Pjm Dynamic Model Development Guidelines
Pjm Dynamic Model Development Guidelines
Pjm Dynamic Model Development Guidelines
Revision 1.1
October 8, 2024
1 Revision History ................................................................................................................................................1
2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................2
8 Deliverables .....................................................................................................................................................21
9 References .......................................................................................................................................................23
10 Appendix ..........................................................................................................................................................24
1 Revision History
2 Introduction
This document provides a guideline to develop the dynamic model representation (in .idv & .dyr format) for New
Service Request projects (including Surplus Service Requests, projects with an ISA/GIA requesting a Necessary
Study or submitting As Built Data) to be used by PJM in dynamic transient stability studies. All electrical facilities
must be designed, built and operated in accordance with applicable NERC, PJM and Interconnection Transmission
Owner(s) standards and criteria. For New Service Requests, Surplus Service Requests and Necessary Study
Requests, the model shall be parameterized as closely as possible to the intended design. The As Built Data model
must reflect the settings after commissioning and include the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) report for each main
power transformer installed.
Projects not connecting to the bulk electric system (generally <100 kV) where NERC standards do not apply, the
requirements of the entity with which the interconnection is made shall govern. Best practice for distribution
connected inverter based resources is to follow the requirements in IEEE 15471.
This document is meant to serve as a guideline in the development of the dynamics model for your project. It is
aimed at facilitating an efficient and timeous model submission and acceptance process. The short review of WECC
Power Plant Models; typical values for Generator/Converter, Electrical Controls, and Plant Controller modules; and
examples of .dyr files are intended to bring clarity and set a minimum standard of the expectation on dynamic model
data submission. The checklist should also help promote good practice of model development by the Project
Developers, facilitate consistent model reviews by the Transmission Planners and ensure the dynamic models meet
applicable interconnection requirements. As the technology evolves, so will the modeling techniques.
This document may not cover every specific scenario. Any unique scenarios or settings that may be required for your
project model shall be noted in the Dynamic Model Report and brought to the attention of PJM in the Queue Point
Data Application form.
The Dynamic Model Report and Dynamic Model Checklist submitted must include quality assurance sign offs from
responsible parties, to ensure these guidelines were reviewed and followed. This document applies to the following
types of submissions:
a. New Service Request Projects - To be submitted in Queue Point during the Application Phase of the
For any allowable changes made to the New Service Request project at Decision Point 1 or 2, the Project
Developer must update the dynamic model for their project and resubmit the Dynamic Model Report and
Checklist per the Section 8 “Deliverables” in the required timeframe.
1 https://www.pjm.com/-/media/planning/plan-standards/pjm-guideline-for-ride-through-performance.ashx
b. Necessary Study Requests – To be submitted in Queue Point along with the Necessary Study data
c. As Built Data Submissions - To be submitted in Queue Point along with the As Built data submission.
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) report for each Main Power Transformer installed must be included.
3 Software Compatibility
The power flow (.idv) and dynamic models (.dyr) provided as representation of the New Service Request project must
be usable by the software platform used to perform the simulation. PJM uses Siemens PTI PSS/E to perform
transient stability analysis, and dynamic models and files provided must be compatible with the specific version listed
for each queue/cycle, and also with any later version listed (for inclusion into future year base cases).
For Transition Cycle 2 (TC2) projects, Project Developers will be notified during TC2 Phase 2 if a PSCAD model is
needed for their project. The Project Developer will be required to provide it at TC2 Decision Point 2 if this request is
During the Application Phase, if TC2 Project Developers want to submit a PSCAD model along with the required
PSSE dynamic model, we will accept this. Note: the PSCAD model is optional unless requested by PJM, while the
PSSE dynamic model is required for all projects.
2Transition Cycle 1
3Transition Cycle 2
4 Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Modeling and Validation Guideline
The figures below show examples of a Solar PV plant representation, which can be applied to other Inverter Based
Resources (IBRs).
A typical inverter based plant is represented by the single machine equivalence, as depicted in Figure 1.
An inverter based plant that comprises of different inverter manufacturers having different reactive capability, control
setup and protection setup would need to use a multi-generator representation as shown in Figure 2.
A generator/converter module representing the typical inverter based resource in the plant, scaled-up to
match the plant’s aggregate nameplate rating
A local electrical control module which translates real and reactive power references into current commands
A plant-level control module which sends real and reactive power references to the local electrical controller,
if the plant-level control is put in place
Frequency and voltage protection modules, which show inverter protection settings under abnormal
frequency and voltage conditions
PJM strongly encourages the use of PSSE library models. Dynamic models listed on the Unacceptable Models List,
Appendix 10.2 of this document, are not allowed.
If a User Defined Model (UDM) is provided, the requirements in the Deliverables section of this document must be
met. For UDMs, the developer will be responsible to update their project’s dynamic model to support higher PSSE
versions as these become available in the future (updated idv & dyr with version specific DLL files and supporting
files as applicable). See Dynamic Data (.DYR) – User Defined Models section below for additional details.
The Data Application form shall be completed and submitted in Queue Point. The data and information provided in
the form shall match the data and parameters provided as the model for the project. Refer to the Appendix of this
document for a sample format for the .idv and .dyr files submitted.
Generator Data:
a. The MW per inverter specified in the generator data section of the Data Application form will be the initial
modeling point. If the MW net output of the plant at the Point of Interconnection (POI) is above or below the
Maximum Facility Output (MFO), the MW per inverter shall be adjusted within the units MVA capability.
b. The inverter manufacturer and model shall match any additional documentation provided in the Data
Application form.
c. Terminal voltage shall match the low side winding of the Inverter Step Up Transformer.
a. The full facility model must be checked to ensure the gross active power output of the generator(s) can meet
the MFO at the POI considering loads and losses for the facility.
b. The net active power output must be equal to the MFO requested.
c. If the MFO is not met at the POI, adjustments would need to be made to ensure the MFO requested can be
achieved at the POI.
d. The analysis will be performed with the queue project meeting the MFO at the POI.
For uprate projects, the idv shall remove and replace the existing plant modeling, rather than incrementally adding
only the uprate portion.
The .idv model submitted to PJM for the queue project shall include the following configuration:
b. The Pgen and Pmax shall be set equal to each other to meet the MFO5 at the POI.
c. The Qmin and Qmax limits shall be set based on the reactive capability curve for the active power operating
d. MVA base and active and reactive power limits should all be set as the equivalent of the aggregate number
of inverters multiplied by the capability per inverter.
e. The generator source impedance should be selected such that the short circuit current contribution is
negligible (i.e. a large value).
f. The control mode should be set to ‘1 Standard Qt, QB limits’ if the model uses PSS/E library models.
g. Remote bus can be set to 0.
a. Inverter Step Up (ISU) Transformer should be included. Note: Inverters without the ISU Transformer
explicitly being modeled shall include a note from the inverter manufacturer that the reactive capability curve
and the dynamic model is prepared for a 34.5 kV terminal voltage.
b. Impedance I/O Code set to ‘2 Zpu (winding kV winding MVA)’. All other I/O codes can be left at the default
PSS/E values.
c. Winding MVA shall be the equivalent of the aggregate number of ISU transformers multiplied by the
capability per transformer. Include the winding configuration (per TO requirements)
d. Include load tap changer settings (Number of taps and voltage % per tap)
Collector System:
a. The equivalent collector system impedance shall be modeled for all projects
b. The total branch positive and negative sequence impedances (R, X and B) shall be provided in per unit on a
100MVA base
a. If additional reactive compensation is needed, the specific size, step details, and control mode shall be
b. Modeled at the low side bus of the Main Station transformer
a. Impedance I/O Code set to ‘2 Zpu (winding kV winding MVA)’ All other I/O codes can be left at the default
PSS/E values.
b. Include the winding configuration (per TO requirements)
c. Include load tap changer settings (Number of taps and voltage % per tap)
5 FERC Order No. 827 requires that MFO be met while maintaining a power factor range between 0.95 lagging power factor to
0.95 leading power factor.
Attachment Line:
a. The attachment line impedance data and line length shall be included.
1| REGC (REGC_*) module, used to represent the generator/converter (inverter) interface with the grid. It
processes the real and reactive current command and outputs of real and reactive current injection into the
grid model.
Key points to note:
a. Acceleration Factor, Accel (CON(J+13)): This parameter may be adjusted, if needed, between >0
and <= 1. If adjustment of this value provided with the model is not recommended, indicate this
with your model submission.
b. Momentary Cessation: must be eliminated to the extent possible. See sections 7.4 and 7.5.
i. If LVPLSW (ICON(M)) is 1, then set Brkpt = 0.01, Zerox = 0, and Lvpl1 = 1 if possible to
eliminate momentary cessation and/or any unnecessary active-power curtailment.
Otherwise, provide an explanation if these settings are not possible due to an equipment
ii. Set Lvpnt1 = 0.01 and Lvpnt0 = 0 if possible to eliminate momentary cessation and/or any
unnecessary active-power curtailment. Otherwise, provide an explanation if these settings
are not possible due to an equipment limitation.
2| REEC (REEC_*) module, used to represent the electrical controls of the inverters. It acts on the active and
reactive power reference from the REPC module, with feedback of terminal voltage and generator power
output, and gives real and reactive current commands to the REGC module.
Key points to note:
a. The REECB model is not an acceptable model
b. REECA: To be used for PV projects and DC coupled hybrid (DC side charging only)
i. PFFlag (ICON(M+1)) should be set to 0 if a REPC model is provided.
ii. PQFlag (ICON(M+5)): Preference is Q priority but if P priority is selected provide a brief
description of the reasoning
iii. Qmax (CON(J+13)) and Qmin (CON(J+14)): Shall match the maximum and minimum
reactive power capability when active power is 0 from the reactive capability curve
iv. Pmax (CON(J+25)) and Pmin (CON(J+26)): Shall match the maximum and minimum
active power capability when reactive power is 0 from the reactive capability curve.
v. Imax (CON(J+27)): Value is typically 1.0 p.u. but if greater than 1 review real and reactive
current limits for model closely.
vi. Voltage Dependent Logic (VDL) Vq1 (CON(J+29)) to Ip4 (CON(J+44)): If current is
reduced to zero check if this is a current reduction contributing to MC. Note the first Vq
and Vp entries that are 0 signal the end of the V-I pairs in PSS/E.
c. REECC: To be used for BESS projects and DC coupled hybrid (grid charging only)
i. PFFlag (ICON(M+1)) should be set to 0 if a REPC model is provided
ii. PQFlag (ICON(M+4): Preference is Q priority but if P priority is selected provide a brief
description of the reasoning
iii. Qmax (CON(J+10)) and Qmin (CON(J+11)): Shall match the maximum and minimum
reactive power capability when active power is 0 from the reactive capability curve
iv. Pmax (CON(J+21)) and Pmin (CON(J+22)): Shall match the maximum and minimum
active power capability when reactive power is 0 from the reactive capability curve.
v. Imax (CON(J+23)): Value is typically 1.0 p.u. but if greater than 1 review real and reactive
current limits for model closely
vi. Voltage Dependent Logic (VDL) Vq1 (CON(J+25)) to Ip4 (CON(J+40)): If current is
reduced to zero check if this is a current reduction contributing to MC. Note the first Vq
and Vp entries that are 0 signal the end of the V-I pairs in PSS/E
3| REPC (REPC_*) module, used to represent the plant controller. It processes voltage and reactive power
output to emulate volt/VAr control at the plant level. It also processes frequency and active power output to
emulate active power control. This module gives active reactive and power commands to the REEC module.
Key points to note:
a. If (ICON (M+4)) VCFlag is set to 0 for voltage droop control, then the remote bus for voltage control
(ICON (M)) should be set to the POI, ICON (M+1) to (M+3) should be set to the generator tie line
branch with (ICON (M+2)) as the POI bus. When more than one generator equivalent shares an
attachment line, then this should be set to an element (collector branch, generator step-up, etc.)
uniquely specific to the generator equivalent.
b. If (ICON (M+4)) is set to 1 for line drop compensation, then (ICON (M)) should be set to a bus
representative of the voltage control point of the plant; ICON (M+1) through (M+3) should be
chosen as the current measurement point for line drop compensation; and (CON (J+6)) and (CON
(J+7)) should be set appropriately.
c. RefFlag (ICON(M+5)): Should be set to 1 since POI voltage control is preferred
d. Fflag (ICON(M+6)): Shall be set to 1 for frequency regulation for projects entering the queue/cycle
after Oct 1, 2018.
e. Qmax (CON(J+13)) and Qmin (CON(J+14)) shall be set to the limits modeled in the power flow
case with +/-0.001 p.u. addition to prevent log messages about the model initializing at a limit.
f. Deadband for Frequency Control (CON(J+18) to (J+19)): Frequency deadband cannot be greater
than +/-0.0006 p.u. (+/-0.036 Hz).
g. Pmax (CON(J+22)) and Pmin (CON(J+23)) shall be set to the limits modeled in the power flow
case with +/-0.001 p.u. addition to prevent log messages about the model initializing at a limit.
h. Droop for frequency control Ddn (CON(J+25)) and Dup (CON(J+26)): Maximum frequency droop of
5% is allowed, therefore Ddn and Dup value is typically not less than 20. It is possible that a setting
lower than 20 will still result in a droop of 5%, if the Pmax is less than the MVA rating. In these
cases, provide the calculations to support the less than 20 setting. Note PV and wind may provide
0 for Dup.
Note: When more than one generator is modeled within the plant, it is highly recommended that PLNTBU1
model be used as the plant controller. For different inverters or wind turbines, or if a single plant controller is
being used for multiple inverter models, the PLNTBU1 plant controller may be utilized. This model has to be
used with other models like REAX4BU1 (auxiliary signal model for Type 4 wind machines), REAX3BU1
(auxiliary signal model for Type 3 wind machines), SVCAXBU1 (auxiliary signal model for SVC), FCTAXBU1
(auxiliary signal model for FACTS device), or SYNAXBU1 (auxiliary signal model for synchronous
condenser). The inputs to models REAX4BU1, REAX3BU1, SVCAXBU1 and SYNAXBU1 are the output
from the PLNTBU1 model.
In addition to the above three modules, the actual inverter high and low Voltage and Frequency Protection settings
shall also be included in the dyr file using the VTGTPAT/FRQTPAT or VTGDCAT/FRQDCAT models. Voltage and
Frequency protection characteristics shall meet or exceed NERC PRC-024-3 requirements. Limits provided shall
reflect the intended settings for the facility. Note that most inverters are capable of riding through voltage and
frequency excursions beyond the minimum ride though characteristics defined in PRC-024-3. If the minimum ride
though characteristics in PRC-024-3 are provided provide a brief description on the justification.
The user defined model and all modules shall be provided in .dyr format with suitable parameters to represent the
project. Written documentation/user manual from the manufacturer must be supplied explaining the dynamic device
parameters and performance characteristics. The model manual must show control block diagrams, design logic,
descriptions of all model parameters, a list of which parameters are commonly tuned for site-specific settings, and a
description of procedures for using the model in dynamic simulations.
Any benign warning messages that are generated by the model code at compilation time shall also be documented.
Source code, .dll file, and Object file(s) shall be provided for the user defined model(s) in the applicable PSSE
version. Any available higher versions of the user defined model shall also be provided. To support future basecase
development, updated PSSE versions and supporting documentation for your user model must be provided when
requested by PJM, within 30 days.
The actual inverter high and low Voltage and Frequency Protection settings shall also be included in the dyr file
provided, using the appropriate PSSE models.
5 Synchronous Generators
a. The full facility model must be checked to ensure the gross active power output of the generator(s) can meet
the MFO at the POI considering loads and losses for the facility.
b. The net active power output must be equal to the MFO requested.
c. If the MFO is not met at the POI, adjustments would need to be made to ensure the MFO requested can be
achieved at the POI.
d. The analysis will be performed with the queue project meeting the MFO at the POI.
e. For uprate requests, provide documentation of existing contractual MFO values prior to the uprate request.
For uprate projects, the idv shall remove and replace the existing plant modeling, rather than incrementally adding
only the uprate portion.
The .idv model submitted to PJM for the queue project shall include the following configuration:
a. Modeled at the terminal voltage specified in the Data Application data form.
b. The Pgen and Pmax shall be set equal to each other to meet the MFO at the POI with unity power factor.
c. The Qmin and Qmax limits shall be set based on the reactive capability curve for the active power operating
d. The generator source impedance (Zsource) shall be set equal to the unsaturated sub transient reactance
value (X”d)
a. Impedance I/O Code set to ‘2 Zpu (winding kV winding MVA)’ All other I/O codes can be left at the default
PSS/E values.
b. Ensure correct transformer MVA base is provided per the cooling class designations specified
c. Include the winding configuration (per TO requirements)
d. Include load tap changer settings (Number of taps and voltage % per tap)
Attachment Line:
a. The attachment line impedance data and line length shall be included. Dynamic Data (.DYR) – Library Models
a. Utilize the appropriate model(s) to represent your facility (i.e.: Hydro, Nuclear, etc.)
b. The dynamic model data must include, at a minimum, a generator model, a governor model, an exciter
model, and if applicable, a power system stabilizer model and an excitation limiter model.
c. For Steam Turbines operating in sliding pressure mode, a governor model is not required. Provide an
explanation for this.
d. Generator inertia constant H (kWs/kVA) must be the combined Turbine-Generator-Exciter Inertia
e. Unsaturated values for all reactance values must be entered for the generator model
f. All reactance and resistance values must be provided in per unit on the machine MVA base at machine
terminal voltage. Dynamic Data (.DYR) – User Defined Models
If a user defined model must be provided, it shall be in .dyr format with suitable parameters to represent the project.
Written documentation/user manual from the manufacturer must be supplied explaining the dynamic parameters and
performance characteristics. The model manual must show control block diagrams, design logic, descriptions of all
model parameters, a list of which parameters are commonly tuned for site-specific settings, and a description of
procedures for using the model in dynamic simulations.
Any benign warning messages that are generated by the model code at compilation time shall also be documented.
Source code, .dll file, and Object file(s) shall be provided for the user defined model(s) in the applicable PSSE
version. Any available higher versions of the user defined model shall also be provided. To support future basecase
development, updated PSSE versions and supporting documentation for your user model must be provided when
requested by PJM, within 30 days.
The PJM Model Testing Requirements and Deliverables listed in the sections below must be met.
Utilize your choice of bus numbers to develop the dynamic model for your project. The project specific bus
numbers will be applied by PJM.
For Distributed Energy Resources (lower kV projects not connecting to the Transmission system), the requirements
in IEEE 1547 (Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated
Electric Power Systems Interfaces) shall apply.
See sections in Appendix 10 to help with meeting the PJM Model Testing Requirements and Deliverables listed
below for your dynamic model submission.
The full facility model must be checked to ensure the gross active power output of the generator(s) can meet
the MFO at the POI considering loads and losses for the facility.
The net active power output must be equal to the MFO.
If the MFO is not met at the POI, adjustments would need to be made to ensure the MFO requested can be
achieved at the POI.
New and uprates to a non-synchronous generator shall provide 0.95 leading and 0.95 lagging power factor
at the high-side of the main station transformer or the onshore station Transformer. The power factor range
between 0.95 leading and 0.95 lagging shall be dynamic.
New synchronous generators (> 20 MW) shall provide 0.95 leading and 0.90 lagging power factor at the
generator terminals.
New synchronous generators (≤ 20 MW) shall provide 0.95 leading and 0.90 lagging power factor at the
point of interconnection.
Uprates to synchronous generators (> 20 MW) shall provide 1.00 leading and 0.90 lagging power factor at
the generator terminals.
Uprates to synchronous generators (≤ 20 MW) shall provide 1.00 leading and 0.90 lagging power factor at
the point of interconnection.
For uprates to prior queue projects or existing units the reactive power requirements in the Interconnection
Service Agreement (ISA) is used for that respective MFO portion of the unit.
Projects not connecting to the bulk electric system (generally <100 kV) where NERC standards do not apply, the
requirements of the entity with which the interconnection is made shall govern. Best practice for distribution
connected inverter based resources is to follow the requirements in IEEE 15477. Power factor specified in the
applicable agreement for such projects shall be followed.
A power factor assessment shall be performed to determine if the facility can provide the reactive power necessary to
meet the requirement at the specified measurement point, while meeting the MFO requested, for both lagging
and leading. Project data shall not be submitted with reactive deficiencies; resolve reactive deficiencies prior to
submitting data. The assessment considers the following:
Inverter Based Resources:
7 https://www.pjm.com/-/media/planning/plan-standards/pjm-guideline-for-ride-through-performance.ashx
8 PJM Manual 03
Verify that the MFO is met. If it does not, adjust the inverter’s active power to meet
the MFO and determine the inverter’s new maximum reactive power based on PQ
Calculate the reactive power losses.
Calculate the Total Available Reactive Power at High Side of Main transformer
Determine whether the project meets the reactive power requirements or not.
ii. Leading test
Ensure all reactive compensation devices (E.g.: Inverters, SVC, STATCOM’s) within
the facility are at the maximum inductive output allowing the steady-state solution to
converge. Fixed shunt devices intended for compensation shall remain on.
Set the inverter to output its minimum reactive power capability, without exceeding
0.90 pu terminal voltage. Inverter capability de-rating due to terminal voltages off
nominal shall be respected and represented in the reactive assessment.
In cases where the inverter is not absorbing the maximum inductive reactive power
capability with terminal voltage above 0.90 p.u., the transformer taps can be adjusted
to ensure maximum inductive reactive power is absorbed from the inverter.
Document changes made.
Verify that the MFO is met. If it does not, adjust the inverter’s active power to meet
the MFO and determine the inverter’s new minimum reactive power based on PQ
Calculate the reactive power losses.
Calculate the Total Available Reactive Power at High Side of Main transformer
Determine whether the project meets the reactive power requirements or not.
Required Power
MFO Factor Range Maximum Maximum
(MW) Lagging Leading
Lagging Leading
Qmax (Mvar) Qmin (Mvar)
AE1-xxx 120 0.95 0.95
AF2-xxx (uprate) 7 0.95 0.95
Total Reactive Power Required 41.74 -41.74
Qmax Qmin
Reactive Power from Generators at Gross MW (obtained from D curve)
79.5 -79.5
Reactive Power Losses (includes any planned compensation) -22.63 -33.94
Station Load + Auxiliary Load -0.18 -0.18
Total available reactive power at high side of main transformer 56.69 -113.62
Project data shall not be submitted with reactive deficiencies; resolve reactive deficiencies prior to submitting data.
Capacitor bank size cannot be greater than the reactive power losses. Switching fixed shunt devices on to meet the
lagging power factor requirement and off to meet the leading power factor requirement and vice-versa is discouraged
and will only be permitted if the plant controller is configured to automatically switch the capacitor bank. The project
must demonstrate that a power factor range between 0.95 lagging to 0.95 leading is maintained with fixed shunt
devices on. An updated power factor assessment table must be provided showing that the plant meets the power
factor requirements.
See Appendix 10.3.2 for IBR dynamic model parameters settings to operate in automatic voltage control mode.
Synchronous Generators:
a. Power factor assessment shall be performed for each individual unit (eg: CT, ST) and not for the facility as a
b. For uprate requests, the breakdown or split of the requested uprate MW’s among each of the units (eg: CT1,
CT2 and ST) must be provided.
c. Typically performed for Winter energy values.
d. If the unit has ambient air cooling that can vary with ambient temperature, then a reactive assessment shall
be performed for winter energy and summer energy values. Include another set of tables of similar format
using the summer energy values.
e. Use the reactive capability curve provided by the generator manufacturer to obtain the Qmax and Qmin
available at the Gross MW output of the unit.
Sample Power Factor Assessment Table for Synchronous Generators (CT1, CT2, ST)
Project data shall not be submitted with reactive deficiencies; resolve reactive deficiencies prior to submitting data.
1| All the models and associated parameters should be read by the simulation software correctly.
a. The number of each power flow element including buses, lines, transformers, generators, shunts
must match the number in the .sav file.
b. Parameters read into the software must match the values in the .sav file.
c. The number of dynamic models read into the software must match the number of dynamic models
in the .dyr file.
d. Parameters read into the software must match the values in the .dyr file.
2| There are no initialization errors for the dynamic models and the warning messages are reviewed with
resolution or explanation.
3| The models must flat start (i.e.: produce flat lines) for a 20-second no-disturbance simulation. The PJM
definition of flat start is variations of generator outputs Pgen and Qgen over 20 seconds no greater than 0.1
MW or 0.1 MVAR movement. The results of the flat start test shall show the unit(s) initializes without any
DSTATE errors or suspect initial conditions in the log file and the real power, reactive power, voltage and
frequency remain consistent thought out the simulation in the out file and the plots.
The NERC recommendation is to eliminate Momentary Cessation (MC) to the extent possible. If Momentary
Cessation cannot be eliminated due to equipment limitations, notify PJM when submitting the dynamic model for the
Part IX, Subpart B, App. 2, Section 4.6.2 of the PJM Open Access Transmission Tariff9 includes the requirement that
a “Generator Interconnection Customer shall ensure the primary frequency response capability of its Customer
Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls.”
The ISA/GIA states the “Generator Interconnection Customer is required to install a governor or equivalent controls
with the capability of operating: (1) with a maximum 5 percent droop and +/- 0.036 Hz deadband” and “the droop
characteristic shall be: (1) based on the nameplate capacity of the Customer Facility, and shall be linear in the range
of frequencies between 59 to 61 Hz that are outside of the deadband parameters”. See Appendix 10.3.4 for details.
8 Deliverables
A Dynamic Model Report with the Dynamic Model Checklist in Section 8.1 below must be submitted along with
quality assurance sign offs from responsible parties. Report shall include a summary of model development and
testing per guidelines in this document. Deliverables shall include:
1| Completed Queue Point Data Application form along with all requested files to be submitted via the
Queue Point portal.
2| Dynamic Model Report that includes a summary of the model development and testing per the guidelines
in this document.
3| If a Library model is submitted, provide the .idv and .dyr files for the project developed using the guidelines
in this document. See Appendix 10.1 for sample format.
4| If a UDM is submitted, provide a properly compiled PSSE version .sav case along with .idv, .dyr and .DLL
files appropriately parameterized for the project using the guidelines in this document. Also include:
a. A report on how the settings of the model were parameterized along with the manufacturer’s
documentation, including user guide of the UDM
b. Block diagram for the model and sub modules, along with values, names and detailed explanation
of all model parameters
5| Provide the .raw, .sav case, .cnv, .snp and .sld file for the project (case setup folder/files)
6| Verify that all testing requirements are met. Must provide:
c. MFO assessment table for the project
d. Power Factor Assessment table for the project along with PQ curve used, along with case setup
for power factor assessment (lagging & leading scenarios)
e. Confirmation that the unit meets FERC Order No. 827 with regards to automatic voltage
regulation, with appropriate model settings included in the Dynamic Model report
f. Results for the flatstart test including log, out and test plots showing Power, VARs, Eterm, Freq
and Volt for each inverter(s)/generator(s)
g. Results for the VRT test including log, out and test plots showing Power, VARs, Eterm, Freq and
Volt for each inverter(s). Provide confirmation that Momentary Cessation is eliminated (if not,
provide reason)
h. Confirmation that Primary Frequency Response is enabled
7| For As Built submission only: A Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) report for each main power transformer
installed must be included with your submission.
Place all files required per the Deliverables above, including the Dynamic Model Report and Dynamic Model
Checklist in a folder, zip and attach/upload in Queue Point under the Generator Information Section > Stability
Models. File upload size limit is 250 MB.
9 References
1| Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Modeling and Validation Guideline, MVWG, December 9, 2019
2| Reliability Guideline: Improvements to Interconnection Requirements for BPS-Connected Inverter-Based
Resources, NERC IRPTF, September 2019
10 Appendix
/*** Project Number:
/*** Project Name:
/*** POI location:
/*** TO Zone:
/*** MFO:
/*** Fuel Type:
/*** Inverter Details (Number x MW/inverter) OR Generators (CT, ST configuration):
/*** PSSE Version:
/*** Date:
/*** Description of Changes: (not required if this is the first file submission for the project)
Start .idv/.dyr modeling information here
1| Renewable Energy Generator/Converter (REGC_*) models: These modules are used to model the
electrical generator and/or power converter interface between the generation unit and the grid. There are
three (3) such modules:
a. REGCAU1 (v33)/REGCA1 (v34 & v35) – this is the original model. It is a current-source model. It is
adequate for modeling the generator dynamic behavior of the generator/converter interface. It is
not suitable for weak-grid connection points, where the short-circuit ratio (SCR) of the point of
interconnection may be 3 or less.
b. REGCBU1 (v34 & v35) – this is a newly developed and approved voltage-source
generator/converter interface model. It is better suited to weak-grid conditions, and if
parameterized appropriately has been shown to be accurate numerically down to SCRs close to 1.
c. REGCCU1 – this is a new model yet to be fully implemented and approved by all the software
vendors. It incorporates a generic representation of the phase-locked loop (PLL) and inner-current
control loops, as well as being a voltage-source model.
Presently REGCAU1/REGCA1 and REGCBU1 are approved models and can be used for modeling the
generator/converter interface of a RES. The choice of the model should be based on whether the IBR is
connected at a weak point or strong point and the best data currently available for the plant being modeled.
The point-of-interconnection of a plant may become weak over time as additional inverter-based resources
interconnect in the vicinity of the plant. In such cases there may be a need to transition from a
REGCAU1/REGCA1 model to a REGCBU1 model.
2| Renewable Energy Electrical Controls (REEC_*) models: These modules are used to model the
electrical controls at the individual generating unit level, including individual wind turbine generators and
individual PV inverters. There are three (3) such modules:
a. REECAU1/REECA1 – this is the original model developed and can be used, if appropriately
parameterized for wind and PV generators.
b. REECCU1/REEC1 – this module was developed specifically for battery-energy storage systems
(BESS) or can also be used to model hybrid PV-BESS systems, particularly when the BESS and
PV are coupled on the dc-side of the inverter and share one common inverter.
c. REECDU1 – this is the latest electrical controls model developed which contains main new
features, such as extended voltage-dependent current limit tables. As such, when modeling new
facilities this model may offer greater flexibility and features. It can be used to model wind, PV and
BESS. All three of the above REEC_* models are approved and can be used for modeling the
electrical controls of the appropriate RES.
The REECBU1 model is no longer approved although still used in a number of ISOs/RTOs. The
REECBU1 model does not have the "VDL" logic.
The REECAU1, REECCU1 and REECDU1 models have the "VDL" V-I characteristic curve parameters that
define the momentary cessation characteristics. At VDL voltages V1 to V4 the corresponding limits for the
active and reactive current commands Ip and Iq are defined. This enables the models to reduce or
completely stop producing active and/or reactive power when low voltages are observed and then ramp
back up once voltages increase. There are other parameters in the models that can impact this behavior.
The REGCAU1 model includes an ICON for LVPL switch that enables the LVPL characteristic that can also
define reduction in active power at low voltages, however, this characteristic is a single, linear-slope while
the VDL logic is piece-wise linear.
3| Renewable Energy Plant Controller (REPC_*) models: These modules are used to model the plant level
controls that monitor the point of common coupling (PCC), or point of interconnection (POI), of a plant and
issues real and reactive power commands to all the individual generating units in the plant to control the real
and reactive power at the PCC (or POI). There are three (3) such models:
a. REPCTAU1 & REPCAU1/REPCTA1 & REPCA1 – this is the original simple plant level controller. It
allows for volt/var control and active power control. It does not include power factor control.
b. PLNTBU1 – this is a complex-plant controller to be used primarily for hybrid-plants which include
multiple technologies, for example a combination of two different wind turbine technologies, or wind
and PV, and other combinations. It does also allow for power factor control at the PCC (POI).
c. REPC_C – this model is not yet finalized and approved. It presents significant additional features
and flexibility including, power factor control at the PCC (POI), ability to have coordinated and
automatically switched shunt devices at the PCC (POI), and extra features for active power control.
Presently REPCTAU1 & REPCAU1/REPCTA1 & REPCA1 and PLNTBU1 are approved and can be used for
modeling the appropriate plant controller.
4| Mechanical Element Models for Wind Turbine Generators: specifically for wind turbine generators
(WTGs) there are a series of mechanical side models. Presently, for type 4 WTGs the only mechanical
model used is an emulation of the drive-train dynamics. All the other models are used only for type 3 WTGs.
The models are:
a. WTDTAU1/WTDTA1 – this is a two-mass model of the WTG drive-train.
b. WTARAU1/WTARA1 – this is a very simple aero-dynamic model for the type 3 WTG.
c. WTPTAU1/WTPTA1 – this is a simple model of the pitch control system.
d. WTTQAU1/WTTQA1 – this is a simple model of the torque control system.
e. WTGP_B – this is a new refined pitch-controller model, which provides added flexibility in the limits
of the pitch controller.
approved models and should be used when modeling a type 3 WTG. When modeling a type 4 WTG, due to
the full-converter interface, for stability simulations it has been shown that none of these models are
necessary. PV Solar
The generator/converter REGCA1, electrical controls REECA1, and plant controls REPCA1 models with typical
values for PV Solar are shown in the following three tables.
Lvplsw - Enable (=1) or disable (=0) Low Voltage Power Logic, LVPL
Generator/Converter Module
REGCA1 (v34 & v35) / REGCAU1 (v33)
Parameter Description Typical Values
Tg Converter time constant (s) 0.02
Rrpwr Low Voltage Power Logic (LVPL) ramp rate limit (pu/s) 10.0
Brkpt LVPL characteristic voltage 2 (pu) 0.01
Zerox LVPL characteristic voltage 1 (pu) 0.00
Lvpl1 LVPL gain (pu) 1.00
Volim Voltage limit (pu) for high voltage reactive current management 1.2
Lvpnt1 High voltage point for low voltage active current management (pu) 0.8
Lvpnt0 Low voltage point for low voltage active current management (pu) 0.4
Iolim Current limit for high voltage clamp logic (pu on mbase) -1.0 to -1.5
Tfltr Terminal voltage filter (for LVPL) time constant (s) 0.02
Khv Overvoltage compensation gain used in high voltage reactive current management 0.7
Iqrmax Maximum rate-of-change of reactive current (pu/s) 999.9
Iqrmin Minimum rate-of-change of reactive current (pu/s) -999.9
Accel High voltage reactive current management acceleration factor, p.u. 0.7
Thld Time for which Iqinj is held at Iqfrz after voltage dip returns to zero 0.0
Thld2 Time of holding the active current command after voltage dip returns to 0, sec. 0.0
Tp Filter time constant for electrical power. [0.02, 0.05]
Qmax Maximum limit for reactive power regulator when vflag = 1, p.u. [0.00, 0.43]
Qmin Minimum reactive power when vflag = 1, p.u. [-0.43, 0.00]
VMAX Maximum limit for voltage control (pu) [1.05, 1.15]
VMIN Minimum limit for voltage control (pu) [0.85, 0.95]
Kqp Local Q regulator proportional gain, p.u.
Kqi Local Q regulator integral gain, p.u.
Kvp Local voltage regulator proportional gain, p.u
Kvi Local voltage regulator integral gain, p.u
Vbias Inner-loop voltage control reference, p.u., user-defined bias (normally 0) 0.0
Tiq Reactive current regulator lag time constant, sec. Time constant on delay s4 [0.02, 0.05]
dPmax Active power up-ramp limit, p.u./sec 999.00
dPmin Active power down-ramp limit, p.u./sec -999.00
PMAX Maximum active power, p.u 1.00
PMIN Minimum active power, p.u 0.00
Imax Maximum limit on total converter current, Maximum apparent current, p.u. [1.00, 1.70]
Tpord Power filter time constant; Inverter power order lag time constant (s) [0.02, 0.05]
Vq1 Reactive Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 0
Iq1 Reactive Power V-I pair, current (pu) 1
Vq2 (Vq2>Vq1), Reactive Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 2
Iq2 (Iq2>Iq1), Reactive Power V-I pair, current (pu) 1
Vq3 (Vq3>Vq2), Reactive Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 0
Iq3 (Iq3>Iq2), Reactive Power V-I pair, current (pu) 0
Vq4 (Vq4>Vq3), Reactive Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 0
Iq4 (Iq4>Iq3), Reactive Power V-I pair, current (pu) 0
Vp1 Real Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 0
Ip1 Real Power V-I pair, current (pu) 0
Vp2 (Vp2>Vp1), Real Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 0.7
Ip2 (Ip2>Ip1), Real Power V-I pair, current (pu) 0.8
Vp3 (Vp3>Vp2), Real Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 0.9
Ip3 (Ip3>Ip2), Real Power V-I pair, current (pu) 0.98
Vp4 (Vp4>Vp3), Real Power V-I pair, voltage (pu) 1
Ip4 (Ip4>Ip3), Real Power V-I pair, current (pu) 1
Voltage-dependent active currents Ip1 to Ip4 and voltage-dependent reactive currents Iq1 to Iq4 are from the voltage-
dependent current limits (VDL) tables (VDL1 and VDL2) and are used to model cessation of both active and reactive
current respectively. The parameter Vdip in REECA1 must be equal or higher than the low voltage momentary
cessation threshold vblkl and Vup must be equal or lower than the high voltage threshold vblkh to ensure inverter
controls are frozen during the cessation period.
Low Voltage Power Logic Switch: It is best to set lvplsw in REGCA1 to 0 to prevent the generator/converter model
from contradicting the VDL1 and VDL2 settings in the REECA1 model.
REPCA1 & REPCTA1 (v34 & v35) /REPCAU1 & REPCTAU1 (v33)
Tfltr Voltage and reactive power filter time constant, sec. [0.02, 0.05]
Kp Volt/VAr /Reactive power PI control proportional gain (pu) -
Ki Volt/VAr /Reactive power PI control integral gain (pu) -
Tft Plant controller Q output lead time constant, sec 0.00
Tfv Plant controller Q output lag time constant, sec. [0.02, 0.15]
Vfrz Voltage for freezing Volt/VAr regulator integrator, p.u [0.00, 0.90]
Rc Line drop compensation resistance, p.u. ≥ 0.0
Xc Line drop compensation reactance, p.u ≥ 0.0
Kc Reactive droop gain, p.u
emax Maximum Volt/VAr error, p.u; upper limit on deadband output (pu) 999.00
emin Minimum Volt/VAr error, p.u.; lower limit on deadband output (pu) -999.00
dbd1 Lower threshold for reactive power control deadband (<=0)
dbd2 Upper threshold for reactive power control deadband (>=0)
Qmax Max plant reactive power command/Upper limit on output of V/Q control (pu) [0.00, 0.43]
Qmin Min plant reactive power command/Lower limit on output of V/Q control (pu) [-0.43, 0.00]
Kpg Real power control proportional gain, p.u -
Kig Real power control integral gain, p.u. -
Tp Real power measurement filter time constant (s) [0.02, 0.05]
fdbd1 Frequency deadband downside, p.u. -0.0006
fdbd2 Frequency deadband upside, p.u 0.0006
femax Maximum power error in droop regulator/frequency error lower limit (pu) 999.00
femin Minimum power error in droop regulator/frequency error lower limit (pu) -999.00
Pmax Upper limit on power reference/Maximum plant active power command, p.u. 1.00
Pmin Lower limit on power reference/Minimum plant active power command, p.u 0.00
Tg Plant controller P output lag time constant, sec. [0.02, 0.15]
Ddn Reciprocal of droop for over-frequency conditions (p.u.) 20
Dup Reciprocal of droop for under-frequency conditions (pu) 20
For PV Solar, an example of a function call in the .dyr file is shown below.
REGCAU1 (v33) module, used to represent the generator/converter processes the real and reactive current
commands, and outputs real and reactive current injection into the grid model.
REECAU1 (v33) module, used to represent the WTG electrical controls acts on the active and reactive
power reference from the REPCAU1 module, with feedback of terminal voltage and generator power output,
and provides real and reactive current commands to the REGCAU1 module.
REPCAU1 (v33) modules, used to represent the plant controller processes voltage and reactive power
output to emulate volt/var control at the plant level. It also processes frequency and active power output to
emulate active power control. This module provides active reactive power command to the REECAU1
WTDTAU1 (v33) module, used to represent the turbine.
WTARAU1 (v33) module, used to represent the aerodynamic conversion (Type 3 only).
WTPTAU1 module, used to represent the pitch controller (Type 3 only).
WTTQAU1 module, used to represent the torque controller (Type 3 only).
REPCAU1 & REPCTAU1 (v33) / REPCA1 & REPCTA1 (v34 & v35) Input Parameters
Name Description Typical Values
RefFlag Plant level reactive power (0) or voltage control (1) 1
Droop flag
VCFlag 0: with droop if power factor control 1 or 0
1: with line drop compensation
Flag to disable frequency control
Fflag 1: Enable control 1
0: disable
Tfltr Voltage and reactive power filter time constant (s) 0.01 to 0.02
Kp Volt/VAR regulator proportional gain (pu/pu)m
Ki Volt/VAR regulator integral gain (pu/pu-s)
Tft Plant controller Q output lead time constant (s)
Tfv Plant controller Q output lag time constant (s) 0.15 to 5.0
Vfrz Voltage for freezing Volt/VAR regulator integrator (pu) 0.0 to 0.9
Rc Line drop compensation resistance (pu on mbase) -
Xc Line drop compensation reactance (pu on mbase) when VcompFlag = 1 -
Kc Reactive droop (pu on mbase) when VcompFlag = 0 -
emax Maximum Volt/VAR error (pu) -
emin Minimum Volt/VAR error (pu) -
dbd1 lower threshold for reactive power control deadband <=0
dbd2 upper threshold for reactive power control deadband >=0
Qmax Maximum plant reactive power command (pu on mbase) -
Qmin Minimum plant reactive power command (pu on mbase) -
Kpg Droop regulator proportional gain (pu/pu) -
Kig Droop regulator integral gain (pu/pu-s) -
Tp Active power filter time constant (s) 0.01 to 0.02
fdbd1 Deadband for frequency control, lower threshold (<=0) -0.0006
fdbd2 Deadband for frequency control, upper threshold (>=0) 0.0006
femax Maximum power error in droop regulator (pu on mbase) -
femin Minimum power error in droop regulator (pu on mbase) -
Pmax Maximum plant active power command (pu on mbase) 1.0
Pmin Minimum plant active power command (pu on mbase) 0.0
Tg Plant controller P output lag time constant (s) 0.15 to 5.0
Ddn Reciprocal of droop for over-frequency conditions (pu) 20.0
Dup Reciprocal droop for under-frequency conditions (pu) 20.0
For a wind power plant with Type 3 WTGs, the function call in the .dyr file would be as shown in the example below.
/ Tflag
/ Kpp KIP Tp Twref Temax
0.01 0.1 0.1 60.0 1.2
/ Temin p1 spd1 p2 spd2
0.04 0.2 0.69 0.4 0.78
/ p3 spd3 p4 spd4 TRATE
0.6 0.98 0.74 1.2 0.0
Generator/Converter Module
REGCA1 (v34 & v35) / REGCAU1 (v33)
Parameter Description Typical Values
Tg Converter time constant (s) 0.02
Rrpwr Low Voltage Power Logic (LVPL) ramp rate limit (pu/s) 1.00
Brkpt LVPL characteristic voltage 2 (pu) 0.01
Zerox LVPL characteristic voltage 1 (pu) 0.00
Lvpl1 LVPL gain breakpoint (pu current on mbase / pu voltage) 1.00
Volim Voltage limit (pu) for high voltage reactive current management 2.00
Lvpnt1 Low voltage active current management breakpoint (pu) 0.10
Lvpnt0 Low voltage active current management breakpoint (pu) 0.00
Iolim Current limit for high voltage clamp logic (pu on mbase) -0.42486
Tfltr Terminal voltage filter (for LVPL) time constant (s) 0.02
Khv Overvoltage compensation gain used in high voltage reactive current management 0.00
Iqrmax Maximum rate-of-change of reactive current (pu/s) 10.00
Iqrmin Minimum rate-of-change of reactive current (pu/s) -10.00
Accel High voltage reactive current management acceleration factor, p.u. 0.7
For a Battery Energy Storage System, the function call in the .dyr file would be as shown in the example below. This
.dyr file example correlates with the examples of the Converter, Electrical Controls and Plant Controller modules
Pfflag: Local power factor flag; voltage or reactive power control (0); power factor control (1)
Vflag: Local voltage control flag; voltage control (0); reactive power control (1)
Qflag: Local reactive power control flag; constant power factor or reactive power control (0); voltage control
Refflag: Plant-level reactive power control (0); plant-level voltage control (1); plant-level power factor control
Plant level volt/var control could be set to voltage control, reactive power control or power factor control. Automatic
voltage regulation can be implemented directly at the plant level (Plant V control), or at the inverter level (Plant Q or
PF and Local Q/V), or both (Plant V and Local Q/V). Some key parameters to coordinate plant level control with
inverter control and provide automatic voltage regulation include [repc_*].vfrz, [reec_*].vdip, [reec_*].vdup,
[reec_*].kqv, [reec_*].kvp, [reec_*].kvi.
Existing IBRs not subject to FERC Order 827 shall have the model reflect the field settings and the IBR operation.
Momentary cessation, if used by the facility, should be modeled correctly in the reec_d model.
To meet the reactive injection requirement, the reactive current limit shall be non-zero under transient low voltage
and at least 1.0 p.u. if the voltage is below 0.5. The effective reactive current limit is determined from the PQ priority
(pqflag) and VDL1 and VDL2 parameters.
There are other ways to meet the requirement on the amount of reactive current injection. It depends on the setup of
voltage dip logic and the control mode. Below are a couple of examples:
Using voltage dip logic: vdip between 0 and 1.0 (typically 0.9) and kqv ≥ 2; or
If voltage dip logic is disabled, the set qflag=1 and kvp ≥ 2
High Transient Voltage
The reactive current limit for voltage between 1.1 and 1.2 shall be non-zero and the control shall be in the right
direction to lower voltage. A typical setup to meet the high transient voltage requirement is:
using voltage dip logic: vup at least 1.1 and non-zero kqv.
The inverters should return to normal active MW injection within 1 second once the voltage is normal. Therefore,
[regc_*].rrpwr shall be no less than 1.0 p.u./sec. Active power reaching 95% of the pre-fault level is considered
returning to normal.
Active power primary frequency response is controlled by the plant-level controller (REPC_*) model. Dynamic model
parameter descriptions are as follows:
Voltage Level
765 500 345 230 161 138 115 69 66
R Source 0.19356 0.21622 0.20184 0.20474 0.20349 0.20040 0.20300 0.20184 0.20210
X Source 0.96780 1.08110 1.00920 1.02370 1.01745 1.00200 1.01500 1.00920 1.01050
Example: A 500 MW MFO project connecting to a 230 kV system will have the swing generator modeled at the POI
with parameters shown in Figure 4 to produce an SCR of 3 and X/R of 5.
Example SMIB
Title Page
[Title page with name of project, developer name, and consultant (if applicable) is typically included. Omitted from
this example to save space]
This report and modeling were developed by the XYZ consulting firm.
Project Description
Pony Solar, PJM Queue ABC-123, is a 50 MW solar facility located in Henderson County Tennessee. The Point of
Interconnection (POI) will be a direct connection to the existing Templeton 358 kV substation in the Electric Utility
zone. Pony Solar will consist of 2 x 27 MVA BigWatts inverters with 2 x 32 MVA 777 volt to 33.3 kV step-up
transformers, 33.3 kV collector system, and a 40 MVA Main Power Transformer stepping from 33.3 kV up to the 358
kV transmission voltage.
Model Development
The model for Pony Solar was developed following manufacturer recommended settings with consideration for site
specific expected settings and in accordance with the PJM Dynamic Model Development Guidelines.
[Include a tabular parameterization of all provided dynamic models with explanations for source of parameter values.
Section 10.3 contains examples of model parameter tables]
Testing Requirements
MFO Assessment
Pony Solar is configured to automatically regulate the voltage at the POI substation.
Flat run
As shown in included “flat_run.log”, “flat_run.out”, and “flat_run_plots.pdf” the models for Pony Solar initialize without
error and have no movement in a 20 second flat run. [Plots can be included in the model report or in a separate plot
file. At a minimum, plots shall include channels for real and reactive power, terminal voltage, terminal current, and
To test Voltage Ride Through (VRT) compliance, a 9 cycle fault was applied at the POI. Plots are provided in
“VRT_plots.pdf” and in “VRT_plots.out”. As shown in the plots, Pony Solar was able to ride through the fault. The
plots also show that Pony Solar did not enter Momentary Cessation because current is injected during and following
the fault. [Plots can be included in the model report or in a separate plot file. At a minimum, plots shall include
channels for real and reactive power, terminal voltage, terminal current, and frequency]
Primary Frequency Response is enabled for Pony Solar. Relevant model parameter settings shown in the table
REPC_* parameters
Fflag (M+6) Ddn (J+25) Dup (J+26) Fdbd1 (J+18) Fdbd2 (J+19)
1 20 20 -0.0006 0.0006