I understand that my APAAR ID may be used and shared with the Ministry of Education for time-to-time
educational and related activities as required for specified purposes .
Persona l demographic information such as name, address, age, date of birth, gender,and photograph,
along with various educational activities like U-DISE+ data capture, student profiling, maintenance of
academic records, etc., may also be shared with stakeholders, including educational institutions and
recruitment agencies .
I authorize the Ministry of Education to use my AADHAAR number for the aforementioned
purpose in accordance with the provisions of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and
Other Subsidies, Benefits,and Services) Act, 2016, and related UIDAI regulations .
I understand that upon successful authentication , UIDAI will share my e-KYC information or Yes/No
response with the Ministry of Education.
Iam aware that the information I provide will be kept confidential and not disclosed to any third party
unless deemed necessary by the authority.
I acknowle dge that I may withdraw my consent at any time for one or all purposes, and upon
withdrawal,the shared data will no longer be processed. However,any information shared prior to
the withdrawal of consent will remain unaffected.
Signature : -----