RW3_Ch 15_ IFR
RW3_Ch 15_ IFR
RW3_Ch 15_ IFR
(c) Crop rotation Reason : Fungicides are not harmful to
(d) Intra cropping human beings.
15.Which of the following correctly defines 3. Usage of manure is advantageous for our
mariculture? environment.
(a) Capturing fish from natural resources like Reason : Manure contains chemical
river, sea etc. substances like nitrogen, phosphorus and
(b) Culturing of fish and aquatic food in potassium.
reservoirs, estuaries, etc. 4. Assertion : To replenish the lost nutrients
(c) Culturing of finned fishes (mullet), in the soil, quick acting, handy nutrients are
shellfish (prawn), mussels, oysters etc. as applied in the form of fertilizers.
well as seaweed in marine water. Reason : Chemical fertilizer contains the
(d) Culturing of fishes in marine water. necessary plant nutrients.
16.Which type of crops are tea, coffee,
rubber and coconut? One Mark questions:
(a) Sugar crops 1. What are genetically modified crops?
(b) Root crops 2.“Shorter the duration of the crop from
(c) Oil seed crops sowing to harvesting, the more economical is
(d) Plantation crops the variety.” Give reason for this.
17. What does ‘Livestock’ refers to? 3. State the difference between compost and
(a) Pet animals vermi- compost.
(b) Poultry and pet animals 4.State one importance of photoperiod in
(c) Domestic animals which are kept for use agriculture.
or profit 5.Name the two vitamins which are added in
(d) None of the above the poultry feed.
18.Which one of following is more 6.Name two factors responsible for wastage
advantageous for cattle of grains during storage.
breeding? 7. How does deficiency of nutrients affect the
(a) Inbreeding crop?
(b) Random breeding 8. Is breeding and rearing of Bombay duck
(c) Controlled breeding part of poultry farming or a part of
(d) Artificial breeding pisciculture?
Fill in the blanks 9. Give technical term for milk producing
1.Chenopodium, convolvulus, amaranthus females and farm labour animals.
are common .......... 10. In what way broilers, feed is different
2.Manure and fertilizers are the main sources from layers?
of .......... supplied to crops.
3.The growing of different crops on a piece of Three Marks Questions:
land in preplanned succession is called .......... 1. What are the major group of activities
involved for improving of crop yields?
Assertion and reasoning 2.What are the different ways/methods of
1. Assertion: Inter cropping prevents pests. hybridization?
Reason : Plant pests can be controlled 3.What are the main characters required in a
biologically by their natural parasites and crop during its improvement practices?
pathogens. 4.State the difference between macro-
2.Assertion : Fungicides act against fungal nutrients and micro-nutrients.
pathogens. 5.What is organic farming?
6.Why Apis mellifera is adopted for 4. What are weeds? How can we control
domestication to produce honey? them? Give different methods of weed
7.How do insect pests attack the plant and control.
affect it?
8.What factors may be responsible for losses
of grains during storage? Also mention any
two preventive measures to control loss of
grains during storage.
9.List any six factors for which variety
improvement in crops is done.
10.What is the advantage of crop rotation?
11. Write major problems of composite fish
culture? Suggest some ways to overcome
these problems.
12. A group of gardening club students
prepared a kitchen garden in the school
campus and did organic
farming to grow the vegetables. Then the
students presented their group work in the
assembly to spread
the awareness and make students
understand the importance of organic
(a) What is horticulture?
(b) What is green manure?
13.Arrange the following boxes in proper
order to make a flow chart of sugarcane crop
14.A group of Science Club students made a
compost pit in the school, they collected all
bio-degradable waste
from the school canteen and used it to
prepare the compost.
(a) Name, two waste that can be used for the
compost and two wastes obtained from
canteen which cannot be used for the
compost making.
(b) What is the other important component
required for making the compost?
Five Marks Questions:
1.Explain different types of fisheries.
2. What is composite fish culture? Explain in
3.What are the practices used for dairy