ISO 11452-1
ISO 11452-1
ISO 11452-1
STANDARD 11452-1
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
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Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
3 General aim and practical use ............................................................................................................. 5
4 General test conditions ........................................................................................................................ 6
5 Instrumentation ..................................................................................................................................... 9
6 Test procedure .................................................................................................................................... 10
Annex A (normative) Functional performance status classification (FPSC) ............................................. 13
Annex B (informative) Constant peak test level ............................................................................................ 16
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 11452-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3,
Electrical and electronic equipment.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 11452-1:2001), which has been technically
ISO 11452 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Component test methods
for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy:
Part 5: Stripline
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
In recent years, an increasing number of electronic devices for controlling, monitoring and displaying a variety
of functions have been introduced into vehicle designs. It is necessary to consider the electrical and
electromagnetic environment in which these devices operate.
Electrical and radio-frequency disturbances occur during normal operation of many items of motor vehicle
equipment. They are generated over a wide frequency range with various electrical characteristics and can be
distributed to on-board electronic devices and systems by conduction, radiation or both. Narrowband signals
generated from sources on or off the vehicle can also be coupled into the electrical or electronic system,
affecting the normal performance of electronic devices. Such sources of narrowband electromagnetic
disturbances include mobile radios and broadcast transmitters.
ISO 11452 is not intended as a product specification and cannot function as one (see A.1). Therefore, no
specific values for the test severity level are given.
Annex A of this part of ISO 11452 specifies a general method for functional performance status classification
(FPSC), while Annex B explains the principle of constant peak test level. Typical severity levels are included in
an annex of each of the other parts of ISO 11452.
Protection from potential disturbances has to be considered a part of total vehicle validation as described in
ISO 11451, which covers vehicle test methods. It is important to know the correlation between component and
vehicle tests.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 11452 specifies general conditions, defines terms, gives practical guidelines and establishes
the basic principles of the component tests used in the other parts of ISO 11452 for determining the immunity
of electronic components of passenger cars and commercial vehicles to electrical disturbances from
narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy, regardless of the vehicle propulsion system (e.g. spark-ignition
engine, diesel engine, electric motor).
The electromagnetic disturbances considered are limited to continuous narrowband electromagnetic fields. A
wide frequency range (0,01 MHz to 18 000 MHz) is allowed for the immunity testing of the components in this
and the other parts of ISO 11452.
absorber-lined shielded enclosure
shielded enclosure/screened room with radio frequency-absorbing material on its internal ceiling and walls
NOTE The common practice is for the room to have a metallic floor, but absorbing material may also be used on the
amplitude modulation
process by which the amplitude of a carrier wave is varied following a specified law, resulting in an AM signal
artificial network
network inserted in the supply leads of the DUT which provides, in a given frequency range, a specified load
impedance for the measurement of disturbance voltages, and which isolates the DUT from the power supply
in that frequency range
broadband artificial network
device used in power, signal and control lines that presents a controlled impedance to the DUT over a
specified frequency range while allowing the DUT to be interfaced to its support system
bulk current
total amount of common mode current in a harness
compression point
input signal level at which the measurement system becomes non-linear, when the output value will deviate
from the value given by an ideal linear system
means or device for transferring power between systems
current injection probe
device for injecting current in a conductor without interrupting the conductor and without introducing significant
impedance into the associated circuits
current (measuring) probe
device for measuring the current in a conductor without interrupting the conductor and without introducing
significant impedance into the associated circuits
[IEC 60050-161]
degradation (of performance)
undesired departure in the operational performance of any device, equipment or system from its intended
[IEC 60050-161]
dual directional coupler
four-port device consisting of two transmission lines coupled together in such a manner that a single travelling
wave in any one transmission line will induce a single travelling wave in the other, the direction of propagation
of the latter wave being dependent upon that of the former
electromagnetic compatibility
ability of equipment or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing
intolerable electromagnetic disturbance to anything in that environment
[IEC 60050-161]
electromagnetic disturbance
any electromagnetic phenomenon which may degrade the performance of a device, equipment or system, or
adversely affect living or inert matter
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
EXAMPLE An electromagnetic disturbance may be an electromagnetic noise, an unwanted signal or a change in the
propagation medium itself.
[IEC 60050-161]
electromagnetic interference
degradation of the performance of equipment, transmission channel or system caused by electromagnetic
NOTE The English words “interference” and “disturbance” are often used indiscriminately.
[IEC 60050-161]
forward power
power supplied by the output of an amplifier or generator
functional status
performance level agreed between the customer and the supplier which is specified in the test plan
ground (reference) plane
flat conductive surface whose potential is used as a common reference
[IEC 60050-161]
immunity (to a disturbance)
ability of a device, equipment or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an electromagnetic
[IEC 60050-161]
immunity level
maximum level of a given electromagnetic disturbance incident on a particular device, equipment or system
for which it remains capable of operating at a required degree of performance
[IEC 60050-161]
narrowband emission
emission which has a bandwidth less than that of a particular measuring apparatus or receiver
[IEC 60050-161]
net power
forward power minus reflected power
property of sinusoidal electromagnetic wave or field vector defined at a fixed point in space by the direction of
the electric field strength vector or of any specified field vector
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NOTE 1 When this direction varies with time, the property may be characterized by the locus described by the
extremity of the considered field vector.
pulse modulation
process by which the amplitude of a carrier wave is varied following a specified law, resulting in a PM signal
electromagnetic radiation
phenomenon by which energy in the form of electromagnetic waves emanates from a source into space
NOTE By extension, the term “electromagnetic radiation” sometimes also covers induction phenomena.
[IEC 60050-161]
electromagnetic radiation
energy transferred through space in the form of electromagnetic waves
[IEC 60050-161]
reflected power
power reflected by the load due to impedance mismatch between RF source and the load
shielded enclosure
screened room
mesh or sheet metallic housing designed expressly for the purpose of separating electromagnetically the
internal and external environment
[IEC 60050-161]
standing wave ratio
voltage standing wave ratio
ratio, along a transmission line, of a maximum to an adjacent minimum magnitude of a particular field
component of a standing wave
(1 + r )
(1 − r )
where r is the absolute value of the coefficient of reflection.
terminated transmission line consisting of two parallel plates between which a wave is propagated in the
transverse electromagnetic mode to produce a specified field for testing purposes
[IEC 60050-161]
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
(electromagnetic) susceptibility
inability of a device, equipment or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an
electromagnetic disturbance
[IEC 60050-161]
transmission line system
field-generating device that works in a similar way to a TEM (transverse electromagnetic mode) wave
transverse electromagnetic cell
TEM cell
enclosed system, often a rectangular coaxial line, in which a wave is propagated in the transverse
electromagnetic mode to produce a specified field for testing purposes
[IEC 60050-161]
transverse electromagnetic mode
TEM mode
mode in which the longitudinal components of both the electric and magnetic field strength vectors are
everywhere zero
Certain devices are particularly susceptible to some characteristics of electromagnetic disturbance, such as
frequency, severity level, type of coupling or modulation.
Electronic devices are sometimes more susceptible to modulated, as opposed to unmodulated, radio-
frequency (RF) signals. The reason is that high-frequency disturbances can be demodulated by
semiconductors. In the case of unmodulated signals, this leads to a continuous shift of, for example, a voltage;
in the case of amplitude-modulated signals, the resulting low-frequency fluctuations can be interpreted as
intentional signals (e.g. speed information) and therefore disturb the function of the DUT more severely.
A single standard test might not reveal all the needed information about the DUT. It is thus necessary for
users of ISO 11452 to anticipate the appropriate test conditions, select applicable parts of ISO 11452 and
define function performance objectives. The main characteristics of each test method in ISO 11452-2 to
ISO 11452-7 are presented in Table 1.
ISO 11452-2
DUT and wiring Electric field Absorber lined shielded
Absorber-lined 80 to 18 000
harness (V/m) enclosure required
shielded enclosure
ISO 11452-3 DUT and wiring Electric field DUT and/or wiring harness size
0,01 to 200
TEM cell harness or DUT (V/m) limitation
ISO 11452-4 Current
1 to 400 Wiring harness Shielded enclosure required
Bulk current injection (mA)
Shielded enclosure
ISO 11452-5 Wiring harness Electric field
0,01 to 400 recommended: DUT size
Stripline and/or DUT (V/m)
ISO 11452-7
Power Influence of isolator on DUT
Direct RF power 0,25 to 400 Wiring harness
(W) sensor signals
4.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, the following test conditions are common to all parts of ISO 11452:
test temperature;
supply voltage;
dwell time;
Unless otherwise specified, the variables used shall have the following tolerances:
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
The ambient temperature during the test shall be (23 ± 5) °C. If another value is agreed by users of ISO 11452,
the value shall be recorded in the test report.
The supply voltage during the test shall be (13,5 ± 0,5) V for 12 V electrical systems and (27 ± 1) V for 24 V
electrical systems. If other values are agreed by the users of ISO 11452, the values shall be recorded in the
test report.
4.4 Modulation
The characteristics of the DUT determine the type and frequency of modulation to be used. If no values or
specific modulation techniques are agreed between the users of ISO 11452, the following modulations shall
be used.
b) Sine wave amplitude modulated (AM) by 1 kHz sine wave at 80 % (modulation index m = 0,8).
See Annex B and Figure 1 b).
c) Sine wave pulse modulated (PM, similar to GSM), with ton = 577 µs and period = 4 600 µs.
See Figure 1 c).
In practice, PM modulation should not be obtained using either the blanking of the amplifier or a 100 %
(modulation index m = 1) AM modulation type.
f frequency: 1 kHz
t time, µs
Figure 1 — Modulation
The following frequency ranges should be used for all applicable parts of ISO 11452:
At each frequency, the DUT shall be exposed to the test level for the minimum response time needed to
control it. In all cases, this exposure time shall be no less than 1 s.
All tests in ISO 11452 shall be conducted with frequency step sizes (logarithmic or linear) not greater than
those specified in Table 2. The step sizes agreed upon by the users of ISO 11452 shall be documented in the
test report.
If it appears that the susceptibility thresholds of the DUT are very near to the chosen test level, these
frequency step sizes should be reduced in the frequency range concerned in order to find the maximum
susceptibility thresholds.
The user should specify the test severity level or levels over the frequency range. The concept of FPSC is
detailed in Annex A. For both the substitution and closed loop levelling methods, and for tests with
unmodulated and amplitude-modulated signals, the test severity levels of ISO 11452 (electric field, current,
voltage or power) are expressed in terms of the equivalent root-mean-square level value of the unmodulated
Both these methods use a constant peak test level for tests with unmodulated and amplitude-modulated
signals. The relationship between the mean power for the amplitude-modulated signal and the mean power for
the unmodulated signal results from this principle (see Annex B).
(2 + m ) 2
2 (1 + m )
EXAMPLE A test severity level of 20 V/m means that the unmodulated and amplitude modulated tests will be
conducted with a 28 V/m peak value.
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
5 Instrumentation
For module testing, it is desirable that the module be connected to the sensors and loads used in its
production application.
Where certain loads and sensors are not convenient to use, it is acceptable to use an electrically equivalent
load, provided the artificial loads have the same impedance characteristics as the actual devices over the
frequency band under test.
EXAMPLE A motor can be replaced with a network of two resistors, an inductor and a capacitor.
Establishing uniform measurement conditions at radio frequencies requires that specific grounding practices
be followed.
The ground plane shall be made of copper, brass or galvanized steel, and shall have a minimum thickness of
0,5 mm. The length and width shall be in accordance with the relevant part of ISO 11452.
When required by an individual test method, the DUT, ANs1) and terminating loads
shall not be otherwise grounded, unless required by the DUT installation instructions.
No shielding shall be used other than that specified in the installation instructions.
The power supply shall have an internal resistance, Rs, of < 0,01 Ω d.c. and an internal impedance, Zs, equal
to Rs for frequencies < 400 Hz. The output voltage shall not deviate more than 1 V from zero to maximum load
(including inrush current) and shall recover 63 % of its maximum excursion within 100 µs. The superimposed
ripple voltage, UR, shall not exceed 0,2 V peak-to-peak and shall have a maximum frequency of 400 Hz.
If a standard power supply (with sufficient current capacity) is used in bench testing to simulate the battery, it
is important that the low internal impedance of the battery also be simulated.
When a battery is used, a charging source is needed to achieve the specified reference levels.
Ensure that the charging source does not affect the test.
1) The term artificial network, or AN, is applicable to this and all other parts of ISO 11452 excepting ISO 11452-7, where
broadband artificial network (BAN) is used instead.
In the frequency range limited by the bandwidth of both the amplifier and the antenna (transducer) in use, the
amplifier output harmonics content (up to the fifth harmonic) shall be limited to − 12 dB (− 6 dB for frequencies
above 1 GHz) relative to the carrier wave, unless otherwise specified for a particular test method or in the test
plan. This characteristic is to be verified only during calibration testing.
6 Test procedure
Prior to performing the tests, a test plan shall be drawn up which shall include
frequency band(s),
method(s) to be used,
antenna location,
NOTE Some of these items might not be applicable to all test methods.
6.2.1 General
CAUTION — Hazardous voltages and fields can exist within the test area. Take care to ensure that the
requirements for limiting the exposure of humans to RF energy are met.
The following two methodologies are used in certain parts of ISO 11452.
6.2.2 Substitution
The substitution method is based upon the use of forward power as the reference parameter for calibration
and testing. With this method, specific test level (electric field, current, voltage or power) shall be calibrated
prior to the actual testing.
The test is conducted by subjecting the DUT to the test signals based on the calibrated values as
predetermined in the test plan.
During calibration and testing, both forward and reflected power shall be recorded.
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The forward power, Pfor, required to provide a specific test signal relative to a calibration level can be obtained
from the following formula:
Pfor = Pfor cal tss
L cal
k is a factor equal to 1 for power test levels and to 2 for electric field, current or voltage test levels.
During actual testing with the DUT, the test level (electric field, voltage, current or power) is measured using a
calibrated device and fed back to the signal generator in order to either increase or decrease the test level
until the predetermined level is achieved.
6.3 Calibration
Calibration shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of each individual test method. The test
level versus frequency data shall be established using an unmodulated sine wave signal. The method and
results for each calibration shall also be documented in the test report.
The disturbance signal may be maintained at the required test level during frequency transitions, provided the
signal generation equipment is shown to be stable, or the disturbance signal level may be reduced before
frequency transition using the procedure shown in Figure 2. The method chosen and the associated
parameters shall be defined in the test plan.
A amplitude
t time
1 specified signal level
2 signal rise time to be defined in test plan (levelling algorithm to avoid overshooting is test-system-dependent)
3 dwell time (time of application W 1 s)
Users of ISO 11452 need to be aware of the following in order to ensure that the tests are carried out
The characteristics of the interference signal may be modified depending on the test level due to limitations in
the signal generation procedure (depth of amplitude modulation, rejection of harmonics, etc.)
As required by the test plan, a test report shall be submitted detailing information regarding the DUT, test
set-up, systems tested, frequencies, power levels, system interactions and any other information relevant to
the test.
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
Annex A
A.1 General
This annex specifies a general method for the function performance status classification (FPSC) of the
functions of automotive electronic devices when using the test methods and under the test conditions given
throughout ISO 11452. The appropriate test signals and methods, functional status classification and test
signal severity levels are specified in the individual parts of ISO 11452.
It must be emphasized that components or systems shall only be tested under those conditions, as specified
in the appropriate parts of ISO 11452, which represent the simulated automotive electromagnetic
environments to which the devices would be subjected were they in actual use. This will help to ensure a
technically and economically optimized design for potentially susceptible components and systems.
It should also be noted that this annex is not intended to serve as a product specification and cannot function
as one. It should be used in conjunction with a test procedure specified in the relevant part of ISO 11452.
Therefore, no specific values for the test signal severity level are included, since they are to be determined by
the vehicle manufacturer and component supplier. Nevertheless, by conforming to this annex, and by careful
application and agreement between manufacturer and supplier, the functional status requirements for a
specific device can be determined. This annex can, in fact, serve as a statement of how a particular device
could be expected to perform under the influence of the specified test signals.
A.2.1 General
Three elements are required to determine an FPSC (see A.2.2 to A.2.4). These may be applied to all
electromagnetic disturbance immunity test procedures given in ISO 11452.
This element provides the reference to respective test signals applied to the device under test for the chosen
test method. It usually refers to a specific test procedure, i.e. to the appropriate part of ISO 11452.
This element describes the operational status of a device during and after exposure to an electromagnetic
Class A: all functions of a device or system perform as designed during and after exposure to a
Class B: all functions of a device or system perform as designed during exposure; however, one or more
of them may go beyond the specified tolerance. All functions return automatically to within normal limits
after exposure is removed. Memory functions shall remain class A.
Class C: one or more functions of a device or system do not perform as designed during exposure but
return automatically to normal operation after exposure is removed.
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Class D: one or more functions of a device or system do not perform as designed during exposure and
do not return to normal operation until exposure is removed and the device or system is reset by a simple
“operator/use” action.
Class E: one or more functions of a device or system do not perform as designed during and after
exposure and cannot be returned to proper operation without repairing or replacing the device or system.
This element contains the specification of the severity level of essential test parameters. The test signal
severity level is the test level (field strength, voltage, current or power) applied to the device under test for a
given test method. The device under test shall perform according to its classification of functional status during
and after the test. Typical severity level selection tables are included in annexes to the parts of ISO 11452. If
the values listed in an annex are determined to be inappropriate, a new value shall be agreed between vehicle
manufacturer and component supplier, and shall be recorded in the test report.
I .
II ..
III ...
IV ....
Specific value agreed between the users of this part of
ISO 11452 if necessary.
Frequency range
Frequency band
F1 W . to u ..
F2 > .. to u ...
F3 > ... to u ....
F4 > .... to u .....
F5 > ..... to u ......
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Table A.3 is an example of test severity level according to functional status classification.
F3 V
F4 I
Annex B
B.1 General
This annex explains the principle of constant peak test level and its implications for power levels.
E CW = E cos (ω t )
t is time.
The mean power for the unmodulated signal, PCW , is calculated using
PCW = kE 2
E AM = E ′ (1 + m cos(θ t ) ) cos(ω t )
q is the frequency of the modulating signal (i.e. voice, baseband, 1 kHz sine
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
The total mean power for the amplitude-modulated signal (PAM) is the sum of the power in the carrier
component, kE′2, and the total power in the sidebands component
k 2 2
E′ m
The mean power for the amplitude-modulated signal PAM is calculated using
m2 2
PAM = k 1 + E′
B.4.1 General
For peak test level conservation, the peak amplitudes of the unmodulated and amplitude-modulated signals
are defined to be identical:
E CWpeak = E AMpeak
1 CW signal
2 reduced CW signal before applying modulation (see B.4.3)
3 AM signal
There are two ways of adjusting the signal to maintain peak conservation: by measuring the modulated power
or by measuring the unmodulated power prior to modulation (see B.4.2 or B.4.3).
The relation between the mean power for the unmodulated signal, PCW , and the mean power for the
amplitude-modulated signal, PAM, is then:
PAM k (1 + m 2 / 2) E ′ 2 m 2 E′ 1+ m 2 / 2
= = 1 + =
PCW kE 2 2 E (1 + m) 2
2 + m2
2 (1 + m ) 2
The relation between the mean power for the unmodulated signal, PCW , and the mean power for the non-
amplitude-modulated signal before applying modulation, PCWpm, is then:
PCWpm 1
PCW 1+ m
1+ m
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ISO 11452-1:2005(E)
[1] ISO 11451 (all parts), Road vehicles — Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from
narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy
[3] IEC 60050-726, International electrotechnical vocabulary — Transmission lines and waveguides