AFBSummary_827129891_copy owners manual 2003 suzuki intruder vl 1500
AFBSummary_827129891_copy owners manual 2003 suzuki intruder vl 1500
AFBSummary_827129891_copy owners manual 2003 suzuki intruder vl 1500
Application Summary
Programs Food Assistance (SNAP)
Your Information
Main Applicant Justin white (42)
What language do you prefer to read? English
What language do you prefer to speak? English
Do you need an interpreter? No
First Name Justin
Middle Name W
Last Name white
Other Names
Are you a person who is blind or visually No
Visual assistance needed
Are you a person who is deaf or hard of No
Hearing assistance needed
Are you a resident of Florida? Yes
Are you applying for benefits for yourself? Yes
Do you want to allow the authorized
representative to get and spend benefits for
Living Situation
Date child removed
Date child returned
What is Justin address before entering the
Nursing home?
Name of contact person who can verify
Address of the person who can verify
Are you experiencing homelessness? Yes
Which city are you currently in? Melbourne
What state are you currently in? Florida
What's the zip code where you are currently 32904
Temporarily Mailing Address 4762 Crew Cir Apt 6,Melbourne,Florida,32904
Where do you currently live?
Home Phone
Mobile Phone (321) 557-1159
Work Phone/Alternate Phone
Email [email protected]
Would you like to get text messages about Yes
your benefits?
Would you like to receive email notifications Yes
instead of paper mail?
Date of Birth 06/25/1982
What's your gender? Male
Do you have a Social Security number? Yes
What's your Social Security number? 589-64-9115
Why don't you have a Social Security number?
Please explain.
Date of Change
Alien Number
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? No
What is your race? White
Do you have other people living in your No
Other Situations
Child Health and Disability Prevention
Who is Limited in ability to do things most
children of the same age can do?
Do you want to register to vote at your current No, I’m already registered
Do you give permission to DCF to request your
financial records, to confirm the asset
information provided?