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Table of contents

CHAPTER I: TECHNIQUES……………………………………….3

Speaking part 1………………………………………………………...4

Speaking part 2……………………………………………………….. 9

Speaking part 3……………………………………………………….. 15

CHAPTER II: PRACTICE…………………………………………. 19

IELTS Speaking band descriptors (public version)
Grammatical range and
Band Fluency and Coherence Lexical Resource Pronunciation
 speaks fluently with only rare
repetition or self-correction; any
 uses a full range of structures  uses a full range of pronunciation
hesitation is content related
 uses vocabulary with full flexibility naturally and appropriately features with precision and
rather than to find words or
and precision in all topics  produces consistently accurate subtlety
 uses idiomatic language naturally structures apart from ‘slips’  sustains flexible use of features
 speaks coherently with fully
and accurately characteristic of native speaker throughout
appropriate cohesive features
speech  is effortless to understand
 develops topics fully and
 uses a wide vocabulary resource
 speaks fluently with only
readily and flexibly to convey  uses a wide range of structures
occasional repetition or self-  uses a wide range of
precise meaning flexibly
correction; hesitation is usually pronunciation features
 uses less common and idiomatic  produces a majority of error-free
8 content-related and only rarely  sustains flexible use of features,
vocabulary skilfully, with occasional sentences with only very
to search for language with only occasional lapses
inaccuracies occasional inappropriacies or
 develops topics coherently  is easy to understand throughout;
 uses paraphrase effectively as basic/non-systematic errors
and appropriately
 speaks at length without
noticeable effort or loss of  uses vocabulary resource flexibly to
coherence discuss a variety of topics
 uses a range of complex
 may demonstrate language  uses some less common and
structures with some flexibility  shows all the positive features of
related hesitation at times, or idiomatic vocabulary and shows
7  frequently produces error-free Band 6 and some, but not all, of
some repetition and/or self- some awareness of style and
sentences, though some the positive features of Band 8
correction collocation, with some inappropriate
grammatical mistakes persist
 uses a range of connectives choices
and discourse markers with  uses paraphrase effectively
some flexibility
 uses a range of pronunciation
 is willing to speak at length,
 uses a mix of simple and features with mixed control
though may lose coherence at
 has a wide enough vocabulary to complex structures, but with  shows some effective use of
times due to occasional
discuss topics at length and make limited flexibility features but this is not sustained
repetition, self-correction or
6 meaning clear in spite of  may make frequent mistakes  can generally be understood
inappropriacies with complex structures, though throughout, though
 uses a range of connectives
 generally paraphrases successfully these rarely cause mispronunciation of individual
and discourse markers but not
comprehension problems words or sounds reduces clarity
always appropriately
at times

Grammatical range and
Band Fluency and Coherence Lexical Resource Pronunciation
 usually maintains flow of
speech but uses repetition,
self-correction and/or slow  produces basic sentence forms
speech to keep going  manages to talk about familiar and with reasonable accuracy
 may over-use certain unfamiliar topics but uses  uses a limited range of more  shows all the positive features of
5 connectives and discourse vocabulary with limited flexibility complex structures, but these Band 4 and some, but not all, of
markers  attempts to use paraphrase but with usually contain errors and may the positive features of Band 6
 produces simple speech mixed success cause some comprehension
fluently, but more complex problems
communication causes
fluency problems
 cannot respond without
 uses a limited range of
noticeable pauses and may  produces basic sentence forms
 is able to talk about familiar topics pronunciation features
speak slowly, with frequent and some correct simple
but can only convey basic meaning  attempts to control features but
repetition and self-correction sentences but subordinate
4 on unfamiliar topics and makes lapses are frequent
 links basic sentences but with structures are rare
frequent errors in word choice  mispronunciations are frequent
repetitious use of simple  errors are frequent and may
 rarely attempts paraphrase and cause some difficulty for the
connectives and some lead to misunderstanding
breakdowns in coherence
 speaks with long pauses  attempts basic sentence forms
 has limited ability to link  uses simple vocabulary to convey but with limited success, or
 shows some of the features of
simple sentences personal information relies on apparently memorised
3 Band 2 and some, but not all, of
 gives only simple responses  has insufficient vocabulary for less utterances
the positive features of Band 4
and is frequently unable to familiar topics  makes numerous errors except
convey basic message in memorised expressions
 pauses lengthily before most
 only produces isolated words or  cannot produce basic sentence
2 words  speech is often unintelligible
memorised utterances forms
 little communication possible
 no communication possible
 no rateable language
0  does not attend


IELTS Speaking Part 1: essentials
In Part 1 of the speaking test, the examiner asks a number of questions about familiar topics such
as study/work, hobbies, interests, etc.

Part 1 is supposed to be easy. You don't need to give 'difficult' answers, and you should try to avoid
making mistakes.
Here are five simple rules for Speaking Part 1:
1. Keep your answers short, then stop with confidence.
2. Answer the questions using full sentences.
3. Use words from the examiner's question in your answer.
4. If possible, give a reason for your answer.
5. Don't forget to say "yes" or "no" when necessary.
Here's an example to illustrate these points:
Do you like parks?
Yes, I like parks because they are great places to relax. If you live in a city, a park is often the only
place where you can escape from the noise and the traffic.

IELTS Speaking Part 1: 'walking' topic

1. Do you like walking?
I'm not one for going on really long walks in the countryside, but I don't mind walking when I'm
in a town or city, for example when I'm sightseeing in a new place.
2. Do you think walking is important?
Yes, I think it's important to be active, and walking is the most basic physical activity that we can
3. Do you think walking in the countryside is better than walking in the city?
Personally, no. As I said before, I like walking in the city, especially if it's somewhere with a lot
of history like London or Paris. I've done quite a lot of walking in those cities.
4. What could be done to improve the experience of walking in cities?
I suppose the main issues are space and safety. Pavements need to be wide enough to accommodate
lots of pedestrians, and we need safe places to cross the street.

IELTS Speaking Part 1: phrases
Question: “Liking”
Alternative language for “liking”
 I'm fairly/ pretty keen on...
 I’m particularly interested in ….
 I'm really into...
 I'm quite a big fan of...
 I simply adore...
 I'm quite enthusiastic about...
 I'm quite passionate about
Possible starting phrases for “liking” include:
 Well, in general, I would say that...
 Actually, I suppose that for the most part I'd probably say that...
 Well, to be honest, I should really say that...
 Of course, I think I'd have to say that...
 Certainly I would definitely say that...
A linking word/phrase to introduce a specific type of the topic of category
 particularly… / especially.../ specifically...
 to be more specific
A linking phrase to introduce the reason:
 And I guess this is probably because...
 This could be because...
 This is due to the fact that...
Do you like Italian food?
Well, in general, I would say that I'm quite passionate about Italian food, to be more specific, I
would probably say that I'm really into pizza and pasta. This is mainly because my girlfriend is
Italian so she always cooks Italian cuisine at home.
Practice: answer the question using above structures
Do you like reading?
What do you like about your hometown?
Do you like listening to music?
Do you like shopping?

IELTS Speaking Part 1: phrases
Question: “Disliking”
Alternative language for “disliking”

 I'm not so keen on...

 I'm not much of a fan of...
 I'm not really fond of...
 I really can't stand... (a strong dislike)
Note: Use the same style of structure as the “liking” answer
Is there anything you don't like about your hometown?

“Of course I think I'd have to say that I'm not so keen on the weather. To be more precise, I
really can't stand the summer months. This is due to the fact that the temperatures can get as high
as 40 degrees so it can be quite uncomfortable if you don't have air conditioning in your house.”
Practice: answer the question using above structures
Is there any food you don't like?
What's the worst thing about shopping?
Are there any clothes that you don't like?
What type of weather do you dislike?

Fluency markers
 To be honest / I’m afraid / Honestly
 Fortunately / Unfortunately
 Actually / In fact / As a matter of fact
 However / But
 I suppose / I guess

Time and Frequency expressions

 Nowadays / These days
 Never / seldom / rarely / hardly ever / sometimes / often / frequently / nearly always/
typically / normally / always

IELTS Speaking Part 1
Topic: Musical instruments
1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?)
My favourite musical instrument to listen to is the guitar. I like the fact that there are different
types of guitar, like classical, acoustic and electric. I love the variety of sounds a guitar can make.
2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
I took some guitar lessons when I was younger and still have a guitar at home. I don't play it much
nowadays. I wish I had more time to practise.
3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?
Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical instrument. All
children should be given this opportunity.
4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?
It would probably be more difficult without a teacher. You need someone to show you what to do
and correct your mistakes. You need a lot of discipline to teach yourself.

Topic: Clothes
1. Are clothes and clothing fashions important to you? (Why/Why not?)
No, clothes and fashions are not really important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are comfortable
and practical rather than fashionable.
2. What different clothes do you wear for different situations?
Well, I have to dress quite formally for work, so I wear a shirt and trousers. At home I prefer to
wear jeans and a T-shirt, and on special occasions I might wear a suit.
3. Do you wear different styles of clothes now compared to 10 years ago?
No, not really, because I don't follow fashion. I think I have dressed in a similar way for the last
10 years.
4. Do you think the clothes we wear say something about who we are?
Yes, they probably do. Some people are really careful about what they wear because they want to
be seen as stylish. Other people wear clothes that show wealth or status, such as clothes by famous

IELTS Speaking Part 1
Topic: Emails and handwriting
1. At work or in your studies, do you often write things?
Yes, I write a lot of emails as part of my job. I work for a company that has offices in several
countries, so we use email to communicate.
2. How often do you send e-mails?
I probably write between 5 and 10 work emails every day, and I send emails to friends or family a
few times a week.
3. Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer?
It depends on what I’m doing. I prefer the computer for most things because it’s faster and you
can save or copy things, but I still like making notes or writing ideas down by hand.
4. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?
No, I think we will always write by hand as well. I think it’s an important skill, and schools will
continue to teach children to write by hand before they learn to type.

Topic: Laughing
1. What kinds of thing make you laugh?
I laugh most when I'm with friends talking about funny things that have happened to us. I also like
watching comedians and comedy films.
2. Do you like making other people laugh?
Yes, it's a nice feeling when you can make someone laugh because you can see that you've made
them happy. It's great to share a funny moment with someone.
3. Do you think it's important for people to laugh?
Yes, of course. It's important to see the funny side of things; humour helps us not to take life too
seriously. I think that laughter is good for our health.
4. Is laughing the same as feeling happy?
It's not exactly the same because you can be happy without laughing, and sometimes we laugh
when something bad has happened; a sense of humour can help us to cope with difficult situations.

Introduction to IELTS Speaking Part 2

You speak for two minutes on a particular topic provided by the examiner.
You have one minute to prepare (take note).

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.

You should say:
 who the person is
 why he/she is famous
 why you would like to meet this celebrity
 what you would like to do if you met this person


Prepare ideas for 6 main topic areas:

1. Describe an object (a gift, something you use etc.)

2. Describe a person (someone you admire, a family member etc.)

3. Describe an event (a festival, celebration etc.)

4. Describe an activity (e.g. a hobby)

5. Describe a place (somewhere you visited, a holiday etc.)

6. Describe your favourite (book/film/advertisement/website)

Most questions fit into one of these topics. For example, "Describe a river, lake or sea which you
like" is number 5 - you could describe a holiday by the sea, or a city with a river.

Don't take the test without preparing some ideas for these topics first!

The smart way to study for part 2 is to prepare a few key topics, then spend lots of time practising
ways to adapt what you prepared to other questions.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Answer structure

Opening phrase + the first prompt from card

 Ok then, I guess I could start off by answering who the person is.
 Alright then, in response to the first question of who the person is.
 So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of who the person is.
 Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of who the person is.
 Right then, I’d like to get cracking by pointing out who the person is.
 So I suppose I should commence with the first aspect which is who the person is.
 Initially then, I’d like to get started by looking at who the person is.
 So, to start with I’ll talk about who the person is.
 So I guess I could kick off by stating who the person is.
 Ok so my first point here would obviously be who the person is.

Then, you need to add a linking phrase before your content sentence:

 … and I think I would have to choose…

 … and I’d have to go for…
 …and I’d probably select…
 …and my choice is going to be…
 …and the one I’d pick is…


“Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of who the person is,

and I’d have to go for Jakie Chan for the reason that…”

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Answer structure (cont.)

The second point + the second prompt from card

 Going on to my next point which is why he is famous…

 Continuing then with the next point of why he is famous…
 Now with regard to the next question of why he is famous…
 Next then in response to the point of why he is famous…
 Now on the subject of why he is famous…
 Now concerning the matter of why he is famous…

Then, you need to add another linking phrase before you explain this point:

 …and what I’d like to add here is that …

 … and what I need to emphasize here is that…
 .. and what I ought to stress here is that..
 …and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that..
 …and what I have to mention here is that …


“Now concerning the matter of why he is famous, the thing that needs to be highlighted
here is that he is a world-renowned martial arts film star.”

You can also add more reasons using these phrases:

 Another reason could be that….

 In addition,…
 Furthermore,…

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Answer structure (cont.)

The third point + the third prompt from card

 Progressing to the subject of why I would like to meet this celebrity…

 Moving onto the business of why I would like to meet this celebrity…
 Drawing attention to the matter of why I would like to meet this celebrity…
 Proceeding with the issue of why I would like to meet this celebrity…
 Moving forward onto the area of why I would like to meet this celebrity…

Then, you need to add another linking phrase before your content sentence:

 I would like to explain that…

 You really have to understand that…
 I suppose I should underline the fact that….


“Moving onto the business of why I would like to meet this celebrity, the chief explanation
would most likely be that I would probably ask him to teach me a few special Kung Fu

Then, you can give more reasons, details, explanations to make it longer.

The fourth point + the fourth prompt from card

 Finally then, if there’s time, I could deal with the last question of...
 To end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question of...
 As a final point, if time permits, I’d like to bring in the point of...
 To cut a long story short, as my very last point, with reference to the question of...

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Sample

Describe an animal that can be found in your country.

You should say:

 What type of animal it is

 Where it can be found
 Whether you have seen it
 What other people think of this animal.


“ I’m going to describe an animal that can be found in my country.

So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of what type of animal it is, and the one I’d pick is
the giant panda. Actually there are two types of panda, the lesser or red panda and the commonly
known giant panda which is the national symbol of China.

Now concerning the matter of where it can be found, and what I ought to stress here is that
because it is an endangered species, it lives mostly in protected nature reserves in Western China
although it is also possible to see them in zoos around the world.

Moving onto the business of whether I have seen it, I suppose I should underline the fact that I
visited the Panda Sanctuary in Chengdu 2 years ago while I was travelling in Sichuan Province.
It was actually a one-day tour of the pandas’ habitat which included lectures from conservation

As a final point, if time permits, I’d like to bring in the point of what other people think of this
animal. I guess that most Chinese people feel some sense of patriotism towards the giant panda
because it is recognized globally the archetypal Chinese animal.”

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Sample

Describe a useful skill that you would like to learn

You should say:

 What the skill is

 Why you would like to learn it
 Whether it would be difficult to learn
 Whether you think you will learn this skill in the near future.


“I’m going to describe a useful skill that I would like to learn.

Ok, I’ll start the ball rolling by touching on the matter of what the skill is, and I’d probably select
the Chinese martial art Tai Ji, a skilled art which is used to promote physical and spiritual well-

Continuing then with the next point of why I would like to learn it, and what I ought to stress here
is that I would really like to get in shape because at the moment I’m quite unfit. Ever since I was
a kid I’ve been kind of fascinated by Tai Ji, especially the way it can help you to relieve stress and
improve overall physical fitness.

Progressing to the subject of whether it would be difficult to learn, you really have to understand
that it would probably be quite demanding at first, then again I’m sure I would be able to deal with
the challenge, although it might be tough to master some of the complicated breathing excercises.

So to end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question of whether I think I will
learn this skill in the near future, and I should say that I have in actual fact already signed up for a
Tai Ji class which is run at the local martial arts centre near where I live.”

IELTS Speaking Part 3: think 'paragraph'

In part 3 of the speaking test, you need to answer some general questions based on the theme of
Part 2 topic.

You should try to give longer, detailed answers. A good way to do this is to imagine that you are
making a paragraph.

Remember the 'paragraph building' techniques in writing task 2:

1. Idea, explain, example

Start with a direct answer to the question, like the 'topic sentence' in a written paragraph. Then
explain your answer in more detail, and support your explanation with an example.
Try answering this question: Do you think that it's important for people to go on holiday?

 Answer

Yes, I think we all need to go on holiday at least once or twice a year. It isn’t healthy to
work all year round without some time off to relax; we all need to take a break and recharge
our batteries from time to time. Last summer, for example, I went on holiday to France for
a couple of weeks, and it was great to leave all of my usual responsibilities behind me. I
came home feeling really refreshed and reinvigorated.

2. Firstly, secondly, finally

Start with the direct answer, then explain it by giving two or three reasons, and maybe an example
Try answering this question: Why do you think some people prefer not to go abroad on holiday?

 Answer

I suppose there are different reasons why some people choose not to go abroad on holidays.
Firstly, it’s usually more expensive to travel abroad than it is to stay at home. A second
reason could be that some people find it stressful to spend time in a foreign country where
they don’t speak the language, or where they feel that they can’t easily integrate with the
locals. Finally, many people just love where they live, and don’t feel the need to travel

IELTS Speaking Part 3: longer answers
Here are 3 techniques to help you give longer, more detailed answers:

1. Keep asking yourself "why?"

2. Explain the alternatives

3. Give an example

Do you think that school children should be encouraged to have their own ideas, or is it more
important for them to learn what their teachers give them?

 Answer:
I think that we should definitely allow children to be creative and have their own
ideas. (why?) Children need to develop the ability to think for themselves and solve
problems (why?) because as adults they will not always have somebody to guide them or
tell them what to do. (alternatives?) If we don't allow children to have their own ideas,
they will be less successful in the adult world; they will be too reliant on
others. (example?) A doctor, for example, might encounter a situation that he or she hasn't
been trained for, but will still be expected to make a decision that could save someone's

How important do you think it is for a person to spend some time alone?

 Answer:

I’d say that it’s essential to spend a bit of time alone, even if it’s just a few minutes a day.
(why?) When you have a few minutes to yourself, it’s a chance to take stock and reflect on
things. (why?) Most of us live such busy lives that our brains need time to catch up every
now and then. (example / alternatives?) Personally, I try to have a bit of “me time” every
day; I’ll go for a coffee or find a quiet place to sit and read the newspaper. If I never had
any time alone, I think I’d go mad!


Comparing Predicting Why Advantages Disadvantages Problems Solutions

Opening Well Certainly, I'm Well in my Well I Actually, I'm sure Obviously, I Actually, I
obviously, sure that most opinion, I suppose that most people would have believe that
there are a people would guess I there are quite would agree that to say that there are a
number of agree that would have a few clear there are a there are few ways to
potential there will be a to say that benefits. number of quite a lot of tackle these
differences number of there are drawbacks. dangers with problems.
here. major probably a regard to this
changes number of issue.
related to this. factors
First However, I To begin First and However, I To be more First and The most
idea guess that the with, I’d foremost, the guess that the specific, I foremost, one effective way
most predict that chief cause most evident suppose the most major worry to get to the
significant we will most might be that would be that unfavorable is probably root of the
would be likely have… … … quality might be that… problem
that… that… would be
(Whereas/On to…
the other
Second In addition, a At the same At the same At the same In addition, a In addition, In addition,
idea second key time, I time, a time, a second further another major another
distinction suppose it's secondary plus point disadvantage may cause for measure
would be quite motive could could be that be that… concern is could be to…
that… probable that be that… … that…
(While/ on the we may have
other hand) …

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Questions


 Do old and young people like the same hobbies?

 Is public transport nowadays the same as public transport 20 years ago?
 Are free-time activities nowadays the same as 20 years ago in your country?


 What will schools be like in the future?

 Do you think we will read books in different ways in the future?
 What types of hobbies will become popular in the future?


 Why is it important to protect old/historical building?

 Why do children find it easier to learn to play a musical instrument?
 Why do people like to know about the private lives of famous people?


 What are the advantages of living in cities?

 What are the advantages of spending time in a foreign country?
 What are the advantages of online (Internet) shopping?


 What are the disadvantages of going on holiday in foreign country?

 What are the disadvantages of eating out in restaurants?
 What are the disadvantages of online (Internet) shopping?


 What environmental problems are common in your country?

 What problems are associated with the Internet?
 What problems are caused by international tourism?


Part 1: Where you live
Tell me about your hometown/street/apartment.
What do you like about your hometown/street/house/apartment?
Is there anything you don’t like about it?
Would you like to move to another city/street/house/apartment?
What would you change about your city?
Would you recommend your area/street as a good place to live?

Nouns Adjectives
winding street sprawling
suburb regionally important
architecture commercial
the locals (= people) unique
local cuisine distinctive
shopping built-up
residential area industrial
estate provincial
apartment complex

run-down (= in bad condition) E.g. Some areas are run-down.
upmarket/ chic (= stylish) E.g. Some neighbourhoods are very upmarket/chic.

Part 2: Family celebration

Describe a family celebration that you remember.
You should say:
- what you were celebrating
- who was present
- what you and your family did to make the celebration special
- and why you enjoyed the occasion


 I’m going to describe my sister’s wedding day, which took place a few years ago in the
town where I grew up. For my sister it was the biggest and most important day of her life.
 I think there were around 100 people at the marriage ceremony, which was held in a church.
Even more people came to the party, or the wedding reception as we call it, after the
ceremony. Of course, most members of my family were there, as well as the groom’s family
and a collection of the bride and groom's friends and colleagues.
 To make the celebration special, we did what families normally do. My mother made sure
that the church and the reception venue were nicely decorated - there were flowers
everywhere! Obviously we all dressed for the occasion, and there were bridesmaids, gifts,
a huge wedding cake, and so on.
 I enjoyed the occasion because it was great to see my sister so happy on her big day. The
ceremony was perfect, and we all had a fantastic time at the reception. It’s rare for me to
see all of my family and friends together in one place, so that’s probably what made the
day so memorable for me.

Part 3: Parties
1. What types of party do people have, and why are parties important?
People have parties to celebrate special occasions like birthdays, weddings, or the
beginning of a new year. I think it's important to celebrate these things because they
are landmarks in our lives. Parties are a good way to bring people together, and they're an
opportunity to let off some steam.

2. Why do you think some people like parties but others hate them?
Most people like parties because they have a good time at them - eating a nice meal,
chatting to friends, or having a dance. People who don't like them might find social
situations difficult because they are shy, or maybe they don't enjoy having to make small
talk with people they don't know.

3. Do you think parties will become more popular in the future?

No, I don't think anything will change. People have always had parties, and I'm sure they
always will in the future. Humans need to socialise and enjoy themselves, and parties are
one of the best ways to do that.

Part 1: What you do - your job
Tell me about your job.
Why did you choose this job?
What do you like about your job?
How long have you been doing this job?
Is there anything you don’t like about your job?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

profession be involved in hectic
occupation share responsibility for exhausting
line of business work within a team taxing
line of work intricate
work flat out (= work very hard) Sometimes I have to work flat out.
on the go (= very busy) I'm always on the go.
get to the bottom of (= solve) I have to get to the bottom of problems related to...
pull out all the stops When it's busy, I have to pull out all the stops.
(=make a special effort)
take charge of (= manage) I often have to take charge of the whole department.
pick up the pieces (= take responsibility) When there's a problem I have to pick up the pieces.

Part 2:
Describe a positive experience that you had as a teenager.
You should say:
- what the positive experience was
- where you were
- who you were with
- and explain why you found the experience positive.


 I’m going to describe the first time I visited England’s capital city, London, on a school
trip when I was a teenager. I had never been to London before, and it was great to share
that experience with my school friends.
 The positive experience wasn’t confined to one particular place in London. As far as I
remember, I enjoyed the whole trip, from the coach journey to the visits to various tourist
attractions. We got off the coach near the Houses of Parliament, and so one of my first
memories was seeing the famous ‘Big Ben’ clock tower. We also visited the Tower of
London, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square.
 As I said earlier, it was a school trip, and I think there were around thirty of us, including
two teachers. I was with a group of close friends, which made the experience more
 What really struck me about London was that it was historic but modern and thriving at the
same time. It seemed to me to be a lively, fashionable and cosmopolitan place. Coming
from a relatively small town, the experience made me keen to visit more capital cities in
the future.

Part 3: Politeness
1. In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?
We really value politeness and good manners in the UK, and there are many types of polite
behaviour. One of the first things we learn as children is to say "please" and "thank you".
As adults, I think we are careful not to be too direct in the language we use. For example,
we would never say "Bring me the bill" in a restaurant because this kind of direct
instruction would sound rude. It would be much more polite to say "Could we have the bill,

2. Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?
I suppose it's normal to be a bit more relaxed about politeness with family members. Most
people tend to speak in a more informal way at home; in the UK, we still say "please" and
"thanks", but it's fine to use colloquial language and things like nicknames that you would
never use with someone you didn't know.

Part 1: What you do - your study
What are you studying?
Where are you studying?
Why did you choose this college/university?
What would you like to do after your studies?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

schoolwork revise hands-on (=practical)
branch of learning comprehend job-related
field of study succeed in theoretical
discipline become skilled in reputable
lecturer punish highly regarded
theory reward compulsory
rules and regulations assess optional
subject matter cram (=remember a lot of monotonous
curriculum information in a short time) thought-provoking
pass with flying colours I pass my entrance exam with flying colours.
(= pass with a high score)
sail through (= finish something easily I can usually sail through all my assignments.
and quickly)
to flunk (= to fail/ perform badly) I always seem to flunk my compulsory Math tests.
cross that bridge when sb. comes to it I’m not worried about that now. I’ll cross that bridge
(= deal with a problem when it arrives) when I come to it.
off by heart (=remember 100%) We had to learn all our lessons off by heart.
off the top of one’s head We had to recite famous stories off the top of our

Part 2: Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school education
programmes. You should say:

- what the subject is

- why you think it is unnecessary for children to study it

- and explain what you would replace it with.

 I’m going to suggest that art could be taken out of the school curriculum. In my
experience, art lessons at school tend to include drawing, painting, and the making of
collages using paper, fabric and other household materials.
 There are a few reasons why I think that school art lessons are unnecessary. Firstly, I
don’t believe that drawing and painting are essential skills that children will need when
they leave school. Children might find these activities enjoyable, but it’s unlikely
that they will need them in the working world. Secondly, children can draw, paint and
make collages in their own time at home; parents can encourage this, and they can even
join in. Finally, remembering my own art lessons at school, I don’t think we learnt any
real art skills; the teachers left us to draw or create things, but they didn’t provide much
technical instruction.
 Instead of art lessons, children could do more work on core subjects like maths, science
or language. These subjects are more likely to help children in later life when they enter
the job market, and I think both children and their teachers would benefit if more time
were devoted to them.

Part 3: Competition at school

1. Why do you think some school teachers use competitions as class activities?
I think teachers use competitions to motivate the children in their classes. I'm sure that
teachers try all kinds of activities to engage their pupils, and competitions might be one of
the best ways to keep children interested or get them excited. Children love winning things.

2. Is it a good thing to give prizes to children who do well at school? Why?

It might be a good idea to encourage children to do well in games or sports, but I don't
think we should give children prizes for their academic work. Children need to learn that
the reason for studying is to learn useful things that will help them in their lives. I don't like
the idea of children thinking that they will only work hard if there is a prize.

3. Would you say that schools for young children have become more or less competitive since
you were that age? Why?
I'd say that they have become more competitive since I was young. Children now have to
take exams from a much younger age, so I think there is more of a focus on doing well in
tests. Parents also seem to be getting more competitive; I think that many parents push their
children to do extra homework rather than letting them play with friends.

Part 1: Hobbies/ Free-time activities
What do you do in your free time?
What hobbies/ free-time activities are popular in your country?
Is it important to have a hobby?
Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

leisure amuse fascinating
spare time unwind time-consuming
pastime kill time appealing
take up (= start) I’ve recently taken up swimming.
take part in I frequently take part in group activities like…
get into (= enjoy) Recently I’ve been getting into fishing.
have a go at (= try) I’d really like to have a go at scuba diving.
idle away the hours (= spend time) In my time off, I often idle away the hours by
playing guitar.

Part 2: Conversation
Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you didn't know.
You should say:
- who the person was
- where the conversation took place
- what you talked about
- and explain why you found the conversation interesting.

 I’m going to talk about an interesting conversation that I had a couple of weeks ago in a
music shop. I was walking along one of the main shopping streets in the city centre, when
a large window displaying all sorts of musical instruments caught my eye. Out of
curiosity, I decided to go in and have a look around.
 The person I ended up speaking to was a shop assistant on the second floor, in the area of
the shop dedicated to acoustic guitars. I hadn’t intended to speak to anyone, but the
assistant approached me in a friendly way and asked whether I had any questions.
 I explained to the assistant that I hadn’t played the guitar for years, but that I wondered
what the differences were between the various acoustic guitars on show. He talked to me
about the different makes and models, whether they were factory or handmade, the woods
and varnishes used, the variation in sound quality, and of course the price range.
 I found the conversation fascinating because the shop assistant was so knowledgeable. It
was obvious that he had a passion for the guitar, and he didn’t mind talking to me even
though I had made it clear that I didn’t intend to buy anything. He even picked up and
played three or four of the instruments to demonstrate the differences in their sound.

Part 3: Conversation
1. What are the differences between men's and women's conversations?
"I think it depends on the people who are having the conversation, and it depends on the
situation, but most people would say that men talk more about sport or cars, whereas
women talk about their friends, family and relationships. Women are supposed to be better
at expressing their feelings, while men prefer not to talk about themselves."

2. What do you think are the characteristics of a good speaker?

"I think good speakers are confident and passionate about the subject of their speech. They
need to be interesting and engaging. I think a speaker's body language is also really
important. A famous example of a great speaker is Barack Obama; he seems to be a
naturally inspiring speaker, but I'm sure that practice and preparation are more important
than natural talent."

Part 1: Sports
Do you like playing sports?
How often do you play sports?
What sports are the most popular in your country?
Do you think it is important to play a sport?
What sports would you like to try in the future?
Do you prefer watching or playing sports?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

team game compete strenuous
physical activity challenge physical
squad get fit energizing
solo sport lose weight revitalizing
stay healthy
have a crack at (= had a try at) I had a crack at baseball but it was too strenuous for
get into shape I’ve been trying to get into shape by going to the

Part 2:
Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study. You should say:

- what the plan is

- when you thought of the plan
- who is involved in the plan
- and say how you think you will achieve the plan.


 I’m going to talk about a future plan that I have, which is to buy a good camera and to
become a better photographer. At the moment, I’m just using the camera on my mobile
phone, but I’ve realised that it has its limitations.
 I thought of this plan when I was at a friend’s wedding a few weeks ago. I got some great
pictures of the bride and groom and their guests celebrating, but I did notice that with my
phone camera I wasn’t able to capture longer range photos, or photos in darker conditions;
the phone’s zoom and flash aren’t very good. Next time I’d like to be able to capture a
special occasion in higher quality images.
 Obviously this plan depends on whether I can save enough money to buy the camera I’d
like. Also, before making a decision about which camera to get, I’ll probably talk to a
friend who knows more about photography than I do.
 In terms of buying a camera, I’ll achieve this plan if I can save some money! In terms of
becoming a better photographer, I think I’ll achieve that goal by experimenting with my
new camera and by learning as I go along.

Part 3: Sports
1. Why do you think sport is important?
I think sport is important for different reasons. For me, doing a sport is about having fun.
When I play football, for example, I forget about everything else and just enjoy myself.
Also, doing a sport helps you to keep fit and healthy, and it's a good way to socialise and
make friends.

2. Do you think famous sportspeople are good role models for children?
I think that sportspeople should be good role models. Children look up to their favourite
football players, like David Beckham for example, so I think that these people have an
enormous responsibility. They should try to be a good influence, and behave in the right

3. Do you agree that sports stars earn too much money?

In my opinion, it's fair that the best sportspeople earn a lot of money. Being a top
sportsperson requires hours of practice, and there are millions of sports fans who are willing
to pay to see them play. If we don't want sportspeople to earn so much money, we shouldn't
go to watch them.

Part 1: Music
Do you like listening to music?
What types of music do you like listening to?
Where do you usually listen to music?
Can you play any musical instruments?
Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instrument?
Do you prefer listening to live performances or recorded music?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

harmony download funky
concert put on CD/ piece of music catchy
melody soothing
lyric atmospheric
a hit record
CD player
MP3 player

blow one’s mind The music was so amazing it blew my mind.
chill out to (= relax) I often chill out to atmospheric ambient music.

Part 2:
Describe an artist or entertainer you admire.

You should say:

 who they are and what they do

 how they became successful
 how you found out about them
 and why you admire them

 I’m going to talk about a musician that I admire, called... He’s a singer who also plays the
guitar and writes his own songs. I think he recorded his first album about 10 years ago, and
he’s released several other CDs since then.
 He became successful after many years of writing songs and performing live in small
venues all over the country. Gradually he built a following of people who liked his music.
I think the key to his success was one of his songs that was used on a TV advertisement.
This meant that more people became aware of his music.
 I found out about... because one of my friends got tickets to see him in concert. I hadn’t
heard any of his music before, but I went along to the gig and really enjoyed it. After that
I bought the first CD, and now I’ve got all of them.
 The reason I admire... is that he has worked hard for his success: it takes years of practice
to become a good singer and guitarist, and he spent several years playing to very small
audiences before he became successful. I also like the fact that he writes his own music. I
admire people who have worked hard to get where they are.

Part 3: Celebrities

Are there any differences between the types of people who were seen as celebrities in the past
and those who are celebrities nowadays?

Yes, I think there have been some big changes in the types of people who become famous.
In the past, before the invention of television, I suppose there were very few national or
international celebrities; maybe kings and queens, military, political and religious
leaders were the only household names. With the advent of TV and radio, performers such
as actors and musicians became more well-known. However, we now seem to have a
completely new breed of celebrity as a result of 'reality' television programmes; these are
people who don't really have any special skills as performers, but who are famous for just
being themselves.

Part 1: Reading
Do you like reading?
How often do you read?
What do you like to read?
Where do you usually read?
Do you read for pleasure or to get information?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

a work of fiction scan fictional
biography skim gripping
novel browse contemporary
novelist flick through classical
read up on (=read about) I often read up on modern literature.
have one’s nose in a book (= read a I always have my nose in a book.
a coffee-table book (= a large book I sometimes flick through a coffee-table book.
that one leaves on the table, often
with photos etc.)

Part 2:
Describe a recent event that made you happy.
You should say:

 when and where it was

 who was involved

 what happened

 and explain why it made you happy.

 When and where: my friend's birthday party, last Saturday evening, we went for a meal
in an Italian restaurant.
 Who: there were about 10 of us, he invited some close friends and work colleagues, most
of them were people I've known since university.
 What happened: we met at the restaurant, I gave my friend a present and a birthday card,
we ordered some food, while we ate dinner everyone chatted, after the main course the
waiter brought out a cake and we sang 'Happy Birthday', everyone went home quite late.
 Why it made me happy: it was great to get together with old friends, I had some
interesting conversations, it was a good opportunity to catch up with what my friends had
been up to, it was a nice way to wind down after a hard week at work, the food
was delicious, I went home feeling full after a fantastic meal.

Part 3: Events

1. What do you think we can learn by studying events of the past?

I think we can learn a lot by studying history. Just as individual people learn from their
mistakes, societies can learn from the mistakes made by previous governments or leaders.
For example, from what I've read in the newspapers, many economists are looking back to
the time of the Great Depression, around 80 years ago, in order to understand the financial
crisis that is currently affecting many countries around the world. Even if we don't always
learn from mistakes, I think it's fascinating to study history because it gives us an insight
into who we are and where we come from.

2. What important events do you think might take place in the future?
It's really difficult to predict what will happen in the future; most of the big, historic events
of the past would have been impossible to foresee. For example, I don't think that anyone
living 100 years ago could have imagined that people would one day walk on the moon! If
I had to guess what might happen in the future, I'd like to think that scientists will invent
cures for diseases like cancer, and we'll all live longer.

Part 1: Learning languages
What languages do you speak?
Do you think it’s important to learn a foreign language?
What languages are spoken in your country?
Would you like to learn another language in the future?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

native tongue be fluent in understandable
dialect converse unintelligible
verbal communication chat meaningless
strategy become skilled at something tough
make progress effortless
recall intricate
have a chinwag (= have a conversation) When I travelled to France, I tried to have a chinwag
with the locals.

It’s all Greek to me (=I cannot When I went to Korea, I tried to converse with some
understand it) people but the native tongue was all Greek to me.

Part 2:

Describe a school that you went to when you were a child.

You should say:

- where the school was

- when you went there
- what the school and the teachers were like
- and explain whether you enjoyed your time there.

 I’m going to talk about my primary school. The school was called ..... and it was in the
town of ..... . The location of the school was great because it was within walking distance
of our family home at the time. The route to school was all downhill, which made it an
easy walk in the morning, but a tiring journey on the way home in the afternoon!
 I was a pupil at ..... school between the ages of 5 and 11 - the full 6 years of primary
education. From age 11 onwards, I went to a nearby secondary school.
 My primary school seemed like a big place at the time, but it was actually quite a small
school, with only six classes. I remember there being a large room called the assembly
hall, where the whole school gathered every morning to hear messages from the
headmaster. I also remember spending a lot of time on the playground and on the sports
field. I liked all of my teachers; they were caring but strict at the same time, and I think
they fostered a positive and fun atmosphere in the school.
 I have really fond memories of my primary school years, mainly because of the friends I
made and the fun I had. One of my most vivid memories is of performing in the school
play in my final year. I had to learn lines and play the part of a character in a traditional
children’s story. It was a nerve-racking experience, but it felt like my first real

Part 3: School
1. What do you think makes a good lesson?

I think a good lesson is one that is interesting and engaging. By 'engaging' I mean that the
students should feel involved in the lesson; they should feel that they are learning
something new that is relevant to them. In my opinion, a lot depends on how the teacher
delivers the content of the lesson in a way that students like. My favourite teacher at
university used to involve the students by making us teach some of the lessons ourselves.

2. Do you think it's better to have a teacher or to teach yourself?

Well, there's no substitute for a good teacher. I think you can teach yourself, but you can
learn a lot more quickly with the guidance of a teacher. For example, when learning a
language, you really need someone to correct your mistakes; you can get the grammar and
vocabulary from books, but books can't tell you where you're going wrong.

3. Do you think the traditional classroom will disappear in the future?

I don't think it will disappear, but it might become less common. I think more people will
study independently, using different technologies rather than sitting in a classroom. Maybe
students will attend a lesson just once a week, and spend the rest of their time following
online courses or watching video lessons.
Part 1: Writing
How often do you write something by hand?
What types of things do you usually write by hand?
Do you think it is important to have good handwriting?
What are the advantages of writing something by hand?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

handwriting scrawl hand –written
diary scribble sth.down personal
calligraphy (= write sth. quickly) illegible
journal keep a diary sloppy (=untidy)
correspondence clear (=tidy)
put pen to paper (=write by hand) I don’t put pen to paper very often.
put … in writing A diary is a cool way to put your thoughts in
jot down (= write quickly) I might jot down a new idea in my notebook.

Part 2:

Describe a team project that you worked on.

You should say:

 what it was

 what you did

 and how you felt about it.


 I’d like to talk about a team project that I was involved in during my final term at business
school. There were four of us on the team, and our task was to work with a local company
to research a new market, in a European country, for one of their products or services. Our
objective was to produce a report and give a presentation.

 The first thing we did was split into two groups of two. We had been assigned a company
that produced a range of bicycle accessories, so two of us spent some time getting to know
the company while the other two researched the market and the competitors in the target
country, which was Germany. In the end, I think it was a successful project because we
managed to identify a possible gap in the market in Germany for one of the company’s
products. Our group presentation also went really well.

 Until that point, the course had been all about business theory, so it was quite a learning
experience to work with a real company. I felt a real sense of accomplishment when we
handed in our report and delivered our presentation, and I think all of us were proud of
what we had done.

Part 3: Achievements

1. Do you think that it's important for people to celebrate their achievements?
Yes, I definitely think people should celebrate whenever they are successful in some area
of life. I think the celebration is important because it marks the end of a period of effort,
and so it's a chance to enjoy the moment, to take stock of what you have achieved, and to
share the achievement with others. This is why, for example, universities have graduation
ceremonies, which encourage students to celebrate together and to take pride in what they
have done.

2. Why do you think some people prefer not to tell others about their achievements?
I imagine that people have different reasons for keeping their achievements to themselves.
One reason could be that some people don't like to show off or draw attention to
themselves. Other people perhaps don't value their own accomplishments because they are
constantly aiming at even bigger goals. Finally, I suppose that many of us are so busy that
we don't stop to savour the moment; maybe we need to slow down and enjoy our successes.

Part 1: Clothes
What types of clothes do you like wearing?
Where do you usually buy your clothes?
Did you wear a school uniform when you were younger?
What can we learn about a person from the clothes that they wear?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

clothing flaunt stylish
boutique show off trendy
garment dress up chic
trend go out of fashion well-made
clothes hard-wearing
fashion industry
the in thing (=the newest) This summer, baggy jeans are the in thing.
at the height of fashion (=fashionable) Sports clothing is at the height of fashion.
up-to-the-minute (=the most recent) I don’t really follow up-to-the-minute fashions.
dressed to the nines (=wearing very If a person is dressed to the nines, then it usually
formal clothes) means they want to impress someone.

Part 2:

Describe an interesting house or apartment that you have visited.

You should say:

- where the house or apartment was

- who lived there
- what it looked like on the outside and/or inside
- and explain why you found this house or apartment interesting.

 I’m going to describe an apartment that I recently visited in the city centre of Manchester.
The apartment was on the 10th floor of a brand new block that has just been built. This
building is on the edge of the main commercial area of the city, and the apartment
overlooks several of Manchester’s busiest shopping streets.
 Nobody was living in the apartment when I went there, because it had only just been put
on the market. I went to see it with a friend who is thinking of moving to Manchester; he
wanted to view some different properties, and I decided to go along and see what the
newest apartments were like.
 From the outside, the apartment was in a tall, shiny glass building - nothing too
remarkable. On the inside, as far as I remember, there weren’t many different colours:
the walls were an off-white colour, the floors were done in whitish tiles, and the kitchen
appliances were all silver metal coloured. I think the kitchen surfaces were made from
dark grey granite. The main feature, in terms of the look of the apartment, was the huge
floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, which allowed the sunlight to flood in.
 Although the white and silver decor wasn’t really to my taste, I did like the fact that the
apartment seemed so cool, clean and spacious. I particularly liked the open-plan kitchen
and living room, which had all sorts of gadgets that could be operated by a mobile phone
app. For example, I learnt how to use the app to control the lighting, heating, blinds,
security cameras and even the cooker. I found it fascinating that the apartment contained
so much up-to-the-minute technology, and that everything seemed to be connected via
wifi. It felt like I was taking a glimpse into the future.

Part 3: Home’s design

How do you think the design of homes will change in the future?
I don't think there will be much change in terms of what houses look like from the outside.
In this country, people still like traditional brick or stone houses. Having said that, the
design of apartment blocks will probably continue to develop, with more and more
experimental or futuristic buildings made of glass and metal. Imagine that it will be the
insides of homes that change the most; houses will no doubt be full of technological devices
to make our lives easier. Maybe we'll have things like voice-controlled doors, lights and

Part 1: Restaurants
How often do you eat out in restaurants?
What types of restaurants do you like best?
What types of restaurants are common in your city?
What are the advantages of eating out in restaurants?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

eatery eat out regional
cuisine dine out swanky
meal feast on posh
speciality dish sample low-cost
delicacy unsophisticated
decor setting
not all it’s/they’re cracked up to be Lots of posh restaurants are not all they’re cracked
(=not as good as people say) up to be.
run-of-the-mill (=ordinary, not special) In my neighbourhood there are quite a few run-of-
the-mill eateries.
set sb. back (=cost sb. a particular The swanky restaurants will set you back quite a lot
amount of money) of money.

Part 2:

Describe a TV programme or channel that you enjoy watching regularly.

You should say:

 what it is called and what it is about

 when you usually watch it

 why you prefer it to other programmes or channels

 I rarely watch traditional television channels nowadays; I much prefer searching for
interesting programmes or videos online. So, although it’s not a normal TV channel or
programme, I’d like to talk about a website which I think is kind of a modern version of
a TV channel. It’s called TED, which stands for ‘Technology, Entertainment, Design’,
and it’s a great place to watch short talks and presentations about all sorts of interesting
 The good thing about the videos on TED is that I can watch them whenever I want. I have
ted.com saved as one of my favourites on my laptop, and I tend to visit the website every
few days to check whether there is anything new. I often watch TED videos on my phone
while I’m travelling to work on the train.
 The reason I like watching online videos on TED is that I learn something new every time
I watch one. The tagline for the TED website is ‘ideas worth spreading’, and this
really sums up the appeal of the site for me. Instead of watching meaningless soap
operas and talk shows on TV, I’d much rather spend 10 minutes watching someone talk
about a breakthrough in technology, science or healthcare.

Part 3: TV programs

1. Do you think most people watch TV for education or for entertainment?

I think people watch TV primarily for entertainment. There are far more entertainment
programmes than educational ones, and in my experience most people treat television as a
form of relaxation in the evening. If I think about the most popular TV programmes in the
UK, such as talent shows like 'X Factor' or soap operas like 'Eastenders', the focus is
definitely on entertainment rather than education.
2. Should TV play a role in educating children? How?
Yes, it definitely should play a role in my opinion. Good children's TV programmes should
tell stories that contain some kind of lesson about how to behave or what is morally right
and wrong. Many of the traditional fairy tales, such as 'Cinderella', have been made into
TV programmes, and there is always a positive message in those stories.
3. How do you think TV viewing habits change as people get older?
TV viewing habits obviously change a lot as we get older. While toddlers might watch
programmes about talking animals, teenagers prefer action and adventure or sports, and as
adults we start taking an interest in news and politics. My own preferences, for example,
have changed over the years - I would never have watched news programmes when I was
younger. I think it would be very strange if our viewing habits didn't mature!

Part 1: Friends
How much time do you spend with your friends?
What do you usually do with your friends?
Do you prefer spending time with your family or friends?
Is friendship important to you?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

companion get together sociable
company hang out with gregarious
acquaintance socialize out-going
sibling chummy
best-buddy (US) extrovert
best – mate introvert
shared interests (=similar
one’s own flesh and blood (=family, Obviously my siblings are my own flesh and blood
relative) so I love them very much.
a sounding board (=a good person to I can use my best mate as a sounding board when I
talk to) have problems.

Part 2:

Describe a person you admire.

You should say:

 who the person is

 what he or she is like

 and why you admire him or her.

Here are some ideas.

 I'm going to talk about my father because he has been a major influence in my life.
 My father was always a good role model for me as I was growing up. He's hard-working,
patient and understanding; he's also got a good sense of humour and seems to get on well
with everybody. Hopefully I've inherited some of these traits.
 I admire my father because I think he brought me and my brothers/sisters up well; he was
quite strict but always fair, and he has always been someone I can turn to for advice. I
think my father set a good example by working hard and having a positive outlook on
life. I remember that he used to leave for work early and come home quite late, but he
always made time for me and my brothers/sisters.

Part 3: Money

1. Why is it important for people to save some of their money?

In the long term I think it's important to save for retirement, but it's also a good idea to have
a certain amount of money saved so that you can deal with unexpected problems in the less
distant future. For example, I've learnt to put some money aside for car repairs, and this
came in useful recently when I needed to have my car's brake pads changed. If I hadn't had
savings, the cost of getting my car repaired could have sent me into the red.

2. In your view, should children be taught how to manage money?

Not at school, no. I believe it's the job of parents to gradually teach children that kind of
thing, or perhaps there's no need for anyone to teach children about money because they
learn about it naturally as they grow up. For example, I remember being given money to
buy sweets or an ice cream when I was a child, and I soon learnt what I could afford and
what I couldn't.

3. Do you think that girls are better at saving money than boys?
I've never thought about that before. I don't see any reason why girls would be better savers
than boys or vice versa. I suppose it depends more on the personality of each individual
and what their interests are. For example, a child who likes cheap toys might not think
about saving, whereas a child who wants to buy something expensive, like a bike or a
games console, might summon the willpower to save up!

Part 1: Festivals
Do you often celebrate festivals in your culture?
What do people usually do during festivals?
Which is your favourite festival?
Do you think festivals are important?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

ceremony celebrate festive
festivity reunite cheerful
ritual revisit customary
reunion pay one’s respect to long – established
legend time – honoured
family get-together
push the boat out (=spend a lot of We really push the boat out during spring festival
money on celebrating something ) celebrations.
make merry (=have fun) People always make merry on New Year’s Eve.
slap-up meal (=big meal) There is usually a customary slap-up meal.
in high spirits (= happy) Everyone is in high spirits just before midnight.

Part 2:
Describe a photograph of you that you like.

You should say:

- where the photo was taken

- what you were doing when it was taken
- who took it
- and explain why you like the photo.

 The photograph that immediately comes to mind when I think of one that I like is my
university graduation photo. It was taken just before the graduation ceremony that marked
the end of my undergraduate degree. You can’t see anything in the background of the
photo, but it was actually taken in the students’ cafe next to the hall where the ceremony
was held.
 In the photo, I’m wearing the traditional clothing for university graduates: a black gown
and an academic cap, which is often called a mortar board. I’m also holding my rolled-
up degree certificate. Obviously this was a formal portrait photo, and so I was standing
still, smiling and looking into the camera.
 The person who took the photo was a professional photographer. He had been hired by
the university to set up in the cafe and take photos of graduates before the ceremony. He
had a white screen, some lighting devices, and an assistant who took payments and
collected our details.
 The reason why I like my graduation photo is that it reminds me of a pivotal moment in
my life. Being presented with my degree certificate at the graduation ceremony was the
culmination of four years of hard work, and it marked the end of the ‘education’ stage of
my life. I had achieved my objectives and made my family proud, and I knew that the
next step was to look for my first proper job. Whenever I look at the photo it brings back
happy memories, both of my university days and of the relief and contentment that I felt
on my graduation day.
Part 3: Photograph
1. Why do you think people like taking photos of themselves and others?
(Direct answer) I think the main reason why people take photos of themselves and their
friends and family is to collect memories. (Explain) What I mean is that photos are like
souvenirs that remind us of special moments in the past; people like looking back over their
lives and seeing what they were doing or how young they looked at a particular time.
(Example) My niece is a good example; she takes 'selfies' whenever she goes somewhere
interesting, and she loves to look through them with her friends.
2. Do you think it's ever worth hiring a professional photographer?
(Direct answer) Yes, for certain special occasions I definitely think it's best to pay a
professional to take photos. (Explain) A professional photographer is likely to have a better
camera and related equipment, and you would hope that the end result will be a set of
stunning photographs. (Personal example) Thinking back to a wedding that I attended last
summer, I remember that the photographer knew exactly what he was doing, and he took
some great pictures of the bride, groom and guests. (Opposite or alternative) Without a
paid professional, you would have to rely on a friend or family member to take photos, and
I think this would be risky. I don't think you can trust an amateur when it's a once-in-a-
lifetime event.

Part 1: The sea
Have you spent much time near the sea?
What do people usually do when they visit the sea?
Why do people like spending time near the sea?
Would you like to live near the sea?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

coast sunbathe marine
shoreline get a suntan rocky
seashore paddle sandy
water’s edge go for a swim pebbly
wave tropical
scuba diving exotic
marine wildlife coastal
sea breeze crystal-clear
beach resort
go for a dip (= go swimming) You can go for a dip in the crystal – clear water.
get one’s sea legs (= get used to being I went sailing but it took me a while to get my sea
on a ship/ boat) legs.

Part 2:

Describe an enjoyable day out in the countryside that you had.

You should say

- where you went on this day out

- who you were with
- what you did
- and explain why you enjoyed the day

 I’m going to describe a recent trip to a lovely place called the Tissington Trail. The
Tissington Trail is a path or track that follows the route of a former railway line through
beautiful countryside in the county of Derbyshire, here in the UK. The old railway line was
taken up many years ago, and it was transformed into a recreational trail that is ideal for
walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

 I went to the Tissington Trail because we had some family members, my brother and sister-
in-law and their daughter, staying with us over the weekend. They had come up to
Manchester from London, and they wanted my wife and me to take them somewhere where
they could breathe in some fresh countryside air and get away from the hustle and bustle
of the city.

 To reach the trail we had to park in Tissington itself, which is a charming, picturesque
village. We hired some bicycles there and set off along the trail. It was an easy ride because
the trail is mostly flat, with just a few gentle dips and inclines, and we were able to enjoy
the stunning scenery as we passed through areas of woodland, a dramatic limestone ravine,
and grassy meadows that were covered with colourful wild flowers.

 The part of the day that I enjoyed the most was when we cycled through a historic railway
tunnel on our bicycles. The tunnel has been fitted with a sound installation that plays eerie
steam train noises as you pass through it; we all loved the idea that the sounds transport
you back in time, and that you feel like you’re on an old steam train with its whistles and
clunking machinery. It was a really nice day out, and we all enjoyed relaxing in the village
tearoom at the end of our bike ride.

Part 3: Countryside

1. What advantages does living in the countryside have, compared to living in a city?
I think there are some clear advantages to living in the countryside. First, with the clean air
and lack of traffic or industry, countryside areas are much healthier places than the average
city. Another benefit would be the sense of community that comes with living in a small
village where everyone knows each other. Finally, it seems to me that the pace of life in
the countryside is slower, and the people are more laid back and friendly, compared to the
hustle and bustle and the stress of city life.
2. Have areas of countryside in your country changed since you were a child?
No, they haven’t changed very much where I live. The reason for this is that countryside
areas close to Manchester tend to be protected, and so construction is not allowed. For
example, I live quite close to an area called the Peak District, and nothing seems to have
changed there since I was young; the hills, paths and woodland areas are just as they were.

Part 1: Computers
How often do you use computers?
In what ways do people use computers in your country?
How did you learn to use a computer?
How much have computers changed your life?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

laptop surf (the net) digital
worldwide web browse (website) electronic
online shopping sit in front of (the computer) virtual
chat computer-literate
online gaming
technophobe (=someone who can’t use I used to be a technophobe but now I am computer –
a computer) literate.
call up (find and read) I can use the Internet to call up current news items.
conk out on (=break) My old computer conked out on me.
do … by hand Some tasks I prefer to do by hand, like writing

Part 2:
Describe a website that you often use.
You should say:
- what type of website it is
- how you found out about it
- what it allows you to do,
- and why you find it useful.

Here are some ideas, with some of the band 7-9 vocabulary underlined:
1. Facebook is a social networking website. It's a free website that allows you to keep in
contact with friends or find people you've lost touch with. It's one of the most popular
websites in the world, with millions of users in different countries.
2. All of my friends use Facebook. One of my friends sent me an email inviting me to join.
I signed up and I've been using it ever since.
3. Facebook allows you to keep up to date with what friends are doing. You have a profile
page with information and status updates so that you can tell everyone what you're
doing. You can post messages to other people's pages. You can upload photos and
videos. I find Facebook most useful for organising my life, keeping in touch with friends
and storing photos. I think social networking websites have become part of everyday

Part 3: Technology
1. How much has technology improved how we communicate with each other?
I'd say that technology has made communication faster and easier, but I don't think it has
improved the quality of communication between people. I mean, it's so easy to send a text
message or write a comment on social media these days, but maybe you could say that our
conversations are quite superficial compared to the way people communicated in the past.
For example, I remember writing long, detailed letters to friends and family members when
I was younger, but I tend to just send quick messages from my phone nowadays.

2. Do you agree that there are still many more major technological innovations to be made?
Of course! People are working on all sorts of new technologies as we speak, and I'm sure
that there will be technological advances and breakthroughs for as long as human societies
exist. Personally, I'm fascinated to see what happens with self-driving cars and other types
of artificial intelligence over the next few decades.

3. Could you suggest some reasons why some people are deciding to reduce their use of
Yes, I think the main reasons are that people feel overwhelmed or that their use of
technology is becoming unhealthy. Some people have realised that all the devices and
applications that they use are making their lives more complicated and stressful than
necessary. Others might see themselves becoming addicted to checking their phones, or
wasting too much time on their social media pages. I try to limit my own use of my phone
and laptop because I want to spend more of my time in the 'real world' than on the Internet.


Part 1: Public transport

What types of public transport can be found in your city?

What types of public transport do you use most?
Are there any public transport problems in your city?
How would you improve the public transport system in your country?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

transport network commut old-fashioned
bus system catch (a bus/ train) efficient
minicab inefficient
traffic well-organized
congestion government subsidized
rush hour
packed like sardines/ jam-packed During rush hour the buses are always jam-packed-
(=very crowded) actually the passengers are packed like sardines.
pile-up (=traffic accident) Sometimes there are serious pile-ups on the main
get stuck in traffic (= get stuck in a Buses always get stuck in traffic during rush hour.
traffic jam)

Part 2:
Describe a time you travelled by public transport.

You should say

- what type of public transport you used

- where you travelled from and to
- what you did during the journey
- and explain how you felt about travelling in this way

 I’m going to describe a train journey that I took last year between Manchester and London.
I’ve made the same journey many times, but I’ll never forget this particular time because
something happened that I wasn’t expecting.
 It was a Sunday morning and I was due in London that afternoon. There was no traffic at
all as I drove in to Manchester, and I was expecting a nice, peaceful trip on a half-empty
train. But my first surprise came when I tried to print my prepaid ticket at one of the ticket
machines: there wasn’t a reserved seat number on my ticket, which meant that I would
have to find an available seat. I was still wondering about this when I heard loud voices
and singing coming from the main station concourse. Suddenly I realised what was
happening - I was going to be on a train full of football fans travelling to a big match!
 Luckily I managed to find a seat before the train filled up. However, the noisy fans made
sure that I couldn’t concentrate on any work; I couldn’t even read the newspaper without
being interrupted by laughter, singing and football stories. In the end, I just sat and relaxed
with a cup of coffee, watching and listening to the excited fans.
 All in all, it wasn’t a bad journey; I love travelling by train and at least I had a comfortable
seat so that I could sit back and relax for a couple of hours. I would have preferred a quieter
trip, but the football fans were all friendly and good-natured, so I can’t really complain.
Even so, I made sure that I avoided them on the way home later that day!

Part 3: Transport
1. What types of transport are there in your town?
In Manchester I think you can find every form of transport apart from an underground
system. You can drive around the city by car or get on a bus; thereare even free buses that
take people between the train stations. Manchester also has a tram system, and of course
there are taxis too.
2. How has transport changed since your grandparents were young?
Well, they had cars, trains and planes back then, and London already had the underground
system, but I suppose the difference is that technology has moved on. Having said that, the
transport system is not necessarily better nowadays; people travel a lot more, and I'm sure
we spend more time stuck in traffic.
3. What types of transport do you think we will use in the future?
I'm not sure, but hopefully we'll have cars that drive themselves and never crash. I
think we'll probably fly more, and it might become normal to have your own plane. On the
other hand, many cities are building more bicycle lanes, so maybe we will use cars less for
getting around towns and cities.

Part 1: Happiness
What kinds of things make you happy?
What do you do if you feel unhappy?
Is unhappiness always a bad thing?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

Pleasure Cheer up Contented
Satisfaction Brighten up Gloomy
Depression Go through (a bad time) Overjoyed
Frame of mind Dejected
in high spirits (=happy) I am always in high spirits when I go out with my
on cloud nine (=happy) After I win at basketball I feel like I’m on cloud
down in the dumps (=sad) I usually feel down in the dumps if my football team

Part 1: Weekends
What do you usually do at the weekend?
What do people usually do at weekends in your country?
Do you think your weekends are long enough?
How important do you think it is to have free time?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

leisure pursuit amuse by soothing
spare time unwind by pleasing
pastime kill time by engaging
time off
let one’s hair down (=relax) At weekends I usually let my hair down.
take it easy (=relax) On Saturdays I take it easy.
slip (= (time) passes quickly) I feel like the weekend slips too quickly.

Part 2:
Describe an interesting advertisement that you have seen.
You should say:

 where you saw it

 what it was about
 why you think it was an interesting advertisement.

Choose something simple. Here's an example with the "band 7" vocabulary underlined:

 I'm going to talk about an advertisement for Coca-Cola, which is one of the biggest brands
in the world. I've seen Coke advertised everywhere, on posters and TV commercials.
 The advert shows a picture of Santa Claus smiling and holding a bottle of Coke. I think the
aim is to target children and associate (link/connect) the brand with Christmas time.
 The advert is interesting because the company is deliberately trying to influence and
attract children. The marketers are trying to capture young customers. They are presenting
the drink as something special, a gift for Christmas. However, Coca-Cola is not
necessarily a healthy drink for children; it contains a lot of sugar. Maybe this kind of
advertising manipulates children and encourages them to pester their parents.

Part 3: Buying habits

Why do you think some people prefer to buy products from their own countries rather than
imported items?
(idea) I suppose it’s because those people want to support the economy of the country they
live in. (explain) If they buy something that was made in their own country, they know
that they are contributing to the salaries of workers within the same
country, (alternative) whereas if they buy imported items, a foreign company and its
employees will benefit. (example) For example, if I buy some meat that originates from a
local farm rather than a farm in another country, I’m helping one of my fellow citizens to
carry on in business. (another idea) Also, I think that trust is an issue; people might feel
that they can trust domestically produced items more than imported ones.

Part 1: Shopping
Do you like shopping?
How often do you go shopping?
What kinds of shops are there in the area you live?
What’s the worst thing about shopping?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

essential purchase inexpensive
store flog (slang for ―sell) low-priced
luxury haggle pricey
market stall pick out over-priced
independent retailer fake
chain genuine
the real McCoy (=genuine, not fake) Most chain stores only stock the Reak McCoy
going for a song (=offered at a low If I see some classy products going for a song – I
price) might me tempted.
rip sb. off (=cheat sb.) Some market stalls rip you off – they always flog
fake stuff.

Part 2:

Describe a time when you received good service in a restaurant or cafe.

You should say:

- when this was

- what kind of restaurant or cafe you were in
- why you were there
- and why you thought the service was good

 I’m going to talk about the service we received in a restaurant where a friend of mine
celebrated his birthday last Saturday evening.
 My friend had decided to book a table in a local Italian restaurant for the party. It was a
small, family-run place, but this made it feel all the more welcoming and inviting.
The atmosphere was great and the service was excellent.
 As I mentioned, I went to the restaurant because a friend had invited me to celebrate his
birthday there. There were about ten of us there - mostly people I’ve known since
university - and it was really nice to catch up with them and chat about what we had all
been up to since we last got together.
 The service was good because the restaurant staff and owners really made us feel at home.
From the moment we walked in, the waiters were polite, approachable and attentive;
nothing was too much to ask. They brought out a cake with candles and sang ‘Happy
Birthday’ to my friend, although we hadn’t asked them to do this, and the restaurant owners
kept checking whether we were happy with everything, which was thoughtful of them. All
in all, the delicious food, good company and friendly service made it an unforgettable

Part 3: Customer service

1) How important is customer service for you?

(Answer) Customer service is really important for me because I like to feel welcome and
valued as a customer. (Explain) If companies want us to use their products or services, I
believe they should treat us well and therefore encourage us to return. (Example) For
example, I have a favourite cafe where I like to go, and the friendly staff are the main
reason that I’ve become a loyal customer.

2) What can companies do to improve their customer service?

(Answer) I think managers need to train their employees to deliver great customer
service. (Explain) There are lots of things that staff members can do, such as ensuring that
customers are greeted in the right way, their problems are handled quickly, and they are
asked for feedback. (Example) For example, the staff in my favourite cafe greet customers
as soon as they come through the door, and they always check that we are happy before we

Part 1: Films
Do you like watching films?
What types of film do you like watching?
How often do you watch films?
Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

big name produce unforgettable
star direct tear-jerking
director star in spellbinding
current release act in thrilling
soundtrack play the lead role samey
blockbuster big-budget
film buff (=someone who loves films) I wouldn’t describe myself as a film buff.
box-office smash (=a very successful I find most box-office smashes to be a bit samey.

Part 2:
Describe something you did that made you feel proud of yourself.
You should say:

- what you did

- when you did it
- why you felt proud of what you had done
- and explain how you felt when this happened.

 One of my proudest achievements was completing my undergraduate degree at the
university of ….. (name). The key moment that I remember was when I received my final
exam results; I was delighted to have passed with better scores than I expected.
 I graduated from university in …… (year). As far as I recall, we received our final exam
results in May and the graduation ceremony was in July. Our exam scores for individual
course modules were posted on the noticeboard in the corridor of the university department,
and I remember getting into the lift in the department one morning, knowing that I would
soon see my results.
 The particular moment when I really felt overjoyed and proud of what I had achieved was
when I saw my exam results on the department noticeboard. This was the precise point in
time when I realised that I had passed and that my hard work had paid off. I was proud
because I had overcome some setbacks earlier in the course, and I had proved to myself
that I could achieve my goals.
 As I approached the department noticeboard I felt really nervous but also excited; I knew
that the moment of truth was just seconds away. And when I saw my final exam results I
was surprised, thrilled and relieved all at the same time. I didn’t shout out with joy, but I
think I probably clenched my fist and said “yes” to myself. I certainly remember walking
back down the corridor with a spring in my step, feeling elated and knowing that four years
of study were finally over.

Part 3: Living
1. Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?
I’m not sure what the ‘right’ age would be, but I do agree with the principle that young
adults should try to live alone if they can. For some people, the right age is when they get
their first full-time jobs and can afford to pay rent, and for others it's when they start
university and move into a hall of residence with other students. This was what happened
in my case; I moved out of the family home at age 18 when I started university.

2. Do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

I think it’s better to buy your own home if you can afford to do that. Buying your own
home is a better investment in the long term, because you can sell the home and perhaps
even make a profit on it. The alternative is to pay rent to a landlord who can ask you to
leave at any moment.

Part 1: Animals
Do you like animals?
What types of animals do people keep as pets in your country?
How do most people feel about animals in your country?
What are animals used for in your country?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

wildlife protect endangered
species conserve extinct
domestic animal raise (farm animals) domesticated
mammal provide food for widespread
reptile offer protection commonplace
dairy farming
flora and fauna (=all animals and plants People in cities don’t really care about flora and
like one of the family People treat their dogs like one of the family.
make a fuss over(= care very much for) People often make a fuss over their pets.

Part 2:

Describe a wild animal from your country.

You should say

 what the animal is and what it looks like

 where it lives

 and explain how people in your country (or you) feel about this animal.

 I'm going to describe the 'robin' which is a wild bird that is common in the UK. The robin
is a small bird with brown and white feathers and an area of bright red colour on it's face
and on the front of its body. The area of red colour makes robins very easy to distinguish
from other birds.
 Robins are common garden birds. Many houses in the UK have a garden, and you can
often see this bird sitting in a tree. They make their nests in trees and go looking for food.
You might also see a robin if you go for a walk in the countryside or in a park.
 Robins have a special place in British culture. They are considered to be Christmas birds,
and are often used on Christmas cards. Many people leave food in their gardens for robins
and other small birds to eat.

Part 3: Wildlife

1. What effects do you think humans have on wild animals?

Humans have a huge impact on wild animals. We have destroyed a lot of natural habitats,
and many animals are in danger of extinction. Tigers and rhinos, for example,
are endangered species because of humans. The pollution and waste that we produce also
have an effect on animals. In some places there are no fish in the rivers.

2. What measures could we take to protect wildlife?

I think we need stricter rules to protect natural areas and the wild animals that live there.
For example, we should stop cutting down trees in the rainforest. National parks are a good
idea because they attract tourists while protecting wildlife.

3. Is it the responsibility of schools to teach children about protecting wildlife?

Yes, schools can play a big part in educating children about this issue. Children should
learn how to look after the natural environment. I think schools already teach children
about endangered species and the destruction of rain forests, so hopefully future
generations will do a better job of protecting wildlife.

Part 1: Routines
What time do you usually get up in the morning?
Are your weekday and weekend routines different?
What’s your favorite time of day?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

habit wake up later than usual
fixed schedule get out of bed earlier than normal
agenda retire (=go to bed) flexible
routine rigid
the daily grind (=everyday work At the weekend I can forget about the daily grind.
get away from it all (= get away from It’s a good idea to get away from it all at least
the daily work routine) once a month.
get into the swing of (=get used to) I find it quite easy to get into the swing of my
study routine.
early bird (= someone who gets up I’m not much of an early bird.

Part 2:

Describe a time when you were really busy.

You should say

- when this was

- why you were so busy
- how you managed the situation
- and explain how you felt at the time.


 I’m going to talk about the time I left a university assignment until the last minute and
had to work flat out to get it finished. This was about ten years ago when I was doing
my Master’s degree.
 I had to do several 3000-word assignments for the modules on my Master’s course, but
I remember that there was one in particular that I really struggled with. I had been
procrastinating and putting it off for weeks, and in the end I left myself just two days to
get the whole assignment done. This included finding and reading relevant books and
articles, deciding on my thesis and assignment title, and producing a final draft which
had to be handed in to the department office before the deadline.
 The pressure of such a close deadline actually forced me to manage the task in a really
efficient way. My first step was to decide on the general area that I wanted to write
about, and then I limited myself to just ten research sources. I printed the most relevant
pages, highlighted the key paragraphs and made some notes to summarise and
synthesise the ideas that I found interesting. Finally, I just started writing the main body
of the assignment, and I wrote the title and the introduction last.
 I had mixed feelings at the time. I was annoyed with myself for leaving it so late to get
started on the assignment, but I was relieved and quite impressed with myself when I
managed to complete the final draft so quickly. It was also quite stressful and tiring to
have to find articles, do photocopying and then write everything so quickly. I wouldn’t
want to go through that again!

Part 3: Free time

1. Did people have more free time when your grandparents were young?
When my grandparents were young, I think they had less leisure time. They didn't have
the gadgets we use nowadays, so they probably spent more time doing simple things. For
example, nowadays we can cook meals in a microwave in less than 5 minutes, whereas
in the past people had to cook everything themselves.

2. Do you think the hobbies people have will be different in the future?
No, I don't think hobbies will change much in the future. I'm sure people will still
play games and sports. On the other hand, maybe the Internet is changing the way we
spend our free time. In the future, more and more people might have online hobbies.

Part 1: Family

Tell me about your family.

What kinds of things do you and your family do together?
Who does the housework in your family?
Would you prefer to have a larger or smaller family?

Nouns Adjectives
family unit Affectionate
relative Intimate
household chore Distant
family circle
family connection

It’s in the blood (= it’s a natural part of All my family are really fond of reading – I guess
one’s character). it’s in the blood.
run in the family (= be shared family My brothers and I have big ears – it runs in the
characteristic). family.
born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth I wasn’t exactly born with a silver spoon in my
(= born into a rich family). mouth – my family is quite normal.

Part 2:
Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child.
You should say:

- when you got it

- what it looked like
- who gave it to you
- and how you used it or played with it.


 One special toy that I remember getting was a Lego car. It was a birthday present from my
parents. I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I was probably about 10 or 11.

 The special thing about this car was that I had to build it myself out of hundreds of pieces
of Lego. The pieces came in a box with a picture of the finished car on the front, and I had
to follow step-by-step instructions to put all the pieces together in the correct way. This
wasn't an easy task because the car even had an engine, movable seats and gears. It took
me a day or two to make, and required a lot of concentration.

 When the car was finished it looked great, and I felt a sense of accomplishment. I seem to
remember that I didn't play with the car very much; the fun part had been the process of
building it.

Part 3: Children's toys

1. Do you think it's important for boys to play with "boys' toys" and for girls to only play with
"girls' toys"?

I think boys naturally seem to prefer playing with "boys' toys" and girls with "girls' toys".
When I was young I had toy cars, trucks, guns and things like that, whereas my sister
always wanted to play with dolls. I don't suppose it really matters if a boy plays with a doll
or a girl plays with a toy car, but children learn quickly what toys are supposed to be for
boys and for girls.

2. Do you think it's good if parents only buy "educational" toys for their children?

No, I don't agree with only giving children educational toys. In my opinion, children learn
by playing with whatever interests them. Children invent their own games, even if they
don't have any toys at all. It's important for children just to have fun; there will be plenty
of time for parents to worry about education when their children get older.

Part 1: Cooking & eating
Can you cook?
Who usually does the cooking in your home?
How do people usually learn to cook in your country?
What are the advantages of being able to cook?
What food do you like eating?
Is there any food that you don’t like?
What food is popular in your country?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

cookery become skilled at yummy
cuisine prepare full of flavor
ingredient entertain (= have guests) nourishing
recipe eat out home-cooked
home economics dine out famished
a bite to eat (=snack) eat at home appetizing
oven revolting
regional dish fattening
calories wholesome
flavour peppery


lip-smacking (=delicious) When I entertain guests I try to some lip-smacking

burn to a crisp (= burn food) Once I tried to prepare steak for my friends but it
burns to a crisp.
rustle up (= cook sth, quickly It’s good to be able to rustle up a quick bite to eat
without a recipe) when you’re famished.
wolf down (= eat very quickly) When I’m in a hurry I wolf down some fast food
something about it (=something strange I can’t stand seafood. There’s just something about
or special) it I’m not sure about.

Part 2:
Describe a change that you would like to see in your local area. You should say:
- what the change would be
- who would be involved in making the change
- how it would be done
- and why you would like to see the change happen.

 The change that I’d like to see in my local neighbourhood is the pedestrianisation of the
main shopping street in the town centre. I’d like to see traffic diverted around this area in
order to make it safer and more attractive for visitors and shoppers. Most of the traffic that
clogs up the main street is just passing through the town, but it’s the local people who have
to put up with the congestion, noise and pollution.
 It’s the job of the local council to make changes like the one I’m suggesting. But before
the council does anything, there usually needs to be some pressure from local people to
bring a problem to light. So, perhaps we need a campaign by local residents who want to
see this change. Then the council might contract a town planner or an architect to come up
with some possible designs for a new road system.
 I’m not sure how exactly the process of creating a pedestrian street would work, but I
imagine that it would require detailed planning. Perhaps a bypass would need to be built
around the town centre first. This would give drivers a faster alternative to driving through
the town, and it would allow the main shopping street to be blocked off and pedestrianised.
 I’d like to see this change because it would really improve the quality of life of residents
in the town where I live. I can imagine the new pedestrian street having cafes and
restaurants with outdoor seating. It would be a safer and more pleasant place for families
to go shopping, and I’m sure this would have a positive knock-on effect on local shops and

Part 3: Cities
What do you think cities will be like in 50 years time?
I imagine cities will be less polluted because we'll have electric cars and better public
transport. More people might work from home so maybe cities won't be so busy. But I
think there will probably still be problems because more and more people are migrating
to cities. So I'm not so optimistic about issues like crime, homelessness and

Part 1: Weather
What’s the weather like in your hometown?
What do you do when the weather is bad?
What type of weather do you like best?
Would you like to have that type of weather all year round?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

climate drizzle torrential (rain)
blizzard shift balmy (=warm)
average temperature vary sunny
shower sun-drenched
spell sweltering (=hot)
muggy (=humid)
chilly (=cold)
clammy (=humid)
nippy (=cold)
chuck it down (=rain heavily) It’s chucking it down outside.
rain or sunshine (=in all weather) Rain or sunshine – I love to be outdoors.
like a sauna (= a hot and humid place) My city is like a sauna in summer.

Part 2:
Describe your favourite season in your country. You should say

- when that season is

- what the weather is like at that time of year

- how that season is different from other seasons

- and why it is your favourite season.

 My favourite season in England is winter. A typical English winter would last around 4
or 5 months between November and March, but when I say that I like the winter, I’m
really thinking about the coldest month or two each year.
 During those really wintry months, the temperature drops below zero and it often snows.
Over the last few years we’ve had periods of quite heavy snowfall, to the extent that roads
have been blocked and schools have had to close. Last winter I remember looking out of
the window one morning and seeing everything covered in a layer of white.
 Obviously the snow is what differentiates winter from the other seasons, but when it
doesn’t snow there isn’t much difference between winter, autumn and spring; winter is
just a bit colder.
 The reason I’ve chosen winter as my favourite season is because I like the snow. I live
near the countryside, and the landscape looks beautiful when everything is covered in
white. We also celebrate Christmas and New Year in the winter, and these are my
favourite festivals.

Part 3: Emotions
1. Do you think it’s good to show your emotions when you’re angry?
I think it depends on the situation and how you show your emotions. I find that if I’m angry
with a friend or someone in my family, it’s best to tell them what the problem is and try to
express how I feel. However, I don’t think it helps to argue with people when you’re angry;
it’s better to control the anger and explain what’s wrong.

2. In your opinion, do women show their emotions more than men?

The stereotypical view is that women are more emotional, and in my experience there is
some truth in this; my mother, for example, tends to show her feelings much more readily
than my father. However, I’m sure that there are exceptions to the stereotype.

3. Why do you think men tend to show their emotions less than women?
Maybe it’s because of the way we are brought up. I think that boys are often taught from
an early age not to cry. Also, boys are aware that their friends might see it as a sign of
weakness if they show their feelings. Perhaps girls are brought up to be more sensitive to
their friends' feelings.

Part 1: Travelling
How much travelling have you done?
Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?
When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
What places would you like to visit in the future?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

package tour go backpacking touristy
independent travel go sightseeing tacky
guided tour overdeveloped
tourism luxurious
tourist exclusive
tourist trap spectacular
sightseeing magnificent
travel agent breathtaking
landscape picturesque
tourist attraction
off the beaten track (= to a place not When I go backpacking, I prefer to go off the beaten
usually visited by tourists) track.
rough it (= live in uncomfortable When we went camping we had to rough it two days
conditions, eg, camping) on the mountain.
see the sights (= visit the famous I always try to see the sights.

Part 2:
Describe a modern building.

You should say:

 where it is

 what it is used for

 and why you like/dislike it.

 I'm going to describe a modern building in Manchester. It's called the Beetham Tower,
and it's the tallest building in the city, with about 50 floors.
 Although it's called the Beetham Tower, most people know this building as the Hilton
Hotel. In fact, the bottom half of the tower is the hotel and the top half is apartments. The
apartments are expensive because the location and views make them very desirable.
 I'm not sure if I like the design of the building, it's just a huge glass tower, but it definitely
stands out. It has become a famous landmark in the city. You can see it as you approach
Manchester, and it's an easy place to meet people because it's so distinctive and easy to
find. The most interesting thing about the Beetham Tower is that there is a bar/restaurant
on the 23rd floor which has spectacular views of the city; it's definitely the best vantage
point in Manchester because there are no walls, only huge windows, so you can look out
over the city in any direction. I'd recommend anyone who visits Manchester to go there
and experience the view.

Part 3: Hospitality
1. In your country, how do people treat visitors from abroad?
I think we treat visitors well. People in the UK are very open-minded and welcoming, and
we enjoy the mix of cultures that immigration and tourism bring. Most UK cities, for
example, are really cosmopolitan, and you can meet visitors from every part of the world.

2. Do you think hospitality towards visitors is less important than it was in the past?
In my city, maybe it’s true that hospitality is less important nowadays, but that’s only
because we are so used to seeing visitors from different countries, so we treat it as a normal
part of life and nothing too special.

3. What are the advantages of staying with a friend compared to staying in a hotel when visiting
a foreign country?
If you stay with a friend, you benefit from someone with local knowledge of the best places
to visit. You can also get to know the character and customs of the local people, and for
me, this is one of the most interesting aspects of a visit to another country. On the other
hand, if you stay in a hotel, you are forced to discover the new place on your own, so it’s
more of an adventure.

Part 1: Birthdays
How are birthdays usually celebrated in your country?
What gifts do people receive on their birthdays in your country?
Do people eat special food on their birthdays in your country?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

get-together get older unexpected
shindig grow older customary
greeting card give presents

- throw a party (= have a party) Most people throw a party on their 21st birthday
- let one’s hair down (=enjoy oneself) People can really let their hair down on their
- push the boat out/paint the town red On their 21st birthday most people really push the
(= have a big celebration) boat out/ paint the town red.

Part 2:
Describe a prize that you would like to win.

You should say:

- what the prize is for

- how you know about it

- what you would have to do to win it

- and why you would like to win this prize.

 I’m going to talk about a prize that I would like to win, which is the ‘employee of the year’
award at the company where I work. At the end of December each year, the company
directors give this award to a member of staff who has made an outstanding contribution
to the business over the previous twelve months.
 I first heard about this prize during my training and orientation period just after I got the
job three years ago. It was early December and some of my colleagues were discussing
who might be awarded ‘employee of the year’ later that month. I was intrigued, and asked
them to tell me more about the award.
 As I said, the prize is given for ‘outstanding contribution to the business’. We don’t have
an exact definition of what this means, but we assume that you have to achieve certain
standards, such as 100% attendance, good punctuality, meeting targets and deadlines, good
teamwork, and so on. I think the winner also needs to have done something especially
creative. For example, last year’s winner created a completely new service for our clients.
 I’d like to win ‘employee of the year’ because it would mean that my work had been
recognised by the company directors, and this would definitely help me to progress in my
career. It would also give me a great sense of personal achievement.

Part 3: Life

1. Do you think people had easier lives 50 years ago?

Yes, maybe life was simpler and less stressful 50 years ago. The mobile phone didn’t exist,
so I suppose it was easier to forget about work at the end of the day because
people couldn't contact you so easily.

2. Do you think life will be more stressful in the future?

Yes, it probably will be more stressful. As the world gets smaller, employees will probably
have to travel to different countries more often and stay in touch with colleagues and clients
all over the world. There will also be more competition for jobs and the cost of
living will keep going up.

Part 1: Buildings
What types of buildings are there in your city?
Do you prefer old or new buildings?
Are historical buildings important?
Would you like to live in an old building?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

architecture construct elegant
structural design erect well-designed
skyscraper renovate unsightly
office demolish contemporary
put up (= build) They are putting up loads of unsightly office blocks.

do up (= repair) They should do up some of the old-fashioned


pull down (= demolish) They are pulling down older neighbourhoods to

make way for the new skyscrapers.

Part 2:
Describe an old building that you like.

You should say:

 where it is

 what it is used for

 and why you like it.


 I'm going to describe a very famous building in New York: the Empire State Building.
People might not think of it as an old building, but the Empire State Building was built
in 1931, so I don't think it can be classed as new. It's located on Manhattan island and it's
probably the most distinctive and recognisable building when you look at New York's
 As far as I know, the Empire State Building is an office building, but visitors can go up
to an observation deck on the top floor, which is the 102nd floor. There's also a 360-
degree observation area on the 86th floor. Apparently, the building makes more money
from the sale of tickets to the observation floors than it does from office rentals.
 I think the Empire State Building is still one of the most impressive skyscrapers in the
world. It's such an iconic structure, and it's amazing to think that it was built around 80
years ago. The best thing about the building is the viewing deck on the top floor, which
offers spectacular views of the city; it's definitely the best vantage point in New York. I'd
recommend anyone who visits the city to go there and experience the view.

Part 3: leisure activities

1. What is the relationship between leisure and the economy?
Well, people spend a lot of money on all sorts of leisure activities nowadays, so I think
leisure is a very important part of the economy of most countries. Leisure could be anything
that people do in their free time, such as eating out, going to the cinema, watching a football
match, or staying in a hotel. Millions of people are employed in these areas.

2. How does the economy benefit from people's leisure activities?

The leisure industry makes a huge contribution to the economy. As I said before, it keeps
millions of people in employment, and all of these employees pay their taxes and have
money to spend on other goods and services. At the same time, most people spend some
of their earnings on leisure activities, and this money therefore goes back into the economy.

3. Do men and women enjoy the same type of leisure activities?

Yes and no. I think both men and women enjoy things like eating in restaurants or going
to the cinema, but I'm sure there are other activities that are more popular with one gender.
For example, I think more men than women go to football matches.

Part 1: Museums
Do you like museums?
How often do you visit museums?
What types of museum can be found in your country?
Why are museums important?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

Natural History Museum put on display rare
antique put on show antique
artifact exhibit prehistoric
fossil primitive
take sth. in (= look at sth.) It takes about a full day to take in all the museums.

make a day of sth. (= spend a whole I’m quite into making a day of walking around the
day doing sth.) science museum.

on view / on display There are loads of prehistoric fossils on view.

Part 2:
Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

- where the market is

- what the market sells
- how big the market is
- and explain why you enjoyed visiting it.


 I’m going to describe a street market that I’ve enjoyed visiting many times in Manchester.
It’s the Manchester Christmas Market, and it comes to the city for about a month from
the end of November every year. The market stalls are spread across several sites in the
city centre, but the centrepiece is the large European market in Albert Square next to the
Town Hall.
 The Christmas Market stalls sell an array of Christmas gifts and mouth-watering food and
drink from all over Europe. It’s a great place to find handmade crafts such as jewellery,
ornaments, wooden toys and other souvenirs, but it’s the food and drink that seem to be
most popular. Probably the biggest seller is the ‘Gluhwein’, a hot, sweet wine which is
sold in a souvenir mug.
 The market was originally quite small, occupying just one of the central squares in
Manchester, but it’s grown quickly in recent years, spilling over into maybe five other
pedestrian streets and a few other squares. Apparently there are over 200 stalls now, so
it’s become a really big event attracting thousands of visitors.
 The main reason I’ve always enjoyed visiting the Christmas Market is the fantastic
atmosphere. When I went there last December, it didn’t matter how cold or wet the
weather was, Manchester seemed to come alive when the market opened; the streets were
bustling with people and there was a real festive feel to the city.

Part 3: City life

1. How is life different in cities compared to rural areas?
Firstly, the cost of living in cities is much higher. Housing is much more expensive in
cities compared to rural areas; everything costs more. I think life in cities is more difficult.
There are more people, so there's more competition for jobs. Life is a lot slower in rural
areas, everyone knows each other and there's a sense of community. I don't think rural
areas experience the social problems that you find in cities, like crime and homelessness.

2. How do you think life in big cities could be made easier?

In my opinion cities need to be well-planned. Good public transport can definitely make
life easier because there are so many people and it can be really stressful just to move
around. Public areas like parks are also important because people need space to relax,
and I think cities should be made into healthier places to live and work.

Part 1: Healthy eating
Do you like eating healthy food?
Do you think it is important to eat healthy food?
Is fast food popular in your country?
Do you think people eat healthier food nowadays compared with people in the past?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

calories munch (= eat) nutritious
cholesterol lose weight nourishing
vitamin put weight on wholesome
mineral harmful (to one’s health)
in good shape/ in good condition She’s in good shape after months of training.
(= having a healthy body)

pig out (= eat a large amount of food, We pigged out on pizza last night.
usually unhealthy food)

a Big Mac Attack (modern slang for The Child is having a Big Mac Attack.
eating Macdonald’s fast food)

junk food (= un healthy fast food) Junk food has little or no nutrition.

a fast-food joint (= a restaurant which There’s a fast-food joint in the strect corner.
serves fast food)

Part 2:

Describe a piece of furniture that you own.

You should say:

- what it is
- where you bought it
- how you use it
- and explain why you like it.


 I'm going to talk about my favourite chair. It's a big, leather armchair that sits in my living
room at home, just under my living room window.
 I didn't actually buy the armchair. One of my friends was moving house and was going
to buy some new furniture. I had always liked his leather armchair, so he said I could
have it if I managed to move it. The chair wouldn't fit in my car, and it was tricky to get
it out of my friend's apartment. I had to hire a small van to take the armchair home.
 Obviously I use the armchair for sitting! It's my favourite place in the house to relax, read
a book, watch TV or even do some work; the chair's arms are quite wide and flat, so my
laptop fits nicely on either of them. Last night I fell asleep in my armchair while I was
watching a film.
 The main reasons why I like this piece of furniture are that it's comfortable and it's in the
perfect position in my living room. The only drawback might be that I enjoy sitting in the
armchair too much, and sometimes I think it makes me lazy!

Part 3: status symbols

1. In your country, what possessions show a higher status or position in society?
In my country, people who are wealthy tend to buy big houses and cars. Certain makes of
car such as Mercedes or Ferrari are status symbols. They let other people know that you
are important or powerful. People who want to give this impression often wear expensive
designer clothes, or watches by brands like Rolex.

2. Do you think we place too much importance on possessions?

Probably, yes. Some people are obsessed with showing off their new mobile phone or
wearing the latest fashions. I think it's a problem for teenagers because there's a lot of peer
pressure to follow fashion or buy the latest gadget that their friends have got.

3. Do you think things were different 50 years ago?

Yes, maybe people were less materialistic. I think they bought things that lasted longer;
my grandparents talk about how they repaired things rather than throwing them away.
Maybe brands and advertising weren't as powerful as they are now.

Part 1: Childhood
Did you have a happy childhood?
What party of your childhood do you remember most?
What makes a happy childhood?
What would you like to change about your childhood?

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

early years recall reminiscent
infancy grow childish
formative years develop adolescent
in the prime of one’s life In the prime of my life, I gained lots of prizes
(= in one’s early years)
vim and vigour (= energy) During my adolescence, I used to always have so
much vim and vigour.

Part 2:

Describe an indoor game that you enjoyed as a child.

You should say:

- what the game was

- where you played it

- who played this game with you

- and why you liked it

 As a child I enjoyed playing chess. I think chess is probably the best known board game in
the world. It’s a game for two players, and the aim is to defeat the other player by taking
his or her pieces and eventually trapping his King. This final move is called checkmate.
 I remember that it was a classmate of mine at primary school who first taught me to play
chess. He had a small, portable chess set, and once I knew how each piece moved, we
started playing at break and lunch times; we played in our classroom or outside on the
school playground. Later my parents bought me my own chess set as a birthday present so
that I could play at home.
 I taught my younger brother to play, and at some point I joined the school chess club. There
I had the chance to hone my skills against some of the older pupils, and in my final year of
primary school I made it onto the school team. There were five of us on the team, and we
competed against children from other primary schools in the same town.
 I liked playing chess because I enjoyed the challenge of thinking ahead and trying to outwit
my opponent. I was probably seven or eight years old when I started playing, and it seemed
like a very mysterious and intellectual game at that time. Also, although I loved winning,
chess taught me to learn from my losses and to congratulate the person who had beaten me.

Part 3: Reading

1. Are the any occasions when reading at speed is a useful skill?

Personally, if I’m reading something interesting, I don’t like reading too quickly because I
feel that I don’t properly absorb the information. However, it can be useful to skim through
things when you don’t really want to read them, or when you just need to find one particular
piece of information. For example, I read at speed when I'm checking a household bill or a
letter from the bank.

2. Are there any jobs where people need to read a lot? What are they?

Well, researchers obviously need to read a lot, and I suppose that politicians, journalists
and other professionals who need to know about current affairs read a lot too. Having said
that, I think most workers read hundreds of emails every week. In my previous job, for
example, I had to check internal staff emails at least twice a day.

3. Do you think that reading novels is more interesting than reading factual books? Why is that?

Both types of book can be equally interesting in my opinion. A good novel can transport
you to another world where the characters in the book become almost real. On the other
hand, factual books can give you fascinating insights into anything from psychology to
ancient history.


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