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1 author:
Jan Tent
Australian National University
All content following this page was uploaded by Jan Tent on 03 June 2014.
The sounds of a language are traditionally - and perhaps most easily - described
and categorised in terms of how and where in the oral cavity they are articulated.
Consonants are described and categorised in terms of place (point) of articulation
and manner (method) of articulation. The former refers to the location in the oral
cavity where the obstruction or modification of the airstream occurs which
produces consonantal sounds, and the latter to the manner in which that
obstruction or modification of the airstream is made.
Based on this method of description, the consonant phonemesI of a language are
generally set out in the form of a chart or matrix according to general phonetic
taxonomic categories of place and manner of articulation. The various places of
articulation are represented as individual columns, whilst the various manners of
articulation are exemplified in rows2:
1 Aphoneme is defined as a minimal and contrastive unit of sound in the sound system of a language
which cannot be analysed into smaller linear units.
2 The phonetic symbols used in the charts below provide a unique written representation of each sound
(phoneme) independent of the orthographies of particular languages. Each phonetic symbol
corresponds exclusively to a particular vertical and horizontal position in a diagram.
In the vowel patterns on the following pages, the symbols used do not refer to any fixed phonetic
quality. The vowels of each language represented have their own distinct quality.
See also Figures 1, 2 and 3, Appendix.
plosives (voiceless) 13 t k
(voiced) 13 cl g
nasals m n rj
fricatives (voiceless) qb s x
(voiced) 13 z ~’
Vowels, on the other hand, do not lend themselves to such a relatively easy method
of description and classification - at least not in articulatory terms. The
articulation of most consonants offers enough sensory feedback to determine the
place in theoral cavity where the obstruction or modification of the airstream
occurs. The articulation of vowels does not offer such sensory feedback. They are
articulated in a small and restricted area in the oral cavity, known as the ’vowel
space’. Very small vertical and horizontal movements of the tongue within this
space can differentiate one vowel quality from another. The vowel space is
generally represented as a quadrilateral (see Figures 2 and 3, Appendix), and the
relative position the tongue assumes for the articulation of individual vowels is
plotted within this quadrilateral.
The vowels of most languages tend to be evenly and widely distributed within the
vowel space. This configuration helps to provide for maximum phonetic contrast,
and as Disner (1980, p. 91) reports, about 86% of the 317 languages in the UPSID
(the UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database) have "vowel systems that are
built on a basic framework of evenly dispersed peripheral vowels" and that "10%
[of the languages] approach this specification".
Consonant charts and vowel quadrilaterals often reveal phonetic symmetries in a "
language’s inventory of phonemes3. Indeed, there is a strong tendency for symmetry
in the phonological inventory of most languages.
Phonetic symmetry refers to the occurrence of sounds in parallel series, so that the
sounds of one type, which occur at certain points of articulation, are parallelled by
sounds of another type at those same points of articulation. For example, if a
language has three voiceless plosives, three voiced plosives and three voiced nasals,
they would most likely be:
3 These inventories do not usually include allophonic variants of phonemes. Allophonic variants are
noticeable variations inthe [orm o[ a phoneme which do not affect the phoneme’s functional identity.
The variations are due to the influence of neighbouring sounds.
b d 0
The places of articulation of the plosives are not mirrored by the places of
articulation of the nasals. Instead of having a velar nasal, French and Spanish have
a palatal nasal.
The number of vowel phonemes that.any of the world’s known languages may have
ranges from a minimum of three to a maximum of approximately 20 - 24.
Languages with a three vowel system will almost always have some form of [i], [a]
and [u]. This makes sense phonetically because these three vowels provide for
maximum phonetic contrast since they have maximum dispersal and are articulated
towards the extremes (i.e., outer edges) of the vowel space. These extremes are:
[] the front of the tongue high in the oral cavity, close to the hard palate
(together with spread lips) which produces a close (or high) front vowel
like [i], as heard English heat, German wie, and French si.
[] the centre of the tongue low in the oral cavity (together with open lips)
which produces an open (or low) central vowel like [a], as heard in
Southern British English hard, German fahren, and French pas (short),
pale (long).
[] the back of the tongue high in the oral cavity, close to the soft palate
(together with rounded lips) which produces a close (or high) back vowel
like [u], as heard in English book, German Hund, and French tout.
Three vowel systems are quite uncommon since they limit the total number of
possible words a language may have. ~
348 . J. TENT
At the other end of the spectrum, !Xfi (a Khoisan language spoken in Botswana
with a total of 141 phonemes) has 24 vowel phonemes4. The larger the number of
vowels in a system, the smaller is the degree of dispersal. This stands to reason, as
the vowel space is such a restricted area, and the more divisions made within this
area the less widely distributed vowels will be. The end result is less acoustically
distinct vowels, and in theory at least a less efficient system.
The question arises as to What the optimum number of vowels in a system may be.
This ~s impossible to answer as the speakers of languages with a large number of
vowels have no trouble distinguishing them. The majority of the world’s languages,
however, have .between five and seven vowels, with the five vowel system being the
most common.
The following examples of symmetrical vowel systems show that the height of the
front vowels mirrors that of the back vowels independently of any central vowels
that may occur in the system. This type of symmetry is evident in most of the vowel
systems of the world’s languages.
3 Vowel @stemss
Quechua (Peru and Equador), Greenlandic Eskimo, Classical Arabic, Moroccan
Arable, Iatmul (Sepik, PNG), and a large number of Australian Aboriginal
5 Vowel @stems
(the most common vowel system approximately ¼ of the world’s languages)
Spanish, Modem Greek, Arabic, Latin, Czech, Mandarin, Japanese, Russian,
Polish, Basque, Malayalam, Telugu, Tlingit (SE Alaska), kiSwahili and some of the
other Bantu languages, and most of the languages of Oceania etc.
i U
6 Vowel @stems
Malay*: i u
e e o
Lapp** (Lappland): i i u
~ 0
7 Vowel Systems
Italian*: i u
Rumanian*: i i U
Ewe (Ghana)**: i u
8 Vowel Systems
Bahasa Indonesia*: i u
9 Vowel System
e o
12 Vowel System
English (British/Australian): i u
~ 0 o
~ D
¯ 352 J. TENT
Every language has ’holes’ in i~s phoneme inventonj. These are due to:
(a) The general human inability to articulate certain speech sounds. For
instance, no language has bilabial, labio-dental or velar laterals since they
are impossible to articulate. All laterals are produced by allowing the
airstream to escape between the sides of the tongue’s blade (or dorsum)
and the alveolum (or hard palate). This cannot be achieved at the lips or
the soft palate, and hence, you will never see the space on a consonant
chart intersecting at "bilabial’ and ’lateral’ being occupied.
(b) A language simply not ’choosing’ to incorporate a particular sound or
class of sounds in its inventory. For instance, English (see below) has
’chosen’ not to include the palatal plosives/c, ~t/, or the palatal nasal/t~ / in
its inventory. Malay, on the other hand (see below), has ’chosen’ to d’-o so
together with all the other plosives and nasals English possesses.
(c) Genuine asymmetries in the system (see below).
English: p~ t~ k~
b d g
I Ii l: l:i
r rj r: r:j
m mw-
Asymmetrical phoneme inventories have ’holes’ or ’gaps’ in unexpected places. For
instance, if a language only has three plosives, they would most likely be/p t k/
(which are voiceless) or ib d g/(which are voiced). The three plosives in each set
articulated at the lips (i.e., bilabial plosives), the alveolum (i.e., alveolar plaosives)
and the velum (i.e., velar plosives). These three places of articulation provide for
maximum acoustic contrast which insures a maximum degree of differentiation
between them.
Arapaho*: t k 7
m m: mw rn:w n n:
Hopi** (U.S.A.): i
Malagasy** (Madagascar):
The vowel systems of virtually all languages have front vowels that are articulated
with unfounded lips and back vowels articulated with varying degrees of lip
rounding. In addition to this, some languages (e.g., Dutch, German, Swedish and
French) also possess a set of rounded front vowels and/or a set of unfounded back
vowels (e.g., Vietnamese). The vowel inventory of such languages is always
asymmetrical because the back vowels never have a set of corresponding
unfounded vowels (or in the case of languages with unrounded back vowels, the
front vowels don’t have a set of corresponding rounded front vowels)6:
Dutch*: iy u
eo o o
a a
German*: iy u
I. Y ~
eo o 0
French (Parisian)’*: iy u
e~ O 0
~ oe o
6 Note: The French nasalised ~owels/,~, ~’, ~, ~/are not included in this inventory.
358 J. TENT
Vietnamese*: U
e 0 Y
The loss of/e/from this system, as a consequence from its merging with/i/(/e/~/if)
would result in an imbalanced 4 vowel system. Thus,
There is always a danger that a discussion of symmetry in phonological systems will
be more concerned with patterns on paper than with genuine insights into the
phonetic or phonological nature of the system itself. Ruhlen (1976, p. 27) points
out that we need to recognise both attention towards symmetry and orthographical
convenience have significantly influenced the drafting of phoneme inventories. He
cites the example of French for which the nasalised vowels are seldom accurately
transcribed phoneticallyT: ~
or as:
7 It is interesting to note that Ruhlen’s example contains only three nasalised vowels when French
actually has four such vowels.
e o
Maori**: u
Hawai’ian*: i u
e o
Hawai’ian** :
Although the two Maori inventories are asymmetrical, the phonetic detail
of each system is quite different. On the other hand, the two Hawai’ian
inventories differ in their phonetic judgements to such an extent that one
interpretation shows a symmetrical system whilst the other an
asymmetrical one.
A more striking example resulting from these artefacts can be seen in the
following inventories of Burmese, where the first interpretation reveals a
five vowel system whilst the second an eight vowel systerhS:
e o
BHrrllese**~ i u
e o
8 These inventories do not include the three nasal vowels if, ~’,
There is, therefore, a very real danger in over-emphasising the significance of the
search for symmetry and regularity in the phonological systems of languages.
Language, after all, is human behaviour, which is more often than not disorderly or
irregular in one way or another. A systematic analysis of language will always reveal
loose ends.
It must also be remembered that living languages are evolving, dynamic systems in
which there is a constant interplay between set structures which display symmetry
and asymmetry. This is clearly illustrated by phonological change, especially with
Place of Articulation
Manner of Articulation
F~u~ 1
Crowley, T. (1992) An Introduction to Historical Linguistics, 2rid ed., Auckland: Oxford University Press.
Disner, S. F. (1980) Insights on vowel spacing, UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 50, August 1980,
Hock, H. H. (1986) Principles of HistoricalLinguistics, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Ruhlen, M. (1976) A Guide to the Languages of the World, Language Universals Project, Stanford:
- Stanford University.
UPSID: UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database, Data and Index, UCLA Working Papers in
Phonetics, 53, November 1981.