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Chapter - Industries

1. What is meant by the term industry?

Answer-* Industry refers to an economic activity that is concerned with production of
goods, extraction of minerals or the provision of services.
* Example iron and steel industry( production of goods) coal mining industry( extraction
of goods )tourism industry (service provider)

2. What are the main factors which influence the location of an industry ?
Ans-*The location of industries are affected by the availability of raw material, land,
water, labour, power, capital, transport, and market.
*Industries are situated where some or all of these factors are easily available.

3. Which industry is often referred to as the” backbone of the modern industry” and why?
Ans- Iron and steel is often called the backbone of modern industry. Ships, trains, trucks,
and automobiles are made largely of steel. Safety pins to big ships are made from steel.
● Oil wells are drilled with steel machinery.
● Steel pipelines transport oil.
● Minerals are mined with steel equipment.
● Farm machines are mostly made of steel.
● Large buildings have steel frameworks.

4. Distinguish between the following.

(i) Agro-based and mineral-based industry(ii) Public sector and joint sector industry
Competency Based Questions
1. News Article- Gas furnace explosion in Pune “In May 2024, a gas furnace exploded in a
fabrication unit in Pune, Maharashtra, injuring 19 workers. The explosion caused metal parts
to be flung in all directions, burning the workers. A case has been filed against the unit's
management and proprietor for alleged negligence”.
What are the mitigation mechanisms to reduce industrial disasters?

2. “India's industrial sector is a major driver of the country's growth, contributing about 29% of
its GDP and employing about 40% of its workforce. India is a major exporter of a wide range
of products, including textiles, pharmaceuticals, and engineering goods”.
Write about any three recent initiatives that have helped promote industrial
development in India.
Extra questions

1. How are Industries classified on the basis of a) raw materials b) ownership and c) size?
2. Define Cooperative sector with examples
3. Distinguish between a large scale and a small scale industry with examples.
4. What is an industrial system?
5. List a few industrial regions in India.
6. How did the development of the iron and steel industry lead to industrial development in
7. What are Sunrise industries? Give examples.


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