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Dataset: 1.

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Transaction Gross domestic product (expenditure approach)
Measure Per head, constant prices, constant PPPs, OECD base year
Year 1970 1971
Country Unit
Austria US Dollar, 2010 i 17,566 18,381
Finland US Dollar, 2010 i 15,421 15,764
Data extracted on 11 Oct 2018 09:37 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat
E: Estimated value

NÚMEROS ÍNDICE: Austria 100.0 104.6

Finlandia 100.0 102.2


Finlandia 2%


Finlandia 2%
roduct (expenditure approach)
nt prices, constant PPPs, OECD base year
1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978

19,410 20,246 21,009 20,988 21,986 23,094 23,064

16,881 17,959 18,442 18,693 18,701 18,694 19,184

110.5 115.3 119.6 119.5 125.2 131.5 131.3

109.5 116.5 119.6 121.2 121.3 121.2 124.4

6% 4% 4% 0% 5% 5% 0%
7% 6% 3% 1% 0% 0% 3%
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985

24,341 24,763 24,664 25,142 25,931 25,946 26,582

20,498 21,536 21,721 22,267 22,826 23,434 24,161

138.6 141.0 140.4 143.1 147.6 147.7 151.3

132.9 139.7 140.9 144.4 148.0 152.0 156.7

6% 2% 0% 2% 3% 0% 2%
7% 5% 1% 3% 3% 3% 3%
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

27,176 27,528 28,395 29,366 30,410 31,144 31,448

24,739 25,548 26,800 28,062 28,127 26,320 25,302

154.7 156.7 161.6 167.2 173.1 177.3 179.0

160.4 165.7 173.8 182.0 182.4 170.7 164.1

2% 1% 3% 3% 4% 2% 1%
2% 3% 5% 5% 0% -6% -4%
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

31,354 31,983 32,787 33,512 34,174 35,360 36,546

24,995 25,868 26,853 27,745 29,392 30,905 32,204

178.5 182.1 186.6 190.8 194.5 201.3 208.0

162.1 167.7 174.1 179.9 190.6 200.4 208.8

0% 2% 3% 2% 2% 3% 3%
-1% 3% 4% 3% 6% 5% 4%
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

37,689 38,021 38,458 38,647 39,456 40,067 41,237

33,948 34,745 35,243 35,860 37,160 38,062 39,454

214.6 216.4 218.9 220.0 224.6 228.1 234.8

220.1 225.3 228.5 232.5 241.0 246.8 255.8

3% 1% 1% 0% 2% 2% 3%
5% 2% 1% 2% 4% 2% 4%
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

42,634 43,119 41,397 42,059 43,146 43,245 42,996

41,324 41,428 37,821 38,775 39,588 38,838 38,366

242.7 245.5 235.7 239.4 245.6 246.2 244.8

268.0 268.6 245.3 251.4 256.7 251.8 248.8

3% 1% -4% 2% 3% 0% -1%
5% 0% -9% 3% 2% -2% -1%
2014 2015 2016 2017

42,943 43,003 43,326 44,152

37,960 37,887 38,721 39,710

244.5 244.8 246.6 251.4

246.2 245.7 251.1 257.5

0% 0% 1% 2%
-1% 0% 2% 3%
Dataset: 1. Gross domestic product (GDP)
Country Austria
Measure C: Current
prices VAB agricultura/PIB
Unit Euro, Millions
VAB industria/PIB
Year 2016
B1_GA: Gross domestic product (output approach) 356,237.6
B1_GA: Gross B1G_P119: Gross value added at basic prices, excluding i 317,593.0
domestic FISIM
B1G_P119: B1G: Gross value added at basic prices, 317,593.0
Gross value total activity
(output B1G: Gross B1GVA: Agriculture, 3,963.9 1%
added at basic
approach) value added at forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
prices, B1GVB_E: Industry, 69,869.8 22%
basic prices,
excluding including energy (ISIC rev4)
total activity B1GVB_E: B1GVC: of
FISIM Industry, which: 59,525.9 19%
including Manufacturing
B1GVF: Construction (ISIC
19,908.6 6%
rev4) (ISIC (ISIC rev4)
B1GVG_I: Distributive 72,871.8 23%
trade, repairs; transport;
B1GVJ: Information and 11,327.0 4%
accommod., food serv. (ISIC
communication (ISIC rev4)
B1GVK: Financial and
rev4) 13,095.3 4%
insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
B1GVL: Real estate 31,097.2 10%
activities (ISIC rev4)
B1GVM_N: Prof., scientific, 30,756.8 10%
techn.; admin., support serv.
B1GVO_Q: Public admin.; 55,780.8 18%
activities (ISIC rev4)
compulsory s.s.; education;
B1GVR_U: Other service 8,921.8 3%
human health (ISIC rev4)
activities (ISIC rev4)
D21_D31: Taxes less subsidies on products 38,644.6
D21_D31: D21S1: Taxes on products 39,264.0
Taxes less
D31S1: Subsidies on products 619.4
subsidies on
products Statistical discrepancy 0.0
B1_GE: Gross domestic product (expenditure approach) 356,237.6 PIB DE LA DEMANDA
B1_GE: Gross P3_P5: Domestic demand 343,294.3
P3: Final consumption expenditure 256,636.2 72%
(expenditure P3: Final P31S14_S15: Households and Non-profit 186,369.9
approach) consumption institutions serving households
P31S14: Final consumption 178,675.5
P31S14_S15: expenditure of households
P31S15: Final consumption 7,694.4
expenditure of non-profit
and P3S13: Final consumption expenditure of
Non-profit 70,266.3
institutions serving households
general government
P3S13: Final P31S13: Individual 44,191.3
consumption consumption expenditure of
P32S13: Collective 26,075.0
expenditure of general government
consumption expenditure of
P41: of which: Actual individual
general 230,561.2
general government
P5: Gross capital formation 86,658.1
P5: Gross P51: Gross fixed capital formation 82,725.8 23%
P51: Gross P51N1111: Dwellings 15,243.1
fixed capital
P51N1112: Other buildings 21,923.0
and structures
P51N1113: Machinery and 27,946.2
equipment and weapon
Machinery and P51N11131: 7,257.2
equipment and Transport
weapon equipment
P51N1113I: 4,385.3
system ICT equipment,
Other 16,303.8
machinery and
P51N1114: Cultivated 111.0
biological resources
P51N112: Intellectual 17,502.4
property product
P52_P53: Changes in inventories and 3,932.4
acquisitions less disposals of valuables
P52_P53: P52: Changes in 2,268.8
Changes in inventories
P53: Acquisitions less 1,663.5
disposals of valuables
B11: External balance
and of goods and services 13,120.8
B11: External P6: Exports of goods and services 186,464.0
balance of
P6: Exports P61: Exports of goods 130,510.0
goods and
of goods and
services P62: Exports of services 55,954.0
P7: Imports of goods and services 173,343.2
P7: Imports P71: Imports of goods 128,574.5
of goods and
P72: Imports of services 44,768.7
DB1_GE: Statistical discrepancy -177.5
B1_GI: Gross domestic product (income approach) 356,237.6
B1_GI: Gross D1: Compensation of employees 170,023.2 48%
D1: D1VA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 688.2
Compensation rev4)
(income D1VB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC 36,685.4
of employees
approach) rev4)
D1VB_E: D1VC: of which:
Industry, Manufacturing (ISIC rev4) 32,810.2
D1VF: Construction (ISIC rev4) 11,504.1
energy (ISIC
D1VG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; 38,922.3
transport; accommod., food serv. (ISIC rev4)
D1VJ: Information and communication (ISIC 6,449.7
D1VK: Financial and insurance activities 8,500.9
(ISIC rev4)
D1VL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4) 1,950.9
D1VM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., 16,888.6
support serv. activities (ISIC rev4)
D1VO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; 43,326.7
education; human health (ISIC rev4)
D1VR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4) 5,106.3
D11: Wages and salaries 140,150.8
D11: Wages D11VA: Agriculture, 564.5
and salaries forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
D11VB_E: Industry, 30,416.6
including energy (ISIC rev4)
D11VB_E: D11VC: of
Industry, which: 27,498.4
including Manufacturing
D11VF: Construction (ISIC 9,743.9
energy (ISIC
rev4) (ISIC rev4)
D11VG_I: Distributive 32,242.6
trade, repairs; transport;
D11VJ: Information and 5,348.0
accommod., food serv. (ISIC
communication (ISIC rev4)
rev4)D11VK: Financial and 6,686.1
insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
D11VL: Real estate 1,597.8
activities (ISIC rev4)
D11VM_N: Prof., scientific, 13,988.3
techn.; admin., support serv.
D11VO_Q: Public admin.; 35,303.4
activities (ISIC rev4)
compulsory s.s.; education;
D11VR_U: Other service 4,259.6
human health (ISIC rev4)
activities (ISIC rev4)
D12: Employers' social contributions 29,872.4
D12: D12VA: Agriculture, 123.7
Employers' forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
D12VB_E: Industry, 6,268.9
including energy (ISIC rev 4)
contributions D12VB_E: D12VC: of
Industry, which: 5,311.7
including Manufacturing
D12VF: Construction (ISIC 1,760.2
rev4) (ISIC (ISIC rev 4)
D12VG_I: Distributive 6,679.7
trade, repairs; transport;
D12VJ: Information and 1,101.7
accommod., food serv. (ISIC
communication (ISIC rev4)
D12VK: Financial and
rev4) 1,814.9
insurance activities (ISIC rev
D12VL: Real estate 353.0
activities (ISIC rev 4)
D12VM_N: Prof., scientific, 2,900.3
techn.; admin., support serv.
D12VO_Q: Public admin.; 8,023.3
activities (ISIC rev4)
compulsory s.s.; education;
D12VR_U: Other service 846.7
human health (ISIC rev4)
activities (ISIC rev4)
B2G_B3G: Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income 140,889.8 40%
D2_D3: Taxes less subsidies on production and imports 45,324.6
D2_D3: Taxes D2S1: Taxes on production and imports 51,723.6
less subsidies
D3S1: Subsidies on production and imports 6,399.0
on production
and Statistical discrepancy
imports 0.0
Data extracted on 10 Oct 2018 17:59 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat
AB agricultura/PIB

AB industria/PIB


Al trabajo se destina un 48% del PIB

Al capital se destina un 48% del PIB

Dataset: 2. Disposable income and net lending - net borrowing
Country Austria
Measure C: Current
Unit Euro, Millions

Year 2016
Transaction i a) Comparación entre el P
AGG: B1_GS1: Gross domestic 353,296.9 PIB El PIB es mayor que PNB
Disposable product
GDIS1: Gross domestic 353,296.9
income and
net lending/net D1_D4NFRS2: Net primary -180.2
borrowing incomes from the rest of the
D1_D4NFRS2: D1_D4FRS2:
Net primary Primary PNB= PIB+Re
incomes from incomes 27,029.9
the rest of the receivable
world Primary
incomes 27,210.1
B5_GS1: Grosspayable
nationalto the 353,116.8 PNB
income at market prices
K1MS1: Consumption of fixed 63,577.8
B5_NS1: Net national income 289,539.0
at market prices
D5_D7NFRS2: Net current -3,688.2
transfers from the rest of the
D5_D7NFRS2: D5_D7FRS2:
Net current Current
transfers from transfers 4,784.0
the rest of the receivable
world Current
transfers 8,472.2
payable to the
B6GS1: Gross national 349,428.6 Renta Nacional disponible
disposable income
B6NS1: Net national 285,850.8
disposable income
P3S1: Final consumption 256,867.3
D8S1: Adjustment for the 0.0
change in net equity of
B8NS1: Saving, net 28,983.5
households in pension funds
D9NFRS2: Net capital -449.3
transfers from the rest of the
Net capital Capital
transfers from transfers 671.6
the rest of the receivable
world Capital 1,120.9
P5S1: Gross capital formation 84,570.7
payable to the
K2S1: Acquisitions less 143.7
disposals of non-financial non-
K1S1: Consumption of fixed 63,577.8
produced assets
capital, capital account
B9S1: Net lending/net 7,397.6 Capacidad o ncesidad de financiación
Data extracted on 10 Oct 2018 19:17 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat
Comparación entre el PIB y el PNB: en este año observamos que están muy a la par, pero el PIB con 353.296,9 millones de euros supera
PIB es mayor que PNB por lo que quiere decir que la producción de los residentes de Austria supera a la producción de residentes y no re

PNB= PIB+Residentes en el resto del mundo

b) A que se deben las diferencias con el PNB: la renta nacional disponible es menor que la renta nacional bruta

RNBD=RNB + Transferencias + Transferencia pagadas al resto del mundo

c) Ha habido capacidad de financiación, con un valor de 7.397,6 millones de euros.

d) El peso que tiene la capacidad de financiación en Austria es del 2% sobre el PIB.
millones de euros supera ligeramente al PNB que tiene 353.116,8; esto se debe principalmente a que realizo muchas transferencias netas a
ión de residentes y no residentes de Austria.

e la renta nacional bruta disponible, por lo que las transferencias pagadas al resto del mundo son mayores que las transferencias recibidas
as transferencias netas al resto del mundo.

transferencias recibidas del resto del mundo.

Dataset: 3. Population and employment by main activity
Country Austria
Measure PER: Persons
Unit Persons, Thousands
Year 2016
Transaction i
POPNC: Total population, national concept
PEANC: ETONC: Total employment, national concept
active ETONC: Total employment, EEMNC: Employees, national
population, national concept concept
national ESENC: Self-employed, national
concept concept
ETOVJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)
ETOVK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
ETOVL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)
ETOVM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities
(ISIC rev4)
ETOVO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health
(ISIC rev4)
ETOVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)
EEM: Employees, domestic concept
EEM: EEMVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
domestic EEMVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)
concept EEMVB_E: Industry, EEMVC: of which: Manufacturing
including energy (ISIC rev4) (ISIC rev4)
EEMVF: Construction (ISIC rev4)
EEMVG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food
serv. (ISIC rev4)
EEMVJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)
EEMVK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
EEMVL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)
EEMVM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities
(ISIC rev4)
EEMVO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health
(ISIC rev4)
EEMVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)
ESE: Self-employed, domestic concept
ESE: Self- ESEVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
domestic ESEVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)
concept ESEVB_E: Industry, ESEVC: of which: Manufacturing
including energy (ISIC rev4) (ISIC rev4)
ESEVF: Construction (ISIC rev4)
ESEVG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food
serv. (ISIC rev4)
ESEVJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)
ESEVK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
ESEVL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)
ESEVM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities
(ISIC rev4)
ESEVO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health
(ISIC rev4)
ESEVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)
ETOS1: Total employment, Total economy
ETOS1: Total ETOS13: Total employment, general government
Total economy on 20 Oct 2018 11:06 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat
Data extracted

Dataset: 3. Population and employment by main activity

Country Finland
Measure PER: Persons
Unit Persons, Thousands
Year 2016
Transaction i
POPNC: Total population, national concept
PEANC: ETONC: Total employment, national concept
active ETONC: Total employment, EEMNC: Employees, national
population, national concept concept
national ESENC: Self-employed, national
concept concept
ETO: Total employment, domestic concept
ETO: Total ETOVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
domestic ETOVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)
concept ETOVB_E: Industry, ETOVC: of which: Manufacturing
including energy (ISIC rev4) (ISIC rev4)

ETOVF: Construction (ISIC rev4)

ETOVG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food
serv. (ISIC rev4)
ETOVJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)
ETOVK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
ETOVL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)
ETOVM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities
(ISIC rev4)
ETOVO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health
(ISIC rev4)
ETOVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)
EEM: Employees, domestic concept
EEM: EEMVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
domestic EEMVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)
concept EEMVB_E: Industry, EEMVC: of which: Manufacturing
including energy (ISIC rev4) (ISIC rev4)

EEMVF: Construction (ISIC rev4)

EEMVG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food
serv. (ISIC rev4)
EEMVJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)
EEMVK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
EEMVL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)
EEMVM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities
(ISIC rev4)
EEMVO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health
(ISIC rev4)
EEMVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)
ESE: Self-employed, domestic concept
ESE: Self- ESEVA: Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC rev4)
domestic ESEVB_E: Industry, including energy (ISIC rev4)
concept ESEVB_E: Industry, ESEVC: of which: Manufacturing
including energy (ISIC rev4) (ISIC rev4)

ESEVF: Construction (ISIC rev4)

ESEVG_I: Distributive trade, repairs; transport; accommod., food
serv. (ISIC rev4)
ESEVJ: Information and communication (ISIC rev4)
ESEVK: Financial and insurance activities (ISIC rev4)
ESEVL: Real estate activities (ISIC rev4)
ESEVM_N: Prof., scientific, techn.; admin., support serv. activities
(ISIC rev4)
ESEVO_Q: Public admin.; compulsory s.s.; education; human health
(ISIC rev4)
ESEVR_U: Other service activities (ISIC rev4)
ETOS1: Total employment, Total economy
ETOS1: Total ETOS13: Total employment, general government
Total economy

Data extracted on 31 Oct 2018 09:50 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat

R: Persons
rsons, Thousands
2016 2017 PIB=353.296,9

8,739.8 8,795.1 40,423.88 40,169.87

4,237.3 4,305.3

3,686.2 3,752.5

551.1 552.8
114.6 118.3
126.2 124.3
Como podemos observar, en ambos pa
62.3 63.2
506.0 527.2
1,022.7 1,038.2
194.9 197.7
3,789.9 3,861.8
28.4 28.9
669.1 678.6

614.0 623.5
261.0 267.0
1,043.2 1,062.5
99.2 102.4
114.5 112.7
47.7 48.4
404.9 424.3
971.3 985.6
150.7 151.5
551.1 552.8
143.3 138.7
18.9 18.5

17.4 17.0
25.8 26.3
124.5 125.3
15.4 15.9
11.7 11.6
14.7 14.8
101.1 102.9
51.4 52.6
44.2 46.2
4,337.2 ..
733.3 ..

R: Persons
rsons, Thousands PIB= 353.296,9
2016 2017

5,495.3 5,508.2 64,290.74 64,140.17

2,515.5 2,545.2

2,210.0 2,252.2

305.5 293.0
2,515.5 2,545.2
104.9 105.4
367.2 370.9

335.1 338.2
200.4 206.7
523.2 523.5
100.7 105.7
45.0 43.9
25.1 25.3
294.0 302.2
716.4 721.8
138.6 139.8
2,210.0 2,252.2
38.8 39.6
347.0 351.3

316.3 320.0
164.0 171.6
454.6 460.1
93.1 97.5
43.5 42.6
21.5 21.7
243.9 254.4
691.6 699.2
112.0 114.2
305.5 293.0
66.1 65.8
20.2 19.6

18.8 18.2
36.4 35.1
68.6 63.4
7.6 8.2
1.5 1.3
3.6 3.6
50.1 47.8
24.8 22.6
26.6 25.6
2,515.5 2,545.2

614.4 618.3
demos observar, en ambos países se produce una disminución de la renta per cápita del años 2016 al 2017. También destacamos que ten
PIB= 353.296,9
bién destacamos que teniendo más población Austria que Finlandia su renta per cápita es menor.
Países PNBpc con tipos de cambio PNBpc con paraidades de poder adquisitivo
Suiza 80,560 65,610
Austria 45,440 52,500
Kosovo 3,890 11,050
Burundi 290 770

En Suiza los tipos de cambio sobrevaloran la capacidad de compra, por lo que con un dólar podrás comprar más de lo que

En Austria los tipos de cambio infravaloran la capacidad de compra,, por lo que con un dólar podras comprar menos de lo que

En Kosovo los tipos de cambio infravaloran la capacidad de compra.

En Burundi los tipos de cambio infravaloran la capacidad de compra.

Tipo de Renta

n dólar podrás comprar más de lo que establecen los tipos de cambio.

dólar podras comprar menos de lo que establecen los tipos de cambio.

Países IDH Nivel

Noruega 0.949 Muy alto

Austria 0.893 Alto

Paraguay 0.693 Medio

Mozambique 0.418 Bajo

a) El IDH es un indicador que determina el nivel de desarrollo que tienen los países del mundo y para esto utiliza tres varia
En este caso observamos que los países con un IDH superior también tienen unos subíndices superiores, por ejemplo Nor
subíndices menores, en este caso Mozambique cuenta con una esperanza de vida de 55,5 años.

b) En la segunda tabla tenemos la evolución del IDH de estos países en varias décadas: la mayoría de estos cuatro países
y 3,63% , excepto Paraguay que presenta un mayor crecimiento en la década del 2.000-2.010 con un crecimiento del 0,79%
Por lo tanto podemos decir que los países con un IDH medio-alto muestran crecimiento pero cada vez más bajo, mientras
brecha entre los países ricos y los pobres.

c) En la tercera tabla observamos que en Noruega y Austria las diferencias entre el IDH y IDH-D son mínimas teniendo una
y del IDH-D con una pérdida del desarrollo humano del 33%.

d) Observamos que los porcentajes de pobreza multidimensional extrema y absoluta no coinciden. En el caso de Paraguay
multidimensional absoluta (68,7%). Esto significa que en el país hay más falta de bienes y servicios básicos que desiguald
Nivel de desigualdad en la distribución perosnal de la renta (Gini)





el nivel de desarrollo que tienen los países del mundo y para esto utiliza tres variables: esperanza de vida al nacer, la educación y el in
con un IDH superior también tienen unos subíndices superiores, por ejemplo Noruega tiene una esperanza de vida de 81,7 años. Por
mbique cuenta con una esperanza de vida de 55,5 años.

ción del IDH de estos países en varias décadas: la mayoría de estos cuatro países presentan el mayor crecimiento de IDH en la décad
a un mayor crecimiento en la década del 2.000-2.010 con un crecimiento del 0,79%.
s con un IDH medio-alto muestran crecimiento pero cada vez más bajo, mientras que los países con IDH bajo cada vez se empobrece

n Noruega y Austria las diferencias entre el IDH y IDH-D son mínimas teniendo una pérdida del desarrollo humano por las desigualdade
lo humano del 33%.

obreza multidimensional extrema y absoluta no coinciden. En el caso de Paraguay, el porcentaje de pobreza multidimensional extrema
significa que en el país hay más falta de bienes y servicios básicos que desigualdades económicas y sociales.
IDH ajustado por la desigualdad % de pobreza multidimensional extrema

0.898 No está en desarrollo

0.815 No está en desarrollo

0.524 No está en desarrollo

0.28 44.10%

s: esperanza de vida al nacer, la educación y el ingreso nacional bruto.

a tiene una esperanza de vida de 81,7 años. Por otro lado, el país elegido con el menor IDH cuenta con

esentan el mayor crecimiento de IDH en la década de 1.990-2.000 y estos crecimientos oscilan entre el 0,53%

los países con IDH bajo cada vez se empobrecen más lo que provoca que se aumente cada vez más la

rdida del desarrollo humano por las desigualdades del 5,4% y 8,7% respectivamente. Sin embargo, Es en Mozambique y donde más s

porcentaje de pobreza multidimensional extrema (44,10%) es menor que el porcentaje de la pobreza

es económicas y sociales.
% pobreza multidimensional abosoluta

No está en desarrollo

No está en desarrollo

No está en desarrollo


Es en Mozambique y donde más se nota la diferencia del IDH

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