OSDA is headquartered in Mandera County. It has a liaison office in Nairobi and offices in
Garissa and Moyale. OSDA is also registered in Ethiopia and Somalia with the Federal
Governments and Somali state of Ethiopia.
1.2 Project Overview
OSDA is planning to implement a project titled DARIS WACAN (Good Neighbors): ‘Resilience
Building among Cross-Border Communities through enhanced access to water and livelihoods’
in Mandera County whose objectives is to build climate change resilience and integrated water
resource management through improved water infrastructure, rainwater harvesting, better
natural resource management, accessibility to market and trade routes in Mandera county.
The project will take an integrated approach to build resilience and social cohesion that helps
people to prepare for and cope with current threats whilst building their capacity to adapt in
the long term to shocks, stress, and uncertainty. Community-based approaches will underline
all components of the action, whereby local government, community institutions, community-
based organizations, and water management committees as well as target beneficiaries will
play a central role in the planning and implementation of the action
To respond to the immediate needs of climate change affected populations whilst
strengthening durable solutions for long-term stability, IOM Kenya is implementing a project
“Resilience-Building Among Cross-Border Communities Through Enhanced Access to Water
and Livelihoods” through the funding from the European Union.
The project objective is to build climate change resilience and integrated water resource
management through improved water infrastructure, rainwater harvesting, better natural
resource management, accessibility to market and trade routes in Mandera East. To achieve the
objective, the project aims to achieve the two Specific Objectives:
Specific Objective I: Targeted border communities have increased availability and access to
markets and sustainable water for human consumption and their livelihood.
Specific Objective II: Develop livelihood interventions and regional initiatives on water
resource management and climate change adaptation to prevent and mitigate impacts on
future droughts.
The main Results to implement these components are:
Result 1: Communities living along the border areas have increased access to WASH services
through construction/ rehabilitation of ground and surface water infrastructures.
Result 2: Communities have increased capacity to sustainably manage water resources and
related infrastructure through WUAs
Result 4: Border communities are supported through income-generating livelihoods activities.
The WASH Officer will be responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring water,
sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities under the DARIS WACAN project. The role focuses on
improving access to safe water, promoting hygiene practices, and enhancing sanitation services
for cross-border communities. The WASH Officer will work closely with local stakeholders to
ensure sustainable and community-driven approaches to WASH programming.
i. Project Implementation:
Conduct assessments to identify WASH needs and gaps in targeted communities.
Oversee the design, construction, and rehabilitation of water and sanitation
Facilitate community-led initiatives to promote hygiene practices and improve sanitation.
Facilitate timely and quality implementation of Water, sanitation and Hygiene projects,
other construction infrastructures and multiple use of water initiatives.
Provide effective, innovative and WASH technical support to other programs ensuring
effective integration for synergies, efficiencies and greater impact.
Capacity Building of CBOs and Water Users Committees to be able to effectively manage
WASH facilities in scenario where there is no regulated water service provider to take over.
Ensure that processes, standards and guidelines related to WASH and Construction
initiatives are effectively applied in project implementation.
Carry out feasibility studies, water resource mapping, EIA support, Technical Design of
WASH and Construction projects as need arises.
Support development of technically sound funding proposals through provision of
information & data and review in collaboration with the Project Manager, other sector
Managers. Preparation of the tender documents (Technical Specifications, Drawings, Bills
of quantities and Terms of Reference).
Facilitates Topographical Surveys and GIS activities.
Capacity building of communities in programming and implementation of WASH and
construction projects for sustainability.
Conduct training for water Users Associations to empower them to run their own water
supply systems in line with the approved rural water management models for improved
governance and sustainability.
Support preparation and conducting hygiene and sanitation promotion training sessions.
Collaborate with the MEAL team to monitor the effectiveness of WASH interventions.
Collect and analyze data on WASH indicators to inform project planning and decision-
making. Prepare and submit timely, detailed reports on WASH activities to the Project
Ensure adherence to EU and IOM standards in all WASH programming.
v. Other
Interested candidates should send their CV and cover letter to info@osdafrik.org with the subject
line: WASH Project Officer – DARIS WACAN by 5:00 PM East African Time on 4th December 2024.
Early application is encouraged as this position is urgently required. This is a rolling recruitment
and OSDA reserves the right to appoint a suitable candidate as soon as they are identified.
OSDA is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. We welcome and encourage applications
from women, minority, underrepresented groups and candidates from cross-border communities.