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Use this homework book. You can complete this at home or in your
free time.
Activity 1: Sexism
Activity 2: Letter of Complaint
Activity 3: Language and Structure
Activity 4: Creative Writing
Activity 5: Edexcel Paper 2 MOCK
Activity 6: Speech Writing
Activity 7: 7A comparison
Activity 8: Creative Writing
Activity 9: Evaluation
Activity 10: Section for a Text Book
Activity 11: Article Writing
Activity 12: 7B comparison
Activity 13: 7A/B comparison

Please visit Gcse&alevels with Ms.Bushra or

whatsapp 07926687919 for free resources.

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Define the Terminology
Adjective First
Short sentence
Adverb Pronoun
Rhetorical Ellipsis
Statistics TONE

Enough is enough': the fight against
everyday sexism
When Laura Bates set up her blog Everyday Sexism, she was told to relax: the
battle for equality was pretty much won, wasn't it? Here, she looks at the
extraordinary pressures on girls today
Everyone has a tipping point. The funny thing is that when mine came, in March 2012, it wasn't something
dramatic. It was just another week of little pinpricks: the man who appeared as I sat outside a cafe, seized my
hand and refused to let go; the guy who followed me off the bus and propositioned me all the way to my front
door; the man who made a sexual gesture and shouted, "I'm looking for a wife" from his car as I walked home
after a long day. I shouted back, "Keep looking!" but as I trudged home, I started for the first time really to
think about how many of these little incidents I was putting up with from day to day.

I thought about the night a group of teenage boys had casually walked up behind me in the street before one
of them grabbed me, hard, between the legs. I recalled the boss who'd sent me emails about his sexual
fantasies and terminated my freelance contract with no explanation almost immediately after learning I had
a boyfriend. I remembered the men who cornered me late one night in a Cambridge street, shouting
obscenities, and left me cowering against the wall as they strolled away.

And the more these incidents came back to me, the more I wondered why I'd played them down at the time –
why I'd never complained. The answer was that these events hadn't seemed exceptional enough for me to
object to. Because this kind of thing was just part of life – or, rather, part of being a woman. And I started to
wonder how many other women had had similar experiences. So I started asking around. To my surprise,

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every woman I spoke to had a story. And they weren't random one-off events, but reams of tiny pinpricks –
like my own experiences – so niggling and normalised that to protest about each one felt trivial. Yet put them
together, and the picture was strikingly clear. This inequality, this pattern of casual intrusion whereby
women could be leered at, touched, harassed and abused, was sexism. And if sexism means treating people
differently or discriminating against them purely because of their sex, then women were experiencing it on a
near-daily basis.

The more stories I heard, the more I tried to talk about the problem. And yet time and again I found myself
coming up against the same response: "Sexism doesn't exist any more," people told me. "You're uptight, or
frigid… you really need to learn to take a compliment."

People didn't want to acknowledge it, or talk about it. And it wasn't just men who took this view; it was
women, too, telling me I was being oversensitive, or simply looking for problems where there weren't any.

At first, I wondered if they were right. I thought I'd take a look at the statistics. I found that in
this supposedly "equal" society, with nothing left for women to want or fight for, they hold less than a quarter
of seats in parliament, and only four out of 22 Cabinet positions. That just seven out of 38 Lord Justices of
Appeal and 18 out of 108 High Court judgesare female. That in 2010 it was reported that the National
Gallery's collection of some 2,300 works contained paintings by only 10 women. That our Royal Society has
never had a female president and just 5% of the current fellowship is made up of women. That women write
only a fifth of front-page newspaper articles. That women directed just 5% of the 250 major films
of 2011, down by nearly half from a paltry 9% in 1998. I found that on average more than two women are
killed every week by a current or former partner, that there is a call to the police every minute about domestic
violence, and that a woman is raped every six minutes – adding up to more than 85,000 rapes and 400,000
sexual assaults per year.

I didn't for a moment think that the problem of sexism could be solved overnight. But nor did I see how we
could even begin to tackle it while so many people continued to refuse to acknowledge that it existed. So, in
April 2012, I started a simple website, everydaysexism.com, where women could upload their stories.
Without any funding, or means to publicise the project beyond my own Facebook wall, I thought perhaps 50
or 60 women would add their stories. Stories began to trickle in during the first few days. Within a week,
hundreds of women had added their voices. I started a Twitter account, @EverydaySexism, and found that
people were keen to discuss the phenomenon there, too. Stories began to appear from America and Canada,
Germany and France, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Tens of thousands of people started viewing the website
each month. Within 18 months we had expanded to 18 countries. In December 2013 – 20 months after the
project was launched – we had 50,000 entries.

When we carried out an online poll, asking people whether their school sex-and-relationships education had
covered issues such as domestic violence, assault or rape, more than 92% said these issues were never raised
at all. These statistics were borne out by numerous entries from girls and young women feeling confused and
anxious about sex and consent. Huge numbers simply had no idea they had the right to say no.

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Young people need to be aware of the possibility that things could be different. It isn't sweeping reform or
mass changes of the law that we need now, but a change in ideas and inherited assumptions about rape,
about body image and vulnerability. And that is something everybody can contribute to. Enough is enough.

The picture might seem depressing and at times I have felt overwhelmed. But setting up Everyday Sexism has
also put me in touch with a number of inspiring young people who are passionate about changing things for
their generation. Despite facing a barrage of pressures, they display tenacity, enthusiasm and courage in the
battle for gender equality. They are our great hope…

Paper 2 style question:

How does the writer use language and structure to interest and engage the reader? (15 marks)























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Write a letter of complaint to an expensive hotel which you have just visited. It did not live up to

expectations. (40 marks) Plan below. Write some persuasive/argumentative features you will use in this

piece of writing. Have a go at the synonym activity and try and use some of these words in your work








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Cake Left Out in Breakroom Without
any Instructions
MINNEAPOLIS—Leaving dozens of workers unsure as to whether they were permitted to
consume the enticing dessert, sources at the offices of Highwood Insurance told reporters
Wednesday that a cake had been left out in the break room without any instructions.

Prominently placed in the centre of the break room’s kitchen table, the 11-by-15-inch cake
reportedly lacked any sign or note explaining its presence. Employees confirmed the store-
bought cake, the surface of which does not bear any message written in icing that might
reveal whom or what it could be for, has remained completely untouched, with no pieces
missing, since it was first discovered after lunch.

“Is this cake for everybody?” asked junior sales representative Chris Walsh, 28, who,
though tempted to start eating the dessert, reported that he was uncomfortable proceeding
without any clear confirmation that he was free to do so. “They wouldn’t just leave it out
here like this if it weren’t for people to eat, right? Still, I’d hate to be the first one to cut into
it if it’s not for all of us.”

“Maybe I’ll swing by later,” he continued. “It looks pretty good.”

Perplexed employees remarked that at no point did they receive an email from the office
manager notifying them that there would be a cake in the kitchen to mark an occasion of
some kind, as they typically do in the event of an office celebration. As a result, sources
said, those who encountered the unmarked dessert could only speculate as to whether it
might be an indication of a birthday, retirement, or possibly even an office baby shower.

Noting that the cake is just sitting out in the open and that someone had already removed
the clear plastic cover from the confection, observers concluded that the dessert must be
intended for consumption before the end of the workday. Employees stated that the
mystery had been heightened by the fact that a few plastic forks had been left out, but no

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paper plates or cutting utensils, which further frustrated attempts to discern whether
people were simply meant to begin helping themselves.

Reports also indicated that the cake definitely isn’t big enough for the entire office.

“This might just be for the sales team,” said 43-year-old Tim DeSoto, noting that the
department had recently met its third-quarter goals, but that, as an accountant, he may not
be entitled to a slice. “I’m not really sure. I guess I could ask if anyone else knows what’s
going on, but my desk is close enough to the kitchen that I can probably just keep an eye on
it and see what happens.”

Paper 1 style question (6 marks)

How does the writer use language and structure to interest and engage the reader?


















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Have a go at this quick grammar activity: Correct the mistake

Incorrect Correct

Its there fault

They was in the wrong


Jacks bag

Jess coat

Your not aloud hear

Write about a time when you, or someone you know, didn’t know what to do. (40 marks) Tips: Consider

character, dialogue, description and setting. Avoid simple grammatical errors!

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About this text: Extract from ‘Love Letters of the Great War’, an anthology of letters written to

and from soldiers during the First World War. This edited letter was written by rifleman, Bert

Bailey to his wife, Lucilla. Bert and Lucilla had married in June 1915, when he was last at home

on leave. A few hours after writing this letter, Bert was killed.

Wednesday, 27 October 1915 My Darling Wife, Another night has passed and another morning

come and I am still in the trenches and in good health. Although all day and night on Monday it

rained steadily yet Tuesday (yesterday) morning broke fair and fine and we had a nice day

except that underneath everything was mud and slosh. We were employed all the morning and

afternoon in putting down boards along the trenches and have greatly improved it for


Just a few words now about your last parcel. I don’t often mention everything, but I do

appreciate the rag you sent me, it is so very useful. The piece this week is lovely and I make a

very shrewd guess that, when I am using it as a tablecloth, it was not always used for that

purpose but once formed part of my lady’s – ‘Oh dear, oh dear, what am I saying’ –

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nevertheless, it is grand to wrap my bread in and keep my food clean and nice. Cigarettes –

don’t send any more until I ask you to. Toffee, condensed milk, candles, rice and potted meat:

the toffee, milk, rice and one candle have all gone. Potted meat for tea today, candle tonight if

necessary. The Oxo cubes will be very nice to augment* my soup with, no doubt. Don’t send

me anymore Oxo or Bovril until I ask you to, Darling, will you? The little pat of butter is always

welcome, and the bread I think is an improvement on buying expensive cakes. Of course a

little home-made cake is nice, but I was never a lover of cake. Please discontinue sending tea,

sugar and salt for a bit, Darling, as I have plenty. Don’t think I am trying to economise and stint

myself because it is not that, and it all helps us, dear, doesn’t it?

Now my little Darling, you must be patient with me won’t you and don’t get cross because I

have been having a lot to say about the parcels. You are a pet to send them and you know you

asked me to guide you as to what I most required, didn’t you?

The pastry of your own make was absolutely A1, and a perfect success – and she’s the little girl

who said, ‘Oh, I can only cook a plain dinner.’ One great thing is off my mind and that is that I

need never fear for my life in the future when you send me or make me pastry!

The weather has remained fine all the afternoon and let’s hope it will be fine tonight. A cold

night’s bad, but a wet cold night is worse. You must not worry about me, Darling, because I am

just as able to look after myself as the other chaps. So, dearest little one, just keep cheerful and

enjoy yourself all you can, and wrap up now the cold is here. If you require new clothes in the

way of an overcoat or mac or gloves or anything for the winter, don’t let yourself go short, will

you? Just take it from the cash and note it in the book as I told you, so that we can see how the

cash is made up for the sake of keeping proper accounts. I’m afraid I twaddle** a lot but never


I remain ever your own devoted Bert

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augment* – enhance

twaddle** – talk rubbish

Q1: From lines 11–16, identify two items the writer tells his wife not to send until he asks for them. (2




Give one example from lines 22–28 of how the writer uses language to show his feelings for his new

wife. Example from the text:

(1) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

...................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................1 mark

How the writer uses language:

(1) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................



2 marks

3) Analyse how the writer uses language and structure to interest and engage the reader. Support your

views with detailed reference to the text. (15)






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Extract from ‘A Girl Called Jack: 100 Delicious Budget Recipes’ by Jack Monroe (2014). Jack Monroe is a

journalist, food writer and campaigner against hunger and poverty in the UK. This extract is taken from

the introduction to her book, where she discusses her experience of living on a budget to feed herself and

her son, who she refers to as ‘Small Boy’.

I spent a year unemployed from 2011 to 2012, with a budget of around £10 per week for food for me

and Small Boy. I moved from shopping online and having swanky organic fruit and vegetables delivered

in a recyclable cardboard box, to living out of the orange and white livery* of the Basics range at my

local supermarket. The ardent foodie in me was utterly miserable. Cheap, processed ready meals and a

lack of fruit and vegetables led to poor sleep patterns and a constantly hungry child, and for the first

time in my life my skin broke out in big angry spots. Something bad was going in, and nothing good

was coming out of it.

Things had to change. I no longer had the well-stocked kitchen of my former home, nor the ‘luxury

executive apartment’; I had a kitchen I couldn’t so much as lie down in, with an oven, a hob and two

saucepans, but I decided to dust off my apron and cook meals from scratch, as cheaply as I possibly

could. I cut down on meat and dairy products, out of necessity, and fell in love with home-cooked food


The results were, and continue to be, surprising. I found that my £10 weekly budget extended to home-

baked breads for breakfast, thick wholesome protein-packed soups, warming winter casseroles and

curries and stews, home-made burgers and piles of fruit and vegetables. Small Boy and I are healthier,

happier and still a bit soft around the edges, with three meals a day and a supply of bread and snacks

as and when we want them. Cooking for one and a half people used to feel pointless and laborious;

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now it’s quick and delightful, with minimal preparation and washing-up. All my recipes can be made

easily for one hungry person, or one person and a child, or in multiples, and frozen for home-made

ready meals.

Being a parent means I don’t have hours to spend in the kitchen, so most of my recipes are speedy and

simple. There’s no tarting about, no fancy expensive ingredients, but still, when I call my friends and

invite them over for dinner, I manage to fill a table and they manage to clear their plates with

compliments and smiles and disbelief that I do it so cheaply.

I started to document my recipes on my online blog, www.agirlcalledjack.com, and soon different

people were asking me every day if I would put them all into a cookbook. People emailed me to tell me

how much money they were saving on their weekly shop.

I don’t claim to be the world’s greatest cook, but I can sweat an onion and saute a mushroom with the

best of them; and in an age of glossy food on our televisions watched while stabbing ready meals with a

fork, there seems to be a disheartening disconnect between fantastic, nutritious food and the myth that

one needs a fancy kitchen and seventy ‘store cupboard essentials’ to cook them with. It’s simply not

true. Cooking can be easy.

livery* – the brand colours of a supermarket

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Q4: From lines 17–22, identify how cooking for ‘one and a half people’ has improved.

(1 mark)

Q5: Cheap, processed ready meals and a lack of fruit and vegetables led to poor sleep patterns and a
constantly hungry child, and for the first time in my life my skin broke out in big angry spots.

In this example, from lines 5–7, how does the writer use language to show how eating processed food
made her feel?

(1 mark)

Q6: In this extract, the writer tries to show how others are affected by her experience. Evaluate how
successfully this is achieved. Support your views with detailed reference to the text. (15 marks)




















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7A) The two texts show people taking care of others.

What similarities do Bert and Jack share in these extracts? (6 marks)

Use evidence from BOTH texts to support your answer. Remember you can use bullet points for this
answer only.













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7B) Compare how the writers of Text 1 and Text 2 present their ideas and perspectives about changes in their
situations. Support your answer with detailed references to the texts. (14 marks)

Stop your timer and read Jack’s tips:

Remember, 7B is much more specific than 7A. You can’t just simply say how they are similar, give a quote and leave it like

that. You can actually use your points from 7A, but you must go in to more detail. You should also talk about differences

between the two texts given to you, not just the similarities.

Think of 7B as an answer where you’re aiming to get 3-4 very detailed points -obviously add more if you have the time.

Consider the purpose of each text, the tone of each text, the overall opinion and viewpoint. If one is an autobiography and

the other is an article then comment on the obvious differences. Even style/format can be mentioned.

Have a look at the example below, it has nothing to do with the above texts, but shows you in different colours how to

approach the layout to 7B. This response deals with purpose.

1. (Introductory point) Text 1 is very informative, whereas text 2 is more opinionated.

2. (Build on last point and say how it’s different/similar) In text 1 the writer uses more informative devices such as
bullet points and lists,
3. (provide quotes) ‘bags, clothes, toothbrush and a charger.’
4. (Say why/how it’s done. You can use language and structure) This is done because the writer is providing the reader
with essential information on how to prepare for travelling on the cheap, and the purpose is to guide us.
5. (Add a nice, little connective/comparative sentence) Whereas in text 2
6. (Build on last point and say how it’s different/similar) the writer uses more opinions on travelling on the cheap and is
much more negative about it,
7. (provide quotes) ‘it’s always crap and uncomfortable’
8. (Say why/how it’s done. You can use language and structure) The writer uses a negative adjective, ‘crap’ and doesn’t
offer us any essential information like text 1 because it has a different purpose, and isn’t aiming to help us out, but instead
make us laugh.

What that actually looks like:

Text 1 is very informative, whereas text 2 is more opinionated. In text 1 the writer uses more informative devices such as

bullet points and lists, ‘bags, clothes, toothbrush and a charger.’ This is done because the writer is providing the reader

with essential information on how to prepare for travelling on the cheap, and the purpose is to guide us. Whereas, in text

2 the writer uses more opinions on travelling on the cheap and is much more negative about it, ‘It’s always crap and

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uncomfortable.’ The writer uses a negative adjective, ‘crap’ and doesn’t offer us any essential information like text 1

because it has a different purpose, and isn’t aiming to help us out, but instead make us laugh.

7B) Compare how the writers of Text 1 and Text 2 present their ideas and perspectives about changes
in their situations. Support your answer with detailed references to the texts. (14 marks)



























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Write a speech about ‘trust’. (40 marks) Try and use the following
persuasive/argumentative features in the table below.

Devices to use in this piece of work

Emotive language Direct Address

Rhetorical questions Anecdotes

Repetition Comparisons

Simple sentences Statistics

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In February of 1820, on learning that his good friend, Lady Georgiana Morpeth, was
suffering from a bout of depression, noted essayist and clergyman Sydney Smith sent her
the following precious letter, in which he listed twenty pieces of advice to help her
overcome ‘low spirits’.

Foston, Feb. 16th, 1820

Dear Lady Georgiana,

Nobody has suffered more from low spirits than I have done—so I feel for you.

1st. Live as well as you dare.

2nd. Go into the shower-bath with a small quantity of water at a temperature low enough
to give you a slight sensation of cold, 75° or 80°.
3rd. Amusing books.
4th. Short views of human life—not further than dinner or tea.
5th. Be as busy as you can.
6th. See as much as you can of those friends who respect and like you.
7th. And of those acquaintances who amuse you.
8th. Make no secret of low spirits to your friends, but talk of them freely—they are always
worse for dignified concealment.
9th. Attend to the effects tea and coffee produce upon you.
10th. Compare your lot with that of other people.
11th. Don't expect too much from human life—a sorry business at the best.
12th. Avoid poetry, dramatic representations (except comedy), music, serious novels,
melancholy sentimental people, and everything likely to excite feeling or emotion not
ending in active benevolence.
13th. Do good, and endeavour to please everybody of every degree.
14th. Be as much as you can in the open air without fatigue.
15th. Make the room where you commonly sit, gay and pleasant.
16th. Struggle by little and little against idleness.
17th. Don't be too severe upon yourself, or underrate yourself, but do yourself justice.
18th. Keep good blazing fires.
19th. Be firm and constant in the exercise of rational religion.
20th. Believe me, dear Georgiana, your devoted servant, Sydney Smith.

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April 10, 2006

Dear Crystal,

I'm so sorry to hear that life is getting you down at the moment. Goodness knows, it can be so

tough when nothing seems to fit and little seems to be fulfilling. I'm not sure there's any specific

advice I can give that will help bring life back its savour. Although they mean well, it's sometimes

quite galling to be reminded how much people love you when you don't love yourself that

much. I've found that it's of some help to think of one's moods and feelings about the world as

being similar to weather:

Here are some obvious things about the weather:

It's real.

You can't change it by wishing it away.

If it's dark and rainy it really is dark and rainy and you can't alter it.

It might be dark and rainy for two weeks in a row.


It will be sunny one day.

It isn't under one's control as to when the sun comes out, but come out it will.

One day.

It really is the same with one's moods, I think. The wrong approach is to believe that they are

illusions. They are real. Depression, anxiety, listlessness - these are as real as the weather - AND



They will pass: they really will.

In the same way that one has to accept the weather, so one has to accept how one feels about life

sometimes. "Today's a crap day," is a perfectly realistic approach. It's all about finding a kind of

mental umbrella. "Hey-ho, it's raining inside: it isn't my fault and there's nothing I can do about it,

but sit it out. But the sun may well come out tomorrow and when it does, I shall take full


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I don't know if any of that is of any use: it may not seem it, and if so, I'm sorry. I just thought I'd

drop you a line to wish you well in your search to find a little more pleasure and purpose in life.

Very best wishes


Stephen Fry

Both writers give advice. What similarities do both texts share? (6 marks) (Remember, aim

for 3 bullet points and there’s no need for analysis. Just give quotes from BOTH texts.






















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Incorrect Correct



Whether (as in the rain,sun,e tc.)





Have a go at spelling the words correctly. Check a dictionary or Google when you’ve finished
and check if you were right. These are common misspellings.

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Write about a time when you, or someone you know, had to help someone. (40 marks) Tips: Add character,
start at the end of the story and tell the reader how it got to that point! E.g.

So, here I was, pulling Jack out a hole…I never thought I’d have to help him. Let me tell you how it all

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Try to use as many as the following evaluative phrases as possible in your answer to this question. Tip:
Go look at what the question is asking and underline all the areas that this is done.


The writer successfully This is effective because

*insert author’s name* does This works well

this successfully

*author’s name* This is successful


When the writer states… This creates impact

The writer shows that… This is an effective technique

This technique is effective

The author successfully This is an effective way of

highlights the idea… showing…

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What I Realized as a Counter-
Protester at the Charlottesville
White Nationalist Rally

In this piece, Aryn Frazier recounts her experience as a counter-protester at the “Unite the Right”
white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

“I can’t breathe” was, to me, one of the most resonant Black Lives Matter chants. Tragically
poignant, Eric Garner’s last words as he was killed after being placed in a chokehold by police
represent both the immediate and metaphorical strangulation of black people. Fist raised high, I
shouted it for years on the University of Virginia’s grounds and in Charlottesville as I protested
various forms of systemic inequality, but I’d never really felt it before this weekend.

I graduated from the University of Virginia in May, having spent a majority of my time on campus
working with our Black Student Alliance. When it was announced months in advance that the white
nationalist “Unite the Right” rally would be taking place in Charlottesville, I knew I would be
making the drive from Maryland to Virginia to be a part of the resistance. I arrived at the
Downtown Mall in Charlottesville at 7 a.m. on Saturday to help set up McGuffey and Justice Parks
— locations surrounding Emancipation Park, specifically to serve as a place of respite for counter-
protesters. Leaning against a railing in Emancipation Park on Saturday morning, I listened,
mystified, as a young man aligned with the “alt-right” grew increasingly hysterical. He claimed
whites who counter-protested were killing off their own race and that he didn’t mind if black
people stayed in the U.S. so long as the country remained 90% white.

I can’t breathe.

This was his version of an olive branch. I didn’t even want us to share air.

Soon the physical separation of white nationalists and counter-protesters was clear. White
nationalists stood atop an incline in formations with their shields at the ready, helmets on, guns
slung over their shoulders as counter-protesters stood below in the streets.

The white nationalists there at the rally began throwing things at us counter-protesters: sticks,
rocks, and water bottles that were not always, or even mostly, filled with water. Some, I was told,
had urine in them. Others, I would learn quickly, were filled with pepper spray.

I can’t breathe.

Initially I was confused. I had tried to take a breath and it hurt. Badly. I tried again, deeper this
time. It felt like spikes were stabbing at my throat.

Jesus Christ, I thought to myself, I can’t breathe. I took note of those around me, turning around to
momentarily retreat. I held my breath and did the same.

A tall young man stood next to me, drinking water from a gallon jug. He looked at me, hunched
over and clawing at my neck, and he offered me some. I drank it. He asked if I was OK and I
nodded as I coughed again. He asked if I would like a mask, and I said yes.

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I put it on immediately. Over the next hour and a half, the chemicals continued to rain down. There
was still pain, but there was air, too. By noon, after over an hour of chemicals and smoking sticks
being tossed, after multiple fights had broken out, after white nationalist demonstrators tried to
break through a police line, law enforcement declared the gathering unlawful. Everyone was to
leave the area, or face arrest. We left, passing national guardsmen and state troopers, to regroup
first in Justice and then in McGuffey Park.

Later that afternoon, as we walked toward a majority black housing development after getting word
that white nationalists might be targeting those areas, more pepper spray was thrown our way. I
heard a woman yell: “Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth.”

I passed on the information to people coughing nearby. A friend pulled out an extra towel and gave
it to someone to cover their mouth and nose.

“Safety first,“ my friend said. Then we continued walking.

A little after 5 p.m., many parks had been clear for a while, people having trickled out all afternoon
since the assembly was declared unlawful by the police. We walked down nearly deserted
downtown roads, avoiding streets that were still cordoned off by police. We grabbed dinner, our
first meal of the day save orange slices and water and granola bars handed out by counter-
protesters, and then my friend dropped me off at the apartment where I was staying for the
weekend. It was shocking how uneventful it all was — how a town can go from a near war zone to
superficially calm and nearly deserted over the course of a few hours. I sat dazedly on the couch
and dropped my belongings on the coffee table in front of me: keys, wallet, mask. I stared for a long
while at the mask. I thought about the way it felt to breathe freely again for the moment. My breath
hitched at the thought of the hatred and ignorance that rationalizes using a car to plow over a
crowd and throwing chemicals at people simply trying to assert their humanity.

I also thought about the tall, black man with long locs who saw me, coughing, bent, unable to catch
my breath, who offered me water and a mask. I thought of sharing information I’d learned
throughout the day with new people, of my friend giving a towel to someone in need.

It is that sense of kinship with and duty to one’s fellow man, more than any mask or inhalation
technique, that will facilitate ease of breathing while we pursue justice and equality.

We cannot simply out-hate white nationalists; they clearly cannot be shamed nor mocked into
oblivion. Further, there are very real, very complicated, and very deeply embedded systemic issues
that give rise to and sustain white supremacy and white supremacists. We need only look at our
schools, our prisons, our news media, our neighborhoods to see them at play. But making those
changes is the long game — it’s not accomplished through 10 hours of protest on a Saturday in

Preparing for that long game takes not only knowledge of the systemic issues at play but also caring
and community-building. It is only through the consistent building of beloved community that we
can sustain the mass will to be involved in these long-term fights. And beloved community among
counter-protesters was just as if not more prevalent than violence and hate. It was people milling
around in the public square, smiling and speaking to people they did not know. It was handing out
orange slices and cold water and crackers on a hot day to people not because they were paying for it
but because they needed it. It was taking a second from one’s own troubles and discomfort to look
at the person nearby and offer them water and a face mask to help alleviate their pain, too.

Our democracy, plagued by indifference and isolation, has been losing ground for a long time; it is
a problem that stretches much farther back than the 2016 presidential election. To reclaim that
moral ground, to finally live up to the ideals of equality and justice on which the country was

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founded, we have to help each other breathe. Otherwise we’ll all be worn out and worn down long
before the game is won.

Paper 2 style question. The writer attempts to engage us with what happened at Charlottesville. Evaluate how

successfully this is achieved. (15 marks)



























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Write a section for a text book giving advice to people on how to deal with anger. (40 marks)

Remember, I’m more interested in the content rather than layout. If a question like this comes up in your
exam, forget that it says ‘a section for a textbook’ and focus on what you should writer about.

Who knows what a section for a text book is laid out like anyway? Think of the obvious things you’d use to
help direct people to info in a text book. How would you separate sections? Engage the reader? Offer
different pieces of advice?

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Define the Terminology

Imperative Adverb
Anecdote Repetition
Declarative Tone

Humour Pronoun

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Write an article about online privacy. (40 marks)

Tip: Remember, articles start with a catch headline, perhaps a rhetorical question with direct address
involved. Also, your heading should be able to tell the reader EXACTLY what the article will be about without
them actually having to read it!

Don’t forget nice little tricks like leaving space for bullet points that summarise what the article is about.
Once you’ve produced the article, go back and summarise the content in 3 bullet points – it looks really
professional (like you’ve thought it out!)

Nice little trick, add two opinions, one professional and one from some random person, or you can have two
opinions, one for and one against. Statistics are always good to use.







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Q7b. Compare how the writers of Text 1 and Text 2 present their ideas and perspectives
about inequality. (14 marks)

Text one: extract from Malala Yousafzai speech to the UN, 12th July 2013.
Dear Friends, on the 9th of October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead.
They shot my friends too. They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed. And then, out
of that silence came, thousands of voices. The terrorists thought that they would change our aims and
stop our ambitions but nothing changed in my life except this: Weakness, fear and hopelessness died.
Strength, power and courage was born. I am the same Malala. My ambitions are the same. My hopes
are the same. My dreams are the same.

Dear sisters and brothers, I am not against anyone. Neither am I here to speak in terms of personal
revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorists group. I am here to speak up for the right of
education of every child. I want education for the sons and the daughters of all the extremists
especially the Taliban.

I do not even hate the Talib who shot me. Even if there is a gun in my hand and he stands in front
of me. I would not shoot him. This is the compassion that I have learnt from Muhammad-the prophet
of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha. This is the legacy of change that I have inherited from Martin
Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. This is the philosophy of non-violence that
I have learnt from Gandhi Jee, Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa. And this is the forgiveness that I have
learnt from my mother and father. This is what my soul is telling me, be peaceful and love everyone.

Dear sisters and brothers, we realise the importance of light when we see darkness. We realise the
importance of our voice when we are silenced. In the same way, when we were in Swat, the north of
Pakistan, we realised the importance of pens and books when we saw the guns.

The wise saying, “The pen is mightier than sword” was true. The extremists are afraid of books and
pens. The power of education frightens them. They are afraid of women. The power of the voice of
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women frightens them. And that is why they killed 14 innocent medical students in the recent attack in
Quetta. And that is why they killed many female teachers and polio workers in Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa
and FATA. That is why they are blasting schools every day. Because they were and they are afraid of
change, afraid of the equality that we will bring into our society.

I remember that there was a boy in our school who was asked by a journalist, “Why are the Taliban
against education?” He answered very simply. By pointing to his book he said, “A Talib doesn't know
what is written inside this book.” They think that God is a tiny, little conservative being who would
send girls to the hell just because of going to school. The terrorists are misusing the name of Islam and
Pashtun society for their own personal benefits. Pakistan is peace-loving democratic country. Pashtuns
want education for their daughters and sons. And Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and
brotherhood. Islam says that it is not only each child's right to get education, rather it is their duty and

Honourable Secretary General, peace is necessary for education. In many parts of the world
especially Pakistan and Afghanistan; terrorism, wars and conflicts stop children to go to their schools.
We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are suffering in many parts of the world in many
ways. In India, innocent and poor children are victims of child labour. Many schools have been
destroyed in Nigeria. People in Afghanistan have been affected by the hurdles of extremism for
decades. Young girls have to do domestic child labour and are forced to get married at early age.
Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of basic rights are the main problems faced by
both men and women.

Dear fellows, today I am focusing on women's rights and girls' education because they are suffering
the most. There was a time when women social activists asked men to stand up for their rights. But, this
time, we will do it by ourselves. I am not telling men to step away from speaking for women's rights
rather I am focusing on women to be independent to fight for themselves.

Dear sisters and brothers, now it's time to speak up.

So today, we call upon the world leaders to change their strategic policies in favour of peace and

We call upon the world leaders that all the peace deals must protect women and children's rights. A
deal that goes against the dignity of women and their rights is unacceptable.

We call upon all governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world.

We call upon all governments to fight against terrorism and violence, to protect children from
brutality and harm.

We call upon the developed nations to support the expansion of educational opportunities for girls
in the developing world.

We call upon all communities to be tolerant – to reject prejudice based on cast, creed, sect, religion
or gender. To ensure freedom and equality for women so that they can flourish. We cannot all succeed
when half of us are held back.

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We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave – to embrace the strength within themselves
and realise their full potential.

Dear brothers and sisters, we want schools and education for every child's bright future. We will
continue our journey to our destination of peace and education for everyone. No one can stop us. We
will speak for our rights and we will bring change through our voice. We must believe in the power and
the strength of our words. Our words can change the world.

Because we are all together, united for the cause of education. And if we want to achieve our goal,
then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and let us shield ourselves with unity and

Dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that millions of people are suffering from poverty,
injustice and ignorance. We must not forget that millions of children are out of schools. We must not
forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a bright peaceful future.

So let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty and terrorism and let us pick up our books
and pens. They are our most powerful weapons.

One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world.

Education is the only solution. Education First.

Text two: extract from Nelson Mandela’s address from the dock at the Rivonia
Trial, 20th April 1964.
White supremacy implies black inferiority. When anything has to be carried or cleaned the white man
will look around for an African to do it for him, whether the African is employed by him or not.
Because of this sort of attitude, whites tend to regard Africans as a separate breed. They do not look
upon them as people with families of their own; they do not realize that they have emotions - that they
fall in love like white people do; that they want to be with their wives and children like white people
want to be with theirs; that they want to earn enough money to support their families properly, to feed
and clothe them and send them to school. And what 'house-boy' or 'garden-boy' or labourer can ever
hope to do this?

Africans want to be paid a living wage. Africans want to perform work which they are capable of doing,
and not work which the Government declares them to be capable of. Africans want to be allowed to
live where they obtain work, and not be endorsed out of an area because they were not born there.
Africans want to be allowed to own land in places where they work, and not to be *obliged to live in
rented houses which they can never call their own. Africans want to be part of the general population,
and not confined to living in their own ghettoes. African men want to have their wives and children to
live with them where they work, and not be forced into an unnatural existence in men's hostels. African
women want to be with their menfolk and not be left permanently widowed in the Reserves. Africans
want to be allowed out after eleven o'clock at night and not to be confined to their rooms like little
children. Africans want to be allowed to travel in their own country and to seek work where they want
to and not where the Labour Bureau tells them to. Africans want a just share in the whole of South
Africa; they want security and a stake in society.

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During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against
white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a
democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.
It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am
prepared to die.

Q7b. Compare how the writers of Text 1 and Text 2 present their ideas and perspectives about inequality. (14






















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Text one: ‘The good wife’s guide’, Housekeeping Monthly, 13th May 1955.
Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready in time for his
return. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned
about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home, and the prospect of a good meal
(especially his favourite dish) is part of the warm welcome needed.

Prepare yourself: take 15 minutes to rest so you’ll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-
up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people.

Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift, and one of your
duties is to provide it.

Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband

Gather up school books, toys, papers etc. and run a dust cloth over the tables.

Over the cooler months of the year you should prepare and light a fire for him to unwind by. Your
husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift too. After all,
catering for his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction.

Prepare the children, take a few minutes to wash their hands and faces (if they are small), comb their
hair and if necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and he would like to see them
playing the part.

Minimise all noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise from the washer, dryer and vacuum.
Try to encourage the children to be quiet.

Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and show sincerity in your desire to please him.

Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not
the time. Let him talk first. Remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.

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Make the evening his. Never complain if he comes home late or goes out to dinner or other places of
entertainment without you. Instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure, and his very real
need to be at home and relax.

Your goal is to try to make sure your home is a place of peace, order and tranquillity where your
husband can renew himself in body and spirit.

Don’t greet him with complaints or problems.

Don’t complain if he is late for dinner, or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared
to what he might have gone through that day.

Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or have him lie down in the
bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him.

Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice.

Don’t ask him questions about his actions, or question his judgement or integrity. Remember, he is the
master of the house, and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have
no right to question him.

A good wife always knows her place.

Text two: A letter to … my wife, who won’t get a job while I work myself to
July 02 2016, Anonymous
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jul/02/a-letter-to-my-wife-who-wont-get-a-job-while-i-work-myself-

I remember the thrill of first seeing you at law school orientation. You were radiant in a sea of
dour, nervous faces. It quickly became clear that you were kind, down-to-earth, engaging, loyal to
family and friends. By graduation, we were inseparable. We took the bar exam and were married.
The future looked bright – two freshly minted lawyers with supportive families and a dream of
starting a family of our own some day.

I started my career with the gruelling hours and high stress that are traditionally visited on young
lawyers. You were unexpectedly ambivalent about finding a good job – or any job. After gentle
pressure from me, and more from the student loan payments, you puttered around in some non-
legal positions more suited for someone with half your education and intelligence, and which
offered commensurately low pay.

Pregnancy – something we both wanted – diverted you to the most important job in the world.
After a few years, we were blessed with a second child. You have never returned to work,
although both kids have been at school full-time for years, and our firstborn is heading to college

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I’ve asked, and sometimes pleaded, for years with you to get a job, any job.

I’ve climbed the professional ladder reasonably well. We have the trappings of middle-class
success – a nice house in a safe, quiet neighbourhood; annual holidays; happy, healthy children;
money saved for their college years. But it has come at enormous personal cost to me. My stress
level has increased dramatically with added responsibilities at work and my health has
deteriorated. People who haven’t seen me for years flinch when we meet again and I’ve attended
more than one event at which I have overheard someone remarking on how much I’ve aged.

I don’t think I can do this for another 25 years. I often dream of leaving my firm for a less
demanding position, with you making up any financial deficit with a job – even a modest one –
of your own. I’ve asked, and sometimes pleaded, for years with you to get a job, any job. Many
of my free hours are spent helping with the house and the kids, and I recognise that traditional
gender roles are often oppressive, but that cuts both ways. I would feel less used and alone if you
pitched in financially, even a little.

That’s not going to happen. It has become clear that you are OK with my working myself to
death at a high-stress career that I increasingly hate, as long as you don’t have to return to the

You keep busy volunteering, exercising and pursuing a variety of hobbies. You socialise with
similarly situated women who also choose to remain outside the paid workforce. You all
complain about various financial pressures, but never once consider, at least audibly, that you
could alleviate the stress on both your budgets and your burnt-out husbands by earning some
money yourselves.

Our family is grateful for all that we enjoy and we know that we’re far more fortunate than
millions who work far harder than I ever have, or will. And I know all too well that work can be
unpleasant. But I don’t want you to work so I can buy a Jaguar or a holiday home. I want you to
work so I can get a different position and we can still maintain a similar standard of living.

I want you to get a job so I don’t wake up in the middle of the night worrying that my career is
the only one between us and financial ruin. I want you to work so our marriage can feel more
like a partnership and I can feel less like your financial beast of burden. I want our daughter to
see you in the workforce and I want her to pursue a career so she is never as dependent on a
man as you are on me, no matter how much he loves her (and he will).

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But mostly I want you to get a job because I want to feel loved.

Q7a. The two texts show the points of view of people who discuss wives. What differences do
the texts present about what a husband wants? (6 marks)
























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Q7b Compare how the writers of Text 1 and Text 2 present their ideas and perspectives about
women. Support your answer with detailed references to the text. (14 marks)

























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