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Westfalia Separator

Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Instruction Manual and

Parts List

No.: 2050-9001-010

Edition: 0905

Designation: Centrifuge
1 7 - R I O DEL R F
Model: OTC 2-02-137 M D O SEPARATOR O T C 2 - 0 2 -
OTC 2-03-107 137 "WESTFALIA"



Westfalia Separator
Mineraloit S y s t e m s G m b H

Subject to modification!

The authors are always grateful for comments and suggestions for improving
the documentation. They.can be sent to
GEA Westfalia Separator Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Werner-Habig-Str. 1

© GEA Westfalia Separator

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

y / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / .
OTC 2-03-107

Mineraloll Systems GmbH

Westfalia Separator
D-59302 Oelde (F. R; Germany)

Model S/N

Built.in 0 in mm

Max; admissible rated bowl speed in min"

Max. admissible density in kg/dm^ of product

Heavy liquid Solids^

kg/dm^ kg/dm"
min/max throughput m / h

min/rriax temp, of product,in "C

min/max housing iri.bar

T/7)S hameplate must be filled in by the operator.

Please transfer the data from the centrifuge hameplate.

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

For your safety

• strictly adhere to instructions marked with this symbol.
This avoids damage to the separator and other equipment.

• Take special care when carrying out operations marked with this
symbol -
otherwise danger to life.

• This symbol is not a safety precaution but rather a reference to infor-

mation which help to better understand the separator or plant c o m p o -
nents and the processes.

• Observe the accident prevention regulations!

T h e local safety and accident prevention regulations apply uncondi-

tionally to the operation of the separator. T h e plant operator must e n -
sure compliance with these regulations.

• Follow the Instructions in the manual.

Follow only the instructions given in this manual.

Repair and maintenance w o r k that goes beyond the scope described
in this manual may not be carried out.

• Operate the separator only In accordance with agreed process

and operating parameters

• Maintain the separator

as specified in this manual.

• Carry out safety checks on the separator,

as described in chapter "Safety precautions" in this manual

• Liability for the function of the machine passes to the owner.

Liability for the function of t h e machine passes unconditionally to t h e

owner or operator irrespective of existing warranty periods in so far as
the machine is improperly maintained or serviced by persons other
than Westfalia Separator service personnel or If t h e machine is not
applied in accordance with t h e intended use.

Westfalia Separator shall not be liable for d a m a g e which occurs as a

result of non-observance of the above. Warranty and liability condi-
tions in the Conditions of Sale a n d Delivery of Westfalia Separator are
not extended by the above.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

Safety precautions

1.1 Correct usage 10

12 Safety markings 10
1.2.1 Safety markings and their meaning 11
1.3 Basic operating principles 14
1.4 Bowl speed and product 14
1.5 Demands relating to service personnel and spare parts 15
1.6 Operations on the separator 16
1.6.1 Assembly 16
1.6.2 Electrical appliances 19
1.6.3 Before start-up 20
1.6.4 Starting 22
1.6.5 Shut-down and »Emergency-Off« 24
1.6.6 Maintenance and repair 25
1.7 Corrosion 28
1.8 Erosion 29

Machine description 31

2.1 Dimensioned drawing of the separator OTC 2-02-137 32

2.2 Section through separator OTC 2-02-137 33
2.3 Dimensioned drawing of the separator OTC 2-03-107 34
2.4 Section through separator OTC 2-03-107 35
2.5 General 36
2.6 OTC . . .-02- 36
2.7 OTC ...-03- 37
2.8 Main components of the separator 39
2.8.1 Bowl 40
2.8.2 Centripetal pump 42
2.8.3 Drive 43
2.9 The regulating ring 44
2.10 Technical data 46

Operation 49

3.1 Technical infonnation 50

3.1.1 Separation 50
3.1.2 General information on cleaning the bowl 50
3.1.3 Mathematical determination of the separating time 51
3.2 Before start-up 52
3.3 Starting the separator 53
3.4 Monitoring of operation 53
3.5 Shutting down the separator 54
3.6 Trouble shooting 55
3.6.1 Trouble shooting 55

Installation - Maintenahice - Repair 57

4.1 Installation of the separator OTC 2-02-137 58

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

4.2 Installation of the separator O T C 2-03-107 59

4.2.1 Transporting the separator 60
4.2.2 Installing the separator 64
4.2.3 Motor 65
4.2.4 Direction of rotation of the bowl and motor 66
4.2.5 Speed and starting time of the bowl 66
4.3 Maintenance and lubrication 67
4.3 1 Maintenance schedule 67
4.3.2 Hoses and hose pipes 70
4.3.3 Lubrication 71
4.3.4 Lubrication Charl 73
4.3.5 Table of lubricating oils 74
4.3.6 Comments on table of lubricating oils for separators from Westfalia
Separator 75
4.4 Cleaning the solids holding space (bowl shell) 76
4.4.1 Cleaning the disk stack 80
4.4.2 Cleaning the spindle inlet holes 80
4.4.3 Assembling the bowl after cleaning 82
4.5 Dismantling the separator 89
4.5.1 Cleaning the separator 105
4.5.2 Cleaning the frame 106
4.5.3 Important instructions 107
4.5.4 Assembling the separator 109
4.6 Bowl shell insert 130
4.6.1 Removing the insert 130
4.6.2 Fitting the insert 132
4.7 Before a long-term shut-down of the separator 133
4.7.1 Before restarting 134
4.8 Standard tools 135

Accessories 137

5.1 Starter box 138

5.1.1 Electrical connection 139
5.2 Evaluating unit 141
5.3 Flow detector 142
5.3,1 Float switch 142
5.4 Hood limit switch 145
5.5 Flowmeter 146

Parts list 147

Guide to ordering spare parts 149

Set of plates 151
Separator complete (OTC 2-02-137) 153
Conversion parts for clarifier operation (OTC ...-02-.,.) 156
Separator complete (OTC 2-03-107) 159
Set of drive parts - 50 Hz 163
Set of drive parts - 60 Hz 163
Corrugated hose, compi 165
Set of tools and accessories. - 50 Hz
(for maintenance and commissioning) 167
Set of tools and accessories. - 60 Hz
(for maintenance and commissioning) 169

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s GmbH

Set of spare parts "bowl/hood" - 50 Hz

(Operation: 1 year or 8,000 hours) 171
Set of spare parts "bowl/hood" - 60 Hz
(Operation: 1 year or 8,000 hours) 171
Set of spare parts "drive" (operation: 2 years or 16,000 hours) 173
Starter box (motor) 220/230 V, 4 - 6 A, IP 55 174
Starter box (motor) 380/400 V, 2,5 - 4 A, IP 55 174
Starter box (motor) 440 V, 2,5 - 4 A, IP 55 174
Starter box (motor) 660/690 V, IP 55 174
Float switch 175
Evaluating unit (220/230 V - 50/60 Hz) 176
Evaluating unit (110/115 V - 50/60 Hz) 176
Conversion kit „OTC ...-02-... in OTC ...-03-..." (bowl parts) 178
Conversion kit „OTC ...-03-... to OTC ...-02-..." (bowl parts) 179

Westfalia Separator
Miheraioil S y s t e m s GmbHi

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

1 Safety p r e c a u t i o n s

1 Correct usage 10
2 Safety markings 10
2.1 Safety markings and their meaning 11
3 Basic operating principles 14
4 Bowl speed and product 14
5 Demands relating to service personnel and spare parts 15
6 Operations on the separator 16
6.1 Assembly 16
6.2 Electrical appliances 19
6.3 Before start-up 20
6.4 Starting 22
6.5 Shut-down and »Emergency-Off« 24
6.6 Maintenance and repair 25
7 Corrosion 28
8 Erosion 29

Westfalia Separator
10 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

1.1 Correct usage

The separator is designed
• in accordance with the chemical and physical properties of the product speci-
fied by the customer and
• in accordance with the method of application of the separator agreed with
Westfalia Separator.
In particular, products not conforming to the specifications on the nameplate
may not be used.
Any mode of operation deviating herefrom is not proper and correct.
Prior to any intended deviation from the agreed operating mode, it is therefore
imperative to obtain the consent of Westfalia Separator.

1.2 Safety markings

The safety markings (adhesive and metal plates) are attached to all separators
on the hood and frame of the respective separator in such a way that they are
clearly visible.
All safety markings on the separator, control system and plant components must
always be in perfect condition.
• Clean dirty safety markings.
• Replace damaged safety markings.

Fig. 1 Example of markings on a separator

1 Safety sticker
2 Oil quality
3 Plates
4 Nameplate
5 Maker's nameplate
The texts and part numbers of the safety markings change depending on the
languages required by the customer.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 11

1.2.1 Safety markings and their meaning

The following safety markings must be attached to the machine as adhesive la-

Niemals Teil« losen vor Bel starken Vibratiomn
StillBtand des Separator sofort rrdt
Separators gerQIIter Trommel ilber
NOT-AUS stoppen.
Do not loosen any part
before the separatorhas Stop separator wBh
stopped completriy filled bowl Immediately
strong vibraflon ocajra

Ffg. 2

Refer to the machine documen-

• Every person who is assigned the
task of installing, operating, main-
taining and repairing the machine
must have read and understood the
• The documentation must be com-
plete kept near to the machine and
be readily accessible to the opera-
tors. It must be available to the op-
erators at all times!
fig. 3

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
12 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

Before carrying out work, dis-

connect power to the all compo-
nents of the monitoring system!
Risk of injury due to electrical voltage
and unintended start-up of the separa-

Before carrying out work on the

separator and electrical plant com-
• Make sure the separator is at a
Fig. 4 • Switch off all electrical appliances
via the main switch,
• Lock the installation to prevent it
from being accidentally switched on.

Danger o life and limb through

rotating machine parts!
• Do not loosen any part and do not
carry out maintenance or repair
work on the separator before the
separator is at a standstill.
Methods of how to check standstill
are described in the machine docu-

Fig. 5

Warning of u n u s u a l n o i s e s or
When unusual noises or vibrations oc-
cur on the separator:
• Immediately shut down the separa-
tor with filled bowl via "emergency-
• Never trigger a bowl ejection!
• Evacuate the room.
• Do not re-enter the room until the
centrifuge has come to a standstill.

Fig. 6

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 13

Frequency converter operation!

• When setting the frequency con-
verter; do not exceed the admissible
bowl speed (see nameplate)

This adhesive plate is only used for

frequency converter operation.

f=ig. 7

Warning of extreme surface


The surfaces of the separator and

plant components can be hoti

This.adhesive plate is only used for

hot operation.

Fig. e

Westfalia Separator
14 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

1.3 Basic operating principles

Separators are used for the separation of liquid mixtures or for the separation of
solids out of liquids or liquid mixtures,

High centrifugal forces are produced in

the rotating bowl.

Fig. 9

Under the influence of the centrifugal forces, separation of the liquid mixture
and/or ejection of the solids particles takes place most rapidly.
The specifically heavier components are displaced to the bowl periphery,
whereas the specifically lighter components are displaced towards the centre of
the bowt.
The high centrifugal force is produced by very high bowl speeds. On the one
hand, high bowl speeds signify high efficiency, while on the other hand, they
signify high material stressing of the separator.

1.4 Bowl speed and product

The max. permissible bowl speed is an important parameter when rating the
separator. It depends on the chemical and physical properties of the product
such as
• temperature, if higher than 100 "C (212 "F) or lower than 0 "C (32 T ) ,
• density of the fluid and solid components,
• aggressiveness of the product as regards corrosion and erosion (has influ-
ence on the selection of the bowl material).
The bowl speed Is determined on the basis of these parameters allowing for an
adequate safety margin.
Before using a product with properties different from those stated when placing
the order, it is imperative to obtain the manufacturer's approval.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s GmbH 15

1.5 Demands relating to service personnel and spare parts

Use only genuine spare parts from Westfalia

The use of non-genuine parts leads to:
GENUINE PARTS- - Safety risks
- Lower durability and availability
- Increased maintenance requirement
If a safety risk arises, this may have legal con-
sequences for the responsible persons. In this
Fig. 10 case, Westfalia Separator shall assume no li-
ability or warranty.
Deploy only well trained personnel for maintenance work, e.g. service per-
sonnel from Westfalia Separator or personnel trained by Westfalia Separator.
An incorrectly maintained/assembled machine poses a safety risk for the op-

Westfalia Separator
16 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

1.6 Operations on the separator

The separator works reliably, provided

that it is operated and maintained in
accordance with our operating instruc-

Fig. 11

Special attention must be given to:

• assembly
• starting
• shutting-down
• maintenance and servicing

1.6.1 Assembly

If the plant has several separators,

be sure not to interchange parts of
the different separators.
Some parts are marked with the se-
rial-number of the machine or with
the last three digits of the serial-

Fig. 12

Damaged parts must be replaced

immediately by new or recondi-
tioned parts.

Fig. 13

Westfalia Separator
Mrneraloil Systems GmbH 17

After installing certain critical s p a r e

bowl parts, the bowl m u s t be re-

Fig. 14

• S o m e bowl parts have to be ar-

ranged in fixed positions relative to
o n e another.
• Locl<ing devices and alignment
marks must be in perfect condition.
T h e separator m u s t not be operated
if these locking devices and align-
ment marks are not in perfect c o n d i -

Fig. 15

V \ ^ e n transporting a n d a s s e m b l i n g
machine parts, avoid crushing a n d
shear strain.

Fig. 16

W h e n assembling the bowl, be sure

to strictly a d h e r e to the instructions
given in chapter " b o w l " , in order to
avoid undue i m b a l a n c e .
Before starting the bowl, be sure to
fit all parts.
Tighten t h e bowl lock hng s e c u r e l y
(left-hand thread).

Fig. 17

Westfalia Separator
18 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

A l o o s e tock ring c a n e n d a n g e r life!

S e c u r e l y tighten all other lock rings

(left-hand thread).

Fig. 18

Pay attention to the position of the

T h e " O " m a r k s must be a l i g n e d .

Fig. 19

• Carefully fasten h o o d 1 , f e e d a n d
discharge housing 2 a n d centripetal
p u m p 3.

Fig. 20

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GrribH 19

Check if the m a c h i n e Is completely

a s s e m b l e d and properly installed!

Fig. 21

1.6.2 Electrical appliances

• T h e local regulations apply for the

electrical appliahces and installa-
• Especially the installation guidelines
of Westfalia Separator have to be
adhered to.
• T h e frequency a n d yottage of t h e
povyer supply m u s t c o r r e s p o n d to
the m a c h i n e specifications.

Fig. 22

• Carry out voltage equalization.

• Observe,legal.regulations; e.g! in the EU:;

- Low-voltage:guideline 73/23/EWG;
- Electro-magnetic COmpatibiiity 8 9 / 3 3 6 / E W G ,
- Guidelines i s s u e d by the classification authorities.

Westfalia Separator
20 Mineraloil Systems GrhbH

1.6.3 Before start-up

• C h e c k that the m a c h i n e is c o r r e c t l y a s s e m b l e d .

• T h e motor must run clockwise {pay

attention to direction of rotation ar-
• See section 4.2.4.

Fig. 23

T h e separator, may only t)e operated

with protection, devices c o n f o r m i n g
to E N 2 9 4 .
Equip solid and liquid discharges


Check that the lubrication and cool-

ing s y s t e m s a r e serviceable.

Fig. 25

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 21

Check whether the supervisory

equipment is operational and the
correct limit values are adjusted;

Fig. 26

• Check that the product lines are set

to operation.
• Regularly c h e c k h o s e s for signs of
• Check s i g h t g l a s s e s for mechanical
• D a m a g e d parts m u s t be. replaced
immediately by' n e w or recondi-
tioned parts.

Fig. 27

Westfalia Separator
22 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

1.6.4 Starting

Refer to chapter "operation".

Note n a m e p l a t e . T h e v a l u e s for
- bowl speed,
- density o f t h e h e a v y liquid,
fmn. jLiUgsiB* TromrT«.M«nndre4MaM In mlri''
- density of the solids (centhfugally
m u niMi«l;*Dlch«lna;faiir>jBAur|)aI»gi.tt
Fatnal are m a x i m u m v a l u e s a n d must not
be e x c e e d e d .
r rVmu Durchau

Ffg, 28

W e a r e a r protection.

F/ff, 29

In c a s e of f r e q u e n c y c o n v e r t e r o p -
• D o not u n d e r a n y c i r c u m s t a n c e s
manipulate the frequency converter
to e x c e e d t h e permissible b o w l
s p e e d (see n a m e p l a t e ) .
• T h e separator m a y only b e o p e r a t e d
Vk'ith a n i n d e p e n d e n t device f o r
s p e e d limiting.

Fig. 30

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 23

Do not f e e d product w h i c h is cate-

gorised as explosive.
The separator must not be u s e d in
areas w h e r e explosion protection is

Fig. 31

W h e n processing products harmful

to persons, o b s e r v e the pertinent
safety regulations.
Refer to t h e safety data sheet of the
W e a r protective clothing.

Fig. 32

W h e n unusual noises or vibrations oc-

cur on the separator:
• Immediately shut d o w n the separa-
tor with filled bowl via " e m e r g e n c y -
• Never trigger a b o w l e j e c t i o n !
• Evacuate t h e r o o m .
• Do not re-enter t h e r o o m until the
centrifuge h a s c o m e to a standstill.

Fig. 33

Only In c a s e of hot o p e r a t i o n :
• Product-contacting parts s u c h as
- pipes a n d h o s e s ,
- hood,
- solids catcher
reach t e m p e r a t u r e s over 80 °C (176

Fig. 34

Westfalia Separator
24 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

T h e bowl is not allowed to run w i t h -

out liquid supply for m o r e t h a n 15
minutes, as otherwise it w o u l d result
in overheating of the bowl material.

Fig. 35

1.6.5 Shut-down and » Emergency-Off«

• For s h u t - d o w n refer to the chapter


Fig. 36

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 25

1.6.6 Maintenance and repair

Unfavourable operating conditions may require shorter m a i n t e n a n c e intervals.
T h e factors listed below are unfavourable because they either attack the s e p a -
rator material directly or impair the lubrication/cooling s y s t e m :

• A g g r e s s i v e product (chemical or physical)

• High product t e m p e r a t u r e

• Product with g r e a s e - d e c a y i n g properties

• Environment: T e m p e r a t u r e , dust, vapours

Particularly high-stressed separator

parts like
- t h r e a d e d ring,
- s p i n d l e and
- bowl shell
must be c h e c k e d regularly to assure
safe and efficient operation.

Fig. 37

T i m e l y m a i n t e n a n c e of the separator and replacement of w o r n or d a m a g e d m a -

chine parts is essential for safe operation of the machine.

M a i n t e n a n c e and repair w o r k may only be carried out by the c u s t o m e r to the ex-

) \ tent as described in this instruction manual.

^ M a i n t e n a n c e a n d repair w o r k not d e s c r i b e d In t h i s m a n u a l may only be

c a r r i e d out by the m a n u f a c t u r e r or by "repair s h o p s " a u t h o r i z e d by the

W e , therefore, r e c o m m e n d in your own interest to h a v e y o u r separator in-

spected by our service engineers at regular inten/als. S u c h inspections will keep
your separator w o r k i n g reliably and prevent undesirable s h u t - d o w n s .

Before maintenance a n d servicing:

• Switch off all electrical appliances
via the m a i n switch,
• Secure installation against unin-
t e n d e d re-starting with locking d e -

Fig. 38

It Is vital that only g e n u i n e s p a r e parts from W e s t f a l i a S e p a r a t o r are u s e d .

O t h e r w i s e , safety r i s k s may arise ( s e e s e c t i o n 1.5).

Westfalia Separator
26 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Do not l o o s e n any part before the

s e p a r a t o r h a s c o m e to a s t a n d -
S e e section 3.5 for standstill check

Fig. 39

Do not climb onto or stand o n the

m a c h i n e or parts of the machine.
M a k e provision for and u s e a sturdy
w o r k i n g platform.

Fig. 40

Place dismantled m a c h i n e parts o n

a suitable base, e.g. r u b b e r mat.
T a k e steps to prevent m a c h i n e parts
from overturning a n d rolling a w a y .

Fig. 41

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 27

• Do not heat b o w l parts with the

naked flame.
• B o w l parts m u s t n e v e r be w e l d e d .
T h i s a l s o a p p l i e s for h o o d a n d
s o l i d s c a t c h e r parts of s t e a m -
sterillzable s e p a r a t o r s .
• Even d u h n g cleaning the bowl parts
the temperature m u s t not e x c e e d
100 "C {212 T ) .

Fig. 42

Load-carrying e q u i p m e n t such as
- lifting devices for bowl or distribu-
- chains etc.
may only be u s e d for w o r k routines
as described in this instruction m a n -
Do not use d a m a g e d or incomplete
load carrying e q u i p m e n t .

Fig. 43

Collect dripping oil to prevent d a n -

ger of slipping or product infection.
W h e n handling w a s t e oils note:
- T h e y can be injurious to health,
depending on their chemical
- W a s t e oil m u s t be d i s p o s e d of in
a c c o r d a n c e with local regulations.

Fig. 44

Westfalia Separator
28 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

1.7 Corrosion

Corrosion can also affect bowl parts m a d e of stainless steel. This corrosion c a n
be flat-spread or pit- or crack-shaped a n d merits special attention.

Corrosion on stainless steel bowl material should be e x a m i n e d thoroughly a n d


Flat-spread corrosion can usually be m e a s u r e d (reduction of wall thickness)

Pit- or crack-shaped corrosion c a n n o t be m e a s u r e d without the risk of d a m a g e .

A t the initial stage pit-shaped corrosion is generally c a u s e d by chlorine ions.

D e p e n d i n g on the stressing of the part, pit-shaped corrosion c a n result in crack-

s h a p e d corrosion.

Possible formation of pit-shaped cor-


Fig. 45

S u c h pittings can only be investigated by a materials expert.

In case of c r a c k - s h a p e d corrosion attack with or without s u p e r p o s e d flat-spread

a n d pit-shaped corrosion o n m a i n bowl c o m p o n e n t s , the m a c h i n e m u s t be
s h u t d o w n Immediately.

Contact your nearest Westfalia Separator representative for a t h o r o u g h e x a m i -


Pittings w h i c h are close together or
f o r m a linear pattern can signify crack
formation b e n e a t h the surface.
S u c h pittings should be investigated
by a materials expert.

Fig. 46

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 29

1.8 Erosion
Erosion is c a u s e d by solid particles in the process liquid.

T h e s e solid particles g h n d marks into the surfaces with w h i c h they c o m e into


T h e following factors favour the occurrence of erosion:

• hard solids particles
• high throughput capacities

T h e first signs of erosion should be carefully o b s e r v e d a n d d o c u m e n t e d . Ero-

sion can d e e p e n rapidly, thereby w e a k e n i n g the bowl material.

Contact your nearest Westfalia Separator representative for a thorough e x a m i -

nation. Information o n the nature of the d a m a g e can be provided by photos,
plaster casts or lead m o l d s .

Fig. 47

T h e surfaces m o s t susceptible to erosion are:

1) the bottom of the distributor, the rising channels and t h e ribs,

2) the centripetal p u m p (cavitation),

3) all s u r f a c e s in the a r e a of the solids discharge ports,

4) the nozzles.

Westfalia Separator
30 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Signs of erosion w h i c h you s h o u l d

immediately report to your n e a r e s t
Westfalia Separator representative: '
• T h e b o t t o m of t h e . e r o s i o n mark has
radius < 1mm a radius smaller t h a n 1 m m (large
notch effect).
• T h e d e p t h of erosion hiark e x c e e d s
1 mrri (0.04 inch) at the d e e p e s t

f=ig. 48

2060-9001-0107 0905
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 31

Machine description

2.1 D i m e n s i o n e d d r a w i n g of the separator O T C 2 - 0 2 - 1 3 7 32

2.2 Section through separator O T C 2-02-137 33
2.3 D i m e n s i o n e d d r a w i n g of the separator O T C 2 - 0 3 - 1 0 7 34
2.4 Section through separator O T C 2-03-107 35
2.5 General 36
2.6 OTC ...-02- 36
2.7 OTC ...-03- 37
2.8 Main c o m p o n e n t s of the separator 39
2.8.1 Bowl 40
2.8.2 Centripetal p u m p 42
2.8.3 Drive 43
2.9 T h e regulating ring 44
2.10 Technical data 46

Westfalia Separator
32 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

2.1 Dimensioned drawing of the separator OTC 2-02-137

S e e installation g u i d e l i n e s for further Information.

Flowmeter - OPTION

Float switch

T h e s e p a r a t o r foundation m u s t not h a v e
c o n t a c t with f o u n d a t i o n s of other units
(e.g. auxiliary d i e s e l e n g i n e , p u m p s ) to
a v o i d d a m a g e to ball b e a r i n g s .

(7) Discharge by the centripetal p u m p built into the separator

Do not discharge, residuals into public waters!


Fig. 4g Subject to modification!

Westfalia Separator
MineraloirSystems G m b H 33

2.2 Section through separator OTC 2-02-137

Fig. 50 .Subject to modification I

Westfalia Separator
34 Mineralbil S y s t e m s G m b H

2.3 Dimensioned drawing of the separator OTC 2-03-107

• See installation guidelines for further information.

Flowmeter - OPTiON

Product feed"

_ Heavy liquid discharge

© — • —^

Non-return valve

Corrugated hose

Earthing connection

Light liquid discharge not immersed

The separator foundation must not

have contact with foundations of
other units (e.g. auxiliary diesel
engine, pumps) to avoid damage to
ball bearings.

(+) Discharge by tlie centripetal pump.tjuilt jnto the separator.

Do not discharge residuals into public waters! 205CM100-010

F/g. 5f Subject to modificationi

Westfalia Separator
Mineraldrl S y s t e m s G m b H 35

2.4 Section through separator OTC 2-03-107


Fig. 52 . iSubject to mbdificationi

2050-9001-010 / 0905
Westfalia Separator
36 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

2.5 General
The machine described in this manual is a high-speed centrifugal separator with
a solid-wall disk-type bowl.
"Separation" means the separation of liquid mixtures which consist of two liq-
uids, with simultaneous removal of the solids contained in the liquids.
"Clarification" is the removal of solids from a liquid.
Prerequisite for centrifugal treatment technology (separation) is that the compo-
nents of the product
- can be separated mechanically,
- have different densities and
- do not emulsify.

2.6 OTC ...-02-...

The separator OTC ...-02-...
• is equipped with a solid-wall disk bowl,
• is used for the separation and clarification of liquids,
• operates with regulating rings {see section 2.9).
The most important part of the separator is the bowl.
The separator bowl
• can - depending on the application - be converted to operate as a purifier
bowl or clarifter bowl,
• is configured as a purifier bowl at the factory.
Converting the purifier bowl to a clarifier bowl and vice versa is possible in just a
few easy steps (see diagrams).

Purifier bowl OTC ...-02-...

Fig. 53

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 37

Clarifier bowl OTC ...-02-.

Fig. 54

Conversion parts for clarifier operation

Pes. Part Number Qty. Designation

1 see section 2 Gasket

parts //s(
2 1 Lock ring

Section 4.5.4 Refer to assembling the separator.

Water seal (only for OTC ...-02-... - purifier operating mode)

When the centrifuge is operated as a purifier, a water sea! must be created and
maintained during operation to prevent the light liquid from discharging at the
water outlet. See section 3.2.

2.7 OTC ...-03-...

The separator OTC ...-03-...
• is equipped with a solid-wall disk bowl,
• is used for the separation of liquid mixtures,
• operates with regulating rings (see section 2.9).

Westfalia Separator
38 IWirieraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

© t e g



Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 39

2.8 Main components of the separator

Fig. 55

Pes. Designation Function

1 Frame • contains the drive parts.

'• SLjpports motor, bowl and hood.

2 Bowl
See section 2:8.1
3 Centripetal purnp
See section 2,8:2
4 Drive
See section 2.8.3
5 Hood.
• covers the rotating bowl.
• holds the feed and discharges.
6 Motor accelerates the separator to the required
• is protected against overload during operation.


! •
Westfalia Separator
40 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

2.8.1 Bowl

Fig. 56

Pes. Designation Function

1 Bowl produces high centrifugal forces through rota-

tion making possible separation and clarifica-
consists of:
1.1 Lock ring
1.2 Regulating ring i see section 2.9).
1.3 Threaded ring
1.4 Separating disk
1.5 Disk stack
1.6 Bowl shell
1.7 Bottom

1.5 Disk stack • splits the liquid mixture consisting of a light

and heavy phase, e.g. oil-water, into its com-
• consists of a large number of conical disks
positioned on top of one another.
Each disk is provided with spacers so that pre-
cisely defined interspaces are formed between
the individual disks.
The smooth disk surfaces facilitate sliding of the
solids and hence self-cleaning of the disks.

Separation chamber The separation space consists of a large number

of parallel chambers of low height. This pro-
duces very small radial sedimentation paths for
the product.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 41

Pos. Designation Function

Solids collect on the upper wall of each disk interspace

and slide down into the solids holding space.

1.6 Bowl shell • forms the solids holding space together with
the bottom.

1.7 Bottom is the connecting part between bowl shell and

spindle (see 2.8.3).

2 Solids holding space collects the solids separated in the disk stack.

Westfalia Separator
42 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

2.8.2 Centripetal pump

Fig. 57

Pos. Designation Function

1 Centripetal pump discharges the separated liquid under pres-

is firmly connected to hood 2 of the separator.

The disk provided with channels

dips into the liquid rotating with the
The liquid
- is pared off by the centripetal
pump and
- flows through its spiral channels
from the outside to the inside.
By this means the kinetic energy is
converted into . pressure energy
which makes possible discharging
the liquid under pressure.
Fig. 58

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 43

2.8.3 Drive

Fig. 59

Pos. Designation Function

1 Drive motor drives the separator.

Power transmission to the bowl spindle is via the
belt pulley and via the drive belt.

2 Flat belt pulley ensures power transmission between motor,

drive belt and spindle.

3 Drive belt transfers the drive power of the drive motor 1 to

the bowl spindle 4.

Regulariy check the seat and condition of the

drive belt. The Inspection and replacement inter-
vals are given in the maintenance schedule (see

4 Bowl spindle supports the bowl.

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
44 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

2.9 The regulating ring

Function of the regulating ring

Perfect separation of a liquid mixture is only possible when the bowl has been
correctly adapted to the density difference between the light liquid (e.g. oil) and
the heavy liquid (e,g, water).
To achieve this, select and fit the regulating ring from the set furnished (with dif-
ferent inner diameters) whose inner diameter corresponds to the difference in
density between the two liquid components.

Selecting the regulating ring

Density of the light liquid, Inner diameter

at 20 *'C (68 °F) of the regulating ring
kg/dm^ mm

0.80 to 0.84 36
0.84 to 0,90 41
0.90 to 0.93 44

Density difference of the liquids

Min. density difference 0.07 kg/dm^

Max. density difference 0.20 kg/dm^
The max. density of the light liquid is 0.93 kg/dm' with a density of the heavy
liquid of 1.0 kg/dm'.

If light liquid discharges through the heavy liquid discharge, the next largest
regulating ring must be fitted.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 45

OTC ...-03-...

Density of the light liquid, Inner diameter

at 20 *'C (68 °F) of the regulating ring
kg/dm^ mm

0.84 to 0.88 44
0.88 to 0.95 41

Density difference of the liquids

Min. density difference 0.07 kg/dm^

Max. density difference 0.20 kg/dm^

The max. density of the light liquid is 0.95 kg/dm^ with a density of the heavy
liquid of 1.0 kg/dm^

If heavy liquid discharges through the light liquid discharge, the next largest
regulating ring must be fitted.

Westfalia Separator
46 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

2.10 T e c h n i c a l data
Subject to modification!
The process data are in the sales documents.


Solids holding space 0.75 1

Total capacity 1.2 1

Speed 10 000 min"^

- for densities of the product up to
(see nameplate)
1.05 kg/dm^ ( a t l S ^ C ) and
- for densities of the separated solids up to
2.0 kg/dm^
Speed for higher densities contact the factory

Starting time 1 0 - 1 5 sees

Run-down time (after switching off the motor) 10 min

Centripetal pump

Output (depending on medium) up to max. 1 150 l/h

Pressure head (depending on output) up to max. 0.5 bar

Water seal (OTC ...-02-... - purifier operation)

Quantity 11

Standard water specifications

Suspended matter max. 10 mg/l

Particle size max. 50 pm

- up to 55 °C separating temperature < 12" dH
- above 55 °C separating temperature < 6° dH
To convert the hardness values stated, use the following equation:
r d H = 1.79= fH = 1.25° eH = 17.9ppmCaC03
Chlorine ions < 100 mg/l

pH 6.5-7.5

Line connections OTC ..,-02-... OTC ...-03-...

Product feed G 1/2 in G 1/2 in

Heavy liquid discharge G 3/4 in G 1/2 in

Light liquid discharge G 1 / 2 in G3/4 in

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 47


Power rating 50 Hz 1.1 kW

60 Hz 1.3 kW

Speed 50 Hz 3 000 RPM

60 Hz 3 600 RPM

Design IM V I

Enclosure IP 55

Drive 50/60 Hz

Oil filling approx. 1.3 1

Oil quality, see section 4.3.3

Max. separating temperature 100 ° C / 2 1 2 ° F


Separator (with motor and bowl) 60 kg

Capacity (see sales documents)

The capacity of the separator depends on the
• viscosity,
• temperature,
• density,
• degree of contamination,
• water content and
• the desired degree of purity of the product.

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48 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

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Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 49


3.1 Technical information 50

3.1.1 Separation 50
3.1.2 General information on cleaning the bowl 50
3.1.3 Mathematical determination of the separating time 51
3.2 Before start-up 52
3.3 Starling the separator 53
3.4 Monitoring of operation 53
3.5 Shutting down the separator 54
3.6 Trouble shooting 55
3.6.1 Trouble shooting 55

Westfalia Separator
50 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

3.1 Technical information

Take note of the following sections:

3.1.1 Separation
The best separation efficiency is attained with a low viscosity of the product to
be separated.
In the case of deviating products
- see sales documents or
- consult the factory.

Water seal (only for OTC ...-02...)

• The water seal which prevents light phase from discharging through the water
discharge must be maintained during separation. See section 3.2.

3.1.2 General information on cleaning the bowl

When must the bowl be cleaned?
The inten/als at which the bowl must be cleaned depend on the solids content
and nature of the product.
The time between the cleaning cycles (separating time) can be determined by
experiment as follows:

Before beginning the test, the solids holding space of the bowl must be
free from solids.

- adjust to the desired throughput capacity and
- feed a certain product volume for a certain time (3 or 5 hours - depending
on the degree of contamination of the product).
Shut down the separator (see section 3.5).
Remove the bowl shell (see section 4.4).
The intervals at which cleaning must take place can be determined by the
volume of solids accumulated in the solids holding space. It must be taken
into consideration that cleaning must take place before the solids holding
space is filled to the bhm as otherwise the separation efficiency will deterio-

When product with a different solids content is to be separated, it is recom-

mended to repeat the test after cleaning the bowl.
Unusually long separating times are only possible when the solids content in
the product is low,

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 51

3.1.3 Mathematical determination of the separating time

The determination of the separating time between the cleaning intervals is,only,
possible when the solids content in the product fed to the separator remains

Example for mathematical calculation of the separating tjme;

Given: Trial separating time tv = 3 hrs.

Solids volume 0.1 I

during the triarseparating time

Solids hoiding space volume 0.75 I.

Wanted: Max. separating time: ? hrs.

The maximurii separating time is calculated as follows:

3 X 0.75


= 22.5 hours

) \ In order to assure a uniform product quality; in this example a cleaning interval

of 20 hours must be observed.

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
52 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

3.2 Before start-up

A Note:
• Safety precautions in chapter 1.
• Feed only product that conforms to the specifications on the nameplate.
• Process-related deviations are possible (refer to project-specific data!).

Water s e a l (only for

OTC ...-02-... - purifier operating

A \.—.
A, ^ ^

The bowl must be filled with water

(min. 1 litres). To do this:
• Unscrew screw plug 1 (right-hand
• Fill in min. 1 litres of water using the
measuring cup.
• Screw the screw plug 1 back in.

Fig. 61

Fig. 62

Check that
• the machine is correctly assembled.
• the hoses and hose pipes 1 are undamaged and connected (see section
• the drive chamber 2 is filled with oil in accordance with section 4.3.3.
• the hex head screws 3 on the cover on the lower section of frame are tight.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 53^

• the two hexagon nuts 4 and the hex head screw 5 of the hood are tight.
• the handle connection piece 6 is tightly bolted to the centripetal pump.
• the feed and discharge lines 7 are connected.
• the optional flow meter 8 is correctly connected.
• the hood limit switch 9 is connected and functional.
• the float switch 10 is connected and functional.

3.3 Starting the separator

• See section 3.2.
• Switch on motor.

The motor must rotate in counterclockwise direction (observe through
the motor housing). See also section 4.2.4.

• Open the discharge lines.

• Slowly open the product feed.

3.4 Monitoring of operation

• On your daily round, especially during the first 1500 operating hours, pay at-
tention to the following:
- Oil level
- Temperatures
- Pressures
- Leakage
- Vibrations
- Current consumption
- Starting time
- Hoses and hose pipes
• Keep to the maintenance sctiedule {see 4.3.1)!
• Inspection
We recommend having the separator checked regularly by our specialists.
These checks help to
- maintain the operating safety of the machine and
- avoid unplanned downtime.

Westfalia Separator
54 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

3.5 Shutting down the separator

• Close feed and discharge lines.
• Switch off the motor.

Danger to life through high-speed rotating separator parts!

•. Do not loosen any part of the separator before the bowl has come;to a stand-
The run-down time of the bowl is 10 minutes aftei'switching off the motor.
Bowl standstill is indicated by standstili of the motor.

Check motor standstill

• Shine a torch through the motor
• Check that the fan wheel is no
longer moving.

Fig. 63

In the case of torn or defective drive belts or if the belts have come off::
• Do not loosen any part of the separator before the bowlhas come to a stand-
• Be. sure to observe the, run-down time of 10 minutes until disriiantlirig the

• Danger of injury through very hot separator parts!

When canyihg out maintenance work, there is a danger of injury, through hot
separator parts (separating temperatures of 70 to 100 °C (158 - 212"F).)

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 55

3.6 Trouble shooting

The following tables are an aid for locating and eliminating faults.
If assembly operations have to be carried out refer to the section "Maintenance
and Repair".

3.6.1 Troubleshooting

Fault Possible causes Remedial action

The bowl does not come up Product has dripped down the spindle Clean drive belts, belt contact sur-
to rated speed or takes too onto the drive belt. faces of the spindle and flat belt pul-
long to do so. ley.
Replace drive belt when necessary.
Motor is incorrectly connected. Check connection.

Drive belt has stretched and is slipping Replace drive belt.

on the bowl spindle.
Drive belt has not been fitted correctly. Check position of drive belt on flat belt
pulley and spindle.
Solids have collected in the hood and Clean the separator.
are braking the bowl.

The bowl speed drops during The motor speed drops duhng opera- Check motor and line voltage.
operation. tion.

Uneven run of the centrifuge. Bowl is out of balance for the following For pes. 1 - 3 :
reasons: • Shut down separator.
• Close feed and discharge lines.

1. The separated solids have depos- Clean bowl.

ited unevenly in the bowl.

2. Bowl is not correctly assembled. Assemble bowl properly.

3. Bowl parts are damaged. Send separator to factory for repair or

order and replace new bowl parts.
J/flk Do not carry out your own
repairs to bowl parts!
Do not weld or solder as this
would weaken the bowl (dan-
ger to life)!
Ball bearings are worn. Replace damaged bearings.
Use only the ball bearings specified In
the parts list.

Westfalia Separator
56 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

Fault Possible causes Remedial action

OTC ...-02-...: Water seal (only OTC ...-02-... - purifier operation)

The quality of the heavy liquid
has deteriorated. The water seal is inadequate. See section 3,2.
IMPORTANT: Regulating ring
Light liquid flows through the
The regulating ring was not correctly See section 2,9.
heavy liquid discharge.

Gaskets - bowl and centripetal pump

OTC ...-03-...:
The quality of the light liquid Gaskets are damaged. • Replace gaskets.
has deteriorated. Use set of spare parts "bowl/hood"
(see section Parts list, page 171),
Heavy liquid flows through Spindle
the light liquid discharge.
Incorrect positioning of the spindle Check centric position of the spin-

Dimension A = dimension A
A tolerance of 0.5 mm is admissible.

If the A dimensions are unequal:

• Undo three hex head screws of the
bearing cover.
• Proceed as described in section
4,5.4. Fig. 213 to Fig. 217.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 57

Installation - Maintenance - Repair

4.1 Installation of the separator OTC 2-02-137 58

4.2 Installation of the separator O T C 2-03-107 59
4.2.1 Transporting the separator 60
4.2.2 Installing the separator 64
4.2.3 Motor 65
4.2.4 Direction of rotation of the bowl and motor 66
4.2.5 Speed and starting time of the bowl 66
4.3 Maintenance and lubrication 67
4.3.1 Maintenance schedule 67
4.3.2 Hoses and hose pipes 70
4.3.3 Lubrication 71
4.3.4 Lubrication Chart 73
4.3.5 Table of lubricating oils 74
4.3.6 Comments on table of lubricating oils for separators from Westfalia
Separator 75
4.4 Cleaning the solids holding space (bowl shell) 76
4.4.1 Cleaning the disk stack 80
4.4.2 Cleaning the spindle inlet holes 80
4.4.3 Assembling the bowl after cleaning 82
4.5 Dismantling the separator 89
4.5.1 Cleaning the separator 105
4.5.2 Cleaning the firame 106
4.5.3 Important instructions 107
4.5.4 Assembling the separator 109
4.6 Bowl shell insert 130
4.6.1 Removing the insert 130
4.6.2 Fitting the insert 132
4.7 Before a long-term shut-down of the separator 133
4.7.1 Before restarting 134
4.8 Standard tools 135

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
58 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

4.1 Installation of the separator OTC 2-02-137

• See installation guidelines for further information.

Flowmeter - OPTION

Heavy liquid discharge immersed

V///////////////////77/. 0
Float switch'

The separator foundation must not have

contact with foundations of other units
(e.g. auxiliary diesel engine, pumps) to
avoid damage to ball bearings.

Q Discharge by the centripetal pump built into the separator

Do.not discharge residuals into public waters!

Fig. 64 Subject to modification!,

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 59

4.2 Installation of the separator OTC 2-03-107

• See installation guidelines for further information.

Flowmeter - OPTION

Product feed"

Heavy liquid discharge I


' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Light liquid discharge not immersed

The separator foundation must not

have contact with foundations of
other units (e.g. auxiliary diesel
engine, pumps) to avoid damage to
ball bearings.

(7) Discharge by the centripetal pump built Into the separator.

Do not discharge residuals into public waters! 2050-4100-010

Fig. 65 Subject to modificationl

Westfalia S e p a r a t o r
60 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

4:2.1 Transporting the separator

Prevent accidents by using suitably rated hoists for transport and in-
Fror special tools, see section Parts list.

Unscrew screw plug 1 with fitted

gasket (right-hand thread).

Fig. 66.

Undo handle connection piece 1

- by turning hook wrench 2 xlock-
wise and
- holding T-hexagon wrench 3.

Fig: 67.-

Remove .handle connection piece.

Fig. .68

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 61

• Provide hook wrench 1 - as illus-

trated - with eye bolt 2 and hexagon
nut 3 and
• bolt tight.

Fig. 69

Fig. 70

• Place mounted hook wrench 1 - as shown - on the hood and

• Fit handle connection piece 2 in the hood.

• Tighten handle connection piece 1

- b y turning hook wrench 2 coun-
terclockwise and
- holding T-hexagon wrench 3.

• Remove T-hex head wrench 3 and
remove hook wrench 2.

Fig. 71

Westfalia Separator
62 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

• Hang load hook 1 of the hoist in eye

bolt 2.

• Do not use the eye bott of the mo-

tor to suspend the separator.

• Make sure the machine touches

down gently.

Fig. 72

After transporting the separator:

• Remove the hoist 1.

Ff-g, 73

Undo handle connection piece 1

- b y turning hook wrench 2 clock-
wise and
- holding T-hexagon wrench 3.

Fig. 74

Remove handle connection piece 1,

and remove hook wrench 2.

Remove the eye bolt and hexagon

nut from hook wrench 2.

Fig. 75

Westfajia S e p a r a t o r
Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H 63

Fit. handle conhection piece 1 with

fitted gaskets back into the hood:

Fig. 76

Tighten handle connection piece 1

- b y turning hook wrench 2 coun-
terclockwise and
- holding T-hexagon wrench 3.

Fig 77

Screw in p|ug 1 with gasket.

Fig. 78

Westfalia Separator
64 Mineraloil S y s t e m s G m b H

4.2:2 Installing the separator

Before: installing the separator make sure that
• sufficient space is available for operating and dismantling the machine;
the foundation is not connected to foundations of, other vibrating units to avoid
the transfer of vibrations.

To avoid accidents, fit the guard (protection against contact with rotating
drive parts) beneath the separator in accordance vvith the installation pro-

• Screw, rubber-metal cushions 4 into

foundation 5.
Screw studs 2 into rubber-metal
cushions 4,
• Place plate 3 over the studs.
• Place the separator on plate 3 and
• bolttight with hexagon nuts 1.

Fig: 79 Installation proposal

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 65

4.2.3 Motor
The separator is driven by a three-phase AC motor.

Standard motor

Rating Voltage Frequency Motor connection

1,0 kW 220 V 60 Hz delta

220 - 240 V 50 Hz delta

1.1 kW
380 - 420 V 50 Hz star

440 - 480 V 60 Hz star

1.3 kW
460 V 60 Hz star

Special motor

Rating Voltage Frequency IMotor connection

380-420 V 50 Hz delta
1.1 kW
660 - 690 V 50 Hz star

1.3 kW 440 - 480 V 60 Hz delta

A | \
Protection to be provided by the customer
The motor must be protected by the customer by the measures specified in the
electrical documentation.

Shipboard operation
• When operating the machine on board of ship, pay attention to the installation
guidelines issued by the respective classification societies.
• When using ship wiring cables, cable entry must be by means of marine-type

Westfalia Separator
66 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

4.2.4 Direction of rotation of the bowl a n d motor

• Fill the drive chamber with oil as de-

scribed in 4.3.3.
• Switch on motor.

Fig. 80

A The bowl must rotate in clockwise direction when looked at from above.

The direction of rotation of the bowl is

correct when the motor rotates clock-
wise (check through the motor hous-
When the direction of rotation is incor-
rect the motor connections must be
reversed by an authorised specialist.

Fig. 81

Check the direction of rotation of the motor whenever starting the separa-
• on mobile or not permanently installed separator installations which are con-
nected to different electric power supplies and
• when using extension cables.

4.2.5 S p e e d a n d starting time of the bowl

Speed see nameplate

- for densities of the product up to max. 1.05 kg/dm^ and
- for densities of the separated solids up to max.
2.0 kg/dm^
Starting time 10-15 sees

The bowl speed has been rated so as to ensure the operating safety of the
If the densities exceed those stated above, check with the factory.

Danger to life as a result of an incorrect frequency!

• Check the separator and control for frequency consistency.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 67

4.3 Maintenance and lubrication

Special care must be taken when performing maintenance and lubrication operations.
Conscientiously performed maintenance and lubrication operations improve the service life of
the separator.
In the case of accessories (motor, product pump, preheater, solenoid valve block etc.) the manu-
facturer's maintenance and lubrication instructions must be obsen/ed.

4.3.1 Maintenance schedule

Operations Remark
To assure correct functioning and operating safety:

• pay attention to the following points during servicing:

- Oil level
- Temperatures
Maintenance'^' - Pressures
- Leakage
- Vibrations
- Current consumption
- Starting time
- Hose and hose pipes (see 4.3.2 ),
• Before assembling, grease the guide and contact surfaces of the main bowl components/^'

(1) = The specified maintenance intervals are recommendations which apply only for normal conditions.
Negative operating conditions {e.g. low-grade fuel, excessively high temperature, strong vibrations, frequent starting and stopping
of the separator etc.) can necessitate shorter maintenance intervals.
(2) = see section 4.3.4 ~ Lubrication schedule

Westfalia Separator
68 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

5Q (only on
OTC ...-03-


Fig. 82 Set Of Spare parts "bowl/hood" (operation; 1 year or 8,000 hours)


Fig. 83 Set of Spare parts "dn've" (operation: 2 years or 16,000 hours).

2050-9001-0107 0905
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 69

at the latest Operations Remark
Clean bowl parts. • See section 4.5.1, 4.4, 4.4.2.
when required-
product-dependent • Check the bowl and centripetal pump parts
for corrosion and erosion.

4 000 6 months Replace gaskets. • Use set of spare parts "bowl/hood" {opera-
12 000 11/2 years tion: 1 year or 8000 hours).
20 000 21/2 years See Fig. 82 or section Parts list
28 000 31/2 years Re-lubricate motor bearings (if required) • See instructions of motor manufacturer
36 000 4 1/2 years
Check the hoses and hose pipes and replace
44 000 6 1/2 years
when necessary.

Replace gaskets. • Use set of spare parts "bovi/l/hood" (opera-

tion; 1 year or 8000 hours).
Replace drive belt 10. See Fig. 82 or section Parts list.

Check grooved ball bearings 30 and 40 and • Use set of spare parts "drive" (operation:
8 000 1 year replace when necessary. 2 years or 16,000 hours).
See Fig. 83 or section Parts list.
24 000 3 years
40 000 6 years Re-lubricate motor bearings (if required) • See instructions of motor manufacturer

Oil change and When using mineral oil

thorough cleaning of the drive chamber

Check the hoses and hose pipes and replace

when necessary.

Replace gaskets. • Use set of spare parts "bowl/hood" (opera-

tion: 1 year or 8000 hours).
Replace drive bell 10.
See Fig. 82 or section Parts list

Replace gaskets 10, 50, 60. • Use set of spare parts "drive" (operation: 2
years or 16 000 hours).
Replace radial packing ring 20. See Fig. 83 or section Parts //s(.
Replace grooved bail bearings 30 and 40.
16 000 2 years
32 000 4 years Replace rubber-metal cushions 70.
48 000 6 years Replace rubber-metal cushion 80.

Re-lubricate motor bearings (if required) • See instructions of motor manufacturer

Oil change and When using mineral oil

thorough cleaning of the drive chamber
When using synthetic oil

Check the hoses and hose pipes and replace

when necessary.

48 000 6 years We recommend having the machines checked by a WS service engineer.

(1) = The specified maintenance intervals are recommendations wtiich apply only for normal conditions.
Negative operating conditions (e.g. low-grade fuel, excessively high temperature, strong vibrations, frequent starting and stopping
of the separator etc.) can necessitate shorter maintenance intervals.
(2) = See section 4.3.4 - Lubrication schedule.
(3) = See section 4.3.3 - Oil quality and oil change.

Westfalia Separator
70 Wlineraloil Systems GmbH

4.3:2 H o s e s and h o s e pipes

Replace hose pipes when an inspection reveals one or more of the following, de-
• Damage of the outer layer down to the fabric (e: g. chafe marks, cuts or'
• Leaky spots.
• Damage tolor deformation of the hose fittings.
(Siight.surface damage is not a reason for replacement.)
• The hose becomes dislodged;from the fitting.
••• Corrosion of the fitting diminishing function and strength.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 71

4.3.3 Lubrication
The spindle bearings are splash-lubricated from a.central oil bath.

For re-greasing the motor bearings, refer to the instructions of the motor manu-

OIL QUALITY (mineral oil)

The mineral gear oil tested by Westfalia Separator with the designation "Separa-
tor lube oil CLP 100" meets the requirements and should preferably be used.

according to DIN 51502 CLP
Designation CC 100
as per ISO 3498
Viscosity class SAE 30
Part-No. 0015-0003-080 (2.5 litres)
Dispose of the oil as jaer instructions of the oil manufacturer.

The viscosity class SAE 30 covers a larger viscosity range than specified here.
However, only oils with,the viscosity range specified here may be,used.

| \ Do not use mineral motor vehicle or engine oils.

OIL QUALITY (synthetic oil)

Use.the synthetic lube oil tested by Westfalia Separator!

Designation Mobil SHC 626

according to ISO
Viscosity class (ISO) VG 68
- a\40°C(\04°r) 65 mm^/s
- at iOO °C (212°F) 10.4 mm^/s
Viscbsity jndex (VI) 147
Density (at 15 °C/59°F) 0.857,g/ml
based on Polyalphaolefin
Part-No. 0015-0020-010(1 litre)
Dispose of the oil as per instructions of the oil manufacturer.

A Do not use mineral motor vehicle or engine oils.

2050-9001-O10 /0905
Westfalia Separator
72 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


Before the first start-up of the separa-

• Fill the drive chamber with oil
through the charge,hole.

Fig. 84

Filling capacity approx. 1.3 1

Oil level - standstill. Lower edge of charge hole
Oil.level - operation Visible oil movement in the sight glass of the
charge hole

• Check the oil level every week!
• Frbrn time to time undo the oil drain screw and check whether there is water
in:the oil bath. When the oil exhibits a milky colouring (emulsification), the oil
must be changed immediately.

• Change.oil after about.
- 8000 operating hours or 1 year at the latest (mineral oil).
- 16,000 operating hours or 2 years at the latest (synthetic oil):
Clean the sight glass and scriew it back on.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 73

4.3.4 Lubrication Chart

Fig} 85 Lubrication schedule

Lubricat- Lubricant Amount of lu-

Lubricating Interval Lubrication point
ing point bricant
Designation Designation

100 after 8 000 operating
Lube oil . hours
DIN 51502 1 300 cm^ Drive chamber
(mineral) or
after 1 year at the latest
1 C C 100
ISO 3498
after 16 000 operating
Lube oil Mobil S H C 626 hours
1 300 cm^ Drive chamber
(synthetic) ISOVG68 or
after 2 years at the latest

Lubricating see Gaskets, threads arid

2 before assembly apply sparingly
grease. parts list sliding surfaces

3 according to instructions of motor manufacturer Motor bearings

Check oil |evel regularly through sight glass:

;Refer to lubricating oil table in section 4.3.5!

74 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

4.3.5 Table of lubricating oils

Lubricating oil sorts suggested

by some firms
Westfalia Separator
Manufac- Viscosity
Designation at 40 "C <40.00 °C)
Vs <cSt)
Lubricating oil table
fpr separators in onshore and shipboard opera- BLASIA 100
tion RADULA 100 100

Separator Lube oil

Viscosity 105
•p DISOLAM3015

U m
o m in Kinematic
Type E o viscosity i^GINAiJBiL bp ENERGOL GR-XP 100 100
>> CO Q' at 40 'C E N E R G O L DL-MP 30 114

(40.00 X )
0) c

mm % (est) ^Casual HYSPIN AWS100

MTC 3 1,3 G S T OIL 100
OTC 2 NL Gear Compound 100
OTC 3 Veritas Marine Oil R&O 30 108
WTC 2 DELA 3000 Marine Oil 30 104

0SD2 1.3 TURBINE T 100 95
SD 1
EXX-MAR XP •110:
NUTO H 100


GSC 15 VERITAS 30 110
DSD 6 2.5 CLP 90 to 110 0015-0003-080
CSD 18 100 (2.51) HIDRAOIL HD 70 95
WSD 18


G S C 25 ROTELLA MX S A E 30 105
OSD 20
OSD 25 3,7
OSD 35
WSD 35 6
LOAD WAY E P 1 0 0

Vr T E X A C O DORO AR S A E 30 119
TARO XD S A E 30 105
OSD 50
OSD 60 5,0
WSD 60

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 75

4.3.6 Comments on table of lubricating oils for separators from Westfalia Separator

Faultless functioning of separators very much depends on the proper type of lubricating oil used, since a
high grade oil, selected to meet all service requirements, will minimize the wear, thus extending the ser-
vice life and increasing the operating safety.
For the lubrication of our separators we recommend to use the oils specified by us since continuous qual-
ity checks are performed by Westfalia Separator. Oils proposed from some firms are not subjected to
these tests.
Therefore, Westfalia Separator cannot give a performance guarantee for those oils.
Be sure to select only high grade solvent refined products.
The specified oil types meet the requirements according to DIN. Under unfavourable operating condi-
tions, e.g. high temperatures, the quality of the oils may be insufficient so that more efficient oils, e.g.
synthetic oils, must be used. If necessary, consult Westfalia Separator.
For the different separator types and oil types the viscosity ranges are specified in the table of lubricating
The operating temperature of the separator exceeds normally 80 "C (176 "F). At those temperatures
some oils age quickly, so that they have to be changed prematurely.
Be sure not to use lubricating oils with viscosities lower than those specified in the table. Due to the pos-
sibility of the oil film breaking down, oil of too low a viscosity will give insufficient lubrication, resulting in
increased wear. However, oils with a slightly higher viscosity than specified may be used.
Bear in mind that the viscosity groups SAE 30, 40 and 50 (SAE = Society of Automotive Engineers)
cover larger viscosity ranges and be sure to select lubricating oils with viscosities not lower than the
minimum values of the viscosity ranges restricted for the different separator types.

2050-9001-010 /090S
Westfalia Separator
76 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

4.4 C l e a n i n g the s o l i d s holding s p a c e (bowl shell)

• The bowl must be cleaned:
- after each standstill and
- as soon as the solids holding space is filled with solids.

Switch off the main switch and lock


Fig. 86

Danger to life through high-speed rotating separator parts!

• Do not loosen any part of the separator before the bowl has come to a stand-
The run-down time of the bowl is 10 minutes after switching off the motor.

m • Danger of injury through very hot separator parts!

When carrying out maintenance work, there is a danger of injury through hot
separator parts (separating temperatures of 70 to 100 °C (158 - 212 °F).)

• Use only a cleaning agent that is approved for the field of application!

A • Do not use acid or chloric cleaning agents.

Chlorine attacks stainless steel parts.

• Dissolve dried scale with citric acid.

A • For cleaning the individual disks and bowl parts

Do not use metal scrapers and metal brushes!

• This applies to all separator parts;

- Treat them gently.
- Always set them down on a rubber mat or a wooden pallet.
• Apply a thin coat of grease to the guide surfaces and threads of the bowl
parts after drying (see 4.3.4 Lubrication schedule).
• For special tools, see section Parts list.

A • Reassemble the bowl immediately after cleaning in reverse order.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 77

Unscrew screw plug 1 with fitted

gasket (right-hand thread).

Fig. 87

• Undo handle connection piece 1

- by turning hook wrench 2 clock-
wise and
- holding with wrench 3.

Fig. 88

Remove handle connection piece 1.

Fig. 89

Unscrew two hexagon nuts 1 and

the hex head screw 2.
Lift off the hood.

Fig 90

Westfalia Separator
78 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Fasten the bottom with hook wrench

1 and hexagon nut 2.
To do this:
- Slip hook wrench 1 over a stud of
the lower section of frame and
- let it register in a groove of the

Fig 91

Loosen threaded ring 1 (left-hand

thread) together with gaskets, regu-
lating ring, fitted centripetal pump 2
and centripetal pump chamber
cover 3 with hook wrench 4 and
screw on by hand by one turn.

Fig 92

• Press bowl shell 1 against threaded

ring 2.
The liquid content of the bowl will
run into the discharge channel.

Parts and liquid can be hot!

Fig. 93

Unscrew threaded hng 1 together

with gaskets, regulating nng, built-in
centripetal pump 2 and centripetal
pump chamber cover 3.

Fig. 94

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 79

Lift off the bowl shell together with

the bowl shell insert.

Fig. 95

• Dismantle the bowl insert as de-

scribed in section 4.6.1.

Fig. 96

Carefully clean the bowl shell using

a wooden, plastic or copper scraper.

Fig. 97

Westfalia Separator
80 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

4.4.1 Cleaning the disk stack

• Pay special attention to section 4.4!

In the case of sticking, heavy and

glutinous soiling of the disk stack:
• Carefully clean disk stack 1.

In the case of loose soiling, the self-

cleaning effect of the disk stack is trig-
gered by starting the separator.

Fig. 98

Clean the small holes at the bottom

with extra special care to ensure
trouble-free operation.
To do this:
- Dismantle the bottom (see Fig.
146 and Fig. 147).

Fig 99

4.4.2 Cleaning the spindle inlet holes

Clean the inlet holes of the spindle from time to time. For this reason:
• Dismantle and clean the separator as described in 4.4 and 4.4.1

Position the gasket 1 on the spindle

cap 2 and press on firmly
so that no cleaning liquid can pene-
trate into the drive and ruin the lube

Thoroughly clean the inlet bores of

the spindle with a suitable cleaning
agent and brushes.

Fig. 100

2050-9001-010 / 0905
Westfaiia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 8^_

• Do not use acid or.chloric cleaning agents.

Chlorine attacks stainless steel parts.

• Dissolve dried scale .with citric acid.

) \ • After cleaning, immediately remove gasket 1.

Westfalia Separator
82 Mineraloit Systems GmbH

4.4.3 Assembling the bowl after cleaning

• Pay special attention to section 4.5.3.

After cleaning tlie spindle inlet holes:

Insert two gaskets in the grooves of

the spindle.
Grease the gaskets and guide sur-
faces in accordance with the lubrica-
tion schedule.

Fig. 101'

After cleaning the disk stacic and the bottom:

• Place bottom 1 on the spindle;

• Pay attention to correct positioning!
• The "O" marks on the bottom and
the spindle must be aligned.

Fig. 102

Insert gasket 1 in the-groove of,the

Grease the gasket in accordance
with the lubrication schedule,

.Fig. 103

Westfaiia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 83

Order of the disks:

• Disk 1 without mark
(Part-No.: 2050-6669-020).
• Disk 2 with center mark (Part-No.:

Fig. 104

Stack disks 1 and 2 alternately on

the spindle (see previous figure).
Pay attention to correct positioning!

Fig. 105

OTC ...-02...
• Place separating disk 1 on the disk

Fig. 106

Westfaiia Separator
84 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

OTC ...-03r...:
• Insert gasket 1 in the groove of the
separating disk,
• Grease gasket as per JutDrication


OTC .,.-03-.,.::
• Place the separating disk 1 with in-
serted'gasket on the disk stack.

Fig. 108

After cleaning the sludge space (bowl shell)

• Fit the bow\ insert as described, in



Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 85

Fit the bowl shell together with the

bowl shell insert.

Fig. 110

Fasten the bottom with hook wrench

1 and hexagon nut 2.
To do this:
- Slip hook wrench 1 over a stud of
the lower section of frame and
- let it register in a groove of the

Fig. 111

OTC ...-02-... as clarifier or

OTC ...-03-...

If necessary:
• Insert gaskets 1 in the grooves of
the bowl shell.
• Grease gaskets and guide surfaces
as per lubrication schedule.

Fig. 112

OTC ...-02-... as clarifier or

OTC ...-03-...

If necessary:
• Fit the lock ring 1.

Fig. 113

Westfaiia Separator
86 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Screw in threaded ring 1 together

with gaskets, regulating ring, built-in
centripetal pump 2 and centripetal
pump chamber cover 3.

Fig. 114

Bolt tight using the hook wrench

(left-hand thread).

A loose threaded ring can endanger

Fig. 115

• Bolt tight the centripetal pump

chamber cover using the hook
wrench (left-hand thread).

A loose centripetal pump chamber
cover can endanger life!

Fig. 116

• Remove hexagon nut 1 and hook

wrench 2.

Fig. 117

Westfalia Separator
MineraloilSystems GmbH 87

^ylount hood 1.
Do not damage the two stiidsl
The connection threads of the , cor-
rugated hoses point towards the,

Fig. 1.18

Bolt tight the hood by means of two

hexagon huts 1 and hex head screw
2. "

OTC ...-02-... - Siluniih hood:

,Hex head screw 2 = M 10 x 30

OTC ...;^3:.. - h o o d of stainless

Hex head screw 2 = M 10 x 25

Fig. 119'

• ,Fit two gaskets in the. grooves of the

handle connection piece,
•. Grease the gaskets, guide surfaces
and threads as per lubrication

Fig. 120

Fit handle connection, piece 1. with

fitted gaskets Into the hood.

Fig. 121

\A/estfalia Separator
88 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Tighten handle connection piece 1

- b y turning hook wrench 2 coun-
terclockwise and
- holding T-hexagon wrench 3.


Insert the gasket in the groove of

the screw plug;
Grease gasket and threads as per
lubrication schedule.


Fig. 123

Screw screw plug 1 with fitted gas-

ket into the. hood (right-hand

Fig. 124

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 89

4.5 Dismantling the separator

• Switch off the main switch and lock


Fig. 125

^ Danger to life through high-speed rotating separator parts!

lis • Do not loosen any part of the separator before the bowl has come to a stand-
The run-down time of the bowl is 10 minutes after switching off the motor.
Bowl standstill is indicated by standstill of the motor.

Check motor standstill

• Shine a torch through the motor
• Check that the fan wheel is no
longer moving.

• Fig. 126

In the case of torn or defective drive belts or if the belts have come off:
• Do not loosen any part of the separator before the bowi has come to a stand-
• Be sure to observe the run-down time of 10 minutes until dismantling the

• Danger of injury through very hot separator parts!

When carrying out maintenance work, there is a danger of injury through hot
separator parts (separating temperatures of 70 to 100 °C ( 1 5 8 - 2 1 2 °f).)
• Avoid damage to separator parts when fitting and removing by
- precise positioning,
- no diagonal pull!

• Do not use force when removing or fitting parts.

• This applies to all separator parts:

- Treat gently.
- Always set them down on a rubber mat or a wooden pallet.

Westfaiia Separator
90 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

If an installation is equipped with sev-

eral separators:
• Do not interchange parts from dif-
ferent separators (danger of imbal-
Some separator parts are marked
with the serial number of the ma-
chine or the last three digits of the
serial number.

Fig. 127

• For special tools, see section Parts list.

• For standard tools, see section 4.8.

• Unscrew screw plug 1 with fitted

gasket (right-hand thread).

Fig. 128

If necessary:
• Undo product feed line:
- Unscrew coupling nut 1,

The connector 2 must be glued in with

Loctite 245.

Fig. 129

Westfaiia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 91

If necessary:

OTC ...-02-...
• Undo discharge line for light llquid.
- Unscrew coupling nut l .

OTC ...-03-...
•. Disconnect discharge line for heavy
- Unscrew.coupling nut 1.

The connector 2 must be gluediin with

Fig. 130.
Loctite 245.'

Undo handle connection piece 1

- b y turning hook wrench 2 clock-
wise and
- holding T-hexagon wrench 3.

Fig. 131.

Undo the handje connection piece

with fitted gaskets,

:Fig. 132.

Westfalia Separator
92 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Unscrew two hexagon nuts 1 and

the hex head screw 2..
Lift off the hood.

Fig. 133

OTC ...-03... - hood of stainless


If necessary:
• Turn bowl through 90°
• Unscrew four hex, head screws; 1
and. lock washers 2 which ;copnect
cap 3 with hood 4 and connection
piece 5.

Hex head screws 1 and lock wash-

ers 2 are sealed with Loctite 275.
Fig. 134 Separate cap 3 and connection
piece 5 with fitted gasket from the

Fasten the bottbrri with hook wrench

1 and hexagon nut 2.
To do this:
- Slip ,hook wrench 1 over a stud oif
the lower section of frame and
- let it register in a groove of the

Fig.. 135

Westfaiia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 93

Loosen threaded ring 1 (left-hand

thread) together with gaskets, regu-
lating ring, fitted centhpetal pump 2
and centripetal pump chamber
cover 3 with hook wrench 4 and
screw on by hand by one turn.

Fig. 136

• Press bowl shell 1 against threaded

ring 2.
The liquid content of the bowl will
run into the discharge channel.

Parts and liquid can be hot!

Fig. 137

Unscrew threaded ring 1 together

with gaskets, regulating ring, built-in
centripetal pump 2 and centripetal
pump chamber cover 3.

Fig. 138

• If necessary:
Dismantle the following parts:
- centripetal pump chamber cover 1,
-centripetal pump 2 with Inserted
- regulating ring 3,
- Gasket 4
- threaded ring 5 with fitted gaskets.

Fig. 139

Westfalia Separator
94 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

OTC ...-02-... as clarifier or

OTC ...-03-...

If necessary:
• Remove the lock ring 1.

Fig. 140

OTC ...-02-... as clarifier or

OTC ...-03-...

If necessary:
• Remove gasket 1.

Fig. 141

Remove the bowl shell together with

the bowl shell insert.

Fig. 142

• Dismantle the bowl insert as de-

scribed in section 4.6.1.

Fig. 143

Westfaiia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 95

OTC ...-02-...:
• Remove separating disk.

OTC ...-03:,..:
• Remove separating disk with fitted

Fig. 144

• Remove the disk Stack.


• Remove hexagon nut 1 and hook

wrench 2.

Fig. 146

Force off and remove the bottom

(vifith fitted gasket) with the aid of
two hook wrenches 1 ^

Apply the two hook wrenches 1 to

the edge of the bottom!


Westfalia Separator
96 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Remove spindle cap 1

Fig. 148

• Take out gasket 1

Fig. 149

Take out discharge channel 1

Fig. 150

Remove gasket 1 from the bore.

Fig. 151

VVeistfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 97

loosen the sight glasses and

drain the oil into an. oil pan (approx.

Observe the local regulations on dis-

iposal 'of the lubricating bIK

Fig. 152

Undo three hex head screws 1

Remove cover plate;2.

• Unscrew four hex head screws 1.

Fig. 154

Lift the rnotor with flat belt pulley

slightly - approx. 10 mm - but of
the lower section of frame,
(drive belt is slackened!)

Pull the drive belt off the flat belt ,pul-

ley downwards.

Fig. 155

Westfatia Separator
98 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Take the drive belt out of the lower

section of frame.

Fig. 156

Lift the motor with flat bett pulley out

of the lower section of frame.

Fig. 157

If necessary (see section 4.3.1):

• Turn motor with flat belt pulley
through 90° (upside down).
• Prevent part from overturning and
rolling away.

Fig. 158

If necessary (see section 4.3.1):

• Unscrew hex head screw 1 from the
motor shaft end and
• take off washer 2.

Fig. 159

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 99

If necessary (see section 4.3.1):

For protecting the motor shaft end:
• Screw the hex head screw 1 {M8 x
100) with nut 2 and washer 3 in the
thread of the motor shaft end.
• Force the flat belt pulley 4 off the
motor shaft end by turning the hex
head screw clockwise.

Fig. 160

• Undo three hex head screws 1

Fig. 161

To facilitate removal of the spindle,

proceed according to Fig. 162 to
Fig. 162.
• Place bottom 1 on the spindle.
• Pay attention to correct positioning!
• Fit the bowl shell 2.
• Screw in threaded ring 3 together
with gaskets, regulating ring, built-in
centripetal pump and centripetal
pump chamber cover and

Fig. 162

Bolt tight using the hook wrench

(left-hand thread)

Fig. 163

Westfalia Separator
100 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Force off the spindle assembly us-

ing two hook wrenches 1.
and remove it from the lower section
of the frame,

Fig. 164

Remove threaded ring 1, bowl shell

2 and bottom 3 from the spindle as-

Fig. 165

Pull off from the spindle:

- grooved ball bearing 1,
- ball bearing protection ring 2.

commercially available pulling de-

Fig. 166

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 101

• Drive the dowel pin 1 out of the

^ xlJr spindle by means of light hammer


A • Be careful not to damage the spin-


/ / S2052099

Fig. 167

• Use pliers to remove the retaining


commercially available outer snap

Fig. 168

Pull off from the spindle:

-grooved ball bearing 1,
-Bearing cover 2 with radial pack-
ing hng 3.

commercially available pulling de-

Fig. 169

• Unscrew four hexagon nuts 1-

• Remover lower section of frame 2
and guard plate 3.

Fig. 170

Westfalia Separator
"102 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Turn lower section of frame through


Fig. 17.1

• Unscrew the three hex head screws

1 with lock washers 2.
• take the bearing cover 3 out of the
lower section of franrie.

Fig. 172

• Take out gasket 1

Take out bottonri bearing pressure,

piece 1 with fitted gasket 2.:

Fig. 174

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 103

If necessary:
• Take retaining ring 1 out of the
pivoting bearing groove.

commercially available inner snap pli-
ers with offset jaws

Fig. 175

If necessary:
• Drive pivoting bearing 1 out of its
seat through the opening in the up-
per section of the frame.

Plastic mandrel
(0 43 -45 mm, 300 mm long)
Fig. 176

• Take gasket 1 out of the groove.

Fig. 177

Westfalia Separator
104 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Drive rubber-metal cushion 1 out of

the lower section of the frame by
means of light hammer blows.

Plastic mandrel
(0 53 -55 mm, 300 mm long)

Fig. 178

The rubber-metal bush 1 can also be

driven out of the lower section of the
frame through the pivoting bearing.

Plastic mandrel
(0 53 -55 mm, 300 mm long)

Fig. 179

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 105

4.5.1 Cleaning the separator

• Use only a cleaning agent that is approved for the field of application!

• Do not use acid or chloric cleaning agents.
Chlorine attacks stainless steel parts.

• Dissolve dried scale with citric acid.

A • For cleaning the individual disks and bowl parts

Do not use metal scrapers and metal brushes!

• Take the gaskets out of the separa-

tor parts.
• Clean the grooves and gaskets to
avoid corrosion in the grooves.
• Replace damaged, very swollen,
hardened or brittle gaskets immedi-

Fig. 180

Clean the small holes at the bottom

with extra special care to ensure
trouble-free operation.

Fig. 181

• Thoroughly clean the inlet bores of the spindle with a suitable cleaning agent
and brushes.
• Apply a thin coat of grease to the guide surfaces and threads of the separator
parts after drying {see 4.3.4 Lubrication schedule).

VVestfalia Separator
106 Mjneraloil Systems GmbH

4.5.2 Cleaning the frame

Danger to life through electrical components!

• Never rinse off the motor with a direct vyater j e t

• Use only a cleaning agent that is approved fol" the field of ,application!

• Oo hot use acid or chloric cleaning agents.

Ghlorine'attacks stainless steel parts!

Dissolve dried scale with citric,acid!

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 107

4.5.3 Important instructions

CAUTION: Danger of imbalance!
When the bowl has not been correctly assembled or is inadequately cleaned,
forces can be produced in the high-speed rotating bowl which endanger the op-
erating safety of the separator!
Therefore, the cleaning instructions (section 4.5.1) and assembling instructions
(section 4.5.4) must be exactly followed.

Pay particular attention to the following:

A| \
• Before assembling the separator, check to be sure that the guide and contact
surfaces of the separator are clean.

Grease the guide surfaces as specified in the lubrication schedule (see 4.3.4).

• Some bowl parts have to be ar-

ranged in fixed positions relative to
one another.
• Locking devices and alignment
marks must be in perfect condition.
The separator must not be operated
if these locking devices and align-
ment marks are not in perfect condi-

Fig. 182

When fitting the separator parts,

make sure that the "O" marks on all
parts are aligned.
(Only then will the parts fit correctly
over arresting pins and guide ribs).

Fig. 183

• Avoid damage to separator parts when fitting and removing by

- precise positioning,
- no diagonal pull!
• Do not use force when removing or fitting parts.
• This applies to all separator parts:
- Treat gently.
- Always set them down on a rubber mat or a wooden pallet.

Westfalia Separator
108 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

If the plant has several separators,

be sure not to interchange parts of
different separators (danger of im-
Some parts are marked
- with the serial number or
- the last three digits of the serial

Fig. 184

Thoroughly clean the gasket

grooves of the individual separator
parts and apply a thin coat of
After fitting check that
- the gaskets are not twisted,
- the gaskets are evenly positioned
in the groove.

Fig. 185

A Before fitting the drive parts

-Thoroughly clean and dry the drive chamber.
Use only a cleaning agent that is approved for the field of application!
- Check spindle ball bearings.
Use only the ball bearings specified in the parts list!

For special tools, see section Parts list.

For standard tools, see section 4,8.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 109

4.5.4 Assembling the separator

• Pay special attention to sections 4.5.1 and 4.5.1

Turn lower section of frame through


Fit pivoting bearing 1 and retaining

ring 2.

commercially available inner snap pli-
ers with offset jaws
Fig. 187

• Position gasket 1 on the shoulder of

bottom bearing pressure piece 2.

Fig. 188

Westfalia Separator
110 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Insert gasket 1 in the groove.

Fit bottom bearing pressure piece 3
with fitted gasket in the pivoting
The recess in the bottom bearing
pressure piece 3 must point to
bore 2.
Grease gasket 1 as per lubrication
schedule .

Fig. 189

Mount bearing cover 1.

1 Pay attention to correct positioning!
wMU /

The hex head screw 2 is glued in with

v y
Loctite 275.
^ 32052027

Fig. 190

Screw the three hex head screws 1

(M 10 x 20) with lock washers 2 into
the bearing cover.

/ I
/ / 1
Ir^ 1
"^i-^ S205202B

Fig. 191

To avoid accidents:
• Fit guard 1 (protection against
contacting rotating drive parts )
beneath the separator as de-
scribed in section 4.2.2

• Place the lower section of the frame

on wear insert 1 and
• bolt tight with four hexagon nuts 3.

Fig. 192

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 111

Carefully fit rubber-metal cushion 1.

The inner, protruding pipe collar
must point downwards!

Lightly hammer the rubber-metal

cushion evenly into its seat with a

Fig. 193

Insert gasket 1 in the groove.

Grease the gasket and guide sur-
faces of the rubber-metal cushion as
specified in the lubrication schedule.

Fig. 194

Connect the hood limit switch 1 and

check that it is functional {see sec-
tion 5.4)

Countersunk screw 2 and Allen

screws 3 of the hood limit switch are
glued in with Loctite 245,

Fig. 195

OTC ...-02-...
• Check float switch 1 for damage and
• Pay attention to the correct fitting
position of the float switch 1 (see
section 5.3.1)1

The thread is glued in with Loctite 245.

Fig. 196

Westfalia Separator
112 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Grease radial packing ring 1 as per

lubrication schedule .
Fit radial packing ring 1 in bearing
cover 2,
The part-no. of the bearing cover
must face upwards!
Drive radial packing ring 1 evenly
into bearing cover 2 by lightly ham-
mering with a mallet.

Fig. 197

The fitted radial packing ring 1 must

protrude above the surface of the
bearing cover by 1.5 +0.5 mm.

Fig. 198

Assemble spindle 1:
- Bearing cover 2 with radial pack-
ing ring 3
- Grooved ball bearing 4
- Retaining ring 5
- Dowel pin 6
- ball bearing protection ring 7
- Grooved ball bearing 8

Fig. 199

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 113

Place bearing cover 1 with fitted ra-

dial packing ring on spindle 2.
The protruding radial packing ring

A must point to the centre of the spin-

dle (see detail).

Fig. 200

Grooved ball bearing 1

- Heat in oil to 80 °C (176 °F) and
- s l i d e onto the spindle,
Pay attention to the correct fit-
ting position of the cylindrical
roller bearing!
The cover of grooved ball bearing
1 must face upwards to the bear-
ing cover!
- a n d carefully drive in up to the
bearing cover vi/ith a suitable pipe
Pipe 2 may only contact the in-
ner ring of grooved ball bearing
1 (see detail).

Pipe ( 0 26 mm)

Fig. 201

Westfalia Separator
114 IWineraldil Systcfms GrhbH

Fit retaining: riiig l arid

secure grooved ball bearing 2 with
retaining ring 1.

Pliers , with outer, snap jaws

Fig.. 202

Install.dowel,pin l^dead centre.;

Fig. 203

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 115

Fit ball bearing protection ring 1

Fig. 204

Grooved ball bearing 1

- Heat in oil to 80 °C {176 °F) and
- slide onto the spindle,
- a n d carefully drive in up to the
bearing cover with a suitable pipe
Pipe 2 may only contact the Inner
ring of grooved ball bearing 1
(see detail).

Pipe ( 0 18 mm)

Fig. 205

Westfalia Separator
116 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Fit mounted spindle carefully into

the pivoting bearing and fit in rub-
ber-metal cushion.

Fig. 206

If the flat belt pulley has been re-

moved to keep to the service inter-
• Turn motor through 90°.
• Prevent part from overturning and
rolling away.
• Fit flat belt pulley 1 and disk 2 with
hex head screw 3 {M 8 x 100) and
nut 4 on the motor shaft.
• Pay attention to the feather key

Fig. 207

If the flat belt pulley has been re-

moved to keep to the service inter-
• Screw tight flat belt pulley 1 with
washer 2 and hex head screw 3 (M
8 X 20).

Fig. 208

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 117

Remove the grease from the belt

surfaces of the flat belt pulley.
Carefully place motor with fitted flat
belt pulley on the lower section of
the frame.
Do not yet let the motor flange lock
into the opening in the lower section
of the frame.

Fig. 209

Remove the grease from the belt

surfaces of the spindle.
Place drive belts on the spindle
through the openings in the lower
section of frame and mount the flat
belt pulley.

Fig. 210

Screw hex head screw 1 (M 8 x

100) with hexagon nut 2 through the
frame bore into the taphole of the
flat belt pulley.
Tension the drive belt by turning
hexagon nut 2 clockwise until the
motor flange locks into the opening
in the lower section of the frame.

Fig. 211

Westfalia Separator
118 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Fasten the motor with four hex head

screws 1 (M 10 x 20).
Unscrew hex head screw 2 with
hexagon nut 3 from the flat belt pul-

Fig. 212

Place the discharge channel 1 in the

lower section of frame and

Fig. 213

check that the spindle is centhc (di-

mension A = dimension A).
A tolerance of 0.5 mm is admissible.

Fig. 214

If the spindle is inclined towards the

• stretch the drive belt by pressing it
together a number of times.
• Check the rubber-metal cushion for
one-sided deformation and replace
if necessary.

If the spindle slants away from the

• Replace the drive belt.
Fig. 215

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 119

Take out discharge channel 1.

Fig. 216

• Fasten bearing cover with three hex

head screws 1 (M 8 x 20).

• Check that the spindle can be

turned easily.

Fig. 217

• Insert gasket 1 in the bore.

• Grease gasket as per lubrication

Fig. 218

• Fit the discharge channel 1 in the

opening in the lower part of the
Make sure that the discharge con-
nection registers in the bore.

Fig. 219

Westfalia Separator
120 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Insert gasket 1 in the groove of the

discharge channel.

Fig. 220

Fit the spindle cap 1.

Pay attention to correct positioning!

Fig. 221

Fit two gaskets 1 in the grooves of

the spindle.
Grease gaskets and guide surtaces
as per lubrication schedule.

Fig. 222

Place bottom 1 on the spindle.

Pay attention to correct positioning!
The "O" marks on the bottom and
spindle must be aligned.

Fig. 223

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 121

• Insert gasket 1 in the groove of the

• Grease gasket as per lubrication

Fig. 224

Order of the disks:

• Disk 1 without mark
(Part-No.: 2050-6669-020).
• Disk 2 with center mark {Part-No.

Fig. 225

Stack disks 1 and 2 alternately on

the spindle {see previous figure).
Pay attention to correct positioning!

Fig. 226

Westfalia Separator
122 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

OTC ...-02...
• Place separating disk 1 on the disk

Fig. 227

OTC ...-03-...:
• Insert gasket 1 in the groove of the
separating disk.
0 • Grease gasket as per lubhcation


Fig. 228

OTC ...-03-...:
• Place the separating disk 1 with in-
serted gasket on the disk stack.

Fig. 229

• Fit the bowl insert as described in

section 4.6.2.

Fig. 230

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 123

Fit the bowl shell with fitted bowl

shell insert.

Fig. 231

o r e ...-02-... as clarifieror
o r e ...-03-...

If necessary:
• Insert gaskets 1 in the grooves of
the bowl shell.
• Grease gaskets and guide surfaces
as per lubrication schedule.

Fig. 232

OTC ...-02-... as clarifieror

o r e ...-03--

If necessary:
• Fit the lock ring 1.

Fig, 233

Insert gaskets 1 and 2 in the

grooves of the threaded ring 3.
Grease the gaskets, guide surfaces
and threads as per lubrication

Fig. 234

Westfalia Separator
124 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Fig. 235

• Fasten the bottom with hook wrench 1 and hexagon nut 2.

• Screw in threaded ring 3 using hook wrench 4 (left-hand thread).
A loose threaded ring can endanger life!

• Insert gasket 1 in the groove of the

threaded ring.
• Grease gasket and threads as per
lubrication schedule.

• Mount the regulating ring 2 selected

from the set of regulating rings (see
section 2 . 9 )

Fig. 236

Install centripetal pump 1

Fig. 237

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 125

• Insert gasket 1 in the groove of the

centripetal pump.
• Grease gasket as per lubrication

Fig. 238

• Grease threads and guide surfaces

as per lubrication schedule.
• Mount centripetal pump chamber
cover 1.

Fig. 239

• Bolt tight the centripetal pump

chamber cover using the hook
wrench (left-hand thread).

A loose centripetal pump chamber
cover can endanger life!

Fig. 240

• Remove hexagon nut 1 and hook

wrench 2.

Fig. 241

Westfalia Separator
126 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

OTC ...-03... - hood of stainless


If the hood has been dismantled:

• Insert gasket 1 in the groove of the
connection piece 2.
• Turn bowl through 90°
• Firmly bolt tight hood 3, connection
piece 2 and cap 4 with 5 hex head
screws 4 and lock washers 6.
• Secure hex head screws 5 with Loc-
tite 275.
Fig. 242

• Mount hood 1.
Do not damage the two studs!
The connection threads of the cor-
rugated hoses point towards the

Fig. 243

Bolt tight the hood by means of two

hexagon nuts 1 and hex head screw

OTC ...-02-... - S i l u m i n hood:

Hex head screw 2 = M 10 x 30

OTC ...-03... - hood of stainless

Hex head screw 2 = M 10 x 25

Fig. 244

If the corrugated hoses were dis-

• Grease threads as per lubhcation
schedule .
• Connect corrugated hoses 1.

The connectors 2 must be glued in

with Loctite 245.
Fig. 245

VVestfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 127

Fit two gaskets in the grooves of the

handle connection piece.,
Grease the gaskets, guide surfaces
and threads as per lubrication

Fig. 246

Fit handle connection piece 1 with

fitted gaskets into the hood.

•Fig. 247

Tighten handle connection piece 1

- by turning hook, wrench 2 coun-
terclockwise and
- holding T-hexagon wrench 3.

Fig. 248

Insert the gasket- in the: groove; of

the screw plug.
Grease gasket and threads, as per
.lubrication schedule.


Fig. 249

Westfalia Separator
128 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Screw plug 1 with fitted gasket into

the hood (right-hand thread).

Fig. 250

Fasten cover plate 1 with the three

hex head screws 2 (M 10 x 20).

Fig. 251

OTC ...-02-...
• Assemble the discharge line:
- Fit washer 6 on hose outlet 5 and
screw into elbow 7.
- F i t hose 3 on hose outlet 5 and
tighten with hose clip 4.
- Fit hose outlet 1 into hose 3 and
tighten with hose clip 2.
• Seal all threads with Loctite 245.

Fig. 252

OTC ...-03-...

The plug 1 is glued in with Loctite 245.

Fig. 253

Westfalia Separator
Wlineralorl Systems GmbH 129

OTC ...-03--
• Assemble the discharge line:
- Screw hose outlet 5 into elbow 6.
- Fit hose 3 on hose outlet 5 and
tighten with hose clip 4.
- F i t hose outlet 1 into hose 3 and
tighten with hose clip 2.
• Seal all threads with Loctite 245.

Fig. 254

Connect discharge line 1.

Fig. 255

Screw in the sight glass 1.

Fill in oil as described in section
4.3.3 and
Screw in the sight glass 2.

Fig. 256

Westfalia Separator
130 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

4.6 B o w l shell insert

The plastic insert has been adapted to

the bowl shell both in terms of function
and shape.

Each insert is designed for only one
separating space.

Fig. 257

Part Number Qty. Designation

see Parts List 1 Set of inserts ( 5 x)

4.6.1 R e m o v i n g the insert

Insert filled with solids

Fig. 258

• Raise one of the slotted edges of

the insert with a screwdriver.

Fig. 259

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 131

Clamp pliers to the insert and

turn it in slightly.

Fig. 260

Pull out the insert.

Fig. 261

• Dispose of the used insert and sol-

ids in accordance with the local dis-
posal regulations.
• Replace the used insert with a new

Fig. 262

Westfalia Separator
132 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

4.6.2; Fitting the Insert

Thoroughly clean the bowl shell

(see (4.5.1).,

Fig. 263

Roll around the insert and

fit it in the bowl shell:

fig. 264

Make sure that

- the,insert is fitted evenly,
-- the insert rests against the inner
surface of the bowl shell.

Fig. 265

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 133

4.7 Before a long-term shut-down of the separator

• Thoroughly clean the separator and store in a dry place until it is put into op-
eration again.

• Dry and grease the clean bowl parts and all unvarnished machine parts to
avoid corrosion damage.
• Store the clean, greased bowl in a dry place until reuse.
• Store the gaskets in a cool, dry, dust-free dark room to prevent them from be-
coming brittle.
• Take off the drive belt.

Preserving the separator:

• Drain the lube oil. To do this:

- loosen the sight glasses and
- drain the oil into an oil pan
(approx. 1.3 I).

• Screw back in the lower sight glass.

Fig. 266

Fill the drive chamber with a slush-

ing oil, e.g. Shell oil S.7294 (SAE
30/SAE 50), to the lower edge of the
charge hole.
Screw back in the upper sight glass.

Let the separator run without bowl

for approx. 1 minute to make sure
that all drive parts are coated with
slushing oil.

Fig. 267

Observe the local regulations on disposal of the lubricating oil.

Westfalia Separator
'134 iMineraloil Systems GmbH

4.7.1 Bef o re res ta rt i ng

• Drain the slushing oil.
Observe the local regulations on disposal of the slushing oil.

• Check gaskets,
Replace damaged, very swollen, hardened^or brittle gaskets immediately.

• Check'spindle ball bearings.

When darriaged, repjace the ball bearings immediately !;

• Fit drive belt:

• Assemble the separator correctly:
• OTC ...-02-...: Connect the float switch arid check its function.
• Connect the hood limit switch and check that it is furictional (see section 5,4).
• Fill the drive chamber with the specified Jube oil as specified in section 4.3:3.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 135

4.8 Standard tools

are commercially available tools to be supplied by the customer.

5 6

14 15 16


Fig. 268

1 Screwdriver
2 Pin punch { 0 5.5 mm)
3 Calliper gauge
4 Electric oil heater for ball bearings
5 Standard hammer and mallet
6 Pliers with inner, inclined snap jaws
7 Pliers with outer snap jaws
8 Vice
9 Wrench, adjustable
10 Open-ended wrench (various sizes)
11 Brushes
12 Pulling device
13 Wooden blocks
14 Plastic mandrel (0 43 - 45 mm, 300 mm long)
Plastic mandrel (0 53 - 55 mm, 300 mm long)
15 Pipe (0 18 mm, 100 mm long)
16 Pipe (0 26 mm, 150 mm long)

Westfalia Separator
136 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 137


5.1 Starter box

5,1.1 Electrical connection
5.2 Evaluating unit y^l
5.3 Flow detector y^'i
5.3.1 Float switch
5.4 Hood limit switch y^t
5.5 Flowmeter

Westfalia Separator
138 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

5:1 Starter box

Fig. 269 Outer, view of. the starter box

I Button ON
O Button OFF

The starter box

• must be iristahed in the vicinity of the machine and
• in accordance with the following instructions and switching proposals.

A Protection to be provided by the customer

The motor must be protected by the customer by implementing the measures
specified in the.eiectrical documentation.

2050-9001-010/ 0905
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 139

5.1.1 Electrical connection

Open the starter box only when no voltage is carried.

Fig. 270 Inner view of the starter box

1 4-lead feeder-in cable

2 Power contactor KM1
3 ON-switch block
4 Bimetal release F1 (set adjusting wheel to rated current)
Pay special attention to the electrical documentation!
5 Emergency-OFF device
6 Preselection for manual or automatic reset (set to A)
7 PE earthing connection
8 Optional cable connection for hood limit switch or
external Emergency-Off device (loop in between KM1 - terminal 14 - and
F1 - terminal 96)
See order-specific electrical documentation.
9 4-lead motor connection cable

• Loosen the cover of the starter box,

• Lead the dead feed cable with at least 4 x 1.5 mm^ Cu (for shipboard opera-
tion 3 x 1 . 5 mm^ Cu) through the cable gland into the starter box and
• connect the corresponding leads in accordance with the following switching

L1 to terminal 1 of contactor KM1

L2 to terminal 3 of contactor KM1
L3 to terminal 5 of contactor KM1
PEN to earthing terminal

Westfalia Separator
140 lineraloil Systems GmbH

Lead the motor connecting cable with at least 4 x 1.5 mm Cu (for shipboard
operation 3 x 1 . 5 mm^) through the cable gland into the starter box and
connect the corresponding leads as follows;

LI to terminal 2 of the bimetal relay F1

L2 to terminal 4 of the bimetal relay F1
L3 to terminal 6 of the bimetal relay F1
PEN to earthing terminal

Check the setting of the motor rated current at the bimetal relay F1.
If necessary, correct the setting as per table (see section 4.2.3).
Screw the cover on to the starter box.
Check the function of the ON and OFF buttons.

Motor wiring diagrams

The operating voltage of the local network determines the type of connection of
the motor.
The switching mode is stated on the motor nameplate.

Delta connection (counterclockwise

rotating field)

Fig. 271

Star connection (counterclockwise

rotating field)

8 o


Fig. 272

• Remove the cover of the terminal box.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 141

• Corihect the motor cable as follows:

LI to terrninal U1 of the motor
L2 to terminal W1 of the niotbr
:L3 to terminal V I of the motor
PEN to the earthing terminal of the motor

Check the, position ,of the studs in the termirial box (delta ,or star connection).

Screw the cover onto the terminal box:

Release the supply voltage to the starter. box:
.Actuate the ON and OFF buttons on the starter box successively.

Check the direction of rotation of the rnotor by nieans of the direction of rota-
tion arrow.
If necessary, two phases of the rhotor lead-in cable must be interchanged.

5.2 Evaluating unjt

The evaluating unit

- is used only on the separator ver-
sion OTC...-02-.;.
- serves to evaluate the alarm of the
float switch.
- is connected ,in accordance with the
furnished circuit diagrani (see elec-
trical diagram):

Part-No. see pails list

Fig. 273

Westfalia Separator
142 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

5.3 Flow detector

The flow detector consists of the main components
- float switch and
- orifice plate

(built into the heavy liquid discharge line (OTC ...02-...).

5.3.1 Float switch

Float switches with reed contact

Fig. 274

Technical data

Part-No. 0005-4112-600
Material CuZn-PVDF
Design type tested
Float PVDF ball
Fitting position horizontal
Minimum density 0.78 kg/dm^

Electrical connection

• Pay special attention to the electrical documentation!

Caution: Danger to life through electrical voltagel

• Disconnect the power supply to the electrical installation before connecting
the strands of the connecting line.
brown-blue = connections for the reed contact

The reed contact double (protection class II) is integrated in a plastic sleeve.

The maximum electrical contact rating stated on the nameplate may under
no circumstances be exceeded as otherwise the reed contact integrated in
the switch unit will get damaged.
In the case of inductive loads, the switching capacity is reduced. Information on
reverse voltage dividers can be obtained from Westfalia Separator Mineraloil
Systems GmbH.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 143

Fitting instructions

Fig. 275

1 Float swjtch
2 Coupling nut
3 Medium
4 RockerTod
5 Orifice plate (8.5 x 20 x 2)

• Fit float switch in accordance with Fig; 275.

• Make sure that
,- the rocker rod 4 can, move freely with the float
. - orifice plate 5 is fitted.
(The orifice plate is used to set.a level.in the case of oil carry-over to the
water side.)
Check that the float switch is fitted vertically.

For possible alignment of the float switch

- lossen coupling nut (SW 32),
- align the float switch (see Fig. 276) and
- re-tighten the coupling nut.
Torque: max. 30 Nm

There may be no external magnetic.fields in the direct vicinity of the float switch
which iinpair the function of the device.

: 2060-9001-0107 0905
Westfalia Separator
144 Mineraloil Systems <3mbH

Basic setting:

Switching contact NC (blue arrovv)

Blue arrow
Tip of arrow visible
(niax..1 mm)i

Fig. 276

• To adjust the switch unit, undo the arresting screw 1 (hexagon socket jaw
span 1;5).
• Displace the switch unit until the blue tij} of the arrow is'max! 1 mm;visible
at the inlet of the'guide.of the desired switching contact NO (see Fig.,276).
• After adjustment, re-tighten arresting screw 1.

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 145

5.4 Hood limit switch

The hood limit switch 1

• must be installed for safety rea-
• prevents the motor from being
switched on when the hood is open.

Fig. 277

Technical data
Part-No. 0005-4416-280
Rated insulation voltage Uj 500 V
Conventional thermal current Ith 10A
Ambient temperature -35 "C to +85 °C ( - 3 1 - 1 8 5 "F)
Connecting cable (2 m) V5F-5 X 0.75 mm^ (18 AWG)
brown-blue NO contact
black-black NO contact
yellow/green PE
Enclosure IP 67

Important instructions
In this version, the coil voltage of the power contactor is connected to the volt-
age between two external conductors of the three-phase network.
VWien installing a hood limit switch or an external emergency-off device, they
must be looped in at the connection points F1 (terminal 96) and contactor KM1
(temiinal 14) (see section 5.1.1).

CAUTION: Danger to life through electrical voltage!

• Disconnect the power supply to the electrical installation before connecting
the strands of the connecting line.
brown-blue = NO contact
The reset device following response of the motor protection can optionally be
set to
• H = manual reset, i.e. the button must be pressed prior to the re-start.
• A = automatic reset, i.e. the motor can be directly started by means of the ON
When the bimetal release responds, the power contactor KM1 switches off the

A Check the motor for overload or check the rated current setting at the bi-
metal release F1.

Westfalia Separator
146 Mineralorl Systems GmbH

5.5 Flowmeter

- is equipped with a display 1 at the
- is fitted horizontally
The fitting position influences the
- is maintenance-free!


fig: 278

In case of electrical faults

• Switch off main switch.

Technical data
Part-No; 0001-1542-600
Nominal width DN 1 5 - G 1/2
Adjusting range (horizontal) 2 - 30 l/min - 20 cSt,
Tolerance ±5 % from final value
Media temperature max. 120 "C (120.00 "C)
Material CuZn
Weight 1.1 kg-

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 147

Parts list

Guide to ordering spare parts 149

Set of plates 151
Separator complete (OTC 2-02-137) 153
Conversion parts for clarifier operation (OTC ..,-02-,..) 156
Separator complete (OTC 2-03-107) 159
Set of drive parts - 50 Hz 163
Set of drive parts - 60 Hz 163
Corrugated hose, com pi 165
Set of tools and accessories. - 50 Hz
(for maintenance and commissioning) 167
Set of tools and accessories. - 60 Hz
(for maintenance and commissioning) 169
Set of spare parts "bowl/hood" - 50 Hz
(Operation; 1 year or 8,000 hours) 171
Set of spare parts "bowl/hood" - 60 Hz
(Operation; 1 year or 8,000 hours) 171
Set of spare parts "drive" (operation: 2 years or 16,000 hours) 173
Starter box (motor) 220/230 V, 4 - 6 A. IP 55 174
Starter box (motor) 380/400 V. 2,5 - 4 A, IP 55 174
Starter box (motor) 440 V, 2 , 5 - 4 A. IP 55 174
Starter box (motor) 660/690 V, IP 55 174
Float switch 175
Evaluating unit (220/230 V - 50/60 Hz) 176
Evaluating unit (110/115 V - 5 0 / 6 0 Hz) 176
Conversion kit „OTC ...-02-... in OTC ...-03-..." (bowl parts) 178
Conversion kit „OTC ...-03-... to OTC ...-02-..." (bowl parts) 179

Westfalia Separator
148 MineraloU Systems GmbH

Westfalia Separator
MineraloM Systems GmbH 149

Guide to ordering spare parts

A rapid and correct supply of spare parts can only be guaranteed if your order
includes the following details:

Separator model see nameplate

e.g. OTC 2-02-137

Serial-No. see nameplate

e.g. 9000-223

Designation see parts list

e.g. frame

• Part-No. see parts list

e.g. 2050-1100-020
The part number is also marked on almost all the
individual parts.

Only when ordering spare parts for bowls:

• Bowl S/N see bowl lock ring, bowl bottom or bowl shell
if different from the machine serial number.

Only required when ordering pare parts for pump and pump connection parts:
• Model and number of see pump nameplate

The details must be complete when the part number ends with a tetter (e.g.
2050-6600-L), since this indicates that the parts are available in different de-

Use only genuine spare parts from Westfalia

The use of non-genuine parts leads to:
- safety risks,
^PtlGINALTEILE - l e s s durability and availability,
- increased service requirement.
If a safety risk occurs, this may have legal con-
sequences for the responsible persons. In such
Fig. 279 cases, Westfalia Separator accepts no liability
or warranty claims.

Westfalia Separator
150 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


Fig. 280

Westfialia Separator
MIneraloil Systems GmbH 151

Pos. Part Number Qty. peslgnation

- 0024-4i29p-010 1 Set of plates

10 0024-6327-000 1 Adhesive plate
20 0024-6426-000 1 Plate
30. 0024-3413-010 1 Narfieplate
40 0024-5380.000 1 Plate
50 0024-5220-000 1 Pecar"arrov/'
60 0024-5049-000 1 Adhesive plate
70 0026-1571-300 4 Grooved drive stud

• 2050-9001-010/0905
Westfalia Separator
152 Mineraloil Systems GmbH




© — 2 9 7




Westfalia Separator
MineraloU Systems GmbH 153

Pos. Part Number Qty. Designation

- 2050-0001-000 1 Separator complete {OTC 2-02-137)

10 2050-1001-010 1 Lower section of frame
20 0011-8040-000 1 Pivoting bearing, complete
30 0026-5849-170 1 Retaining ring
40 0010-4001-010 1 Bottom bearing pressure piece
45 0007-2070-830 1 Gasket
50 0019-6841-400 1 Hex head screw
60 2050-3375-010 1 Bearing cover
70 0007-2608-750 1 Gasket
80 0019-6933-400 13 Hex head screw
85 0026-1337-300 3 Lock washer
90 0001-0926-800 2 Sight glass
100 0008-2533-010 1 Rubber-metal cushion
110 0007-2608-750 1 Gasket
120 2050-3410-000 1 Spindle
130 0004-1949-830 1 Radial packing ring
140 2050-3375-000 1 Bearing cover
150 0011-6205-040 1 Grooved ball bearing
160 0026-5861-170 1 Retaining ring
170 0008-1708-010 1 Bail bearing protection ring
180 0011-6203-000 1 Grooved ball bearing
190 0026-0310-170 1 Dowel pin
200 0019-7640-400 Stud
210 0005-4416-280 1 Limit switch
215 0019-6094-300 Allen screw
216 0005-4486-900 1 Cable gland
217 0019-9389-400 1 Countersunk screw
220 see page 163 1 Set of drive parts
230 as per order 1 Motor
250 0026-2417-400 1 Washer
260 0019-6903-300 1 Hex head screw
280 0005-4112-600 1 Float switch
290 0018-0022-260 1 Angle
294 0026-1875-300 1 Washer
295 0018-1797-600 2 Hose outlet
296 0018-2793-758 0.200 m Hose
297 0018-3814-310 2 Hose clip
310 0007-2925-750 2 Gasket
600 2050-1120-000 1 Cover plate

Westfalia Separator
154 Mineraloil Systems GmbH



2050-0001-000 2

Fig. 282

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 155

Pos. Part Number Qty. Designation

265 0007-2 387r750; 1 Gasket

270 2050-1268-020. 1 Discharge charinel
275 2050-1467-01,0 1 Cap
300 '0007-2706-750 1 Gasket
320' 2050-6699-000 1 Bottom, com pi.
330 0007-1822-750 1 Gasket
350 2050-6669-020 30 bisk
355 2050-6669-030 3d Disk
360 2050-6652-020: 1 Separating disk
380 2050-6696-00,0 1 Insert
390 :2b5p-6489-000 1 Bowl shell
420 2050-6464-020 1 Threaded ring
430 0007-2983-750 4 Gasket
440 0007-1907-750 1, Gasket
450. 0007-1735-750 1 Gasket
460 2050-6691-000 1 Set of regulating rings
470 2051-2213-000 1 Centripetal purrip, compl.
480 0007-1936-750 1 Gasket
490 2050-6642-010 1 Gentripetal pump chamber cover
500 2050-8808-010 1 Hood
540 0018-6676-030 4 Connector
550. 0013-0279-300 2 Hexagon nut
560 0019-6937^400 i Hex head screw
570 2050-2191-000 1 Handle, connection piece
580 0019-8907-300 1 Screw plug
590 see page 165 2 Cbrrugated;hose„compl.
,610 0018-6282-600 1 Non-return valve, compl.

Westfalia Separator
156 MIneraloil Systems GmbH

Fig. 283

Pos. Part-No. Qty. Designation

Conversion parts for clarifier operation (OTC ...-02-...)

1 0007-2539-750 2 Gasket
2 2050-6631-000 1 Lock ring

Westfalia Separator
MIneraloil Systems GmbH 157




Westfalia Separator
158 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


© 297


2050-0001-020 1

Fig. 284

Westfalia Separator
MIneraloil Systems GmbH 159

Pos. Part Number Qty. Designation

- 2050-0001-020 1 Separator complete (OTC 2-03-107)

• 1.0 2050-1001-010 1 Lower section of frame

20 0011-8040-000 i Pivoting bearing, complete
30 0026T5849-170 Retaining ring
40 0010-4001-010 i Bottom bearing pressure piece
45 0007-2070-830 1 Gasket
50 0019-684.1-400 1 Hex head screw
60 2050-3375-010. 1 Bearing cover
70 0007-2608-750 1 Gasket
80 0019-6933-400 1.3 Hex head.screw
85 0026-1337-300 3 Lock washer
90 0001-0926-800 2 Sight glass
ipo 0008-2533-010 1 Rubber-metal cushion
110 0007-2608-750 1 Gasket
120 2050-3410-000 1 SpindlO'
130 0004-1949-830 1 Radial packing ring
140 2050-3375-000 1 Bearing coyer
150 0011-6205-040 1 Grooved ball bearing
160 0026-5861-170 1 Retaining ring
170 0008:1708-010 .1 Ball bearing protection ring
180 0011-6203-000 1 Grooved.ball bearing
190 0026-03,10-170 1 Dowel pin:
200 0019-7640-400 Stud
210 0005-4416-280 1 Limit switch
215 0019-6094-300, Allen screw
216 0005-4486-900 1 Cable gland
217 0019-9389-400 1 Countersunk screw
220 see page 163 i Set of drive parts
230 , as per order 1 Motor
250 0026-2417-400 1 Washer
260 0019-6903-300 1 Hex head screw
280 .0018-0991-260 1 Plug
290 0018-0022-260 •1 Angle
' . .295 001,8-i 797-600 2 Hose outlet
296 0018-2793-758 0.200 m Hose
' 297 0018-3814-310 2 Hoseclip
.;310 0007-2925-750 2 Gasket
, 600 2050-1120-000 '1 Cover plate

Westfalia Separator
160 Miheraloil Systems GmbH

/2G50-0001-020 2

Fig. 285

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 161

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty. Designation

265 0007-2387-750 1 Gasket

270 2050-1268-020 1 Discharge channel

275 2050-1467-010 1 Cap

300 0007-2706-750 1 Gasket

320 2050-6699-010 1 B o t t o m , compl.

330 0007-1822-750 1 Gasket

350 2050-6669-020 30 Disk

355 2050-6669-030 30 Disk

360 2050-6652-030 1 Separating disk

370 0007-1943-750 1 Gasket

380 2050-6696-000 1 Insert

390 2050-6489-000 1 Bowl shell

400 0007-2539-750 Gasket

410 2050-6631-000 1 L o c k ring

420 2050-6464-020 1 T h r e a d e d ring

430 0007-2983-750 Gasket

440 0007-1907-750 1 Gasket

450 0007-1735-750 1 Gasket

460 2050-6691-000 1 S e t of regulating rings

470 2051-2252-000 1 Centripetal p u m p , compl.

480 0007-1936-750 1 Gasket

490 2050-6642-010 1 Centripetal p u m p chamber cover

500 2050-7765-000 1 Hood

510 2050-7095-000 1 Connection piece

520 0007-1914-750 1 Gasket

530 0019-6840-400 4 H e x head screw

535 0026-1324-300 4 Lock washer

540 0018-6676-030 4 Connector

550 0013-0279-300 2 H e x a g o n nut

560 0019-6935-400 1 H e x head screw

570 2050-2191-000 1 H a n d l e connection piece

580 0019-8907-300 1 S c r e w plug

590 see page 165 2 Corrugated hose, compl.

610 0018-6282-600 1 Non-return valve, compl.

Westfalia Separator
162 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


Fig. 286

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH. 163

Pos. Part-No. Qty. Designation

.- 2050-3050-000 1 S e t of drive parts - 50 Hz

10 2050-3474-000 1 Flat belt pulley
20 002.1-3214-900 i Drive belt

Pos. Part-No. Qty. Designation

2050-3060-000 1 S e t of d h v e parts - 60 Hz
10 2050-3474-010 1 Flat belt pulley
20 0621,-32;i2-900 1 Drive belt

Westfalia Separator
164 Mineraloil Systems GmbH




2050-9001-010 / 0905
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 165

Fig. 287

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty. Designation

- 0018-6820-100 1 Corrugated hose, compl.

10 0007-2871-830 2 Gasket

• 2050-9001-010/0905
Westfalia Separator
166 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


10 @ 40






Fig. 288

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 167

The tools delivered are stated in the packing list.

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty. Designation

- 2050-9901-000 1 S e t of t o o l s and a c c e s s o r i e s . - 50 Hz
(for m a i n t e n a n c e and c o m m i s s i o n i n g )

10 2050-9856-010 2 Hook wrench

20 2050-9894-010 1 H e x a g o n socket w r e n c h
30 0019-6918-300 1 Hex h e a d screw
40 0013-0278-300 1 H e x a g o n nut
45 0003-0588-890 1 M e a s u r i n g cup, 2 1

50 0015-0003-080 2.5 1 Lube oil C L P 100

55 0015-0082-000 1 Lubricating grease (100 g)
60 0021-3147-750 4 Vibration isolator
70 0019-7640-400 4 Stud
75 2050-1191-000 1 W e a r insert
80 0013-0279-300 5 H e x a g o n nut
90 0021-3214-900 1 Drive belt

100 0007-2925-750 1 Gasket

110 0007-1822-750 1 Gasket
120 0007-1943-750 1 (1) Gasket
130 0007-2539-750 2 (2) Gasket
140 0007-2983-750 1 Gasket
150 0007-1907-750 1 Gasket
160 0007-1735-750 1 Gasket
170 0007-1936-750 1 Gasket

200 2050-6696-010 1 Set of bowl shell inserts (5 inserts)

210 0019-5382-050 1 E y e bolt

220 0007-2105-750 1 G a s k e t (cleaning the spindle inlet holes)

(1) O n l y for separator O T C . . . - 0 3 - . . .

(2) O n l y for O T C ...-03-... or O T C ...-02-.,. as clarifier

Westfalia Separator
168 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


10 20

50 55.





Fig. 289

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 169

The tools delivered are stated in the packing list.

Pes. Part N u m b e r Qty. Designation

•- 2050-9901-010 i S e t of t o o l s and a c c e s s o r i e s . - 60 Hz
(for m a i n t e n a n c e and c o m m i s s i o n i n g )

10 2050-9856-0,10 2 Hook w r e n c h

20 2050-9894-010 1 H e x a g o n socket w r e n c h

30 0019-6918-300 1 Hex h e a d screw

40: 0013-0278-300 ^ H e x a g o n nut

45. 0003-0588-890 1 M e a s u r i n g cup, 2 1

50 0015-0003-080 2.5 1 Lube oil C L P 100

55 ,0015-0082-000' 1 Lubricating grease (100 g)
60 0021-3147-750 4 Vibration isolator

70 0019-7640-400 4 Stud
75 2050-1191-000 1 W e a r insert

80 0013-0279-300 5 H e x a g o n nut^

90 0021^3212-900 1 Drive belt

100 0007-2925-750 1 Gasket

110. 0007-1822-750 1 Gasket:

120 0007-1943-750 1, (1) Gasket
130 0007-2539-750, 2 (2) Gasket
140 0007-2983-750 1 Gasket
150 .0007-l'967-750 1 Gasket
160^ 0007-1735-750 1 Gasket
170 0007-1936-750 1 Gasket

200 2050-6696-010 1 Set of bowl shell inserts (5 inserts)

210 0019-5382^050 1 Eye bolt
220 0007-2105-750 1 G a s k e t (cleaning the spindle inlet holes)

(1) . Only for separator O T C .. .-03-...

(2) Only for OTC:...-03-... or O T C ...-02-... as clarifier

Westfalia Separator
170. Mineraloil Systems GmbH

oj^ 2050-9902-000

Fig. 290

2050-9001-0107 0905
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 171

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty. Designation

- 2050-9902-020 1 S e t of s p a r e parts " b o w l / h o o d " - 50 Hz

(Operation: 1 year or 8,000 hours)

10 0021-3214-900 1 Drive belt

20 0007-2706-750 1 Gasket
25 0007-2387-750 1 Gasket
30 0007-2925-750 4 Gasket
40 0007-1822-750 2 Gasket
50 0007-1943-750 2 (1) Gasket

60 0007-2983-750 8 Gasket

70 0007-1907-750 2 Gasket
80 0007-1735-750 2 Gasket
90 0007-1936-750 2 Gasket
- 0015-0082-000 1 Lubricating grease (100 g)

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty. Designation

- 2050-9902-040 1 S e t of s p a r e parts " b o w l / h o o d " - 60 Hz

( O p e r a t i o n : 1 year or 8,000 hours)
10 0021-3212-900 1 Drive belt
20 0007-2706-750 1 Gasket
25 0007-2387-750 1 Gasket
30 0007-2925-750 4 Gasket
40 0007-1822-750 2 Gasket
50 0007-1943-750 2 (1) Gasket

60 0007-2983-750 8 Gasket
70 0007-1907-750 2 Gasket
80 0007-1735-750 2 Gasket
90 0007-1936-750 2 Gasket
- 0015-0082-000 1 Lubricating grease (100 g)

Only for separator O T C . . . - 0 3 - . . .

A | \
T h e specified n u m b e r of g a s k e t s h a s b e e n a d a p t e d to take account of the respective m a i n t e n a n c e in-
tervals (see m a i n t e n a n c e s c h e d u l e ) .
O n l y o n e g a s k e t may be i n s e r t e d per g r o o v e !

Westfalia Separator
172 MlneraloM Systems GmbH

2050-9902-030 •

Fig. 291

Mineraloil Systems GmbH 173

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty. Desighatibn

- 2050-9902^080 1 S e t of s p a r e parts "drive"

(operation: 2 y e a r s or 16,000 h o u r s ) .
10 0007-2608-750 1 Gasket
20 0004-1949-830 1 Radial packing ring
30 0011-6205-040 1 G r o o v e d ball bearing
40 0011-6203-000 1 G r o o v e d ball bearing
50 0007-2070-830 1 Gasket
60 .0007-2608.750 1 Gasket.

70 0021-3147-750 4 R i j b b e r - m e t a i cushion
80 0008-2533-010 1 Rubber-metal cushion

Westfalia Separator
174 Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Fig. 292

Pos. Part-No. Qty; Designation

- 0005-4420-ppD 1 Starter box (motor)

220/230 V , 4 - 6 A . I P 5 5

Pos. Part-No. Qty. Designation

0005-4420-010 1 1 Starter box (motor)

380/400 V, 2,5 ^ 4 A , IP 55

Pos. Part-No. Qty. Designation

- 0005-4420-020 1 Starter box (motor)

440 V, 2 , 5 - 4 A , IP 55

Pos. Part-No. Qty. p e s ig nation

- 0005-4420-030 1 Starter box (motor)

660/690 V, IP 55

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 175


Fig. 293

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty. Designation

- 0005^112-600 1 Float s w i t c h

2050-9001-010 / 0905
Westfalia Separator
176 Mineraloil Systems GmbH


Fig. 294

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty.. Designation

- 0005-1514-000 1 Evaluating unit (220/230 V - 50/60 Hz)

Pos. Part N u m b e r Qty- Designation

- 0005-1514:010 1 Evaluating unit (110/115 V - 50/60 Hz)

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 177


Fig. 295


Pos. Part Number Qty. Designation

10 0001-1542-600 1 Flow meter

. ,.2050-9001^10/0905
Westfalia Separator
178 Mineraloil Systems GmbH




Fig. 296

We offer the following conversion kit for individual conversion of the separator:

Pes. Part Number Qty. Designation

Conversion kit „OTC ...-02-... in OTC ...-03-...'*

(bowl parts)

320 2050-6699-010 1 Bottom, compl.

360 2050-6652-030 1 Separating disk
370 0007-1943-750 1 Gasket
400 0007-2539-750 2 Gasket
410 2050-6631-000 1 Lock ring

| \ When converting separator OTC ...-02-... to OTC ...-03-... light phase discharge must not be im-
mersed. See dimensioned drawing of separator OTC 2-03-107, page 34

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 179


Fig. 297

We offer the following conversion kit for individual conversion of the separator:

Pos. Part Number Qty. Designation

Conversion kit „OTC ...-03-... to OTC ...-02-..."

(bowl parts)

320 2050-6699-000 1 Bottom, compl.

360 2050-6652-020 1 Separating disk
400 0007-2539-750 2 Gasket (not needed)
410 2050-6631-000 1 Lock ring (not needed)

Westfalia Separator
180 Mineraloil Systems GmbH



2050-9001-010 7 0905
_ Westfalia Separator
S % Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Take the BestT-:Separate the Rest

A company of GEA Group

WastfallaSoparator MineratonSystarnsGrnbH ' B Wamer-Hablg^trafte 1 • O-69302 Oelde (F.R. Geimany)
Tel.:+49(0)25 22/77^)i» Fax:+49 (0) 2is 22/77-23 94 „•

http://vmw.westfalia-separator,com/ • mailto:[email protected]

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