚y (d) §ÇÓ•l !ܲÎ˚y
38. In human body, which of the following forms 38– !l¡¨!°!áï˛ ˆÜ˛yl‰!ê˛Ó˚ §y•yˆÏ΃ ÙylÓˆÏòˆÏ•Ó˚ ܲyˆÏlÓ˚ í˛z˛õˆÏÓ˚Ó˚
the outer part of ear ? Óy•zˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ xÇ¢ à!ë˛ï˛ •Î˚ ?
(a) bone (b) cartilage (a) x!fiÌ (b) ï˛Ó%̊îy!fiÌ
(c) muscle (d) skin (c) ˆ˛õ!¢ (d) ã˛yÙí˛¸y
39. Rupa, a student of class VI, came to school 39– È£¤Ï ˛ ˆ◊!îÓ˚ Ó˚˛) õy xyç fl%Òˆ°Ï ~ˆÏ§ •ë˛yÍ x§%fiÌ •ˆÏÎ˚ ˛õˆÏí˛¸ˆSÏ È–
today & sunddenly fell ill. The doctor said that she í˛y=˛yÓ˚ ӈϰˆÏSÈl ~«%˛!l ï˛yˆÏܲ ¢Ü≈˛Ó˚y çyï˛#Î˚ !ܲS%È áyÓyÓ˚ áyGÎ˚yˆÏï˛
should be given some sugary food immediately. •ˆÏÓ– Órô%Ó˚y V˛ê‰˛˛õê‰˛ !ê˛!Ê˛l Ó: á%ˆÏ° ˆÎ ÎyÓ˚ áyÓyÓ˚ ~!àˆÏÎ˚ !ò°–
Her friends quickly opened their boxes and offered ï˛yÓ˚ ˆÜ˛ylê˛y áyGÎ˚y í˛z!ã˛ï˛⁄
tiffin to her. Which one should she eat ?
(a) egg omlet (b) daal pakoda (a) !í˛ˆÏÙÓ˚ GÙˆÏ°ê˛ (b) í˛y° ˛õˆÏܲyí˛¸y
(c) boiled sweet potato (d) fresh aamla (c) ˛ˆ§Âô !Ù!T˛ xy°% (d) íÑ˛y¢y xyÙ°!ܲ
40. See the picture. What happend to the child? 40– SÈ!Ó!ê˛ ˆòáñ !¢¢%!ê˛Ó˚ ܲ# •ˆÏÎ˚ˆÏSÈ⁄
41. How does mask help us ? 41– ÙyflÒ !ܲ˲yˆÏÓ xyÙyˆÏòÓ˚ §y•y΃ ܲˆÏÓ˚ ⁄
(a) it traps germs in the air (a) ÓyÎ˚%ˆÏï˛ Ìyܲy ç#Óyî% xyê˛ˆÏܲ Ó˚yˆÏá
(b) eliminates odor (b) ò%à≈rô ò)Ó˚ ܲˆÏÓ˚
(c) aids in breathing (c) ˛Ÿªy§Ü˛yˆÏÎ≈ §•yÎ˚ï˛y ܲˆÏÓ˚
(d) separates carbon-di-oxide from (d) ܲyÓ≈lÈüÈí˛y•zÈüÈx:y•zí˛ˆÏܲ x!:ˆÏçl ˆÌˆÏܲ xy°yòy ܲˆÏÓ–˚
42. Below are the names of five (5) ingredients 42– Ó#ç ˆÌˆÏܲ àySÈ àçyˆÏlyÓ˚ Óƒy˛õyˆÏÓ˚ l#ˆÏã˛ ˛õÑyã˛!ê˛ í˛z˛õyòyˆÏlÓ˚
needed to grow a plant from a seed. lyÙ ˆ°áy Ó˚ˆÏÎ˚ˆÏSÈ–
Choose the main three(3) ingredients without which ~ˆÏòÓ˚ ÙˆÏôƒ ≤Ãôyl !ï˛l!ê˛ í˛z˛õyòyl ˆÓˆÏSÈ lyG ÎyˆÏòÓ˚ SÈyí˛¸y Ó#ç
the seed will never germinate ? ܲáˆÏly•z xAÜ%˛!Ó˚ï˛ •ˆÓ ly–
43. A balanced diet contains the right amount of 43– §%£ÏÙ áyˆÏòƒ §ÙhflÏ ˛õ!Ó˚ˆÏ˛õy£Ïܲ §!ë˛Ü˛ ˛õ!Ó˚ÙyˆÏî ÌyˆÏܲñ xyÓ˚
all nutrients, and these two things written below §yˆÏÌ ÌyˆÏܲ ~•z ò%ˆÏê˛y !ç!l§G ÈüüüÈ
also go together-
(a) acid & base (a) xƒy!§í˛ G «˛yÓ˚ (b) °Óî G ç°
(b) salt & water (c) ˛!SÈÓí˛¸y G ç° (d) «˛yÓ˚ G °Óî
(c) roughase & water
(d) base & salt
44. Your school ID tells your school identity in 44– È ï%˛!Ù ˆÜ˛yl‰ fl%҈ϰ ˛õí˛¸ ï˛y §!ÓhflÏyˆÏÓ˚ ӈϰ ˆòÎ˚ ˆï˛yÙyÓ˚
detail. In plants the following usually tells about fl%҈ϰÓ˚ ˛õ!Ó˚ã˛Î˚˛õe– §yôyÓ˚îï˛ í˛z!qˆÏòÓ˚ Ù)ˆÏ°Ó˚ ˛õ!Ó˚ã˛Î˚ ӈϰ ˆòÎ˚
the root identity (root type) of the plant, - ï˛yÓ˚ ÈüüüÈ
45. Suppose you dreamed that you are a beautiful 45– ôÓ˚ñ fl∫ˆÏ≤¿ ˆòáˆÏ° ˆÎ ï%˛!Ù á%Ó §%®Ó˚ ~ܲê˛y ˛õy!á •ˆÏÎ˚
bird flying in the sky. Both your hands become xyܲyˆÏ¢ í˛zˆÏí˛¸ ˆÓí˛¸yFSÈ– •yï˛ ò%ÛˆÏê˛y ˛õyáy •ˆÏÎ˚ ¢Ó˚#Ó˚Ó˚ê˛y ˆï˛yÙyÓ˚
wings & your body looks like a bird. ˛õy!áÓ˚ Ùï˛ ˆòáyˆÏFSÈ–
Imagine what the hard bones inside your ¢Ó˚#ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ˆË˛ï˛ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ •yí˛¸à%ˆÏ°y ˆÜ˛Ùl •ˆÏÓ ï˛y xl%Ùyl ܲÓ˚ˆÏï˛
body might look like? ˛õyÓ˚ !ܲ ⁄
Mental Ability Test
46. Which one is correct in case of plasma 46– ≤’yçÙy˛õò≈yÓ˚ ˆ«˛ˆÏe ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ §!ë˛Ü˛ ÈüüüÈ
membrane -
(a) ˆ≤Ãy!ê˛l ÈüÈ !°!˛õí˛ÈüȈ≤Ãy!ê˛l
(a) Protein - Lipid - Protein (b) !°!˛õí˛Èü!°!˛õí˛ÈüȈ≤Ãy!ê˛l
(b) Lipid - Lipid - Protein (c) !°!˛õí˛ÈüȈ≤Ãy!ê˛lÈüÈ!°!˛õí˛
(c) Lipid - Protein - Lipid (d) ˆÏ≤Ãy!ê˛lÈüȈ≤Ãy!ê˛lÈüÈ!°!˛õí˛
(d) Protein - Protein - Lipid
47– ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ !ÓˆÏçyí˛¸ ÈüüüÈ
47. Which one is odd ?
(a) •yï˛ (b) ˆã˛yá
(a) Hand (b) Eye
(c) ˛õy (d) lyܲ
(c) Leg (d) Nose
(a) (b) ˛
(a) (b)
51. Arrange the following in ascending order 51– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ §Çáƒyà%ˆÏ°yˆÏܲ ÙyˆÏlÓ˚ í˛zôÁ≈ܲˆÏÙ §yçyG ÈüüüÈ
53– The predecessor of a number is ____ less 53– ˆÜ˛yl §ÇáƒyÓ˚ ˛õ)Ó≈Óï˛#≈ §Çáƒyñ ˙ §Çáƒy!ê˛Ó˚ ˛õÓ˚Óï˛#≈ §Çáƒy
than the successor of the same number. ˆÌˆÏܲ ÈüüüÈÈüüüÈÈüüüÈÈüüüÈÈüüüÈÜ˛Ù–
(a) 0 (b) 1
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) –1 (d) 2
(c) –1 (d) 2
55. 267 981 1791 76995 55– 267 981 1791 76995
3768939 92736 1556343 13416 3768939 92736 1556343 13416
The numbers which are divisible by 9 from the í˛z˛õˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ §Çáƒyà%ˆÏ°yÓ˚ ÙˆÏôƒ ˆÎà%ˆÏ°y 9 myÓ˚y !Ó˲yçƒ ˆ§à%ˆÏ°y
above table are – •° ÈüüüÈÈ
(a) 65747, 24888, 8487, 76995, (a) 65747, 24888, 8487, 76995,
267, 3768939, 13416 267, 3768939, 13416
(b) 981, 1791, 76995, 3768939, (b) 981, 1791, 76995, 3768939,
92736, 1556343, 8487 92736, 1556343, 8487
(c) 267, 1791, 1556343, 65747, (c) 267, 1791, 1556343, 65747,
981, 13416, 24888 981, 13416, 24888
(d) ˛1791, 3768939, 92736, 24888, (d) ˛ 1791, 3768939, 92736, 24888,
13416, 33416, 8487
13416, 33416, 8487
c) parallal b) °¡∫
d) intersecting c) §Ùyhs˝Ó˚y°
d) ˛õÓ˚flõÓ˚ ˆSÈò#
X X ( X
( 30 (0
( 500
30 (
( 500 > >
> >
(a) 400 (b) 800
0 0
(a) 40 (b) 80
(c) 500 (d) 300
0 0
(c) 50 (d) 30
58. 58–
The sum of the interior angles of the above í˛z˛õˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ Ó•%Ë%˛ç!ê˛Ó˚ xhsı˝fiÌ ˆÜ˛yîà%ˆÏ°yÓ˚ §Ù!T˛ •°ÈüüüÈ
polygon is –
(a) 1800 (b) 3600
(a) 1800 (b) 3600
(c) 720 (d) 10800
(c) 720 (d) 10800
59. How many triangles are there, in the following 59– !lˆÏã˛Ó˚ SÈ!Ó!ê˛ˆÏï˛ Ü˛Î˚!ê˛ !eË%˛ç xyˆÏSÈ ÈüüüÈ
figure :
(a) 10 (b) 8
(a) 10 (b) 8
(c) 12 (d) 14
(c) 12 (d) 14
60) l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˛õƒyê˛yl≈!ê˛ xl%ܲÓ˚î ܲÓ˚ ~ÓÇ ¢)lƒfiÌyl ˛õ)Ó˚î ܲÓ˚ /
60) Study the pattern and fill in the blank :
61. Find the value of x and y respectively - 61– x ~ÓÇ y ~Ó˚ Ùyl ÎÌyܲˆÏÙ
200 200
y x 1100 y x 1100
(a) 500, 1300 (b) 700, 1100 (a) 500, 1300 (b) 700, 1100
(c) 900, 900 (d) 600, 1200 (c) 900, 900 (d) 600, 1200
62) Observe the pattern and fill in the blanks : 62) l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˛õƒyê˛yl≈!ê˛ xl%ܲÓ˚î ܲÓ˚ ~ÓÇ ¢)lƒfiÌyl ˛õ)Ó˚î ܲÓ˚/
1, 4, 10, 19, _____, _____ 1, 4, 10, 19, _____, _____
a) 22, 28 a) 22, 28
b) 29, 39 b) 29, 39
c) 31, 46 c) 31, 46
d) 37, 64 d) 37, 64
63. The LCM of two co-primes is equel to their– 63– ò%!ê˛ ˛õÓ˚flõÓ˚ ˆÙÔ!°Ü˛ §ÇáƒyÓ˚ °§yà% •°ñ ˆ§•z §Çáƒy ò%!ê˛Ó˚
ÈüüüÈÈüüüÈÈüüüÈ §Ùyl–
(a) sum (b) difference (a) §Ù!T˛Ó˚ (b) !ÓˆÏÎ˚yàÊ˛ˆÏ°Ó˚
(a) 2, 4, 8 (b) 2, 5, 10
(a) 2, 4, 8 (b) 2, 5, 10
(c) 3, 5, 7 (d) 11, 13, 17
(c) 3, 5, 7 (d) 11, 13, 17
65. Find the least number to be subtracted from 65– 518164 §Çáƒy!ê˛ ˆÌˆÏܲ §Ó≈yˆÏ˛õ«˛y ˆSÈyê˛ ˆÜ˛yl‰ §Çáƒy
518164, so that the result is exactly divisible by !ÓˆÏÎ˚yà ܲÓ˚ˆÏ°ñ §Çáƒy!ê˛ 649 myÓ˚y ˛õ%ˆÏÓ˚y˛õ%!Ó˚ !Ó˲yçƒ •ˆÏÓ⁄
(a) 162 (b) 798
(a) 162 (b) 798
(c) 164 (d) 262
(c) 164 (d) 262
66. The table shows the distance, in centimetres 66– ~ܲ!ê˛ ˜ÓK˛y!lܲ ˛õÓ˚#«˛ˆÏîñ ~ܲ!ê˛ ˆÓ°%lˆÏܲ ò!í˛¸ !òˆÏÎ˚
that a balloon travelled along a string during 5 trials ˆV˛y°yˆÏly •°– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆê˛!ӈϰ 5 ÓyÓ˚ ˆÓ°%l!ê˛ˆÏܲ S%ÈшÏí˛¸ ÙyÓ˚yÓ˚
in a Science experiment. Ê˛ˆÏ° Îï˛ò)Ó˚ ˆà°ñ ï˛yÓ˚ §ÇáƒyÙyl 刧!rê˛!Ùê˛yˆÏÓ˚ä ≤Ãò!¢≈ï˛ •°Èü
Trial Distance (in cm) ≤Ã!ï˛!ê˛ ê˛∆yˆÏΰ
˚ ò)Ó˚c x!ï˛Ü˛yhs˝ 刧É!ÙÉä
1 339 1 339
2 339 2 339
3 345 3 345
4 347 4 347
5 330 5 330
What is the average distance, in centimetres the ˆÓ°%l!ê˛ ˆÎ àí˛¸ ò)Ó˚c x!ï˛Ü˛Ù ܲÓ˚°ñ ï˛yÓ˚ Ùyl ˆ§!rê˛!Ùê˛yˆÏÓ˚
balloon travelled ? •°ÈüüüÈ
67. If 4 cm and 7 cm are the length of two sides of 67– Î!ò ˆÜ˛yˆÏly !eË%˛ˆÏçÓ˚ ò%!ê˛ Óy•%Ó˚ ˜òâ≈ƒ 4 ˆ§!Ù ~ÓÇ 7 ˆ§!Ù
a triangle, then the length of third side may be - •Î˚ ï˛ˆÏÓñ ï,˛ï˛#Î˚ Óy•%!ê˛Ó˚ ˜òâ≈ƒ •ˆÏï˛ ˛õyˆÏÓ˚ ÈüÈ
68. A rope of 12.6m length is cut into 2 pieces. 68– ~ܲ!ê˛ 12.6 !Ùê˛yÓ˚ °¡∫y ò!í˛¸ˆÏܲ 2!ê˛ ê%˛Ü˛ˆÏÓ˚y ܲÓ˚y •°–
One piece is 3 times as long as the other piece. ~ܲ!ê˛ ê%˛Ü˛ˆÏÓ˚y xlƒ!ê˛Ó˚ !ï˛là%î– ˆSÈyˆÏê˛y ê%˛Ü˛ˆÏÓ˚y!ê˛Ó˚ ˜òâ≈ƒ ˛õ!Ó˚Ùy˛õ
Find the length, in metres, of the shorter piece. Ü˛ï˛ å!Ùê˛yÓ˚ ~ܲˆÏܲä⁄
(a) 6.3 m (b) 3.15m (a) 6.3 !Ùê˛yÓ˚ (b) 3.15 !Ùê˛yÓ˚
(c) 4.2m (d) 2.1m (c) 4.2 !Ùê˛yÓ˚ (d) 2.1 !Ùê˛yÓ˚
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
70. In the pattern below, which number belongs 70– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˛õƒyê˛yl≈!ê˛ xl%ܲÓ˚î ܲÓ˚ ~ÓÇ áy!° ÓyˆÏ: l¡∫Ó˚˛
in the box ? ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛⁄
0, 5, 4, 9, 8, 13, 12, 17, 16, 0, 5, 4, 9, 8, 13, 12, 17, 16,
71. Through what angle does the hour hand of a 71– â!í˛¸Ó˚ ârê˛yÓ˚ ܲyê˛y!ê˛ 2 ˆÌˆÏܲ 11 ˛õÎ≈hs˝ ˆàˆÏ° Ü˛ï˛ ˆÜ˛yˆÏî
clock turn when it goes from 2 to 11? â%Ó˚ˆÏÓ⁄È
72. In a _____ there is only one pair of paralled 72– ÈüüüÈÈüüüÈÈüüüÈÈüüüÈ ~Ó˚ ¢%ô%Ùye ~ܲˆÏçyí˛¸y Óy•% §Ùyhs˝Ó˚y°–È
(a) rhombus (b) square (a) Ó˚¡∫§ (b) Óà≈ˆ«
Ï ˛e
(c) rectangle (d) trapezium (c) xyÎ˚ï˛ˆÏ«˛e (d) ê˛∆ƒy!˛õ!çÎ˚yÙ
73. Which of the following is a rightangled triangle? 73– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ §ÙˆÏܲyî# !eË%˛ç ?
74. Which of the following solid has six faces? 74– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl âlÓ§ï%˛Ó˚˛ SÈÎ˚!ê˛ ï˛° xyˆÏSÈ⁄
(a) (a)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
75. 10 km 7 m in km is equal to 75– 10 !ܲ!Ù 7 !Ùê˛yÏÓ˚ !ܲ!ÙˆÏï˛ •° ÈüüüÈ
76– 2.2 ~ÓÇ 2.22 ~Ó˚ ÙôƒÓï˛#≈ ~ܲ!ê˛ ò¢!Ùܲ §Çáƒy •°ÈüüüÈÈ
76. A decimal number lying between 2.2 and 2.22
is (a) 2.219 (b) 2.3
(a) 2.219 (b) 2.3
(c) 2.23 (d) 2.12
(c) 2.23 (d) 2.12
77. Observe the following bar graph and answer 77– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ò[˛!ã˛e!ê˛ ˛õÎ≈ˆÏÓ«˛î ܲÓ˚ ~ÓÇ ˛≤ß¿!ê˛Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyG–
the question
400 400
Number of students
300 300
!¢«˛yÌ#≈Ó˚ §Çáƒy
200 200
100 100
0 0
Name of Schools !Óòƒy°ˆÏÎÓ˚ ˚ lyÙ
Which school has minimum students ? ˆÜ˛yl !Óòƒy°ˆÏÎ˚ !¢«˛yÌ#≈Ó˚ §Çáƒy §ÓˆÏã˛ˆÏÎ˚ ܲÙ
(a) M (b) N
(a) M (b) N
(c) O (d) P
(c) O (d) P
78. Observe the following pictograph and answer 78– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ !ã˛eˆÏ°á!ê˛ ˛õÎ≈ˆÏÓ«˛î ܲÓ˚ ~ÓÇ ≤ß¿!ê˛Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyG
the question.
ÓyÓ˚ !Óòƒy°ˆÏÎ˚Ó˚ í˛z˛õ!fiÌï˛ !¢«˛yÌ#≈Ó˚ §Çáƒy
Day Numbers of students å ù100 çlä
present in school ( =100Nos)
>> >>
>> >>
On which day maximum students were present? §ÆyˆÏ•Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!òl !¢«˛yÌ#≈Ó˚ §Çáƒy §ÓˆÏã˛ˆÏÎ˚ ˆÓ!¢ !SÈ°
79. Which gives the number of match sticks 79– !òÎ˚y¢°y•z ~Ó˚ ܲy!ë˛ !òˆÏÎ˚ ‘V’ ˛õƒyê˛yl≈!ê˛ ˜ï˛!Ó˚ ܲÓ˚ˆïÏ ˛ ܲÎ˚!ê˛
ܲy!ë˛ °yàˆÏÓ⁄
required to make the pattern V, is
(a) 2 (b) 3
(a) 2 (b) 3
81. The expression for ‘1 added to 2P is 81– ‘2P ~Ó˚ §yˆÏÌ 1 ˆÎyà ܲÓ˚y •°Û !ÓÓ,!ï˛!ê˛Ó˚ Ó#çày!îï˛#Î˚
Ó˚y!¢ •° ÈüüüÈ
(a) 2P +1
(b) 2P – 1 (a) 2P +1
(c) 1 – 2P (b) 2P – 1
82. If Apala’s present age is 2x years. What will 82– x˛õ°yÓ˚ Óï≈˛Ùyl ÓÎ˚§ 2x ÓSÈÓ˚ •ˆÏ° 7 ÓSÈÓ˚ ˛õÓ˚ ï˛yÓ˚ ÓÎ˚§
be her age after 7 years ? Ü˛ï˛ •ˆÏÓ⁄
83. What is the solution of following equation? 83– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ §Ù#ܲÓ˚î!ê˛Ó˚ §Ùyôyl ⁄È
3x + 2 3x + 2
= 19 = 19
2 2
84. How many lines of symmetry does the figure 84– l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ !ã˛e!ê˛Ó˚ ܲÎ˚!ê˛ ≤Ã!ï˛§ÙˆÏÓ˚áy Ó˚ˆÏÎ˚ˆÏSÈ⁄
85. What is the total number of lines of symmetry 85– !Ó£ÏÙÓy•% !eË%˛ˆÏç ˆÙyê˛ Ü˛Î˚!ê˛ ≤Ã!ï˛§Ù ˆÓ˚áy Ó˚ˆÏÎ˚ˆÏSÈ⁄È
of a scalene triangle ?
(a) 1 (b) 2
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) ˆÜ˛yˆÏly!ê˛•z lÎ˚
(c) 3 (d) None of these
86. Which one of the following number is 86– !lˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl‰ §Çáƒy!ê˛ xlƒ §Çáƒyà%ˆÏ°y ˆÌˆÏܲ !˲ߨ⁄
different from others ?
1 1
(c) 0.0035 × 10 (d) 3.5 × (c) 0.0035 × 10 (d) 3.5 ×
10 10
87. Perimeter of a regular polygon is 40cm. If 87– ~ܲ!ê˛ §%£ÏÙ Ó•%Ë)˛ˆÏçÓ˚ ˛õ!Ó˚§#Ùy 40 ˆ§!Ù– Î!ò Ó•%Ë)˛ˆÏçÓ˚
length of one side of the polygone is 5 cm ~ܲ!ê˛ Óy•%Ó˚ ˜òâ≈ƒ 5 ˆ§!Ù •Î˚– ï˛ˆÏÓ Ó•%Ë)˛ˆÏçÓ˚ Óy•%Ó˚ §Çáƒy
then number of sides will be •ˆÏÓÈüüüÈ
88. When the perimeter and area of a square 88– Î!ò ~ܲ!ê˛ Óà≈ˆ«Ï ˛ˆÏeÓ˚ ˛õ!Ó˚§#Ùy G ˆ«˛eÊ˛° §Çáƒyàï˛Ë˛yˆÏÓ
are numerically equal, then the numerical §Ùyl •Î˚ñ ï˛ˆÏÓ Óà≈ˆÏ«˛e!ê˛Ó˚ Óy•%Ó˚ ˜òˆÏâ≈ƒÓ˚ §yÇáƒÙyl •ˆÏÓÈüüüÈ
value of its side is
89. How many minimum number of rectangles 89– 3 ˆ§!Ù G 2 ˆ§!Ù Óy•%!Ó!¢T˛ l)ƒlï˛Ù ܲï˛à%ˆ° Ï y xyÎ˚ï˛ˆÏ«˛e
of sides 3cm and 2cm are needed to form a ˛õy¢y˛õy!¢ Ó!§ˆÏÎ˚ ~ܲ!ê˛ Óà≈ˆÏ«˛e ˜ï˛!Ó˚ ܲÓ˚y ÎyˆÏÓ
square by placing them side by side.
(a) 4 (b) 6
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) 12
(c) 8 (d) 12
90. If length of each small square is 1cm then 90– Î!ò ≤Ã!ï˛!ê˛ «%˛oï˛Ù Óà≈ˆÏ«˛ˆÏeÓ˚ Óy•%Ó˚ ˜òâ≈ƒ 1 ˆ§!Ù •Î˚ñ
the perimeter of the diagram will be ï˛ˆÏÓ !lˆÏã˛Ó˚ !ã˛e!ê˛Ó˚ ˛õ!Ó˚§#Ùy •ˆÏÓÈüüüÈ
Mathematics Mental Ability
91. Which number will replace question mark in 91– È l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ !ã˛e!ê˛ˆÏï˛ ¢)lƒfiÌyˆÏl ˆÜ˛yl §Çáƒy!ê˛ Ó§ˆÏÓ⁄
following figure?
? 27 ? 27
125 64 125 64
(a) 140
(a) 140
(b) 280
(b) 280
(c) 216
(c) 216
(d) 240 (d) 240
92. Reena said the man going on the road in my 92– È Ó˚#ly Ó°°ñ ÚÓ˚yhflÏy !òˆÏÎ˚ ˆÎ ˆ°yܲ!ê˛ ÎyˆÏFSÈlñ !ï˛!l xyÙyÓ˚
mother's husband". How in the related to ÙyˆÏÎ˚Ó˚ fl∫yÙ#Û– ˙ ˆ°yܲ!ê˛ Ó˚#lyÓ˚ §yˆÏÌ !ܲ˲yˆÏÓ §¡õ!Ü≈˛ï˛⁄
93. 15 August, 1947 was Friday. Which was the 93– È 15 xyàT˛ñ 1947 ¢%ܲÓyÓ˚ !SÈ°– ˛õÓ˚Óï≈˛# ¢%ܲÓyÓ˚ !òl
date of next Friday? Ü˛ï˛ ï˛y!Ó˚á !SÈ°⁄
94. Which of the following venn diagrams best 94– È l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl!ê˛ Ë˛yÓ˚ï˛ñ !e˛õ%Ó˚y ~ÓÇ xyàÓ˚ï˛°y ~Ó˚ §¡õÜ≈˛
depicts the relationship amongst "India, §ÓˆÏã˛ˆÏÎ˚ ˲yˆÏ°y˲yˆÏÓ ≤Ãܲy¢ ܲˆÏÓ˚⁄
Tripura, Agartala'.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
95. Choose a figure from the options which is 95– È l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛yl !ã˛e!ê˛ xlƒà%!°Ó˚ ˆÌˆÏܲ xy°yòy⁄
different from others.
(a) (a)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
96. Choose one figure from figures a to d which 96– È (a) ˆÌˆÏܲ (d) xyÜ,˛!ï˛à%!° ˆÌˆÏܲ ˆÎ ˆÜ˛yl ~ܲ!ê˛ !lÓ≈yã˛l
if joined to figure X will form a complete ܲÓ˚ ÎyÓ˚ §yˆÏÌ xyÜ,˛!ï˛ (X) Î%=˛ ܲÓ˚ˆÏ° X ~ܲ!ê˛ ˛õ%î≈
square: Óà≈ˆÏ«˛e ˜ï˛Ó˚# ܲÓ˚ˆÏÓ ı
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
97. Observe the relation between figures P and 97– È P ~ÓÇ Q xyÜ,˛!ï˛ ò%!ê˛Ó˚ ÙˆÏôƒ ˆÎ §¡õÜ≈˛ Ó˚ˆÏÎ˚ˆÏSÈ ï˛y
Q choose a figure from figures (a) to (d) ˛õÎ≈ˆÓÏ «˛l ܲÓ˚– ~ÓyÓ˚ (a) ˆÌˆÏܲ (d) ÙˆÏôƒ ˆÎ ˆÜ˛yl ~ܲ!ê˛
xyÜ,˛!ï˛ !lÓ≈yã˛l ܲÓ˚ñ Îy !ܲly ~ܲ•z §¡õÜ≈˛ ˜ï˛Ó˚# ܲÓ˚ˆÏÓ
which is related to figure R in a similar way.
R xyÜ,˛!ï˛Ó˚ §yˆÏÌ /
? ?
(a) (b) (a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
98. If REASON is coded as 5 and BALLOON 98– È Î!ò ˆÎ ˆÜ˛yl Code ˲y£ÏyÎ˚ REASON •° 5 ~ÓÇ
as 6, then what is the code for BALLOON •° 6, ï˛ˆÏ Ó ˙ Code ˲y£Ï y Î˚
(a) 6 (b) 8 (a) 6 (b) 8
99. Observe the pattern followed and find the 99– È l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˛õƒyê˛yl≈!ê˛ xl%ܲÓ˚l ܲÓ˚ ~ÓÇ ⁄ !ã˛!•´ï˛ fiÌyˆÏl §Çáƒy!ê˛
missing number : !°á /
8 16 8 16
17 15 33 23 17 15 33 23
? ?
25 19 25 19
(a) 11 (b) 12
(a) 11 (b) 12
(c) 13 (d) 14
(c) 13 (d) 14
100. Choose the odd one out: 100. l#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ ˛ˆÎ!ê˛ xy°yòy !ã˛!•´ï˛ ܲÓ˚ /
(a) >
(b) (b)
(c) >