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09-03-2022 Std Xi Biology

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Term – II Annual Examination, MAR 2022

Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 35
General Instructions:-
i. This is a subjective question paper consisting of 13 questions divided into 3 sections A,
B, C. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Section - A : Q No. 1 to 6 are of 2 marks each. Section - B : Q No. 7 to 12 are of 3 marks
each. Section - C : Q No. 13 is of 5 marks.
iii.There is no overall choice. However, Internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
iv. Wherever necessary, neta and proper labeled diagrams should be drawn.

Q1. Define interphase. Enlist the events occurring in its subphases. (2)
Q2. List any four uses of auxins. (2)
Write any four agricultural application of ethylene.
Q3. Differentiate between the following terms. (2)
a) IRV & ERV.
b) Residual Volume & Functional Residual Capacity.
Q4. Define double circulation. State its significance. (2)
Q5. Discuss the types of proteins involved in muscle contraction. (2)
Q6. What do you mean by Kranz Anatomy. Give two examples of C4 plants.(2)
Q7. Give the schematic representation of Glycolysis. (3)
Q8. When and who gave Law of limiting factors? State the law. How could the
rate of photosynthesis be affected if the soil water becomes limiting? (3)
Q9. What is photophosrylation? Distinguish between Cyclic & Non-Cyclic
photophosrylation. (3)
Q10. Explain and draw well labelled diagrammatic representation of Tri-
carboxylic acid cycle (TCA). (3)
Q11. Write short note on transport of CO2 by blood. (3)
Q12. What is ECG? What do various waves of ECG indicate? Give its
significance. (3)
OR Contd…2/-
Discuss the role of ADH in osmo-regulatory function of the kidneys.
Q13. Discuss prophase – I of Meiosis – I with the help of well labelled sketches
and list all the important events during this phase. (5)
(a)Describe step by step what happens in the different phases of cardiac
cycle in humans? (3)
(b) Name two heart sounds and mention when they are respectively
produced in Cardiac Cycle. (2)


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