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Screen Control-

A systems approach to pressure screen

control in the pulp mill
Dan P. Dumdie

A process control strategy for operating p u b mill pressure screens improved

paper machine efficiency and press room performance, significantly reduced
refiner power requirements, decreased chemicalpu@usage, increased refiner
p u b production rates, and produced a more comktent and hgher-freeness
p u p with substantially less d e h .

The Daishowa America Port Angeles mill makes light-

weight directory paper from refiner groundwood and
,. Shive efficiency

purchased kraft. Because of the lightweight sheet, paper

machine runnability and press room performance are very
sensitive to pulp mill shives and other furnish debris. In
an attempt to improve the relative competitive position
of the Port Angeles mill and to improve paper machine
efficiencies, we installed Hooper pressure screens on both
the thermomechanical pulp (TMP)and refiner mechanical
pulp (RMP) lines. The new slotted screens replaced
antiquated gravity Cowans, which provided poor shive
removal efficiencies. The project exceeded all expectations
for improved quality, lower costs, and higher efficiencies.
Much of this can be attributed to the unique control system
that was developed for the project.

Process background
The purpose of a pulp mill pressure screen is to fractionate
the feed stream fiber into an accept stream containing
quality pulp and a reject stream containing shives and
other debris.
The feed enters at the top of the screen, where it is rotated
inside a cylindrical screening basket by a motor-driven
rotor. The basket may contain holes or slots for the accept
fibers to pass through. The rejects cannot penetrate the
screen. Instead, they travel to the bottom of the basket 0 20 40 60 80 100
where they are forced out the reject line. The rotor contains REJECT RATE, Yo
tips which rotate past the holes or slots to produce strong
negative-pressure pulses. This helps keep the screen from
blinding. As the fibers fractionate down the screen basket,
they quickly dewater. Consequently, two dilution lines are -
ufshives and other debris that is removed from the pulp
required to help maintain uniform consistency near the
bottom of the basket. by the screen:
Screen performance can be defined in terms of shive
removal efficiency (SRE).This is the weight percentage
SRE = shive removal efficiency, 96
Dumdie is process control supervisor at Daishowa
= reject and feed flows, L/min
America Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 271, Port Angeles, WA
98362. CR.CF= reject and feed consistencies, %
November 1991 Tappi Journal 97
~~ ~~ ~

2. Pressure screen control system



CT = Consistency transmitter CC Consistency controller VPC = Valve position controller

FT = Flow transmitter FC Flow controller DPI = Diff. pressure indicator
LT Level transmitter LC = Level controller SP Set point
PT = Pressure transmitter PC = Pressure controller RR = Reject rate
RC = Ratio controller

&,SF = reject and feed shive contents, %

flows and consistencies that are used in conventional
regulatory control systems. This has had a very positive
The SRE is a function of screen reject rate (RR),which effect on the training of operating personnel.
is the weight percentage of total dry fiber that is rejected
by the pressure screen: Process control
/ (FFcF)]lOo%
RR = [(FR~R) (2) There are a number of important control objectives for
operating a pulp mill pressure screening system. First,
Nelson and Bolton (1)have developed an empirical equa- it is essential to achieve a high SRE to produce quality
tion relating shive removal efficiency to screen reject rate: accepts while keeping the amount of rejected material to
SRE = RR / 11.0 - Q(1- RR)] a minimum. The rejects should be concentrated with
shives, chop, and other debris. This keeps the amount of
A single coefficient, called the screening quotient (Q), rework (reject refining) to a minimum and helps reduce
determines the shape of the efficiency curve (Fig. 1). The operating costs. In addition to maintaining a consistent and
quotient can be determined for any screen from a few high level of accept cleanliness, screen controls should also
experimental data points and a least squares curve-fitting produce a pulp with uniform fiber fractions and a constant
program. The screening quotient varies from 0.0 to 1.0. freeness. Screening process quality is strictly a function
A value of 0.0 represents a screen with no efficiency for of accept cleanliness and freeness. Finally, the control
shive removal (45" line), and a quotient of 1.0 represents system must be able to balance screen throughput with
a perfect screen (100%efficient). process runnability. The controls must be capable of
The Port Angeles mill has implemented on-line reject handling maximum pulp production while keeping screen
rate control to help operations manage screening efficien- blinding, reject line plugging, and other operating
cies for various paper machine grades. This puts controller problems to a minimum.
setpoints in terms of actual reject rates and shive removal All of these quality and operating considerations can be
efficiencies (engineering units) rather than in terms of addressed using the control strategy presented in Fig. 2.
98 November 1391 Tappi Journal
3. Typical screening efficiency curve
outside their respective transmitter ranges. The second
and third modes are described below and provide a means
of directly regulating RR and SRE.
100 With adequate instrumentation, supervisory control can
maintain a constant RR on the screens. The supervisory
equation comes from the material balance (Eq. 2) and is
used to compute the desired reject flow rate:
Fk = RR(FFCF)/ (100CR) (4)
The reject flow is simply a function of on-line instrument
data and the RR which is supplied by the operator as a
60 setpoint. Once computed, FR is used as a supervisory
setpoint for the reject flow controller, as shown in Fig. 2.
8 Taking this system one step further, the SRE curve
llr (screening quotient) can be put directly into the control
55 computer. This allows operations to enter its setpoint as
an efficiency. In this case, the RR used in Eq. 4 is read
directly from the screen’s efficiency curve. It is often
desirable to have operators enter setpoints in terms of
engineering units. This helps promote a better understand-
20 ing of the process as well as the controls.
Pressure screen RR control (Eq. 4) obviously requires
an accurate and reliable measurement of both process flow
and consistency. A magnetic flow tube is adequate for the
0 flow measurement, and the optical Cerlic ACM/CT20/50
has proven satisfactory for consistency measurement.
0 Optimum 40 60 80 100
Before selecting a consistency sensor, we ran an
REJECT RATE, % extensive two-month trial on both optical and mechanical
transmitters over a consistency range of 1.0%to 2.0%.
During this period, the Cerlic unit outperformed all other
sensors in terms of linearity, signal-to-noise ratio and
calibration drift. By combining all 35 ACM data points
collected over the two-month trial and running a
regression analysis, a correlation coefficient of 0.95 and
a standard error of 0.07% consistency were obtained.
Standard errors for the mechanical sensors were nearly
three times that of the optical unit. The mechanicals also
showed a very poor signal-to-noise ratio in this 1.0%to 2.0%
The system consists of one supervisory and seven consistency range.
regulatory loops for each screen. These loops can be placed
into one of three logical categories for discussion: reject Inventory contd
control, inventory control, and feed control. The main objective for inventory control is to prevent the
screen feed tank from running empty or from overflowing
Reject control during normal operation. There are a number of ways to
A typical screen SRE curve is shown in Fig. 3. Optimum achieve this control. However, the method selected must
pressure screen operation occurs at a constant RR on the be compatible with other objectives such as maintaining
knee of this curve. At the optimum, pulp debris is removed screen throughput and accept quality.
while long-fiber fractions are retained. This results in a Port Angeles uses a simple accepts flow loop cascaded
uniform freeness and cleanliness of screened accepts. At to the surge tank level controller, as shown in Fig. 2. This
higher than optimum RR, quality long fiber is lost, and optimizes throughput and keeps the overall freeness drop
reject refining costs can become extreme. Some installa- across the screening system at a minimum.
tions typically run a t excessive RR because this provides It is quite common for a screen basket to slowly blind
good screen runnability at higher pulp production rates. during a period of several hours. Regardless of this partial
Excessive reject rates are typical in applications where blinding, the accepts flow loop (Fig. 2) will maintain a
the screens are undersized. The problem, however, can also constant process throughput. In contrast, a more conven-
occur if dry chips, worn refiner plates, or other abnormal tional approach to inventory control is to manipulate the
conditions cause high shive levels in the screen feed. At screen differential pressure (DP). This can successfully
lower than optimum RR, debris is not adequately removed, regulate feed tank level; however, it also significantly
and freeness variability can be quite large even with small reduces throughput when the screen partially blinds (i.e.,
variations in RR. as the screen slowly blinds, the accept valve closes to main-
We have implemented three modes of supervisory tain DP). On the other hand, flow control opens the accepts
control. The first is reject flow control, which must be used valve during a partial blind to maintain throughput. The
during startup with white water while consistencies are
November 1991 Tappi Journal 99
only lost time with accepts flow control is the 20 s necessary surge tank with the incoming stock. However, the amount
to flush the basket each time it completely blinds. of dilution at the pump should be enough to lower feed
Still another method of inventory control is to recycle consistency by at least a 0.4%to 0.5%range. A valve position
. a portion of the screen accepts to the feed tank. Because controller (VPC) can then be used, as shown in Fig. 2, to
of the recycling, this method can result in a significant keep the pump suction dilution valve a t mid range. The
reduction in accepted long fiber and freeness. Moreover, VPC is a proportional integral (PI) controller which
as the recycle flow needed to control the level varies, so manipulates dilution flow into the screen surge tank.
will the freeness and pulp quality vary. Finally, recycling
accepts will decrease screen throughput. All of these Application results
problems can be eliminated by manipulating accepts flow
to control the feed-tank level. The pulp mill pressure screen project at Port Angeles
exceeded all expectations for improved quality, efficiency,
Feed control cost savings, and ease of process startup. The mill attributes
Feed stream pressure and consistency play an important this success to the control system and to the improved
role in the overall operation of a pressure screen system. technology associated with pressure screen operation.
They are the only process variables that require control
in the screen feed. Quality and efficiency
The feedstock pressure has no effect on screening Paper machine and press room efficiencies improved
quality, efficiency, or throughput; however, feed pressure significantly after startup. Fiber cutter (shive) problems
can have an impact on process runnability. The feed were reduced from the No. 1cause of breaks on the paper
pressure is controlled using a simple feedback loop, as machines to the No. 3 cause. Press room performance
shown in Fig. 2. It is tuned much the same as a flow loop. experienced a similar improvement. Shive related
The setpoint of this controller establishes the internal problems on the presses were decreased from the No. 1
pressure of the screen, which in turn determines the cause of web breaks to No. 4 (0.2%of web breaks due to
pressure drops across all screen system valves (feed, shives). Ray cells in the screen accepts also were reduced
accepts, rejects, and dilution). Depending on process stock by 33%.
temperature and screen throughput, the feed pressure In addition to these benefits, the shive content in the
setpoint must be adjusted to prevent valve cavitation and paper machine furnish was cut in half while the CSF was
the runnability problems associated with it. In this respect, increased by 10 points on the RMP refiner line and by
proper valve sizing for all anticipated production rates is 20 points on the TMP line. The additional long fiber
a critical step in the overall process design of the screening improved paper machine drainage and significantly
system. We commonly raise feed temperature to improve enhanced the physical strength properties of the sheet.
screen runnability and increase throughput. Under these
conditions, the valves are even more prone to cavitation sts savings
if improperly sized. The improvements in long-fiber fractions and paper
The feedstock consistency requires very tight control machine drainage resulted in a reduction of kraft usage
because it does influence screen throughput and runnabil- by at least 3% of virgin furnish (saving US$ 1 million
ity, and it can also affect accept quality. A change as small annually). The refiner production rates were also
as 0.1% consistency can have a large impact on pulp increased by 25% on both lines. This accommodated the
throughput and the frequency of screen blinding. Typically, increased paper machine efficiencies very well and paved
an increase in feed consistency will increase screen the way for several machine speed-up projects. The
throughput; however, runnability (blinding) will become increased production also reduced refiner power consump-
a problem if the consistency gets too high. Consequently, tion by 12%, which currently saves us US$ 1.2 million
there is an optimum feed consistency, and it changes its annually.
chip furnish and refiner plate conditions change. Finally, It was impossible to precisely determine the total dollar
a large variability in feed consistency can upset the screen savings associated with the pressure screen project.
reject rate and cause a significant disturbance to efficiency However, there is no doubt that the project payback was
as well as pulp quality and freeness. less than two years.
To adequately control feed consistency, trim dilution is
required at the suction of the pump. Port Angeles uses Screen startup
an advanced control strategy with adaptive tuning (2),as The new screening system was brought on-line without
shown in Fig. 2. The strategy regulates consistency by a major pulp mill down. The extensive instrumentation
manipulating the ratio of dilution flow to total feed flow. was very revealing of the process and provided information
This not only provides uniform consistency but also ensures that allowed operations to complete the startup within 12
that the dilution water is turned off during an automated h. A process simulator developed in the Bailey Network-
flush cycle when the screen blinds (i.e., dilution flow is 90 Distributed Control System (DCS) was used to train
ratioed to feed flow, which is turned off during the flush operators several months before startup. This also
cycle). Good consistency regulation is also important contributed to a successful project, making the transition
immediately after a screen blind to aid in process recovery from simulation to on-line operation very smooth. The
and to avoid subsequent blinding. The adaptive controls simulator also proved invaluable for check out of the DCS
satisfy this need quite well. configuration.
Not all of the pulp dilution needs be done a t the pump One of the most important steps during startup was to
suction. Typically, some dilution water is added a t the get the feed consistency calibrated. Port Angeles converts
100 November 1991 Tappi Journal
the 4-20-mA transmitter signal to a percent consistency Literature cited
using a linear regression equation in the DCS. Laboratory
data for the regression is collected by averaging the 1. Nelson, G. L., 1975 International Mechanical Pulping
results of triplicate samples taken at each of three dif- Conference Proceedings, TAPPI PRESS, Atlanta, suppl. p. 41.
2. Dumdie, D. P., Tappi J. 71(7): p. 135(1988).
ferent consistencies. 3. Torborg, R. H., Pulp & Paper 54(3): 135(1980).
Finally, smart transmitters were used where possible 4. Hawkes, S., 1990 Pulping Conference Proceedings, TAPPI
and also contributed to the speedy startup. In particular, PRESS, Atlanta, p. 893.
smart pressure transmitters could be reranged quickly Special recognition goes to Scott W. Kelly for his role in the project and
and on-line without the need for taking the process down to Rex Springer for his process knowledge. The author also wishes to thank
or removing in-line instruments. The higher cost for these Bob Ketterling, Brad Blymyer. Guy Madison, Bruce Raymond, John
Hanson. Rob Buckingham. Susan Collicott. and other mill personnel who
transmitters was more than paid for during startup, and contributed to the project. In addition, the author acknowledges Mark
the smart field devices continue to pay dividends in Jackobson for the Bailey DCS configuration, and F r a n Willard for owner
preventive maintenance. representation.
Implementing the control system in Fig. 2 obviously Received for review May 3. 1991.
requires a DCS and extensive field instrumentation. Accepted July 5, 1991.
However, the benefits associated with advanced DCS
projects typically justify the capital expense. This was
clearly the case for our screening project.0

Automatic blind detection and flush
Automatic blind detection for a pressure screen can be used between the P1 and S1 screens. The automated
done in the DCS by monitoring the differential pressure startup sequence for this configuration is as follows:
(DP) across the screen basket. In a Hooper system, the 1. Ensure the cleaner system is running on white
rotor provides a pumping action or pressure boost water (permissive).
across the basket. The DP in this case is defined as
2. Open the dilution valves to the secondary screen
accept pressure minus feed pressure. As this differen-
tial drops from a positive to a negative value, blinding 100%.
occurs, and it becomes necessary to flush or clean the 3. Open the seal water valves and satisfy any other
screen. utility requirements for the secondary screen.
Other screen manufacturers use foils, which do not 4. Start the secondary screen motor and wait 20 s to
boost pressure. The DP for these screens is defined as monitor the motor load and alarm any problems.
feed pressure minus accept pressure. In this case, the 5. Start the secondary screen feed pump.
DP increases as the screen blinds. It is much easier to
detect blind conditions on a Hooper screen since the DP 6. ?ut all secondary screen regulatory controls on
change is so large (from +70 kPa to -55 kPa). automatic and run on white water.
Once a screen blind has been detected, an automated 7. Put the secondary screen supervisory control loop
flush cycle can be completed as follows: in flow mode to maintain a constant reject flow rate.
8. Repeat steps 2-7 for the primary screen.
1. Close the feed and accept valves and turn off the feed
pump. 9. Start up the refiner mill and begin screening thick
2. Open the reject and dilution valves 100%.
10. When both the feed and reject consistencies for P1
3. Continue running the screen motor and flushing the
and S1 increase and enter the range of their
basket for about 20 s.
respective consistency transmitters, switch the
4. Put all controllers back on automatic and start the supervisory control loops to reject rate mode or
feed pump. shive removal efficiency mode.
Some pressure screens do not use dilution water and The automated shutdown sequence is simply a logical
may require more than a 20-s cleaning cycle. reversal of the startup sequence. This ordering of steps
was designed for Hooper screens and may require mod-
Automatic startup and shutdown ifications when applied to other manufacturers’ screens.

The Port Angeles screening system on both refiner lines

uses primary ( P l ) and secondary (Sl) screens config-
ured in a cascade arrangement. A small surge tank is appendix continued next page

November 1991 Tappi Journal 101

Miscellaneous project notes
There were several miscellaneous points of interest adequate mixing while keeping the control loop
regarding the Port Angeles screening project that are deadtime to a minimum.
worthy of mention. They relate to screen throughput 4. The automated startup sequence made it possible to
and runnability, quality, operations, process design, use a very small surge tank between the P1 and S1
and the controls: screens. However, the control strategy in Fig. 2 can
1. Primary screen throughput and runnability were be easily adapted t o accommodate a directly
initially a problem at higher production rates on both connected P1-SI as suggested by Hawkes (4).
the TMP and RMP lines. These problems were solved 5. As is the case with most advanced supervisory
by raising the screen motor horsepower to increase control systems, ongoing DCS attention is necessary
rotor speed. This significantly improved screen to maintain peak system performance and quality.
throughput without increasing slot size or compro-
mising quality. 6. Properly designed stand pipes with vacuum break-
ers were used on all accept and reject lines to ensure
2. The original system piping was designed so that sec- a constant backpressure on the valves and to guard
ondary screen accepts could be combined with against cavitation.
primary screen accepts and sent forward to the clean-
ers. This configuration helped ease initial throughput 7. Although upper and lower dilution water is neces-
problems without significantly affecting quality. sary for proper Hooper screen operation, tight
control and flow instruments are not required. We
3. Consistency control a t the feed pump suction found no correlation between dilution flow and
requires a large dilution line to ensure the in-pipe accept quality.
velocity does not exceed 1.2 m/s (3).In addition, the
8. As expected, the screening system was found very
consistency transmitter should be placed 10-15 s
downstream from the dilution line. This works well effective in removing shives from the pulp while the
cleaners efficiently removed chop.
with the adaptive consistency controls and ensures

102 November 1991 Tappi Journal

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