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Evaluation of Groundwater Quality Using 2021

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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017, pp. 1165–1176, Article ID: IJCIET_08_08_125

Available online at http://http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=8&IType=8
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


V.S.S.R. Gupta
Professor, Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities,
GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh, India

R. Srinivasa Rao
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh, India

K. Divya
P.G Student, Department of Civil Engineering,
GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh, India

This study deals with the evaluation of spatial variations in the groundwater
quality in Rajam, Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The significant
physicochemical parameters such as pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids,
chlorides, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness and sulphate were
assessed. Pearson’s Correlation technique, box plot, multivariate statistical tools such
as cluster analysis and principle component analysis were applied to groundwater
quality analysis. The groundwater samples were assessed for its applicability in
irrigation and drinking purposes and geographic information system techniques are
used for mapping consequence. The parameters analyzed were compared with Bureau
of Indian Standards (BIS) and WHO standards. Box plot analysis revealed that total
dissolved solids and electrical conductivity was strongly correlated. Correlation
analysis reveals that pH shows weak correlation (r<0.5) with chlorides (r>0.383).
Electrical Conductivity shows strong correlation (0.7<r<0.9) with Alkalinity
(r>0.886) and Total Hardness was moderately correlated (0.5<r<0.7) with Mg
(r>0.544), Cl (r>0.543), Su (r>0.508), but strongly correlated with TDS (r>0.863).
Whereas Mg (r>0.544), Cl (r>0.543) and SO4 (r>0.508) was moderately correlated
with Total Hardness (TH). SO4 was moderately correlated with Mg (r>0.664). Water
quality index (WQI) for each sample was also determined. It is found that
3,5,18,19,20,21 well point samples are fit for drinking and most samples are having
poor (50-100) quality for drinking. The data was analyzed with the help of Statistical
tools and found that water samples are contaminated with the weathering of
metamorphic rocks (charnockite, khondalite etc.,) present in the study area. Chlorinity

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V.S.S.R. Gupta, R. Srinivasa Rao and K. Divya

Index and Salinity Index are found to be in permissible limits and hence suitable for
irrigation purpose.
Key words: Groundwater, Spatial Variations, Physicochemical parameters, Pricniple
Component Analysis, Water Quality Index, Chlorinity Index, Weathering.
Cite this Article: V.S.S.R. Gupta, R. Srinivasa Rao and K. Divya, Evaluation of
Groundwater Quality using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and GIS - A Case
Study. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(8), 2017, pp.

Water is a life-preserving resource for all the living organisms and also other advancements in
the world. In developing countries like India, the demand for water has increased immensely
during the recent years because of population increase, urbanization, industrialization and
extraordinary rural exercises. Due to the deficient supply of surface waters, the majority of the
general population in India is depending primarily on groundwater assets for drinking,
mechanical and water system employments. Groundwater is the principal source that is
usually utilized for drinking, agriculture purposes in both rural and urban territories. Some
parts of the world face serious shortage issues of groundwater because consumption rate is
greater than replenishing rate. Multitudinous extensive towns and numerous urban areas in
India get water supply from groundwater for various uses through municipality water
networks, furthermore from a huge number of private boreholes. Around one billion people
are specifically needy upon groundwater assets in Asia alone and in India, majority of the
populace is dependent on groundwater as the main wellspring of drinking water supply.
Groundwater is believed to be much cleaner and pollution-free when compared to surface
water. But in the present scenario, due to rapid industrialization, large quantities of industrial
wastes and effluents are dumped out contaminating the groundwater. The quantity of dumping
pollutants by the industries, sewage waste etc., is greater than the quantity of purification of
the water. According to the latest appraisal of Central Pollution Control Board, nearly 29,000
million-liters/day of wastewater is generated from Class-I and class-II cities out of which
about 45% (about 13000 MLD) is generated from 35 metro-cities alone. Only about 30% of
the wastewater collection system exists through sewer line and about 7000 million liter/day
can be treated through treatment plants that are present until now. Therefore there is a large
gap between generation, collection and treatment of wastewater. Most of the uncollected and
untreated water finds its way to nearby water bodies or percolates into ground thereby
polluting the groundwater resources. Hence, there is a need for better management policies to
maintain the quality of groundwater which can be determined by its physicochemical
parameters. The water quality appraisal gives the clear data about the sub surface geologic
environment in which the water presents [1]. A lot of misuse of ground water has enormously
influenced its quality and amount.
In some parts of the world, heaps of studies have been carried out to evaluate the
geochemistry of groundwater [2],[3],[4]. A research on hydrochemistry and groundwater
standards of Singhari river basin of Chattapur district, Madhya Pradesh was carried out by
Jain [5]. Kaushik et al. assessed the groundwater quality of Ambala and Nilokheri Cities in
Haryana [6]. The evaluation of groundwater quality and its expediency for drinking and
agricultural use in the coastal stretch of Alappuzha district in Kerala was done by Sarath
Prasanth et al. [7]. Generally, for the assessment of groundwater resources, the analysis of
hydro chemical and biological characteristics of groundwater is also important

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Evaluation of Groundwater Quality using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and GIS
- A Case Study

[8],[9],[10],[11]. Several researchers proposed that the best representative tool is Geographic
Information System (GIS) for the mapping of spatial variations in groundwater quality and to
determine its suitability for drinking, agricultural and industrial needs [12],[13],[14],[15].
Hydrologic and geologic conditions have influence on change in the groundwater quality to
great extent over a period of time [16]. Improper disposal of waste and garbage is another
primary factor for groundwater pollution [17]. Several studies have been carried out on the
application of GIS and multivariate statistical techniques to evaluate and representation of
spatial variations in groundwater quality in best possible way [18], [19]. Evaluation of quality
of groundwater using several techniques has been carried out in different study areas
[20],[21],[22], [23],[24]. The quality of ground water can also be interpreted in terms of
Water Quality Index (WQI) [18],[19], [25],[26],[27],[28].
From the exhaustive literature survey it has been identified that the use of GIS and
Multivariate Statistical Analysis techniques for interpretation of groundwater quality for
various purposes is good. So the present study is carried out to apply the GIS and Multivariate
Statistical Analysis techniques to assess the suitability of groundwater quality for drinking
and irrigation purposes in Rajam town of Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh, India. The
major source of drinking water in the study area is the groundwater which is suspected to be
contaminated by industries in and around.


Study Area: Rajam town encompassing an area of about 27.65 km² has been selected as the
study area. It is situated in the Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh State of India between
18.270N & 18.280N Latitudes and 83.380E & 83.400E Longitudes. The study area belongs to
tropical climatic zone with average annual rainfall of 1123 mm. The weather conditions of the
study area are 37°C, Wind SW at 14 km/h, 33% Humidity. Paddy, Sugarcane, Ground nut are
the major crops that are cultivated mostly in the area. Gneiss, Kondalite, Charnockite and
other metamorphic rocks are the Geological formations in the present study area.
Sample Collection and Analysis: The samples of groundwater are collected from 30 different
wells in cleaned and sterilized polythene bottles, filled without air bubbles with preeminent
care at each sampling site. Map of the Study area and the sampling point details are presented
in Figure1. The samples collected were labeled carefully and transported to the laboratory.
Double distilled water was used to prepare the reagents that were used for the
experimentation. Later, the samples were analyzed for ten parameters such as pH, Total
Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Alkalinity (TA), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Hardness
(TH), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Chloride (Cl), Fluorides (F), Sulphates (SO4).
According to the standard procedures, the physicochemical parameters are estimated.
Statistical Analysis: The obtained complex data matrices are analyzed by using the
application of statistical tools to obtain the groundwater quality. It gives better idea of
possible sources which show predominant impact on groundwater system. It also contributes
the information of reliable handling of water systems. In the present study, the statistical
analysis such as Multivariate Statistical Analyses (Principle Component Analysis, Cluster
Analysis), were carried out using XLSTAT software and Boxplot designs were carried out
using Minitab software (Ver.14.0). Box plots help in assessing and comparing the
distributions. Based on its characteristics, variables and observations are portrayed using
Cluster Analysis (CA). Similarity between the samples is given by Euclidean distance and the
difference between the analytical values of the samples gives the distance. The information of
whole data set parameters is given by Principle Component Analysis (PCA) which explains
the variances of large set of inter correlated variables and modify them into uncorrelated

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V.S.S.R. Gupta, R. Srinivasa Rao and K. Divya

principal components. The Pearson’s correlation was carried out for correlation matrix
between the parameters. Correlation coefficient (R2) gives the percentage of variance between
the dependent and independent variables. High correlation coefficient ‘1’ represents a good
relationship between the variables and correlation coefficient value of ‘0’ represents no
relationship between the variables.

Figure 1 Map of study area


The collected samples are analyzed for the presence of various physiochemical parameters
and later they are compared with IS: 10500 (BIS-2012) [29] and WHO-2011[30] standards as
shown in Table 1.
The usability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes can be evaluated by
comparing the obtained physicochemical parameters with the standards suggested by BIS:
10500-2012 and WHO-2011. The drinking water should be free from physical parameters
such as odor, color etc. Also for irrigation purpose, the water should be free from excessive
dissolved ions for the normal good growth of plants and crops.
For the low tolerant crops, the chlorine content in the water should be within the
permissible limit. Hence, chlorine sensitivity is also determined by evaluating the chlorinity
index. The chlorinity index for the study area is portrayed in Figure 2. All groundwater
samples are found suitable for irrigation. (< 1000 mg /l).

Figure 2 Chlorinity index at the study area (well points)

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Evaluation of Groundwater Quality using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and GIS
- A Case Study

Table 1 Comparison of parameters with BIS (10500-2012) and WHO (2011)

BIS (10500-2012)
Range of sample values
Parameters Acceptable Permissible WHO (2011)
Limits Limits
pH 6.5 8.5 7.5-8.5 7.23-8.38
Conductivity - - 1500 537-1660
Total Dissolved
500 2000 500 225-400
Salts (ppm)
Total Hardness
200 600 200 335-585
Total Alkalinity
- - 120 153-299
Chlorides (ppm) 250 1000 250 67.45-244.95
Calcium (ppm) 75 200 75 23-76
Magnesium (ppm) 30 No relaxation 50 30-156
Sulphates (ppm) 200 400 250 7.15-11.84
Fluorides (ppm) 1 1.5 1.5 0.53-1.5

Similarly, salinity index is also evaluated by measuring the Electrical Conductivity (EC)
values for assessing whether the water is suitable for irrigation purpose or not. Figure 3 gives
the salinity index at the study area well points. According to Handa, (1969) [31], E.C values >
700 µS/cm are unsuitable for irrigation purposes. All our ground water samples are found
suitable for irrigation (< 700 µS/cm) as shown in the plot. The spatial distribution of
physicochemical analysis of collected groundwater samples are shown in Figure 4.
Ramkumar et al. suggested that high concentrations of magnesium reduces the soil quality
thus reducing the crops yield and also gives toxicity when it exceeds 50% of magnesium ratio
Statistical Analysis: For the samples collected in study area, the box plots are drawn and are
shown in Figure 5. From the figure it is observed that total hardness, total dissolved salts are
dominating factors whereas magnesium, chlorides, alkalinity and calcium are observed as
major ions in the sampling well points.
Electrical Conductivity (µS/cm)

400 limit
300 E.C (µS/cm)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Well points

Figure 3 Salinity index at the study area (well points)

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V.S.S.R. Gupta, R. Srinivasa Rao and K. Divya

Correlation matrix: Table 2 presents the correlation values that are obtained at all the well
points. The coefficient of correlation values are in the range of +1 to -1, which shows that
there exists a strong relationship between the variables and near the value ‘0’ shows that there
exists no relationship between the variables. After performing PCA on all 30 samples,
correlation matrix suggests that the correlation of pH shows weak correlation (r<0.5) with
chlorides (r>0.383). Electrical Conductivity shows strong correlation (0.7<r<0.9) with
Alkalinity (r>0.886) and Total Hardness was moderately correlated (0.5<r<0.7) with Mg
(r>0.544), Cl (r>0.543), Su (r>0.508), but strongly correlated with TDS (r>0.863). Whereas
Mg (r>0.544), Cl (r>0.543) and SO4 (r>0.508) was moderately correlated with Total Hardness
(TH). SO4 was moderately correlated with Mg (r>0.664). According to Barr and Newland
(1977) [33], three different sets of strong relationship exists between anions and cations in
groundwater as follows:
(i) High competitive relationship between ions with same charge but different valence
(ii) High affinity between ions with same valency but different charges and
(iii) Noncompetitive relation between ions with same valency and same charge.
Obtained results also demonstrate the same i.e., Magnesium is strongly correlated
with sulphates and Calcium is weakly correlated with Fluorides
Multivariate analysis: Praus (2015) [34] proposed that, in order to reduce the loss of data and
to reduce the data into manageable data sets, multivariate analysis like Principle Component
Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis can be used for monitoring of groundwater. In order to
evaluate different variables and the relation between them, PCA can be done as proposed by
Kuppusamy and Giridhar (2006) [35]. Eigen values are determined and are shown in Table 3.
A graph of Eigen values vs cumulative variability is shown in Figure 6. In order to explain the
source of variance in the data, the principal components are extracted based on the criteria,
whose eigen values are greater than 1 and are given in Table 4. Principal Component PC1
alone contributed to 32.401% of total variance, PC2 contributed to 54.688% of total variance,
PC3 contributed to 68.073% of total variance and PC4 contributed to 79.897% of total
variance. Based on the above contributions Magnesium, Calcium, Chlorine ions are found to
be predominant which may be occurred due to weathering of metamorphic rocks present in
the study area.
Based on the similarity of responses to several variables, the cases are grouped using the
cluster analysis. Figure 7 demonstrates the dendrogram of water quality parameters depending
on the distance between the variables and their positions. The cluster analysis suggests that
Total Hardness, Chloride, pH, Magnesium and TDS belong to same cluster. Whereas Mg and
SO4 are in same cluster and Chloride, Electrical Conductivity, Alkalinity belongs to same
cluster of properties.

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Evaluation of Groundwater Quality using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and GIS
- A Case Study

Figure 4 Spatial distribution of physicochemical analysis of collected groundwater samples and water
quality index

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V.S.S.R. Gupta, R. Srinivasa Rao and K. Divya

Figure 5 Box plots for physicochemical characteristics

Table 2 Correlation matrix

E.C T.H Mg Ca Cl TA So4 F TDS
Variables pH
(µS/cm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
pH 1 -0.022 0.162 -0.068 -0.074 0.383 -0.019 0.156 -0.179 0.220
E C (µS/cm) -0.022 1 0.342 -0.165 -0.035 0.353 0.886 -0.065 -0.180 0.149
T H(ppm) 0.162 0.342 1 0.544 -0.173 0.543 0.280 0.508 -0.041 0.863
Mg (ppm) -0.068 -0.165 0.544 1 -0.123 0.090 -0.216 0.664 -0.103 0.473
Ca(ppm) -0.074 -0.035 -0.173 -0.123 1 -0.246 0.205 -0.158 -0.293 -0.013
Cl (ppm) 0.383 0.353 0.543 0.090 -0.246 1 0.288 0.319 -0.071 0.456
TA (ppm) -0.019 0.886 0.280 -0.216 0.205 0.288 1 -0.197 -0.226 0.202
0.156 -0.065 0.508 0.664 -0.158 0.319 -0.197 1 -0.064 0.426
F(ppm) -0.179 -0.180 -0.041 -0.103 -0.293 -0.071 -0.226 -0.064 1 -0.213
TDS (ppm) 0.220 0.149 0.863 0.473 -0.013 0.456 0.202 0.426 -0.213 1

Table 3 Eigen values of the variables

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10

Eigenvalue 3.240 2.229 1.339 1.182 0.690 0.524 0.413 0.241 0.097 0.046

32.401 22.287 13.386 11.824 6.901 5.239 4.132 2.405 0.969 0.457
32.401 54.688 68.073 79.897 86.799 92.037 96.169 98.575 99.543 100.000

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Evaluation of Groundwater Quality using Multivariate Statistical Techniques and GIS
- A Case Study

Figure 6 Graph of eigen values vs cumulative variability

Table 4 PCA for the sample data

Parameters PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4

pH 0.174 0.001 -0.123 -0.796
E.C(µS) 0.219 0.542 -0.133 0.222
T. H(ppm) 0.512 -0.025 -0.034 0.170
Mg (ppm) 0.317 -0.386 0.252 0.279
Ca (ppm) -0.103 0.189 0.664 -0.063
Cl (ppm) 0.387 0.122 -0.320 -0.262
TA (ppm) 0.183 0.594 0.024 0.181
SO4(ppm) 0.355 -0.342 0.087 0.037
F (ppm) -0.128 -0.182 -0.573 0.322
TDS(ppm) 0.471 -0.046 0.153 0.009
Eigenvalue 3.240 2.229 1.339 1.182
Variability (%) 32.401 22.287 13.386 11.824
Cumulative (%) 32.401 54.688 68.073 79.897















Figure 7 Dendrogram of water quality parameters

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V.S.S.R. Gupta, R. Srinivasa Rao and K. Divya

In the present study, physicochemical parameters of the samples collected from 30 well points
in the town of Rajam are evaluated and compared with World Health Organization and BIS
standards. It is found that Total hardness, Fluorides, Alkalinity exceeds the permissible
limits. Water quality index (WQI) for each sample was also determined. It is found that
3,5,18,19,20,21 well point samples are fit for drinking and most samples are having poor (50-
100) quality for drinking. The data was analyzed with the help of Statistical tools and found
that water samples are contaminated with the weathering of metamorphic rocks (charnockite,
khondalite etc.,) present in the study area. Chlorinity Index and Salinity Index are found to be
in permissible limits and hence suitable for irrigation purpose.

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