A Qualitative Case Study of Strategies for Choosing and Evaluatin
A Qualitative Case Study of Strategies for Choosing and Evaluatin
A Qualitative Case Study of Strategies for Choosing and Evaluatin
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Walden University
College of Education
Robert Streff
Review Committee
Dr. Judith A. Donaldson, Committee Chairperson, Education Faculty
Dr. Jennifer Smolka, Committee Member, Education Faculty
Dr. Paula Dawidowicz, University Reviewer, Education Faculty
Walden University
Doctor of Philosophy
Walden University
June 2016
Studies have shown that not all students are assessed effectively using standard testing
determine whether students have acquired the skills necessary for today’s global market.
This research study’s purpose was to understand the processes instructors use when
data and course artifacts, including syllabi, rubrics, assessments, and grades, were
gathered as evidence. These data were categorized by participant, interview question, and
research question, and were then coded and analyzed to identify themes. The results
indicated that, although objectives drive assessment indicators, they do not necessarily
drive the assessment choice. They also indicated that the processes used by experienced
objectives are the major decision making point. This study impacts social change by
Doctor of Philosophy
Walden University
June 2016
I dedicate this paper to my wife, Andrea. Without her support, I never would
have completed this journey. Andrea, I am, and will always be, hopelessly devoted to
committee: Dr. Ana Donaldson, and Dr. Jennifer Smolka. I would also like to
classmates and in particular from Derek Atchison, Carrie Penagraph, Georgia Watters,
and Sara Sharick. The many discussions with my peers helped focus this study and
Definition of Terms......................................................................................................11
Limitations ...................................................................................................................16
Summary ......................................................................................................................18
Framework Boundaries ......................................................................................... 25
Methodology ................................................................................................................88
Instrumentation ..................................................................................................... 91
Interviews .............................................................................................................. 92
Artifacts................................................................................................................. 94
Credibility ........................................................................................................... 102
Summary ....................................................................................................................107
Setting ........................................................................................................................109
Demographics ............................................................................................................109
Artifacts............................................................................................................... 119
Evidence of Trustworthiness......................................................................................127
Results ........................................................................................................................129
Summary ....................................................................................................................152
Recommendations ......................................................................................................165
Summary ....................................................................................................................167
References ........................................................................................................................168
Questionnaire .............................................................................................................209
Interview Schedule.....................................................................................................209
Appendix O: Questionnaire Instructions .........................................................................217
List of Tables
Table of Figures
Recent studies suggest that traditional assessments may not measure learning
accurately (Aksu Ataç, 2012; Aud et al., 2013; Camilli, 2013; Cho, Shunn, & Wilson,
2006; Hsiao, 2012; Leithner, 2011; Supovitz, 2009; Wiliam, 2010). However, studies of
correlation of increased learning (Lew, Alwis, & Smith, 2010), and might have used
alternative assessments are valid and reliable methods of measuring student learning
(Butler & Lee, 2010; Supovitz, 2009; Tavakoli, 2011). Other studies indicated
alternative assessment are learning tools and used traditional assessments to measure
student learning (Butler & Lee, 2010; Cuthrell, Fogarty, Smith, & Ledford, 2013;
Fischer, Cavanagh, & Bowles, 2011; Gielen, Dochy, Onghena, Struyven, & Smeets,
2011; Ibabe & Jauregizar, 2010; Lew et al., 2010; Li, 2011; Olofsson, Lindberg, & Hauge
, 2011; Tavakoli, 2010). The ability to choose and design an assessment that accurately
measures student performance is an important teaching skill. These mixed results do not
This study defined online learning as learning virtually, without the requirement
for face-to-face contact with the instructor throughout the duration of the course
participation methods with physical and possibly temporal separation between students
and faculty. Educators apply the term alternative assessment to assessments other than
those considered traditional assessments (Oosterhof, Conrad, & Ely, 2008). This study
true-false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, short answer, or essay tests (Frey & Schmitt, 2010;
The intent of this qualitative research case study was to explore and understand
the processes used by higher education online instructors when choosing alternative
assessments and aligning those assessments with learning outcomes. In some higher
education contexts, instructors facilitating pre-designed content do not always have the
instructional designers who do not teach the courses they design may not receive
instructors teaching pre-designed courses and instructional designers were not included in
this research. This study was limited to higher education instructors, with control over
content and assessments, and the processes those instructors used when choosing
alternative assessments to measure online learning. Future teachers may benefit from
courses, assessments in those courses, and the gap found in research related to the
processes the instructors use in choosing assessments and designing indicators. The
chapter defines the research questions and critical terms used in this research study. This
chapter also includes an overview of the conceptual framework and mechanics of this
available through brick and mortar classes (Castle & McGuire, 2010; Ibabe & Jauregizar,
2010). Over 6.7 million students enrolled in one or more online courses in fall 2011
(Allen & Seaman, 2013). This large student population, combined with additional
communication channels to communicate and interact with peers and faculty through
discussion boards, audio and video conferencing, chats, polls, whiteboards, and
application sharing anywhere they can access the Internet, may present additional
the lack of real time communication and students may find cheating and academic
dishonesty easier when presented traditional assessments, (Conrad & Donaldson, 2012;
Oosterhof et al., 2008). Distance learning also removes the instructor’s ability to observe
the learner physically during the learning and assessment processes, a situation that might
create a challenge in determining the proper type of assessment for measuring specific
Distance learning requires designing assessments in ways where the learner can
objective (Oosterhof et al., 2008). Failure to meet the criteria required by the learning
objectives might compromise evidence that the required learning has occurred (Gagné,
education (Aksu Ataç, 2012; Charvade, Jahandar, & Khodabandehlou, 2012). Many
professional fields use traditional assessments in their certification process (Moncada &
essay type assessments) accurately, and objectively, reduces instructor bias in scoring and
provides information on common errors with a group of learners (Charvade et al., 2012;
Qu & Zhang, 2013; Wiliam, 2010). However, current research also indicated issues with
traditional assessments (Baumert, Lüdtke, Trautwein, & Brunner, 2009; Beebe et al.,
2010; Christe, 2003; Hunaiti, Grimaldi, Goven, Mootanah, & Martin, 2010; Joosten-ten
and often not providing for evaluating critical thinking, problem-solving, or the capability
(Baumert et al., 2009; Beebe et al., 2010; Christe, 2003; Hunaiti et al., 2010; Joosten-ten
Brinke et al., 2010; Oosterhof et al., 2008). In addition, some studies reported concerns
that traditional testing may not be a valid indicator of learning if students encounter
challenges during assessments, such as fear of tests or biases in the material (Baker &
Johnson, 2010; Baumert et al., 2009; Beebe et al., 2010; Supovitz, 2009).
assessments in higher educational online courses (Alden, 2011; Hubert, 2010; Joosten-ten
Brinke et al., 2010; Knight & Steinbach, 2011; McArdle, Walker, & Whitefield, 2010).
Recent studies indicated that nontraditional forms of assessment may provide more
accurate evidence of learning (Joosten-ten Brinke et al., 2010; Lew et al., 2010; Tavakoli,
2010) and overcome the limitations inherent in traditional assessment practices (Beebe et
develop alternative assessments for their online courses (Aberšek & Aberšek, 2011;
Baker & Johnson, 2010; Choi & Johnson; 2005; Ferrão, 2010; Halawi, McCarthy, &
Piers, 2009; Harmon, Lambrinos, & Buffolino, 2010; Hayden, 2011; Miyaji, 2011;
Alternative assessments tend to assess the higher order skills (analysis, synthesis,
and evaluation) of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Boyle & Hutchison; 2009; Fajardo, 2011; Knight
& Steinbach, 2011; Meyer, 2008). Gagné referred to these skills as rule using, problem-
solving, and cognitive strategies (Beebe et al., 2010; Harmon et al., 2010; Ziegler &
Montplaisir, 2012). Current studies suggested that alternative assessment have been used
being used as methods of measuring student learning (Butler & Lee, 2010; Knight &
learning (Butler & Lee, 2010; Lan, Lin, & Hung, 2012; Lew et al., 2010; Lundquist,
Other studies suggested the alternative assessments in the studies were learning
strategies or activities rather than assessments (Beebe et al., 2010; Charvade et al., 2012;
Mostert & Snowball, 2013; Nulty, 2011; Pombo, Loureiro, & Moreria, 2011; Pombo &
Talaia, 2012; Tavakoli, 2012). Still other studies used alternative assessments to
determine student perceptions rather than learning (Alden, 2011; Duque & Weeks, 2010;
Glassmeyer, Dibbs, & Jensen, 2011; Montecinos, Rittershaussen, Solís, Contreras, &
Contreras, 2010).
limitations creating issues with validity and reliability (Nezakatgoo, 2011). Additionally,
the evidence in support of group testing, where a group collaborated on a test and all
group members receive the same grade, was not strong enough to convince concerned
assessment method was also not fully studied (Sarrico, Rosa, Teixeira, & Cardoso, 2010).
provide the best measure of student learning. However, the studies also indicated a
some studies provided evidence that alternative assessments measure student learning
more accurately while other studies did not support the same conclusion, there should
have been an explanation for the disparity. Gaining insight into how instructors
determine how assessments measure knowledge acquisition has the potential to provide
teachers with more tools to document the evidence of student learning. When presented
to teachers of higher education online courses, these processes may foster a positive
Problem Statement
particular assessment as the most valid in a particular learning situation, and how they
created reliability through assessment indicators might provide future instructors with
tools to develop valid and reliable assessments. The problem in using traditional
critical thinking, and Bloom’s higher levels of learning including evaluation and analysis
assessments may suffer from ethnic, social, and cultural bias (Baker & Johnson, 2010;
Baumert et al., 2009; Beebe et al., 2010; Jones, 2010; Supovitz, 2009). Many possible
confidence in using alternative assessments and the ease of creating and grading
measure student learning and assign grades through assessments, and accurate assessment
an alignment of traditional assessments to learning goals, but research did not indicate
how instructors develop alternative assessments to align with learning goals. The
existing gap in literature raised the question what are the processes an instructor uses to
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the processes higher
select and the assessment indicators employed related to the content and learning
Research Questions
and assessment indicators to assess learning in higher education online courses, this study
learning objectives?
Conceptual Framework
resulting from the instruction (Gagné, 1965; Gagné, Wager, Golas, & Keller, 2005). The
objective(s) and the course content form the learning environment influencing the choice
of the assessment type and the indicators used in measuring learning (Dick, Carey, &
framework for this study. Because of its prevalence in defining educational objectives,
this study used Bloom’s Taxonomy as the vocabulary in interviewing subjects. However,
represent the intended outcomes of the educational process” (Bloom et al., 1956, p. 12).
Gagné’s Conditions of Learning (1965) provided the conditions required for the different
types of learning to occur. In relation to Gagné’s conditions, this research study explored
the processes the subjects used to choose an alternative assessment. These different types
of learning roughly equate to the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Table 2). In this
outcomes and the type of learning needed to occur to master the objective. The type of
learning and the type of instruction are not the same. Type of learning is a process of
learning. Chaining is a different process of learning than concept learning. If, for
example, the objective is for student to know the Pythagorean Theorem, the student must
be able to apply chains of computations in a specific order to arrive at the correct answer.
The assessment design should use the type of learning (chaining) required by the
understand what a right triangle is, that is what Gagné called concept learning. The
possibility exists that the research participants may have processed some information
the past or may have chosen the assessment without identifying the conditions of learning
assessments based on the learning type, content, and outcomes and the works of Dick et
al. (2009) and Gagné et al. (2005) on how the assessment design should align with
learning objectives.
This study used a case study approach. A quantitative study did not provide the
this was not a topic for ethnographic or phenomenological approaches. The single case
study approach, involving only one subject, would not provide the breadth of experience
(Patton, 2002, p. 237), a purposeful sampling technique guided the subject selection,
focusing on instructors who, in the last three years, implemented alternative assessments
in their online courses at public universities in the Midwest. I selected public universities
for geographical accessibility, the similarity in coursework, and contacts within the
system. Time, the school years 2012-2014, inclusive, bound this qualitative research
study. Using time as the bound for the study ensured the experience of the subjects was
relatively recent and that experience might include recent advances in theory, best
the research questions through interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, and artifacts.
Data analysis was thematic. Syllabi, assessments, rubrics, grading schemes, and other
Definition of Terms
Assessment indicator: The performance required to demonstrate the skill required by the
such as email, postal mail, discussion boards, blogs, wikis, or drop boxes
Authentic assessment: An assessment requiring the learner to apply his or her knowledge
Blog: “A form of online journaling that often offers reflections and commentary on news
Distance learning: Learning that occurs while students and faculty are separated
Distance online learning: Learning that occurs while students and faculty are physically,
some, if not all, communication (Gagné et al., 2005; Oosterhof et al., 2008).
Essay: An assessment tool requiring students to provide a deeper response over forced
choice methods such as true false, fill in the blank or multiple-choice (Marzano &
Kendall, 2007).
Evaluation: The score (grade) resulting from analyzing the assessment tool(s) and non-
Fill in the blank: A method of assessing learning, which requires a student to provide the
Group testing: Also called collaborative testing. This type of assessment can take two
forms. Individual students can respond to a question, receive feedback from other
Learning method: Not to be confused with a teaching method, a learning method is the
strategies a student uses to understand and retain information (Rias & Zaman,
Multiple-choice: A method similar to fill in the blank except several options is available
Online learning: The use of the Internet for retrieving content, submitting and receiving
between students and faculty during the process of learning (Gagné et al., 2005).
Peer review: An assessment method where students review and assess other students’
Short answer: A method of assessing learning in which the learner responds to a question
Validity: Validity is the alignment of the assessment to the intended outcomes (Gagné et
al., 2005).
Wiki: A wiki “allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web
subjects' perception of their experiences may lead into insights of the processes used. In
this research study, I also assumed that the subjects gave as truthful account of the
This study used a small population of public university instructors with the ability
to choose and create their own assessments in courses they currently teach or have taught
in the last three years. The study was limited to 8 to 10 instructors at several Midwestern
public universities within the same state educational system. Participant selection used a
purposeful sampling approach. This study did not include instructors of standardized or
canned courses (courses created by subject matter experts and instructional designers,
which the instructor has no authority to modify). The intent of this research study was
teaching methodology.
This research study faced several limitations. First, purposeful sampling selects a
small sampling group (8-10). Although it might have been possible to generalize some
aspects of the data gathered during the research study, the study focused on the processes
used in choosing and applying the instruments, not the assessment itself. Many factors
influenced these processes, but they were outside of the scope of this study.
Second, interviews were the primary method of data collection. Interviews relied
on the ability of the interviewee to accurately recall and articulate information. The
researcher nor the participants used archival data in this study. Additionally, the
experience and commitment might have affected their choices and results, which did not
surface in the interview. These variables, experience and commitment, did not affect the
Finally, researcher bias is present during all studies. “Traditionally, what you
bring to the research from your own background and identity has been treated as ‘bias,’
something whose influence needs to be removed from the design” (Maxwell, 2005, p.37).
Although I had no preconceptions to the results, nor do I favor any specific assessment or
decision process, I kept a reflective journal related to biases discovered during the study
and discussed the effects of those biases in Chapter 5. Member checking, careful
wording of interview questions, and an active awareness of body language and tonal
Although there was the possibility of scalability of the findings, the processes
results of this study provided general information that may assist instructors and course
designers in developing a process for choosing assessments. The results of this study
may provide the impetus to investigate the phenomenon further and document that
could create a positive social change for students who do not perform well using
traditional assessment methods. From a social change perspective, valid and accurate
Walden University defines social change as the improvement of “the human and
social condition by creating and applying ideas, strategies and actions to promote the
worth, dignity, and development of society” (Walden University, n.d.). Changes in the
methodology used to assess learning may reduce cultural and ethnic biases and barriers,
and the fear associated with traditional assessments, raising an individual’s self-efficacy,
improving confidence, and allowing him or her to contribute positively to society. This
research study, by investigating the design processes higher education instructors use
when integrating alternative assessments into online courses, added to that body of
learning as accurately as any other type of assessment may not immediately become
apparent. Change of this magnitude is a long-term process. This will require a change on
a national scale, replacing standardized and high stakes testing throughout the entire
educational system. In order to create change of this magnitude, studies such as this may
Distance online learning offers the opportunity of education and the earning of
advanced degrees for individuals not able to seek an on-campus education. Some recent
studies indicated traditional assessments may not measure the depth of the learning,
critical thinking, or higher levels of learning such as problem-solving and suggested that
result, online instructors may move toward using alternative assessments in their online
courses. However, results of still other current studies indicated alternative assessments
for purposes other than measuring student learning. If some studies provided evidence
that alternative assessments do measure student learning more accurately, while others
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the processes higher
to select and the assessment indicators to employ related to the content and learning
study used a conceptual framework based on the works of Benjamin S. Bloom and
Robert E. Gagné. The goal of this study was to understand the processes used in
determining which type of alternative assessment to use, how to align the assessment
indicators to the objectives, and to determine if the instructors perceptions indicated that
the indicators were developed may provide insight into why an alternative assessment
was successful in a given situation and failed in another. If the results indicate using a
other instructors may be able to generalize the process for their personal use in their
accurate measurements of learning could create a positive social change for students who
Chapter 2 details how the conceptual framework developed for this study aided in
answering the research questions. Chapter 2 also provides the search strategy used to
uncover the literature and research studies relating to the topic and a review of the current
solving. This may result in instructors choosing to use alternative assessments to assess
learning (Aberšek & Aberšek, 2011; Baker & Johnson, 2010; Choi & Johnson; 2005;
Ferrão, 2010; Halawi et al., 2009; Harmon et al., 2010; Hayden, 2011; Miyaji, 2011;
Supovitz, 2009; Zhu & St. Amant, 2010). However, within the current literature of
and assignments in addition to assessments. Some studies used different terms for the
same item. Additionally, some studies confused learning theory, teaching methodology,
delivery mechanisms, and learning outcomes with assessments (Aberšek & Aberšek,
2011; Horton, 2000, 2006; Li, 2011; Miyaji, 2011; Ogunleye, 2010; Oosterhof et al.,
2008; Palloff & Pratt, 2007). Understanding how instructors determined a particular
assessment to be the most valid in a particular learning situation, and how they created
reliability through assessment indicators might provide future instructors with tools to
Using a multiple case approach, the purpose of this qualitative study was to
understand the processes higher education online instructors used in determining the type
of alternative assessments to select and the assessment indicators employed related to the
content and learning objectives, which might provide future instructors with tools to
develop valid and reliable assessments. This chapter discusses the search strategy used in
determining the literature to include in this study, the conceptual framework used within
This research study used a search strategy based on Creswell’s (2009) suggestion
journals, especially those that report research studies" (p. 32). In addition, the strategy
also used Dawidowicz’s (2010) caution that a review should include quality research free
from bias and that peer-reviewed articles normally meet this criterion. The search
strategy also included the terms and databases used to search for articles and how search
assessments (traditional and alternative). The conceptual framework section explains the
outcomes and determining assessment indicators, and provides the rationale for using
Taxonomy. These works created a framework that allowed analysis of the assessment
strategy section contains an in-depth look at current studies related to the use of
alternative assessments, which supported the argument for the appropriateness of this
The following research questions provided the starting point for the search of
learning objectives?
Search Terms
The research questions and problem statement guided the search terms and
strategy used in this review of literature, and created boundaries for articles and studies to
consider in this research study. Based on Creswell’s (2009) suggestion, the research
problem and questions provided over 35 search terms (Appendix A). In locating articles
and studies related to this topic, Academic Search Complete, Education Research
Complete, Eric, Google Scholar, ProQuest Central, Sage, and SocINDEX were the
primary search engines used to search over 40 publication databases (Appendix B).
Search alerts, created for all search terms, including those that returned no results at first,
learning, and distance education became the original focus of searches. These terms
separately and in combination produced the first set of search results. Searches using
and undergraduate) did not yield many studies related to the use of alternative
assessments. Including the names of the types of alternative assessments singularly and
in conjunction with the other search terms returned more results. Removing the terms
higher education and distance education provided more studies related to the research
questions. Although these results focused on studies at the elementary and high school
searches produced over 650 articles that, on the first viewing, appeared to contain
Search Strategy
Many labels are associated with online learning; computer-based training (CBT),
distance education, mobile learning, and online learning are the most common (Horton,
2000, 2006; Oosterhof et al., 2008; Palloff & Pratt, 2007). However, some of these terms
environments (Aberšek & Aberšek, 2011; Li, 2011; Miyaji, 2011; Ogunleye, 2010),
which resulted in many articles not suited to distance learning. Other articles not relevant
attrition, or institutions. The second phase of the search strategy reduced the number of
possible studies to less than 300. Finally, using Dawidowicz’s (2009) suggestion of
evaluating articles “in relation to the specific topic” (p. 57), a closer inspection of the
articles revealed many did not contain information on processes related to assessment or
assessment indicator decisions, and the remaining studies were analyzed using the
conceptual framework to determine their value, either positive or negative for this
research study.
theoretical framework uses only one theory, while the conceptual framework is a
within the boundaries of the conceptual framework developed for this study, reduced the
number of articles related to the research questions to those listed in the literature review.
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of this research study did not exclude any type of
why the instructor chose an alternative assessment and why the assessment indicators
measure student learning related to the anticipated outcomes. Oosterhof et al. (2008)
stated, “If a test does not measure what is supposed to measure, it is useless” (p. 29).
Used as a starting point, that statement developed into this study’s conceptual framework.
Broadly stated, the purpose of this research study was to understand the processes
why a particular assessment may be the most effective tool for measuring a particular
learning objective, as determined by the instructor. The framework for this research
conceptual framework for this research study used Bloom’s Taxonomy to convert
learning objectives into Gagné’s Taxonomy and conditions of learning. The works of
Bloom et al., (1956), Gagné (1965), and Gagné et al. (2005) provided a conceptual
Framework Boundaries
Gagné et al. (2005) indicated that the instructional design process (which includes
assessment design) begins with the learning outcomes, whether they are skills,
administrative or professional standards level above the instructor level and outside of the
instructor’s control (Ascough, 2011; Dick et al., 2009), and for that reason, the choosing
of learning outcomes was outside of the boundaries of this conceptual framework. Still,
learning objectives are critical to the course’s design and to assessing student learning
(Ascough, 2011).
Online instructors at the university level may teach and assess students based on a
preferred educational model (Dick et al., 2009). If this study excluded a learning theory,
instructors used. The assessment must not only align with the desired outcomes, but also
be constructed in a manner that the learner uses the same type of learning to complete the
assessment as was used to teach the content (Dick et al., 2009). Consider if the learning
objective is to be able to apply the formula C=2πr. Students are only taught how to
compute the rule C=2πr. If the assessment asks the student to solve the word problem
what is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 2, they may fail for two reasons.
First, they learned the rule needed to complete the computation, but not how to decipher
the word problem, and second, they may or may not know that the radius equals two
knowledge over discovery (Duffy & Jonassen, 1992), the learner must employ mental
processes that transform the data into knowledge that the learner can subsequently
Bloom’s Taxonomy
level 5 - synthesis, and level 6 - evaluation. The categories represent the behaviors
required to complete assigned tasks, knowledge being the simplest, and evaluation being
the most complex level (Bloom et al., 1956). Studies suggested that alternative
assessments tended to assess the higher order skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation)
of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Boyle & Hutchison; 2009; Fajardo, 2011; Knight & Steinbach,
2011; Meyer, 2008). Bloom’s Taxonomy (or a revised version) is used by many
instructors, researchers, and course designers to create course and lesson outcomes and to
assess learners (Ascough, 2011; Bezuidenhout & Alt, 2011; Buzzetto-More & Alade,
2006; Eccarius, 2011; Fajardo, 2011; Halawi et al., 2009; Lam & McNaught, 2006;
Meyer, 2008; Newton & Martin, 2013; Odom, Glenn, Sanner, & Cannella, 2009;
Tsiatsos, Andreas, & Pomportsis, 2010). Outcomes (or objectives) contain action verbs
that define how the learner demonstrates knowledge (Dick et al., 2009; Marzano &
Kendall, 2007).
Bloom’s Taxonomy does not include action verbs, but rather nouns (knowledge,
but not a change in behavior as is used in defining learning (Gagné et al., 2005) or an
indicator of what learning occurred (Gagné, 1965). In fact, there is no published chart or
list of words to use in creating objectives. Bloom even suggested that in analysis “no
entirely clear lines can be drawn between analysis [level 4] and comprehension [level 3]
at one end or between analysis [level 4] and evaluation [level 6] at the other” (Bloom et
al., 1956, p. 144). It is interesting that the fifth level, synthesis, was left out of the
statement, as if all three upper-levels are so closely related, any distinction is blurred.
deconstruct the parts of an element and understand the relationships between those parts.
and perhaps using additional material to create a new pattern. Bloom also added three
of abstract relations. Bloom et al. (1956) defined the sixth level (evaluation) as making
judgments (Bloom et al., 1956). Evaluation contains into two subcategories, internal and
external, with two subcategories in each, criteria, and information. Table 1 shows the
Table 1
Level Subcategories
(4) Analysis Classification Relationships Organizational
of elements principles
Using analyze, synthesize, or evaluate may be sufficient for an objective but these
words are not sufficiently specific for developing an assessment. Assessing the learning
outcome requires knowledge about the subcategory containing the objective, and the
strategies the learner needs to complete the task successfully. For example, to teach
learners the strategies required to make evaluative judgments using internal criteria but
creating an assessment that relies on external criteria does not align the assessment with
the objective. Assessments, to accurately measure student learning, must measure the
student’s learning in relation to the learning objective, “What we are classifying is the
intended behavior of students--the ways in which individuals are to act, think or feel as a
As previously stated, outcomes (or objectives) contain action verbs which define
how the learner demonstrates knowledge (Dick et al., 2009; Marzano & Kendall, 2007).
Many people have created charts or lists of action words to use with Bloom’s Taxonomy.
A Google search for images of Bloom’s Taxonomy produces several hundred of these
charts or lists; none appears in Bloom et al. (1956). A taxonomy based on how learning
occurs that converts to Bloom’s Taxonomy provided the information needed to design
Although the taxonomy created by Bloom et al., (1956) is well known, Gagné’s
Conditions of Learning and his lesser-known taxonomy are the basis of a variety of
instructional design models (Dick et al., 2009; Driscoll, 2005). Driscoll (2005) compared
four taxonomies: Bloom’s; Simpson’s; Reigeluth’s; and Krathwohl, Bloom, and Masia’s
integrated taxonomy of learning outcomes that includes all three domains [cognitive,
learning. Gagné states “the most important class or condition that distinguishes one form
of learning from another is its initial state; in other words, its prerequisites” (Gagné,
1965, p. 60). Gagné discriminated his eight types of learning by their initial state. The
eight types, from simplest the most complex are: signal learning, stimulus-response
the learning of certain principles (type 7) which required the learning of the concepts
(type 6) required to learn the principles, and so on. Once learners mastered the required
principles (type 7), they could use those principles to learn how to problem-solve. He
Signal learning (type 1) relies on an involuntary motor skill such as Pavlov’s dog
conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell. Stimulus-response (type 2), also called
operant learning, or instrumental learning, another motor skill similar to signal learning,
refers to actions such as teaching an infant to hold a bottle so that they may drink the
milk. If the baby holds the bottle (stimulus) correctly (response), the baby can drink
complete a task. Smaller chains may be assembled together to create larger chains or
procedures (Gagné, 1965). Starting the engine of a car, for example, would require many
chains including how to open and close the door, determine if the vehicle was in park, or,
neutral, insert the key and turn the ignition switch. Gagné suggested these three lower
types of learning rely on motor skills and considered them nonverbal skills, although the
learning of the skills may require verbal instruction. These three types are presented here
told while being shown a three-dimensional object, “this shape is called tetrahedron. If
conditions are otherwise right, next time he sees this particular object, he will be able to
say that it is a tetrahedron” (p. 99). Verbal association also includes creating verbal
Gagné (1965) did not mention how students should acquire knowledge or how
instructors should teach them to think, stating the chosen method of instruction and
conditions of learning provide a link between the learning outcomes and the intended
objective. If the learning objective is to be able to find the area of a right triangle, the
learner must understand the concepts of triangle, line segments, and degrees, but must
also be able to discriminate the concepts of right, isosceles, and obtuse triangles based on
the rules that determine the concept of triangles. In addition, the student must learn the
rule area equals-based times height divided by two (A = ab/2). The assessment should
contain indicators for each of these concepts and rules in order to measure the student’s
The ability to create and use concepts in conjunction with language learned
because of verbal association, allows a person to communicate ideas (Gagné, 1965). The
principles and to problem solve and complements the constructivist viewpoint. “Indeed,
while a core knowledge domain may be specified, the student is encouraged to search for
other knowledge domains that may be relevant to the issue [of constructing a viewpoint
or an understanding of the topic]" (Bednar, Cunningham, Duffy, & Perry, 1992, p. 23).
round things can roll incorporates two concepts, roll and round. “If he has not already
acquired concept round, he [the student] might end up learning a more restrictive
principle, such as balls roll” (Gagné, 1965, p. 143). Gagné mentioned the importance of
prerequisite concepts. The failure of the learner to master the prerequisite concepts and
It is only when such prerequisite concepts have been mastered that a principle can
principles created from correctly formed concepts learned. He suggested that assessment
of the learning needs to differentiate between the content assessed and the level and
accuracy of prior knowledge the learner already possesses (Gagné, 1965). This
differentiation, feedback cannot target the proper type of learning the student requires to
be successful. Therefore, any instruction must consider the prerequisites for learning the
intended principle (Gagné et al, 2005). Once a student learns the required principles,
difference, according to Gagné, is that when problem-solving, the learner uses principles,
not just to achieve a goal, but also to learn from achieving the goal. Gagné (1965) also
stated, “problem-solving must be based on the knowledge and recall of the principles that
are combined in the achievement of the solution” (p. 165). Problem-solving provides the
learner with the ability to create new generalized principles and the ability to apply both
learned and newly created principles in other situations. Gagné suggested that the learner
already mastered the required knowledge and concepts, and is able to combine the
knowledge and concepts into the principle required to solve the problem, “Students must
acquire knowledge and the ability to think" (Gagné, 1965, p. 110). In the discussion of
assessing problem-solving objectives, Gagné et al. (2005) stated, “No verbatim scoring
key is possible for this kind of objective….a rubric might be used to assess performance”
(p. 276).
assessment provided evidence that the type of learning that occurred matched the
intended outcome in the online environment. Bloom’s Taxonomy only addresses the
outcome of the learning, not if learning occurred. Gagné’s conditions of learning require
assessing the learning under the same conditions in which it occurred and that the
provide supportive feedback to the student. In the earlier example of the right triangle,
the student, applying the rule that computes the area of a right triangle, may meet the
objective. However, if the instruction used only right triangles, but the assessment
includes other forms of triangles, and the student had not learned how to discriminate
between types of triangles, the student may be unable to answer correctly, even though
they know the correct rule to apply for right triangle. As stated earlier, most educators
use Bloom’s Taxonomy when writing learning objectives. Gagné was aware of Bloom’s
Taxonomy and developed a cross-reference chart relating what he considered the type of
learning required for that level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Table 2 provides this cross-
reference to Gagné’s Taxonomy to aid in understanding how the assessment measures the
type of learning indicated in course related data (syllabus, course description, course
of learning.
Table 2.
A Comparison of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Gagné’s Types of Learning for the Cognitive
Bloom Gagné
Evaluation Cognitive strategy, problem solving, rule using
Synthesis Problem-solving
Analysis Rule using
Application Rule using
Comprehension Defined concepts, concrete concepts, and discriminations
Knowledge Verbal information
Note: From: Principles of Instructional Design, 5E, by R. E. Gagné, W. W. Wager, K. C.
Golas, and J. M. Keller, p. 61, table 4.1. © 2005 by Wadsworth, a part of Cengage
Learning, Inc. Reproduced with permission.
Table 2 indicates that Bloom’s Taxonomy has six levels, while Gagné divides
learning into five. Gagné combined his first three conditions into his taxonomy as verbal
information and split rule using into Bloom’s analysis and application. According to this
learning. Bloom et al. (1956) had mentioned there are no clearly defined attributes that
separate comprehension from application, application from analysis, and analysis from
comprehension and evaluation using rule-using for both application and analysis.
to Gagné’s conditions of learning a secondary table was required. Over the years, many
people have created charts and lists suggesting action words for outcomes based on
Bloom’s Taxonomy. One list, picked randomly from the Internet, (TeachThought staff,
2013) contains the words discriminate or differentiate in three different levels of Bloom’s
Taxonomy; the words revise and rewrite are listed in understanding and create, which in
itself is a problem because they refer to apply for comprehension, to evaluate for
synthesis, and to create for evaluation. There is a need to use action words related to
Gagné’s Taxonomy and apply them to levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Table 3 provides a
sample list of verbs commonly used in Bloom’s Taxonomy and their association to
Gagné’s Taxonomy.
Table 3.
The first column refers to Gagné’s conditions of learning, while the middle
concept learning (rules), Gagné et al. (2005) used the word demonstration, leaving the
There must be a demonstration that the learner can generalize the concept
to a variety of specific instances of the class that have not been used in
chains. (p.136)
This framework also required a description of the evaluation process within the
assessment process. Within the evaluation of an assessment, there are at least three
and a score associated with that measurement (Reddy & Andrade, 2010). Similarly,
advantageous for lower level skills, based on the time required to apply rubrics when
and teaching methodologies but did not include any limit on the assessment type,
indicators, analysis, or the scoring of the evaluation. This research study was not
concerned with scoring, but rather the measurement and definitions of achievement.
Finally, this framework expected the choice of alternative assessments to reflect the
ability to measure the learning outcome, and to provide information on the method
In both ADDIE and Dick and Carey instructional design methods, developing
assessments occurs after the objectives are broken down into lessons but before the
content and instruction are developed (Dick et al., 2009; Gagné et al., 2005). Designing
the assessment at this point ensures alignment between the objectives and the assessment.
It also ensures the content and instruction is developed in alignment with both.
Assessment indicators may be goal (assessing the stated objective), context (true and to
the objective that may be encountered in reality), assessment, (no trick or questions
unrelated to the learning outcomes) or learner (based on learner needs and abilities)
objective to ensure accurate measurement of the mastery of that skill, according to Dick
et al. (2009). Each indicator should measure how well a learner has mastered the skill
current literature indicated little published research regarding how online higher
education instructors choose an assessment or how the assessment indicators aligned with
learning outcomes. None of the studies found on alternative assessments discussed both
the reasons. The literature reported on some assessment types more often than other
assessments, and collaboration). This review only addressed those types of alternative
assessment in the review only means no studies in the current literature mentioned that
type of assessment and does not constitute a positive or negative connotation towards any
Assessment Strategies
The focus of this research into current literature was to uncover the processes
used in choosing alternative assessments and the assessment indicators used in higher
presentations, collaboration, and interviews. Within the current literature, there appeared
Studies used the term assessment to describe methods of delivery, perceptions, and
assignments in addition to assessments. Some studies used different terms for the same
Aberšek and Aberšek (2011). The authors stated they used constructivist learning as a
basis for an E-learning tool. However, the tool used practice and feedback, very similar
to Skinner’s programmed instruction and teaching machine (Driscoll, 2005) and used
(2011) used slides to reinforce lecture material and considered this E-learning. Another
the literature. One result was that the discussions of Aberšek and Aberšek (2011), Ferrão
(2010), and Miyaji (2011) take place in the traditional assessment section.
The literature also indicated some studies used blogs or wikis as collaborative,
Springate, & Hutchings, 2010; Su & Beaumont, 2010). Other studies treated blogs and
wikis as assessments (Olofsson et al., 2011; Pombo et al., 2010). This research study
treated wikis and blogs as delivery mechanisms and discussed studies of blogs and wikis
based on the type of assessment used to measure the learning as mentioned in the study.
Finally, there was confusion on even over the meanings of formative and
summative assessments. Hernández (2012) suggested that the difference is their purpose
and effect and that some assessments are both. Hernández considered formative
assessments any assessment giving feedback to students. This agreed with Gielen et al.
(2011) and Hung et al. (2013) but conflicted with Ibabe and Jauregizar (2010) who
insisted formative assessments are “carried out throughout the teaching-learning process,
with the objective of monitoring the process and making any necessary improvements to
organizing this review using the actual assessment of learning as described in the
research study’s methodology. It appeared that while there are many names in the
literature for alternative assessments, the actual method of assessing learning could be
broken down into four major groups: portfolios, self-assessment, peer assessment, and
over time, and multiple artifacts (assessed individually and perhaps using different
assessment methods) (Baturay & Daloğlu, 2010). This study disregarded collaboration
and group testing as a type of assessment, as most studies used self- or peer assessment to
measure participation rather than learning. Several studies used perception (faculty and
student) as evidence for the use of an assessment. Faculty perceptions were included in
the review but not student perceptions. The studies using student perceptions did not
provide a triangulation of student learning; rather those studies asked if the students
learned, not what or the extent of the learning. Of the studies reviewed, four contained
assessment practices (problem-based learning) that did not fit in any category (Akçay,
while formative and summative are characteristics of learning over time. While it was
In a study of 123 teachers, Thomas (2012) indicated that both trained and
trained and 35 untrained teachers participated in this study. The results indicated the
participants also indicated, “…assessments which take place informally in the class are
the best ways of assessing students’ performance” (p. 107). However, without a formal
Traditional Assessments
answer, fill-in-the-blank, and essay. Because of their long use in education, the term
traditional applies to these types of assessments. Baumert et al. (2009) and Nezakatgoo
(2011) questioned the accuracy of traditional assessments and Beebe et al. (2010)
suggested cultural bias could have an impact on the results. Nezakatgoo (2011), in
due to changes in academic needs of more diverse students, has the use of traditional
assessments come into question (Hayden, 2011, Jones, 2010; Supovitz, 2009). The
considering the use of alternative assessments over traditional methods (Aberšek &
Aberšek, 2011; Baker & Johnson, 2010; Choi & Johnson; 2005; Ferrão, 2010; Halawi et
al., 2009; Harmon et al., 2010; Hayden, 2011; Miyaji, 2011; Supovitz, 2009; Zhu & St.
Amant, 2010).
research (discussed in the collaboration section), the students in Ferrão’s study took an
raised the question whether the second assessment measured learning from instruction
only and not learning resulting from completing the first assessment.
Aberšek and Aberšek (2011) attempted to promote constructivist learning with the
objective for students to “construct his/her own mental mode of a specific concept” (p.
13). However, the tool used practice and feedback, very similar to Skinner’s
programmed instruction and teaching machine, and used traditional assessment methods
lecture material. Although the treatment group did score higher in short (ten-minute)
tests, Miyaji admitted that a structured notebook contributed to the increase. As the tests
were not the same for the control group, a comparison of learning is difficult. There was
Similarly to Halawi et al. (2009) (discussed under feedback), Zhu and St. Amant’s
(2010) study of a course based on Gagné’s nine events of instruction (for a complete
discussion of Gagné’s nine events of instruction, see Gagné et al., 2005) indicated
students “achieved the overall objectives of the course" (p. 259). There was no
discussion of the assessment analysis methodology used, or the data gathered which
confirmed their claims. General statements without evidence that the assessment choice
measures learning such as those made by Halawi et al. (2009) and Zhu and St. Amant
(2010), might not motivate stakeholders to consider this type of assessment (Gallagher,
about assessments needing to measure learning, one expected studies to address why a
specific assessment is a good measurement for specific learning outcomes. However, the
Alternative Assessments
assessments other than those considered traditional assessments (Oosterhof et al., (2008).
Alternative assessments tend to use the higher order skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy
(analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) according to some proponents (Boyle & Hutchison;
2009, Fajardo, 2011; Knight & Steinbach, 2011; Meyer, 2008). Gagné referred to these
skills as rule using, problem-solving, and cognitive strategy (Beebe et al., 2010; Harmon
et al., 2010; Ziegler & Montplaisir, 2012). Whether one references Bloom’s or Gagné’s
Taxonomy, these skills are the basis of educational objectives, and therefore the basis for
Often in the alternative assessment studies researched, the studies did not provide
clear precise procedures, methodology, and results. In Olofsson et al. (2011), a reflective
peer-to-peer assessment using blogs measured connections between prior and new
knowledge. The authors suggested students demonstrated connections between prior and
new knowledge stating “ Connections relates to previous knowledge and associates new
bits to things already known” (p. 186), and “Signs of connections are shown when
students demonstrate how basic concepts are related or when students make connections
between what was learned and what they already knew” (p. 187). They did not provide
precise information, using terms such as “In less than a handful of blogs” and “about a
fourth of the comments” (p. 188). Olofsson et al. did not mention any learning
objectives, nor did they mention the criteria the students used when peer reviewing.
used alternative teaching methods rather than alternative assessments, as both the control
and experimental groups took the same pre- and posttests. He defined the alternative
evaluated 18 studies published between 2000 and 2010. The studies chosen for this
the use of multiple source of evidence, and monitoring that evidence as methods of
increasing validity and reliability, and to provide clarity of learning goals and increasing
objectivity using rubrics. The authors gave no indication that any of the analyzed
research studies provided evidence of student learning. Their conclusions included the
need of teaching and learning strategies, assessment models for teachers to draw upon,
and that further research requires “a rigorous and systematic approach in order to achieve
useful findings that can inform effective practices” (Gikandi et al., p. 2348). The
implication of this study is that online and face-to-face assessments require different
implementation of assessment indicators to ensure validity and reliability, and that the
found that teachers had issues in preparing and implementing performance assessments.
After interviewing 25 teachers and assessing sixty performance tasks, Metin’s results
deciding, “how they should give performance task”, and one teacher summed it up
saying, “I do not know accurately how to prepare performance task (Math 1)” (p. 1667).
In addition, Metin found that the teachers had issues determining criteria for the
assessment, and the inability to create of find rubrics. Teachers also mentioned class
size, time constraints, and objectively assessing performance tasks. These are major
issues when considering the validity of studies relating to the credibility and validity of
performance tasks.
student learning. The study indicated that formative assessment provided an increase in
acquired as part of the experimental group did not transfer to another course. The
findings indicated that although the use of formative assessment in this case, may have
improved student grades for the particular course, the formative assessment was not
transferable to other courses. This may indicate that as a formative assessment, which by
Another study (Chen & Chen, 2012) used twitter as the delivery tool for a
formative evaluation. The conclusion was that students preferred online to face-to-face
number of minor issues still need to be resolved. The first of these is the participants’
lack of commitment to online peer-to-peer collaborative learning” (Chen & Chen, 2012,
p. E51).
Another example of a hard to organize study was Xamaní (2013). Xamaní stated
that the study analyzed the use of a portfolio while assessing oral presentation skills.
Peers assessed the portfolio mid-term. The portfolio consisted of 25 artifacts, including
class exercises, recordings, self-assessments, peer reviews, and samples of the oral
presentation. The portfolio included a final self-assessment, which they were able to
negotiate with the teacher. However, the study analyzed three other artifacts for results: a
research diary, recordings of the final oral presentation, and questionnaires, but “This
article focuses on the findings from one of the research tools in particular: the opinion
questionnaires” (p. 5). The result of this study was a student perception of the use of
portfolios and this type of learning process. The highest mean, on a 1-3 Likert scale (1=
disagree and 3= agree) was 2.90 for the question related to taking part in the assessment
determine the benefit of the assessments used in this study, other than the students’
viable and even a preferred method of measuring student learning, the studies mentioned
above suggested that the research of alternative assessments is inconclusive due to poor
research design, lack of data, or the use of traditional assessments to measure learning. In
addition, those studies only covered a few alternative assessment choices. These issues
organize a literature review. The solution was to organize the literature review based on
the type of assessment. However, the literature review did not find all types of
based learning, assessment. In addition, studies related to feedback and rubrics were
Badges, an award for achievement (Abramovich, Schunn, & Higashi (2013). In this
study of 51 students, the authors found mixed results related to motivation and to
learning. The conclusion “…we find evidence that earning various badges can be
et al. also indicated that different types of badges affect motivation differently, they did
one’s own learning. Self-testing, self-rating, and reflective assessments have different
purposes and are sometimes confused (Ibabe & Jauregizar, 2010; Lew et al., 2010).
strategy (Ibabe & Jauregizar, 2010; Lew et al., 2010; Tavakoli, 2010).
Lew et al. (2010) compared self-assessments with the judgment of peers with a
team and tutors, using the judgment of the tutor, peer assessment, and a reflective journal
correlation was not significant. Lew et al. (2010) mentioned, “A rating scale consists of
eight items inquiring about the quality of students’ [emphasis added] performance within
their team” (p. 141). Using the plural possessive for student, without using the word the
before it, questions if the assessment focused on the student or the teammates.
Comparing the results of a second study (involving the same students) to the results of
the first study, Lew et al. (2010) found, “There are no inter-relationships between
students’ beliefs about the usefulness of self-assessment and their self-assessment ability”
(p. 151). The results of these two studies question the accuracy of self-assessment as a
correlation existed between student self-assessment and teacher assessment. The teacher
rated each student twice, giving a reliability score of .82. Because the results indicated a
moderate correlation (.677) between the student and teacher assessments, Tavakoli
(2010) suggested self-assessments are reliable and valid, but also concluded a self-
tutor assessment Dabbagh and English (2015) indicated that they studied the alignment of
their field. The results also indicated that the students perceived themselves competent in
all of the competencies, although a previous study indicated, “only 36% of students met
all of the competencies” (Dabbagh & English, 2015, p. 24). Still, the authors concluded,
student reflection and serve as a basis for assessing the professional relevance of degree
Butler and Lee (2010) found that although students improved their ability to use
results indicated self-assessment had a marginal effect and student perceptions differed
from those of instructors, similar to the findings of Lew et al. (2010). Also similar to
Tavakoli (2010), Butler and Lee (2010) felt self-assessment is as an instructional device
in addition to being a measuring tool. The study did not indicate a method of analyzing
the self-assessment, prompting one teacher to suggest that some other assessment needed
to be included. The lack of a measurement criterion and analysis component reduced the
validity of the self-assessment used in this study to personal satisfaction, not the
and engagement (Axelson & Flick, 2011; Reigeluth & Beatty, 2003), but the assessment
both feedback and self-assessment into a written assessment. Although Sendziuk used an
essay for the main assessment and essays are a traditional assessment method (Oosterhof
et al., 2008), I felt using a research essay, in conjunction with an additional measurement
self-assessment phase was not for the students to measure the learning but rather for them
to defend their opinion of the grade they should receive, suggesting this was self-rating
The results of a study by Ibabe and Jauregizar (2010) of the effect of self-testing,
indicated that of those using the self-test, 25% received failing grades and almost 30%
only received sufficient scores ( an example of poor explanation of the results). Self-tests
coincide with Dick et al.’s (2009) idea of practice tests, although, in this case, the
instructor did not use the self-test results to improve teaching or provide additional
programmed instruction with feedback rather than a student self-assessing their learning.
self-assessments with faculty assessments and found students assessed their skills lower
than faculty did. Lundquist et al. suggested the discrepancy might be due to lack of
suggest the findings indicated self-assessments are not accurate means of measuring
assessment with multiple artifacts. However, he also used an initial and final draft of the
three artifacts, which he graded, and each artifact was in the form of an essay. The self-
assessment was a student perception and based on only one of the six artifacts. The
results indicated that students perceived they lacked the required prerequisites/skills to be
assessment category (portfolio), and then having students self-assess their perception of
portfolio, and self-assessment that would indicate the accuracy of the self-assessment, nor
Students had input in the assessment process in the Baleghizadeh and Zarghami
of alternative assessment” (Baleghizadeh, & Zarghami, 2014, p. 628). The authors used
standardized assessment was the control for both the pre and post assessment. The
students in the experimental group developed the second post assessment. In developing
with learning objectives was, “there were ten items for each of the four grammatical
topics covered during the given grammar course” (p.634). The results indicated on the
standardized pretest, there was only 0.09 difference in the mean between the groups
(experimental 16.74 and control 16.65) and a SD difference of 0.107 (experimental 1.310
and control 1.203). However, when comparing the standardized posttest scores, the
difference in the mean between the groups (experimental 33.39 and control 30.47) was
2.92. The difference in the standard deviation was 0.444 (experimental 2.604 and control
2.155). This indicated that while the mean test score was higher for the experimental
group it the reason might be from the difference in how the control experienced the
experimental assessment. The results provided some evidence of this in the experimental
post assessment. The experimental group’s mean was 17.16 while the control group’s
assessment to assess learning outcomes, nor was there any discussion of indicators used
on actual measurements of learning. The studies that did suggest the self-assessment
measured learning indicated only a weak to moderate correlation in the accuracy between
student and teacher measurements of learning. This does not imply self-assessments are
invalid for measuring learning, but it does suggest choosing to employ self-assessments
may require considerations not mentioned in the above studies. Adding a further
dimension to the confusion, Beebe et al. (2010) suggested that rather than using self-
another peer’s work. In educational settings, students review other student’s work.
According to Knight and Steinbach (2011), “peer review can be a grading tool, an
assessment tool, or a learning tool” (p. 82), while Gunersel and Simpson (2010) felt peer
al., 2011) of studies on peer reviews found five distinct goals: social control, assessment,
learning, learning to assess, and active participation stating, “Some researchers and
practitioners are not explicit about their intended goals for using peer assessment, but still
draw conclusions on its quality” (p. 721). The authors suggested when used as a social
replaces the instructor’s assessment, the confidence and acceptance by stakeholders come
into question (Gielen et al., 2011). Gielen et al. suggested peer assessment could also be
a tool to learn how to assess one’s own work by assessing another’s work. Finally, some
personal learning.
According to Subramanian and Lejk (2013), there are four categories of peer
Although results indicated the students graded peer reviews higher than the tutors,
student felt both the peer reviews and the tutors’ assessments were fair. Subramanian and
usually accompanied by a decreased marking load. This, on its own, is not a good reason
In their meta-analysis, Gielen et al. (2011) offered instructors different reasons for
using peer reviews in the classroom. However, the current research study focuses on peer
review as an assessment. In that respect, Gielen et al. only offer two choices for the
Related to the online aspect of assessing learning using peer reviews, Knight and
Steinbach (2011) compared the peer review process in face-to-face and online courses.
Knight and Steinbach (2011) investigated the challenges of peer reviews in online
courses, targeting the process rather than the results. Regardless of the challenges in the
process, the effectiveness of the assessment is important, and the study failed to discuss
the effectiveness of peer reviews in either modality. In addition, other than providing
assessment criteria to the reviewers, the researchers provided no explanation of the ability
learning. The results indicated that although student scores increased across the board,
the advanced group’s grades did not improve as dramatically. Two possible
interpretations of these results could be that only one student from the advanced group
indicated the feedback they received was good, perhaps because they had reviewers from
a lower group or that their work met the criteria. Li’s study provided evidence of the
throughout the course, groups submitted their project draft at midterm to be peer-
during the course honed the students’ skills. A final informal peer-review occurred at the
end of the course. Brill and Hodges offered no information other than those students had
positive attitudes towards the process, stating, “The practice described here is part of an
A different study, Cho and MacArthur (2011), looked at peer review as a method
of improving the writing of the reviewer. In this study, Cho and MacArthur trained
students in the peer review using rubrics. A 7-point rating scale indicated the
experimental group’s writing at the end of the course rated higher than the control
group’s writing. The results of this study suggest the researchers used peer review as a
Cuthrell et al., (2013) researched student perceptions using the term peer feedback
instead of peer review. The results indicated 50% of students agreed that the impact of
using audio feedback in the peer review process was valuable. Students also indicated
they preferred feedback from an instructor, rather than from students, believing the
instructor to be more knowledgeable than their peers. The authors did not provide any
assess another team’s work in conjunction with the instructor assessment, both using the
same rubric and scoring system. The results of the study only provided the difference in
grading between the team and the instructor. The study did not compare grades to
previous iterations of the course, which may have validated the peer-assessment as a
understanding] was observed for example by the fact that all feedback issues were
properly addressed in subsequent assignments” (Lavy & Yadin, 2010, p. 91), indicating
A similar study, Kaufman and Schunn (2011), looked at student resistance to peer
analyzed the peer reviews using an algorithm to determine the accuracy of the reviews.
Students revised their papers based on the peer reviews and SWoRD scores and
resubmitted for another peer review process. The process provided anonymity for both
reviewers and writers, and allowed the writers to give feedback to their reviewers. The
study focused on two student perception surveys, pre- and post. This study did
triangulate the surveys with the revisions made to the papers and found:
…their revision of paper one was very significantly correlated with their number
of simple changes for their revision of paper two (.45, p<.01), as was students’
number of complex changes for their revision of paper one and their revision of
The results indicated that while process did increase scores, students felt peer
reviews to be more effective when there was teacher involvement in the process.
However, Kaufman and Schunn (2011) also suggested that the negativity did not appear
to impact student work. This may indicate a learning tool rather than an assessment, as
(2014) suggested an algorithm, which assigned a reliability value to the assessor. In this
manner, Ko found “analysis shows that including self-assessment may represent each
group members’ contribution more accurately” (Ko, 2014, p. 310). However, the study
also suggested that there should be multiple assessors and the algorithm affects only the
None of the preceding studies used peer review to assess student learning, nor did
they indicate the reasoning for choosing a self-assessment. Several used peer review as a
learning process for the reviewer rather than as an assessment tool. Cho and MacArthur
(2011) and Li (2011) used peer review as learning process for the reviewee rather than
the reviewer. Again, this wide variation within the description and use of peer
peer assessment for their online course. Cuthrell et al. (2013) found that students
concerned about the ability of students to accurately measure learning. Closely tied to
self-assessments and peer reviews are collaborative assessments, in which a team works
artifact produced, and the participation of each member of the team (Alden, 2011).
students to learn from each other, fostering deeper learning (Alden, 2011).
learning exercise, Lan et al., (2012) devised a web-based system that scored the
teacher assessment, and created a relational database of the information. Rather than
using the information in the database on student learning the authors used traditional pre-
and posttests (multiple-choice, matching, fill in the blank, and true false questions).
386). There was no correlation between the student perceptions and actual grades.
Hubert (2010) made no mention of the objectives of the group work, or the methodology
of assessing the journals for learning. These limitations created a problem in the reader’s
whereby the student and instructor discussed the student’s grade. However, he did not
mention the assessment at all. He did mention the teacher and student would reach a
decision on a joint mark. Nevertheless, Kurt provided no indication the discussion led to
in a collaborative exercise. The study compared four assessment methods: shared grades
(all members of team receive the same grade), record review (evaluation of documents
related to the assessment), peer review, and portfolio review. The results indicated that
faculty record review was the preferred method of assessment, peer assessment was the
least preferred by students, and a portfolio review was least preferred by faculty. This
Ruey (2010) focused on whether and how there is a benefit from using a
constructivist-based instructional strategy for an online course. The results indicated that
passive learning environment, is found to be better able to help students learn more
actively and effectively” (p. 706). According to the study, data collection included a
but only the interviews and conversations were included in the findings. As in Alden’s
heterogeneous groups perform best. The result of their study was an algorithm utilizing
with the greater diversity of behavior exhibited more interaction between learners and
effected [affected] the process of learning more significantly” (Huang & Wu, p. 115).
However, there was no discussion on the actual evaluation of learning; and the categories
of learning behaviors were not well defined. The results of this study were based on a
small group (3-5 students), and might not be generalizable or scalable to the wider online
learning community. Online courses seldom have enrollments this small, and to achieve
positively affected student learning. According to the Biasutti (2011), the collaborative
exercise was effective as a learning tool, and communication between students affected
Hodgson, Chan, and Liu (2014) found students preferred to perform peer reviews as a
team, rather than individually. The students indicated a lower confidence level of their
peers’ comments. Finally, the results indicated students with higher proficiency
benefited less from the peer review process. There was no mention of the peer review
process nor if the instructor was involved in the assessment as a triangulation of the
question) assessments. Although Scafe reported an increase in the group scores over
individual scores, he used the same assessment to assess both the individual students and
the students formed into a group. The group scores should have shown an increase, as
immediately after the students took the assessment individually, the groups took the same
assessment. Although the study indicated repeating a test as a group did increase scores,
the study did not provide data indicating an individual increase of learning as a result.
Park et al. (2010) considered a wiki a teaching strategy rather than an alternative
assessment method. In this study of a wiki, issues with data collection made correlation
statistics and impractical. “We did not attempt correlational statistics. Instead, positive
student comment on their perception of the Wiki was compared to students on the
extreme ends of the continuum” (p. 317). It would appear that using positive comments
as the comparison may skew the results and results in a study, which has little application
in reality.
within a collaborative exercise using a wiki. The study consisted of identifying benefits
and issues perceived by students, the extent of student learning, and good practices. As
in other studies, no discussion related the students’ grades to their perceptions, even
though the title suggested the study would evaluate “a wiki for collaborative learning” (p.
In Powell and Robson (2014), the authors indicated they employed podcasts as an
assessment in a collaborative group setting. This case study consisted of 143 students
This work would be carried out in isolation from the marking process. Potential
participants were assured that their work was not being reviewed on an individual
level and that the research team were interested only in identifying common
In this case, the podcast served only as a vehicle to distribute the content, much
like a presentation, Powel and Robinson did not evaluate the content, but only sought
student feedback on the use of a podcast. Therefore this study did not serve to add to the
body of knowledge related to alternative assessments, but did aid in the confusion of the
Similarly, Jin’s (2012) study of peer assessments, focused on the grading of the
not necessarily fairer than a simpler assessment. Students completed a peer assessment
only if “he/she believed that an individual in their group had underperformed in his/her
contribution to their group’s presentation” (p. 582). Jin’s reasoning was to reduce the
workload on the students. This limits the results in terms of the study’s validity, as
students could bypass the assessment by giving their group adequate marks. The study
did not indicate how students provided many individual peer reviews. The study also
moved from the peer reviews to an analysis of a survey of student perceptions of the peer
review process. He used the student perception survey as the basis for his conclusion.
assessments or traditional assessments (Huang & Wu, 2011; Hubert, 2010; Lan et al.,
2010; Park et al., 2010; Ruey, 2010; Su & Beaumont, 2010). The studies conducted by
Lan et al. (2010) and Scafe (2010) assessed learning using traditional methods. Biasutti
(2011), Hubert (2010), Ruey (2010), and Park, et al. (2010) used student perceptions and
However, the studies that did measure learning in a collaborative environment used
artifact over time. There are three types of portfolios (documentation, showcase, and
One study documented learning over time using the portfolio model (Baturay &
Daloğlu, 2010). The researchers collected data through pre- and post-tests achievement
scores for two groups of students (traditional assessment and portfolio) and an end of
semester achievement test. There was no significant difference between the posttest
scores of the two groups. However, a t-test indicated the traditional group’s mean was
greater than that of the portfolio group. This study used measured writing ability in the
portfolio phase, but used the oral exam in the achievement test. Alawdat (2013)
including the Baturay and Daloğlu (2010) study. Alawdat concluded that an e-portfolio
“develops L2 learners’ reading, writing, oral performance, and technical skills” (p. 349).
Alawdat also suggested the need for more research on the validity and reliability of e-
portfolios. This is a direct contradiction to Gagné’s (1965) statement that the assessment
must measure knowledge in the same manner learned, not to develop skills.
Using a similar combination of written portfolio and oral exercise, McArdle et al.
(2010) had students present a portfolio of self-selected items in conjunction with an oral
questionnaire provided the results for the study, and the only mention of the portfolio was
“we tried a strategy of assessment by interview/portfolio” (p. 89). Without more detail of
the portfolio and the method of assessing the oral presentation, new instructors interested
in using a combination of portfolio and oral exams would find both these studies almost
Nezakatgoo (2011) created treatment (multiple drafts using a portfolio) and control
groups (traditional assessment of a single draft). Although the results indicated the
students in the experimental class performed better, it would appear this study validates a
method of measuring the effect of feedback throughout the course. The study required
the control group to submit a final copy at the same time the treatment group submitted a
draft for feedback. The treatment group was permitted to revise their papers throughout
the term for being graded, seemingly providing the treatment group with an unfair
advantage. Nezakatgoo concluded portfolios could demonstrate learning over time but
assessed the students using the Comprehensive English Language Test (a traditional
Nezakatgoo’s study may suggest that practice and revision increased learning, but does
assessment” (p. 59) and suggested that although assessment should be reliable and valid,
it is hard to assess a portfolio, noting that problems with the reliability of the assessment
stems from the subject material. Furthermore, there may be issues with the assessor’s
ability or their use of forms and criteria. This indicates that a portfolio may not be a valid
and reliable method of assessing learning of certain subject material; however, the
Charvade et al. (2012) did not assess the portfolio contents, but rather used the
Gagné’s nine events of instruction (Gagné et al., 2005). The results reinforce Gagné’s
theory that practice increased learning on posttest scores, although the authors did not
elaborate on the assessment technique used. Other than explaining the two groups of
control and treatment (using a portfolio), the authors did not mention the portfolio’s
significant increase in learning, but did not describe the self-assessment. For an online
strengths and weaknesses in student learning. However, the study did not mention the
content or the design of the portfolios, only to say that the portfolio included many
entries, requiring multiple evaluation techniques. The results indicated both learners and
instructors perceived the portfolio “give complete summary of good qualities of the
learner” (Nadeem & Nadeem, 2011, p. 98). The results also indicated that group work
should be included in portfolios. Based on the design of this study, the authors inferred
portfolios might be a possible assessment tool combined with Adult Learning Theory
teaching strategies.
tool and multiple assessors, found “the best consistency of scoring was provided by the
comparative pairs method, probably due to combining the judgements of a larger group
of assessors” (p. 490). This study is interesting because the portfolio contents were
digitized photographs, which the assessors did not approve stating that art is “be best
assessed in real life” (p. 490). Still the conclusion reached in this study suggested the
through student perceptions that students studied more regularly, and reflective writing
helped student discover strengths and weaknesses, increased retention of material, and
had a positive effect in the affective domain. The students indicated that feedback on the
tests contributed to their learning. It appears from the students’ remarks that the increase
in learning was due to increases in studying the material and feedback indicating
strengths and weaknesses. However, as the study focused on student perceptions, Çimer
did not indicate any comparison to learning, although weekly tests (traditional multiple-
used portfolios to encourage and assess student’s abilities to organize information and the
impact on a final course assessment. Although the study concluded using portfolios
provided no information as to how she assessed the portfolios. McDonald did mention
portfolio assessment requires significant time and planning, and if not correctly managed
can incur high costs. In addition, portfolios need triangulation to be valid. This last
against teacher reviews of 55 blogs using quantitative methods. The blogs were a
collaborative assignment, and each group peer-reviewed two blogs. Ruiz Palmero and
Sánchez Rodríguez also included a student perception survey in the study. The results of
this study reinforced other studies that suggest students provide lower grades than
teachers do. The results also indicated a positive student attitude towards the peer-review
teacher’ review, then this might indicate a lack of validity in the per-review process for
Baturay and Daloğlu (2010), Charvade et al. (2012), Çimer (2011), McArdle et al.
(2010), and Nezakatgoo (2011) used portfolios as a learning strategy rather than as an
assessment. Baturay and Daloğlu (2010) and Charvade et al. (2012) implemented
found issues with reliability and validity in assessing portfolios. Online instructors
wishing to use alternative assessments might be confused as these studies suggest that
assembling a portfolio might serve as a learning strategy, but a portfolio cannot serve as a
valid and reliable assessment tool without considering the advice of McDonald (2012).
methodology in which the student or team of students (in a collaborative setting) provide
and placed it at the highest level of learning (Gagné, 1965). Gagné suggested in order to
principles” (p. 162). He also felt that strategies were important in the students’ ability to
problem-solve. “Among the other things learned by a person who engages in problem
composed of higher order principles, which are usually called strategies” (p. 168).
Although some problem-solving activities may have more than one solution, instructors
still have the ability to assess the learner’s knowledge of relevant principles and the
majority of studies did not provide information on the validity or reliability of the
assessment used. Hung suggested that due to the complexity of applying PBL, instructor
should carefully choose the assessment instrument. Hung concluded, “These inconsistent
or conflicting research results might have come from two sources: research methods and
implementation. The imprecision in referencing the PBL model used in research creates
provide instructors with the ability to measure a student’s skills and capacity to generate
based learning, including group and individual presentations, essays, portfolios, self and
peer assessments, examinations and reflective journals. MacDonald stated “we need to
ensure that there is alignment between our objectives and the students’ anticipated
learning outcomes, the learning and teaching methods adopted, and the assessment of
learning strategies, methods and criteria” (p. 86). The concept of using different
assessment practices based on the objectives and teaching and learning methods agrees
with Gagné’s (1965) insistence that assessments must be designed to measure learning in
satisfaction. Based on the results of a satisfaction questionnaire, the author concluded the
institutions cannot be overemphasized” (p. 12). Although the study did not mention
objectives or the assessment, the one mention of a relation to learning was “A final
judgement [judgment] call was used to determine the retention of items” (p. 9).
This review of the current literature suggested that problem-based learning uses
authentic, real world problems for students to solve. However, rather than follow the
studies used perceptions for assessments or lacked research studies to validate the results.
This enforces Hung’s (2011) conclusion that “the majority of the studies reviewed did not
The studies found in the literature review did not explain why the researcher
chose that particular alternative assessment for that particular research study. Several
studies used traditional assessments, and other studies failed to provide information on
the assessment results. Approaching the questions from another viewpoint, the literature
search moved from assessment types to assessment indicators, in the expectation this
assessments, Bezuidenhout and Alt (2011) found the higher levels “received very little
attention” (p. 1074). The authors also found when using rubrics, instructors assessed
learning based on action words and not cognitive levels. The use of Gagné’s Taxonomy
may have prevented this, as his taxonomy refers to types of learning rather than action
students after grading the assignment, with little opportunity for the learner to change the
measure the current learning but also to pinpoint issues with the student’s knowledge of
weaknesses, allowing the student to master a common learning outcome (Gagne, 1965).
(Scaife & Wellington, 2010). During the instructor interviews, the results indicated the
staff did not understand the terms of the different kinds of assessment and considered
assessment and assignment the same. Furthermore, Scaife and Wellington found staff did
assessment does not align with the intended outcome, then it is questionable if the
feedback is valuable to the student’s ability to master it. This may not apply in such areas
researchers, SETs “have a teaching, rather than a learning (or curriculum) focus” (p.
340). That is, the focus is on the performance of the teaching, not of the content or the
learning achieved by the student. As a feedback mechanism, the authors reported SETs
have little value (Denson et al., 2010). If, as the authors suggested, the goal of SET is to
improve student learning, but they have little value, one might suggest that instructors
consider the design of this feedback and provide the students with feedback that does
Hung, Chiu, & Yeh (2013) indicated they studied “multimodal assessment of and
for learning” (p. 400). However, they studied the effects of providing additional
feedback to an experimental group stating, “feedback sessions was the major instructional
intervention” (p. 404).In the remarks, Hung et al. indicated the addition of providing
rubrics to the experimental group aided the groups progress. Both groups received the
usually given in one setting" (p. 43). The traditional assessments referred to are the only
activity the student engages in during a period of time, whereas some alternative
assessments can last an entire semester and the student performs other activities not
related to the assessment between working on the assessment. In this study, 714 students
feedback associated with different assessment models. The results indicated different
levels of assessments produced different levels of oral and written feedback. However,
the researchers did not indicate if different assessment methods defined assessments other
than traditional, or if instructors use different types of assessments within a course. They
used a high, medium, and low for level of assessment, and there is no discussion of
categorizing neither the different assessments into a high, medium, and low category nor
preferred a combination of feedback incorporating audio and video and a marked paper.
No mention or comparison between the student perceptions and the actual grading of the
The authors failed to explain how they incorporated Bloom’s Taxonomy in the
mention what they were assessing, how the assessment measured learning, and the results
of the learning. In addition, while the authors admitted problems with the data entry, they
learning” (p. 378). There was no discussion of the assessment analysis methodology
used or the data gathered which confirmed their claims. General statements without
evidence that the assessment choice measures learning, such as those made by Halawi et
al., (2009) and Zhu and St. Amant (2010), might not motivate instructors to consider
feedback in a timely manner (Crews & Wilkinson, 2010). However, Scaife and
Wellington (2010) indicated that feedback is not valuable if it does not provide the
learner with information on their weaknesses. MacDonald (2005) also suggested that if
there is a misalignment between the assessment and learning outcomes, the feedback
becomes less valuable. Data collections problems plagued Halawi et al. (2009). These
studies do not agree with Gagné’s thought that feedback should “either reinforce the
correct response, or, if an incorrect response is chosen, explain the rationale and guide the
user to a more appropriate answer or other remediation” (Gagné et al., 2005, p. 338).
assessment tool that is used to describe and score observable qualitative differences in
p. 84). A rubric is a part of the evaluation process of an assessment, rather than the
assessment method. Andrade and Du (2005) stated, "A commonly accepted definition is
a document that articulates the expectations for an assignment by listing the criteria, or
what counts, describing levels of quality from excellent to poor" (p. 1). Popham (1997)
provided three features of the rubric: evaluation criteria, quality definitions, and scoring
Reddy and Andrade (2010) indicated that the validity of rubrics is unproven in
studies, partially because of poor research design in half the studies reviewed. Only three
of the studies that Reddy and Andrade analyzed (Green & Bowser, 2006; Petkov &
Petkova, 2006; Reitmeier, Svendsen, & Vrchota, 2004) published the results of student
achievement based on the use of rubrics. Nowhere in this study is there a discussion of
rubric use with alternative assessments, how rubric design relates to the evaluation of the
assessment, or the scoring strategy, even though they cited both Andrade and Du (2005)
Reddy (2011) also indicated that the use of rubrics can provide a valid and
reliable judgment of performance, but that few studies report results of how the validity
of the rubric was established and the scoring reliability of the rubric. Her study was a
based on Bloom’s Taxonomy to code students’ postings. Eccarius did not explain how
the rubric determined a relationship between the post and taxonomy level. The results
compare with those of Lu and Zhang (2013), in that postings contained level III most
often; however, in the second year of the study, the higher levels increased while the
problem-based learning approach, Ellis and Kelder (2012) only reported that students
found the standalone portfolio module was inconvenient and annoying, and did not add to
the learning experience. Ellis and Kelder gave no indication why they chose the
collaborative PBL approach or how the portfolio exams and presentations indicated
learning. The study did not address the rubric design used in-the group or individual
provided an online rubric to increase their writing ability through a review of instructor-
selected papers. Comparing final exam scores, Lu and Zhang concluded scores increased
approximately 7.6%. Lu and Zhang did not investigate if the study design increased
discover if rubrics affected students learning. They found the use of rubrics increased
assessment indicators into the rubrics. In their suggestions for future research, Panadero
and Jonsson indicated the studies analyzed contained design flaws such as limited or no
Studies conducted by Reddy and Andrade (2010), Reddy (2011), and Panadero
and Jonsson (2013) mention studies using rubrics contain design flaws question the
validity of rubrics. The studies of Eccarius (2011), Ellis and Kelder (2012), and Lu and
Zhang (2013) bear this out as information of the relation between outcomes and rubrics
was not mentioned. The studies also do not explain the processes the instructors used in
accurately analyze learning. However, the studies did not provide data to support these
claims. Consequently, although the literature included the use of portfolios, written and
oral artifacts, presentations, self and peer assessments, collaborative exercises, including
wikis and blogs, attempted to measure learning with formative assessments, used
feedback to increase learning, and incorporated rubrics to analyze learning, there was a
gap in the assessment design process. In addition, the studies applied the assessments to
different situations and applied different measurements to the same type of assessment.
This reaffirms Gagné’s (1965) observation that the methods of assessing learning along
(2006), and Oosterhof et al.’s (2008) advice of having the assessment indicators measure
learning in relation to the learning outcomes, the studies did not indicate this approach. .
Furthermore, the analysis of student learning was neither compelling nor conclusive. If
the purpose of research is to add to the body of knowledge, the current literature fell short
assessment design process, in a manner allowing others to replicate and confirm or refute
the process.
To add to the community’s knowledge, this study focused on the processes the
instructors use in the choosing of alternative assessments, the assessment indicators, and
the results of those decisions. First, the research attempted to understand how an
instructor chose to use an alternative assessment and why the instructor considered a
particular method best suited to measuring the learning outcomes than others. Related to
measuring the learning outcomes is how the assessment design provides measurable
indicators of learning. Once the indicators are determined, the design process requires a
method of measuring these indicators. Finally, there should be a process used to evaluate
Chapter 3 discusses a detailed plan for the qualitative study of the gap found in
the research, including methodology, data collection, data analysis, human subject
protection, control of biases, and participant selection. Chapter 4 gives a detailed account
of the results of the study and Chapter 5 interprets the results of the proposed study
The purpose of this research study was to understand the processes higher
education online instructors use in selecting the type of alternative assessments and the
assessment indicators to employ related to the content and learning objectives. The
literature review conducted for this study indicated a gap in knowledge of the processes
explore this gap required careful consideration of research design and methodology, lest
the study fail to add useful information to the knowledge base. In order to answer the
research questions, one must design the research based on the question(s) (Patton, 2002)
or the problem (Creswell, 2007) through the lens of the conceptual framework.
This chapter includes four main sections: research design and rationale, role of the
explained the design of the study and the reasoning for choosing this design. The role of
the researcher analyzed my role in the research study, provided information on the
researcher’s relationship to the subjects, and suggested controls to minimize personal and
instrumentation design and use, and data collection and analysis. The last section, issues
of trustworthiness, broke down how this research study’s design ensured credibility,
procedures to safeguard personal information and to ensure this research study followed
research study was concerned with the alternative assessments design process. Time was
the boundary of this study, researching assessments that higher education online
instructors implemented between the schoolyears 2012 and 2014, inclusive. This study
was a single case, the use of alternative assessments in online higher education at a
Patton (2002) indicated size in a qualitative study is not as important as the depth of
information that the sample size can provide. Several instructors decided to discuss more
than one instance in which they used an alternatives assessment, providing even more
The results of this study may provide higher education students enrolled in online
assessment methods the opportunity for a more accurate measure of performance through
learning objectives?
study. All of the research questions asked how. All of the research questions either
specific type of individual (higher education online instructors) during a specific event
and evaluation) align with Gagné’s rule using, problem-solving, or cognitive strategy.
Therefore, if an objective indicated Bloom’s fourth level (analysis), artifacts should have
indicated the content, instruction prepared the student for learning, and creating rules and
the assessment should reflect the learner’s knowledge of the rules related to the subject
matter. The interview questions encouraged the subject to explain this alignment
between objective and assessment and the rationale for determining how a particular
This section explains the qualitative case study design used in this research study.
higher education instructors with online course development and teaching experience, the
instructor included information related to one or more courses taught by the instructor.
Recorded interviews were the primary data gathering method with the addition of
service). NVivo software was to organize data and assist in determining themes, while
Excel was used to log and cross-reference artifacts, communications, and progress.
Determining the design of the study was not a matter of choosing or rejecting a
design based on personal preferences, nor could one use a cookie cutter approach “What
2005, p.79). This research study asked how, requiring a qualitative approach (Creswell,
effective design for a given research problem. One must consider the philosophy of the
researcher and align the study with the researcher’s philosophy (Maxwell, 2005;
precluded the use of quantitative methods and therefore also a mixed method. However,
the qualitative method had several approaches to consider. Several conditions guided the
choice of approach. The primary condition, using the word how in the wording of the
grounded theory, ethnographical, and case study. Creswell devised seven characteristics
to differentiate the approaches. Narrative, grounded theory, and ethnographic proved not
suitable for the proposed research as narrative involves an individual, while ethnographic
involves a culture, and grounded theory intends to create a theory from the research
experience, which might have fit the research questions, and the focus of the case study
was to describe and analyze a case or cases. The difference came when one applied
phenomenon, while the case seeks to understand a case in depth. The proposed research
Based on Yin (2009) and Creswell (2007), this research study used a case study
approach. The proposed study used direct observation in conjunction with artifacts to
understand the issues related to the research questions, and able to ask good questions
while avoiding bias (Yin, 2009). All researchers are, to some extent, teachers, as the
expectation is the research will teach the reader something (Stake, 1995). My role in this
research study was that of an observer. In this role, I conducted interviews, gathered
artifacts, and analyzed data. Observation and interaction was limited to the interview
During the interviews, I took notes, not only of the content, but also of body
language and tonal inflections. After the service transcribed the interviews, I organized
and coded the data to determine categories and themes. Using the data, I explained the
results in Chapter 4.
Although I may have had a professional relationship in the past with some of
experts I intended to ask to be possible subjects, I never had nor do I now have any power
over them. The extent of my relationship to the university system was as a student
system in 2010. Having worked at several universities within this system, there was the
possibility that I may have had a professional relationship with some of the subjects as an
any cause for concern over influence or conflicts of interest, as I retired from the
university system over four years ago. I did not offer any incentives to the subjects or
influencing the study. Maxwell (2005) suggested that researchers cannot completely
remove themselves from their experiences and knowledge, but rather should use that to
analysis of the outcomes and learners skills and needs, developing the content afterwards.
In relation to the topic, I used both traditional and alternative assessments in designing
courses and concurred with the subject matter expert’s (SME’s) choices more frequently
than not. As a researcher, I did not judge the process, or the results determined by the
participants. During the interviews, I was cognizant of vocal inflections, body language,
and wording of the questions to ensure I did not inject my personal beliefs into the
Maxwell (2005) divided the research method or design into four components: The
relationship between the researcher and participants, site and participant selection, data
collection, and data analysis. Following Maxwell’s advice, this research study was
structured, but with the expectation that flexibility is important. That is to say, the
methodology of this study was carefully constructed but not so rigid as to create “tunnel
vision” (Maxwell, 2005, p. 80). Using a structured research method, one not only
designs the study and defines its parameters, but also provides the researcher with the
The possible participant pool for this study included any higher education
instructor. However, due to economic and time constrains, this research study restricted
the possible participant pool to instructors within a state university system located in the
North-Central United States. Because the topic involved online education and alternative
assessments, this research study included those topics in the selection criteria. In order to
reach that population within this large participant pool, this research study used
the assumption that the investigator wants to discover, understand, and gain insight and
therefore must select a sample from which the most can be learned” (p.61). Therefore,
the participant pool consisted of only instructors who have taught an online course within
the last three years with the ability to create the alternative assessments in their courses.
This study used eight subjects describing as many different uses of alternative
regards the sample size, Stake (1995) suggested while balance for representation of the
population is important, this is not always possible in qualitative studies. Instead Stake
suggests the “opportunity to learn is of primary importance” (p. 6). This study achieved
some balance and variety by not omitting any theories or types of alternative assessments
that the participants preferred or used. Miles and Huberman (1994) indicated that studies
with a larger number of cases (15 or more) could become unmanageable without a
support staff and “The price is usually thinner data” (p. 30). Patton (2002) suggests that a
study reaches saturation when no further information is uncovered. This research study
looked at the thought processes of individuals. Under Patton’s (2002) explanation, two
cases could provide saturation or a hundred cases may not. As this researcher wished to
provide rich data within the time and resource constraints, this study applied the advice of
Miles and Huberman (1994) and Stake (1995) and interviewed eight participants for
richer data, the expectation being that the richer data would provide a confidence when
analyzing generalizations.
fitting the criteria from several well-informed individuals working in the state University
System. The target was for the experts to provide 10-12 individual names for
after receiving their contact information, inviting them to fill out the participant selection
criteria form (Appendices C and D). As part of the selection criteria, participants were
potential participants on the list received a cover letter, including a sample of the
(Appendices C, D, and E). The following criteria determined the final participant
1. The instructor had taught higher education online courses in the last 3
2. The online course structure provided for the instructor to design and
participants. This participant number provided the ability to study the case in depth and
elicit the information necessary to answer the questions better than in a superficial study
of many cases (Patton, 2002). If some participant wished to discuss more than one
course in which they used an alternative assessment, this provided a more in depth
understanding of the individual’s processes. If for some reason, one or more of the
participants elected not to continue in the research study, I would chose replacement
interviews with the subjects, including the possibility of follow-up interviews, based on
the results of the initial interview data, and artifacts including syllabi, assignments,
rubrics, and any other material the participant felt necessary to include (see Table 4 for
artifact matrix). Artifacts provided triangulation of the interview content. The researcher
of this study used no archival data; however, the study allowed participants to provide
met the criteria for the research study. The interview consisted of three background
questions, seventeen questions related to the study topic, and three questions regarding
The purpose of the questionnaire was to ensure the subjects selected for this study
had the experiences required to address the research questions and indicate a willingness
the prospective subject’s contact information, which was required to set up the interviews
and communicate with the subjects. There was one demographic question indicating the
subject’s current teaching position. The questionnaire also included five questions
indicating the subject’s experience related to this research study. The questionnaire did
not obtain any information for analysis related to this study research.
The questions listed in Appendix G guided the interviews with a focus on the
conceptual framework and research questions. The research questions and conceptual
framework influenced the interview questions, and, as the research questions were based
on assessment design, the interview questions sprang from design principles noted in
Dick et al. (2009), Gagné et al. (2005), and Oosterhof et al. (2008). Appendix H provides
the relationship between the research questions, the interview questions, and the
conceptual framework.
subject for several reasons. First, the question put the subject at ease and created a
relationship between the subject and myself. Second, the questions obtained a sense of
the subject’s level of experience and passion for teaching. Lastly, the questions allowed
the participant to provide as much background information as they wished. There was a
possibility that the teaching experience level of the instructor affected the formation of
understand the process used to choose and align the assessment with the outcomes. The
first question asked for the process used by the participant. This is the first research
question restated. Questions 2-5 requested details, such as the determination process, the
thought pattern of which outcomes the assessment related to, and the perception of
alignment between the assessment and outcomes. These all related directly to Gagné’s
(1985) conditions of learning for what to assess in relation to outcomes and to Dick et al.
Questions 6-8 focused on research question 2, which detailed the process used in
determining the assessment indicator design within the assessment. The first question in
this section asked for the process used in determining the indicators. The following
questions asked for specifics on how the indicators reflected the outcomes and how the
and challenges encountered because of their process, the third research question. This
question also allowed the participant an opportunity to provide information on why the
assessment succeeded or not, changes they made as a result, and self-reflection of the
Finally, there were three questions related to follow up interviews and caveats.
These were housekeeping questions both to remind the subjects of their commitment to
follow up interviews, to start the dialog for the interview, and to allow the subjects to
comment on their narration in case they wished to add, modify, or clarify any previous
other subjects. In that event, I would request an additional interview with the subject.
One hour was the intended length of the interview. After transcription, I sent the
transcript to the subject for editing and verification (Appendix K). Appendix L contains
a list of possible additional questions and their relationship to the research questions.
Some types of alternative assessment may create other artifacts such as portfolios,
discussion of each case. Artifacts such as these are historical documents and provided
triangulation between the participant’s recollection and reality. Using the artifacts
process and outcomes of the process. These artifacts supported the first two research
questions by indicating if both the assessment and the assessment indicators aligned with
the outcomes or the content of the instruction, or may provide support as to variables,
which affect the decisions made during the processes, such as discussions or portfolios
indicating the level of mastery obtained by the learners. In addition, these historical
documents may provide insight into how the interview should progress. The participant
could use artifacts of this nature to indicate how the assessment connected to specific
learning outcomes. The information in the course syllabus and course assignments might
assist in identifying a connection between the course objectives and the assessments.
implementing the alternative assessment. Table 4 lists possible artifacts and their
Table 4.
individual. Data gleaned from the syllabus, assisted not only in the reliability of the
participants recall, but also assisted the researcher in preparing specific interview
questions for individual participants. The syllabus aids in data triangulation of alternative
assessments existing within the course by comparing the stated outcomes with the
assessment indicators. Syllabus may or may not contain student learning objectives,
individual assignments, or rubrics; therefore, the coding scheme for the syllabus could
not be determined until the syllabus the researcher received the syllabus. The syllabus
might not have related directly to any research question, but the assessment indicators
should have measured a type of learning that related to an outcome, objective, or rubric.
the relationship between the assessment and learning outcomes, the type of assessment
used, and possibly assessment indicators. The assignments contributed data directly to
the research questions and provided for triangulation between interviews, rubrics, and
grades. Pre-coding the assignments, before the interview into type of assessment,
learning outcomes, and assessment indicators further assisted the researcher in tailoring
interview questions for the individual participant. Assignments analyzed after the
interview for triangulation with interview data and for emerging themes.
Rubrics. Rubrics were treated the same as assignments with the exception that
rubrics did not add or subtract from the first research question, but rather provided data
learning outcomes and grades. Coding of rubrics relied heavily on the assessment
indicators an individual instructor chose to use and therefore could not be pre-coded.
selection processes, the study allowed the participant to provide other artifacts, which
may have supported reasons for choosing an alternative assessment or the design of the
indicators used. These other artifacts provided for triangulation and credibility along,
participants criteria was based on answering yes to all questions and having taught at
least one course in the past three years in which they developed and implemented an
Data Collection
study, data collection started by contacting several knowledgeable individuals who have
regular contact with instructors at the universities, and asking them to provide names and
contact information of instructors matching the participant criteria. This data collection
occurred in the first month of the research study using notes. After the initial interview
was transcribed by a transcription service (Appendix L) and analyzed, (along with any
interview to provide a richer, thicker, and more robust understanding. Participants were
were at a time, place, and method acceptable to the participant, and reinterviewed
participants had the opportunity to review the transcription of the second interview. After
The criteria selection questionnaire collected the initial information from each
participant. This allowed me to select participants and to continue with further steps
while waiting for additional participants. I collected and transferred the data to a
removable hard drive that secured in a locked compartment behind a locked door. The
same removable password protected hard drive contained all recordings of interviews,
electronic copies of interview transcripts, artifacts, and analysis data. I deleted the
I sent the confirmation e-mail (Appendix F) to those selected which included the
consent form and a request for a phone conversation to set the date, time, and method of
the interview. During the initial phone conversation, I answered questions and concerns
about the study; and set a date and time for the interview (including place and method of
the interview). I also requested the participant send to me artifacts and a signed consent
form (if I had not received one). I made every effort to conduct the interviews as soon as
possible after the phone conversation, providing I received the consent form and artifacts.
I allotted one hour for the length of the interviews. The intent was to interview a
participant once, although the need for additional information or clarification was a
Interviews were conducted at a time and place and using a medium (in person or
one hour. The questions listed in Appendix J guided the interviews with a focus on the
verification and editing. The research questions and conceptual framework influenced
the interview questions, and as the research questions were based on assessment design,
the interview questions sprang from design principles noted in Dick et al. (2009), Gagné
et al. (2005), and Oosterhof et al. (2008). If it was determined that a second interview
was necessary, the interview were set up and conducted as previously mentioned. As
noted previously, the structure of this research design permitted some flexibility. The
interview was one flexible area. What information related to the topic would surface
during the interview or the direction that the interview will take was unknown. The
interview design permitted the participant to discuss the main questions in his or her own
manner. The researcher’s role was to guide the participants through interviews, ensuring
the conversations remained focused on the topic and to ask additional questions as
necessary for clarification and completeness. The researcher used no archival data in this
study; however, this did not preclude a participant from providing archival data as an
artifact. The only purpose of criteria selection questionnaire was to determine that the
prospective participant had the experience required for the study. There was no
I intended to enter data into NVivo and Adobe Acrobat to organize and code
interviews, and artifacts, while I used Excel to organize personal information, the
selection criteria questionnaire, and logs of transcripts, recordings, notes, artifacts, and
the Excel spreadsheets. However, since personal information was included in the Excel
spreadsheets, each participant received a unique number, used on all data collected from
that participant. The Excel spreadsheet logged artifacts with an artifact number based on
the participant’s unique number and the order I received the artifact. The log also
included the date received, date transcription or analysis is completed and location of
original artifact.
immediately ceased and upon written notification, I would destroy all data related to the
individual. If, during the study, a participant did not meet the criteria or if ethical issues
rose related to the participant jeopardizing the credibility of the researcher or the study, I
would remove that participant and their information destroyed. Participants retained the
right to remove themselves at any time from the study and have their data destroyed.
collected data. The research questions relied heavily on the data obtained from
interviews. There has been some discussion whether to pre-code or not to pre-code
(Creswell, 2007, 2009; Maxwell, 2005, Miles & Huberman, 1994). This allows themes
to emerge from the data and control researcher bias. NVivo software is designed to
organize data and allow the researcher to identify categories and themes. The
The interview questions created the data used to answer the research questions.
Appendix G provides the relationship between the interview questions, the research
questions, and the conceptual framework. Appendix H is the script used for the
request additional names from those well informed individuals and ask other well
Should the need arise for follow-up interviews; the participant will be contacted,
based on the follow-up information provided during the interview. As the reason for the
Discrepant Cases
discrepant case may resolve the issue. If recoding did not resolve the issue, a discussion
with the participant regarding the accuracy of the original information may resolve the
discrepancy. If the discrepancy is still not resolved, a second, careful examination of the
data may reveal biases or flaws in the design that require reporting and an explanation of
the discrepant case in the results section. The results section contains any unresolved
discrepant cases.
Issues of Trustworthiness
Qualitative case studies do not generally provide for transferability, due to the
small number of participants (Stake, 1995). However, Stake (1995) also mentioned
recurring themes between participants might allow some generalization. The application
of purposeful effect in creating the initial participant pool provided variation, as the
universities (less than 7,000 students) in rural settings to large universities (student
I logged all e-mails and copies kept on the hard drive, with an identifying filename.
Interviews and artifacts provided triangulation not only for each case, but also as a
researcher biases” (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 278). Possible areas of bias included
detailing the procedures, ensuring conclusions aligned with the data presented, plausible
conclusions based on data, included alternative conclusions, retention of data, and finally,
and data collection, the addition of member checking of random questions by a third
party enhanced the neutrality of the data analysis. Researcher biases exist in every study
to some degree (Maxwell, 2005). My strategy for controlling personal biases was the use
of a reflective journal for periods where there is contact with subjects and data. The
Ethical Procedures
The researcher obtained a NIH certificate (# 523791) on September 17, 2010 and
June 18, 2015. After receiving approval from Walden University’s Institutional Review
increased stress, or agitation before and during the interview process. I planned to
monitor participants with health issues (including pregnancy) during the interview by the
researcher for signs of the above conditions. In addition, the researcher asked the
participant several times during the interview if they needed a break and if they felt
capable of continuing.
This study honored all requests by the participants for confidentiality. Collection
of personal data in this research study only occurred during the participant selection
questionnaire, which only required their first and last name, email address, and phone
information related to their university or their courses. If, in the results, it was important
to compare similar courses between cases, I generically identified the courses such as a
unique link allowing access to the questionnaire only once. The link included the
identifier used throughout the study to identify data associated with that participant. The
information gathered through the website was sent to the researcher’s email and did not
reside on the server after the prospective participant presses the submit button. I
Excel files and destroyed the originals. All documents and artifacts included the
questionnaire, only used for contact information. Only I had access to any personal
information. All data, communications, recordings, artifacts, logs, research notes, NVivo
files, and transcriptions were encrypted and placed on a password protected removable
hard drive. Connected to a computer only when working with files, the hard drive
remained in a locked compartment behind locked door when not in use. Privacy
envelopes in the same locked compartment as the hard drive contain any required hard
copies of data.
As part of the ethical procedures, I intended, upon receiving written notice from the
participants requesting to recluse themselves, to destroy all data, and artifacts related to
that participant, with the exception of the participant criteria questionnaire. A log entry
indicated the participant elected to discontinue and the date of discontinuation, however I
retained the participant criteria questionnaire. The participant then received an email
thanking him or her for their time and informing them of the destruction of their
email explaining the reasons for ineligibility, thanking them for their time, informing
them of the destruction of their information, and termination of their participation in the
No children or under age subjects partook in this study in any way. Grades
mention in the results pertained to the class as a whole. I did not record the names of
students mentioned by the participant. The use of experts providing potential subjects in
the selection process limited the control of the researcher over the initial selection of the
participants. This researcher does not work for any of the universities or any
organization with connections to them. The only personal information of the participants
Researcher Bias
instructional designer and military trainer have prompted my interest in this research
topic. “Traditionally, what you bring to the research from your own background and
identity has been treated as ‘bias,’ something whose influence needs to be removed from
the design” (Maxwell, 2005, p. 37). I kept a reflective journal relating to biases I
discovered while working with the subjects, and data. This included while I went
through the selection criteria, communicated with subjects, gathered and analyzed data,
and while my developing the conclusions. Reflective journal entries provided a method
for me to identify any bias and provide data of biases that were not controllable, allowing
the reader to take into consideration. I believe this information was helpful in validating
this study.
Chapter 3 discussed the methodology proposed for this qualitative multiple case
persons in the field provided a list of possible participants to populate a pool for selection
based on specific criteria. The main data collection method was interview. Assignments
and rubrics, in conjunction with syllabi, grades, and other artifacts provided triangulation
within individual cases. Minor pre-coding occurred; however, this research study relied
on themes emerging through careful analysis. NVivo software provides the organization
As an ethical practice, this study did not compromise the protection of participant
and confidential information. In addition, this research study made every effort to
minimize health risks and to maintain confidentiality. Participant discontinuation did not
affect the success of the study. However, this research study planned for that event by
Chapter 4: Results
measure student learning and assign grades through assessments, and accurate assessment
indicated an alignment of traditional assessments to learning goals, but research did not
indicate how instructors develop alternative assessments to align with learning goals.
The existing gap in literature raised the question: what are the processes an instructor
RQ3: How does the process result in the identification or creation of alternative
This chapter includes the setting of the study, demographics of the participants,
and the collection of data. This chapter also includes the analysis of the data collected,
between this study’s conceptual framework and the participants’ responses. Finally, this
The design of the case study intended to include participants from several
the university and state system level, requesting lists of possible participants. Two of the
contacts no longer worked with faculty, one did not respond, and one informed me they
could not find any willing participants. Of the two remaining names supplied by one of
the individuals both declined to participant, therefore only one of the knowledgeable
persons contacted supplied prospective participants. In addition, the contact person was
only able to supply three possible participants, so I resorted to using a snowball selection
process, gaining additional prospective participants from those three. This resulted in
selecting all of the participants from one public state university located in the North
This particular university enrolled over 9,000 students in the fall of 2015. Over
450 staff and faculty taught in 2015 The undergraduate student body is almost evenly
divided in gender (54% Male, 46% Female) but females in graduates courses outnumber
males almost 2-1 (35% male, 65% Female).The university lists over 70 undergraduate,
graduate and advanced degree program. In 2015, the university awarded over 1,800
This case study interviewed eight participants, two female and six male
instructors. Seven hold Ph.D. degrees and one holds a Master’s degree while currently
enrolled in an Ed.D. program. Five of the participants are currently the head of his or her
degree program and the other three are either lecturers or associate professors. Three
teach in the College of Management, two teach in the College of Education, and the
Family Studies. All met the criteria of having taught at least one online course during the
2013-2015 school years. In accordance with ethical standards, all information remained
confidential. This study uses a pseudonym for each participant. Tables 5 and 6 contain
Table 5
Participant Demographics.
Teaching Years
Name Gender Position Degree Certificate Teaching
Debbie F Program Director PhD Yes 12
Erik M Senior Lecturer PhD Yes 17+
Hal M Program Director PhD Yes 18+
Jasmine F Program Director PhD No 3+
Max M Program Director PhD No 17
Mike M Program Director Master’s No 5+
Robert M Lecturer PhD Yes 12
Dave M Lecturer PhD No 9
Table 6
Table 6 shows that six of eight of the participants used rubrics. The two that did
not used an assessment, which included the indicators within the assessment, much as a
traditional assessment does. The table also indicates that the participants considered
(1965). Several of the participants discussed more than one type of assessment, but this
Participant Descriptions
The participant descriptions resulted from researcher observations and the first
three interview questions (refer to Appendix G). In these questions, the participants
related information about themselves and their teaching experience, what prompted them
to choose teaching as a career, and the challenges and opportunities they find in teaching
Erik. On the day of the interview, he was late meeting me at his office. The first
hour class had an assessment scheduled for that day and they were experiencing some
technology problems. He asked if we could postpone the interview for a half hour and I
agreed. During the interview, it became apparent that Erik was proud to be an instructor;
that he felt his colleagues were among the best, and that the university is progressive,
employing cutting-edge technology. Erik indicated originally his career path was to
teach K-12 but he ended up going into the privates sector. He returned to school to
and while working on his Master’s degree in Training and Development, he started
teaching. That experience reignited his desire to teach and to seek a full time teaching
position. Erik mentioned communication as his number one challenge and the
Days like today can be a little aggravating and certainly creating a challenge.
Yes, so I think that pretty much is communications and creating that environment
where there is that connection with students and the instructor to the students, the
human element, and actually having the technologies that are supportive of that
and doing what they are supposed to do. Those are the two biggies.
Jasmine. Jasmine asked that the interview be at her home in the late morning.
When I arrived, we conducted the interview in the living room. The atmosphere was
comforting and Jasmine appeared at ease during the interview. It was quickly evident
that she was serious about teaching. She was also proud to teach and indicated that when
she informed me that she taught at three different universities while she was still working
on her dissertation. She mentioned she enjoyed working with different student
populations, cultures, and learning levels. She stated; “I love teaching, but even more
than teaching, I love designing. I love designing courses and learning.” When talking
about challenges and opportunities, Jasmine talked more about opportunities. It was
students. The opportunity is that I have the ability to really put a lot of thought
Debbie. I conducted Debbie’s interview in her office. This was just before the
semester began and she appeared swamped while preparing for the semester. However,
she had documents ready for me and welcomed the opportunity to talk about teaching.
Her demeanor gave away her previous experience in the business industry. She spent
five years working in business as an accountant before she started teaching. On why she
I went into teaching because I was working with high school students you
know…in my church and other things and I really liked working with the kids and
family. My mom was a teacher, a lot of my mom’s siblings and I have a lot of
cousins who are teachers and so you know it made sense to do it and I thoroughly
enjoyed it.
Debbie mentioned time as her biggest challenge in online teaching. She also
mentioned that communicating with students has not been a problem. Like Jasmine, she
felt the diversity of the students opens up opportunities for the class to learn from each
other: “I think that’s a great opportunity for students to learn from each other in a way
Max. I also interviewed Max in his office. While he showed a sense of humor
during the interview, his responses indicated a sincere passion for teaching. During the
interview, his posture was relaxed. Like Erik, Max exuded pride in his university when
explaining that his department had a resource person who designed rubrics for the
addition to his PhD. Very similar to Erik, he started teaching while pursuing his second
Master’s degree. In fact, both received their Master’s degree in Training and
However, Max described different challenges than Erik in online teaching. Max
finds getting students to keep up with due dates as a challenge. To circumvent this Max
One of the things that I’ve done to try and overcome that is – is I use a very
Learn software] and my students get a calendar of exactly what’s going to happen.
Max indicated convenience for the student and audio feedback as opportunities in
the online environment: “I do use audio feedback through the system. And I firmly
believe that it’s important that all assignments are given feedback.”
Mike. Mike’s interview took the longest to schedule. There was a lot of
telephone tag and rescheduling. In the end, we met in his office and he reminded me of
several of teachers I had when I attended a private high school. His office was neat and
organized. Dressed in a suit, and very professional in manner and style, evident by the
lack of mm’s and ah’s in his speech, he opened up about why he decided to teach. He
showed his concern for students and learning when he mentioned that he felt he could do
a better job teaching than his teachers. He wanted to be an agent of positive change.
Before he decided to make teaching his career, Mike spent eighteen years as a private
It was like they were horrible instructors and I didn’t learn as much as I needed to
my name in the hat and then was able to teach online and that’s when I said,
“Now that I’m going to teach I better learn how to become a teacher”.
He has now been teaching for eight years. When asked about challenges and
opportunities in the online classroom, Mike indicated connecting with students and social
balancing the course objectives while keeping the students’ life issues in mind.
Debbie and I ran into Hal. It turned out Debbie’s, Mike’s, and Hal’s offices were in the
same area. Hal was already on my list, but I had not been able to contact him. When I
told him of my study, he was excited to share his knowledge and we went through the
selection questionnaire on the spot. He later filled out the questionnaire online for me.
We conducted the interview in his office. Similar to Mike, he also started in industry, but
then changed to teaching high school. He has been teaching at the university for around
20 years. When asked about the career change, he used two interesting phrases,
“Business and Industry transplant,” and “accidental tourist”. Like the others, he tried
His office was cluttered as the interview took place a week before classes started
and he was finishing the fall course preparations. Like Mike, his years in business
showed in his dress, demeanor, and explanations. When asked about challenges and
opportunities in online teaching, Hal said, “…time, because time is a different construct
within that environment,” but in the university context he felt he should always be
assumptions based on people’s verbal and non-verbal cues, which can sometimes actually
Robert. Finding Robert’s office was somewhat of a challenge. His office moved
to another building during reorganization and the website listed his old office location.
When I arrived, he was counselling a student. The office appeared larger than most of
the other participants but still somewhat cramped. He was still unpacking from the move.
Unlike Hal and Matt, he dressed in business casual attire and sat back relaxed during the
interview. Once the interview started, it was evident why. He mentioned he spent about
twelve years in secondary education before going into industry, where he spent about
eight years as a consultant and trainer. When he finished his PhD, it motivated him back
into education.
On the challenges and opportunities in online teaching and learning, Robert felt
the lack of face-to-face exposure presents two challenges: establishing a relationship and
the need to answer the same questions multiple times. He also indicated time constraints
required more planning and better organization than in the classroom. Opportunities,
according to Robert, “because it’s more of a one on one it allows you to do a little bit
more customized – and that’s probably not the right word, individual specific training;”
and “you know instead of just one curriculum you can have these mutations of the
curriculums, but it’s going to be highly dependent upon the number of students.”
Dave. I also interviewed Dave in his office. One wall contained several
technology; his computer had three screens, one facing toward the chair I was sitting in.
He used that to show several of the simulations he used in the course. He even offered to
record the interview and send the audio file to me. I declined as I brought a tape device
industry. During that time, he received his Master’s and PhD in Industrial Engineering.
As far as his decision to teach, he stated, “I like the teaching job. And then basically after
you get that, the grade, I mean there is not much option left. You got to work in teaching
or research area.” and “Once I got to PhD, yeah, that there are not much options left for
Nevertheless, he also mentioned that in his courses, there is a large variation in age and
course related skill levels between students. Dave also suggested this variation provides
an opportunity for students to learn from one another and his students appear more highly
this research study’s eight participants. Seven of the eight hold PhD’s, the eighth (Mike)
is currently enrolled in a doctoral program. All have worked in the private sector before
teaching at the university level (refer to Table 6). Four participants have only taught at
the university level and the other four taught at the secondary level (High School) before
teaching at the university level. Other than Jasmine, who did not mention her years of
teaching, all have taught at the university level for eight to twenty years.
Data Collection
website collected and stored the participant’s information in a secured database. The
online questionnaire was available from July 25, 2015 to September 28, 2015. After I
conducted the last interview, I downloaded the website and database from the secure
server, encrypted the files, and stored them on a removable hard drive. Once I verified
the accuracy of the information on the hard drive, I deleted the website and database from
the server.
participate and received access to the secure website. One person disqualified himself
before completing the questionnaire, as he had not taught an online course in the last
three years. Another answered a question incorrectly, which I discovered before the
interview began. The incorrect response disqualified the participant and ended the
and informed the participant as outlined in chapter three’s Data Analysis Plan.
I Interviewed eight participants, seven in their offices and one (Jasmine) in her
home. Although we agreed on one hour for the duration of the initial interview, only
Erik’s lasted that long. The other interviews lasted between twenty-five and forty
minutes. A camcorder recorded only the audio. I recorded each participant’s interview
audio file and encrypted it on the same removable hard drive. I secured the tape in a
locked compartment. A transcription service converted the audio file to MS Word. The
turnaround time for the service ranged between two and six days. I encountered no
variation in the methods described in Chapter 3 nor did I encounter any unusual
to the courses mentioned in the interviews. Each participant provided one or more of
these artifacts as they related to the course mentioned during the interview process. If I
received a hard copy, I later converted it to an electronic format, and stored it on the
removable hard drive as an encrypted file. If the participant sent the artifact
electronically, I encrypted and saved the files in the participant’s folder on the removable
hard drive. I received artifacts throughout the duration of the interview process (July 25,
E-mail became a source of data collection during this study. In order to maintain
confidentiality and security, I did modify the data plan slightly. Microsoft Outlook has
the ability to save multiple email messages in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). When a file
is saved in this manner, Adobe Acrobat saves each message separately within a
document, creating a table of contents and allowing searching for specific messages.
Acrobat also saves any attachments and has the ability to append the file. In addition,
Acrobat has the ability to password protect a file, Thus, I combined all e-mails into a
single password protected Acrobat file, which I saved on the removable hard drive.
Data Analysis
Chapter 3’s methodology section focused on management issues; how the data
would be stored, processed, etc. as indicated Miles and Huberman (1994). This section
describes the actual process used to analyze the data collected in this research study.
Miles and Huberman (1994) described qualitative data collection as being loose versus
tight. One of their suggestions is “conventional image of field research is one that keeps
pre-structure designs to a minimum” (p. 17). However, they do suggest using the tighter
design “for researchers working within well delineated constructs” (p. 17). The idea of
using a loose design indicated by Miles and Huberman fit the data collected in this study
as I intentionally designed the conceptual framework and the research questions broadly
to ensure all learning methodologies and theories and any type of assessment was open to
discussion by the participants. As an example of the breadth of the data collected, only
two of the participants used the same name for their assessment (peer-review) as found in
the literature reviewed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, I stated that I would use NVivo
software to organize and code data for this research study. After reviewing the first
interview, this still appeared to be a viable method. However, after reviewing the second
interview, several challenges arose. First, it became evident that the vocabulary used by
the participants differed from the vocabulary used in the literature review studies, and
therefore, precoding based on the review of literature was not feasible. Second, the
vocabulary between participants also differed enough that pre-coding would not be a
valuable tool for data analysis without injecting bias by personal interpretation of the
participants’ responses. In addition, the experiences and methods of the participants were
so varied that NVivo would not assist in the organization of the analysis. Because the
participants’ selection of assessment type varied, I was not able to theme individual
processes based on the assessment used. Therefore, the analysis of this research study
A secondary challenge resulting from the first two interviews indicated a need to
clarify the first interview question. Therefore, starting with the fourth interview, (the
third interview was completed); I removed the question of setting a follow-up date and
replaced it with a question rewording the first question (refer to Appendix G). Each
participant agreed to a follow-up interview in the consent form. At the time of the
therefore, I felt it unnecessary to ask to set up the follow-up interview during the initial
The analysis of the interviews started by first listening to each interview before
sending it to transcriber to ensure clarity. Upon the receipt of the transcript, I verified the
accuracy of the transcript against the original interview recording before sending it to the
participant for verification. Only two participants made edits. These were minor changes
in wording or acronyms.
While waiting for verification of the transcript from the participants, I developed
three separate sets of tables for analysis of the interview data. The first set of tables
(Appendix P), allowed me to analyze themes on an individual basis. The first column
contained the interview question; the second column contained the participant’s
responses. The third and fourth columns contained notes and possible themes. The
second set of tables (Appendix Q), allowed me to analyze themes based on the question.
The first column contained the participant’s pseudonym; the second column contained
the participant’s responses. The third and fourth columns again contained notes and
possible themes. The third set of tables (Appendix R) focused on the research questions.
I organized the interview questions and the participants’ responses by the research
question. Appendix H indicates how the interview questions aligned with the research
First, I read each participant’s responses to the interview questions and made
notations on key ideas, interesting quotes, and my comments. Then I analyzed each
participant’s responses in relation to the study’s conceptual framework marking key areas
in the same manner as the first analysis. At this point, I started to code the data. Analysis
of each participant proceeded in the same manner. I found in coding each individual, I
came up with many codes that were unique, such as assessment type, assessment
individual level and instead started to look for categories based on the question. For
example, rather than code each assessment type, I used the category assessment.
coding each interview question based on all of the participants’ responses using the same
process as before. At this point, I had developed the categories scheme based on the
individuals and on the interview questions (see Table 7). I used the coding and
organizing the interview questions based on the research questions, I started to look for
emerging themes (presented in Table 8). There were no discrepant cases encountered.
The question of outliers in this study is ambiguous. The results indicate almost all of the
also indicated the process used by each participant worked in that particular instance. I
I also updated and revised the notes in my research journal as I was creating the
code. The journal’s purpose was to document personal ideas, revelations, and biases that
surfaced during the coding and analysis processes (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007). Chapter 5
Table 7
Artifact (AF) Item which includes indicator “…so depending on what kind of –
demonstrating a student’s what I choose, either maybe a
skill or knowledge of an discussion or some sort of online
objective activity or a reflection then I decide
what kind of artifact they need to
bring to the table for that” (Mike).
Assessment (AS) Method of assessing learning “There needs to be something to
assess, a level of knowledge, a skill
demonstration” (Erik).
Assessment Indicators Items within the a response “…it’s in the supporting work of the
(AI) which provide evidence of a student. Uh, I know the content, I
mastery of a certain skill or know what theory backs it up, I
knowledge better know, let’s put it that way,
okay” (Max).
Assignment (AG) Another descriptor of “…they have an assignment to do a
assessment history paper” (Debbie).
Challenges (CH) Roadblocks in effectively “I think, to me, the biggest challenge
teaching online courses in online teaching is the human
communication element” (Erik).
Continuous The ongoing process of “I may have tweaked it to make that
Improvement (CI) striving to make or deliver a process a little bit more streamlined
better product but I wouldn’t say that it had radical
changes into what I’m assessing or
how I’m assessing it” (Robert).
Feedback (FB) Comments to or from students “They get this feedback from
related to assessments or someone in the field doing the kind
course. of job that they could do someday
letting them know if they think that
they have a good grasp on what the
situation is for people” (Jasmine).
Instructional Design Methods and processes used in “…think about instructional design
Models (ISD) designing instruction for assessment. That is what that
first part of like the ADDIE model
is. We want to take this and turn it
into this. Analysis is understanding
the solution” (Erik).
Table 8
Note. After coding the data in question 3, I incorporated the question about
challenges and opportunities in online learning into this research question with the
expectation that this may prove to be either an outlier or a generalizable theme.
Evidence of Trustworthiness
validity “We need protocols which do not depend on mere intuition and good intention
‘to get it right’” (p. 107). Member checks conducted by the committee validated the
coding. This study established credibility by triangulating artifacts with the participants’
Qualitative case studies do not generally provide for transferability, due to the
small number of participants (Stake, 1995). However, Stake (1995) also mentioned
recurring themes between participants might allow some generalization. This research
study reinforces Stake’s claims. There are some themes providing generalizable
I logged all e-mails and copies kept on the hard drive, with an identifying filename.
Interviews and artifacts provided triangulation not only for each case, but also as a
researcher biases” (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 278). Possible areas of bias included
detailing the procedures, ensuring conclusions aligned with the data presented, plausible
conclusions based on data, included alternative conclusions, retention of data, and finally,
and data collection, the addition of member checking of random questions by a third
party enhanced the neutrality of the data analysis. Researcher biases exist in every study
to some degree (Maxwell, 2005). My strategy for controlling personal biases was the use
of a reflective journal for periods where there is contact with subjects and data. The
This section presents the results of this research study, organized by the research
research question. As themes emerged from coding the interview questions, those
recurring themes became themes aligned to the research question. I discussed non-
transcripts provided documentation support for the themes. The transcription service
transcribed the interviews verbatim; however, I removed umms, ahhs, and repeated words
when quoting the participants. I chose not to use a specific order in presenting support,
but rather to first quote what appeared to be the most impactful statement related to that
Research Question 1
These interview questions directly reflected the process of selecting an assessment. The
instructors. Question 3 gathered the data to determine if instructors might adjust the
However, the results of the study did not support this. None of the participants
assessment indicators based on his or her perceptions of online teaching challenges and
Table 9
I anticipated that this question would show some connection to assessment choice.
I asked this question first (in relation to the research questions) to refresh memories of
challenges and opportunities that may have affected the participant’s thought process.
The assumption that student diversity in learning might affect the decision process of
choosing assessments is well documented (Baker & Johnson, 2010; Baumert et al., 2009;
Jasmine indicated she designs courses with ADA challenges in mind: “I have tried
to anticipate anything that could happen. Maybe I will have a student who is blind.
Maybe I will have a student who is hearing impaired”. While Erik felt, “The biggest
challenge in online teaching is the human communication element”, Hal and Debbie
mentioned, “One of the things that I think is really amazing about online is we have
students from all over”. Mike looked at a different aspect of diversity: “so we have every
type of person represented and there are a lot of people that are dealing with family
issues, their kids, grandkids and parents, their grandparents and things like that”. Dave
And, uh, it’s compared to the, uh, we were talking segments, like age
segments in the face-to-face session, they are really different. So, that’s a
challenge. Some of them are more, uh, skilled. Some of them are more
experience, some of them more academic oriented. So, that’s, that’s the
this to be a part of the process, for these research participants in these courses, it appears
not to be a factor.
explain the process they used to determine the type of assessment they used. Without
exception, every participant indicated the objectives drive the assessment. Each
participant vocalized this in his or her own unique way. For example, Hal stated, “The
objectives are exactly—they’re the specifications, they tell you exactly what the
assessment is supposed to look like”. Whereas, Jasmine mentions “… the first thing I
think about is what the learning objective is and at what level”. Erik is more forceful in
his remark,
All right, it all comes back down to the learning objective, what the target
is…I think about the objective, which is very targeted. I think about the
tool that I am using. I know pretty confidently, that tool is measuring that
Debbie stated, “I really try to look at the course objectives and think about how I
Hal said, “Well, I think the objective doesn’t let me discard any type of
assessment.” He also brought up that the objective is not the only criteria. He indicated
that the objective may have different levels of importance during the course and that the
assessment needs to reflect the objective’s importance at the time of the assessment:
When you listen to your objectives real closely, in your mind’s eye you can see
how you structure the assessment and the assessment type…And I’m declaring,
I’m in the order of where the bulk of the work comes from. So this one here is
addressed. This one here is targeted. This one here is maybe a little more than
just addressed. These are the things that are going to happen, but this one is
probably going to be the focus. But I can’t disregard the other ones…And that’s
why it’s housed this way. That’s why it’s intentionally in here in this particular
unit because I’m working off of these. That keeps me honest in assessing what
I’m teaching.
So not only does Hal look at the objectives, he also prioritizes them in relation to
Max voiced a similar opinion as Hal suggesting the objectives drives not only the
assessment, but the entire course, “…what are you looking for when you want to evaluate
students?...the key thing is it has a lot to do with making sure that your course outline is
driven by the objectives. And that the objectives are essentially buckled with the
Robert teaches a training design course so his response was a bit different:
structural objectives which are driven off of competencies. So I’m very focused
on what is it that the student/future employee has to know or has to be able to do?
And I tend to try to minimize the amount of extraneous materials because I want
to really focus on the competency and what is it that I need to be able to do? And
that objective drives the evaluation. Did they master this competency? So the
evaluation tools, the assessment tools that I use are going to be tailored to
difficulty on the Bloom’s taxonomy and I’m kind of random sometimes because I
change things up just because I want to try new things but I look at the objective
and I think how is this going to be better? How can we achieve that outcome,
through some other thing? So I look at the objective and I decide you know what,
this would make a really good project or this would make a really good discussion
for the students. Something like that, so depending on what I choose, either
what kind of artifact they need to bring to the table for that.
activity) then determines how the students will deliver the assessment (artifact).
However both Mike and Jasmine did not necessarily pick a type of assessment,
rather they offered the student the opportunity to pick or design. Mike allowed the
students to design their own assessment around the method and objective, Whereas
Jasmine gave her students three methods and artifacts and asked them to choose one to
One other thing I think about is there are probably many ways for students to
better than the other. Why do we just choose one? Why do we only give students
one path, which is the one that maybe best suits us? I did not make this up. It
comes from Universal Design for Learning. There is Ego Design, where we
Then we force students onto that path. I think all three of those assessments do it.
In that case, why don’t we give students that opportunity to demonstrate their
learning in various ways? Can I provide different ways for them to do that? They
can choose. That is another thing. I often have multiple ways that they can
demonstrate that they have met the objective. I will often have what is called a
tic-tac-toe where they can pick one of three…They go to the website.…They need
to look it over and say what are the benefits of membership, what kind of
population are members of this group, and how could I contribute. They read
over that. Then they can either go on a scavenger hunt. It is kind of a quiz really.
I ask questions and they have to go find it on the site. Or, they can do a
member of NCFR. They have to show all. Here are the benefits and here is how
you can contribute. There are all those objectives that they have. The last one is
they can attend one of the meetings and then do a reflection on how they learned
what would be beneficial. They talk to people and say, where is my place in this
organization (Jasmine).
as the assessment tool, but he also provided an artifact for another assessment:
them draw a picture or they can get one online and some are very creative. But
it’s just creating like a little poster and then that’s a fun way of reaching that
objective but I can tell right away if they understand what the objective is and
what I was looking for…So for this one what I actually have them do is they
develop a timeline and I give some parameters but it’s left wide open and some
people have made videos, some people have simply hand drawn a timeline.”
This might suggest the type of assessment is less important than the assessment
Hal put it in these terms: “It would always come back to so what’s the course
you’re teaching? What are the objectives? What are the level of objectives?” Hal went
taxonomy. There are others. I don’t always believe in the verbs because I do
knowledge base. I don’t pander to the words, but they are a clue. So you go back
to your course objectives. What are you declaring that you’re going to deliver?
This is like selling a car. If you’re telling them it’s going to have air conditioning,
power brakes, power windows, and if at the end when you deliver it, it doesn’t
These results indicated that objectives are the starting point of the process and the
focal point in determining the type of assessment, that objectives and the participants’
knowledge of the application of the content are the primary decision points in selecting
personal choice than an active decision process. The results also indicated that
although traditional alternative assessment types defined some of them, the vocabulary
used by the instructors did not necessarily indicate that. Although several might be
student learning.
Max stated, “Each instructor needs to make their own decision regarding that.” Dave
echoed this in stating, “I give everything to the new instructor and let the person decide.
And also, I personally want to make my suggestions, too, but I’m going to give this
knowledge. Erik measured student’s ability to apply formulas. Max measured synthesis
of the course concepts. Mike measured student ability to identify relationships. Hal,
Robert, and Dave measured student’s ability to problem-solve using projects and
When asked why the assessment aligned with the outcomes better than other types
I think that there are a lot of assessments that would meet that kind of objective to
get knowledge about what this organization is about. In fact, that is why I have
three. I mean I have three because I think they equally meet those
objectives…Often, I do not think one is better than the other. Why do we just
choose one? Why do we only give students one path, which is the one that maybe
best suits us? I did not make this up. It comes from Universal Design for
assessments in the way that we think. Then we force students onto that path. I
think all three of those assessments do it. In that case, why don’t we give students
Erik’s objective was to have the students recall a formula and use the formula
multiple choice? No, multiple choice is not going to tell me. It is not going to
demonstrate the student can do it. The student is demonstrating through multiple
choices, they are demonstrating some knowledge, which has value, but I am not
going down that road. What do I use? Well, there are lots of computer based
training systems, management systems out there where I can actually create an
exam, or a test, that has the skills associated with that particular objective. For
example, Microsoft has the Microsoft Office Specialist Examinations. They have
it broken down into for Microsoft Excel, the basic level. They have it in five
categories, five skill categories. Within each of those, they are real specific skills.
With this tool that I use by the name of Geometrics, I can take and create and
assessment tool, performance based tool, in the actual application that will do the
State…and it was very much about here is the assignment, you go do your
research, bring back what you’ve learned and share it with everybody. Right or
wrong, it…it wasn’t a real set framework and I guess it helped me see that you
know we all learn from our research, from what we do and then by sharing it with
each other we’re learning that way as well. So are there really right and wrong
Hal indicated that the objective does not let him discard an assessment type but it
Well, I think the objective doesn’t let me discard any type of assessment…
So the objective when you look at the unit level objectives, you know, if
you’re saying, “declare,” the verb really triggers, well, what does that
mean? So what’s that going to look like? Well, it’s probably going to be
articulating it. So that kind of—when you listen to your objectives real
closely, in your mind’s eye you can see how you structure the assessment
Max used reflection of mini case studies because he felt traditional assessments
You know, when you give a true/false exam, or you know, true/false
question, you know it’s – it’s 50/50 all right. If you give a fill in the blank
type of thing, somebody might come across the words by accident, not
the opportunity for someone to throw in that word that maybe what we’re
looking for…I don’t give them a freebie you know, that doesn’t help me
Mike used Adult Learning Theory and used timelines and drawings as assessment
I think because they need to see it in order to really understand it. You
need to see it in kind of a linear fashion. You could write about how this
happened and then this happened but to see it spread out like that gives
you a better picture of kind of the ebbs and flows of education and then
shows you where we’ve been and kind of where we’re heading.
Dave indicated in his course “We know what industry wants for our graduates…I
think this is more connected to the future challenge during the phase after they finish the
Lastly, the results suggested that assessment choices might have a correlation to
teaching experience. The participants did not appear to struggle with deciding which
assessment to choose. Only Erik and Max mentioned a decision process of discarding
other assessment types. The other participants indicated he or she found the objective
indicated the type of assessment to use. The responses to the interview questions related
learning theories.
design or choice
Research Question 2
Theme 1: Theme 2:
Rubrics meet several needs. The processes used by
experienced instructors seem
to be subconscious decisions.
the first research question focused on selecting an assessment type, whereas the second
research question focused on the processes related to the assessment indicators. The
research question 2.
Theme 1: Rubrics meet several needs. While the second research question dealt
with the assessment indicators, most of discussion about the assessment indicators
centered on the rubrics. Some of the responses concerning rubrics were vague, but the
responses indicated the instructors developed assessment indicators in the rubrics. For
assessments. The indicators are in the rubric rather than in the assessment design:
Right, it is just by whatever that verb is. I use Bloom’s – that level. Ensure that
whatever level that that verb is at, the assessment is really assessing at that level.
The assessment tool with the indicators – in this case a rubric – is also asking at
that level. It is asking did they meet the competency at this level.
So the rubric provides some structure and for things for them to think about…Oh
my…this is stuff I need to look for. Comparison of the time period to current day
and potential implications. The assigned paper must include an introduction that
sets the context for paper and a conclusion that summarizes critical
of stuff.
I use a lot of – of case studies and scenarios so the processes are going to be the
same but there’s the variation based upon the variables of the situation. So, they
have to be able to recognize the variables and make the minor adjustments but
they still have to follow the general process to be successful. I don’t know if
that’s necessarily you know the creation of new knowledge or if it’s – it’s more
than just a straight recall in order for them to demonstrate that they’ve mastered
the skill.
The interesting part of Robert’s comment is that the indicators did not define
assignment/assessment, these are the bigger ones. There are little five point in
class ones, but these are the larger ones. I have a lot of learning supports and
imbedded in them are the indicators. Here is what I am looking for and here is at
what level I am looking for it. For example, I will have an assignment guide that
what you need to do. It also has those things I am looking for. Be sure that you
are citing scholarly sources and that kind of thing. I am going to be looking for
your ability to connect the research together, not just summarize it. It is in the
Then I give them a template. In that template I say in this section you are going
All the headings match the guide. Then the third thing they get is the rubric.
Also the headings match the guide and the template where I have. Did you do
this at the level of mastery, competency, or whatever? I think they are getting it
all along the way and it leads to that. They all align and it leads to that rubric that
The indicators in the rubric – of course those other things lead up to the rubric –
the language aligns on the rubric to the course outcomes. The language in the
of that language is on the rubric. Then it is just kind of developed. What does it
reading best practices in advisory boards, direct input on my part in terms of what
makes for an effective advisory board. Why you’d use them? How you’d staff
Is there a lot of fluff, or restating the same answer, or is it in depth, well written
indicators reflect the outcomes, well it shows me that either a student understands
the topic, or they don’t, or they’re somewhere in the middle. And essentially
that’s part of the feedback that I give them. You know, if someone is on top topic
…did they complete this first step? And did they complete it within
expectations or did they miss a couple parts here? Did they complete the
second step and so I can build a rubric that based upon that objective and
based upon the process… Oh well I guess at the most simplistic level it
ends up being a pass/fail. You either met all these expectations and
somewhere in between but the rubrics and that’s where I list my rubrics
unsatisfactory. And so the variation is you know, you followed all six
steps, you met the expectations, you followed four of the six steps or
successfully completed four of the six and that is satisfactory; you did less
than that so in that sense to me it almost ends up being you know, this
pass/fail approach.
The goal is to get this line balancing concept of lean manufacturing. And these
indicators from these outcome reflect that they understand the concept because
this is like we throw them into a work flow and say, okay, we have a productive
line. There are some usually insufficient processes. You have to make this line
sufficient. What are you going to do? So, that the outcome indicates that they
understand the concept and they understand how to use some of the approaches
assessments were programmed in the assessments. However, the participants did not
subconscious decisions. Theme 2 started to emerge when the participants explained the
process of determining how to select the proper type of assessment, but was most
the participants agreed that the objectives drive the assessment, and that the objective
indicated the assessment or they selected an assessment of their choice from the
objective. Other than Erik and Max, the other participants did not mention the process
Jasmine put it very succinctly by saying: “The assessment tool with the indicators
– in this case a rubric – is also asking at that level. It is asking did they meet the
competency at this level.” Jasmine did not explain how she determined the indicators
only that she provided the indicators to the students: “I have a lot of learning supports and
imbedded in them are the indicators. Here is what I am looking for and here is at what
Competency defines what you want and it also explains in behavioral terms what
that looks like when somebody has mastered that skill or that ability or that piece
of knowledge. And so those things really define your objectives and then your
objectives define what it is that you measure. I mean you’re writing your
objectives to say this is what we’re going to measure. It’s not just you need to
know this, it’s you need to be able to list this or you need to be able to identify
this or you need to be able to solve this problem. So, the objectives are written in
measurable terms.
In Max’s case, one person develops the rubrics for programs within that
department: “Our assessment coordinator, in working with some other people, including
myself, through a lot workshops that she has done, has developed a rubric for written
The participants of this study did not clearly indicate how they chose assessment
indicators, but they did indicate they use assessment indicators by providing rubrics with
those indicators to the students with the assessment. This may be a result of one of the
Research Question 3
Theme 1:
Experienced instructors continuously revise course and
assessments, which accurately measured the outcomes. Most participants felt the original
assessments did not assess learning adequately and he or she required changing or
modifying previous assessments to increase the ability to measure learning. This led to
Then if I can address it ahead of time I will at the end of each semester say I had a
lot of questions on this thesis statement. I am going to build more supports into
here and make that more clear. I will do a five minute video on here is what a
thesis statement is and what I am looking for. Then I will just keep finessing
What I used to do, like I said there have been different mediums I have used. I
used Adobe PDF forms through the Adobe online system. I recently used
Qualtrix. I have used paper and pencil assessment with this, but these days I use
online first and then everything after that I use Qualtrix as a tool that works very
I tend to see that the students are better able to communicate what they’ve learned
orally than in writing sometimes. Even though they need to do the writing…But
the writing could be focused with their group and this is one of the first classes
they take in the doctoral program so they’re just starting to develop their writing
skills as doctoral students and so you know…you learn from what you do…I got
really positive feedback from the students on this way of doing that. They learned
I’m constantly working on validity and I’m trying to get at reliability to the extent
that I can. So I modify them, but the modifications are tweaks. So if I were to
show you an older version of this, you would have seen 1 through 5 and I would
have given them, “Here’s what a 1 looks like. Here’s what a 2 looks like.” And I
actually had—the first one, I—this was an open project…So then after I started
follow my script. It was kind of—it was almost like putting a puzzle together, but
it wasn’t even a puzzle anymore. They were directions. “Do this. Do that. Do
that.” And then, you know, underneath I had a sliding scale like a Likert. And
then I started adding performance levels to the Likert scale so they can get a sense
of, “Well, what does that look like?” So then I learned that I had to back off on
that because I was—I was getting them to regurgitate what I put on their
plates…And this is one that I’m, kind of happy with, but will probably continue to
and error:
That doesn’t tell me that somebody was learning. And when I started figuring it
out, and I started doing more things on campus, I worked with the Teaching and
into my classes, ones that worked. Ones that really didn’t work, I didn’t
incorporate or I didn’t use very much. And I have not stopped trying to prove
how I assess students in classes and how they’re meeting the objectives of the
class. So I think you started off by not necessarily making mistakes, but maybe
not using the best models. And hopefully you get better at it.
They’ve probably been tweaked, I may have eliminated some pieces that I didn’t
think relevant. I may have felt that the assessment or the assignment was too complex
and attempted to simplify it a little bit. Usually these parts tend to build off of each other
little bit more streamlined but I wouldn’t say that it had radical changes into what I’m
Dave’s response was very straightforward, “Yeah, the-the test scores are higher.
Significantly higher and then we got good feedback from students, too.
The results indicated the thought process used by the instructors had several
similarities. The conclusions also suggested that some of the inconsistencies might result
from the participants being very experienced in designing assessments and they
subconsciously process portions of the decision process. Finally, the results indicated the
vocabulary used by the instructors varied from the vocabulary used in the literature.
The first similarity is that challenges and opportunities did not factor into the
decision process. None of the participants mentioned considering these when choosing
their assessment. Therefore, this study cannot incorporate challenges and opportunities
The second similarity found was the unanimous declaration by the participants
that the objective was the driving force in assessment selection. Every participant
considered the objective first in his or her process. Although they indicated the objective
drives the assessment, the choice of assessment varied based on additional factors, such
as teaching methods and teaching theories, how the assessment related to the course and
program, and instructor preferences. The instructors indicated the preferences included
an interest in assessing learning better, creating assessment which were easier to grade,
creating assessments for multiple student skill levels, and creating assessments which
The third similarity was the use of rubrics in the assessment indicator process.
The participants indicated the rubrics, a separate document, housed the indicators, not
integrated within the assessment as in a traditional assessment. When speaking about the
rubrics, the participants explained what assessment indicators they used, but not the
Finally, the participants did not mention specifics in comparing the current
improving the assessments, using trial and error, student feedback, and comparisons to
The results of this research study indicated the participants followed processes.
However, it appears the processes differed based on several factors. Chapter 5 includes a
discussion interpreting these findings and provides recommendations for future research.
Chapter 5 also describes the limitations of the study and the study’s implications related
to social change, educational theoretical and methodology, and this research study’s
conceptual framework.
design alternative assessment. The purpose of this research study was to understand the
assessments. This qualitative case study, bounded by time and place, relied primarily on
1. There are only five general types of assessments, based on our five senses:
assessments, but rather indicate the name of the person scoring the
in the literature.
assessment indicators.
Findings one through three and five are the direct result of the literature,
conceptual framework, and the participants’ responses. Finding four emerged based on
the responses related to interview questions concerning the assessment and assessment
indicator choices. Findings 6 and 7 come from the conceptual framework, the literature,
This chapter discusses and interprets the research study findings in relation to the
conceptual framework and the research literature review set forth in Chapter 2. This
chapter also discusses the study’s limitations and the methodological, theoretical, and the
social implications of this study. Finally, Chapter 5 includes recommendations for future
This study’s findings indicated that research question number one (How do
assessment to use?) is based almost entirely on course objectives with the added variables
question 2 (How do online instructors align alternative assessment indicators to the stated
learning objectives?) did not appear to be a process that the participants were able to
explain. Instead, the participants mentioned their rubrics and the assessment indicators
contained within the rubric but never addressed the process by which they arrived at the
indicators. This lack of assessment indicator design was also found in Ellis and Kelder ,
2012; Gikandi, Morrow, and Davis,2011; Reddy and Andrade, 2010; Reddy,2011).
Research question 3 (How does the process result in the identification or creation of
alternative assessments that accurately measure the intended outcomes?) was answered
current to previous scores is one method of providing evidence of a study’s results in the
literature (Alkan, 3013; Baleghizadeh & Zarghami, 2014; Fisher et al., 2011). However,
all the participants of this study indicated the entire course, including the assessment was
Educators use observable actions to measure learning (Dick, et, at., 2009; Gagné,
1965; Gagné, et al., 2005; Oosterhof, et al., 2008). The word observable is used as a
concept rather than referring to observing the action of a student taking a test, which
might watch students completing an assessment, but the assessment is measured after the
student if finished, in cases other that when motor skills are usually assessed. The
instructor observes the assessment artifact, not the student. When one implements a
multiple-choice or true false assessment, we are using the same sense (visual) as we do if
we assess the learner’s response to a case study scenario. One may observe an art
student’s ability to work with stone by feeling the smoothness of a sculpture, or we may
smell a prepared meal in a culinary course. This indicates one can observe learning by
hearing, sight, touch, taste, or smell. This leads to the conclusion that there are five
types of assessments, each based on our senses. More important, the above examples
indicate when we assess learning, we observe for assessment indicators located within
assessment appears based on personal preferences. For example, “To assess effectively,
the type must match the results required, but this is not to say that there is only one
option, instead there are usually several different options” (Qu & Zang, 2013, p. 338),
which supports the responses of this study’s participants: “I think the objective doesn’t let
Instruction, Gagné et al. (2005) carefully stated that assessment choice is a choice based
on indicators which reflect the objectives “The teacher must be convinced, on other
words, that the observation of performance reveals the learned capability in a genuine
This suggests that when mentoring new instructors, mentors might introduce
personal bias into the design process. This bias could have adverse effects on student
learning, especially when there are conflicts with theoretical and methodological
The literature provides ample documentation that the objective drives the
assessment (Alden, 2011; Gikandi, et al., Macdonald, 2005; McDonald, 2012; Xamaní,
2013) and in this study’s conceptual framework (Bloom, et al., 1956, Dick, et al, 2009,
Gagné, 1965, Gagné et al., 2005). In addition, the participants all mentioned the
objectives as the starting point for assessment choice. Some suggested the objective
actually determined the assessment. This supports Gagné’s conclusion that “The item
sense” (Gagné, 1965, p. 259). Using the objectives to determine the assessment is also
prevalent in the Dick and Carey design model and the ADDIE system (Dick, Carey,
&Carey, 2009; Gagné, Wager, Golas, & Keller, 2005). In both models, assessment
However, this is not completely accurate. Objectives give an instructor the information
of what to assess, not how to assess. The instructor measures the indicators within the
artifact; the assessment is only a delivery mechanism. This is the reason why the same
assessment type can measure different types of learning. Measuring student learning
but that learning must be assessed using the same types of learning as provided in the
instruction. This did not surface in the interviews or the literature. Therefore, when we
assess learning, the indicators must reflect the objective and the assessment artifact
design allows the learner to demonstrate their mastery under the same conditions as
which the learning occurred. For example, if the objective were to apply concepts, then
the indicators would indicate the ability to apply those concepts and the assessment
artifact would be designed around ways that the learner could demonstrate the application
of those concepts. In other words, if one were to compare the same course taught by
different instructors the objectives should be the same. Although the assessment artifacts
themselves may differ, the indicators within the assessment should measure the same
What the study did find was additional names and types of assessments not
mentioned in the literature review. This is in total agreement with the concept that the
assessment artifact is a personal choice of the instructor provided the indicators measure
the intended learning outcomes. However, this does add to a new instructors confusion
not born out in this study’s findings. The study showed the participants used skill
demonstrations, case studies, projects, visual (pictures and timelines), simulations, web
quests, research, video creation, collaborative papers or oral presentations, and written
papers. The participants also indicated using peer reviews, and some participants gave
indicated they modified some traditional assessments to assess critical thinking, and
reinforce Tavakoli’s (2010) statement that “The term assessment is used with a variety of
meanings” (p.236). Tavakoli also suggested that there is no consensus on the meaning of
reveal the underlying thinking processes, and the provision of an opportunity for further
The findings indicating objectives drive the assessment, and assessment choice is
an instructor’s personal decision. The findings also indicate assessment terms are vague
and the participants indicated they sometimes use “traditional assessments” as alternative
assessments. This creates more confusion for the new instructor. Further complication in
assessment choice is the major design difference in the way traditional and alternative
assessments incorporate assessment indicators. There are four smaller, but important
findings related to the assessment choice. First, the design of assessment indicators
within the assessment artifact differ based on the type of artifact used (traditional versus
alternative.) Second, it appears that some of the processes and assessment indicator
choice and design become subconscious as the instructor becomes more experienced.
improvement of not only their assessments but of their coursework. Lastly, based on the
explanations given in the literature and by the participants related to self-assessment, peer
review, and group assessments, these are not assessments but rather indicates as to who
as Traditional Assessments
blank, etc., assessment indicators are the answers to individual questions. The
assessment is objective. The answer is right or wrong. To determine the level of mastery
assessment indicators are not contained in the assessment design. The participants
assessment indicators. This is consistent with the conceptual framework of the study.
products, and attitudes does not involve writing test items per se, but instead
p. 142)
However, Dick, Carey, and Carey (2009) suggested the use of two or three
indicators for each level of objective mastery, which was not evident in the responses of
the participants. This might be because the Dick, Carey, and Carey model uses a more
traditional assessment decision process incorporating the indicators into the assessment.
In a more traditional assessment, one might ask the same question several times but
research study developed rubrics to house the assessment indicators rather than placing
The research results indicated that some of the participants did explain the process
of choosing an assessment. The research also indicated that most of the participants did
not explain the choice of assessment indicators. While they did not explain the process of
choosing assessment indicators, they did explain the indicators that were chosen when
discussing rubrics. This would indicate to me that because of their experience the
indicator process became second nature or that they chose an assessment type based on
their experience and modified it to include the assessment indicators after they wrote the
All the participants indicated that they constantly revised, modified, or changed
their assessments, along with other portions of the course based on research and
feedback. This is interesting because it indicated that these experienced instructors were
not bound by theory or methodology to a specific type of assessment. Even through two
of the participants indicated they aligned with constructivist theories, both did use
Butler and Lee (2010) used self-assessment in one study. However, in their study,
the assessment was pre-written and the students scored themselves. Moreover, Lew, et
al. (2010) indicated, “generally, students are fairly poor in judging their own learning
process accurately” (p. 147). This suggests that these types of assessments indicate the
This study used purposeful sampling of a small sampling group (8-10). The
system. A lack of respondents from other universities limited this study to participants
Although it might have been possible to generalize some aspects of the data
gathered during the research study, the study focused on the processes used in choosing
and applying the instruments, not the assessment itself. The findings indicated the
process to be generalizable in only the broadest of terms and that required the application
learning theories, and broader program objectives. Nevertheless, the implications section
Second, interviews were the primary method of data collection. Interviews relied
on the ability of the interviewee to accurately recall and articulate information. The
commitment might have affected their choices and results, which did not surface in the
interviews. These variables, experiences and instructor commitments, did not affect the
however, the reflective journal did indicate some researcher bias that needs addressing.
First, during the interview process, I found that I received my Master’s degree from the
same university and from the same instructors as two of the participants in the study. I
also found that a third participant currently worked closely with one of those instructors.
To mitigate this, I used my military counseling experience to step back and remain
neutral. Another bias concern was to ensure that all learning theories and methodologies
were included in the study without prejudice. I noted this bias when discussing
constructivist theories with two of the participants, however I found their response’s so
interesting that the bias did not affect the interview or the coding. The last bias I
discovered was that participant’s responses to the interview questions differed from my
expectations. This is a procedural bias rather than a personal bias, therefore by changing
Additional research should focus on higher education online instructors with less
teaching experience, perhaps only two or three years total. Most of the research found
during the literature review focused on K-12 learners. Second, future assessment
research should include information of the decision process used in arriving at the type of
assessment used. This was obviously absent in the literature. The literature appeared to
focus on assessment type rather than assessment design. Research should expand the
participant pool to include multiple educational institutions as this was a limitation of the
current study.
There are only five types of assessments based on our senses and if the design of
assessment indicators accurately measures the intended outcomes, the type of artifact
rather than picking a type of assessment and trying to modify the indicators to fit the
education are profoundly discontented with the present educational situation taken as a
whole” (Dewey, 1938, p. 89). Today in the 21st century, society and politicians expect
schools to do a better job of educating our young as evidenced by No Child Left Behind
and the Common Core requirements. As a result, many educators have jumped on the
study suggest that positive social change in relation to student learning is not dependent
way of accurately measuring learning has been going on for decades. Once the
educational community accepts the premise that there are only five types of assessments
and moves forward to design indicators, which accurately measure student learning,
society can benefit from a social change brought about by better-educated youth.
Education is one of the keys to relieving socioeconomic injustice in our current American
and creating an assessment artifact, which allows the learner to demonstrate the learning
learning occurred.
skills and knowledge in the same manner as the learning occurs provides
focus on assessment indicator design processes in the hope that the next
generation of teachers will have the tools necessary to accurately measure student
This study indicated that instructors teaching higher education online courses
However, the study also indicated decision processes were highly individualized and
relied on other variables such as teacher experience; weight of the objective within that
student feedback; and formative evaluations. The study also indicated alternative
assessments do not contain the indicators in the same manner as traditional assessments,
This study revealed that there are only five types of assessments: written,
auditory, tactile, taste, and smell. The study also indicated that self-assessments, group
assessments, and peer reviews do not indicate a type of assessment, but rather names the
person scoring the assessment. Finally, this research study indicated that assessment type
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Database Search terms range Results
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Research "EDUCATIONAL evaluation" ) AND "higher 2010-
Complete education" 2012 181
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Research "EDUCATIONAL evaluation" ) AND "higher 2010-
Complete education" 2012 181
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Education Programs" OR DE "College
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Research review") OR (DE "ALTERNATIVE assessment 2009-
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OR DE "Postdoctoral Education" OR DE "Colleges" 2010-
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Education" OR DE "College Programs" OR DE
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Multiple (DE "Evaluation Methods")) 2012 4005
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AND individual
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(SU ("Evaluation Methods")) AND higher education 2010-
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Research online courses or distance education or distance 2010-
Complete learning ) 2012 2
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SU Assessment AND ( Online learning or online
Research 2010-
courses or distance education or distance learning )
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Complete 2012 19
Education SU authentic assessment AND ( Online learning or
Research online courses or distance education or distance no
Complete learning ) limiter 1
SU evaluation AND Higher education AND ( online 2010-
ERIC learning OR online courses ) 2012 60
SU evaluation AND Higher education AND ( online
Research 2010-
learning OR online courses )
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"Achievement tests" OR "Academic standards" OR
"Tests" OR "Educational tests & measurements" OR
"Educational evaluation" OR "Standardized tests")
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instruction" OR "Distance learning" OR "Internet" OR
"Educational technology" OR "Education") AND
(peer(yes) AND stype.exact("Conference Papers &
Proceedings" OR "Scholarly Journals" OR "Reports"
OR "Books" OR "Standards & Practice Guidelines"
OR "Trade Journals") AND la.exact("ENG")) AND 2009-
Proquest pd(>=20090614) 2012 230
RE: Invitation to participate in a research study
I am currently starting my doctoral research study, having received approval from Walden
University’s Institutional Review Board. In conversations with colleagues from the University of
Wisconsin system, your name was mentioned as a person with experience teaching online and
designing alternative assessments in the higher education online environment. My research study
will attempt to understand the thought processes instructors use when determining to use an
alternative assessment in online courses in the higher education environment and how they design
the assessment indicators within the alternative assessment. This letter is an invitation for you to
share your knowledge on this research topic.
In selecting participants, I am looking for higher education instructors who have the
academic freedom to create their own assessments in online environment and have chosen to use
alternative assessments in courses they have taught within the last three years. The study will use
a qualitative interview at a time and location (in person, phone, or Skype) convenient to you. For
triangulation purposes; syllabi, assignments, rubrics, and other artifacts you feel important to the
discussion would be helpful.
If you have an interest in participating in this study, please respond to this email and I will
send you a link to a very short (seven questions) questionnaire.
If your university requires a separate institutional review, Please send me the appropriate
information for the person I would need to contact.
Based on your responses to the following questions, I will be selecting participants for my
dissertation research study. This study seeks to understand the thought processes instructors use to
determine when they will use an alternative assessment in an online course. The study further
seeks to understand how they determine indicators within the assessment to align to learning
Your name, e-mail, and phone number is for contact information only. No one other than
me will have access to that information. All forms, documents, and recordings will use a
numbering system to protect privacy and kept on removable password protected hard drive, which
will be encrypted and secured in locked compartment when not in use. In the dissertation results, I
will use pseudonym names. The information and hard drive will be destroyed after seven years.
This questionnaire will only be available for three weeks. At the end of that time, I will
contact selected participants. I will, however, retain this information of those not selected until
interviews are completed at which time I will destroy all information of those not selected. If you
choose to no longer participate at some point, I will remove your information immediately
Robert J. Streff
Please select the one that best describes your current position:
Have you taught an online course in the last three years where you developed the
If yes, how many different courses (not sections of the same course)?
Did you develop an alternative type assessment for that course? (Alternative assessments
Would you consent to being interviewed for approximately one hour (in person, by phone,
or by Skype), at your convenience, regarding your thought process in choosing the alternative
assessment and how you design the indicators within the assessment?
Yes No
Yes No
Would you be willing to supply artifacts such as syllabus, assignments, rubrics, class
grades (not individual and with no personal information), and other documents you feel relevant?
Yes No
You are invited to take part in a research study of the processes higher education online instructors
use when choosing alternative assessments and the assessment indicators for an online course.
The researcher is inviting higher education online instructors who have the academic freedom to
design their own assessments and choose alternative assessments in online courses they taught in
the past three years to be in the study. This form is part of a process called “informed consent” to
allow you to understand this study before deciding whether to take part. You will receive a signed
copy of the form via e-mail.
A researcher named Robert James Streff, who is a doctoral student at Walden University, is
conducting this study.
Background Information:
The purpose of this study is to understand the processes instructors use when choosing alternative
assessments in higher education online course and the process they use to determine assessment
If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to:
Be interviewed for approximately one hour. The possibility of a follow-up interview
Provide artifacts for triangulation of data, which may include syllabi, assignments, rubrics, copies
of assessments and class grades (not individual).
Verify the accuracy of transcriptions of the interview.
Although no immediate benefits are available to participants, the knowledge gained from this
study may benefit others in the same profession through better understanding of alternative
assessment uses
Any information you provide will be kept confidential. The researcher will not use your personal
information for any purposes outside of this research project. In addition, the researcher will not
include your name or anything else that could identify you in the study reports. Data will be kept
secure by installing all data I obtain on a password protected hard drive, which will only be
connected to the computer while the data is being processed. The removable hard drive will be
kept in a locked compartment behind the locked door. Personally identified viable information
will only be first and last name, phone number and email address. This information will be kept
only on one form, and kept secured in a locked compartment behind a locked door. I will have the
only access to that information. A unique numbering system will be used to link artifacts notes,
recordings to the individual. When published in the results section of the dissertation, a
pseudonym will be used for each person. Data will be kept for a period of at least 5 years, as
required by the university.
Please print or save this consent form for your records. (for online research)
Statement of Consent:
I have read the above information and I feel I understand the study well enough to make a decision
about my involvement. By clicking on the “Yes, I agree to the terms contained in the consent
form” button in the Participant Selection Questionnaire Form, I understand that I am agreeing to
the terms described above.
Robert J. Streff
RE: Selection of participants in research study
After reviewing your responses to the selection criteria questionnaire, if you are still
interested in participating in this study, I would like to set up a time and method to interview you
and to obtain artifacts such as syllabi, course objectives, assessment descriptions, rubrics, and any
other documents you feel are relevant. Please send a time, date, and location you are available to
be interviewed. As I live in the area, the method of interview can be in person, phone, or Skype.
When you submitted the online questionnaire, you indicated you agreed with the terms of
the consent form and were willing to participate in this research study. I thank you for your
willingness to participate, however, I would also remind you that there is no obligation on your
part, and at any time you wish, you may remove yourself from the study.
I will record all interviews and a third party will transcribe them using a pseudonym for
your name. I will furnish you a transcript of your interview for your approval. If you are
interested, I will furnish you a copy of the research study when it is completed.
Robert Streff
[email protected]
I would like to express my appreciation for you taking the time and sharing your
instructor choose, design, and analyze alternative assessments in higher education online courses.
The results of this research might influence universities to include more assessment design in their
professional development sessions and provide valuable information to other instructors/ designers
When you filled out the Participant selection Questionnaire, you consented to participate in
this research study. If you agree to being interviewed, please state your name and that you agree.
I am recording this interview and will provide a transcript to you for your approval. If at any time
you wish to conclude this interview or have the recording stopped, you may do so.
Background questions.
These questions are included to put the subject at ease, to understand the individual, and to
develop a relationship to the subject.
1. Please tell me about yourself and your teaching experience.
3. Tell me about the challenges and opportunities you encounter when you teach
4. Please explain the process you use when assessing student learning. Can you
provide an example?
6. How did this assessment align with the type of learning indicated by the content
and outcomes?
8. What made this type of assessment align with the intended outcomes better than
other assessments?
9. How did you determine the indicators you used to measure the learning outcomes
in the assessment?
12. Do you have some examples of how this assessment compares with previous
13. Could I contact you if I have follow up questions regarding this interview?
14. Is there anything you would like to add, clarify, or change at this time?
15. If you had a new instructor come in and you were assigned as the mentor, and they
asked you how do you create an assessment, what would you say to them as to how
Thank you for your time and for sharing you experience with me. I will have the audio
recording transcribed and send you a copy of the transcript. When you receive the transcription,
please read it and if there are any changes, clarifications, or other editing you wish to make, please
do so and return the edits to me. If you do not contact me or I do not receive your edits in two
weeks after sending them to you via email, I will assume you are satisfied with the accuracy of the
transcription and I will start analyzing the data. All personal information, including yours, the
course, and your institution will be removed before the analysis begins. The removal of personal
information is for your protection, but increases the challenges associated with removing and
Robert J. Streff
Background questions.
These questions are included to put the subject at ease, to understand the individual, and to
Research Question 3: How does the process result in the identification or creation of
13. Could I contact you if I have follow up questions regarding this interview?
14. Is there anything you would like to add, clarify, or change at this time?
Subjects receive a copy of their interview transcript so they may see the items in question
1. On page [X], you mention {quote}. Could you elaborate on this in the context of
2. On page [X], you indicated you chose not to use [X] type of alternative assessment.
3. On page [X], you mention the difficulties/ ease of aligning outcome with
4. On page [X], you indicate [A], but on page [y] you indicate [B]. Please comment on
Interview Schedule
Conversation Log
Robert J. Streff
RE: Transcripts of interview
To ensure an accurate and confidential study, I am forwarding the transcript of your interview to
you for verification. Please review the transcript for accuracy. If there is anything you would like
to add or delete, please return an edited copy of the transcript to me within two weeks. If I do not
hear from you within two weeks, I will assume that you are satisfied with the accuracy of the
transcripts, and I will begin analysis. At this time, I offer to provide you with the results of my
dissertation. If you are interested, I will send you a copy when the analysis is complete.
Thank you for participating in the study. I greatly appreciate your time and effort.
Robert J Streff
Enc: Transcript
THIS AGREEMENT, effective as of July 6, 2014 (the “Effective Date”), is by and between Same Day
Transcriptions, Inc., a Delaware corporation, having offices located at 11523 Palmbrush Trail,
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WHEREAS, SDT possesses and is continuing to acquire technical and business information,
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8. This Agreement shall expire with the expiration of the last of the obligations hereunder
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, through their authorized representatives, have executed
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By: By:
The image part with relationship ID rId18 was not found in the file.
Appendix M: Copyright Permissions
The non-exclusive permission granted in this letter extends only to material that is original to the
aforementioned text. As the requestor, you will need to check all on-page credit references (as well as
any other credit / acknowledgement section(s) in the front and/or back
of the book) to identify all materials reprinted therein by permission of another source. Please
give special consideration to all photos, figures, quotations, and any other material with a credit line
attached. You are responsible for obtaining separate permission from the copyright holder for use of all
such material. For your convenience, we may also identify here below some material for which you will
need to obtain separate permission.
This credit line must appear on the first page of text selection and with each individual figure or
From GAGNÉ/WAGER/KELLER/GOLAS. Principles of Instructional Design, 5E. © 2005
Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission.
Permissions Coordinator
Page 1 of 1 Request # 283990 Requestor email: [email protected]
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The non-exclusive permission granted in this letter extends only to material that is original to the aforementioned text.
As the requestor, you will need to check all on-page credit references (as well as any other credit / acknowledgement
section(s) in the front and/or back
of the book) to identify all materials reprinted therein by permission of another source. Please give special
consideration to all photos, figures, quotations, and any other material with a credit line attached. You are
responsible for obtaining separate permission from the copyright holder for use of all such material. For your
convenience, we may also identify here below some material for which you will need to obtain separate permission.
This credit line must appear on the first page of text selection and with each individual figure or photo:
From Gagne/Wager/Keller/Golas. Principles of Instructional Design, 5E. © 2005 Wadsworth, a part of
Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission. www.cengage.com/permissions
Permissions Coordinator
Page 1 of 1 Request # 285101 Requestor email: [email protected]
Dear [Name],
As you may or may not know, I have been pursuing my PhD in education
to start my research as soon as I receive IRB approval from Walden University on June
1st 2015, which brings me to the point of this message. I am looking for several people
who know of higher education instructors who have developed and used an alternative
assessment in a course they taught in the past three years. If you are willing to share the
names of some instructors fitting the criteria, I would like to discuss the matter further
Robert Streff
Thank you for your interest in this research study. The following link:
contains links to a copy of the study’s methodology section and the participant consent
form. To protect the information, the website is password protected. You will need to
Once enough participants have been selected, the information will be stored in as
outlined in the methodology section of the study. I will contact individuals shorty after
Key: transcriptions, key phrases and thoughts, quotes,
Participant researcher comments Key words My comments