question bank for environmental awareness semester 1

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attempt the following (each for 01 mark)

1. What is sustainable development/ sustainability

2. who coined the term ecology

3. what is the unit to measure noise pollution

4.what is meant by species diversity

5.when is world ozone day celebrated

6. when world environment day celebrated

7. which is world earth day

8. define the term environment

9. what is atmosphere

10. what is hydrophere

11. what is lithosphere

12. what is Biosphere

13. What is an ecosystem

14. what are the biotic components

15. what are the abiotic components

16. what are the components of ecosystem

17. what are the main functions of ecosystem

18. Energy flow in ecosystem is always Unidirectional

19. What is food chain

20. What is food web

21. What is meant by succession

22. what is detritus food chain

23. what is grazing food chain

24. what is trophic level in food chain

25. What is pioneer community in succession process

26. What is climax community in succession process/ what is called final stable community in

27. What are the bioic and abiotic components in forest/ grassland/ desert/ aquatic ecosystem

28. Write names of any two renewable resources

29. write names of any two non-renewable resources

30. define a. non renewable resources

b. renewable resources

c. exhaustible resoureces

d. non exhaustible resources

e. Alternative energy resourcces

31. Write names of any two alternative energy resources

32. What is meant by land resources

33. What are water resources

34. what are energy resources

35.What is land degradation

36. what is soil erosion or its causes

37. What is Desertification

38. what is deforestation

39. what is surface water

40. what is groundwater

41. what is biodiversity

42. what are the levels of biodiversity

43. what is mean by genetic diversity and its example

44. what is mean by species diversity and its example

45. what is mean by ecosystem diversity and its example

46. Define the term hotspots of biodiversity

47. Define the term 1. Endangerd species and its examples

2. endemic species and its examples

48. what are the threats to biodiversity

49. Define the term a. Habitat loss

b. Poaching of wildlife

50. what is man wildlife conficts and its example

51. What is mean by biological invasion

52. what are the two methods of biodiversity conservation (ans. Insitu and exsitu)

53. what is mean by insitu conservation and its examplees

54. what is mean by exsitu conservation and its examples

55. what are the ecological services provided by biodiversity

56. 55. what are the economical services provided by biodiversity

Q.2. Descriptive type of questions for 6 marks and 4 marks (also important for short notes)

(prepare below questions for Q.2, Q.3, Q.4 and Q.5)

1. Explain the multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies?

2. Describe energy flow in an ecosystem?
3. What are the causes and impacts of deforestation?
4. What are the levels of biodiversity?
5. Describe pond ecosystem
6. What are the threats to biodiversity?
7. Explain the process of ecological succession?
8. What are the impacts of mining on environment?
9. What type of services provided by biodiversity?
10. What is sustainable development? Explain the need of sustainable development in
current scenario?
11. Why alternative energy resources are necessary?
12. Explain the structure and function of grassland ecosystem/ Pond ecosystem/ forest
13. Write note on use and overexploitation of water resources?
14. Explain the Scope and importance of environmental studies?
15. Explain structure and function of an ecosystem?
16. Describe renewable energy resources?
17. Write note on hotspot of biodiversity?
18. Explain Grassland ecosystem?
19. What are the ecological services provided by biodiversity?
20. Write note on growing energy needs?
21. What is endangerd species?
22. Illustrate the conservation methods of biodiversity?
23. What are land resources? Write causes and impacts of land degradation?
24. Explain the structure and function of forest ecosystem?
25. Illustrate or write a note on the human and wildlife conflicts with examples?
26. Explain the need of sustainable development?
27. Write a note on ecological succession?
28. Explain alternative energy resources with examples?
29. What are the significances of biodiversity?
30. Describe structure of aquatic ecosystem?
31. write causes and impacts of deforestation?
32. What is biological invasions?
33. Illustrate or explain – India as a mega biodiversity nation?
34. Describe energy resources and its growing needs in current scenario?
35. Explain the structure and function of aquatic ecosystem?
36. What is need and scope of environmental studies?
37. What are the types of energy resources?
38. Describe the energy flow in ecosystem ?
39. Write a note on hot spots of biodiversity?
40. explain food chain and food web with example?

41. What is In situ and Ex situ conservation of biodiversity?

42. write causes and impacts of land degradation?
43. write note on economical services provided by biodiversity?

44. Illustrate the water resources and impacts of its use and overexploitation?
45. Explain the need and importance of sustainable development?
46. Explain the structure and function of forest ecosystem?
47. Write note on Human and wildlife conflicts?
48. Write note on biological invasions
49. write note on use or need of alternative energy resources
50. causes and impacts of use and overexploitation of water resources
51. write note on floods (write definition also)
52. Write note on droughts (write definition also)

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