You can use this invoice template to bill your clients and collect payments for any
legal services you provide. This template contains the basic information typically
contained in a legal invoice, such as the invoice amount, the services provided,
and the payment due date. Fill in the details outlined on the template and edit it
as you see fit. This template is ideal for legal small businesses that want to invoice
their clients and receive timely payments.
All information and forms are provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise,
including as to their legal effect and completeness. They are for general guidance and should be modified by you or
your attorney to meet your specific needs and the laws of your state. Use at your own risk. Intuit, its employees or
contractors who wrote or modified any form. are not providing legal or any other kind of advice and are not creating or
entering into an attorney-client relationship. The information and forms are not a substitute for the advice of your own
attorney. This document is not approved, endorsed by or affiliated with any state or governmental or licensing entity.
Replace with
Your Company Name
Street address Phone # 555-555-555
City, State, Zipcode Email [email protected]
Website www.companyname.com
Thank you for your business. Please return this Shipping $0.00
invoice with payment.
Total $0.00