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Maths Mania Biology

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Human Diseases
1. Chicken Pox, Influenza Hepatitis, dengue, polio rabies, AIDS, rinderpest, swine flu and common cold caused
by which micro-organism? - Virus
2. Beriberi is caused of which deficiency. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
3. Typhoid is caused by- Salmonella typhi
4. Scurvy (disease of Skin) is caused by deficiency of which vitamin-Vitamin C
5. Which disease is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D: -Rickets (Deformed Bones)
6. If waste materials contaminate the source of drinking water, which disease will spread? -Typhoid
7. Which type of micro-organism causes typhoid? -Bacteria
8. Housefly spreads -Typhoid
9. Which disease is spread through contaminated food ? -Typhoid
10. Which disease spreads when affected persons excreta gets mixed with drinking water? -Cholera
11. Minamata disease is a nervous disorder caused by eating fish, polluted with -Mercury
12. Deficiency of Iron in diet causes which disease? -Anaemia
13. Deficiency of which nutrient is the most common cause of goitres? -Iodine
14. Which disease is caused by severe deficiency of proteins? -Kwashiorkor
15. Which of the communicable disease is caused by virus? -Measles
16. Malaria and Kala Azar are caused by-protozoa
17. Who discovered that Malaria was caused by female Anopheles mosquito? -Ronald Ross
18. Which medicine is widely used in India to treat malaria? -Hydroxychloroquine.
19. Malaria can be cured with a drug "quinine" extracted from-Cinchona tree
20. Malaria is transmitted from one person to another by: -Female Anopheles Mosquito
21. A disease cause by fungus is : Ringworm
22. The harmful ultraviolet rays which comes from Sun causes: Skin cancer
23. A substance that stimulates the production of antibodies when introduced into a living organism is known as: -
24. Kidney disease in man is caused by the pollutant: -Cadmium
25. Itai-Itai disease is due to poisoning caused by -Cadmium
26. The disease that is caused by virus is: -Common cold
27. is not an infectious disease. -Diabetes / Cancer
28. Diabetes is a condition in which the level of individual's blood becomes too high: glucose
29. The cells which are responsible for the production of antibodies are -lymphocytes
30. The heat treatment applied to milk before distribution to stabilize and to remove disease causing bacteria is -
31. Full form of the infectious disease SARS is -severe acute respiratory syndrome
32. The radioactive Strontium-90 causes-skin cancer
33. The disease that has been eradicated from the world is. -Small pox
34. An organism that transmits disease from one individual to another is called :-Vector
35. Which cells in our body are popularly called "soldiers of the human body" as it fights against germs entering
the human body? -White blood cells
36. A mosquito-borne viral disease -Dengue
37. Choose the correct group of diseases that are spread by air-Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Influenza

Animal kingdom
1. Who gave The Theory of Natural Selection '/ Theory of Evolution? -Darwin
2. Who is known as the Father of Zoology? -Aristotle
3. Which is the largest living flightless, tallest bird?-Ostrich
4. gives energy to our body ? -Carbohydrates
5. The biggest single-celled organism is-Algae
6. Yeast and mushrooms are the examples of organisms of which kingdom? -Fungi

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Maths Mania Biology
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7. The smallest living bird that flies backward is the __ -Humming bird
8. Five Kingdom classification was given by -Robert Harding Whittaker
9. Which nocturnal animal hibernates? -Bat
10. What is the definition for the term 'hibernation'? -A state of reduced metabolic activity during
winter among some animals
11. What is a Sponge? -An animal
12. Wings of a bird and an insect are -Analogous organs
13. The resources which are obtained from biosphere and have life are: -Biotic resources
14. Cockroach, Locust, Butterfly, Scorpion and Prawn are all examples of which Phylum? -Arthropoda
15. The resources which are obtained from biosphere and have life are: -Biotic resources
16. Based on the common features like presence of Noto-chord and dorsal hollow neural system, animals
like fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals included in which Phylum? -Chordata
17. Which has open type of circulatory system? -Cockroach and Silverfish
18. An ant can see the objects all around it due to the presence of: -Compound eyes
19. What are the microorganisms that breakdown the dead remains and waste product of organisms
called? -Decomposers
20. Called the farmer's 'friend', the __ helps in the breakdown of complex organic matter as well as in
loosening of the soil-Earthworm
21. Crocodiles have _ _ heart chambers. -four
22. Which has no blood, but respires? -Hydra
23. Which animal has the longest life span? -Tortoise
24. is a cold blooded but NOT an amphibian. -Tortoise
25. What does the word 'amphibian' means? -Habitable in both water and land
26. Which is the largest mammal? :Whale
27. The concept of 'survival of the fittest' was first advocated by -Darwin
28. Who gave The Theory of Natural Selection '/ Theory of Evolution? -Darwin
29. Biological / Scientific names are generally derived from which language? -Latin
30. Johann Gregor Mendel is famous for propounding -Laws of heredity
31. Exobiology deals with the study of-life in other planets and space
32. Taenia (Tapeworm), Fasciola (Liver fluke) are examples of which Phylum? -Platyhelminthes
33. Which mammal lay eggs? -Platypus / Spiny ant-eater
34. Which is the third stage in the metamorphosis of a butterfly? -Pupa
35. Examples of not a true fish? -1) Jellyfish 2) Starfish 3) Cuttlefish

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Maths Mania Biology
Most Important One Liners

36. Which animal has the longest life span? -Tortoise

37. Which is a cold blooded but NOT an amphibian. -Tortoise
Fundamental Unit Of Life - Cells
1. The suicidal bags / digestive bag, or Atom Bomb of the cell are :-Lysosomes
2. __ is called 'the power house of the cell-Mitochondria
3. The full form or DNA is-deoxyribonucleic acid
4. Genes, the hereditary units, are located in the-chromosomes
5. Chromosomes consist of __ . -DNA and protein
6. In humans each cell normally contains --pairs of chromosomes -23 pairs
7. Transfer of genetic information from one generation to the next generation is by -DNA
8. Outside the nucleus 'DNA is found in -Mitochondria
9. Who coined the term 'gene?- Jhonnasen
10. The branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is known as -Cytology
11. Who discovered cells m the human body? -Robert Hooke
12. Who presented that all the plants and animal life composed of cells and that the cell is the baste unit
of -M. Schleiden and T. Schwann
13. Who is known as 'Father of Genetics? -Gregor Johann Mendel
14. DNA contains- Pentose sugar
Vitamins and Enzymes
1. Deficiency of which nutrient causes night blindness :-Vitamin A
2. Cod liver oil and carrot are source of _ _ -Vitamin A
3. Yeast is an important source of -Vitamin B
4. ___ is known as Vitamin B 1? -Thiamin
5. Compounds that are needed for enzymes to function properly are -Vitamins
6. The metal, which is a constituent of vitamin B 12 is-Cobalt
7. Fat soluble vitamins are-CAlciferol, Carotene, Tocopherol
8. What is the popular name of 'Ascorbic Acid'?-Vitamin C
9. Select the water-soluble vitamin-Vitamin B and C
10. Which Vitamin is essential for the absorption of calcium? -Vitamin D
11. Which Vitamin is popularly known as the 'sunshine vitamin' as it is obtained from Sun rays? -
Vltamin D
12. Which enzyme digests proteins in the stomach?-Pepsin
13. The enzyme that coagulates milk into curd is :-Rennin
14. __ is used as a food preservative? -Sodium benzoate
15. In digestion, proteins are converted into-Amino acids
16. The element which is rich in most leafy vegetables is-lron
17. The element which is the most abundant in the human body in-Oxygen
18. Which vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a role in blood clotting, bone metabolism and
regulating blood calcium levels. -Vitamin K

Respiratory and Digestive system

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Maths Mania Biology
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1. The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhale is about :-4 percent
2. The exchange of gases in a mammal takes place in_ _ . :-Alveoli
3. Which is the respiratory organ of fish? :-gills
4. During hibernation state, frog respires by ___ . -Only skin
5. Jaundice is caused due to the infection of _ _ :-liver
6. is responsible for oxygen transportation in humans.:-Haemoglobin
7. A normal human respires in a minute ___ -14 - 18 times
8. The saliva secreted in the mouth digests-Starch
9. Which is the largest gland in human body? -Liver
10. In which organ of human body is carbohydrates stored as glycogen?-Liver
11. Bile is secreted by-liver  Bile is stored in-gall bladder
12. Which organ bas finger like outgrowths which are called as Villi (Singular Villus)? -Small intestine
13. Hydrochloric acid is secreted in which part of our digestive system? -Stomach
14. In which part of the human digestive system is the digestion of food completed? -Small Intestine
15. Hepatitis affects which organ of the human body? -Liver
16. In which part of the alimentary canal, the complete digestion of fat takes place? -Small lntestine

Cardiovascular System
1. Both, haemoglobin and myoglobin require _ _ for formation-iron
2. Normal blood pressure of man is __ :-120/80 mmHg
3. Which scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for describing the human ABO blood group system? -
Karl Landsteiner
4. A person with the blood group ___ is considered to be a universal donor, -O negative
5. Which component of blood helps in the formation of blood clots? -Platelets
6. The smallest blood vessels which are one-cell thick, are called __ -capillaries
7. Which vein brings clean blood from the lungs into the Heart?-Pulmonary Vein
8. ___is known as the graveyard of RBC? -Spleen
9. Who discovered the circulation of Blood? -William Harvey
10. The largest artery (blood vessel) in human body is-Aorta
11. In which part or the body is blood produced? -Bone Marrow
12. The number of chambers in a human heart ·-Four
13. “pace-maker" is associated with -· -Heart
14. Why is the colour of human blood red? -Because of haemoglobin
15. Heart attack occurs due to __ -Lack of supply of blood to the heart itself.
16. Thromboplastin, required in blood clotting, is secreted by __ -platelets
17. Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure? -Sphygmomanometer
18. About how much blood is in the circulatory system of an average person?-5 litres

Nervous and Skeletal system

1. Which cells in our body have the least regenerative power? ;- Brain Cells
2. Which is longest cells of human body? Nerve Cells
3. The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is : nerves

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Maths Mania Biology
Most Important One Liners

4. The colour of the eye depends upon the pigment present in :-Iris
5. __ controls the size of pupil (amount of light entering) in human eye?-Iris
6. An adult human body bas __ bones. -206
7. The longest bone in the human body is-Femur
8. The strongest / longest bone of the body is present in the-Thigh
9. Which is the hardest substance in the human body? -Enamel (tooth)
10. How many 'canine teeth' does an adult human have? :-4
11. ___-is a vestigial organ in human body -Tailbone /Wisdom teeth
12. The science dealing with the study of teeth is-Odontotology
13. Identify the part of brain that controls the maintenance of posture, balance and equilibrium.-

Endocrine and excretory System

1. Blood pressure is controlled by-Adrenal Gland
2. Which hormone is called "Emergency Hormone"? -Adrenaline
3. Which hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland? -Growth hormone
4. Which cell of pancreas produce insulin? -Beta cells
5. Insulin and Adrenaline is a kind of -Hormone
6. Which organ of human body secretes Insulin? Pancreas
7. Lactogenic and Sex Hormone is secreted by--Pituitary
8. What is the name of the hormone produced by thymus gland-Thymosin
9. The largest endocrine gland __ is situated in the neck-Thyroid
10. Which organ excretes water, fat and various catabolic wastes? -Kidney
11. The functional unit of the kidney is -Nephron
12. Dehydration in human body is caused due to the loss of-water
13. Which one of the Endocrine glands known as master gland? -Pituitary
14. Pituitary gland is located in;- the base of the brain

Reproductive system
1. The __ are the primary female sex organs that produce the female gamete (ovum) and several
2. steroid hormones (ovarian hormones)-Ovaries
3. Which hormone can be detected in the milk of nursing mothers? -Progesterone
4. Birds usually have a single-ovary
5. In humans fertilization usually occurs in-Fallopian Tube
6. During fertilisation in living beings. fusion of male and female gametes takes place to form a cell
1. MRI scans produce detailed images of the organs and tissues in the body. What is the full form of
MRI? -Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2. Hydroponics. is a method of culture of plants without using -Soil
3. The pigment that gives human skin, hair and eyes their colour is called: Melanin
4. Which bacteria is responsible for the formation of curd? -Lactobacillus Acidophillus

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Maths Mania Biology
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5. Which drug is used to get pain relief in muscles-- Analgesics

6. Fiber diet includes-Cellulose
7. Cholesterol is related to-Fats
8. ___is the sweetest sugar. -Fructose
9. The form of carbohydrate which is synthesised in plants-Glucose
10. Muscles fatigue occurs due to accumulation of -Lactic acid
11. IODINE solution is used to test the presence of-Starch
12. Animal protein ( meat and fish) is called first class protein because it is-rich In essential amino
13. 'ELISA' test is employed to diagnose -AIDS Antibodies
14. What name was assigned to the world's first clone of an adult Sheep by the British scientists? -
15. An EEG is a test used to evaluate the electrical activity in the brain. __ is the full form of EEG. -
16. The colour of cow's milk is slightly yellow due to the presence of -Carotene
17. ____is used in the treatment of cancer? :-Chemotherapy
18. Vaccine for Small pox was discovered by -Edward Jenner
19. ___is a hormone at regulates the amount of glucose (level of sugar) in _the blood-Insulin
20. Normal fasting blood sugar level per 100 ml of blood in man is -80-100mg
21. Blood cancer is commonly known as-Leukaemia
22. Full form of AIDS-Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome

Classification Of plants
1. Plants which can survive in very less water are called as -Xerophytes
2. Name the Japanese art of miniaturisation of trees-Bonsai
3. Plants with weak stem that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called-Creepers
4. Which are flowerless plants that produce cones and seeds in which seeds are not encased within an
ovary? -Gymnosperms
5. Carrot is orange in colour because it contains -Carotene
6. Which plant is carnivorous? -Venus Flytrap
7. Plants of which group are predominantly aquatic? Thallophyta
8. Clove, the commonly used spice, is obtained from the-Flower Bud
9. In the plant kingdom, ‘Ferns and Fern allies’ belong to which group? -Pteridophyt
10. ___are chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic and largely aquatic (both fresh water and
marine) organisms. -Algae

Plant Physiology
1. Insectivorous plants grow in soil which is deficient in-Nitrogen
2. Name the tissue that transports food to various parts of a plant-Phloem
3. The ____is the stem-like part of the leaf that joins the blade to the stem.-Petiole
4. The part of the stem where a leaf arises is known as: Node

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5. The green coloured plastids in a plant cell are known as -Chloroplasts

6. Which is the smallest flower in the world? -Wolffia
7. Which micronutrient is supplied by soil to plant? -Zinc
8. Ginger, Turmeric & Onion are modified____-Stem
9. Chlorophyll contains -Magnesium
10. which cell organelle is present only in plant cell? -cell wall
11. The fleshy thalamus is edible in___-apple
12. ____is/are responsible for water transportation in plants-Xylem
13. By which Process water comes out of leaves in the form of vapour? –Transpiration
1. Green leaves make their food by the process of photosynthesis using and water. This happens in the
presence of sunlight.-Carbon Dioxide
2. Oxygen which is vital for life is a product of photosynthesis and comes from-Water
3. The maximum fixation of solar energy is done by-Green Plants
4. Photosynthesis fulfills which requirements of the autotrophic organisms? -Carbon, Energy
5. Photosynthesis in plants converts light energy to ____energy-Chemical
6. Photosynthesis takes place in the presence of chlorophyll and-Sunlight
7. The structure in cells which contains light absorbing pigment is -Chloroplasts
8. Colour of the plants is green due to the presence of-Chlorophyll
9. The structure in cells which contains light absorbing pigment is -Chloroplasts

Plant hormones
1. Which of the following is/are plant disease: I. Citrus canker II. Hepatitis B III. Cholera -only I
2. Red rot of sugarcane is caused by: Colletotrichum falcatum
3. Leaves of the nettle plant secrete acid which causes a painful sting on touching. –Methanoic
Plant Reproduction
1. What is the term used for pollination by wind? -Anemophily
2. The floral part that produces pollen grains is-anther
3. The innermost part of a flower is called the: Pistil
4. The pollination of maize takes place by: Pollination by air
5. Which is a male part of a flower? Stamen
6. Which is the usual reproductive part of a plant? -flower

 Production of alcohol from organic compound by microorganism is known as :-Fermentation
 HYV refers to -High yielding Variety
 Penicillin is extracted from –Fungus

 The protein present in the Hair, Finger nails, Hoofs and Horns is - Keratin
 Which is the smallest bone in the human body? :- Stapea
 The incisor tooth is meant for _ _- Biting and Cutting

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Maths Mania Biology
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 The cell walls of many organisms of Fungi kingdom are made of a tough
 complex sugar called _ _ -chitin
 The connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone is - Tendon
 __ is not a connective tissue. - Cardiac Muscle / Skeletal Muscle

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