Module 2 - Class 1
Module 2 - Class 1
Module 2 - Class 1
Environmental Pollution
- Air Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of harmful contaminants into the natural
environment. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such
as noise, heat, or light.
1. Air pollution
2. Water pollution
3. Land/Soil pollution
Acid rain is a broad term that includes any form of precipitation with
acidic components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid, that falls to the ground
from the atmosphere in wet or dry forms. This can include rain, snow,
fog, hail, or even dust that is acidic.
● Acid rain can cause damage to fish and other aquatic animals.
● Some microbes found in the soil are unable to tolerate changes in
pH and are killed.
● The particulates responsible for acid rain in the air contribute to
heart and lung problems, including asthma and bronchitis in
● Acid rain has been shown to have an adverse effect, causing
damage to buildings.
Causes of Acid Rain
What causes acid rain?
Acid rain results when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are
emitted into the atmosphere and transported by wind and air
currents. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water,
oxygen and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids.
These then mix with water and other materials before falling to the
Winds can blow sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides over long
distances and across borders, making acid rain a problem for
everyone and not just those who live close to these sources.
Ways to Improve Air Quality
Carpooling: Carpooling reduces traffic jams, traffic-based air pollution, saves money on fuel, and is good
for the environment.
Use bicycles: Riding a bicycle will reduce carbon emissions, which are responsible for global warming. It
also minimises our dependence on fossil fuels.
Public transport: public transportation inherently benefits the environment because it reduces the number
of people driving single-occupancy vehicles. By increasing ridership on public transit, more fuel is
conserved, air pollution decreases, and traffic jams are reduced.
CNG vehicles: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is one of the cleanest fuels for our environment. CNG can
reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 30% and toxic pollutants by up to 90%.
Stop burning: The burning of leaves, old tyres, and garbage is a major cause of air pollution. We should
try to convert leaves and other organic matter into compost, recycle or reduce garbage by using
eco-friendly alternatives.
Renewable energy: Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels can
reduce air pollution. diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuel.
Planting trees: As trees grow, they help stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air,
storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
Odour Pollution
Odour pollution can be defined as the "perception of smell", whether
pleasant or unpleasant. Odours are induced by inhaling airborne volatile
organic or inorganic substances. An odour can be defined as a smell that
is detectable. Odour is subjective. What is offensive to one person may
be acceptable to another.
Part B
Part C