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This paper is an attempt to appraise Pakistan’s Public Finance Management during the
last 10 years with the ultimate objective of improving the quality of public service outcomes. An
effort has been made to highlight the challenges faced by Pakistan in reducing the fiscal deficit
and managing its debt. A critical evaluation has been made of the government’s fiscal policies
for managing the key components of Public Finance.
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In Pakistan, all the three major components of PFM suffer from a myriad of problems.
These problems are worsened as all three are interlinked and therefore need immediate
attention. Revenue Management in Pakistan is plagued with persistently low Tax to GDP ratio,
narrow tax base, weak enforcement of laws, skewed tax mix, ad-hoc policies and short-term
fixes. Due to inadequacy in tax collection at provincial level, the entire burden of revenue
collection has fallen on the Federal Government/FBR alone.
Similarly, our poor Expenditure Management and resultantly high fiscal deficit is
another point of concern. Since our current expenditure constitutes a major portion of the total
expenditure, the development expenditure remains neglected. Moreover, due to misplaced
priorities, whatever little is being spent on development projects, has hardly any benefit for the
public in general and results in creation of non-productive assets. Adding to the woes is the
continuous burden of loss making SOEs, lack of contingency planning and failure of
expenditure management reforms.
On the Debt Management side, there is an exponential increase in the Public Debt as a
result of high Domestic Debt due to unchecked domestic borrowing from SBP as well as
commercial banks. This has in turn resulted into increasing the debt servicing expenditure and
crowding out the private sector. Debt mismanagement continues in the form of floating
government bonds in the international market at high interest rates.
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Considering the interlinkages of the three components of PFM, their ailments must be
addressed as a whole with solutions having long term focus rather than the usual ad-hoc
firefighting approach. Long term planning for revenue collection should include broadening the
tax base, both at the federal and provincial levels, efficient enforcement measures, monitoring of
tax officials’ performance on the basis of KPIs. Long term planning in Expenditure Control is
absolutely essential. This refers to investments in developmental projects rather than spending
scarce resources on current expenditures. There is a need to freeze the non-development
expenditures for at least three years and focus on projects aimed at social and economic
To break the current debt loop, it is important to begin by giving true autonomy to the
SBP and re-evaluate its regulations by including a fixed ratio for fund allocation to the
government and to the commercial sector. Another area that needs consideration and attention is
the lack of shared understanding between provincial and federal authorities. A Fiscal
Coordination Committee should be constituted at Federal Government level with specific
timelines and goals, to address and resolve federal and provincial jurisdiction issues.
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FY Financial Year
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PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................. ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... iii
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ........................................................................................................................... v
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 1
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM........................................................................................................... 1
SCOPE OF THE STUDY........................................................................................................................... 2
REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ............................................................................................................. 2
METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................................... 4
Organization of the Paper ........................................................................................................................... 4
Section-1 .................................................................................................................................................... 5
PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Objectives of Public Finance Management .................................................................................. 5
1.1.1 Aggregate Financial Management........................................................................................ 5
1.1.2 Operational management ..................................................................................................... 5
1.1.3 Asset Acquisition & Disposal .............................................................................................. 5
1.1.4 Treasury Management ......................................................................................................... 6
1.1.5 Review and Performance Evaluation.................................................................................... 6
1.1.6 Reporting to Stakeholders.................................................................................................... 6
1.1.7 Governance ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.8 Fiduciary Risk Management ................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Major Components of Public Finance Management ..................................................................... 8
Section-2 .................................................................................................................................................... 9
PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT IN PAKISTAN .............................................................................. 9
2.1 Legal and Institutional Framework of PFM in Pakistan................................................................ 9
Section-3 .................................................................................................................................................. 11
APPRAISAL OF PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 11
3.1 Revenue Management ............................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Inefficient Collection of Taxes:.......................................................................................... 11
3.1.2 No real growth: ................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.3 Inadequacy in tax collection at Provincial level:................................................................. 12
3.1.4 Cost of Tax exemptions: .................................................................................................... 13
3.1.5 Narrow tax base and weak enforcement: ............................................................................ 13
3.1.6 Skewed tax mix: ................................................................................................................ 13
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3.1.7 Inequity in taxation:........................................................................................................... 14
3.1.8 Ad-hoc tax policies:........................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Expenditure Management & Fiscal Deficit ................................................................................ 14
3.2.1 Nature of expenditure: ....................................................................................................... 15
3.2.2 Burden of loss making SOEs: ............................................................................................ 17
3.2.3 Misplaced priorities in development projects ..................................................................... 17
3.2.4 Lack of contingency planning: ........................................................................................... 17
3.2.5 Inconsequential effect of NFC Award: ............................................................................... 18
3.2.6 Failure of Expenditure Management Reforms .................................................................... 18
3.3 Debt Management ..................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Incorrect Bonds valuation: ................................................................................................. 21
3.3.2 Reliance on SBP and its repercussions ............................................................................... 22
3.3.3 Crowding out the private sector ......................................................................................... 22
3.3.4 Lack of SBP autonomy ...................................................................................................... 22
3.3.5 Inconsequential impact of the 18th Amendment:................................................................ 22
3.3.6 Fiscal coordination Issues .................................................................................................. 24
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................ 25
RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 27
APPENDICES.......................................................................................................................................... 32
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Public Financial Management (PFM) is the key source for improving and sustaining the
quality of public service outcomes. It is essentially the management of financial resources in
order to optimally address national and local priorities. It also includes the management of
available resources for investment and the cost-effectiveness of public services. Efficient PFM
thus enhances and sustains economic and social growth in a country.
The aim of PFM is to create and maintain effective, efficient and transparent management
of public finances through the use of laws, organizations and systems. It includes revenue and
other resource mobilization, expenditure and debt management, budget making process,
information & accounting systems and internal and external audit. 1 The importance of PFM is not
to be underestimated as inefficient PFM systems have serious repercussions and can lead to misuse
and misallocations of resources and waste of finances.
Proper PFM is especially important in developing countries, the recognition of which has
now been started within the international development community as well. This is because
developing countries are in even more dire need to reserve, sustain and prudently allocate their
very limited resources, and be able to maximize their utilization in achieving much needed
economic and social growth. PFM is also necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) set forth in the national development policies of these developing countries.
Moreover, effective PFM is also essential for financial decision making as accurate
financial information is often used as the mechanism to support the financial decisions and to
ensure optimal allocation of available resources.
Guidelines for public financial management reform - www.mof.go.jp. Accessed on 29-02-2016
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Pakistan’s PFM? What is contributing to Pakistan’s budget deficit? Why has the domestic
resource mobilization remained stagnant? Are the government’s expenditure priorities in line
with economic growth? Why does the public debt continue to rise?
2- Public Financial Management and the PFM International Architecture - A Whole System
Approach. CIPFA, London, 2009.
The research paper is first of its kind to propose a universal definition of PFM. It describes
the model system of processes that enable it to function together with a supportive institutional and
social framework. The paper builds on PFM assessment and performance improvement tools used
in the United Kingdom and proposes a ‘whole system model’ to support the international
development community. However, the paper ignores the fact that ‘one size fits all’ approach may
not work in the developing countries due to their socio-cultural and political diversities.
3- Amjad, Rashid, and Shahid Javed Burki (Editors), Pakistan Moving the Economy Forward.
Lahore School of Economics, 2013.
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The book is a very thorough study in the form of a collection of essays authored by eminent
economists. It analyzes the economic ailments of Pakistan and suggests ways to reverse the current
prolonged period of low growth and stagflation. Most of the prescriptions given in the book are
general in nature and overlook the practical problems faced by financial managers in the public
4- Research & Advocacy for Advancement of Allied Reforms (RAFTAR). "Pakistan's Public
Expenditure-Insights and Reflections." 2014.
The report gives an overview of economy covering recent economic developments and
future outlook. It appears to be unrealistically optimistic in predicting economic recovery of
Pakistan and totally ignores the debt trap towards which we are heading.
Published by the Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan, these reports provide the
relevant data necessary for any research relating to Pakistan’s economy. It includes essential
indicators of the health of the economy which are helpful in determining the priorities of the
managers of the financial sector in Pakistan. However, being government’s point of view, in most
of the cases where economic indicators do not show healthy growth, the blame is either put on
natural calamities or terrorism.
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In writing this paper, quantitative as well as qualitative analysis has been made. In
doing so, empirical as well as analytical approach has been adopted to highlight the trends in
major macroeconomic indicators that give an insight into Pakistan’s Public Finance
Management in the last 10 years. For the ease of analysis, graphs have been plotted between
major macro-economic indicators like Tax to GDP ratio, revenue-expenditure gap, trends in
expenditure as %age of GDP and trends in debt as %age of GDP on the basis of data available
in the relevant periods of Pakistan Economic Survey, Annual Reports of FBR.
Relevant books were consulted for understanding the theoretical frame work of Public
Financial Policy. Reports of World Bank, local and foreign Chartered Accountancy and policy
Research Institutes and articles written in journals, were also consulted. Lectures of leading
economists/guest speakers on fiscal policy, monetary policy, debt management and revenue
generation, delivered during the 104th NMC, were also very helpful in obtaining primary as well
as understanding different perspectives on the subject.
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PFM constitutes a vital component in the improvement of the quality of public sector’s
output and the sustainability of public services in operational and strategic decision making.
Furthermore, protecting and implementing the effective use of public funds as well as establishing
public trust for the sector are amongst a few of the functions PFM offers. An ideal PFM would
allow workability for desired sectors to assimilate with ease towards the changes created within the
public sector.
A state acquires its revenues through various channels, such as tax collection from the
public, using natural resources that it has under its control, taking loans, establishment and
privatization of state owned enterprises. After the acquisition, these resources are distributed to
various public departments through the annual budget, allocated through a priority listing that has
already been agreed upon by various stakeholders. The importance of PFM is not only through
meeting the fiscal requirements, or monitoring the progresses of the utilization of these resources
but also as a system that can help the government in ensuring future fiscal sustainability.
One of the key decisions in PFM is in the financing of capital assets as they act as a major
outflow of resources. In an ideal and effective financial management system, alternative choices
are considered in financing capital assets in a way that maintains the liquidity for future long term
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goals. For proper governance structure to take effect, various authorizations are required from all
stake holders or their representatives before the implementation of any contracts.
Over the few years, a new and growing appeal has appeared for alternate forms of
financing. One is ‘Islamic Finance’ that has gained momentum in both Muslim and Non-Muslim
majority countries. For Pakistan, analysts have given the government recommendations on
rehabilitation programs financed by long term Sukuk (Islamic Bonds) for those state owned
ventures that are experiencing loss in finances.
In the public sector, where the services offered are either a joint venture with the public,
private or third sector entity or where the investments in one sector causes improvement in another
sector, performance evaluation becomes all the more difficult to implement and oversee.
The performance evaluations and reviews could lead to numerous insights and
groundbreaking solutions. As an example, as a way to optimize the limited funds available, the
government could consider automating some of the processes or removing those activities that are
not adding any productive value to the venture.
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within the entity’s final reports. The aim behind the financial documents would be to highlight and
display an overall honest view of an institution’s performance and cash outputs. Therefore,
reporting has become a vital means of showcasing how the public sector, both at an individual and
on a government level, uses its financial management responsibilities.
The various modes of reporting of public services have constantly been under argument
mainly because of the varied nature of services offered by the public sector as well as the overlap
that exists between services provided by different organizations along with the existence of
multiple stakeholders.
1.1.7 Governance
Good governance in public service is described as “ensuring the organization is doing the
right things, in the right way, for the right people, in a timely, inclusive, open, honest and
accountable manner".2
An ideal PFM would, therefore, be connected to the anti-fraud and corruption environment.
To avoid such a corrupt culture, an independent and impartial audit system is needed. Internal
control structures need to place to determine whether the available resources are being
appropriately utilized for the desired service outcomes. Public organizations are expected to bring
forth new changes and developments within their own financial environments in order to lessen the
cases of fraud or malpractices that happen within these government structures.
The Audit Commission UK (2009). www.gov.uk/audit-commission-annual-report-and-accounts.Accessed on 13-03-
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confirm every transaction, the auditing process would allow for assurances regarding the
performance of the government.
(i) Public Revenue – which constitutes the major source of government’s income:
a. Taxes and theirs effect on the economy of the country
b. Non-tax revenues (including fee, grants, levies, fines, interest receipts etc.)
(ii) Public Expenditure – the government spends and contributes towards the financial flows of the
economy through public expenditure. It also acts as a tool for implementing welfare and other
public policies. Since public expenditure is inflow to the economy, it affects the country’s
(iv) Federal finance: It deals with division of functions and resources in the multilayer system of
government as well as inter-governmental relations. In the context of Pakistan it includes
allocation of finances to the provinces by the federal government under constitutional arrangement.
(v) Public debt management: If government expenditure exceeds the revenue collection, it has to
borrow from various sources to finance the difference, which is called the ‘budget deficit’. The
accumulation of past borrowings from domestic sources is the public debt which is
a source of income.
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The federal and provincial assemblies prepare the annual budget statements in respect of
every financial year as per the financial procedure prescribed in Arts. 78-88 of the Constitution
of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 in the case of Federal Government and Arts.118-127 in
the case of Provincial Governments. Under Art. 70, the Constitution provides for a Federal
Legislative List in respect of which the Federal Government/ Parliament is empowered to make
laws on the matters enumerated therein including public finances. It also provides the enabling
legal framework with respect to public finances, public debt management, and public sector
audit through Articles 79 and 160-171 of the Constitution.
Art. 160 of the Constitution prescribes the basic structure for the assignment of fiscal
powers and the distribution of revenues between the federation and through the National
Finance Commission (NFC) which comprises the Federal and Provincial Ministers of
Finance and any other persons who may be appointed by the President in consultation with the
respective Governors of the provinces. The NFC is empowered to make recommendations
regarding distribution of the net proceeds of taxes amongst the provinces; payment of
grants-in-aid to the provincial governments; the exercise of the borrowing powers by the
federal and the provincial governments; and any other financial matters referred to the
Commission by the President. Under the 7th NFC Award, which is in force since FY2010-11,
the provincial share in net proceeds of taxes increased from 46.5% in 2010 to 57.5% in 2014
with resultant reduction in the share of the federal government. The power of levy of Sales Tax
on services was also transferred from the federal to the provincial governments with effect from
2011 onwards. 3
The PFM process at the federal and provincial levels of government commences
with the annual budget preparation. The Ministry of Finance/Finance Department, as the case
may be, is responsible for compiling the budget within the prescribed time lines and after
Fiscal Federalism in Pakistan: The 7th National Finance Commission Award and Its Implications, Pakistan Institute
of Development Economics (PIDE), 2011. w.ww.pide.org.pk. Accessed on 04-03-2016.
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detailed deliberations with their respective line departments. The Planning and Development
Department is entrusted with the responsibility for the preparation and monitoring of the Annual
Development Program. The federal/provincial budget is then presented before the respective
legislature deliberations and approval. As per the existing legal framework, the Auditor General
of Pakistan (AGP) is responsible for prescribing the procedure for maintenance of the accounts
of the Federation as well as the Provinces. The AGP is also responsible for conducting the
external audit of the accounts of the Federation and the Provinces, which are then laid before the
Parliament and Provincial Assemblies, as the case may be.
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2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Pakistan Economic Survey 2014-15, www.finance.gov.pk/survey_1415.html. Accessed on 30-03-2016
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Figure-1 depicts the trends in tax to GDP ratio from 2005-06 to 2014-15. It is evident that
there have been minor corrections due to policy interventions without any sustainable consistent
growth. In 2013, the World Bank had noted that the total revenue collected by tax and other
sources, was 13% of GDP — lowest across emerging economies.5 The tax to GDP ratio declined
from 14 per cent in the mid-1980s to 10%.
Another issue regarding the inefficient collection of taxes stems from the FBR’s tunnel
vision and their entire focus on achieving revenue targets from the existing tax payers by raising
frivolous tax demands and withholding refunds. Therefore, FBR has been using all their human
resources on this target alone, and in the process neglecting other key areas such as broadening of
tax base, enforcement of returns and conducting tax audits.
Proceedings Report by Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), March 2014. www. sdpi.org. Accessed on
Dr. Ashfaq Hassan, Lecture Discussion: Fiscal Policy & Debt Management, NMC, 16-03-2016
Pakistan Economic Survey 2014-15
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3.1.4 Cost of Tax exemptions:
Various governments in Pakistan allowed tax exemptions and preferential treatments to
select sectors and even organizations. These exemptions were provided through Statutory
Regulatory Order (SRO) by the FBR. Independent studies have estimated the loss from such
exemptions to be around PKR 800 billion. If tax evasion, estimated to be 4% of GDP is added to
this amount, the leakage in revenues is equal to the annual government borrowing. 8 However, the
Finance Act 2015 has withdrawn this power from FBR and gradually, exemptions are being
phased out.
Dr. Vaqar Ahmed, Roadmap for Economic Growth of Pakistan, Chapter 2, Fiscal Challenges and Response,
www.ipripak.org. Accessed on 23-03-2016
Active Tax Payers List as on 03-04-2016. www.fbr.gov.pk. Accessed on 10-04-2016.
Pakistan Economic Survey, 2014-15
Federal Board of Revenue, Biannual Report 2014-15. www.fbr.gov.pk. Accessed on 10-04-2016
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3.1.7 Inequity in taxation:
Due to a very narrow tax base, the only policy intervention on part of the government to
enhance its revenue comes in the form of increasing tax rates on various consumer products, for
example, on certain petroleum products; the rate of sales tax is as high as 68%.
Furthermore as mentioned previously, FBR’s lack of focus on expanding tax base is also a
prime example of focusing only on short term fixes and not investing in a long term solution to the
country’s tax problem. It should be noted that the process of expanding the tax base has a lagged
effect, and needs to be addressed today in order for that base to start filing returns and paying taxes
tomorrow. However, this is not being taken as a priority as FBR’s entire focus is on achieving the
revenue target of existing tax payers.
The second main component of PFM is expenditure management and its consequence on a
country’s fiscal deficit. Public Expenditure Management is vital for the government in order to
meet the expenditures, specifically, when the revenues are insufficient to cover the developmental
projects. To understand public expenditure it is important to distinguish between Current
Expenditure and Development Expenditure. Current Expenditure includes Interest Payments,
Defense Expenditure, Running Civil Administration and Subsidies. Development Expenditure
creates productive assets for e.g. infrastructure development, public sector development programs
Dr. Ashfaq Hassan, Lecture Discussion: Fiscal Policy & Debt Management, NMC, 16-03-2016
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The gap between a country’s revenue and expenditures is the fiscal deficit/surplus. This
can be seen in Figure-2 which depicts the trends in Revenue to GDP and Expenditures to GDP
ratios. The need for a cooperative relationship between revenue receipts and expenditure is crucial
in avoiding high deficits for the government.
% of GDP
Fiscal Deficit
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
It is important to note the effect of Current vs. Development Expenditures. While the
Developmental Expenditures aim at developing assets for the country thereby ensuring long term
benefit to the economy; Current Expenditure only serves a short term purpose and inevitably is a
burden on a country’s economy. Therefore, a deficit is not necessarily undesirable provided the
nature of expenditure is mostly developmental.
The consistently high fiscal deficits prevent any efforts to achieve fiscal policy goals such
as sustained economic growth with declining debt service, reduced poverty and advancement in
physical and human infrastructures. Such lack of development can be attributed to the absence of
fiscal space to cover such increasing expenditures.
Pakistan’s Fiscal Deficit is only a symptom of the problems in its PFM. The reasons of its
mismanagement are as follows:
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which promise a long term benefit to the country. However, as depicted in figure-3 below,
Pakistan’s major component of expenditure is current and not developmental. This has been a
persistent problem which has taken a toll on Pakistan’s public sector development.
As a result of 1988 financial sector reforms, when policy shift was introduced and interest rate was
determined by market, the interest rate jumped from 4.5% to 19%13. Interest payments increased
and current expenditure grew to the detriment of development expenditure which remained low
and stagnant (3.9% of GDP in 90s to 3.1% in 2001-07 and 3.4% in 2008-15).14
This essentially means that majority of Pakistan’s expenditure caters to expenditure such as
administrative expenditure, interest payments and subsidies instead of infrastructure, health,
education etc. In current expenditure, interest payments make up 30% and this share has been
rising since 2005-06, lingering around 3% of the GDP.
This is also reflected in Figure-4 which shows consistently rising interest payments,
fluctuating and inconsistent subsidies and while the Defence spending has been on a decline
since the same year, however, it still occupies a little over 12 % of the total government
Figure-3: Trends in Expenditure as % of GDP
15.00 Development
10.00 Defence
www.tradingeconomics.com. Accessed on 01-05-2016
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Pakistan Economic Survey, 2014-15
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Fig 4: Trends in Defense, Interest Payment and Subsidies (as % of GDP)
6 4
3 2
Defence Interest Payment Subsidies
0 0
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Salman, Ali, Express Tribune, Business. www.tribune.com.pk. Accessed on 02-05-2016
Data provided by J.S.(Exp), Ministry of Finance on 15-02-2016.
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developmental projects and increased payment of interest. Therefore, the deficit has risen by an
average approximate of 6.6% in previous five years.18
Managing public debt is an especially tricky and ‘make-or-break’ area for developing
countries like Pakistan. In cases of high debt burden, developing countries often have a trade-off
between servicing the debt and contributing to its development sector.
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. www.pbs.gov.pk. Accessed on 01-05-2016
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Public debt refers to a country’s total indebtedness, meaning it includes external as well as
domestic debt. External debt comprises of foreign loans while domestic comprises of loans given
by the State Bank and commercial banks.
Domestic Debt
External Debt
Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Pakistan has seen an expontential rise in public debt since 2006, as can be seen in Figure-5
above. Both External as well as Domestic Debts have been on the rise. Over a period of ten years,
the Public Debt has increased from Rs. 4,000 Billion to Rs. 17,000 Billion out of which Domestic
Debt component has shown an increase of 500% from Rs. 2,000 Billion to Rs. 12,000 Billion.
External Debt has also increased steadily from Rs. 2,000 Billion to Rs. 5,000 Billion during this
An increase in debt has its own repercussions for the economy of a country as it takes
greater focus and resources towards future debt servicing. To meet the demands set by debt
servicing, extra strain is placed on the governments’ finite resources and can in turn become the
cause for the loss of investments or expenditures set towards other sectors within the economy.
Analyzing a country’s ability to repay the debt with debt services is a good way to understand
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whether the country will face difficulties in its debt services for the foreseeable time period.
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Figure-6 depicts the profile of Public Debt as a percent of GDP. In 2013-14, it stood at
63.8% of GDP. Since 2010-11, it has continued to remain higher than the threshold of 60% and
defies the Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation Act, 2005. According to this Act, public debt
should not be more than 60% of the GDP, public debt is to be reduced by 2.5% annually, revenue
deficit to be eliminated by 2008 etc.
Government’s performance is poor viz the cited benchmarks. Debt to GDP ratio is 270%.
In comparison, for India and Bangladesh it is less than 90%. 20 Borrowing domestically or abroad is
a normal part of economic activity. If the borrower earns high economic and social rate of return,
the cost of invested funds is recovered whereas Pakistan has followed wrong policies by indulging
in short term borrowing for long term projects.
It should be noted that contrary to popular perception, foreign debt is not nearly as big a
component in Pakistan’s total debt as compared to domestic debt. This is discussed in detail to
allow for a more thorough analysis of the prime problems plaguing Pakistan’s debt structure.
Dr. Ashfaq Hassan, Lecture Discussion: Fiscal Policy & Debt Management, NMC, 16-03-2016
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3.3.1 Incorrect Bonds valuation:
In 2014 the Government of Pakistan issued Euro Bonds with 10-year maturity period
targeting to raise $500 million. The rate of interest offered was exorbitantly high at 8.25%
resulting in over subscription at $2 billion. Similarly, in 2015, Euro Bonds were once again
floated in the international market at the same rate of 8.25% and consequently traded in premium.
The justification given by Finance Ministry was that “it was necessary to cover repayment of a
maturing bond of the same size that was issued in 2006”. The ministry also saw it as a positive
sign that despite difficult global conditions, “the bond was twice oversubscribed”. 21 In comparison,
during the same period, Reliance Industries Limited, India’s private sector company raised $ 10
billion by floating 10-year bonds @ 5.4%. Over subscription is understandable in view of a very
high rate of interest being offered which is backed by sovereign guarantee.
The practice of floating bonds in the international market at high interest rates to pay for
earlier maturing bonds is a clear indication of shortsighted fiscal policy. It is paradoxical to note
that each successive government continues repeating the same flawed option which is adding up
not only the debt but also the debt servicing expenditure.
2.00% 1.81% 1.80%
www.dawn.com. 29-09-2015. Accessed on 01-05-2016
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Figure-7 shows the regional comparison of Government Bonds rates with highest current
market 8.41% rate being offered by Government of Pakistan. The additional debt servicing
expenditure will add on to the already increasing debt burden.
This is also reflected in the World Development Indicators (WDIs) which show a very rate of
penetration by Pakistan’s banking sector (only 9% firms use bank financing). In regional
comparison, Sri Lanka has a bank penetration rate of 43%, followed by India and Nepal at 22%.
Last year, Rs. 200 Billion were supposed to be lent to this sector, but since all the money available
in banking sector was borrowed by Government, private sector could only get Rs.12 Billion. This
was one of greatest failures of the Government.
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accountable to the provincial interests. The role of Federal Government in the legislation and its
involvement in various functions was removed along with the elimination of the concurrent list..
As a result, 17 federal ministries were eliminated.
The fiscal impact of the 18th amendment has been inconsequential since the expenditure
responsibility that has been devolved to the provinces only covers 0.25% of the total GDP (in other
terms, 3.6% of the combined budget of the provinces) 22. This limited fiscal involvement is due to
the provincial governments’ already carrying out major aspects of the transferred functions such as
education and health, wherein, the federal involvement in these functions was already
After the term of the present NFC Award ends, the provinces will have to raise their own
resources to meet the additional cost transferred from the federal budget as the Federal
Government will not be financing some of the major devolved programs. The possible transfer of
these programs from the federal to provincial budgets indicates that the provinces will have to find
adequate fiscal space to finance these programs through their own resources. The 18th Amendment
also includes some major changes in taxation powers of the Federal and Provincial Governments.
Now, the Federal Government cannot collect taxes on immovable property, Sales Tax on services,
capital value tax on immoveable property and Zakat and Usher as these have been devolved to the
provinces. It is now the responsibility of the provinces to manage these additional revenue sources.
In addition to this, under devolution, the provinces have also been given the right to borrow from
domestic and international lenders, subject to limits and conditions imposed by the NEC.
With stagnant federal and provincial revenues and sharply rising interest and subsidy
expenditures, (Ref: Figure-4), the consolidated fiscal deficit hovering in the range of 5-6% of GDP
and by giving greater share of revenue to the provinces, the NFC Award has made fiscal
adjustment more difficult. Theoretically, the reassignment of revenue from the Federal to
Provincial Government should have created a larger deficit at the level of the federal government
and consequent fiscal surplus at provincial level, keeping the consolidated deficit (federal and
provincial) more or less unchanged.
The chargeability of Income tax was already bifurcated on the basis of source of income
i.e, income from agriculture is being taxed by the provinces and other than that by the Federal
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Government. Although Services General Sales Tax (SGST) was collected by the Federal
Government, it was credited to the provinces. The NFC Award has practically thwarted any
possibility for an integrated VAT type of sales tax at federal level in Pakistan as the collection of
SGST has now been assigned to provinces.
Tenth Review Under The Extended Arrangement And Request For Modification Of Performance Criteria—Press
Release; Staff Report; And Statement By The Executive Director For Pakistan, March 2016. www.imf.org. Accessed
on 04-05-2016
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It is alarming that all three major components of PFM which are revenue generation,
expenditure control and debt management; are suffering from a myriad of problems. These
problems are worsened because all three have certain commonalities and are interlinked with each
other, meaning in order to fix Pakistan’s PFM, all three components will need immediate and
drastic control measures. Furthermore, this stage was not reached overnight, neither are there any
quick fixes for this dire situation. However, due to the nature of interlinkages between these
components, there are a few problems which can be analyzed as common denominators between
all three. Such common denominators include poor financial planning, corruption, lackadaisical
approach to long term planning, ad-hoc mindset to solving problems, lack of due diligence and
improper governance to name a few. Such problems aim at a deeper evil residing in Pakistan’s
systems, and will always serve as a barrier to positive change, implementation of reform and
systematic problem solving.
There are, however, problems which are specific to the individual components as well. The
poor tax collection system, for example, is a revenue specific problem and requires serious and
equitable action to be enforced. Persistently narrow tax base has made the tax system inequitable
as the entire burden of revenue is being borne by those who are already in the tax net. The entire
resources of the tax department are deployed towards recovery/collection from this rather small
segment for the purpose of achieving the assigned targets. This ad-hoc short term gain is at the
expense of broadening of tax base and little effort is being made to bring the potential taxpayers
into the tax net. Due to inadequate tax collection on part of the provincial revenue departments, the
entire burden of revenue collection has fallen on FBR alone, which ultimately ends up in resorting
to ad-hoc tax measures which further distorts the scenario of tax burden.
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The third essential component of PFM i.e. Debt Management is also essentially
mismanaged. Reliance on commercial banks is another specific problem affecting Pakistan’s debt
structure. Incessant domestic borrowing results in inflation, adds on to the interest bill/debt
repayment and eventually crowds out the private sector as no money is left with the banks to lend
to private sector.
A quick and appropriate response to the fiscal crisis can have sufficient long and short term
impact on the economy. The choice remains as to whether support the current developmental
expenditures of the country or focus on lowering the fiscal deficit. The former choice would lead
to a greater increase in the debt as revenues are insufficient to finance the expenditures and hence
increase the fiscal deficit. On the other hand, if the government cuts down on developmental
expenditures for lessening the fiscal deficit, it would cause a delay in the economic growth due to
lack of developmental expenditures available.
Invariably, all these problems will need to be addressed; however, their commonalities
might give us a good starting point when we set out on a damage-control mission. However,
regardless of where we start, this matter cannot afford to be pushed under the rug any further as
poor PFM not only damages a country’s current progress (industrial, developmental, systematic
etc.) but also hampers the long-term growth which could be achieved only through proper
management of public finances. In the interest of Pakistan and its future generations therefore, it is
imperative that this country’s PFM is taken seriously and immediate corrective measures are
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As mentioned above, whilst the three major components of PFM (revenue, expenditure and
debt management) are all ailing in their own respective areas; however, there are certain problems
which interlink these three components, and are a commonality between them. As a starting point,
these commonalities can be addressed as a whole, followed by recommendations for the specific
problems in revenue generation, expenditure control and debt management.
That being said, it should be noted that at this stage solutions need to have a long-term
focus rather than the usual ad-hoc, short term fire-fighting approach. That in turn requires that
policy making should have a strategic and long term focus towards development wherein root
causes are addressed rather than having a focus on the superficial symptoms of the problem and
ignoring core issues.
Long term planning for revenue collection for example should include focus on expanding
the tax base so that in the long term, more revenue is collected. This will require consistent effort,
time and dedicated resources; however it will ensure tax collection in the future for times to come.
Furthermore, this cannot be achieved without proper resource allocation (human and capital), as it
is more than just a side-job, and should be treated as a serious target by the FBR. There is,
therefore, a need to have a separate dedicated human resource at each regional tax office, having
access to banking and property registration data to book new taxpayers for the purpose of
broadening of tax base. The provincial authorities can play their role in this process by also
focusing on broadening of tax base through agriculture tax, property taxes and taxing new sources
of income in services sectors.
Similar attention needs to be directed towards efficient enforcement when it comes to tax
collection. This would mean putting KPIs in place at the FBR to ensure monitoring of tax officials’
performance and effort towards ensuring compliance to existing tax laws and regulation.
Furthermore weak enforcement is also a result of untouchable political and industrial
heavyweights, who have managed to use their influence to evade taxes. Serious attention needs to
be directed towards addressing these cases in order to not only improve revenue collection but also
to set a reassuring example for other tax payers.
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Long term planning in Expenditure Control is equally important. This refers to investments
in developmental projects rather than spending scarce resources on current expenditures. There is
an immediate need to freeze the non-development expenditures for at least three years so that the
resources can be diverted to development projects. Furthermore, these developmental projects
should focus on addressing public needs rather than Good-To-Have projects. Projects such as the
Orange Metro Train, Signal-Free Corridors are non-essential and more politically provoked instead
of being need-based. The future focus should be on projects aimed at social and economic
development for instance clean drinking water, health care, education etc.
With respect to Pakistan’s debt management, again, strategic long-term policies are
required along with prudent financial decisions. For example, the bond interest rates which have
continuously been erroneously valued should be re-evaluated and a smaller interest rate should be
offered on future bonds. The existing and continuous over-subscription of the Euro bonds is a clear
indicator that Pakistan Government is not seen as a risky debtor and investors will be willing to
buy the bonds at a lower rate.
Moreover, in order to break the current debt loop where SBP lends money to the
government directly and then via commercial banks, it is important to begin by giving true
autonomy to the SBP in a similar manner as of India’s Reserve Bank, so that SBP’s decisions are
not influenced by the Ministry of Finance’s demands.
Furthermore, the issue of private firms being crowded out because of lack of funds
available to them for loans can be addressed by re-evaluating the SBP’s regulations and including
a fixed ratio for fund allocation to the government and to the commercial sector.
The issue of interest payments eroding the country’s significant revenues can be addressed
simultaneously when earlier mentioned long-term developmental policies are put in place, as the
policies will ensure higher tax collection and correspondingly result in more revenue which can
meet expenditure needs, eventually, if not immediately.
Another area that needs consideration and attention is the lack of shared understanding
between provincial and federal authorities. A Fiscal Coordination Committee should be made at
Federal government level with specific timelines and goals, to address and resolve federal and
provincial jurisdiction issues. This is crucial so that a shared understanding can be reached
between both, and there can be a joint focus on problem solving, instead of internal conflict.
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With respect to managerial control and efficiency on the tax administration front, FBR
should be given autonomy in exercising control over its human resources. Moreover, there is a dire
need for functional expertise across all levels in FBR which should include a strategic think-tank
team which should be formed for the sole purpose of presenting long and short term strategies after
each quarter.
Another important issue to be addressed is the lack of expertise and knowledge when it
comes to change implementation in government sectors especially changes involving fiduciary
repercussions. Considering the underlying problem of resistance to change, corruption, self-interest
motives and general apathy; it is no wonder than projects like PIFRA failed to deliver. For all
future programs involving change, not only is it necessary to ensure thorough research and strategy
before implementation, but also to ensure a gradual and phase-wise enrollment program. This is
important as change cannot be enrolled hastily with assumptions that it will be a seamless
execution agreeable by all. Trainings and coaching have to be provided before and during the
implementation process, and execution should be at a slow pace in gradual attempts to ensure
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Amjad, Rashid, and Ahmed Viqar. The Management of Pakistan's Economy. Karachi: Oxford
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Amjad, Rashid, and Shahid Javed Burki, . Pakistan Moving the Economy Forward. Lahore:
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Andrews, Matt. How Far Have Public Financial Management Reforms Come in Africa? Faculty
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Hicks, Ursula K. Public Finance. London: James Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 1964.
Islamabad Policy Research Institute. Roadmap for Economic Growth of Pakistan. Islamabad:
Islamabad Policy Research Institute, 2014.
Narayan, Francis B. Financial Management and Government Issues in Pakistan. Manila: Asian
Development Bank, 2000.
Oxford Policy Management. Effective Public Financial Management. Oxford: Oxford Policy
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Rosen, Harvey S., and Ted Gayer. Public Finance. McGraw Hill/Irwin, 2008.
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2824286
Shah, Dr. Salman. "Public Financial management Systems." Pakistan Urban Forum, Karachi
2014, South Asian Cities Conference. Karachi, 2014.
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. Public Financial Management and the
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An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Support, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2008.
Worldbank. Pakistan Development Update. Washington D.C.: the World Bank, 2015.
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2005-06 to 2014-15
Expenditure Revenue
Real GDP
Year Fiscal Total Non-
Growth Total Current Development Tax
Deficit Rev. Tax
2005-06 5.8 4.0 17.1 12.6 4.5 13.1 9.8 3.3
2006-07 5.5 4.1 18.1 14.9 4.6 14.0 9.6 4.4
2007-08 5.0 7.3 21.4 17.4 4.0 14.1 9.9 4.2
2008-09 0.4 5.2 19.2 15.5 3.7 14.0 9.1 4.9
2009-10 2.6 6.2 20.2 16.0 4.4 14.0 9.9 4.1
2010-11 3.6 6.5 18.9 15.9 2.8 12.3 9.3 3.0
2011-12 3.8 6.8 19.6 15.6 3.7 12.8 10.2 2.6
2012-13 3.7 8.2 21.5 16.4 5.1 13.3 9.8 3.5
2013-14 4.0 5.5 20.0 16.0 4.9 14.5 10.2 4.3
2014-15 5.1 5.0 19.4 15.3 4.1 14.5 11.5 3.0
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2005-06 to 2014-15 (Rs. Billion)
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Federal 3,097.3 2,255.8 2,083.2 8.3
Markup Payments 1,325.2 974.5 909.1 7.2
Defence 700.1 485.9 451.7 7.6
Provincial 1,365.0 943.2 821.4 14.8
b) Development Expenditure & 1,180.1 594.0 555.8 6.9
net lending
c) Statistical discrepancy - -61.4 -14.1 -
C. Overall Fiscal Deficit 1,421.8 1,048.9 968.9 -
As % of GDP 5.0 3.8 3.9 -
Financing of Fiscal Deficit 1,421.8 1,048.9 968.9 8.3
i) External Sources 508.0 137.8 107.1 28.7
ii) Domestic 913.9 911.1 861.7 5.7
- Bank 227.9 469.4 436.9 7.4
- Non-Bank 686.0 426.5 424.8 0.4
GDP at Market Prices 29,078 27,384 25,068 9.2
Source: Pakistan Economic Survey 2014-15, www.finance.gov.pk/survey_1415.html. Accessed on 30-03-2016
TRENDS IN DEBT (Rs. Billion)
Year Public Domestic External Year Public Domestic External Year Public Domestic External Debt
Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt Debt
1971 30 14 16 1986 390 203 187 2001 3,684 1,799 1,885
1972 55 17 38 1987 458 248 209 2002 3,636 1,775 1,862
1973 60 20 40 1988 523 290 233 2003 3,694 1,895 1,800
1974 62 19 44 1989 634 333 300 2004 3,866 2,028 1,839
1975 70 23 48 1990 711 381 330 2005 4,211 2,178 2,034
1976 85 28 57 1991 825 448 377 2006 4,359 2,322 2,038
1977 97 34 63 1992 969 532 437 2007 4,802 2,601 2,201
1978 112 41 71 1993 1,135 617 519 2008 6,126 3,275 2,852
1979 130 52 77 1994 1,340 716 624 2009 7,731 3,860 3,871
1980 146 60 86 1995 1,497 809 688 2010 9,006 4,654 4,352
1981 145 58 87 1996 1,704 920 784 2011 10,767 6,017 4,750
1982 189 81 107 1997 1,995 1,056 939 2012 12,695 7,638 5,057
1983 227 104 123 1998 2,392 1,199 1,193 2013 14,293 9,522 4,771
1984 257 125 132 1999 2,946 1,389 1,557 2014 15,996 10,920 5,076
309 153 156 2000 3,172 1,645 1,527 2015 16,936 11,932 5,004
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