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SOC2069 Assessment Guide

Semester: 1 (Autumn), 2024-2025

Module leaders: Dr. Chris Moreh and Dr. Miranda Iossifidis

Assessment overview
There are two assignments for this module, each weighted at 50% of the final mark.

Assessment name Word count Weight Date

Quantitative data analysis report 2,000 words 50% As advertised on Canvas
Qualitative data analysis report 2,000 words 50% As advertised on Canvas

Both assessments must be submitted online via Canvas to Turnitin.

The resit paper will cover tasks related to both assignments.

Assignment 1: Quantitative data analysis report

This assignment is a brief research report worth 50% of the overall module mark. In this report, you will
answer an empirical research question using one of the quantitative methods and datasets we used during
the first half of the module (Teaching Weeks 5-9). The assessment datasets will be made available via
Canvas and the module website. A list of optional research questions will also be made available to match
the available data. You will conduct a quantitative analysis to answer your chosen research question using
the dataset at your disposal.

The analysis will need to cover all the main points that we will practice throughout the semester: (a)
selection of appropriate variables, (b) data description and visualisation, (c) specifying and fitting a
simple but conceptually and statistically robust regression model, and (d) presenting your findings in a
format that satisfying modern standards of scientific reproducibility. The report format also requires you
to frame the analysis and findings sociologically and in reference to some relevant academic literature on
the topic.

We will be using the free and open-source JASP statistical software package to conduct our analyses
throughout the semester, and you will do the same for the assessment report.

The report format also requires you to frame the analysis and findings sociologically and in reference to
relevant academic literature on the topic.

Advice on structure:

• Always give a title that relates to your main research problem, but avoid simply replicating the
generic research question posed as the assessment task.

Introduction (~200 words)

• This should be a brief paragraph stating very briefly and generally: your research question; one or
two main points from the literature that you reviewed; your data source and methods that you will
be using.

Problem statement and literature review (~500 words)

• State the core research problem/question you are addressing in clear language
• Relate your problem/question to some existing previous academic literature on the topic and
highlight some of the main findings from that literature
• The "literature review" should not be as developed and substantial as for an essay; instead, focus
much more closely on a few well selected publications and clearly explain what you expect to
find in your data analysis based on the findings from these existing previous studies
• You may choose to incorporate your problem statement and literature review into the
Introduction section

Data and Methods (~300 words)

• Introduce the source of your data (e.g. describe the survey methodology based on the information
provided by the survey agencies), the variables that you found useful to answer the research
question, and the methods you used.
• If you want to include further methodological literature that you relied on, you can do it here.

Results / Analysis (~500)

• Present the results of your analysis, including tables, figures and interpretation.
• You may decide to combine this section with the Discussion if it works best that way in the
context of your topic/analysis

Discussion and Conclusion (~500)

• Here you provide a sociological interpretation of your results. This is best done by connecting
your findings back to the literature that you reviewed
• Include a brief concluding paragraph; you may also decide to add a separate Conclusion section if
you feel it works best that way

References (excluded from word-count)

• Use the Harvard referencing style as usual.

• You will need to appropriately reference your data sources as required by the relevant data
repository guidance.
Assignment 2: Qualitative data analysis report

This assignment will contribute the remaining 50% to your overall module mark. To complete the
assignment, you will need to rely on the knowledge and skills gained in the second half of the module.

Choose one of the methodological approaches from the first four workshops pertaining to the qualitative
methods block (Teaching Weeks 11-14). The starting point for the assessment will be the material
produced in the workshop. From here, pick a research topic and question you’d like to explore using these
methods (it can be the same one explored in the workshop). Undertake more research using this approach
(eg: analysing two documents; an hour of ethnographic observation; an interview; a moodboard). Then
write up your experience of doing this research. Advice on structure

Advice on structure:

Introduction (200 words)

• Background, context, research topic and question

Methodology (1000)

• Research design: an account of which methods were used and why they were appropriate (citing
academic literature on the methodological approach – the lecture and reading list materials will be
• An account of your experience of doing research, discussing ethical issues, positionality, and
reflexivity (citing academic literature on these topics – see the reading list)

Discussion (600)

• Analysis of one theme that emerged from your research - what did you find out? (drawing on
workshop 5)

Conclusion (200 words)

• How did using these methods help you explore the research question?
• What are the limitations of using this research method
• Future research you would like to do based on this experience?
General assessment guidance
Academic misconduct

Newcastle University does not condone plagiarism, or any other form of assessment irregularity
and follows procedures for dealing with alleged assessment irregularities.
This includes permitting another student to copy, verbatim or in substance, any assessed
coursework (including providing an opportunity for another student to copy work, even if it was
not the explicit intention that the work should be copied) and/or allowing the sharing of any
assessed work on a website or in any other medium.
The University has the right to investigate any allegation of an assessment irregularity against a
student and may take disciplinary action where it decides, on the balance of probabilities, that an
assessment irregularity has occurred.

What happens if I’m ill and can’t meet the deadline?

Extensions are managed through the Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) process.
Extensions will usually only be granted for medical or other serious problems. You should negotiate
this before the original submission date unless sudden ill-health makes this impossible. You will
need to complete a Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) form (available online on your
Student Portal and attach any
medical or other evidence in support of your request. PEC requests will be considered by the Senior
Tutor and communicated by the office.
Please note that extensions will only be given with the approval of the Senior Tutor via the GPS
office. Please do not approach individual Module Leaders for extensions. Students can normally
expect to receive a decision about an application for an extension within three working days,
provided the form is completed correctly, by email (more details can be found in the Degree
Programme Handbook).

What happens if I submit late?

Any work submitted after 12 midday on the advertised day of submission will be subject to the
University’s late submission policy, unless an extension has been agreed with the Senior Tutor. The
University’s policy is that any assessed work submitted after the deadline up to 7 days late can
receive a maximum mark of 40%. Work handed in after 7 days without an extension will receive a
mark of 0. It is your responsibility to act quickly and to go through the proper extensions procedure
if you require one. More details can be found in the Degree Programme Handbook.

Word limits

For assessments work must be within the specified word limit: writing to a word limit is one of the
skills on which you are assessed. You must clearly indicate the word count at the end of each
assignment. The bibliography is not included in the word limit. Assignments which exceed the word
limit by more than 10% may be subject to a deduction of up to 10 marks. This is at the discretion of
the Module Leader. If it is applied, the marker will indicate the deduction clearly on the assessment
feedback sheet.
Academic style and the Harvard system

Your written work must conform to the Harvard referencing system (see the referencing guide in
your student handbooks and on Canvas). It should be typed in 12-point sans-serif font (such as
Arial, Calibri, or GillSans). Assessed work which does not use the Harvard system and/or does not
conform to the specified style may be subject to a deduction of up to 5 marks. This is at the
discretion of the Module Leader. If it is applied, the marker will indicate the deduction clearly on
the assessment feedback sheet. For further guidance on referencing see the Style Guide in your
Sociology Student Handbook.


Feedback on the assessment will be through the following routes:

• Comments provided in your text, and/or in your individual feedback sheet on Canvas;

• Generic feedback via Canvas or email to the class on common points of good and bad
practice amongst the group on the piece of assessment;

• The opportunity to have one-to-one feedback with the module leader at a time which will be
advertised well in advance and which you can sign up for. If this time is not possible for you
an alternative time can be agreed.
Submitting an assignment using Canvas
Newcastle University is committed to encouraging good academic conduct and fair
assessment. To these ends, the University subscribes to TurnitinUK (the JISC Plagiarism
Detection Service). This software permits academic staff to carry out comparisons of
students' work with that of other students and with other print and electronic sources.

The School of GPS requires that ALL written assessments are submitted to Canvas,
which in turn uploads your written work to TurnitinUK so that we can attempt to
ensure that no student gains an unfair advantage over another, by plagiarising someone
else’s work, submitting the same work for more than one assessment or by purchasing or
downloading assessments over the internet.

All of GPS submission deadlines are at 12 midday on the date of submission. Anything
submitted after this, will be treated as late.

A short video guide to accompany these instructions is available to show you how to
submit work in Turnitin, it can be viewed here: How to submit an assignment through

1. Log into Canvas and click on the relevant course, and then click on the Assignments link
in the course navigation menu
2. From the list of available assignments choose the one you wish to submit

3. The first time you use Turnitin you will be asked to read and agree to the End-User
License Agreement. If you agree click the I Agree button.
4. You’ll then see the Assignment Dashboard. Please select the Upload Submission button.
5. After clicking Upload Submission, you’ll see a submission box as below.

a) Enter the title of your submission into the Submission Title box (The Submission
Title will be visible to the marker, to preserve anonymous marking try to avoid a
title that will allow you to be personally identified).

b) Select the Choose File button, find your assignment from where you have saved it,
click the file title and press open to attach the file.

c) Select the Upload and Review button (this button will only show as blue once
your assignment has been attached).

6. The following box will appear, showing the title, file size and word count. You can also
review your submission, or select Preview Submission to see a larger version. Once you
are happy with your selection select Submit to Turnitin.
7. Once submitted you will see verification via the green bar that shows at the top of the
screen, and you’ll see the assignment listed.

a) To download a copy of your Turnitin receipt, please click on the blue icon that looks
like a sheet.
b) To view a copy of your submitted work, please select the blue icon with the
downward pointing arrow

8. Please note you will not be emailed a copy of your Turnitin receipt, you can access it at
any time by going back into the Assignment Dashboard
Submitting an Assignment in Canvas FAQs

What if I do not see the submit assignment button: if you do not see this option, the
assignment might not be available yet or it may be restricted, for example you may only be
able to submit after a certain date. Contact your Module Leader for more information about
submitting the assignment.

Can I re-submit my assignment? Yes, but before you resubmit you must contact the GPS
School office to delete your original submission, please include the paper id.

I have been incorrectly listed as late/ not submitting, how do I verify my submission?
The details of the time and date of your submission will show on your Turnitin receipt
which can be downloaded and forwarded to your module leader.

Can I download work I have submitted? To download the original submission, follow the
guidelines in step 8b) above.

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