Key points
Ceramic implants are a valuable One-piece zirconia implants can be Abutments of two-piece ceramic Zirconia implants offers the
alternative for titanium implants. restored as natural teeth. implants can be attached with teflon, solution for patients requesting a
titanium, gold or ceramic screws. complete metal-free restoration.
In this narrative review, a structured comparison between one-piece and two-piece zirconia dental implants is
highlighted. Ceramic dental implants have long ceased to be hype; on the contrary, they can offer a significant
addition to the daily dental implant practice. Not only do their favourable aesthetics play a significant role, but their
ability to work completely metal-free is of added value, particularly for patients with a proven allergy for Grade 5
titanium. Furthermore, the fact that peri-implantitis seems to appear only incidentally is an important supporting
argument for their use as well. Whereas the original design of zirconia implants was formerly always of a one-piece/
one-phase structure (the monobloc design), nowadays, two-piece/two-phase designs (the so-called hybrid concept)
are also widely utilised to restore missing teeth. Both concepts have advantages and disadvantages, scientifically as
well as clinically.
For this paper, relevant articles from the recent scientific literature were selected from PubMed. The aim was to
identify and summarise what has previously been published on one-piece versus two-piece ceramic implants. This
article will compare the benefits and drawbacks of one-piece versus two-piece ceramic implants based on clinical-
(design, different sizes, surgical protocol, prosthetics), scientific- (loading and eventual complications) and patient-
related (costs and long-time perspectives) criteria.
Introduction the past, ceramic implants were predominantly showing post-op allergy compatible responses
made of aluminium oxide (Al2O3), which was (allergic symptoms after implant placement or
In the dental implant community, there is still a far too brittle material for oral rehabilitation, unexplained implant failures).8
a lot of discussion on the place of ceramic leading to multiple implant fractures, causing a These implants also have a lower thermal
dental implants in the rehabilitation of (partial) widespread rejection in their application, and conductivity compared to metal implants,
edentulous patients. A majority still considers to a global stigmatisation of ceramic dental which can reduce sensitivity and discomfort
zirconia implants as a transient phenomenon, implants.3 in the mouth, often experienced as unpleasant
whereas others consider it as the ultimate Recently, ceramic dental implants are by the patient.9
breakthrough in implant dentistry.1 becoming increasingly popular again due to Whereas ceramic implants are still relatively
Ceramic dental implants are a relatively new their aesthetic appeal and biocompatibility.4,5 new, research has shown promising results in
type of dental implant made from the ceramic Unlike traditional titanium implants, ceramic terms of their long-term success rates and
material zirconia (zirconium dioxide [Zro2]).2 In implants have a whitish colour, making them durability.
virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth, The choice between a one-piece/one-phase
Professor, Ulster University, College of Medicine and
especially when the patient presents with a thin implant versus a two-piece/two-phase implant
Dentistry, Birmingham, UK; 2Professor and Head of gingival biotype.6 In such cases, the hint of grey is a more recent phenomenon. At the early days
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Yerevan
titanium in combination with a high smile line of ceramic dental implants, all these implants
State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan,
Armenia; 3Professor, University of Sevilla, Spain; 4MUHAS is an aesthetic letdown. were produced as a monobloc, that is, an
University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Additionally, ceramic implants are implant with an integrated abutment (Fig. 1).10
*Correspondence to: Curd Bollen
Email address: [email protected] hypoallergenic, making them a suitable On one-piece/one-phase implants, there
Refereed Paper.
option for patients with metal allergies.7 are more studies published since they have
Submitted 10 June 2023 Titanium allergy can be detected in dental already been on the market much longer. In
Revised 5 September 2023 implant patients, even though its estimated the seventies, Sammy Sandhaus and Thomas
Accepted 18 September 2023 prevalence is quite low (0.6%). A higher risk of Driskell were publishing groundbreaking
positive allergic reaction was found in patients work. Both proved separately the great
With a one-piece implant, the implant and the
abutment are fused to one simple monobloc.
Therefore, there can’t be any bacterial leakage
between the implant and the abutment because
there is no joint as with the two-piece implants,
where there is always a gap detected between
the implant and the abutment.17 This means
furthermore that the temporary or final crown
must ultimately be cemented on top of the
implant. There is a wide range of these implants
commercially available (Table 2). Fig. 2 a, b) Two-piece ceramic dental implants (Z-Systems: Z5-TL & Z5-BL, Oesingen, Switserland)
The more complex two-piece implants
consist of two or three parts: the implant body
itself, the abutment, and the abutment retention Considering the design, there are parallel one-piece implants, a flapless approach can be
screw. In case of a cementable abutment, there and tapered implants available. Most of the appropriate. The flapless technique for one-
is, of course, no abutment screw. The retention implants are not self-tapping. Therefore, in piece implants shows, however, statistically
screw can be fabricated out of titanium, gold, almost all situations, bone tapping is advised significantly more bone loss, which might be
carbon, or zirconia. If the patient wants a before implant installation. indicative for future problems.18
complete metal-free restoration, an internal For the two-piece implants, there is a large Only in a two-stage approach for two-
ceramic abutment screw is required (Fig. 3). variety of internal connections. Not every piece implants is a second surgery necessary,
It is important to follow the manufacturers‘ connection offers the same stability. An internal connecting the healing abutment to the
instructions for applying correct torque on conical connection with anti-rotational apex is implant. Healing abutments are mostly made
these screws: titanium screw is 25 Ncm; carbon preferred (Fig. 4). from PEEK (polyetheretherketone) or PEKK
screw is 25 Ncm; zirconia screw is 12 Ncm; and (polyetherketoneketone).
gold screw is 15 Ncm. Currently, there are only Surgery Because it is not always allowed to prep one-
a limited number of two-piece implants on the The first-stage surgical procedure for both piece zirconia implants (always carefully look
dental market (Table 2). implant types is identical, although for at the manufacturer recommendations), their
One-piece ceramic implants Two-piece ceramic implants Fig. 3 Ceramic abutment screw (Z-Systems,
Oesingen, Switserland)
Z-Systems: Z5m/Z5m(t) Z-Systems: Z5-BL/Z5-TL
SDS Swiss Dental Solutions: Bright SDS Swiss Dental Solutions: Bright/Value
ZiBone ZiBone
Bredent: WhiteSKY
immediate correct surgical positioning is of lead to implant failure but induces significant
utmost importance.19 crestal bone loss during healing and a final Fig. 4 Conical internal connection with anti-
Therefore, it can be advantageous to initially lower percentage of bone-to-implant contact.22 rotational apex (BL, Z-Systems, Oesingen,
use guided surgery for these procedures, These drilling speeds start around 800 rpm for Switserland)
helping to avoid incorrect inclination of the the first drills, reducing to 400 rpm for the last
abutment component of the implant.20 For two- drills. The advised tapping for D1–D2 (and
piece implants this problem is less significant D3) bone should be performed at 15 rpm.23 It direct loading.24 Therefore, delayed, or late
since most commercial brands offer angulated is of utmost importance to check the individual loading are mostly recommended for two-
or preparable abutments in their portfolio. recommendations of the manufacturer before piece implants. Moreover, in the anterior
Whether one-piece or two-piece implants are using the respective drill sequences. aesthetic area, a two-phase technique can help
installed, low drilling speeds should always be to improve the gingival aesthetic outcome, as
applied, assuredly when ceramic implant drills Loading shown by Suchetha and co-workers.25
are applied. Drills made of ceramics do not Since for ceramic implants bone tapping is One-piece implants are, due to their design,
conduct the warmth, leading to overheating of almost always utilised, the primary stability directly loaded. To reduce these immediate
the bone in the osteotomy.21 The latter doesn’t of these implants is often insufficient for loading forces, most brands offer silicone
The prosthetic procedure of a one-piece implant
is almost completely identical to the prosthetic
process for natural teeth. Both analogue and
digital impressions are possible. Due the high
affinity of the soft tissue towards zirconia, often, Fig. 5 PEEK protection caps for one-piece implant (Z-Systems Z5m, Oesingen, Switserland)
excess gingiva must be controlled by retraction
cords or (diode) laser.26 Implant analogues are Table 3 Range in diameters and lengths of different commercially available ceramic
not really required in this method. dental implant systems
For two-piece implants, the procedures are
Brand Range of diameters Range of lengths
identical as for titanium two-piece implants:
analogue or digital impressions; open or closed Z-Systems 3.6–5 mm 8–12 mm
tray. Different brand-related scan bodies are Zeramex 3.5–5.5 mm 8–14 mm
available and here an implant analogue is
Straumann 3.3–4.8 mm 8–14 mm
always needed for the further laboratory
handling. It is still of the highest importance Nobel Biocare 3.5–5.5 mm 8–14 mm
to use the original components, delivered by Camlog 4 mm 8–12 mm
the respective manufacturers, since printing
Zircon Medical 4.1–5 mm 7–13 mm
of these individual components does not yet
offer the same accuracy.27 SDS Swiss Dental Solutions 3.2–7 mm 6–17 mm
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