Human Diseases
1. Chicken Pox, Influenza Hepatitis, dengue, polio rabies, AIDS, rinderpest, swine flu and common cold caused
by which micro-organism? - Virus
2. Beriberi is caused of which deficiency. Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
3. Typhoid is caused by- Salmonella typhi
4. Scurvy (disease of Skin) is caused by deficiency of which vitamin-Vitamin C
5. Which disease is caused by deficiency of Vitamin D: -Rickets (Deformed Bones)
6. If waste materials contaminate the source of drinking water, which disease will spread? -Typhoid
7. Which type of micro-organism causes typhoid? -Bacteria
8. Housefly spreads -Typhoid
9. Which disease is spread through contaminated food ? -Typhoid
10. Which disease spreads when affected persons excreta gets mixed with drinking water? -Cholera
11. Minamata disease is a nervous disorder caused by eating fish, polluted with -Mercury
12. Deficiency of Iron in diet causes which disease? -Anaemia
13. Deficiency of which nutrient is the most common cause of goitres? -Iodine
14. Which disease is caused by severe deficiency of proteins? -Kwashiorkor
15. Which of the communicable disease is caused by virus? -Measles
16. Malaria and Kala Azar are caused by-protozoa
17. Who discovered that Malaria was caused by female Anopheles mosquito? -Ronald Ross
18. Which medicine is widely used in India to treat malaria? -Hydroxychloroquine.
19. Malaria can be cured with a drug "quinine" extracted from-Cinchona tree
20. Malaria is transmitted from one person to another by: -Female Anopheles Mosquito
21. A disease cause by fungus is : Ringworm
22. The harmful ultraviolet rays which comes from Sun causes: Skin cancer
23. A substance that stimulates the production of antibodies when introduced into a living organism is known as: -
24. Kidney disease in man is caused by the pollutant: -Cadmium
25. Itai-Itai disease is due to poisoning caused by -Cadmium
26. The disease that is caused by virus is: -Common cold
27. is not an infectious disease. -Diabetes / Cancer
28. Diabetes is a condition in which the level of individual's blood becomes too high: glucose
29. The cells which are responsible for the production of antibodies are -lymphocytes
30. The heat treatment applied to milk before distribution to stabilize and to remove disease causing bacteria is -
31. Full form of the infectious disease SARS is -severe acute respiratory syndrome
32. The radioactive Strontium-90 causes-skin cancer
33. The disease that has been eradicated from the world is. -Small pox
34. An organism that transmits disease from one individual to another is called :-Vector
35. Which cells in our body are popularly called "soldiers of the human body" as it fights against germs entering
the human body? -White blood cells
36. A mosquito-borne viral disease -Dengue
37. Choose the correct group of diseases that are spread by air-Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Influenza
Animal kingdom
1. Who gave The Theory of Natural Selection '/ Theory of Evolution? -Darwin
2. Who is known as the Father of Zoology? -Aristotle
3. Which is the largest living flightless, tallest bird?-Ostrich
4. gives energy to our body ? -Carbohydrates
5. The biggest single-celled organism is-Algae
6. Yeast and mushrooms are the examples of organisms of which kingdom? -Fungi
7. The smallest living bird that flies backward is the __ -Humming bird
8. Five Kingdom classification was given by -Robert Harding Whittaker
9. Which nocturnal animal hibernates? -Bat
10. What is the definition for the term 'hibernation'? -A state of reduced metabolic activity during
winter among some animals
11. What is a Sponge? -An animal
12. Wings of a bird and an insect are -Analogous organs
13. The resources which are obtained from biosphere and have life are: -Biotic resources
14. Cockroach, Locust, Butterfly, Scorpion and Prawn are all examples of which Phylum? -Arthropoda
15. The resources which are obtained from biosphere and have life are: -Biotic resources
16. Based on the common features like presence of Noto-chord and dorsal hollow neural system, animals
like fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals included in which Phylum? -Chordata
17. Which has open type of circulatory system? -Cockroach and Silverfish
18. An ant can see the objects all around it due to the presence of: -Compound eyes
19. What are the microorganisms that breakdown the dead remains and waste product of organisms
called? -Decomposers
20. Called the farmer's 'friend', the __ helps in the breakdown of complex organic matter as well as in
loosening of the soil-Earthworm
21. Crocodiles have _ _ heart chambers. -four
22. Which has no blood, but respires? -Hydra
23. Which animal has the longest life span? -Tortoise
24. is a cold blooded but NOT an amphibian. -Tortoise
25. What does the word 'amphibian' means? -Habitable in both water and land
26. Which is the largest mammal? :Whale
27. The concept of 'survival of the fittest' was first advocated by -Darwin
28. Who gave The Theory of Natural Selection '/ Theory of Evolution? -Darwin
29. Biological / Scientific names are generally derived from which language? -Latin
30. Johann Gregor Mendel is famous for propounding -Laws of heredity
31. Exobiology deals with the study of-life in other planets and space
32. Taenia (Tapeworm), Fasciola (Liver fluke) are examples of which Phylum? -Platyhelminthes
33. Which mammal lay eggs? -Platypus / Spiny ant-eater
34. Which is the third stage in the metamorphosis of a butterfly? -Pupa
35. Examples of not a true fish? -1) Jellyfish 2) Starfish 3) Cuttlefish
1. The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhale is about :-4 percent
2. The exchange of gases in a mammal takes place in_ _ . :-Alveoli
3. Which is the respiratory organ of fish? :-gills
4. During hibernation state, frog respires by ___ . -Only skin
5. Jaundice is caused due to the infection of _ _ :-liver
6. is responsible for oxygen transportation in humans.:-Haemoglobin
7. A normal human respires in a minute ___ -14 - 18 times
8. The saliva secreted in the mouth digests-Starch
9. Which is the largest gland in human body? -Liver
10. In which organ of human body is carbohydrates stored as glycogen?-Liver
11. Bile is secreted by-liver Bile is stored in-gall bladder
12. Which organ bas finger like outgrowths which are called as Villi (Singular Villus)? -Small intestine
13. Hydrochloric acid is secreted in which part of our digestive system? -Stomach
14. In which part of the human digestive system is the digestion of food completed? -Small Intestine
15. Hepatitis affects which organ of the human body? -Liver
16. In which part of the alimentary canal, the complete digestion of fat takes place? -Small lntestine
Cardiovascular System
1. Both, haemoglobin and myoglobin require _ _ for formation-iron
2. Normal blood pressure of man is __ :-120/80 mmHg
3. Which scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for describing the human ABO blood group system? -
Karl Landsteiner
4. A person with the blood group ___ is considered to be a universal donor, -O negative
5. Which component of blood helps in the formation of blood clots? -Platelets
6. The smallest blood vessels which are one-cell thick, are called __ -capillaries
7. Which vein brings clean blood from the lungs into the Heart?-Pulmonary Vein
8. ___is known as the graveyard of RBC? -Spleen
9. Who discovered the circulation of Blood? -William Harvey
10. The largest artery (blood vessel) in human body is-Aorta
11. In which part or the body is blood produced? -Bone Marrow
12. The number of chambers in a human heart ·-Four
13. “pace-maker" is associated with -· -Heart
14. Why is the colour of human blood red? -Because of haemoglobin
15. Heart attack occurs due to __ -Lack of supply of blood to the heart itself.
16. Thromboplastin, required in blood clotting, is secreted by __ -platelets
17. Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure? -Sphygmomanometer
18. About how much blood is in the circulatory system of an average person?-5 litres
4. The colour of the eye depends upon the pigment present in :-Iris
5. __ controls the size of pupil (amount of light entering) in human eye?-Iris
6. An adult human body bas __ bones. -206
7. The longest bone in the human body is-Femur
8. The strongest / longest bone of the body is present in the-Thigh
9. Which is the hardest substance in the human body? -Enamel (tooth)
10. How many 'canine teeth' does an adult human have? :-4
11. ___-is a vestigial organ in human body -Tailbone /Wisdom teeth
12. The science dealing with the study of teeth is-Odontotology
13. Identify the part of brain that controls the maintenance of posture, balance and equilibrium.-
Reproductive system
1. The __ are the primary female sex organs that produce the female gamete (ovum) and several
2. steroid hormones (ovarian hormones)-Ovaries
3. Which hormone can be detected in the milk of nursing mothers? -Progesterone
4. Birds usually have a single-ovary
5. In humans fertilization usually occurs in-Fallopian Tube
6. During fertilisation in living beings. fusion of male and female gametes takes place to form a cell
1. MRI scans produce detailed images of the organs and tissues in the body. What is the full form of
MRI? -Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2. Hydroponics. is a method of culture of plants without using -Soil
3. The pigment that gives human skin, hair and eyes their colour is called: Melanin
4. Which bacteria is responsible for the formation of curd? -Lactobacillus Acidophillus
Classification Of plants
1. Plants which can survive in very less water are called as -Xerophytes
2. Name the Japanese art of miniaturisation of trees-Bonsai
3. Plants with weak stem that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called-Creepers
4. Which are flowerless plants that produce cones and seeds in which seeds are not encased within an
ovary? -Gymnosperms
5. Carrot is orange in colour because it contains -Carotene
6. Which plant is carnivorous? -Venus Flytrap
7. Plants of which group are predominantly aquatic? Thallophyta
8. Clove, the commonly used spice, is obtained from the-Flower Bud
9. In the plant kingdom, ‘Ferns and Fern allies’ belong to which group? -Pteridophyt
10. ___are chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic and largely aquatic (both fresh water and
marine) organisms. -Algae
Plant Physiology
1. Insectivorous plants grow in soil which is deficient in-Nitrogen
2. Name the tissue that transports food to various parts of a plant-Phloem
3. The ____is the stem-like part of the leaf that joins the blade to the stem.-Petiole
4. The part of the stem where a leaf arises is known as: Node
Plant hormones
1. Which of the following is/are plant disease: I. Citrus canker II. Hepatitis B III. Cholera -only I
2. Red rot of sugarcane is caused by: Colletotrichum falcatum
3. Leaves of the nettle plant secrete acid which causes a painful sting on touching. –Methanoic
Plant Reproduction
1. What is the term used for pollination by wind? -Anemophily
2. The floral part that produces pollen grains is-anther
3. The innermost part of a flower is called the: Pistil
4. The pollination of maize takes place by: Pollination by air
5. Which is a male part of a flower? Stamen
6. Which is the usual reproductive part of a plant? -flower
Production of alcohol from organic compound by microorganism is known as :-Fermentation
HYV refers to -High yielding Variety
Penicillin is extracted from –Fungus
The protein present in the Hair, Finger nails, Hoofs and Horns is - Keratin
Which is the smallest bone in the human body? :- Stapea
The incisor tooth is meant for _ _- Biting and Cutting
The cell walls of many organisms of Fungi kingdom are made of a tough
complex sugar called _ _ -chitin
The connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone is - Tendon
__ is not a connective tissue. - Cardiac Muscle / Skeletal Muscle