Crit 1 - Marking Rubric (1)

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CRIT TASK 1: Firm's Services and Fees Proposal, Propose a suitable vertical development(Types,

Plot ratio, Built-up area and others), Market study, Conceptual Master Plan for the proposed
development, Brochure and Development Process)

NO :

Task Full Given

Poor (1-3) Fair (4-6) Good (7-8) Very good (9-10)
Criteria Marks Marks
Student’s Student’s work Student’s work
Students’ workprogress on
workprogress on progress on most progress on all
work 10 some of the tasks 0
all tasks are far of the tasks are tasks are ahead of
progress are far behind
behind schedule on schedule schedule
Evidence on Evidence on Evidence
progress provided progress provided onprogress
in the inthe provided inthe
Progress provided inthe
10 presentation does presentation presentation is 0
evidence presentationrefle
not reflect the isfairly sufficient more than
cts the work
progress tosupport the necessary to prove
reported. work progress the work progress
Total 20 0

Marks reduce to 5% : 0.00

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