The Loyalty Platform Bill Final
The Loyalty Platform Bill Final
The Loyalty Platform Bill Final
WHEREAS it is expedient to promote and regulate the involvement of students in politics to ensure
their participation in the democratic process, foster political awareness, and develop future leaders;
Enacting Clause
Part I: Preliminary
This Act shall be called The Students' Active Engagement in Politics Act, 2024.
It extends to the whole of Pakistan.
It shall come into force on January 1, 2025.
2. Definitions:
‘Student Political Forum’ means an organized platform within educational institutions where
students can discuss political issues and ideologies.
‘Youth Representation’ refers to the inclusion of individuals aged 18-25 in political decision-
making bodies.
‘Safe Environment’ means an atmosphere free from violence, discrimination, or harassment.
Signature Section
Abdul Qudoos
Uzair Khan
Date: December 4, 2024