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(A Quasi-Experimental Study at 7th Grade English Matriculation Class SMPN 3

Tangerang Selatan)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment and Requirement

for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in Department of English Education







Wirdayana (11180140000001). The Effectiveness of Impromptu Speaking Method on
Students’ Speaking of Introducing Oneself and Others (A Quasi-Experimental Study at 7th
Grade English Matriculation Class SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi of Department of English
Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta, 2022.

Advisor I: Ummi Kultsum, Ph.D.

Advisor II: Dr. Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M. Hum.

This research aimed to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of using the Impromptu
Speaking method on students’ speaking skill of introducing themselves and others at the seventh
grade of SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan in the academic year 2022/2023. This study employed a
quantitative research design with a quasi-experimental research methodology. The population
consisted of SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan seventh grade students. The sample consisted of 70
students chosen using a purposive sampling technique and divided into two groups: experimental
and controlled. The instrument was an oral test. The Impromptu Speaking test was administered
at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. The t-test was used to analyze the data from the
pre-test and post-test. The results of the pre-test scores from both classes revealed that the average
score of the experimental class was slightly lower than that of the controlled class. Meanwhile, the
post-test score revealed that the experimental class scored significantly higher than the controlled
class. The data from this reseacrh was statistically analyzed, and the result of the sig 2 tailed in
this study was p (0.001), which was less than 0.05. It means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected
or there is significant effect using Impromptu Speaking Method on students’ speaking skill of
introducing one self and others. Given the result of the Cohen’s effect size test, which was 0.81,
the significance of the Impromptu Speaking method in this research is categorized in ‘very good’.
As a result, it can be concluded that the Impromptu Speaking method was effective in developing
students' speaking of introducing themselves and others at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Tangerang
Selatan in the academic year 2022/2023.

Wirdayana (11180140000001). The Effectiveness of Impromptu Speaking Method on
Students’ Speaking of Introducing Oneself and Others (A Quasi-Experimental Study at 7th
Grade English Matriculation Class SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan). Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta, 2022.

Advisor I: Ummi Kultsum, Ph.D.

Advisor II: Dr. Ismalianing Eviyuliawati, M.Hum.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang pengaruh penggunaan
metode Impromptu Speaking terhadap keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam memperkenalkan diri
dan orang lain di kelas VII SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Penelitian ini
menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan metodologi penelitian kuasi eksperimen.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan. Sampel terdiri dari 70
siswa yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan dibagi menjadi dua
kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah
tes lisan. Tes Impromptu Speaking diberikan pada awal dan akhir perlakuan. T-test digunakan
untuk menganalisis data dari pre-test dan post-test. Hasil skor pretest dari kedua kelas diketahui
bahwa rata-rata skor kelas eksperimen sedikit lebih rendah dari kelas kontrol. Sementara itu, skor
post-test mengungkapkan bahwa kelas eksperimen mendapat nilai lebih tinggi secara signifikan
daripada kelas kontrol. Data dari penelitian ini dianalisis secara statistik, dan hasil sig 2 tail pada
penelitian ini adalah p (0,001), yaitu kurang dari 0,05. Artinya Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak atau
ada pengaruh yang signifikan dengan penggunaan Metode Impromptu Speaking terhadap
keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam memperkenalkan diri dan orang lain. Berdasarkan hasil uji
Cohen's effect size signifikansi metode Impromptu Speaking dalam penelitian ini dikategorikan
'sangat baik' dengan hasil 0,81. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode Impromptu
Speaking efektif dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam memperkenalkan diri
dan orang lain di kelas VII SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan tahun ajaran 2022/2023

All praise, and gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His blessing and
favors so the writer can complete this research well. Peace and Salutation may always be given to
the Prophet Muhammad SAW who gave enlightenment and the right direction, also to his family,
companions, and his faithful followers.

Skripsi entitled "The Effectiveness of Impromptu Speaking Method on Students’ Speaking

of Introducing Oneself and Others" was arranged to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain a
degree in the department of English Education Study Program, Faculty of Educational Sciences,
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The researcher would like to express her gratitude to her beloved family for giving the
support, prayers, and love until the writer can finish this study. The writer realizes that in the
preparation of this study requires support, guidance, and prayer from various parties. As an
expression of respect, the authors thank her advisors; Ummi Kultsum, Ph.D., and Dr. Ismalianing
Eviyuliwati, M.Hum for the advises comments and guidance in finishing this research.
Furthermore, the writer would like to express her thanks and gratitude to:

1. Dr. Sururin M.Ag, the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, MA, TESOL., Ph.D., the Head of the Department of English
3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of the Department of English Education.
4. All lectures in the Department of English Education.
5. Drs. Nofiardi, the Headmaster of SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan, who had given permission
to conduct the research.
6. Herlina. M. Pd., and Miss Eti, M.Pd., the teacher advisors and all teachers and staff of
SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan for their guidance, advice, and supports during this research.
7. All students of VII A and VII B who gave their effort to be the participants in this research.
8. All of her dearest friends of the Department of English Education 2018, especially for A
class who has given the motivation, and all of the memories unforgettable.
9. Her best friends, RB Doni Putra Okten Pratama, Nadilla Fatika Sari, and Nur Ambaria
Jannah who also have given their time, love, prays, advice, and endless support.

10. To everyone, whose name cannot be mentioned, thank you for helping and giving a big
contribution in completing this research.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Hopefully, this research
will be useful not only for the writer but also for the readers and further researchers. Therefore,
the writer is very welcome to accept constructive feedback, suggestion, and critiques to make this
study better.

Jakarta, December 26th 2022


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ vi

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. x

CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem................................................................................................................ 2
C. Limitation of the Study ......................................................................................................................... 2
D. Formulation of the Problem ................................................................................................................. 2
E. Objective of the Study........................................................................................................................... 2
F. Significance of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................................. 4

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................................................................. 4

A. Speaking Skill..................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Definitions of Speaking .................................................................................................... 4
2. The Goal of Speaking ....................................................................................................... 6
3. The Elements of Speaking................................................................................................ 6
4. Factors Influencing Speaking Skill .................................................................................. 7
5. Speaking Anxiety ............................................................................................................. 9
6. The Difficulties of Speaking ............................................................................................ 9
7. Speaking Practice ........................................................................................................... 10
B. Impromptu Speaking Method ......................................................................................................... 10
C. Teaching Speaking Using Impromptu Speaking Method ................................................................ 11
1. Impromptu Speaking Delivery Tips ............................................................................... 12

2. The Structure of Impromptu Speaking ............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Previous Study ................................................................................................................................... 13
E. Thinking Framework. ...................................................................................................................... 14
F. Theoretical Hypothesis ................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................. 17

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 17

A. Place and Time of the Research ...................................................................................................... 17

B. Research Method and Design ......................................................................................................... 17
C. Population and Sample ................................................................................................................... 18
D. Research Instrument ....................................................................................................................... 19
E. Technique of Data Collection .......................................................................................................... 21
F. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument ....................................................................................... 21
G. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................................................................. 22
CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................ 40

A. Research Finding ............................................................................................................................. 40

1. Data Description ............................................................................................................. 40
2. Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 45
B. Discussion........................................................................................................................................ 52
CHAPTER V ............................................................................................................................... 55

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................................................................... 55

A. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 55
B. SUGGESTION ................................................................................................................................... 55
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 57

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 61

Table 3. 1 Research Design ....................................................................................................... 18
Table 3. 2 Scoring Rubric of Speaking ..................................................................................... 20
Table 4. 1 The Score of pretest and posttest (Experimental Class) ........................................ 40
Table 4. 2 The Score of pretest and posttest (Controlled Class) ............................................. 43
Table 4. 3 Normality Test of the Pretest ................................................................................... 46
Table 4. 4 Normality Test of the Posttest .................................................................................. 46
Table 4. 5 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Pretest .............................................................. 47
Table 4. 6 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Posttest ............................................................. 48
Table 4. 7 Independent Samples Test ........................................................................................ 50

Figure 4. 1 The mean score of Experimental Class ................................................................. 42
Figure 4. 2 The mean score of Controlled Class. ..................................................................... 45

Appendix 1 Surat Izin Penelitian ............................................................................................. 61
Appendix 2 Instrument of Pretest (Controlled Class) ......................................................... 582
Appendix 3 Instrument of Posttest (Experimental Class) ..................................................... 60
Appendix 4 Instrument of Posttest (Controlled Class) ........................................................... 84
Appendix 5 Pretest Score of Experimental Class.................................................................... 85
Appendix 6 Pretest Score of Controlled Class ........................................................................ 87
Appendix 7 Posttest Score of Experimental Class .................................................................. 90
Appendix 8 Posttest Score of Controlled Class ....................................................................... 92
Appendix 9 Pictures ................................................................................................................... 94


A. Background of the Study

According to (Panggabean, 2020), one of the most important aspects of the language
learning process is speaking. Speaking is the most crucial skill in English since it allows us to
convey our thoughts, views, feelings, and information verbally. Speaking is one of the keys to
academic achievement, particularly when studying English. If we have weak speaking abilities,
we are more likely to fail or have problems progressing in our academics. On the other hand, we
will have a better chance of excelling in our academics if we have good speaking skills
(Panggabean, 2020). English language learning in the second half of the decade of the 2000s is
increasingly becoming very important and a priority to develop, especially for non-English
speaking countries. There are four important aspects of English language skills that users must
master, including writing, listening, reading and speaking. One of the most important English
language skills is speaking (Brown, 2015). Speaking ability is the most visible thing in everyday
life. As we all know, we tend to use oral communication every day in our interactions. This of
course forms the ability to speak into such a crucial skill that we need to hone continuously.
Communication itself involves the process of thought, knowledge, and skills for effective speaking
and listening or in other words, speaking is at the centre of everyone's communication (Storie,
2017). In the context of education, there are many ways to develop speaking skills in English, one
of which is speech. Speech is a one-way communication that allows the speaker to convey ideas,
notions or messages to others.

Speaking can be taught in a variety of methods, as according to Lumettu et al (2018)

Impromptu speaking, or the method of making speeches without or with very little preparation and
relying solely on experience and intuition, is one conversational strategy to develop this skill. The
speaker uses spontaneity or improvisation in this method. This unexpected speech given in
response to the requirement for communicating in simple language.

According to Masfufah (2020), students face numerous challenges when speaking,

including a lack of language knowledge, anxiousness, and a lack of ideas for speaking. Of course,
this is a general speaking issue that arises even before adopting impromptu speaking skills.

The researcher found some similar studies that have been conducted by Masfufah (2020)
and Barruansyah (2018). Those researchers seek the same objectives; to investigate the impromptu
speaking technique towards students’ improvement in their speaking ability. The gaps that can be
filled here are the methods used to carry out this research. Those studies did not identify a specific
session to implement impromptu speaking; however, this study identified students' impromptu
speaking at the matriculation session (a session held to improve bilingual students' English skills
outside of school session).

B. Identification of the Problem

1. Students are passive in their English learning, particularly in speaking.
2. Without preparation, students are unable to speak English fluently.
3. Students have been dissatisfied with traditional methods in teaching speaking.

C. Limitation of the Study

This study focused on evaluating the 7th grade bilingual students at SMPN 3 Tangerang
and their improvement of speaking ability as a result of the implementation of Impromptu
Speaking in the Matriculation Session.

D. Formulation of the Problem

This research was carried out with the research question:

“Is the Impromptu Speaking Method effective to use in teaching speaking of introducing oneself
and others?”

E. Objective of the Study

Based on problem identification, the purpose of this study was to analyze whether the
Impromptu Speaking Method effective for 7th grade bilingual students at SMPN 3 Tangerang in
Teaching Speaking of introducing oneself and others.

F. Significance of the Study

Impromptu speaking, according to Lumettu et al (2018), is done without or with very little
preparation and because it is done spontaneously at the same time, relying on basic knowledge of
the topic and understanding of the circumstances in which the talk is delivered, the language used
is usually simple, both in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure, because impromptu speaking
is unplanned. According to Mayangta's research (2013), anxiousness that impairs a speaker's

performance can be overcome by using the proper method and practicing consistently. In order to
learn the best way to master English speaking skill, it is important to conduct this research for 7th
grade bilingual students and find out the impact of using impromptu speaking to the improvement
of students’ speaking ability.

a) For Students

The researcher can introduce a way for students to improve their speaking English more
naturally and spontaneously by using the impromptu speaking method, while also expanding
their vocabulary and general knowledge in speaking English.

b) For English Teachers

For the teacher to give some information to the teacher about the influence of using
impromptu speech techniques on students’ speaking ability in teaching speaking English.

c) For the research field

The findings and recommendations in this study might be taken as reference material for
other researchers to pursue further research by filling in the gaps in this study.



A. Speaking Skill
1. Definitions of Speaking
Language plays an essential role in human life as a means of communication. English is
one of the world's most widely spoken languages. English language learning in the second half
of the decade of the 2000s is increasingly becoming very important and a priority to develop,
especially for non-English speaking countries. There are four important aspects of English
language skills that users must master, including writing, listening, reading and speaking. One
of the most important English language skills is speaking (Brown, 2015). Speaking ability is
the most visible thing in everyday life. As we all know, we tend to use oral communication
every day in our interactions. This of course forms the ability to speak into such a crucial skill
that we need to hone continuously. Communication itself involves the process of thought,
knowledge, and skills for effective speaking and listening or in other words, speaking is at the
centre of everyone's communication (Storie, 2017). In the context of education, there are many
ways to develop speaking skills in English, one of which is speech. Speech is a one-way
communication that allows the speaker to convey ideas, notions or messages to others.

According to (Fernando, 2020), speaking skills is the ability to express oneself in life
situations, or the abilities to describe situational actions or word phrases, or the ability to
express a sequence of ideas fluently. Mastery of the English language, especially speaking
skills, is very important for students so that they can communicate with others at least in
English classes. English class. "speaking is the way of people to express something and for
communicating to other people orally". Speaking is the first step of interacting with others in
daily activities and is inseparable between interaction and communication daily activities and
cannot be separated between interaction and communication. According to (Huriyah et al.,
2020), English speaking is a productive talent that relates to one's knowledge of a topic through
vocabulary acquisition. Some speaking experts define what it means to be able to communicate
in English and how it is used in everyday life. English language skills are important to master

because English supports communication at an international level. With good communication
many things can be realised in various fields. Conversely, a lack of fluency in communication
can result in failure in many aspects. Given its important role, English needs to be taught as
early as possible both formally and informally. This is because early childhood is believed to
be the best period for learning a foreign language. As an illustration, introducing vocabulary
or terms to young children should start with objects and events that are close to them
spontaneously. At home, for example, they can be introduced to the surrounding objects such
as lamps, plates, spoons, brooms, tables, chairs and others. At school, for example, the closest
vocabulary is the school environment and surrounding objects. It is very difficult for children
to digest new vocabulary such as snow, winter, because it is very far from their daily lives.
Several speaking experts define what is meant by English speaking ability and how it is used
in daily life. Expert definitions of speaking ability are reviewed below;

a. Wamnebo et al (2018) define the speaking ability as a linguistic skill that is developed
in children's lives. The ability to listen is required to acquire this speaking talent.
When a child listens while eating, he or she will develop speech skills. The ability to
communicate in English, or the ability to talk in English, is crucial.
b. According to Zaid and Sarjiyati et al (2019) skills may be acquired by doing three
things: introducing a new language, training, and communicative activities. A search
and implementation process occurs when communicating in English. The introduction
and use of this foreign language will broaden your horizons and improve your
communication abilities.
c. Based on Clark's (1977), Speaking is characterized as an instrument action in which
a conversation has an effect on the listener. It is possible to begin teaching speaking
by honing conversation skills in a foreign language. These conversational abilities are
included in the terms used in teaching speaking in English. Many things influence
how well you learn and apply English speaking.

According to the previous definitions, speaking is an action that is one of the English skills
and abilities; to master speaking, we must understand English conversation; and speaking
ability is crucial. Indrawati, 2020 defines speaking a foreign language as a significant oral

practice. As a result, every word we say must be understood because this ability to speak will
help someone express their interesting ideas verbally.

Speaking can be learnt in various ways. One of them is impromptu speaking, which is
a method of speaking without preparation or with minimal preparation and only relying on
experience and insight. The speaker uses spontaneity or improvisation in this method. This
impromptu speaking is delivered based on the need for simple language when speaking.

2. The Goal of Speaking

The main goal in teaching speaking is oral fluency: the ability to express oneself clearly,
accurately and without hesitation. To achieve this goal, students must be taken from the stage
where they merely imitate to the stage where they can use language to express their own ideas.

According to Brown and Yule, the purpose of teaching speaking is for students to be able
to "express themselves", to handle basic interactive skills such as exchanging greetings,
thanks, and apologies, and also to "express their needs", i.e. requesting information, services,
and so on, in other words, speaking classes should be geared towards communicative
activities. To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, teachers can use
an activity approach that combines language input, structured input, and communicative
output. This approach gives students the materials they need to start producing their own

3. The Elements of Speaking

Elements of speaking that have to be considered by the speaker are as follows:

a. Pronunciation

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, pronunciation is the way

a person pronounces words in a language. In pronouncing words, learners often have
problems distinguishing new language sounds that they did not know before.

b. Grammar

H. Douglas Brown affirms that grammar is a system of rules governing the

conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary or commonly referred to as "words" are considered the building blocks

on which second language knowledge can be built.

d. Fluency

In fluency training, learners concentrate on communicating fluently, and pay little

attention to accuracy. Their attention is more on the information they are communicating
rather than the language itself.

e. Comprehension

"Comprehension is the process of understanding speech or writing. It includes

knowledge of words (including how to spell and pronounce them), and knowledge of

4. Factors Influencing Speaking Skill

The ability to produce spoken language "without excessive pause or hesitation" is
referred to as speaking fluency. Speaking with too many hesitations and pauses can disrupt
fluency and put the speaker under pressure. The importance of speaking English should not be
underestimated. It should be "developed by itself" as an important aspect of language skills
(Wang, 2014). As a result, good speaking skills are crucial for English language learners,
particularly those planning to major in English, because teaching English is likely to be their
lifelong career. Fluency is the flow and efficiency with which individuals express ideas,
particularly in English. Some grammar errors will occur when explaining something, but if
they are delivered in a way that is easy to understand and shows that someone might be
comfortable speaking English. Speaking accuracy is defined as "the degree that the resulting
language compiles to the norms of the target language" (Ellis & Yuan, 2003), and it includes
correct pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

a. Cognitive factors

Students need to find the right words to use in the delivery of appropriate grammar,
there is always a possibility for students to make mistakes in face-to-face communication.
Therefore, their speech may be filled with hesitations, grammatical inaccuracies, and

limited vocabulary (Hughes and Reed, 2016). In addition, the human mind is not easy to
focus on everything at the same time. Too much focus on accuracy can lead to a lack of
fluency, and too much emphasis on fluency can lead to a lack of accuracy. Therefore, it is
important for students to maintain a balance between accuracy and fluency.

b. Linguistic Factors

The use of correct language forms is essential for learners' oral proficiency
(Saunders & O'Brien, 2006). It is more difficult for EFL learners to use accurate
pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary (Bygate, 2005). Mispronouncing one sound can
lead to misunderstanding by the listener, and using different intonations can result in
different meanings. If learners often make mistakes in sound, stress, and intonation, their
speaking accuracy will be greatly affected. In addition, grammar plays an important role in
learning the structure of English. Some students are good at organising grammar in reading
and writing, but they may often make mistakes in their spoken English. Vocabulary is also
important for EFL learners, if the receptive vocabulary is rather limited, learners can hardly
put their "receptive vocabulary knowledge into productive use", so it is important for
Indonesian EFL students to store a lot of vocabulary in their long-term memory. In
addition, Indonesian EFL learners should be able to have quick access to words and
expressions in their mind while speaking so that their speaking fluency can be improved.

c. Affective Factors

In addition to cognitive and linguistic factors, students' speaking competence is also

influenced by affective factors. Anxiety and self-limitation have an impact on students' oral
ability. Anxiety is the affective factor that "most inhibits learning" (Brown, 2000). It is the
fear of being "wrong, stupid, or unintelligible". Many Indonesian EFL learners feel nervous
in class, especially when they are asked to speak in class without preparation. Excessive
nervousness makes learners "lose their words" and greatly affects their performance in
foreign language classes. Therefore, Indonesian EFL learners should get adequate support
before speaking, so that they can reduce their nervousness and perform more confidently
in speaking. Since risk-taking is considered essential for "successful second language
learning" (Brown, 2007), Indonesian learners should be motivated to speak boldly to
improve their speaking ability.

5. Speaking Anxiety
Foreign language anxiety, according to Horwitz and Cope (1986), consists of students'
self-perceptions, beliefs, feelings and behaviours related to language learning in the
classroom. Students who experience speaking anxiety feel uncomfortable communicating in
the target language in front of others due to their limited knowledge of the language, especially
in terms of speaking skills. Students fear negative evaluation, seeing language errors as a
threat to their image and a source of negative evaluation from their teachers or peers, rather
than as a natural part of the learning process. As a result, they are more silent and withdrawn,
and they do not engage in language activities. Students who are anxious about the foreign
language process, especially with oral production, will see speaking sessions as a test rather
than an opportunity for communication and skill improvement.

6. The Difficulties of Speaking

The ability to speak a foreign language is often equated with language proficiency.
Indeed, one of the frustrations often voiced by students is that they have spent years learning
English, yet still cannot speak the language. One of the main difficulties is that speaking
usually happens spontaneously and directly, with too much attention paid to planning and
production resulting in a loss of fluency and accuracy.

Penny Ur describes, some of the difficulties faced by learners in speaking activities as


a. Inhibition.
Students are often inhibited when trying to say something in a foreign language in
class, worried about making mistakes, afraid of being criticised or simply embarrassed
that their speech will attract attention.
a. Nothing to say.
You often hear learners complain that they can't think of anything to say, like they
have no ideas or motivation to express themselves in front of others.
b. Low or uneven participation.
Only one learner can speak and express their ideas freely in a large group. This
problem is compounded by the tendency of some learners to dominate, while others
just watch and listen without participating.

c. Mother-tongue use.
If they speak in small groups, it may be quite difficult to develop the foreign
language speaking ability of students especially those who are less disciplined or less
motivated in using the target language.
On the other hand, she also classified some characteristics of a successful speaking activity,
such as learners talk a lot, participation is even, motivation is high, and language is of an
acceptable level.

7. Speaking Practice
Speaking skills are a key component of the curriculum in foreign language teaching.
Individual speaking practice is often limited to the classroom, and finding speakers outside the
classroom can be difficult. Students can practise their speaking skills by giving presentations,
which are formal talks to one or more people where students "present" ideas or information in
a clear and structured way, or by practising small talk or small talk. Small talk is a type of
casual conversation that "breaks the ice" or fills awkward silences between two people.
Although students are shy about using their second language, it is sometimes considered rude
not to say anything. There are times when small talk is appropriate, and there are also topics
that people often talk about at times like these.

Impromptu speaking is another method for practicing speaking. An impromptu

speaking or conversation is one that is delivered without prior planning. To be able to do
impromptu speaking, students must first understand how to better prepare themselves when
speaking impromptu with little or no preparation. A job interview is one of those situations
that requires impromptu speaking. We don't know what will be asked of us in such a situation,
but we are expected to respond quickly and professionally. For admissions interviews, radio
interviews, parent-teacher meetings, parties, reunions, and other situations, impromptu
speaking is required.

B. Impromptu Speaking Method

Heinz (2013) stated that the ability to talk spontaneously with little or no preparation is
known as impromptu speech or speaking. As a result, exercises with a long enough duration
are required in order to be able to employ impromptu speaking skills and therefore be better

Collins English Dictionary defines:

“Impromptu is applied to that which is spoken, made or done in the spur of the moment to
suit the occasion and stressed spontaneity.”

Lumettu stated that Impromptu speaking is the ability to speak in a specific place or topic.
You need to be able to deliver it with ease and confidence, but impromptu speaking is
something you can learn over time to good effect in the long run.

(Lumettu & Runtuwene, 2018) states that impromptu speaking is being able to speak
in a specific place or topic. You should be able to deliver it with ease and confidence, but
impromptu speaking is something you can learn over time and you can get better at. According
to the research conducted by Azzahra et al (2019) In improving the quality of speaking skills
with the Impromptu speaking method, Impromptu speaking can be done in two ways; Conduct
one-on-one conversations and group discussions.

Based on these definitions we can conclude that, Impromptu speaking is not learnt and
memorised, but spontaneous and natural. Sometimes speaking is so impromptu that there is no
time to think about the main points to be delivered. This can happen in real life situations when
you are suddenly asked to deliver something. The most important thing to do in such situations
is to have the main points in mind regarding the topic to be talked about.

C. Teaching Speaking Using Impromptu Speaking Method

According to the research conducted by Azzahra et al (2019) on improving the quality of
speaking skills with the Impromptu speaking method, Impromptu speaking can be done in two
ways; Have one-on-one conversations and group discussion.

The first way of implementing Impromptu Speaking is by “One-on-one conversations.”

In ‘one-on-one’ conversation, the individuals are given impromptu speaking approaches, such
as randomly selected subjects and students talk spontaneously without a partner. This
encourages the students to keep thinking and trains the students' opinions and ideas to emerge
spontaneously, allowing each person to convey his or her actual feelings.

The second way of implementing Impromptu Speaking Method is by doing “Group

discussion”. The application of impromptu speaking techniques with the group, means that the

teacher arranging a discussion session on the chosen theme in which each student can employ
spontaneous speaking skills to express their thoughts as a representative of the group. Task
division during a group discussion can motivate students to perform their tasks more
effectively. This might encourage each student to perform their duties as effectively as they
can since if you don't, the other team members will be impacted as well.

Students can develop communication skills and prepare for public speaking in the future
by using it in school when learning to speak. While this may appear to be a cruel trick to a
student, it actually builds confidence and is excellent preparation for life. When students are
asked to stand up and give public speeches in the future without notice or a chance to prepare,
Impromptu Speaking can serve as a point about the value of being ready to speak impromptu
whenever and wherever. In the meantime, several factors must be considered when delivering
Impromptu Speaking so that the communication conveyed remains well structured. The factors

1. Impromptu Speaking Delivery Tips

As previously stated, impromptu speaking can be done either without any prior preparation,
but students should be required to comprehend the impromptu speaking delivery tips in order
to be better able in their impromptu speaking.
a. Go Slowly
b. Take your time to begin Look around and smile.
Make your eye-contact with one or two people in the rooms.
c. Stand tall.
d. Use your notes as reminders only.
e. Talk conversationally
f. Watch the words
Do not use vocabulary or jargons which are not familiar to your audience.
g. Keep it short and to the point
h. Personalize your speech
It is best to use examples/stories from your experience. This has two advantages. Firstly, it
allows the audience to see you as a real person. Secondly, it gives you authenticity or the right
to speak on the topic.

Based on the definitions given by Merriam Webster Dictionary and Collins English
Dictionary, impromptu speaking refers to a wider range of activities that include different types
of speaking activities such as presentations, debates, interviews, and even conversations.
Impromptu Speaking has the possibility to be applied in any kind of speaking.

D. Previous Study
Several studies, including Panggabean et al (2020) and Barruansyah (2020), discovered
that using the impromptu speaking method has a positive effect on students' speaking skill.
Panggabean et al (2020) conducted a study at the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1
Pinangsori in 2018/2019 Academic Year and the effect score of their experimental class is 3.6,
which is classified as "Very Good." Their research also discovered that the students' speaking
ability before being taught using the impromptu speaking method at senior high school students
was 36.4, placing the students in the "Fail" category. While the students' speaking ability after
being taught using the impromptu speaking method at senior high school students was 62.5,
and categorized as "Enough." Barruansyah (2018) reported a positive outcome from the
Impromptu Speaking method implementation. According to the Independent Sample T-Test
formula analysis, there is a significant difference in the improvement of students' speaking
ability who were taught using impromptu speech technique at university students from
Pekanbaru. The mean pretest score for students in the experimental class is 47.4. The mean
posttest score for students in the experimental class is 61,6. It's also clear from the calculation
above that students' speaking ability improves in the experimental class.
Arrohim (2019) conducted a study which focusing on the students' perception toward the
application of impromptu speaking method at SMKN 5 Surabaya. According to the findings
of this study, students in XI 3 at SMKN 5 Surabaya agree that impromptu speaking is an
effective English speaking method. The results of the questionnaire show that the majority of
students have a favorable opinion of the impromptu speaking method. The students believe
that (1) impromptu speaking strategy may train students' speaking skills, (2) impromptu
speaking strategy can improve their vocabularies, and (3) impromptu speaking strategy can
make students more confidence while speaking in front of a group. Furthermore, this research
applied (Abeywickrama, 2004) proposition to assess the students' speaking ability, allowing
the experimenter to track all aspects of speech, such as the students' alphabetisation,
ignorance, pronunciation, vocabulary, and appreciation. And to prove the positive results of

applying the Impromptu Speaking system in this exploration, the researcher also explored the
effect of the intensity of using the Impromptu Speaking system on the scholars' speaking
pieces in introducing themselves and others.

Furthermore, there is a gap in this research that it is necessary to hold an evaluation session
to determine aspects of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency in speaking, and
whether or not each student has met the standards of good and correct speaking, as in line
with a research by Amanda and Donal (2019). Amanda and Donal stated that in a speaking
research, student’s achievement cannot be only judged through how much he/she knows but
also how well he/she can perform it in public. Actually, the students are required to have
mastered English grammar well, so they can go further into advanced English conversations.

And thus the, Castelyn (2019) emphasized that improving speaking skill is not an
immediate process and should be done with a step-by-step method, in which students
gradually master the proficiency but also occasionally need to concentrate on a specific aspect,
as a result, in this study, the author starts to apply the Impromptu Speaking Method with a
simple topic that will always be useful in many situations; 'Introducing Oneself and Others.'

According to previous research, this investigation intended to fill some gaps. To begin, the
researcher conducted a research in the English language mastery class (bilingual students) of
SMPN 3 South Tangerang to ensure that the research sample is reliable with the study's aims.
This research also conducted during the specific speaking session time to concentrate solely
on impromptu speaking implementation (in English matriculation sessions and only in
speaking sessions). And lastly, the researcher evaluated the bilingual grade 7 students of
SMPN 3 Tangerang's speaking skills in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and fluency in
practicing impromptu speaking.

E. Thinking Framework.
According to Huriyah et al (2020) Speaking is a way for people to express themselves and
communicate with each other, and Impromptu Speaking refers to the ability to speak
spontaneously or with little preparation. In using the Impromptu Speaking method, speakers
must be aware of their delivery styles and aspects in their speaking so that the points of
communication that they deliver verbally are accepted by the audience, and it will improve
their ability to speak in English even in spontaneous situations. Speaking English is a

productive talent related to someone's knowledge of a topic through vocabulary mastery. Some
speaking experts define what it means to be able to communicate in English and how it is used
in everyday life

According to research conducted by Fernando, (2020), teaching English speaking aims to

make students trigger their language knowledge and skills, such as grammar, vocabulary, and
pronunciation, in real communication practices, so that they can communicate their feelings,
ideas, and information to others appropriately. Speaking skill should be taught correctly in
learning process in the school and speaking task in English lesson is one of the activities that
the students of Junior High School have to do. The students have many difficulties in speaking
task. Probably, some students cannot produce English because they do not know the way how
they can speak fluently and it makes the students’ anxiety because they do not have confidence
and bravery. They feel fear that they cannot deliver speech fluently, spontaneously, and
accurately. Based on those theories that have been explained before, the writer makes students
focus only on how they could improve their speaking fluency. Fluency is one of the assessment
points in speaking skills, so that the writer tries to build students’ speaking fluency to speak
fluently in a fun way and less pressured in class and society.

In this study, the Impromptu Speaking method was used in both one-on-one conversations
and group discussions. The researcher instructed all of the students in the experimental class
to find a partner for 'introducing oneself and others' on the first implementation (pretest). The
researcher assigns each partner 5 minutes to speak in a maximum of 5 to 10 sentences using
the impromptu speaking method. The researcher had already given them the example of
introducing oneself before the implementation. After the implementation of Impromptu
Speaking method, the researcher evaluated the session and received feedback from the teacher
who served as an observer during the session.

The author considered that Impromptu Speaking is an effective way for students to develop
their speaking fluency based on the speaking concern and subject matter. Furthermore,
according to Langley Steve (2012), in order to engage students in speaking in front of the class,
the teachers must devise a simple yet effective method of teaching speaking that will get
everyone in the class involved. The students can practice their impromptu speaking from the
simple materials; ‘Introducing oneself and others’. Also, students should be able to verbalise

the ideas in their minds into comprehensible information, so that others can understand the
message or information they are conveying. In addition, they must also be careful with non-
verbal language, such as body language, when speaking. However, the teaching of English
speaking in Indonesia is still constrained by several problems, such as the limited supportive
environment for learning to speak English, the large number of students in the class that limits
the opportunity to practice speaking in class, student anxiety, and the unclear objectives of
learning English speaking in Indonesia. Therefore, an alternative is needed to activate students
in speaking English.

Self-introduction is something very important and a moment that will happen repeatedly,
and often in that occasion the person do not have time to prepare the speaking content. Based
on that thinking framework, the writer implemented the study with impromptu speaking
method. Also, it is expected to reduce their anxiety and give more time to do rehearsal.

F. Theoretical Hypothesis
Based on the theory and problem of speaking previously presented, the writer stated the
hypothesis as follows:

1. Altenative hypothesis (Ha)

There was significance effect of using Impromptu Speaking Method on students’ speaking
2. Null hypothesis (Ho)
There was no significance effect of using Impromptu Speaking Method on students’
speaking skill.


A. Place and Time of the Research
This study was conducted on bilingual 7th grade students from SMPN 3 South Tangerang.
Since students in the bilingual class at SMPN 3 South Tangerang received in-depth English lessons
during the matriculation session, the researchers decided to conduct the study there in order to get
the best results for this study and to implement the Impromptu Speaking method for students who
already have a basic understanding of English especially in speaking. The research was carried out
from June 2022 to the first week of August 2022.

B. Research Method and Design

The research design was the researcher's overall plan for obtaining answers to the research
questions guiding the study (Asenahabi, 2019). This study uses quantitative research design with
quasi-experimental research methodology. According Sugiyono (2013), quantitative research
methods can be defined as research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to
examine specific populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, quantitative
or statistical data analysis with the goal of testing hypotheses that have been established.

The impromptu speaking method is an uncontrolled variable in this study that can
cause/affect students' speaking achievement as the dependent variable. Then compared the
experimental class with the control class to see whether using the Impromptu speaking method
had a significant effect on students' speaking skill achievement.

Table 3. 1
Research Design

This study used two classes, one as an experimental class and the other as a control class.
The Impromptu Speaking Method was used to treat the students in the experimental class. On the
other hand, the control group means that students are not implementing the Impromptu Speaking
method but were taught in a conventional way, namely Natural Approach.

C. Population and Sample

According to Sugiyono (2013) a sample was a portion or subset of the target population
that has been selected. The target population, on the other hand, refers to a large group of
individuals whose characteristics are of interest to the research. The researcher can draw judgments
about the target population based on the sample data to a certain extent. Based on this knowledge,
the researcher chose a population and sample that allowed the researcher to achieve the research
goal, which was to describe the students' improvements in speaking fluency, vocabulary, and
grammar with an impromptu speaking method.

1. Population
The total population of 7th Grade Students at SMPN 3 South Tangerang are 315
students including the regular class and bilingual class.
2. Sample
The researcher selected the sample for this study and used the purposive sampling
technique. The researcher conducted the study only on 7th-grade bilingual students. The
first class was 7A bilingual students as an experimental class, and the second class was 7B
bilingual students as the controlled class. The researcher used that sampling technique due
to an English teacher's desire to improve those classes' speaking abilities. Furthermore, the

7A bilingual sample consisted of 35 students, and the 7B bilingual sample consisted of 35
students. As a result, the total sample size for this study was 70 students.
D. Research Instrument
One of the things that determines the quality of the study is the tools used in collecting
data. A data collected is called quality if the tools used to conduct the study are valid and reliable.
A research instrument is a tool chosen and used by the researchers in carrying out activities to
collect data so that these activities become systematic and made easier by it. An oral test was used
as the research instrument in this study. The pre-test and the post-test was designed to determine
whether the impromptu speaking method affected students' speaking in introducing themselves in
3 minutes (including their hobbies and favourite things). the topic of the exam was the same:
introducing yourself in three minutes. The instrument was adapted from (Brown, n.d.).

Table 3. 2

Scoring Rubric of Speaking

E. Technique of Data Collection
Data collection methods are techniques or ways that researchers can use to collect data.
The data collected in the study will be used to test hypothesis or answer questions on the problem
formulation and then will be used as a basis for making conclusions or decisions.used as a basis
for making conclusions or decisions.

The data was analysed statistically, then the research compared 2 test scores in the
experimental class and control class. By using t-test formula in data analysis to determine the effect
of the Impromptu Speaking method on students' ability to speak or introduce themselves.
Normality and homogeneity of the data were measured first before analysing with t-test. The
controlled group, on the other hand, means that students was not implement the Impromptu
Speaking method but in conventional way, namely Natural Approach.

F. Validity and Reliability of the Instrument

The researcher used content validity to determine the instrument's validity. The content
validity test is said to be valid, according to Hughes and Reed, if it accurately measures what it is
supposed to measure. The researcher used an introductory topic that was appropriate for the
syllabus. Meanwhile, reliability used to evaluate students' speaking abilities both before and after
the test. Frankel and Wallen define reliability as the consistency of the scores obtained. In order to

achieve instrument reliability, the following factors must be considered: Grammar, fluency,
vocabulary, comprehension, and pronunciation are all important.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

The data in this study was analyzed statistically, the t-test formula was used in data analysis
to determine the effect of the Impromptu Speaking method on students' speaking or introducing
themselves. The normality and homogeneity of the data was measured first before analyzing it
with a t-test.

1. Preliminary Test

The preliminary analysis was the first step after collecting all of the research data.
It was useful to know whether or not the data might have been qualified. The normality
and homogeneity test was examined in this step.

2. Normality Test

Testing for normality depends on our ability to look closely at the plotting the data.
At the moment there are many ways developed by experts to test for normality
(Usmadi, 2020). In the test data normality test can be done using the One Sample
Kolmogorov Smirnov test, which is provided that if the significance value is above 5%
or 0.05 then the data has a normal distribution. The data was analysed using SPSS.

3. Homogeneity Test

The equality test of two variances is used to test whether the data distribution is
homogeneous or not, namely by comparing the two variances. If two groups of data or
more have the same variance, then the homogeneity test does not need to be done again
because the data is considered homogeneous. The homogeneity test can be carried out
if the data groups are in normal distribution. The homogeneity test of variance is needed
before comparing two or more groups, so that the differences that exist are not caused
by the difference between the two groups. more, so that the differences that exist are not
caused by differences in basic data (inhomogeneity of the groups) (Usmadi, 2020).

4. t-test
T-test or Hypothesis testing is the most important part of inference statistics
(inductive statistics), because based on these tests, decision making or problem solving
as the basis for further study can be resolved (Akbar, 2015). If the p-value or sig (2
tailed) is higher than 0.05 of sig a-0.05 (5 percent), the null hypothesis is accepted. On
the other hand, if the p-value is less than sig a= 0.05 (5%), the alternative hypothesis is
accepted. SPSS version 25 used to analyze the t-test.
5. Effect Size

After the t-test, the effect size is calculated to measure the magnitude of the
treatment effect or the significance level of the effect. The effect size is generated from
the statistical data while determining whether the effect size is strong or weak.

In this research, the cohen's d effect size formula is adopted as follow:

(𝑠𝑡𝑑.𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐴 + 𝑠𝑡𝑑.𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐵)

Average std. d = 2
(𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐴 – 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐵)
d= 𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Cohen defines several criteria for the effect size level, which are as follows:
• 0 - 0.2 = weak
• 0.21 - 0.5 = modest
• 0.51 – 1.00 = moderate
• >1.00 = strong

A. Research Finding
1. Data Description
This chapter focuses on the results of the test given to the sample; students from SMPN
3 Tangerang Selatan's English Matriculation class. The results were used to obtain empirical
evidence about the effect of the Impromptu Speaking method on students' Introducing oneself
and others speaking at SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan in the 2022/2023 academic year..

a. The Data of Experimental Class

Table 4. 1

The Score of pretest and posttest (Experimental Class)

The data in the table above represents the pre-test score of 35 students from the
experimental class of 7th grade English Matriculation students at SMPN 3 Tangerang
Selatan. The sum (total score) of the pre-test scores is 1440, with the mean (average) 41.
The lowest score for the pre-test is 28, while the highest score for the pretest is 54. The
data also shows the post-test scores of 35 students from the experimental class of 7th grade
English Matriculation students at SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan after the Impromptu
Speaking method treatment. The total number of post-test scores is 2288, with a mean of
65. The lowest post-test score in this group is 52, and the highest is 80.

Figure 4. 1 The mean score of Experimental Class data.

The table above shows that after implementing the impromptu speaking method,
the students' speaking mean scores in the experimental class improved 24 points from 41
to 65.

b. Data of Controlled Class
Table 4. 2
The Score of pretest and posttest (Controlled Class)

The data in the table above show the pre-test scores of 35 students from SMPN 3
Tangerang Selatan's 7th grade English Matriculation class. The total of the pretest scores
is 1484, with an average of 42. This pretest of the controlled class’ lowest score is 28, and
its highest score is 56. The data also includes the posttest scores of 35 students from SMPN
3 Tangerang Selatan's controlled class. The total of the posttest scores is 2092, with an

average of 59. The posttest of controlled class lowest score is 48, and its highest score is

Figure 4. 2 The mean score of Controlled Class data.






Pretest Posttest

Both classes' post-test scores have improved. Even though both classes have their
own improvement, the experimental group surpassed the control group. According to the
statistical analysis, the experimental class's increasing point is 24 points, from 41 to 65.
The controlled class increased only 17 points, from 42 to 59. It means that the experimental
group had significantly more increasing points than the control group. Thus, without the
implementation of the impromptu speaking method in the controlled class, there is a lower
effect on students' speaking improvement.

2. Data Analysis
a. Normality Test

The normality test determines whether a set of data comes from a population with a
normal distribution or shapes a normal curve. The normality test was performed by the
researcher using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk. The data was analyzed using SPSS.
The final result is as follows:

1) Pretest

Table 4. 3
Normality Test of the Pretest

The researcher focused on describing the data using the Klomogorov Smirnov table
results. Because the normality test results are completely reliant on the total number of
respondents, for using Klomogorov-Smirnov table result, the total number of respondents must
be greater than 30, the researcher stated the normality data from the Klomogorov-Smirnov
result because the total number of respondents in this study from both classes is 35 (more than
30). According to the data in Table above, the significance of the experimental class was 0.14,
while the control class was 0.2. The data was normally distributed if it was equal or greater
than to a significance α = 0.05. As a result, the data was normally distributed because the
significances for both classes are greater than 0.05.

2) Posttest
Table 4. 4
Normality Test of the Posttest

The experimental class has a sig of 0.67 and the control class has a significance of 0.10.
Results are normally if the sig level is higher than 0.05. Since the significance for both classes
is more than 0.05, it means that the data is normally distributed.
b. Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test is used to assess the similarity of a sample drawn from a
homogeneous population. The researcher calculated the homogeneity test using the Levene
statistic test and used significance data based on the mean to determine whether the sample is
homogeneous or not. The following are the findings:
1) Pretest
Table 4. 5
Homogeneity Test of Variances Pretest

According to the data in the preceding table, the significance of the pretest between
the experimental and control groups was 0.281. As a result, the pretest data was
homogeneous because it was greater than 0.05.

2) Posttest
Table 4. 6

Homogeneity Test of Variances Posttest

According to the data in the preceding table, the sig of the posttest between the
experimental and control groups was 0.869. As a result, the posttest data was homogeneous
because it was greater than 0.05.

c. Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is a procedure carried out with the aim of deciding whether to
accept or reject the hypothesis. As a result, the software SPSS 25 was used to test the
research hypothesis. However, the mean score of the pre-test and post-test were used to
measure and calculate the data. The formula should determined that the significance value,
or alpha (α), should be less than 0.05 or 5%. The t-test result is then shown in the table

Table 4.7
Paired Samples Statistic

The total sample is represented by the N column, 35 for the experimental class and
35 for the control class. The experimental class had an average score of 65.37, while the
control group had an average score of 59.77. Independent sample t-test was used to
compare two classes.
After following the normality and homogeneity tests, the independent sample t-test
was used to analyse the data. The t-test was used by the researcher to find out the difference
in students' achievement scores in English speaking with and without the Impromptu
Speaking method. Furthermore, the researcher conducted the calculation or test using IBM
Statistics SPSS 25 software. The calculation gave the following results:

Table 4. 7

Independent Samples Test

The independent sample test produced a sig (2-tailed) = 0.001. Since the sig (0.001)
is below the significant α = 0.05 (5%), it is evident that the H0 is rejected and the H1 is
accepted. This means that there is a statistically significant difference between the
experimental and control classes. In other words, the impromptu speaking method has a
significant effect on students' speaking ability in introducing themselves and others.

d. Test of Effect Size
The formula or test of this effect size is used to see the level or levels:
(𝑠𝑡𝑑.𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐴 + 𝑠𝑡𝑑.𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐵)
Average std. d = 2
(𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐴 – 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝐵)
d= 𝑃𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Average score of EC A = 65.37

Avarage score of CC B = 59.77
Std. d (A) = 6.50
Std. d (B) = 7.12
Average std. d = = 6.81
d= 6.81
= 0.81
Cohen defines several criteria for the effect size level, which are as follows:
• 0 - 0.2 = weak effect
• 0.21 - 0.5 = modest effect
• 0.51 – 1.00 = moderate effect
• >1.00 = strong effect.
The intensity effect of the implementation of Impromptu Speaking method on
students' speaking skill of introducing oneself and others was nearly at the highest level,
with a size effect value of 0.81. As a result, in the seventh grade English Matriculation
class at SMPN 3 Tangerang Selatan, the impromptu speaking method had a very good (fair)
effect on students' speaking of introducing oneself and others.

B. Discussion
In this section, the researcher presents a discussion based on his findings. The researcher
question," Is the impromptu speaking method improve the speaking skills of grade 7 students in
the English matriculation session?" The research question was answered with statistical analysis
results. Given the difficulty of instantly improving students' speaking skills, the teacher suggests
researchers show enthusiasm and interest in teaching and learning activities to motivate students
when applying impromptu speaking techniques. The data that has been analyzed has different
results between the control class and the experimental class.

The used of the Impromptu speaking method significantly influences students' speaking
ability in introducing themselves and others. This is also supported by previous research that the
impromptu speaking method has valuable and effective in improving students' speaking English
skills. Statistical results can be referred to that there are several advantages of the impromptu
speaking method implementation. The results of research observations showed that all students
were more confident in speaking using this method. This method can build students' speaking
confidence. Observational data from teachers show that when students use this method, they can
freely express their thoughts in front of a crowd, which helps them build good communication
with others.

According to (Fernando, 2020), A person with good communication skills has the potential
to influence others. In Methods, they have to speak spontaneously in front of a crowd or otherwise.
(Mortaji, 2018) applying impromptu speaking method with speech that is done in bursts without
special preparation beforehand. And by using impromptu speaking learning method is proven to
help students freely express opinions, ideas, and topics in English. Casteleyn (2019) set that
improvised speeches are perhaps the most exhausting form of public speaking. In addition, they
can create a confident tone. The alternative advantage is that this system allows students to speak
spontaneously. When students use the improvised speaking system, they have to speak
spontaneously and with little remedy.

In this research, impromptu speaking was very different from the traditional method, which
is known as the natural approach. According to Masfufah (2020), students who think with a natural
approach do not improve their speaking skills much, especially in their speaking fluency, because

with a natural approach, students can prepare texts to prepare the ideas they want to convey in their
speech. With this preparation, students' speaking skills did not improve because they rely too much
on the text. They lose fluency if they didn't speak as they have prepared in the text.

In addition, the Impromptu Speaking method has a positive effect on improving students'
speaking skills. In terms of statistical analysis, this study is in accordance with (Pratiwi, 2021)
research in her study before being given the Impromptu Speaking method, the speaking ability of
SMA 12 Pekan Baru students reached an average of 48.79 which was known by taking a pretest
at the beginning. While after applying the impromptu method, the average value of students'
speaking ability increased to 61.40. The improvement of each student is different, there is a drastic
increase and even no improvement.

(Panggabean, 2020) found that the result of the applying the Impromptu Method on the
Speaking Ability of Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 1 Pinangsori in the 2018/2019 academic
year was 3.6 which was classified as "Very Good". For them, this study also found that students'
speaking ability before being taught using the impromptu speaking method for high school
students was 36.4, meaning that students had "failed". While the students' speaking ability after
being taught using the impromptu method was 62.5 and categorised as "Fair". These studies also
provide a basis to prove that the application of the impromptu speaking method has a significant
effect on students' speaking ability.

(Amanda, 2019) stated that the improvised speaking system is a speaking effort delivered
without remedy. The exploration results show that the improvised speaking system makes the
students improve their speaking skills. When they use this system they have to respond quickly
and it is very tiring for them in speaking. Although to improve speaking ignorance is not enough
once a week through Learn Social online platform, it can to improve students' vocabulary. About
1 respondent agreed that a week in advance to learn a speaking course through this platform can
improve their vocabulary. That is, vocabulary is the introduction for speaking ability so that
speaking ignorance is successful because it has a lot of vocabulary for speaking commodity.
(Rahayu, 2021). (Wamnebo, 2018) stated that mentors should use media that can illustrate the
effect well. Videotape prompts can be one of the media to train speaking ability. Literacy
conditioning is more enjoyable and the students are motivated in speaking when using this media.
It also creates a more pleasant situation which will help students to speak more comfortably.

The researchers found that most of the students agreed that the speaking partner gives
students the opportunity to speak and take their ideas and opinions freely without feeling upset and
hysterical making miscalculations, students become more confident in speaking, easy to apply,
more motivate students to practice their skills without feeling anxious and nervous. In other words,
a student who exercises their speaking skills using speaking partner can better improve their
speaking ability (Huriyah, 2020). According to (Sari & Lestari, 2019) In improving students'
speaking ability, teachers can use the role play method and media in the form of picture stories.
Role play is considered not only effective but also fun and motivating in expanding the linguistic
aspects of students. Students who are a little quiet or often hesitant in expressing their opinions in
class discussions, will be more courageous in express themselves because they are presenting
others in the conversation. They role-playing, not speaking for themselves. So they are not
burdened with the mistakes they might make during role play activities.

Despite this fact, this research has filled in some of the gaps left by previous studies. First,
this research explores observational data and statistical analysis. This research was also conducted
for a special sample of English Matriculation session students. The reason for special sampling
was that this research should be conducted at a specific time for impromptu speaking classes so
that the entire session can be dedicated to speaking without disturbing the material at their school

Furthermore, this research applied Douglas Brown & Abeywickrama's (2004) Theory to
assess students' speaking ability, enabling the researcher to track all aspects of speech, such as
students' grammar, fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and comprehension. And to prove the
positive results of applying the Impromptu Speaking method in this research, the researcher also
investigated the effect of the intensity of the use of the Impromptu Speaking method on students'
speaking skills in introducing themselves and others. At a high level, with a size effect value of

The results showed that the impromptu speaking method has a fairly good effect on
increasing students' speaking about introducing themselves and others rather than using the natural
approach method.



The research used a quasi-experiment design to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of
Impromptu Speaking on students' speaking of introducing oneself and others at SMPN 3
Tangerang Selatan English Matriculation students academic year 2022/2023. To begin, the
researcher administered a pre-test to determine the students' initial level of competence. Both
students in the experimental and control classes were statistically similar, but after the research
was completed and the treatments were administered to the experiment class, the posttest and
gained score of the experiment class were higher than the score of the control class.

Based on the findings in Chapter IV, the results of the pre-test and post-test data of the
students after using the improvisation system can be seen that if the tagged sig 2 is below the
nascence (a) or p, it means statistically the thesis is accepted or (Indispensable thesis) and rejected
Ho (Null thesis) (a). The result of the data is p (0.001). At the same time, the birth (a) is 0.05 or
0.001. So the result is that Ha (Indispensable thesis) is accepted while Ho (Null thesis) is rejected.
In addition, the result of the effect size test is 0.81. This means that this exploration has a 'very
good' or near perfect standing. Thus it can be concluded that the speaking improvisation system is
really effective in perfecting children's speeches in introducing themselves and others in the
seventh grade of SMPN 3 South Tangerang undergraduate English Matriculation during the
academic term 2022/2023.

Several suggestions were made to the participants who were closely related to this research
based on the findings and discussions presented in the previous chapter. They are listed in the
following order:

1. For English Teachers

Before creating speaking materials, English teachers should consider their students'
needs. Teachers must understand their students' abilities in order to meet their needs. The
method of impromptu speaking is highly beneficial in training students who are hesitant to
use vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar when speaking English. However, the teacher
must modify several steps for students to be happy and happy during class.

2. For Students

Students can practice speaking English by using Impromptu Speaking. In class, you
should be able to communicate confidently and fluently. It also improves students' ability
to speak about the topics covered in class and their pronunciation.

3. For Other Researchers

Finally, this study can be used to support another study on the Impromptu Speaking
method for teaching speaking. Furthermore, as the first researcher, this study may have
flaws and errors. The flaws found in this study can be corrected while also implementing
the Impromptu speaking method at different levels of participation.

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Appendix 1 Surat Izin


Appendix 2 RPP
Experimental Class



Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris (Speaking)

Kelas/semester: VII/1

A. Kompetensi Dasar:
1. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain menggunakan bahasa inggris sesuai dengan
struktur bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.
2. Merespons percakapan yang berkaitan dengan memberikan informasi personal dengan
menggunakan bahasa inggris.
3. Memahami fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan perkenalan diri sendiri
dan orang lain serta respon percakapan yang terkait dengan memberikan informasi
pribadi sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
B. Indikator:
• Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain dalam waktu 3 menit dengan bahasa inggris
disertai dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.
• Merespons percakapan sederhana yang berkaitan dengan informasi pribadi dalam bahasa
inggris dengan tepat.
• Mampu berbicara tentang introducing oneself and others dengan baik.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

• Memperkenalkan diri sendiri maupun memperkenalkan orang lain dalam inggris dengan
lancar disertai dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.
• Merespons percakapan sederhana yang berkaitan dengan interaksi bertanya terkait
informasi pribadi dalam bahasa inggris dengan tepat.
• Memahami fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan perkenalan diri dan
konteks penggunaannya .
D. Materi Pembelajaran: Introducing Oneself and Others

E. Alokasi Waktu: 4 jam pelajaran (4 kali pertemuan)

F. Metode: Impromptu Speaking (Mendengarkan contoh, mulai bercakap-cakap,

memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan memperkenalkan teman sebayanya secara live)

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Part I – Keg. Awal (10 Menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan memberikan siswa semangat dengan

bertanya aktifitas siswa dalam bahasa inggris agar melatih
kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara dan siap untuk fokus
mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru menyampaikan materi
pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan pembelajarannya.

Keg. Inti (45 Menit)

Guru meminta siswa untuk maju satu persatu kedepan kelas untuk
melakukan presentasi pengenalan diri secara impromptu. Setelah
itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa berpasang-pasangan dan mulai
melakukan interaksi saling memperkenalkan teman-temannya
kepada pasangannya. Guru membimbing siswa dan mengamati
agar siswa dapat mengucapkan kosakata mengenai materi
perkenalan diri dan teman dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.

Guru mengintruksikan masing-masing siswa untuk melakukan

brainstorming pengenalan diri secara impromptu dan juga saling
memperkenalkan teman-temannya secara kreatif.

Setelah itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa merombak jumlah

kelompok dari 2 orang menjadi 3 orang dan menginstruksikan
setiap kelompok untuk melakukan ‘introducing others’ secara
bergantian dengan anggota kelompoknya masing-masing. Lalu,
selama proses siswa saling memperkenalkan temannya guru

memantau atau mengamati siswa agar siswa bisa mengucapkan
kosakata dengan benar. Proses tersebut hingga sebelum 5 menit
jam pelajaran berakhir.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru dan siswa mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan

dan memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri
untuk menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris. Lalu guru
menyimpulkan materi tentang introducing oneself and others.
Siswa bersama guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa

Pert II – Keg. Awal (10 Menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan bertanya aktifitas siswa dalam bahasa

inggris agar melatih kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara dan siap
untuk fokus mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru menyampaikan
materi pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan pembelajarannya.

Guru mengajak siswa kembali mengingat pelajaran yang

dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya dengan menunjuk
beberapa siswa untuk kembali memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa
inggris kemudian meminta agar teman-teman kelas yang tidak
memperkenalkan diri untuk saling memberikan pendapat terhadap
perkenalan diri yang dilakukan oleh perwakilan tersebut.

Keg. Inti (45 Menit)

Guru meminta siswa untuk maju satu persatu kedepan kelas untuk
melakukan presentasi pengenalan diri kembali secara impromptu.
Setelah itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa berpasang-pasangan
dan mulai melakukan interaksi saling memperkenalkan teman-
temannya kepada pasangannya. Guru membimbing siswa dan
mengamati agar siswa dapat mengucapkan kosakata mengenai
materi perkenalan diri dan teman dengan lafal dan ucapan yang

Guru mengintruksikan masing-masing siswa untuk melakukan

brainstorming pengenalan diri secara impromptu dan juga saling
memperkenalkan teman-temannya secara kreatif.

Setelah itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa merombak jumlah

kelompok dari 2 orang menjadi 3 orang dan menginstruksikan
setiap kelompok untuk melakukan ‘introducing others’ secara
bergantian dengan anggota kelompoknya masing-masing dengan
durasi perkenalan minimal 3 menit.

Kemudian, guru menginstruksikan setiap anggota kelompok

untuk saling mempraktikkan ‘introducing others’ dengan durasi
minimal 3 menit.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan

memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri untuk
menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris serta meminta
untuk setiap kelompok menyampaikan hasil evaluasi dari praktik
speaking kelompoknya.

Guru dan siswa menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa bersama.

Pert 3 – Keg. Awal (10 menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan memberikan ice breaking dengan

bertanya-tanya atau ngobrol dengan siswa agar melatih
kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara dan siap untuk fokus
mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru menyampaikan materi
pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan pembelajarannya.

Guru meminta siswa untuk berbicara mengenai perasaan yang

dialaminya di hari itu.

Keg. Inti (45menit)

Guru meminta siswa untuk maju satu persatu kedepan kelas untuk
melakukan presentasi tentang aktifitas sehari-hari dan berbicara
siapa yang dia temui di hari itu.

Lalu guru meminta siswa untuk making conversation dengan

memberikan tema daily habit.

Setelah itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa merombak jumlah

kelompok dari 2 orang menjadi 3 orang dan menginstruksikan
setiap kelompok untuk melakukan percakapan secara bergantian
dengan anggota kelompoknya masing-masing dengan durasi
perkenalan minimal 3 menit.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan

memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri untuk
menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris serta meminta
untuk setiap kelompok menyampaikan hasil evaluasi dari praktik
speaking kelompoknya.

Guru menutup pembelajaran.

Pert 4 – Keg. Awal (10 menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan memberikan ice breaking dengan

bertanya pendapat siswa terhadap materi sebelumnya agar melatih
kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara dan siap untuk fokus
mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru menyampaikan materi
pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan pembelajarannya.

Keg. Inti (45menit)

Guru meminta siswa untuk maju satu persatu kedepan kelas untuk
melakukan presentasi tentang mengulang materi yang telah
dipelajari yaitu tentang introducing oneself and others, aktifitas
daily habit dan lainnya.

Lalu guru meminta siswa untuk making conversation dengan

memberikan tema yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya agar siswa
semakin lancar dalam speaking.

Setelah itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa merombak jumlah

kelompok dari 2 orang menjadi 3 orang dan menginstruksikan
setiap kelompok untuk melakukan percakapan secara bergantian
dengan anggota kelompoknya masing-masing dengan durasi
perkenalan minimal 3 menit.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan

memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri untuk
menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris serta meminta
untuk setiap kelompok menyampaikan hasil evaluasi dari praktik
speaking kelompoknya.

H. Penilaian:
Jenis: Lisan
Categories Score Criteria

The students have good grammar, and they are able to speak with
sufficient structure

The students' grammar structure is quite accurate but they do not have
Grammar 2
confidence control

The students have many errors in grammar and word order, but they
understand the content

5 The students have a breadth of vocabulary idioms

4 The students have a satisfactory vocabulary

Vocabulary 3 The students have sufficient vocabulary

2 The students have a definite vocabulary

1 The students have a very definite vocabulary

5 The students understand the instruction and the content clearly

The students understand the instruction although there is repeating in a

Comprehension 4
certain part

3 The students understand the instruction but there are some repetition

Categories Score Criteria

The students understand enough about the instruction but they are
Comprehension difficult to give feedback to the teacher

1 The students can understand the instruction with very limited language

5 The students are able to pronounce the words very well

4 The students are able to pronounce the words well

Pronunciation 3 The students are able to pronounce the words good enough

The students are able to pronounce the words but continually


1 The students are able to pronounce the words badly

5 The students are able to speak without too much hesitation

The students' fluency is having a little disruption by the language

3 The students make so much mistake in language problem

2 The students often doubt and stop because of limited language

1 The students often break off and stop while conveying the answer

I. Sumber belajar:
English Beginner Lesson “How to Introduce Yourself and Others”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z7OeoNlg1Q&t=33s “How To Introduce Yourself
Daily habit https://youtu.be/Eopf_5ym4tQ
Creative Way”, Jaislyn Ian.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g8oo5BxHHw ’’THIS IS ME: a short introduction of
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ6iIwMKyRM “Creative Self-Introduction” , Velez
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpRA8rjtass “Asking for and Giving Personal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNc6N95eK0w “Asking Personal Questions in English”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBCuY4vSLkE “Uncomfortable Questions and How You

Should Deal with Them in English”


Kepala Sekolah Guru

______________ _________________

Appendix 3 RPP
Controlled Class



Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris (Speaking)

Kelas/semester: VII/1

A. Kompetensi Dasar:
4. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain menggunakan bahasa inggris sesuai dengan
struktur bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.
5. Merespons percakapan yang berkaitan dengan memberikan informasi personal dengan
menggunakan bahasa inggris.
6. Memahami fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan perkenalan diri sendiri
dan orang lain serta respon percakapan yang terkait dengan memberikan informasi
pribadi sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
B. Indikator:
• Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain dalam waktu 3 menit dengan bahasa inggris
disertai dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.
• Merespons percakapan sederhana yang berkaitan dengan informasi pribadi dalam bahasa
inggris dengan tepat.
• Membuat teks introducing oneself and others.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

• Memperkenalkan diri sendiri maupun memperkenalkan orang lain dalam inggris dengan
lancar disertai dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.
• Merespons percakapan sederhana yang berkaitan dengan interaksi bertanya terkait
informasi pribadi dalam bahasa inggris dengan tepat.

• Memahami fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan perkenalan diri dan
konteks penggunaannya .
D. Materi Pembelajaran: Introducing Oneself and Others
E. Alokasi Waktu: 4 jam pelajaran (4 kali pertemuan)
F. Metode: Natural approach
G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

Part I – Keg. Awal (10 Menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan memberikan ice breaking dengan games

agar siswa siap untuk fokus mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru
menyampaikan materi pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan

Keg. Inti (45 Menit)

Guru menampilkan contoh video perkenalan bahasa inggris

dengan 3 variasi yang berbeda, kemudian menugaskan para siswa
untuk menganalisis unsur perbedaan dari narasi perkenalan di
video yang telah ditampilkan.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk bercakap-cakap dengan pertanyaan

yang berkaitan dengan informasi pribadi seperti “ What is your
nick name?” ‘What is your favorite food?” “What is your hobby?”
“Why do you like your hobby”.. dsb, sebagai gambaran agar siswa
bisa berkreasi untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain
dengan kreatif.

Guru menginstruksikan masing-masing siswa untuk melakukan

brainstorming teks perkenalan diri sendiri secara kreatif sebelum
kegiatan ‘practice’.

Setelah itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa berpasang-pasangan

dan mulai melakukan interaksi memperkenalkan diri sesuai
dengan teks perkenalan diri yang telah dibuat (speaking orally

tidak membaca teks). Perkenalan diri tersebut dilakukan
bergantian dengan minimal durasi perkenalan selama 3 menit.

Guru membimbing siswa agar siswa dapat mengucapkan

kosakata mengenai materi perkenalan diri dengan lafal dan ucapan
yang benar.

Setelah itu, guru mengarahkan agar siswa merombak jumlah

kelompok dari 2 orang menjadi 3 orang dan menginstruksikan
setiap kelompok untuk melakukan interaksi ‘introducing others’
secara bergantian dengan anggota kelompoknya masing-masing
dengan durasi perkenalan minimal 3 menit.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru dan siswa mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan

dan memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri
untuk menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris. Lalu guru
menyimpulkan materi tentang introducing oneself and others.
Siswa bersama guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa

Pert II – Keg. Awal (10 Menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan memberikan ice breaking dengan games

agar siswa fokus untuk mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru
menyampaikan materi pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan

Guru mengajak siswa kembali mengingat pelajaran yang

dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya dengan menunjuk
beberapa siswa untuk kembali memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa
inggris kemudian meminta agar teman-teman kelas yang tidak

memperkenalkan diri untuk saling memberikan pendapat terhadap
perkenalan diri yang dilakukan oleh perwakilan tersebut.

Keg. Inti (45 Menit)

Guru menampilkan contoh video percakapan bahasa inggris

bertanya tentang informasi pribadi secara formal dan secara non-
formal, kemudian guru menugaskan para siswa untuk
menganalisis unsur konteks penggunaan yang tepat dari narasi
percakapan di video yang telah ditampilkan.

Guru memberikan contoh percakapan bahasa inggris terkait

pertanyaan informasi pribadi dan membuat kelompok yang terdiri
dari 3 orang dan menugaskan kelompok tersebut untuk membuat
teks dialog serupa dengan contoh yang diberikan, siswa
dianjurkan untuk mengkreasikan dialog agar lebih menarik dan
lebih kreatif.

Kemudian siswa secara berkelompok diminta untuk berdialog dan

saling bertanya terkait informasi pribadi sesuai dengan dialog
yang telah dibuat (speaking orally tidak dengan membaca teks).

Setelah itu, guru menginstruksikan setiap anggota kelompok

untuk mereview hasil saling mempraktikkan ‘introducing others’
dengan durasi minimal 3 menit.

Guru menginstruksikan setiap kelompok untuk mereview teks

perkenalan diri yang telah di buat di pertemuan selanjutnya dan
kembali melakukan perkenalan diri sendiri secara bergantian di
hadapan teman-teman kelompoknya dengan durasi perkenalan
minimal 3 menit.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan

memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri untuk

menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris serta meminta
untuk setiap kelompok menyampaikan hasil evaluasi dari praktik
speaking kelompoknya.

Guru menutup pembelajaran.

Pert 3 – Keg. Awal (10 Menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan memberikan ice breaking dengan games

agar siswa fokus untuk mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru
menyampaikan materi pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan

Guru mengajak siswa kembali mengingat pelajaran yang

dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya dengan menunjuk
beberapa siswa untuk kembali memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa
inggris kemudian meminta agar teman-teman kelas yang tidak
memperkenalkan diri untuk saling memberikan pendapat terhadap
perkenalan diri yang dilakukan oleh perwakilan tersebut.

Keg. Inti (45 Menit)

Guru menampilkan contoh video percakapan bahasa inggris

bertanya tentang informasi pribadi secara formal dan secara non-
formal dengan judul yang berbeda, kemudian guru menugaskan
para siswa untuk menganalisis unsur konteks penggunaan yang
tepat dari narasi percakapan di video yang telah ditampilkan.

Guru memberikan contoh percakapan bahasa inggris terkait

pertanyaan informasi pribadi dan membuat kelompok yang terdiri
dari 3 orang dan menugaskan kelompok tersebut untuk membuat
teks dialog serupa dengan contoh yang diberikan, siswa
dianjurkan untuk mengkreasikan dialog agar lebih menarik dan
lebih kreatif.

Kemudian siswa secara berkelompok diminta untuk berdialog dan
saling bertanya terkait informasi pribadi sesuai dengan dialog
yang telah dibuat (speaking orally tidak dengan membaca teks).

Setelah itu, guru menginstruksikan setiap anggota kelompok

untuk mereview hasil.

Guru menginstruksikan setiap kelompok untuk mereview teks

perkenalan diri yang telah di buat di pertemuan selanjutnya dan
kembali melakukan perkenalan diri sendiri secara bergantian di
hadapan teman-teman kelompoknya dengan durasi perkenalan
minimal 3 menit.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan

memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri untuk
menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris serta meminta
untuk setiap kelompok menyampaikan hasil evaluasi dari praktik
speaking kelompoknya.

Guru menutup pembelajaran.

Pert 4 – Keg. Awal (10 Menit)

Guru menyapa siswa dan memberikan ice breaking dengan games

agar siswa fokus untuk mengikuti pelajaran, kemudian guru
menyampaikan materi pelajaran hari ini serta tujuan

Guru mengajak siswa kembali mengingat pelajaran yang

dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya dengan menunjuk
beberapa siswa untuk kembali memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa
inggris kemudian meminta agar teman-teman kelas yang tidak
memperkenalkan diri untuk saling memberikan pendapat terhadap
perkenalan diri yang dilakukan oleh perwakilan tersebut.

Keg. Inti (45 Menit)

Guru menampilkan contoh video percakapan bahasa inggris,

kemudian guru menugaskan para siswa untuk mencatat lalu
menganalisis unsur konteks penggunaan yang tepat dari narasi
percakapan di video yang telah ditampilkan.

Guru memberikan contoh percakapan bahasa inggris terkait

pertanyaan informasi pribadi dan membuat kelompok yang terdiri
dari 3 orang dan menugaskan kelompok tersebut untuk membuat
teks dialog berdasarkan video yg ditampilkan serupa dengan
contoh yang diberikan, siswa dianjurkan untuk mengkreasikan
dialog agar lebih menarik dan lebih kreatif.

Kemudian siswa secara berkelompok diminta untuk berdialog dan

saling bertanya terkait informasi pribadi sesuai dengan dialog
yang telah dibuat (speaking orally tidak dengan membaca teks).

Setelah itu, guru menginstruksikan setiap anggota kelompok

untuk mereview hasil saling mempraktikkan dengan durasi
minimal 3 menit.

Keg. Akhir (5 Menit)

Guru mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan

memberikan giliran untuk para siswa yang mengajukan diri untuk
menyampaikan evaluasi dengan bahasa inggris serta meminta
untuk setiap kelompok menyampaikan hasil evaluasi dari praktik
speaking kelompoknya.

Guru menutup pembelajaran.

H. Penilaian:
Jenis tes: Lisan

Categories Score Criteria

The students have good grammar, and they are able to speak with
sufficient structure

The students' grammar structure is quite accurate but they do not have
Grammar 2
confidence control

The students have many errors in grammar and word order, but they
understand the content

Categories Score Criteria

5 The students have a breadth of vocabulary idioms

4 The students have a satisfactory vocabulary

Vocabulary 3 The students have sufficient vocabulary

2 The students have a definite vocabulary

1 The students have a very definite vocabulary

5 The students understand the instruction and the content clearly

The students understand the instruction although there is repeating in a

certain part

Comprehension 3 The students understand the instruction but there are some repetition

The students understand enough about the instruction but they are
difficult to give feedback to the teacher

1 The students can understand the instruction with very limited language

5 The students are able to pronounce the words very well

4 The students are able to pronounce the words well

3 The students are able to pronounce the words good enough

The students are able to pronounce the words but continually

1 The students are able to pronounce the words badly

Fluency 5 The students are able to speak without too much hesitation

The students' fluency is having a little disruption by the language

3 The students make so much mistake in language problem

2 The students often doubt and stop because of limited language

1 The students often break off and stop while conveying the answer

I. Sumber belajar:

English Beginner Lesson “How to Introduce Oneself and Others”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z7OeoNlg1Q&t=33s “How To Introduce Yourself In
A Creative Way”, Jaislyn Ian.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g8oo5BxHHw “THIS IS ME: a short introduction of
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ6iIwMKyRM “Creative Self-Introduction” , Velez
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpRA8rjtass “Asking for and Giving Personal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNc6N95eK0w “Asking Personal Questions in English”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBCuY4vSLkE “Uncomfortable Questions and How You

Should Deal with Them in English”


Kepala Sekolah Guru

______________ ________________

Appendix 4
Instrument of Pretest
(Experimental Class)




1. Find a conversation partner.

2. After you find your partner, you can introduce yourself one by one.
3. Your time to speak is 3-5 minutes
4. The total sentences you have to speak about introducing your own self is 5-10
5. The obtained score will have no relevance on your English course's midterm and
final exams.


Conversation Script

Adelio: Hi, my name is Adelio. You can call me Dio. What is your name?

Asyifa: Hello Dio. My name is Syifa. Where do you live Dio?

Adelio: I live in Jakarta Selatan, what about you?

Asyifa: I live in Tangerang Selatan. Do you have Hobby? What is your hobby?

Adelio: Yes, I do. My hobbies are playing mobile legend and go around. What about you?

Asyifa: Nice! My hobby I reading book. What is your favorite place?

Adelio: My favorite place is Bandung and Bali.

Asyifa: Wow! Nice to meet you, Dio

Adelio: Nice to meet you too, Syifa.

Appendix 2
Instrument of Pretest
(Controlled Class)




1. Find a conversation partner.

2. After you find your partner, you can prepare a script about introducing yourself.
3. The time to prepare the script is only 5 minutes.
4. Once the script is complete, you can introduce yourself to your partner one by one
without reading the script.
5. Your time to speak is 3-5 minutes
6. The total sentences you have to speak about introducing your own self is 5-10
7. The obtained score will have no relevance on your English course's midterm and
final exams.

Script Example:

Introduce Myself

Hello let me introduce myself. My name is Rania. I am 13 years old. I live on Jakarta. My
hobbies are reading, drawing anime and watching Netflix. I always reading book every night after
dinner. Sometimes, before going to bed I watch Netflix. I love drawing anime, because that is can
make me happy. I go to school every morning with my mother. I am happy at school because I can
meet my friends and learns together. I think that’s all about me, thank you.

Appendix 3
Instrument of Posttest
(Experimental Class)




1. Form a group of three people.

2. After you find your group, you can interview the members of your group about
their personal information.
3. Each member has the time to do the interview in only 5 minutes.
4. Once the interview is complete, you can introduce your friend to your group
partners one by one.
5. Each member has 3-5 minutes to speak.
6. The total sentences you have to speak about introducing others is 5-10 sentences
7. The obtained score will have no relevance on your English course's midterm and
final exams.


Rania: Hello everyone, this is my friend. His name is Raden. He lived In Lebak Bulus. He is
from Yogyakarta city but now he stay in Jakarta. His favorite food is Sate, his hobbies are
playing games and playing football. He is always playing games at home after school and at
night. And also he is always playing football in the afternoon. He also smart and always winner
in every competetions, he loves red color. He always go to school with his daddy by red color
motorcycle and red color car. I often see him wear red color shirt in outside school, and he also
happy when we give something or surprised with red color. He is happy with red. I think only
that I can tell you about my friend Doni. Thank you.

Appendix 4
Instrument of Posttest
(Controlled Class)




4. Form a group of three people.

5. After you find your group, write a script in which you introduce one of the
members of your group.
6. The time to prepare the script is only 5 minutes.
7. Once the script is complete, you can introduce your friend to your group partners
one by one without reading the script.
8. Each member has 3-5 minutes to speak.
9. The total sentences you have to speak about introducing others is 5-10 sentences
10. The obtained score will have no relevance on your English course's midterm and
final exams.

Example script:


Hello everyone, this is my friend. His name is Okten. He lived In Lebak Bulus. He is from
Yogyakarta city but now he stay in Jakarta. His favorite food is Sate, his hobbies are playing
games and playing football. He is always playing games at home after school and at night. And
also he is always playing football in the afternoon. He also smart and always winner in every
competetions, he loves red color. He always go to school with his daddy by red color motorcycle
and red color car. I often see him wear red color shirt in outside school, and he also happy when
we give something or surprised with red color. He is happy with red. I think only that I can tell
you about my friend Doni. Thank you.

Appendix 5 Pretest Score of
Experimental Class




NO NAME Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronounciation Total
Total x

1 S1 1 2 1 2 2 8 32

2 S2 1 3 1 4 4 13 52

3 S3 1 2 2 3 3 11 44

4 S4 1 2 1 3 3 10 40

5 S5 2 2 2 3 3 12 48

6 S6 1 1 2 3 2 9 36

7 S7 1 2 1 2 3 9 36

8 S8 2 2 2 3 3 12 48

9 S9 2 2 3 3 4 14 56

10 S10 2 1 2 3 3 11 44

11 S11 1 2 3 2 1 9 36

12 S12 1 2 1 1 2 7 28

13 S13 2 2 2 3 1 10 40

14 S14 1 2 4 3 4 14 56

15 S15 1 2 1 2 3 9 36

16 S16 2 2 1 3 3 11 44

17 S17 1 3 2 1 1 8 32

Total x
NO Name Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronounciation Total 100)/25

18 S18 2 2 2 2 3 11 44

19 S19 1 2 1 3 3 10 40

20 S20 1 1 2 2 2 8 32

21 S21 1 2 3 2 3 11 44

22 S22 1 2 1 3 3 10 40

23 S23 1 1 2 3 3 10 40

24 S24 2 1 1 1 2 7 28

25 S25 1 2 1 2 3 9 36

26 S26 3 2 3 3 3 14 56

27 S27 2 2 2 2 3 11 44

28 S28 2 1 2 3 4 12 48

29 S29 2 2 1 3 4 12 48

30 S30 3 2 2 2 2 11 44

31 S31 2 2 2 3 2 11 44

32 S32 1 1 2 1 2 7 28

33 S33 2 1 2 2 3 10 40

34 S34 1 2 2 2 1 8 32

35 S35 3 2 1 3 2 11 44

MEAN 41,1



Appendix 6 Pretest Score of
Controlled Class



NAM Gramma Voccabular Compprehensi Fluenc Pronounciati Tota Total
E r y on y on l x

1 S1 1 2 2 1 2 8 32

2 S2 3 2 2 3 3 13 52

3 S3 2 3 2 2 3 12 48

4 S4 3 2 2 3 3 13 52

5 S5 2 2 3 3 2 12 48

6 S6 1 2 2 2 1 8 32

7 S7 3 2 2 3 2 12 48

8 S8 2 3 2 3 3 13 52

9 S9 2 3 3 3 3 14 56

10 S10 2 2 2 1 4 11 44

11 S11 2 3 1 1 2 9 36

12 S12 1 2 1 2 1 7 28

13 S13 1 2 1 3 2 9 36

14 S14 3 3 3 2 3 14 56

15 S15 2 4 1 1 1 9 36

16 S16 2 2 2 3 2 11 44

NAM Gramma Voccabular Compprehensi Fluenc Pronounciati Tota Total
E r y on y on l x

17 S17 2 1 1 2 2 8 32

18 S18 3 3 1 2 2 11 44

19 S19 1 2 1 3 3 10 40

20 S20 1 1 2 2 2 8 32

21 S21 2 2 1 3 3 11 44

22 S22 2 3 1 3 1 10 40

23 S23 3 1 2 1 3 10 40

24 S24 1 2 1 1 2 7 28

25 S25 2 2 2 2 1 9 36

26 S26 3 1 4 2 4 14 56

27 S27 1 2 2 3 3 11 44

28 S28 2 3 2 2 3 12 48

29 S29 2 3 2 2 3 12 48

30 S30 3 2 4 4 3 16 64

31 S31 1 2 2 3 3 11 44

32 S32 1 2 1 1 2 7 28

33 S33 2 3 2 1 2 10 40

34 S34 1 1 2 3 1 8 32

35 S35 2 1 2 2 4 11 44

MEAN 42,4

E 64

E 28

Appendix 7 Posttest Score of
Experimental Class



NO NAME Grammar Voccabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronounciation Total
Total x

1 S1 3 3 4 3 3 16 64

2 S2 3 3 3 4 4 17 68

3 S3 2 3 2 3 4 14 56

4 S4 3 2 3 4 3 15 60

5 S5 3 3 3 4 4 17 68

6 S6 2 3 2 3 4 14 56

7 S7 4 3 4 4 4 19 76

8 S8 2 3 3 4 4 16 64

9 S9 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

10 S10 2 2 3 4 4 15 60

11 S11 3 3 2 4 4 16 64

12 S12 3 2 3 4 4 16 64

13 S13 4 4 3 4 4 19 76

14 S14 2 3 3 3 3 14 56

15 S15 3 2 2 4 4 15 60

16 S16 4 3 3 4 4 18 72

17 S17 3 3 3 4 4 17 68

18 S18 2 3 3 3 4 15 60

Total x
NO Name Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronounciation Total 100)/25

19 S19 2 3 3 4 4 16 64

20 S20 3 2 3 4 4 16 64

21 S21 3 2 2 3 3 13 52

22 S22 3 3 3 4 4 17 68

23 S23 4 3 2 4 4 17 68

24 S24 3 3 4 3 4 17 68

25 S25 3 4 2 4 3 16 64

26 S26 3 3 3 4 4 17 68

27 S27 4 4 4 4 4 20 80

28 S28 3 4 3 4 4 18 72

29 S29 4 3 3 3 4 17 68

30 S30 4 3 2 4 4 17 68

31 S31 2 3 3 4 4 16 64

32 S32 3 2 3 3 3 14 56

33 S33 4 3 4 4 4 19 76

34 S34 3 3 2 4 4 16 64

35 S35 3 4 3 4 4 18 72

MEAN 65,3



Appendix 8 Posttest Score of
Controlled Class



NO NAME Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronounciation Total
Total x

1 S1 3 3 2 3 2 13 52

2 S2 3 3 4 3 3 16 64

3 S3 3 3 4 3 4 17 68

4 S4 4 3 4 3 3 17 68

5 S5 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

6 S6 3 2 3 3 2 13 52

7 S7 3 3 4 3 2 15 60

8 S8 4 3 4 3 4 18 72

9 S9 3 3 4 3 3 16 64

10 S10 3 2 2 2 4 13 52

11 S11 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

12 S12 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

13 S13 3 2 2 3 3 13 52

14 S14 4 4 3 4 3 18 72

15 S15 3 2 3 4 3 15 60

16 S16 3 3 3 3 4 16 64

17 S17 2 2 2 3 3 12 48

18 S18 2 3 3 3 3 14 56

Total x
NO Name Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronounciation Total 100)/25

19 S19 4 3 2 3 3 15 60

20 S20 4 2 3 2 2 13 52

21 S21 3 3 2 3 3 14 56

22 S22 2 3 3 3 2 13 52

23 S23 3 4 2 3 3 15 60

24 S24 3 2 4 2 2 13 52

25 S25 3 3 4 3 3 16 64

26 S26 3 3 4 3 4 17 68

27 S27 2 4 2 3 3 14 56

28 S28 3 4 3 2 3 15 60

29 S29 3 4 3 3 3 16 64

30 S30 4 4 4 4 4 20 80

31 S31 4 3 2 3 3 15 60

32 S32 3 2 3 2 3 13 52

33 S33 3 3 3 3 3 13 52

34 S34 3 3 3 4 2 15 60

35 S35 2 3 2 4 4 15 60




Appendix 9 Pictures


Pre test



Videos children’s speaking on you-tube https://youtu.be/zaEZ_Gx5iZI .


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