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Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes

Solutions Manual 3rd Update Edition Edition
Richard M. Felder




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3 wk 7d 24 h 3600 s 1000 ms
2.1 (a) = 18144
. × 10 9 ms
1 wk 1 d 1 h 1 s
38.1 ft / s 0.0006214 mi 3600 s
(b) = 25.98 mi / h ⇒ 26.0 mi / h
3.2808 ft 1 h
554 m 4 1d 1h 1 kg 108 cm 4
(c) = 3.85 × 10 4 cm 4 / min⋅ g
d ⋅ kg 24 h 60 min 1000 g 1 m 4

760 mi 1 m 1 h
2.2 (a) = 340 m / s
h 0.0006214 mi 3600 s
921 kg 2.20462 lb m 1 m3
(b) = 57.5 lb m / ft 3
m3 1 kg 35.3145 ft 3
5.37 × 10 3 kJ 1 min 1000 J 1.34 × 10 -3 hp
(c) = 119.93 hp ⇒ 120 hp
min 60 s 1 kJ 1 J/s

2.3 Assume that a golf ball occupies the space equivalent to a 2 in × 2 in × 2 in cube. For a
classroom with dimensions 40 ft × 40 ft × 15 ft :
40 × 40 × 15 ft 3 (12) 3 in 3 1 ball
n balls = = 518
. × 10 6 ≈ 5 million balls
ft 3 2 3 in 3
The estimate could vary by an order of magnitude or more, depending on the assumptions made.

2.4 4.3 light yr 365 d 24 h 3600 s 1.86 × 10 5 mi 3.2808 ft 1 step = 7 × 1016 steps
1 yr 1d 1 h 1 s 0.0006214 mi 2 ft

2.5 Distance from the earth to the moon = 238857 miles

238857 mi 1 m 1 report
= 4 × 1011 reports
0.0006214 mi 0.001 m

19 km 1000 m 0.0006214 mi 1000 L
= 44.7 mi / gal
1 L 1 km 1 m 264.17 gal
Calculate the total cost to travel x miles.
$1.25 1 gal x (mi)
Total Cost American = $14,500 + = 14,500 + 0.04464 x
gal 28 mi

$1.25 1 gal x (mi)

Total Cost European = $21,700 + = 21,700 + 0.02796 x
gal 44.7 mi

Equate the two costs ⇒ x = 4.3 × 10 5 miles

5320 imp. gal 14 h 365 d 106 cm3 0.965 g 1 kg 1 tonne
plane ⋅ h 1 d 1 yr 220.83 imp. gal 1 cm 3
1000 g 1000 kg
tonne kerosene
= 1.188 × 105
plane ⋅ yr
4.02 × 109 tonne crude oil 1 tonne kerosene plane ⋅ yr
yr 7 tonne crude oil 1.188 × 10 tonne kerosene 5

= 4834 planes ⇒ 5000 planes

25.0 lb m 32.1714 ft / s 2 1 lb f
2.8 (a) = 25.0 lb f
32.1714 lb m ⋅ ft / s 2
25 N 1 1 kg ⋅ m/s 2
(b) = 2.5493 kg ⇒ 2.5 kg
9.8066 m/s 2 1N
10 ton 1 lb m 1000 g 980.66 cm / s 2 1 dyne
(c) = 9 × 10 9 dynes
5 × 10 -4
ton 2.20462 lb m 1 g ⋅ cm / s 2

50 × 15 × 2 m 3 35.3145 ft 3 85.3 lb m 32.174 ft 1 lb f

2.9 = 4.5 × 10 6 lb f
1 m3 1 ft 3 1 s 2
32.174 lb m / ft ⋅ s 2

500 lb m 1 kg 1 m3 FG 1 IJ FG 1 IJ ≈ 25 m
≈ 5 × 10 2
H 2 K H 10K
2.20462 lb m 11.5 kg

2.11 (a)
mdisplaced fluid = mcylinder ⇒ ρ f V f = ρ cVc ⇒ ρ f hπr 2 = ρ c Hπr 2
ρfh (30 cm − 14.1 cm)(100
. g / cm 3 )
ρc = = = 0.53 g / cm 3 H
H 30 cm
ρ H (30 cm)(0.53 g / cm 3 )
(b) ρ f = c = = 171. g / cm 3 h
h (30 cm - 20.7 cm)

2.12 πR 2 H πR 2 H πr 2 h R r R
Vs = ; Vf = − ; = ⇒r = h
3 3 3 H h H
πR H2
FG IJ = πR FG H − h IJ
πh Rh
2 2 3

3 H HK
⇒ Vf = −
3 H H K
2 H
πR F h I πR H
2 3 2
ρ f V f = ρ sVs ⇒ρ
3 H G H− J
f =ρ
3 2 s ρs

H H3 1
⇒ ρ f = ρs = ρs = ρs
h3 H 3 − h3 FG h IJ 3


2.13 Say h( m) = depth of liquid
y= 1
⇒ xx
1m x = 1– y 2
A(m 2 ) h

y= –1
1− y 2
−1+ h
dA = dy ⋅ ∫ dx = 2 1 − y dy ⇒ A m
( )=2 ∫
1 − y 2 dy
− 1− y 2 −1

⇓ Table of integrals or trigonometric substitution

h −1
( )
A m 2 = y 1 − y 2 + sin −1 y ⎤⎥ = ( h − 1) 1 − ( h − 1) + sin −1 ( h − 1) +
⎦ −1

4 m × A( m 2 ) 0.879 g 10 6 cm 2 1 kg 9.81 N
b g
W N = cm 3
1m 3
10 g 3
= 3.45 × 10 4 A
g g0

E Substitute for A
W b N g = 3.45 × 10 Mbh − 1g 1 − bh − 1g
4 2
b g π2 OPQ
+ sin −1 h − 1 +
2.14 1 lb f = 1 slug ⋅ ft / s 2 = 32.174 lb m ⋅ ft / s 2 ⇒ 1 slug = 32.174 lb m
1 poundal = 1 lb m ⋅ ft / s 2 = lb f
(a) (i) On the earth:
175 lb m 1 slug
M= = 5.44 slugs
32.174 lb m
175 lb m 32.174 ft 1 poundal
W= = 5.63 × 10 3 poundals
s 1 lb m ⋅ ft / s 2

(ii) On the moon

175 lb m 1 slug
M= = 5.44 slugs
32.174 lb m
175 lb m 32.174 ft 1 poundal
W= = 938 poundals
6 s 1 lb m ⋅ ft / s 2

355 poundals 1 lb m ⋅ ft / s 2 1 slug 1m

(b) F = ma ⇒ a = F / m =
25.0 slugs 1 poundal 32.174 lb m 3.2808 ft
= 0.135 m / s 2

FG 1IJ = 5.3623 bung ⋅ ft / s
2.15 (a) F = ma ⇒ 1 fern = (1 bung)(32.174 ft / s 2 )
H 6K

1 fern

5.3623 bung ⋅ ft / s 2
3 bung 32.174 ft 1 fern
(b) On the moon: W = = 3 fern
6 s 5.3623 bung ⋅ ft / s 2

On the earth: W = (3)( 32.174) / 5.3623 = 18 fern

4.0 × 10−4
2.16 (a) ≈ (3)(9) = 27 (b) ≈ ≈ 1× 10−5
(2.7)(8.632) = 23
(3.600 ×10−4 ) / 45 = 8.0 × 10−6
(c) ≈ 2 + 125 = 127 (d) ≈ 50 × 10 3 − 1 × 10 3 ≈ 49 × 10 3 ≈ 5 × 10 4
2.365 + 125.2 = 127.5 4.753 × 10 4 − 9 × 10 2 = 5 × 10 4

(7 ×10−1 )(3 × 105 )(6)(5 × 104 )

2.17 R ≈ ≈ 42 × 102 ≈ 4 × 103 (Any digit in range 2-6 is acceptable)
(3)(5 × 106 )
Rexact = 3812.5 ⇒ 3810 ⇒ 3.81× 103

2.18 (a)
A: R = 731
. − 72.4 = 0.7 o C
72.4 + 731
. + 72.6 + 72.8 + 73.0
X= = 72.8 o C
(72.4 − 72.8) 2 + (731
. − 72.8) 2 + (72.6 − 72.8) 2 + (72.8 − 72.8) 2 + (73.0 − 72.8) 2
= 0.3o C
B: R = 1031
. − 97.3 = 58
. oC
97.3 + 1014
. + 98.7 + 1031
. + 100.4
X= = 100.2 o C
(97.3 − 100.2) 2 + (1014
. − 100.2) 2 + (98.7 − 100.2) 2 + (1031
. − 100.2) 2 + (100.4 − 100.2) 2
= 2.3o C

(b) Thermocouple B exhibits a higher degree of scatter and is also more accurate.

2.19 (a) 12 12

i =1
i ∑ ( X − 735. )
i =1

X= = 73.5 s= = 12
12 12 − 1
C min= = X − 2 s = 73.5 − 2(1.2) = 711
C max= = X + 2 s = 735
. + 2(12
. ) = 75.9

(b) Joanne is more likely to be the statistician, because she wants to make the control limits
(c) Inadequate cleaning between batches, impurities in raw materials, variations in reactor
temperature (failure of reactor control system), problems with the color measurement
system, operator carelessness
2.20 (a), (b)
(a) Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
X 134 131 129 133 135 131 134 130 131 136 129 130 133 130 133
Mean(X) 131.9
Stdev(X) 2.2
Min 127.5
Max 136.4

(b) Run X Min Mean Max

1 128 127.5 131.9 136.4
2 131 127.5 131.9 136.4
3 133 127.5 131.9 136.4 138
4 130 127.5 131.9 136.4 136
5 133 127.5 131.9 136.4 134
6 129 127.5 131.9 136.4 132
7 133 127.5 131.9 136.4
8 135 127.5 131.9 136.4
9 137 127.5 131.9 136.4
10 133 127.5 131.9 136.4 126
11 136 127.5 131.9 136.4 0 5 10 15
12 138 127.5 131.9 136.4
13 135 127.5 131.9 136.4
14 139 127.5 131.9 136.4

(c) Beginning with Run 11, the process has been near or well over the upper quality assurance
limit. An overhaul would have been reasonable after Run 12.

2.36 × 10−4 kg ⋅ m 2 2.20462 lb 3.28082 ft 2 1 h

2.21 (a) Q ' =
h kg m2 3600 s
(2 × 10−4 )(2)(9)
(b) Q 'approximate ≈ ≈ 12 × 10( −4−3) ≈ 1.2 × 10−6 lb ⋅ ft 2 / s
3 × 103
Q 'exact =1.56 × 10−6 lb ⋅ ft 2 / s = 0.00000156 lb ⋅ ft 2 / s

Cpμ 0.583 J / g ⋅ o C 1936 lb m 1 h 3.2808 ft 1000 g
2.22 N Pr = =
k 0.286 W / m ⋅ C o
ft ⋅ h 3600 s m 2.20462 lb m
(6 × 10 )(2 × 10 )(3 × 10 ) 3 × 10
3 3 3
N Pr ≈ −1
≈ ≈ 15
. × 10 3 . The calculator solution is 163
. × 10 3
(3 × 10 )(4 × 10 )(2)

Duρ 0.48 ft 1 m 2.067 in 1 m 0.805 g 1 kg 10 6 cm 3
Re = =
μ s 3.2808 ft 0.43 × 10 −3 kg / m ⋅ s 39.37 in cm 3 1000 g 1 m3
(5 × 10 −1 )(2)(8 × 10 −1 )(10 6 ) 5 × 101− ( −3)
Re ≈ ≈ ≈ 2 × 10 4 ⇒ the flow is turbulent
(3)(4 × 10)(10 3 )(4 × 10 −4 ) 3

⎛ d p uρ ⎞
1/ 3 1/ 2
kg d p y ⎛ μ ⎞
2.24 (a) = 2.00 + 0.600 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
D ⎝ ρD ⎠ ⎝ μ ⎠
1/ 3 1/ 2
⎡ 1.00 × 10−5 N ⋅ s/m 2 ⎤ ⎡ (0.00500 m)(10.0 m/s)(1.00 kg/m3 ) ⎤
= 2.00 + 0.600 ⎢ −5 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ (1.00 kg/m )(1.00 × 10 m / s) ⎦
3 2
⎣ (1.00 × 10−5 N ⋅ s/m 2 ) ⎦
k g (0.00500 m)(0.100)
= 44.426 ⇒ = 44.426 ⇒ k g = 0.888 m / s
1.00 × 10−5 m 2 / s
(b) The diameter of the particles is not uniform, the conditions of the system used to model the
equation may differ significantly from the conditions in the reactor (out of the range of
empirical data), all of the other variables are subject to measurement or estimation error.

dp (m) y D (m2/s) μ (N-s/m2) ρ (kg/m3) u (m/s) kg
0.005 0.1 1.00E-05 1.00E-05 1 10 0.889
0.010 0.1 1.00E-05 1.00E-05 1 10 0.620
0.005 0.1 2.00E-05 1.00E-05 1 10 1.427
0.005 0.1 1.00E-05 2.00E-05 1 10 0.796
0.005 0.1 1.00E-05 1.00E-05 1 20 1.240

2.25 (a) 200 crystals / min ⋅ mm; 10 crystals / min ⋅ mm 2

200 crystals 0.050 in 25.4 mm 10 crystals 0.050 2 in 2 (25.4) 2 mm 2

(b) r = −
min ⋅ mm in min ⋅ mm 2 in 2
238 crystals 1 min
= 238 crystals / min ⇒ = 4.0 crystals / s
min 60 s

b g
(c) D mm =
b g
D ′ in 25.4 mm
= 25.4 D ′ ; r
crystals FG
crystals 60 s IJ
1 in min
= r′
H s 1 min K
= 60r ′

b g b
⇒ 60r ′ = 200 25.4 D ′ − 10 25.4 D ′ g 2
⇒ r ′ = 84.7 D ′ − 108 D ′ b g 2

2.26 (a) 70.5 lb m / ft 3 ; 8.27 × 10 -7 in 2 / lb f

⎡8.27 × 10−7 in 2 9 × 106 N 14.696 lbf / in 2 ⎤

(b) ρ = (70.5 lb m / ft 3 )exp ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ lbf m 2 1.01325 × 105 N/m 2 ⎥⎦

70.57 lb m 35.3145 ft 3 1 m3 1000 g

= 3 3 6 3
= 1.13 g/cm3
ft m 10 cm 2.20462 lbm

F lb IJ = ρ ′ g
1 lb m 28,317 cm 3
= 62.43ρ ′
H ft K cm
(c) 3
453.593 g 1 ft 3

F lb IJ = P' N 0.2248 lb f 12 m2
. × 10 −4 P '
= 145
H in K m
1N 39.37 2 in 2

d id
⇒ 62.43ρ ′ = 70.5 exp 8.27 × 10 −7 1.45 × 10 −4 P ' ⇒ ρ ′ = 113 i
. × 10 −10 P '
. exp 120 d i
. exp[(1.20 × 10 −10 )(9.00 × 10 6 )] = 113
P ' = 9.00 × 10 6 N / m 2 ⇒ ρ ' = 113 . g / cm 3

d i V ' din i 28,317 = 16.39V ' ; t bsg = 3600t ′b hr g

3 3
2.27 (a) V cm 3 = 3
1728 in
⇒ 16.39V ' = expb3600t ′ g ⇒ V ' = 0.06102 expb3600t ′ g

(b) The t in the exponent has a coefficient of s-1.

2.28 (a) 3.00 mol / L, 2.00 min -1

(b) t = 0 ⇒ C = 3.00 exp[(-2.00)(0)] = 3.00 mol / L

t = 1 ⇒ C = 3.00 exp[(-2.00)(1)] = 0.406 mol / L
0.406 − 3.00
For t=0.6 min: Cint = (0.6 − 0) + 3.00 = 14
. mol / L
1− 0
Cexact = 3.00 exp[(-2.00)(0.6)] = 0.9 mol / L
1− 0
For C=0.10 mol/L: t int = . − 3.00) + 0 = 112
(010 . min
0.406 − 3
1 C 1 0.10
t exact =- ln = - ln = 1.70 min
2.00 3.00 2 3.00
3 C exact vs. t

C (mol/L)

(t=0.6, C=1.4)
(t=1.12, C=0.10)
0 1 2
t (min)

60 − 20
2.29 (a) p* = (185 − 166.2) + 20 = 42 mm Hg
199.8 − 166.2


DO 1 I = 1, 6
READ (5, *) TD(I), PD(I)
WRITE (5, 902)
* ‘ (C) (MM HG)’/)
DO 2 I = 0, 115, 5
T = 100 + I
WRITE (6, 903) T, P
903 FORMAT (10X, F5.1, 10X, F5.1)
1 IF (TD(I).LE.T.AND.T.LT.TD(I + 1)) GO TO 2
2 P = PD(I) + (T – TD(I))/(TD(I + 1) – TD(I)) * (PD(I + 1) – PD(I))
131.8 5.0 (C) (MM HG)
# # 100.0 1.2
215.5 100.0 105.0 1.8
# #
215.0 98.7

2.30 (b) ln y = ln a + bx ⇒ y = ae bx
b = (ln y 2 − ln y1 ) / ( x 2 − x1 ) = (ln 2 − ln 1) / (1 − 2) = −0.693
ln a = ln y − bx = ln 2 + 0.63(1) ⇒ a = 4.00 ⇒ y = 4.00e −0.693 x

(c) ln y = ln a + b ln x ⇒ y = ax b
b = (ln y 2 − ln y1 ) / (ln x 2 − ln x1 ) = (ln 2 − ln 1) / (ln 1 − ln 2) = −1
ln a = ln y − b ln x = ln 2 − ( −1) ln(1) ⇒ a = 2 ⇒ y = 2 / x
(d) ln( xy ) = ln a + b( y / x) ⇒ xy = aeby / x ⇒ y = (a / x)eby / x [can't get y = f ( x)]
b = [ln( xy ) 2 − ln( xy )1 ]/[( y / x) 2 − ( y / x)1 ] = (ln 807.0 − ln 40.2) /(2.0 − 1.0) = 3
ln a = ln( xy ) − b( y / x) = ln 807.0 − 3ln(2.0) ⇒ a = 2 ⇒ xy = 2e3 y / x
[can't solve explicitly for y ( x)]

2.30 (cont’d)
(e) ln( y 2 / x ) = ln a + b ln( x − 2) ⇒ y 2 / x = a ( x − 2) b ⇒ y = [ax ( x − 2) b ]1/ 2
b = [ln( y 2 / x ) 2 − ln( y 2 / x ) 1 ] / [ln( x − 2) 2 − ln( x − 2) 1 ]
= (ln 807.0 − ln 40.2) / (ln 2.0 − ln 10 . ) = 4.33
ln a = ln( y 2 / x ) − b( x − 2) = ln 807.0 − 4.33 ln(2.0) ⇒ a = 40.2
⇒ y 2 / x = 40.2( x − 2) 4.33 ⇒ y = 6.34 x 1/ 2 ( x − 2) 2.165

2.31 (b) Plot y 2 vs. x 3 on rectangular axes. Slope = m, Intcpt = − n

1 1 a 1 a 1
(c) = + x ⇒ Plot vs. x [rect. axes], slope = , intercept =
ln( y − 3) b b ln( y − 3) b b

1 1
= a ( x − 3) 3 ⇒ Plot vs. ( x − 3) 3 [rect. axes], slope = a , intercept = 0
( y + 1) 2
( y + 1) 2


2 ln( y + 1) = − ln a − 3 ln( x − 3)
Plot ln( y + 1) vs. ln( x − 3) [rect.] or (y + 1) vs. (x - 3) [log]
3 ln a
⇒ slope = − , intercept = −
2 2

(e) ln y = a x + b
Plot ln y vs. x [rect.] or y vs. x [semilog ], slope = a, intercept = b

(f) log10 ( xy ) = a ( x 2 + y 2 ) + b
Plot log10 ( xy ) vs. ( x 2 + y 2 ) [rect.] ⇒ slope = a, intercept = b

1 b x x
(g) = ax + ⇒ = ax 2 + b ⇒ Plot vs. x 2 [rect.], slope = a , intercept = b
y x y y
1 b 1 b 1 1
OR = ax + ⇒ = a + 2 ⇒ Plot vs. 2 [rect.] , slope = b, intercept = a
y x xy x xy x

2.32 (a) A plot of y vs. R is a line through ( R = 5 , y = 0.011 ) and ( R = 80 , y = 0169
. ).


0 20 40 60 80 100

y=aR+b a=
0169 − 0.011
= 2.11 × 10 −3
80 − 5 V|
⇒ y = 2.11 × 10 −3 R + 4.50 × 10 −4
d −3
b = 0.011 − 2.11 × 10 5 = 4.50 × 10 −4
ib g W
d ib g
(b) R = 43 ⇒ y = 2.11 × 10 −3 43 + 4.50 × 10 −4 = 0.092 kg H 2 O kg

b1200 kg hgb0.092 kg H O kgg = 110 kg H O h

2 2

2.33 (a) ln T = ln a + b ln φ ⇒ T = aφ b
b = (ln T2 − ln T1 ) / (ln φ 2 − ln φ 1 ) = (ln 120 − ln 210) / (ln 40 − ln 25) = −119
. ) ln(25) ⇒ a = 9677.6 ⇒ T = 9677.6φ −1.19
ln a = ln T − b ln φ = ln 210 − ( −119

(b) T = 9677.6φ −1.19 ⇒ φ = 9677.6 / T g 0.8403

T = 85o C ⇒ φ = 9677.6 / 85 g 0.8403
= 535
. L/s

T = 175o C ⇒ φ = 9677.6 / 175g 0.8403
= 29.1 L / s
T = 290 C ⇒ φ = b9677.6 / 290g
= 19.0 L / s

(c) The estimate for T=175°C is probably closest to the real value, because the value of
temperature is in the range of the data originally taken to fit the line. The value of T=290°C
is probably the least likely to be correct, because it is farthest away from the date range.

2.34 (a) Yes, because when ln[(C A − C Ae ) / (C A0 − C Ae )] is plotted vs. t in rectangular coordinates,
the plot is a straight line.
0 50 100 150 200

ln ((CA-CAe)/(CA0-CAe))
t (m in)

Slope = -0.0093 ⇒ k = 9.3 × 10-3 min −1

(b) ln[(C A − C Ae ) /(C A0 − C Ae )] = − kt ⇒ C A = (C A0 − C Ae )e − kt + C Ae
C A = (0.1823 − 0.0495)e − (9.3×10 )(120)
+ 0.0495 = 9.300 × 10-2 g/L
9.300 × 10-2 g 30.5 gal 28.317 L
C =m /V ⇒ m =CV = = 10.7 g
L 7.4805 gal
2.35 (a) ft 3 and h -2 , respectively
. × 10 −2 ) ; or
(b) ln(V) vs. t2 in rectangular coordinates, slope=2 and intercept= ln(353
. × 10−2
V(logarithmic axis) vs. t2 in semilog coordinates, slope=2, intercept= 353
. × 10 −3 exp(15
(c) V ( m3 ) = 100 . × 10 −7 t 2 )

2.36 PV k = C ⇒ P = C / V k ⇒ ln P = ln C − k lnV

2.5 3 3.5 4
lnP = -1.573(lnV ) + 12.736

k = − slope = − ( −1573
. ) = 1573
. (dimensionless)
Intercept = ln C = 12.736 ⇒ C = e12.736 = 3.40 × 105 mm Hg ⋅ cm4.719

G − GL 1 G −G G −G
2.37 (a) = ⇒ 0 = K L C m ⇒ ln 0 = ln K L + m ln C
G0 − G K L C m
G − GL G − GL

ln (G 0 -G )/(G -G L )= 2 .4 8 3 5 ln C - 1 0 .0 4 5
ln(G 0-G)/(G-G L )

3 .5 4 4 .5 5 5 .5

ln C

2.37 (cont’d)
m = slope = 2.483 (dimensionless)
Intercept = ln K L = −10.045 ⇒ K L = 4.340 × 10 −5 ppm-2.483
. × 10 −3
G − 180
(b) C = 475 ⇒ = 4.340 × 10 −5 (475) 2.483 ⇒ G = 1806
. × 10 −3
3.00 × 10 −3 − G
C=475 ppm is well beyond the range of the data.

2.38 (a) For runs 2, 3 and 4:

Z = aV b p c ⇒ ln Z = ln a + b lnV + c ln p
b = 0.68
. ) = ln a + b ln(102
ln( 35 . ) + c ln(9.1)
ln(2.58) = ln a + b ln(102
. ) + c ln(112
. ) ⇒ c = −1.46
ln(3.72) = ln a + b ln(175
. ) + c ln(112
. ) a = 86.7 volts ⋅ kPa 1.46 / (L / s) 0.678

 . Slope=b, Intercept= ln a + c ln p
(b) When P is constant (runs 1 to 4), plot ln Z vs. lnV



-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
b = slope = 0.52
lnZ = 0.5199lnV + 1.0035
Intercept = lna + c ln P = 10035
When V is constant (runs 5 to 7), plot lnZ vs. lnP. Slope=c, Intercept= ln a + c lnV



1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3
c = slope = −0.997 ⇒ 10
lnZ = -0.9972lnP + 3.4551 lnP
Intercept = lna + b lnV = 3.4551

Plot Z vs V b P c . Slope=a (no intercept)


0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Vb Pc
Z = 31.096VbPc
a = slope = 311
. volt ⋅ kPa / (L / s) .52
The results in part (b) are more reliable, because more data were used to obtain them.

2.39 (a)

∑x y
sxy = i i = [(0.4)(0.3) + (2.1)(19
. ) + (31
. )( 3.2)] / 3 = 4.677
n i =1

sxx = 2
i = (0.32 + 19
. 2 + 3.2 2 ) / 3 = 4.647
n i =1
n n

∑ ∑y
1 1
sx = xi = (0.3 + 1.9 + 3.2) / 3 = 18
. ; sy = i = (0.4 + 2.1 + 31
. ) / 3 = 1867
n i =1 n i =1
sxy − sx s y 4.677 − (18
. )(1.867)
a= = = 0.936
sxx − sx b g 2
4.647 − (18
. )2
sxx s y − sxy sx . ) − (4.677)(18
( 4.647)(1867 . )
b= = = 0.182
sxx − sx b g 2
4.647 − (18
. ) 2

y = 0.936 x + 0182

sxy 4.677
(b) a = = = 1.0065 ⇒ y = 1.0065x
sxx 4.647

y = 0.936x + 0.182

1 y = 1.0065x
0 1 2 3 4

2.40 (a) 1/C vs. t. Slope= b, intercept=a

(b) b = slope = 0.477 L / g ⋅ h; a = Intercept = 0.082 L / g

2 1.5

1.5 1

0.5 0.5
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5

1/C = 0.4771t + 0.0823 t t

C C-fitted

(c) C = 1 / (a + bt ) ⇒ 1 / [0.082 + 0.477(0)] = 12.2 g / L

t = (1 / C − a ) / b = (1 / 0.01 − 0.082) / 0.477 = 209.5 h
(d) t=0 and C=0.01 are out of the range of the experimental data.
(e) The concentration of the hazardous substance could be enough to cause damage to the
biotic resources in the river; the treatment requires an extremely large period of time; some
of the hazardous substances might remain in the tank instead of being converted; the
decomposition products might not be harmless.

2.41 (a) and (c)

0.1 1 10 100

(b) y = ax b ⇒ ln y = ln a + b ln x; Slope = b, Intercept = ln a

ln y = 0.1684ln x + 1.1258

ln y

b = slope = 0.168
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5
ln x
Intercept = ln a = 11258
. ⇒ a = 3.08

2.42 (a) ln(1-Cp/CA0) vs. t in rectangular coordinates. Slope=-k, intercept=0


0 200 400 600 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

0 0
-1 -2
-3 -4
-4 -6
ln(1-Cp/Cao) = -0.0062t ln(1-Cp/Cao) = -0.0111t
t t
Lab 1 Lab 2

k = 0.0062 s-1 k = 0.0111 s-1

0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800



-2 -2
-4 -4

-6 -6
ln(1-Cp/Cao) = -0.0063t ln(1-Cp/Cao)= -0.0064t
t t
Lab 3 Lab 4

k = 0.0063 s-1 k = 0.0064 s-1

(c) Disregarding the value of k that is very different from the other three, k is estimated with
the average of the calculated k’s. k = 0.0063 s-1
(d) Errors in measurement of concentration, poor temperature control, errors in time
measurements, delays in taking the samples, impure reactants, impurities acting as
catalysts, inadequate mixing, poor sample handling, clerical errors in the reports, dirty


∑by g ∑ 2b y g
n n n n n
2.43 yi = axi ⇒ φ (a ) = ∑ ∑y x ∑x
di2 = i − axi ⇒ =0= i − axi xi ⇒ i i −a 2
i =0
i =1 i =1 da i =1 i =1 i =1
n n
⇒a= ∑i =1
yi xi / ∑x
i =1

2.44 DIMENSION X(100), Y(100)

READ (5, 1) N
READ (5, 2) (X(J), Y(J), J = 1, N
2FORMAT (8F 10.2)
SX = 0.0
SY = 0.0
SXX = 0.0
SXY = 0.0
DO 100J = 1, N
SX = SX + X(J)
SY = SY + Y(J)
SXX = SXX + X(J) ** 2
100SXY = SXY + X(J) * Y(J)
AN = N
A = (SXY - SX * SY)/(SXX - SX ** 2)
B = SY - A * SX
WRITE (6, 3)
3FORMAT (1H1, 20X 'PROBLEM 2-39'/)
WRITE (6, 4) A, B
4FORMAT (1H0, 'SLOPEb -- bAb =', F6.3, 3X 'INTERCEPTb -- b8b =', F7.3/)
SSQ = 0.0
DO 200J = 1, N
YC = A * X(J) + B
RES = Y(J) - YC
WRITE (6, 5) X(J), Y(J), YC, RES
5FORMAT (3X 'Xb =', F5.2, 5X /Yb =', F7.2, 5X 'Y(FITTED)b =', F7.2, 5X
* 'RESIDUALb =', F6.3)
200SSQ = SSQ + RES ** 2
WRITE (6, 6) SSQ
1.0 2.35 1.5 5.53 2.0 8.92 2.5 12.15
3.0 15.38
SOLUTION: a = 6.536, b = −4.206

2.45 (a) E(cal/mol), D0 (cm2/s)
(b) ln D vs. 1/T, Slope=-E/R, intercept=ln D0.
(c) Intercept = ln D0 = -3.0151 ⇒ D0 = 0.05 cm2 / s .
Slope = − E / R = -3666 K ⇒ E = (3666 K)(1.987 cal / mol ⋅ K) = 7284 cal / mol











ln D

ln D = -3666(1/T) - 3.0151 1/T

(d) Spreadsheet

T D 1/T lnD (1/T)*(lnD) (1/T)**2

347 1.34E-06 2.88E-03 -13.5 -0.03897 8.31E-06
374.2 2.50E-06 2.67E-03 -12.9 -0.03447 7.14E-06
396.2 4.55E-06 2.52E-03 -12.3 -0.03105 6.37E-06
420.7 8.52E-06 2.38E-03 -11.7 -0.02775 5.65E-06
447.7 1.41E-05 2.23E-03 -11.2 -0.02495 4.99E-06
471.2 2.00E-05 2.12E-03 -10.8 -0.02296 4.50E-06

Sx 2.47E-03
Sy -12.1
Syx -3.00E-02
Sxx 6.16E-06
-E/R -3666
ln D0 -3.0151

D0 7284

E 0.05


16 × 6 × 2 m3 1000 kg
3.1 (a) m =
m 3 b
≈ 2 × 10 5 2 103 ≈ 2 × 105 kg gb gb gd i
8 oz 1 qt 106 cm3 1g 4 × 106
(b) m = ≈ ≈ 1 × 102 g / s
2s 32 oz 1056.68 qt cm 3
b3 × 10gd10 i

(c) Weight of a boxer ≈ 220 lb m

12 × 220 lb m 1 stone
Wmax ≥ ≈ 220 stones
14 lb m

(d) dictionary
πD 2 L 314
. 4.5 ft 2 2
800 miles 5880 ft 7.4805 gal 1 barrel
V= =
4 4 1 mile 1 ft 3 42 gal

d i d
3 × 4 × 5 × 8 × 10 2 × 5 × 10 3 × 7 i ≈ 1 × 10 7 barrels
4 × 4 × 10

6 ft × 1 ft × 0.5 ft 28,317 cm3

(e) (i) V ≈ 3
≈ 3 × 3 × 104 ≈ 1 × 105 cm3
1 ft
150 lb m 1 ft 3 28,317 cm3 150 × 3 × 104
(ii) V ≈ ≈ ≈ 1 × 105 cm3
62.4 lb m 1 ft 3 60
(f) SG ≈ 105

995 kg 1 lb m 0.028317 m3
3.2 (a) (i) 3 3
= 62.12 lb m / ft 3
m 0.45359 kg 1 ft

995 kg / m3 62.43 lb m / ft 3
(ii) = 62.12 lb m / ft 3
1000 kg / m3

(b) ρ = ρ H2 O × SG = 62.43 lb m / ft 3 × 5.7 = 360 lb m / ft 3

50 L 0.70 × 103 kg 1 m3
3.3 (a) = 35 kg
m3 103 L

1150 kg m3 1000 L 1 min

(b) = 27 L s
min 0.7 × 1000 kg 1 m3 60 s

10 gal 1 ft 3 0.70 × 62.43 lb m

(c) ≅ 29 lb m / min
2 min 7.481 gal 1 ft 3

3.3 (cont’d)

(d) Assuming that 1 cm3 kerosene was mixed with Vg (cm3 ) gasoline

d i d
Vg cm3gasoline ⇒ 0.70Vg g gasoline i
1dcm kerosenei ⇒ 0.82dg kerosenei

SG =
d0.70V + 0.82idg blendi = 0.78 ⇒ V
0.82 − 0.78
= 0.5 0 cm

V + 1dcm blend i 0.78 − 0.70

3 g

Vgasoline 0.50 cm3

Volumetric ratio = = 3 = 0.50 cm gasoline / cm kerosene
3 3
Vkerosene 1 cm

50.0 kg L 5 Fr $1
3.4 In France: = $68.42
0.7 × 10
. kg 1L 5.22 Fr
50.0 kg L 1 gal $1.20
In U.S.: = $22.64
0.70 × 10
. kg 3.7854 L 1 gal

VB ( ft 3 / h ), m B ( lb m / h )
V ( ft 3 / h), SG = 0.850

VH ( ft 3 / h ), m H ( lb m / h ) 700 lb m / h

700 lb m ft 3
(a) V = = 1319
. ft 3 / h
h 0.850 × 62.43 lb m

V ft
m B = B
d i
0.879 × 62.43 lb m  kg / h
= 54.88V b g
h bg ft 3

d hb
m = V 0.659 × 62.43 = 4114
H H . V kg / hg H b g
VB + VH = 1319
. ft 3 / h
m B + m H = 54.88VB + 4114
. VH = 700 lb m
⇒ V = 114 B . ft 3 / h ⇒ m = 628 lb / h benzene
B m

VH = 1.74 ft 3 / h ⇒ m H = 71.6 lb m / h hexane

(b) – No buildup of mass in unit.

– ρ B and ρ H at inlet stream conditions are equal to their tabulated values (which are
strictly valid at 20 C and 1 atm.)
– Volumes of benzene and hexane are additive.
– Densitometer gives correct reading.

195.5 kg H 2SO 4 1 kg solution L
3.6 (a) V = = 445 L
0.35kg H 2SO 4 12563
. × 1000
. kg
195.5 kg H 2 SO 4 L
Videal =
. × 1.00 kg
195.5 kg H 2 SO 4 0.65 kg H 2 O L
+ = 470 L
0.35 kg H 2 SO 4 1.000 kg
470 − 445
% error = × 100% = 5.6%

3.7 b gE
Buoyant force up = Weight of block down b g
Mass of oil displaced + Mass of water displaced = Mass of block
b g b
ρ oil 0.542 V + ρ H O 1 − 0.542 V = ρ c V
From Table B.1: ρ c = 2.26 g / cm3 , ρ w = 100
. g / cm3 ⇒ ρ oil = 3.325 g / cm3
moil = ρ oil × V = 3.325 g / cm3 × 35.3 cm3 = 117.4 g
moil + flask = 117.4 g + 124.8 g = 242 g

3.8 b g
Buoyant force up = Weight of block down b g
⇒ Wdisplaced liquid = Wblock ⇒ ( ρVg ) disp. Liq = ( ρVg ) block

Expt. 1: ρ w 15 b g
. A g = ρB 2A g ⇒ ρB = ρw × b g 15

ρ w =1.00 g/cm3
ρ B = 0.75 g / cm3 ⇒ SG b g B
= 0.75

bg b g
Expt. 2: ρ soln A g = ρ B 2 A g ⇒ ρ soln = 2 ρ B = 15
. g / cm3 ⇒ SG b g soln
= 15

Let ρ w = density of water. Note: ρ A > ρ w (object sinks)

WA + WB hs 1 Volume displaced: Vd 1 = Ab hsi = Ab hp1 − hb1 d i (1)

Archimedes ⇒ ρ wVd 1 g = WA + WB
weight of displaced water
Before object is jettisoned Subst. (1) for Vd 1 , solve for h p1 − hb1 d i
h p1 − hb1 = (2)
pw gAb
bi g
Volume of pond water: Vw = Ap h p1 − Vd 1 ⇒Vw = Ap h p1 − Ab h p1 − hb1 d i
subst. 2 bg WA + WB V W + WB
Vw = Ap h p1 − ⇒ h p1 = w + A (3)
for b p 1 − hb 1 pw g Ap pw gAp
subst. 3 for h p 1 in
hb1 =
+ A
W + WB g LM 1 −
1 OP (4)
b 2 g, solve for h b1
Ap pw g MN A p Ab PQ
3.9 (cont’d)
hs 2 WA
WB Let V A = volume of jettisoned object = (5)
ρ Ag
h b2
Volume displaced by boat: Vd 2 = Ab h p 2 − hb 2 d i (6)
Archimedes ⇒ ρ WVd 2 g = WB
After object is jettisoned
Subst. for Vd 2 , solve for dh p2 − hb 2 i
h p 2 − hb 2 = (7)
pw gAb
b5g, b6g & b7 g WB W
Volume of pond water: Vw = Ap h p 2 − Vd 2 − V A Vw = Ap h p 2 − − A
pw g p A g
solve for Vw WB WA
⇒ hp 2 = + + (8)
hp 2 Ap pw gAp p A gAp
subst. 8 bg Vw WB WA WB
⇒ hb 2 = + + − (9)
for h p 2 in 7 , solve for hb 2 Ap pw gAp p A gAp pw gAb

(a) Change in pond level

( 8 ) − ( 3) W ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ WA ( pW − p A ) ρW < ρ A
hp 2 − hp1 = A
⎢ − ⎥= ⎯⎯⎯⎯ →<0
Ap g ⎣ p A pW ⎦ p A pW gAp

⇒ the pond level falls

(b) Change in boat level

> 0
  L O
b 9 g−b 4 g LM b 5g OP F I MM F F
p A Ap II PP
WA 1 1 1 V
h p 2 − h p1 = − + = A 1+ −1 > 0
Ap g p A Ap pW Ap pW Ab Ap pW Ab
⇒ the boat rises

2.93 kg CaCO 3 0.70 L CaCO 3

3.10 (a) ρ bulk = = 2.05 kg / L
L CaCO 3 L total

2.05 kg 50 L 9.807 m / s2 1N
(b) Wbag = ρ bulkVg = = 100
. × 103 N
L 1 kg ⋅ m / s 2

Neglected the weight of the bag itself and of the air in the filled bag.

(c) The limestone would fall short of filling three bags, because
– the powder would pack tighter than the original particles.
– you could never recover 100% of what you fed to the mill.

122.5 kg 9.807 m / s2 1N
3.11 (a) Wb = mb g = = 1202 N
1 kg ⋅ m / s2
Wb − WI (1202 N - 44.0 N) 1 kg ⋅ m / s2
Vb = = = 119 L
ρwg 0.996 kg / L × 9.807 m / s2 1N
m 122.5 kg
ρb = b = = 103
. kg / L
Vb 119 L

(b) m f + mnf = mb (1)

xf = ⇒ m f = mb x f (2)
(1),(2) ⇒ mnf = mb 1 − x f d i (3)
mf mnf mb
V f + Vnf = Vb ⇒ + =
ρf ρ nf ρb
b2 g,b 3g Fx 1− xf I=m F1 I= 1 − 1 1 / ρ b − 1 / ρ nf
⇒ mb GH ρ f

ρ nf JK ρ b
⇒ xf GH ρ f

ρ nf JK ρ ρ
b nf
⇒ xf =
1 / ρ f − 1 / ρ nf

1 / ρ b − 1 / ρ nf . − 1 / 1.1
1 / 103
(c) x f = = = 0.31
1 / ρ f − 1 / ρ nf 1 / 0.9 − 1 / 1.1

(d) V f + Vnf + Vlungs + Vother = Vb

mf mnf mb
+ + Vlungs + Vother =
ρf ρ nf ρb
m f = mb x f Fx 1− xf I + (V F1− 1I
mnf = mb (1− x f )
mb GH ρ f


ρ nf JK lungs + Vother ) = mb GH ρ ρ JK
b nf

F 1 − 1 I = 1 − 1 − V +V
GH ρ ρ JK ρ ρ
⇒ xf
f m nf b nf


F 1 − 1 I − F V + V I F 1 1 I F 12. + 01. I
GH ρ ρ JK GH m JK GH 1.03 − 11. JK − GH 122.5 JK
b nf


⇒x = = = 0.25
F1− 1I FG 1 − 1 IJ
GH ρ ρ JK H 0.9 11. K f nf

3.12 (a)


Conc. (g Ile/100 g H2O)

3.5 y = 545.5x - 539.03
3 R2 = 0.9992
0.987 0.989 0.991 0.993 0.995 0.997
Density (g/cm3)

. ρ − 539.03
From the plot above, r = 5455

(b) For ρ = 0.9940 g / cm3 , r = 3.197 g Ile / 100g H 2 O

150 L 0.994 g 1000 cm3 3.197 g Ile 1 kg
m Ile = 3
= 4.6 kg Ile / h
h cm L 103.197 g sol 1000 g

(c) The measured solution density is 0.9940 g ILE/cm3 solution at 50oC. For the calculation
of Part (b) to be correct, the density would have to be changed to its equivalent at 47oC.
Presuming that the dependence of solution density on T is the same as that of pure water,
the solution density at 47oC would be higher than 0.9940 g ILE/cm3. The ILE mass flow
rate calculated in Part (b) is therefore too low.

3.13 (a)

Mass Flow Rate (kg/min)

y = 0.0743x + 0.1523
R 2 = 0.9989
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
Rotameter Reading

3.13 (cont’d)
b g
From the plot, R = 5.3 ⇒ m = 0.0743 5.3 + 01523
. = 0.55 kg / min
Rotameter Collection Collected Mass Flow Difference Mean Di
Reading Time Volume Rate Duplicate
(min) (cm3) (kg/min) (Di)
2 1 297 0.297
2 1 301 0.301 0.004
4 1 454 0.454
4 1 448 0.448 0.006
6 0.5 300 0.600
6 0.5 298 0.596 0.004 0.0104
8 0.5 371 0.742
8 0.5 377 0.754 0.012
10 0.5 440 0.880
10 0.5 453 0.906 0.026

Di =
b g
0.004 + 0.006 + 0.004 + 0.012 + 0.026 = 0.0104 kg / min

95% confidence limits: (0.610 ± 174

. Di ) kg / min = 0.610 ± 0.018 kg / min
There is roughly a 95% probability that the true flow rate is between 0.592 kg / min
and 0.628 kg / min .

15.0 kmol C 6 H 6 78.114 kg C 6 H 6

3.14 (a) = 117
. × 103 kg C 6 H 6
kmol C 6 H 6
15.0 kmol C 6 H 6 1000 mol
(b) = 15. × 104 mol C 6 H 6

15,000 mol C 6 H 6 lb - mole

(c) = 33.07 lb - mole C 6 H 6
453.6 mol
15,000 mol C 6 H 6 6 mol C
(d) = 90,000 mol C
1 mol C 6 H 6
15,000 mol C 6 H 6 6 mol H
(e) = 90,000 mol H
1 mol C 6 H 6
90,000 mol C 12.011 g C
(f) = 1.08 × 106 g C
mol C
90,000 mol H 1.008 g H
(g) = 9.07 × 104 g H
mol H

15,000 mol C 6 H 6 6.022 × 1023

(h) = 9.03 × 1027 molecules of C 6 H 6

175 m3 1000 L 0.866 kg 1h
3.15 (a) m = 3
= 2526 kg / min
h m L 60 min

2526 kg 1000 mol 1 min

(b) n = = 457 mol / s
min 92.13 kg 60 s
(c) Assumed density (SG) at T, P of stream is the same as the density at 20oC and 1 atm

200.0 kg mix 0150

. kg CH 3OH kmol CH 3OH 1000 mol
3.16 (a) = 936 mol CH 3OH
kg mix 32.04 kg CH 3OH 1 kmol

100.0 lb - mole MA 74.08 lb m MA 1 lb m mix

(b) m mix = = 8715 lb m / h
h 1 lb - mole MA 0.850 lb m MA

0.25 mol N 2 28.02 g N 2 0.75 mol H 2 2.02 g H 2

3.17 M= + = 8.52 g mol
mol N 2 mol H 2
3000 kg kmol 0.25 kmol N 2 28.02 kg N 2
m N 2 = = 2470 kg N 2 h
h 8.52 kg kmol feed kmol N 2

3.18 M suspension = 565 g − 65 g = 500 g , M CaCO 3 = 215 g − 65 g = 150 g

(a) V = 455 mL min , m = 500 g min

(b) ρ = m / V = 500 g / 455 mL = 110

. g mL
(c) 150 g CaCO 3 / 500 g suspension = 0.300 g CaCO 3 g suspension

3.19 Assume 100 mol mix.

10.0 mol C 2 H 5OH 46.07 g C 2 H 5OH
mC2 H 5OH = = 461 g C 2 H 5OH
mol C 2 H 5OH
75.0 mol C 4 H 8 O 2 88.1 g C 4 H 8 O 2
mC4 H 8O 2 = = 6608 g C 4 H 8 O 2
mol C 4 H 8O 2
15.0 mol CH 3COOH 60.05 g CH 3COOH
mCH 3COOH = = 901 g CH 3COOH
mol CH 3COOH
461 g
xC2 H 5OH = = 0.0578 g C 2 H 5OH / g mix
461 g + 6608 g + 901 g
6608 g
xC 4 H 8 O 2 = = 0.8291 g C 4 H 8 O 2 / g mix
461 g + 6608 g + 901 g
901 g
xCH 3COOH = = 0113
. g CH 3COOH / g mix
461 g + 6608 g + 901 g
461 g + 6608 g + 901 g
MW = = 79.7 g / mol
100 mol
25 kmol EA 100 kmol mix 79.7 kg mix
m= = 2660 kg mix
75 kmol EA 1 kmol mix

3.20 (a)
Unit Function
Crystallizer Form solid gypsum particles from a solution
Filter Separate particles from solution
Dryer Remove water from filter cake

0.35 kg C aSO 4 ⋅ 2 H 2 O
(b) m gypsum = 1 L slurry = 0 .35 kg C aSO 4 ⋅ 2 H 2 O
L slurry
0.35 kg CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2OL CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O
Vgypsum = = 0151
. L CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O
2.32 kg CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O
0.35 kg gypsum 136.15 kg CaSO 4
CaSO 4 in gypsum: m = = 0.277 kg CaSO 4
172.18 kg gypsum

CaSO 4 in soln.: m =
b1− 0151
. g L sol 1.05 kg 0.209 kg CaSO 4
= 0.00186 kg CaSO 4
L 100.209 kg sol

0.35 kg gypsum 0.05 kg sol 0.209 g CaSO 4

(c) m = = 3.84 × 10 -5 kg CaSO 4
0.95 kg gypsum 100.209 g sol
0.277 g + 3.84 × 10 -5 g
% recovery = × 100% = 99.3%
0.277 g + 0.00186 g

45.8 L 0.90 kg kmol
= 0.5496
kmol U|
min L 75 kg min

= 1.2
mol CSA
55.2 L 0.75 kg kmol
= 0.4600
kmol ||
0.4600 mol FB
min L 90 kg min W
She was wrong.
The mixer would come to a grinding halt and the motor would overheat.

150 mol EtOH 46.07 g EtOH

3.22 (a) = 6910 g EtOH
mol EtOH
6910 g EtO H 0.600 g H 2 O
= 10365 g H 2 O
0.400 g EtOH

6910 g EtOH L 10365 g H 2 O L

V = + = 19.123 L ⇒ 19.1 L
789 g EtOH 1000 g H 2 O
(6910 +10365) g L
SG = = 0.903
19.1 L 1000 g

( 6910 + 10365) g mix L

(b) V ′ = = 18.472 L ⇒ 18.5 L
935.18 g
(19.123 − 18.472 ) L
% error = × 100% = 3.5%
18.472 L

0.09 mol CH 4
16.04 g 0.91 mol Air 29.0 g Air
3.23 M = + = 27.83 g mol
mol mol
700 kg kmol 0.090 kmol CH 4
= 2.264 kmol CH 4 h
h 27.83 kg 1.00 kmol mix
2.264 kmol CH 4 0.91 kmol air
= 22.89 kmol air h
h 0.09 kmol CH 4
2.264 kmol CH 4 0.95 kmol air
5% CH 4 ⇒ = 43.01 kmol air h
h 0.05 kmol CH 4

Dilution air required: b43.01 - 22.89g kmol air 1000 mol

= 20200 mol air h
h 1 kmol
20.20 kmol Air 29 kg Air
Product gas: 700 kg + = 1286 kg h
h h kmol Air

43.01 kmol Air 0.21 kmol O2 32.00 kg O2 h kg O2

= 0.225
h 1.00 kmol Air 1 kmol O2 1286 kg total kg

mi m M
3.24 xi = , ρi = i , ρ =
M Vi V
mi mi 1 mi2
A: ∑ xi ρi = ∑ M Vi
∑V ≠ρ Not helpful.
xi mi Vi 1 V 1
B: ∑ρ = ∑M m
∑ Vi = M = ρ Correct.
i i
1 xi 0.60 0.25 0.15
= ∑ = + +
ρ i 0.791 1.049 1.595
= 1.091 ⇒ ρ = 0.917 g / cm 3

R|20 × 80 = 64 mol CO
3.25 (a) Basis: 100 mol N 2 ⇒ 20 mol CH 4 25
|T 20 × 40
= 32 mol CO

N total = 100 + 20 + 64 + 32 = 216 mol

32 64
xCO = = 0.15 m ol C O / m ol , x C O 2 = = 0.30 m ol C O 2 / m ol
216 216
20 100
x CH 4 = = 0.09 mol CH 4 / mol , x N 2 = = 0.46 mol N 2 / mol
216 216

(b) M = ∑ yi M i = 015
. × 28 + 0.30 × 44 + 0.09 × 16 + 0.46 × 28 = 32 g / mol

3.26 (a)
Samples Species MW k Peak Mole Mass moles mass
Area Fraction Fraction
1 CH4 16.04 0.150 3.6 0.156 0.062 0.540 8.662
C2H6 30.07 0.287 2.8 0.233 0.173 0.804 24.164
C3H8 44.09 0.467 2.4 0.324 0.353 1.121 49.416
C4H10 58.12 0.583 1.7 0.287 0.412 0.991 57.603

2 CH4 16.04 0.150 7.8 0.249 0.111 1.170 18.767

C2H6 30.07 0.287 2.4 0.146 0.123 0.689 20.712
C3H8 44.09 0.467 5.6 0.556 0.685 2.615 115.304
C4H10 58.12 0.583 0.4 0.050 0.081 0.233 13.554

3 CH4 16.04 0.150 3.4 0.146 0.064 0.510 8.180

C2H6 30.07 0.287 4.5 0.371 0.304 1.292 38.835
C3H8 44.09 0.467 2.6 0.349 0.419 1.214 53.534
C4H10 58.12 0.583 0.8 0.134 0.212 0.466 27.107

4 CH4 16.04 0.150 4.8 0.333 0.173 0.720 11.549

C2H6 30.07 0.287 2.5 0.332 0.324 0.718 21.575
C3H8 44.09 0.467 1.3 0.281 0.401 0.607 26.767
C4H10 58.12 0.583 0.2 0.054 0.102 0.117 6.777

5 CH4 16.04 0.150 6.4 0.141 0.059 0.960 15.398

C2H6 30.07 0.287 7.9 0.333 0.262 2.267 68.178
C3H8 44.09 0.467 4.8 0.329 0.380 2.242 98.832
C4H10 58.12 0.583 2.3 0.197 0.299 1.341 77.933

(b) REAL A(10), MW(10), K(10), MOL(10), MASS(10), MOLT, MASST

READ (5, *) N
READ (5, *) (MW(J), K(J), J = 1, N)
READ (5, *) ND
DO 20 ID = 1 , ND
READ (5, *)(A(J), J = 1, N)
MOLT = 0. 0
MASST = 0. 0
DO 10 J = 1, N
MOL(J) =
MASS(J) = MOL(J) * MW(J)
DO 15 J = 1, N
WRITE (6, 1) ID, (J, MOL(J), MASS (J), J = 1, N)
1 FORMAT (' SAMPLE: `, I3, /,

3.26 (cont’d)

∗ 10(3X, I3, 2(5X, F5.3), /), /)


16. 04 0. 150
30. 07 0. 287
44 . 09 0. 467
58. 12 0. 583
3. 6 2. 8 2. 4 1. 7
7 . 8 2. 4 5. 6 0. 4
3. 4 4 . 5 2. 6 0. 8
4 . 8 2. 5 1. 3 0. 2
6 . 4 7. 9 4 . 8 2. 3
1 0.156 0.062
2 0.233 0.173
3 0.324 0.353
4 0.287 0.412

(8.7 × 10 6 × 0.40) kg C 44 kg CO 2
3.27 (a) = 1.28 × 10 7 kg CO 2 ⇒ 2.9 × 105 kmol CO 2
12 kg C
. × 10 6 × 0.26) kg C 28 kg CO
= 6.67 × 10 5 kg CO ⇒ 2.38 × 10 4 kmol CO
12 kg C
( 3.8 × 10 5 × 0.10) kg C 16 kg CH 4
= 5.07 × 10 4 kg CH 4 ⇒ 3.17 × 10 3 kmol CH 4
12 kg C
(1.28 × 10 7 + 6.67 × 10 5 + 5.07 × 10 4 ) kg 1 metric ton metric tons
m= = 13,500
1000 kg yr
M = ∑y i M i = 0.915 × 44 + 0.075 × 28 + 0.01 × 16 = 42.5 g / mol

3.28 (a) Basis: 1 liter of solution

1000 mL 1.03 g 5 g H 2 SO 4 mol H 2 SO 4

= 0.525 mol / L ⇒ 0.525 molar solution
mL 100 g 98.08 g H 2 SO 4

3.28 (cont’d)
55 gal 3.7854 L min 60 s
(b) t = V = = 144 s
V gal 87 L min
55 gal 3.7854 L 10 3 mL 1.03 g 0.0500 g H 2 SO 4 1 lbm
= 23.6 lb m H 2 SO 4
gal 1L mL g 453.59 g

V 87 L m 3 1 min
(c) u = = = 0.513 m / s
A min 1000 L 60 s (π × 0.06 2 / 4 ) m 2
L 45 m
t= = = 88 s
u 0.513 m / s

3.29 (a)

n1 (mol/min) n2 (mol/min)

0.180 mol C6H14/mol 0.050 mol C6H14/mol
0.820 mol N2/mol 0.950 mol N2/mol

1.50 L C6H14(l)/min
n 3 (mol C6H14(l)/min)

. L 0.659 kg 1000 mol

n3 = = 1147
. mol / min
min L 86.17 kg

Hexane balance: 0.180n1 = 0050

. n2 + 1147 UV
. (mol C6 H14 / min) solve n1 = 838

. mol / min
Nitrogen balance: 0.820n1 = 0950
. n2 (mol N2 / min) W |T
n2 = 72.3 mol / min

n3 1147
(b) Hexane recovery = × 100% = × 100% = 76%
n1 0180
. 838 . b g
30 mL 1L 0.030 mol 172 g
3.30 = 0155
. g Nauseum
103 mL lL 1 mol

3.31 (a) kt is dimensionless ⇒ k (min -1 )
(b) A semilog plot of CA vs. t is a straight line ⇒ ln CA = ln CAO − kt

1 y = -0.4137x + 0.2512
-1 R2 = 0.9996
ln(CA) -2
0.0 5.0 10.0
t (m in)

k = 0.414 min −1
ln CAO = 02512
. ⇒ CAO = 1286
. lb - moles ft 3

FG 1b - molesIJ = C′ mol 28.317 liter 2.26462 lb - moles

(c) C A
H ft K liter 1 ft
3 A 3
1000 mol
= 0.06243C A′

t ′bsg 1 min
t bming = = t ′ 60
60 s
C A = C A 0 exp(− kt )

b g b g b g
drop primes
0.06243C A′ = 1334
. exp −0.419t ′ 60 ⇒ C A mol / L = 214
. exp −0.00693t
t = 200 s ⇒ C A = 5.30 mol / L

2600 mm Hg 14.696 psi

3.32 (a) = 50.3 psi
760 mm Hg

275 ft H 2 O 101.325 kPa

(b) = 822.0 kPa
33.9 ft H 2 O

3.00 atm 101325

. × 105 N m2 12 m2
(c) 2 2
= 30.4 N cm2
1 atm 100 cm

280 cm Hg 10 mm 101325
. × 106 dynes cm2 1002 cm2 dynes
(d) = 3.733 × 1010
1 cm 760 mm Hg 2
1 m 2

20 cm Hg 10 mm 1 atm
(e) 1 atm − = 0.737 atm
1 cm 760 mm Hg

3.32 (cont’d)

25.0 psig 760 mm Hg gauge b g = 1293 mm Hg bgaugeg
14.696 psig

b25.0 + 14.696gpsi 760 mm Hg
= 2053 mm Hg abs b g
14.696 psi

(h) 325 mm Hg − 760 mm Hg = −435 mm Hg gauge b g

P 35.0 lbf 144 in
ft 3 s2 32.174 lbm ⋅ ft 100 cm
Eq. (3.4-2) ⇒ h = =
(i) ρg in2 1 ft 2 1.595x62.43 lbm 32.174 ft s ⋅ lbf
3.2808 ft
= 1540 cm CCl4

0.92 × 1000 kg 9.81 m / s2 h (m) 1N 1 kPa

3.33 (a) Pg = ρgh =
m3 1 kg ⋅ m / s 103 N / m2

⇒ h (m) = 0111
. Pg (kPa)

Pg = 68 kPa ⇒ h = 0111
. × 68 = 7.55 m
moil = ρV = 0.92 × 1000
kg IJ FG
16 2 3 IJ
H m3
× 7.55
× ×
m = 14
. × 10 6 kg
(b) Pg + Patm = Ptop + ρgh

b g b g
68 + 101 = 115 + 0.92 × 1000 × 9.81 / 103 h ⇒ h = 5.98 m

3.34 (a) Weight of block = Sum of weights of displaced liquids

ρ h + ρ 2 h2
(h1 + h2 ) Aρ b g = h1 Aρ 1 g + h2 Aρ 2 g ⇒ ρ b = 1 1
h1 + h2
Ptop = Patm + ρ1gh0 , Pbottom = Patm + ρ1g(h0 + h1) + ρ2 gh2 , Wb = ρb (h1 + h2 ) A
⇒Fdown = ( Patm + ρ1gh0 ) A + ρb (h1 + h2 ) A , Fup = [ Patm + ρ1g(h0 + h1) + ρ2 gh2 ]A
Fdown = Fup ⇒ ρb (h1 + h2 ) A = ρ1gh1 A + ρ2 gh2 A ⇒ Wblock = Wliquid displaced

3.35 b g
Δ P = Patm + ρgh − Pinside

= 1 atm − 1 atm +
. g1000 kg 9.8066 m 150 m 12 m2 1N
m3 s2 1002 cm2 1 kg ⋅ m / s2

154 N 65 cm2
= × ×
. FG
lb f
= 2250 lb f
. 10 N
cm2 1N

. × 62.43 lb m
14 1 ft 3 2.3 × 106 gal
3.36 m = ρV = 3
= 2.69 × 107 lb m
ft 7.481 gal
P = P0 + ρgh
. × 62.43 lb m 32.174 ft 30 ft
lb f 14 1 lb f 12 ft 2
= 14.7 2 +
in ft 3 s2 32.174 lb m ⋅ ft / s2 12 2 in 2
= 32.9 psi

— Structural flaw in the tank.

— Tank strength inadequate for that much force.
— Molasses corroded tank wall

π × 24 2 × 3 in 3 1 ft 3 8.0 × 62.43 lb m
3.37 (a) mhead = 3 3
= 392 lb m
4 12 in ft 3
392 lb m 32.174 ft / s 2 1 lb f
W = mhead g = = 392 lb f
32.174 lb m ⋅ ft / s 2
⎡⎣( 30 + 14.7 ) ⎤⎦ lb f π × 202 in 2
Fnet = Fgas − Fatm − W =
in 2 4
14.7 lbf π × 242 in 2
− 2 − 392 lb f = 7.00 × 103 lbf
in 4

The head would blow off.

F 7.000 × 10 lbf 3
32.174 lb m ⋅ ft/s 2
Initial acceleration: a = net = = 576 ft/s 2
mhead 392 lb m 1 lb f

(b) Vent the reactor through a valve to the outside or a hood before removing the head.

3.38 (a)
Pa = ρgh + Patm , Pb = Patm
If the inside pressure on the door equaled Pa , the force on
the door would be F = Adoor ( Pa − Pb ) = ρghAdoor
a Since the pressure at every point on the door is greater than
2m b
Pa , Since the pressure at every point on the door is greater
than Pa , F >ρghAdoor

(b) Assume an average bathtub 5 ft long, 2.5 ft wide, and 2 ft high takes about 10 min to
V 5 × 25
. × 2 ft 3
Vtub = ≈ . ft 3 / min ⇒ V = 5 × 25
= 25 . = 125
. ft 3 / min
t 10 min

(i) For a full room, h = 7 m

1000 kg 9.81 m 1N 7 m 2 m2
⇒F > ⇒ F > 1.4 ×105 N
m 3
1 kg ⋅ m/s

The door will break before the room fills

(ii) If the door holds, it will take

t fill = room =
5 × 15 × 10 m3 g 35.3145 ft 3 1h
= 31 h
V 12.5 ft 3 / min 1 m3 60 min
He will not have enough time.

3.39 (a) Pgd i tap

25 m H 2 O 101.3 kPa
10.33 m H 2 O
= 245 kPa

dP i g =
b g
25 + 5 m H 2 O 101.3 kPa
= 294 kPa
junction 10.33 m H 2 O

(b) Air in the line. (lowers average density of the water.)

(c) The line could be clogged, or there could be a leak between the junction and the tap.

3.40 Pabs = 800 mm Hg

Pgauge = 25 mm Hg
Patm = 800 − 25 = 775 mm Hg

b g
3.41 (a) P1 + ρ A g h1 + h2 = P2 + ρ B gh1 + ρ C gh2
b g
⇒ P1 − P2 = ρ B − ρ A gh1 + ρ C − ρ A gh2b g
(b) P1 = 121 kPa +
LMb10. − 0.792g g 981 cm 30.0 cm + b137 . − 0.792g g 981 cm 24.0 cmOP
N cm s 3 2
cm 3
s2 Q
F 1 dyne I F
I = 123.0 kPa
H 1 g ⋅ cm / s K H 1.01325 × 10 dynes / cm JK
J G 101325
. kPa
2 6 2

3.42 (a) Say ρt (g/cm3) = density of toluene, ρm (g/cm3) = density of manometer fluid

500 − h
ρ t g (500 − h + R ) = ρ m gR ⇒ R =
(i) Hg: ρ t = 0.866, ρ m = 13.6, h = 150 cm ⇒ R = 238
. cm
(ii) H 2 O: ρ t = 0.866, ρ m = 100
. , h = 150 cm ⇒ R = 2260 cm
Use mercury, because the water manometer would have to be too tall.
(b) If the manometer were simply filled with toluene, the level in the glass tube would be at
the level in the tank.
Advantages of using mercury: smaller manometer; less evaporation.
(c) The nitrogen blanket is used to avoid contact between toluene and atmospheric oxygen,
minimizing the risk of combustion.

3.43 gb
Patm = ρ f g 7.23 m ⇒ ρ f =
7.23 g

F P − ρ gIJ b26 cmg

P − P = d ρ − ρ i gb26 cmg = G
H 7.23 m K
a b f w w

F756 mmHg 1 m −1000 kg 9.81 m/s 2

Ib g
= GH 7.23 m 100 cm m 3
1N 760 mmHg 1m
1 kg⋅ m/s2 1.01325×105 N m2 100 cm
26 cm

⇒ Pa − Pb = 81
. mm Hg

. psi 760 mm Hg
3.44 (a) Δh = 900 − hl = = 388 mm Hg ⇒ hl = 900 − 388=512 mm
14.696 psi

338 mm Hg 14.696 psi

(b) Δh = 388 − 25 × 2 = 338 mm ⇒ Pg = = 6.54 psig
760 mm Hg

3.45 (a) h = L sin θ
b g b g
(b) h = 8.7 cm sin 15° = 2.3 cm H 2 O = 23 mm H 2 O

3.46 (a) P = Patm − Poil − PHg

920 kg 9.81 m / s2 0.10 m 1N 760 mm Hg
= 765 − 365 −
m3 1 kg ⋅ m / s 1.01325 × 105 N / m2

= 393 mm Hg

(b) — Nonreactive with the vapor in the apparatus.

— Lighter than and immiscible with mercury.
— Low rate of evaporation (low volatility).

3.47 (a) Let ρ f = manometer fluid density 110 c h

. g cm 3 , ρ ac = acetone density
c0.791 g cm h 3

Differential manometer formula: ΔP = ρ f − ρ ac gh d i

ΔP mm Hg = g b110 . gg 981 cm h (mm) 1 cm
. − 0791
cm s 3
1 dyne
10 mm 1 g⋅ cm/ s
2 2
760 mm Hg
1.01325×106 dyne/ cm2
= 0.02274 hb mmg

V b mL sg 62 87 107 123 138 151

hb mmg 5 10 15 20 25 30
ΔPb mm Hgg 0.114 0.227 0.341 0.455 0.568 0.682

b g
(b) lnV = n ln ΔP + ln K

5.5 y = 0.4979x + 5.2068



-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
ln( P)

From the plot above, ln V = 04979

. ln ΔP + 52068
. b g
ml s
⇒ n = 04979
. ≈ 05
. , ln K = 5.2068 ⇒ K = 183
mm Hg b g 0.5

3.47 (cont’d)

b gb g
(c) h = 23 ⇒ ΔP = 0.02274 23 = 0.523 mm Hg ⇒ V = 183 0.523 b g 0.5
= 132 mL s
132 mL 0.791 g 104 g 1 mol
= 104 g s = 180
. mol s
s mL s 58.08 g

3.48 (a) T = 85° F + 4597

. = 544° R / 18
. = 303 K − 273 = 30°C

(b) T = −10° C + 273 = 263 K × 18

. = 474° R − 460 = 14° F

85° C 10
. °K 85° C 18
. °F 85° C 1.8° R
(c) ΔT = = 85° K; = 153° F; = 153° R
. °C
10 1° C . °C

150° R 1° F 150° R 1.0D K 150° R 1.0° C

(d) = 150° F; = 83.3° K; = 83.3° C
1° R 1.8° R 1.8° R

3.49 (a) T = 0.0940 × 1000D FB + 4.00 = 98.0D C ⇒ T = 98.0 × 1.8 + 32 = 208D F

(b) ΔT (D C) = 0.0940ΔT (D FB) = 0.94D C ⇒ ΔT (K) = 0.94 K

0.94D C 1.8D F
ΔT (D F) = . D F ⇒ ΔT (D R) = 169
= 169 . DR
1.0 C

(c) T1 = 15D C ⇒ 100D L ; T2 = 43 C ⇒1000 L
T (D C) = aT (D L) + b

b43 − 15gD C = 0.0311FG D C IJ ; . DC
b = 15 − 0.0311 × 100 = 119
b1000 - 100gD L H D LK
T (D C) = 0.0311T (D L) + 11.9 and

T (D L) =
⎡0.0940T (o FB)+4.00-11.9 ⎤⎦ = 3.023T (o FB)-254
0.0311 ⎣

(d) Tbp = −88.6D C ⇒ 184.6 K ⇒ 332.3D R ⇒ -127.4D F ⇒ −9851

. D FB ⇒ −3232 D L

(e) ΔT = 50.0D L ⇒ 1.56D C ⇒ 16.6D FB ⇒ 156

. K ⇒ 2.8D F ⇒ 2.8D R

3.50 bT g = 100° C bT g
b H 2O m AgCl = 455° C
(a) V b mVg = aT b° Cg + b
5.27 = 100a + b a = 0.05524 mV ° C

24.88 = 455a + b b = −0.2539 mV
b g
V mV = 0.05524T ° C − 0.2539 b g

b g
T ° C = 1810
. V mV + 4.596 b g
. mV→136
(b) 100 . mV ⇒1856
. °C →2508
. °C ⇒ =
b . − 1856
dT 2508 g
. °C
= 326
. °C / s
dt 20 s

3.51 (a) ln T = ln K + n ln R T = KR n

ln 250.0 110.0 g = 1184
ln 40.0 20.0 g .

ln K = ln 1100
. − 1184 . ) = 1154
. (ln200 . ⇒ K = 3169
. ⇒T = 3169
. R1184

F 320 IJ
(b) R = G

H 3169
. K
= 49.3

(c) Extrapolation error, thermocouple reading wrong.

3.52 (a) PV = 0.08206nT

Pbatmg =
b g P′ psig + 14696
bg d i
, V L = V ′ ft ×
. ft 3
14696 L
T ′(D F) − 32
b g b
n mol = n ′ lb - moles × g 453.59 mol
lb − moles
, T(D K) =
+ 27315

b P′ + 14.696g × V ′ × 28317 = 0.08206 × n ′ ×
453.59 L (T ′ − 32)
. P
+ 27315
1 N 1.8 Q
0.08206 × 14.696 × 453.59
⇒ P ′ + 14.696 × V ′ = g 28.317 × 18.
× n ′ × T ′ + 459.7 g
b g
⇒ P′ + 14.696 V ′ = 1073
. n′ T ′ + 459.7 b g

3.52 (cont’d)

′ =
b500 + 14.696g × 35. = 0.308 lb - mole
10.73 × b85 + 459.7g
(b) ntot

. lb - mole 0.30 lb - mole CO 28 lb m CO

mCO = = 2.6 lbm CO
lb - mole lb - mole CO

(c) T ′ =
b3000 + 14.696g × 35. − 459.7 = 2733D F
10.73 × 0.308

b g b
3.53 (a) T ° C = a × r ohms + b g
0 = 23624
. a +b UV ⇒ a = 10634
b g
⇒ T ° C = 10634 b g
. r ohms − 25122
. a + bW
100 = 33028 b = −25122

FG kmol IJ = n ′ (kmol) 1 min = n ′

(b) n
H s K min 60 s 60
P′bmm Hgg P′
Pbatmg = bg b g
1 atm
= , T K = T ′ ° C + 27316
760 mm Hg 760
m3 F I m3 1 min V ′


=V ′ =
min 60 s 60

n ′ 12186
. P′ V ′
⇒ n ′ =
0016034 b g d
P′ mm Hg V ′ m3 min i
60 760 T ′ + 27316
. 60 b g
T ′ ° C + 27316

(c) T = 10.634r − 25122


r1 = 26159
. ⇒ T1 = 26.95° C
⇒ r2 = 26157
. ⇒ T2 = 26.93° C
r3 = 44.789 ⇒ T3 = 2251
. °C

P (mm Hg) = h + Patm = h + (29.76 in Hg)

FG 760 mm Hg IJ = h + 755.9
H 29.92 in Hg K
h1 = 232 mm ⇒ P1 = 987.9 mm Hg

⇒ h2 = 156 mm ⇒ P2 = 9119
. mm Hg
h3 = 74 mm ⇒ P3 = 829.9 mm Hg

3.53 (cont’d)

(d) n1 =
b0.016034gb987.9gb947 60g = 0.8331 kmol CH min
26.95 + 27316
n2 =
b0.016034gb9119. gb195g = 9.501 kmol air min
26.93 + 27316
n3 = n1 + n2 = 10.33 kmol min

(e) V3 =
n3 T2 + 27316
. g b
gb. + 27316
10.33 2251 . g
= 387 m3 min
0.016034 P3 b gb
0.016034 829.9 g
0.8331 kmol CH 4 16.04 kg CH 4 kg CH 4
(f) = 13.36
min kmol min
0.21× 9.501 kmol O2 32.0 kg O2 0.79 × 9.501 kmol N2 28.0 kg N2 kg air
+ = 274
min kmol O2 min kmol N2 min
13.36 kg CH 4 min
xCH4 = = 0.0465 kg CH 4 kg
(13.36 + 274) kg / min


REAL TIME (100), CA (100), TK (100), X (100), Y(100)
b g
READ 5, ∗ MW, NT
DO 10 IT=1, NT
b g
READ 5, ∗ TC, N
TK(IT) = TC + 273.15
b g
READ 5, ∗ (TIME (J), CA (J), J = 1 , N)
DO 1 J=1, N
bg bg
CA J = CA J / MW
XbJg = TIMEbJg
YbJg = 1./CAbJg
b g
WRITE (E, 2) TK (IT), (TIME (J), CA (J), J = 1 , N)
WRITE (6, 3) K (IT)
DO 4 J=1, NT
bg bg
X J = 1./TK J
YbJg = LOGcKbJgh

3.54 (cont’d)

E = −8.314 = SLOPE
WRITE (6, 5) KO, E
2 FORMAT (' TEMPERATURE (K): ', F6.2, /
* ' TIME CA', /,
* ' (MIN) (MOLES)', /
* 100 (IX, F5.2, 3X, F7.4, /))
3 FORMAT (' K (L/MOL – MIN): ', F5.3, //)
5 FORMAT (/, ' KO (L/MOL – MIN) : ', E 12.4, /, ' E (J/MOL): ', E 12.4)
DO 10 J=1,N
SX = SX + X(J)
SY = SY + Y(J)
SXX = SXX + X(J)**2
SXY = SXY + X(J)*Y(J)
AN = N
SLOPE = (SXY – SX*SY)/(SXX – SX**2)

65.0 4 TEMPERATURE (K): 367.15
94.0 6 TIME CA
10.0 8.1 (MIN) (MOLS/L)
20.0 4.3 10.00 0.1246
30.0 3.0 20.00 0.0662
40.0 2.2 30.00 0.0462
50.0 1.8 40.00 0.0338

3.54 (cont’d)

60.0 1.5 50.00 0.0277

60.00 0.0231

b g
K L / MOL ⋅ MIN : 0.707 bat 94°Cg
110. 6
10.0 3.5
20.0 1.8 TEMPERATURE (K): 383.15
30.0 1.2 #
40.0 0.92 b g
K L / MOL ⋅ MIN : 1.758
50.0 0.73
60.0 0.61 #

127. 6
# b g
K0 L / MOL − MIN : 0.2329E + 10
# ETC E bJ / MOLg: 0.6690E + 05

4.1 a. Continuous, Transient

b. Input – Output = Accumulation

No reactions ⇒ Generation = 0, Consumption = 0

kg kg dn dn kg
6.00 − 3.00 = ⇒ = 3.00
s s dt dt s

c. . m3 1000 kg 1 s
t= = 333 s
1 m3 3.00 kg

4.2 a. Continuous, Steady State

b. k = 0 ⇒ C A = C A0 k = ∞ ⇒ CA = 0

c. Input – Output – Consumption = 0

Steady state ⇒ Accumulation = 0
A is a reactant ⇒ Generation = 0

m3 mol 3
 m C mol + kVC mol ⇒ C = C A 0 FG IJ
= V
kV H K

4.3 a. m b
 v kg / h g
100 kg / h 0.850 kg B / kg
0.550 kg B / kg Input – Output = 0
0.150 kg T / kg
Steady state ⇒ Accumulation = 0
0.450 kg T / kg
 l kg / h
m g No reaction ⇒ Generation = 0, Consumption = 0
0.106 kg B / kg
0.894 kg T / kg
(1) Total Mass Balance: 100.0 kg / h = m
v + m
(2) Benzene Balance: 0.550 × 100.0 kg B / h = 0.850m
 v + 0106
. m l
 v = 59.7 kg h, m l = 40.3 kg h
Solve (1) & (2) simultaneously ⇒ m

b. The flow chart is identical to that of (a), except that mass flow rates (kg/h) are replaced by
masses (kg). The balance equations are also identical (initial input = final output).

c. Possible explanations ⇒ a chemical reaction is taking place, the process is not at steady state,
the feed composition is incorrect, the flow rates are not what they are supposed to be, other
species are in the feed stream, measurement errors.

4- 1
4.4 b. n (mol) b
0.500 n mol N 2 28 g N 2 1 kg g
= 0.014 n kg N 2 b g
0.500 mol N 2 mol mol N 2 1000 g
0.500 mol CH 4 mol
c. 100.0 g / s
n E =
b g
100 x E g C 2 H 6 1 lb m lb - mole C2 H 6 3600 s
b g
x E g C2 H 6 g s . g 30 lb m C2 H 6
453593 h
xP bg C H gg
3 8 b
= 26.45x E lb - mole C 2 H 6 / h g
xB bg C H gg
4 10

d. b
n1 lb - mole H 2 O sg nO2 = 0.21n2 ( lb-mole O 2 / s )
R|n blb - mole DA sg
2 U| n1 ⎛ lb-mole H 2 O ⎞
S| 0.21 lb - moleO lb - mole DA V|
xH2O =
n1 + n2 ⎜⎝ lb-mole ⎟⎠
T 0.79 lb - mole N lb - mole DAW
0.21n2 ⎛ lb-mole O 2 ⎞
xO2 =
n1 + n2 ⎜⎝ lb-mole ⎟⎠
e. n ( mol )
nN2O4 = n ⎡⎣0.600 − yNO2 ⎤⎦ ( mol N 2 O4 )
0.400 mol NO mol
yNO2 ( mol NO 2 mol )
0.600 − yNO2 ( mol N 2 O 4 mol )

4.5 a. Basis: 1000 lbm C3H8 / h fresh feed

(Could also take 1 h operation as basis -
flow chart would be as below except
that all / h would be deleted.) b
n 6 lb m / h g
0.02 lb m C3H8 / lb m
1000 lb m C3H 8 / h b
n 7 lb m / h g 0.98 lb m C3H 6 / lb m
0.97 lb m C3H8 / lb m
0.03 lb m C3H 6 / lb m


n1 lb m C3H 8 / h g b
n1 lb m C3H 8 / h g
Reactor n blb
2 m C H / hg
3 6 b
n 2 lb m C3H 6 / h g
n blb CH / h g

n blb

H / hg
n3 lb m CH 4 / h g
4 m 2
n 4 lb m H 2 / h g Stripper
n5 lb m / h g
Note: the compressor and the off gas from Absorber
the absorber are not mentioned explicitly
in the process description, but their presence
should be inferred. b
n1 lb m C3H 8 / h g
n 2 lb m C3H 6 / h g
n blb
5 m oil / h g

4- 2
4.5 (cont’d)
b. Overall objective: To produce C3H6 from C3H8.
Preheater function: Raise temperature of the reactants to raise the reaction rate.
Reactor function: Convert C3H8 to C3H6.
Absorption tower function: Separate the C3H8 and C3H6 in the reactor effluent from the other
Stripping tower function: Recover the C3H8 and C3H6 from the solvent.
Distillation column function: Separate the C3H5 from the C3H8.

4.6 a. 3 independent balances (one for each species)

b. 7 unknowns ( m 1 , m 3 , m 5 , x2 , y2 , y4 , z4 )
– 3 balances
– 2 mole fraction summations
2 unknowns must be specified

c. y2 = 1 − x2
FG kg A IJ = m + b1200gb0.70g FG kg A IJ
A Balance: 5300 x2
H hK 3
H hK
F kg I
 + 5300 G J = m + 1200 + m G J
F kg I
Overall Balance: m 1
H hK H hK
3 5

 + 5300 x G
F kg BIJ = 1200 y + 0.60m FG kg BIJ
B Balance: 0.03m 1
H hK 2
H hK 4 5

z4 = 1 − 0.70 − y4

4.7 a. 3 independent balances (one for each species)

400 g 0.885 g H 2O m
 R g 0.995 g H O
 R = 356 g min
b g
Water Balance:
min g min g

. gG
F g CH OOH IJ = 0.005m FG g CH OOH IJ
H min K + 0.096m
H min K
3 3
Acetic Acid Balance: R

 E = 461g min
FG g IJ = m + m FG g IJ ⇒ m = 417 g min
 C + 400
Overall Balance: m
H min K H min K R E C

. gb400g − b0.005gb356g G
F g IJ = b0.096gb461g FG g IJ ⇒ 44 g min = 44 g min
H min K H min K

4- 3
4.7 (cont’d)
some CH3COOH

H 2O Extractor C4 H9OH Distillation
C 4 H9OH CH3COOH Column

C4 H 9OH

4.8 a.
X-large: 25 broken eggs/min
35 unbroken eggs/min
120 eggs/min
0.30 broken egg/egg
Large: n 1 broken eggs/min
0.70 unbroken egg/egg
n 2 unbroken eggs/min

b. 120 = 25 + 45 + n1 + n2 ( eggs min ) ⇒ n1 + n2 = 50 ⎫ n1 = 11

⎬ ⇒
( 0.30 )(120 ) = 25 + n1 ⎪⎭ n2 = 39
c. n1 + n2 = 50 large eggs min

n1 large eggs broken/50 large eggs = 11 50 = 0.22 g
d. b g
22% of the large eggs (right hand) and 25 70 ⇒ 36% of the extra-large eggs (left hand)
are broken. Since it does not require much strength to break an egg, the left hand is probably
poorly controlled (rather than strong) relative to the right. Therefore, Fred is right-handed.

4.9 a. b
m1 lb m strawberries g b
m3 lb m W evaporated g
. lb m S / lb m
0.85 lb m W / lb m
1.00 lb m jam
m2 lb m S sugar h 0.667 lb m S / lb m
0.333 lb m W / lb m
b. 3 unknowns ( m1 , m2 , m3 )
– 2 balances
– 1 feed ratio
0 DF
c. Feed ratio: m1 / m 2 = 45 / 55 (1)
S balance: 0.15 m1 + m 2 = 0.667 (2)
Solve simultaneously ⇒ m1 = 0.49 lb m strawberries, m 2 = 0.59 lb m sugar

4- 4
4.10 a.
300 gal
b g
m1 lb m
4 unknowns ( m1 , m2 ,V40 , m3 )
0.750 lb m C 2 H 5OH / lb m
0.250 lb m H 2O / lb m
b g
m3 lb m
– 2 balances
0.600 lb m C 2 H 5OH / lb m – 2 specific gravities
0.400 lb m H 2O / lb m 0 DF
b g
V40 gal
m b lb g
2 m

0.400 lb m C 2 H 5OH / lb m
0.600 lb m H 2 O / lb m

b. 300 gal 1ft 3 0.877 × 62.4 lb m

m1 = = 2195 lb m
7.4805 gal ft 3
Overall balance: m1 + m2 = m3 (1)
C2H5OH balance: 0.750m1 + 0.400m2 = 0.600m3 (2)
Solve (1) & (2) simultaneously ⇒ m2 = 1646 lb m, , m3 = 3841 lb m
1646 lb m ft 3 7.4805 gal
V40 = = 207 gal
0.952 × 62.4lb m 1ft 3

4.11 a. 3 unknowns ( n1 , n2 , n3 )

n1 mol / s g – 2 balances
0.0403 mol C3H 8 / mol 1 DF
0.9597 mol air / mol b
n3 mol / s g
0.0205 mol C3H 8 / mol
n 2 mol air / s g 0.9795 mol air / mol
0.21 mol O 2 / mol
0.79 mol N 2 / mol

b. Propane feed rate: 0.0403n1 = 150 ⇒ n1 = 3722 mol / s b g

Propane balance: 0.0403n1 = 0.0205n3 ⇒ n3 = 7317 mol / s b g
Overall balance: 3722 + n2 = 7317 ⇒ n2 = 3600 mol / s b g
c. > . The dilution rate should be greater than the value calculated to ensure that ignition is not
possible even if the fuel feed rate increases slightly.

4- 5
4.12 a.
 kg / h
m g
0.960 kg CH3OH / kg
1000 kg / h ,x )
2 unknowns ( m
0.500 kg CH 3OH / kg 0.040 kg H 2O / kg – 2 balances
0.500 kg H 2O / kg 0 DF
673 kg / h
x kg CH 3OH / kg g
1 − x b kg H O / kgg

b. Overall balance: 1000 = m

 + 673 ⇒ m
 = 327 kg / h
b g b g b g
Methanol balance: 0.500 1000 = 0.960 327 + x 673 ⇒ x = 0.276 kg CH 3OH / kg
Molar flow rates of methanol and water:
673 kg 0.276 kg CH3OH 1000 g mol CH3OH
= 5.80 × 103 mol CH3OH / h
h kg kg 32.0 g CH3OH
673 kg 0.724 kg H 2O 1000 g mol H 2O
= 2.71 × 104 mol H 2O / h
h kg kg 18 g H 2O
Mole fraction of Methanol:
5.80 × 103
= 0176
. mol CH 3OH / mol
5.80 × 103 + 2.71 × 104

c. Analyzer is wrong, flow rates are wrong, impurities in the feed, a reaction is taking place, the
system is not at steady state.

4.13 a. Product

Reactor effluent 1239 kg

Feed Reactor Purifier R = 583
2253 kg 2253 kg W aste
R = 388
b g
m w kg
R = 140

Analyzer Calibration Data

x p = 0.000145R
xp 0.1

100 R 1000

4- 6
4.13 (cont’d)
b g
b. Effluent: x = 0.000145 388 1.3645 = 0.494 kg P / kg

Product: x = 0.000145b583g
p = 0.861 kg P / kg

Waste: x = 0.000145b140g
p = 0123
. kg P / kg

Efficiency = × 100% = 95.8%

c. Mass balance on purifier: 2253 = 1239 + mw ⇒ mw = 1014 kg

P balance on purifier:
b gb g
Input: 0.494 kg P / kg 2253 kg = 1113 kg P
Output: b0.861 kg P / kggb1239 kgg + b0123
. kg P / kggb1014 kgg = 1192 kg P
The P balance does not close . Analyzer readings are wrong; impure feed; extrapolation
beyond analyzer calibration data is risky -- recalibrate; get data for R > 583; not at steady
state; additional reaction occurs in purifier; normal data scatter.

4.14 a.
n1 lb- mole/ h

lb- mole H2O/ lb- mole
lb- mole DA/ lb- mole
b g
n3 lb- mole/ h

. lb- mole H2O/ lb- mole

n2 lb- mole HO/
 2 h g . lb- mole DA/ lb- mole

d i
v2 ft / h

4 unknowns ( n1 , n2 , n3 , v ) – 2 balances – 1 density – 1 meter reading = 0 DF

Assume linear relationship: v = aR + b

v2 − v1 96.9 − 40.0
Slope: a = = = 1.626
R2 − R1 50 − 15
Intercept: b = va − aR1 = 40.0 − 1.626 15 = 15.61 b g
b g
v2 = 1.626 95 + 15.61 = 170 ft / h c 3
n 2 =
170 ft 3 62 .4 lb m lb - mol
h ft 3 18.0 lb m
= 589 lb - moles H 2 O / h g
DA balance: 0.9900n1 = 0.900n3 (1)
Overall balance: n1 + n2 = n3 (2)
Solve (1) & (2) simultaneously ⇒ n1 = 5890 lb - moles / h, n 3 = 6480 lb - moles / h

b. Bad calibration data, not at steady state, leaks, 7% value is wrong, v − R relationship is not
linear, extrapolation of analyzer correlation leads to error.

4- 7
4.15 a.
 kg / s
m g
100 kg / s 0.900 kg E / kg
0.600 kg E / kg 0100
. kg H 2 O / kg
0.050 kg S / kg , xE , xS )
3 unknowns ( m
0.350 kg H 2 O / kg – 3 balances
 kg / s
m g 0 DF

x E kg E / kg g
x b kg S / kg g

1 − x − x b kg H O / kg g
E S 2

b. Overall balance: 100 = 2m

 ⇒ m = 50.0 kg / s b g
b g b g
S balance: 0.050 100 = xS 50 ⇒ xS . b kgS / kgg
= 0100
b g b g b g
E balance: 0.600 100 = 0.900 50 + x E 50 ⇒ x E = 0.300 kg E / kg
kg E in bottom stream 0.300b50g kg E in bottom stream
= = 0.25
kg E in feed 0.600b100g kg E in feed

c. bg bg bg
x = aRb ⇒ ln x = ln a + b ln R
lnb x / x g lnb0.400 / 0100 . g
b= 2 1
= = 1491
lnb R / R g lnb38 / 15g
2 1

lnbag = lnb x g − b lnb R g = lnb0100

1 1 . lnb15g = −6.340 ⇒ a = 1764
. g − 1491 . × 10 −3

x = 1764
. × 10−3 R1.491

F x I F 0.900 IJ
1 1

R=G J =G
b 1.491

H a K H 1764
. × 10 K −3
= 655

d. Device not calibrated – recalibrate. Calibration curve deviates from linearity at high mass
fractions – measure against known standard. Impurities in the stream – analyze a sample.
Mixture is not all liquid – check sample. Calibration data are temperature dependent – check
calibration at various temperatures. System is not at steady state – take more measurements.
Scatter in data – take more measurements.

4- 8
4.16 a. 4.00 mol H 2SO 4 0.098 kg H 2SO 4 L of solution
L of solution mol H 2SO 4 1213
. kg solution
= 0.323 kg H 2SO 4 / kg solution g
v1 L bg 5 unknowns ( v1 , v2 , v3 , m2 , m3 )
– 2 balances
100 kg
v3 L – 3 specific gravities
m b kg g
0.200 kg H 2SO 4 / kg 0 DF
0.800 kg H 2 O / kg
0.323 kg H 2SO 4 / kg
SG = 1139
0.677 kg H 2 O / kg
v2 L SG = 1.213
m b kg g

0.600 kg H 2SO 4 / kg
0.400 kg H 2 O / kg
SG = 1.498
Overall mass balance: 100 + m2 = m3 UV ⇒ m = 44.4 kg2
Water balance: 0.800b100g + 0.400m = 0.677m W
2 m = 144 kg
3 3

100 kg L
v1 = = 87.80 L20%solution
. kg
44.4 kg L
v2 = = 29.64 L 60% solution
. kg
v1 87.80 L 20%solution
= = 2.96
v2 29.64 L 60% solution

c. 1250 kg P 44.4 kg 60%solution L

= 257 L / h
h 144 kg P 1498
. kgsolution

4.17 b g
m1 kg @$18 / kg
0.25 kg P / kg
0.75 kg H2O / kg 100
. kg
b g
m2 kg @$10 / kg 017
. kg P/ kg
. kg P / kg 0.83 kg H2O / kg
0.88 kg H 2O / kg

Overall balance: m1 + m2 = 100

. (1)
Pigment balance: 0.25m1 + 012
. m2 = 017
. 100
. b g (2)
Solve (1) and (2) simultaneously ⇒ m = 0.385 kg 25% paint, m = 0.615 kg12% paint
Cost of blend: 0.385b$18.00g + 0.615b$10.00g = $13.08 per kg
1 2

. b$13.08g = $14.39 per kg

Selling price: 110

4- 9
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
in Four or God in Tetrad, and the derivation is approved by
Hort (Dict. of Christian Biog. s.h.n.). It appears more likely,
however, that it is to be referred to the Hebrew root ‫בבל‬
“Babel” or confusion, a derivation which Hort also mentions. In
Irenaeus’ Greek text the name is spelt βαρβηλὼ, in the Latin
“Barbelo” with an accusative “Barbelon,” and in Epiphanius
βαρβηλὼ and βαρβήρω. If we might alter this last into
βαρβαριωθ, we might see it in a great: number of magic spells
of the period. Cf. Wessely, Ephesia Grammata, Wien, 1886,
pp. 26, 28, 33, 34.

472. Pistis Sophia, p. 16, Copt. The five words are zama, zama,
ôzza, rachama, ôzai. Whatever they may mean, we may be
quite sure that they can never contain with their few letters the
three pages or so of text which are given as their
interpretation. It is possible that the letters are used
acrostically like the A G L A, i.e. ‫ ?( ניבר לעולם אדני‬Ahih ? )‫אהיה‬
‫ אתה‬Ate Gibor Lailam Adonai, “The mighty Adonai for ever”
(or “thou art the mighty and eternal Lord”) commonly met with
in mediaeval magic. Cf. Peter de Abano, Heptameron, seu
Elementa Magica, Paris, 1567, p. 563; or, for other examples,
F. Barrett, The Magus, 1801, Bk II. pp. 39, 40. The notable
feature in these mysterious words is the quantity of Zetas or
ζ’s that they contain which points to the use of some sort of
table like that called by Cabalists ziruph, or a cryptogram of
the aaaaa, aaaab, kind. It should be noticed that Coptic
scribes were often afflicted with what has been called
Betacism or the avoidance of the letter Beta or β by every
means, which frequently led to the substitution for it of ζ as in
the case of Jaldabaoth = Ιαλδαζαω given above (Chap. VIII, n.
3, p. 46 supra).

473. This idea of certain powers being the members or “limbs” of

him from whom they issue recurs all through the Pistis
Sophia. Cf. especially p. 224, Copt., where it is said that the
χωρήματα or “receptacles” of the Ineffable go forth from his
last limb. It is probably to be referred to the conception of the
Supreme Being as the Man κατ’ ἐξοχήν, which we have seen
current among the Ophites. See Chap. VIII, n. 2, p. 38 supra.
That the ancient Egyptians used the same expression
concerning their own gods and especially Ra, see Moret, “Le
Verbe créateur et révélateur,” R.H.R., Mai-Juin, 1909, p. 257.
Cf. Amélineau, Gnosticisme Égyptien, p. 288. So Naville, Old
Egyptian Faith, p. 227.

474. That is to say, their names make up his name as letters do a

word. So in the system of Marcus referred to in Chap. IX
supra, Irenaeus (Bk I. c. 8, § 11, p. 146, Harvey) explains that
the name of Jesus (Ἰησοῦς) which might be uttered is
composed of six letters, but His unutterable name of twenty-
four, because the names of the first Tetrad of Ἄρρητος
(Bythos), Σιγή, Πατὴρ (Monogenes or Nous) and Ἀλήθεια
contain that number of letters. See also § 5 of same chapter.
Those who wish to understand the system are recommended
to read the whole of the chapter quoted. As Irenaeus has the
sense to see, there is no reason why the construction from
one root of names founded on the principle given should not
go on for ever.

475. This is probably either the Horos or Stauros that we have

seen brought into being in the teaching of Valentinus as a
guard to the Pleroma, or, as is more probable, an antitype of
the same power in the world immediately above ours. That
there was more than one Horos according to the later
Valentinians appears plain from the words of Irenaeus above
quoted (see Chap. IX, n. 1, p. 105 supra). Probably each
world had its Horos, or Limit, who acted as guard to it on its
completion. That in this world, the Cross, personified and
made pre-existent, fulfils this office seems evident from the
Gospel of Peter, where it is described as coming forth from
the Sepulchre with Jesus (Mem. Miss. Archéol. du Caire,
1892, t. IX. fasc. 1, v. 10). Cf. too, Clem. Alex. Paedagogus, Bk
III. c. 12, and Strom. Bk II. c. 20.
476. Ὁ μηνευτος. The word is not known in classical Greek (but cf.
μηνυτής “a revealer”), and appears to have its root in μήν “the
moon,” as the measure of the month. From the Coptic word
here translated “Precept,” we may guess it to be a
personification of the Jewish Law or Torah which, according to
the Rabbis, before the creation of the world existed in the
heavens. Later in the book it is said that it is by command of
this power that Jeû places the aeons (p. 26, Copt.); that the
souls of those who receive the mysteries of the light (i.e. the
psychics) will have precedence in beatitude over those who
belong to the places of the First Precept (p. 196, Copt.); that
all the orders of beings of the Third χὠρημα are below him (p.
203, Copt.); and that he is “cut into seven mysteries,” which
may mean that his name is spelled with seven letters (p. 219,

477. Χάραγμαι. Are these the letters mentioned in last note?

478. Πρεσβευτής, properly, “ambassador” or “agent.” Doubtless a

prototype of our sun. Elsewhere in the book, Jesus tells His
disciples that He brought forth from Himself “at the beginning”
power (not a power), which He cast into the First Precept,
“and the First Precept cast part of it into the Great Light, and
the Great Light cast part of that which he received into the
Five Parastatae, the last of whom breathed part of that which
he received into the Kerasmos or Confusion” (p. 14, Copt.).
The Great Light is also called the Χάραγμα of the Light, and is
said to have remained without emanation (p. 219, Copt.).

479. Παραστάται, “Comrades” or “witnesses” or “helpers.” They

can here hardly be anything else but the Five Planets. It is
said later that it was the last Parastates who set Jeû and his
five companions in the “Place of the Right Hand” (p. 193,
Copt.). When the world is destroyed, Jesus is to take the
perfect souls into this last Parastates where they are to reign
with him (p. 230, Copt.) for 1000 years of light which are
365,000 of our years (p. 243, Copt.). Προηγούμενος
“Forerunner” does not seem to occur in classical Greek.

480. We hear nothing more definite of these Five Trees, but they
appear again in Manichaeism, and are mentioned in the
Chinese treatise from Tun-huang, for which see Chap. XIII

481. This is a most puzzling expression and seems to have baffled

the scribe, as he speaks of them, when he comes to repeat
the phrase (p. 216, Copt.), as the “Twin Saviours,” which is a
classical epithet of the Dioscuri. In Pharaonic Egypt, Shu and
Tefnut the pair of gods who were first brought into being by
the Creator were sometimes called “The Twins.” See Naville,
Old Egyptian Faith, p. 120. Cf. p. 171 infra.

482. It is evident from the context that we here begin the

enumeration of the Powers of the Left, who are hylic or
material and therefore the least worthy of the inhabitants of
the heavens. According to Irenaeus, the Valentinians held that
all of them were doomed to destruction. Τριῶν ὠν ὄντων, τὸ
μὲν ὑλικὸν, ὃ καὶ ἀριστερὸν καλοῦσι, κατὰ ἀνάγκην
ἀπὸλλυσθαι λέγουσιν, ἅτε μηδεμίαν ἐπιδέξασθαι πνοὴν
ἀφθαρσίας δυνάμενον (Irenaeus, Bk I. c. 1, § 11, p. 51,
Harvey). “There being three forms of existences, they say that
the hylic, which they call the left hand, must be destroyed,
inasmuch as it cannot receive any breath of incorruption.” So
in the Bruce Papyrus to be presently mentioned, the “part of
the left” is called the land of Death. At their head stands “the
Great Unseen Propator,” who throughout the Pistis Sophia
proper is called by this title only, and occupies the same place
with regard to the left that Iao does in respect of the middle,
and Jeû of the right. In the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος (p. 359,
Copt.) he is called by the name ἀγραμμαχαμαρεχ which
frequently appears in the Magic Papyri. It is there spelt
indifferently ακραμνικαμαρι, ακραμμαχαρι, ακραμμαχαμαρει,
ακραμμαχαχαχαρι, and in a Latin inscription on a gold plate,
acramihamari (see Wessely, Ephesia Grammata, p. 22, for
references), which last may be taken to be the more usual
pronunciation. One is rather tempted to see in the name a
corruption of ἀγραμματέον in the sense of “which cannot be
written,” but I can find no authority for such a use of the word.
As the ruler of the material Cosmos he might be taken for the
Cosmocrator who, as we have seen, is called by Valentinus
Diabolos or the Devil (but see n. 1, p. 152 infra). Yet he
cannot be wholly evil like Beelzebuth for it is said in the text
(p. 41, Copt.) that he and his consort Barbelo sing praises to
the Powers of the Light. So in the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος (p.
378, Copt.) he is represented as begging for purification and
holiness when the Great Name of God is uttered. It is plain
also from the statements in the text (pp. 43, 44, Copt.) that in
the Pistis Sophia he, Barbelo, and the Αὐθάδης or Arrogant
Power make up a triad called the great τριδυναμεῖς or “Triple
Powers” from whom are projected the powers called the
“Twenty-four Invisibles.” In another document of the same
MS. (p. 361, Copt.) a power from him is said to be bound in
the planet Saturn.

483. This Εἱμαρμένη or “Destiny” is the sphere immediately above

our firmament. It is evidently so called, because on passing
through it the soul on its way to incarnation receives the Moira
or impress of its own destiny, of which it cannot afterwards rid
itself except by the grace of the mysteries or Valentinian
sacraments. Cf. Chap. IX, n. 3, p. 115 supra.

484. Ἄρρητος. Irenaeus, Bk I. c. 5, § 1, p. 99, Harvey.

Innominabilis, Tertullian, adv. Valentinianos, c. 37. So Clem.
Alex. Strom. Bk V. c. 10, says that God is ineffable, being
incapable of being expressed even in His own power.

485. Χωρηματα: τόποι.

486. That [i.e. the First] mystery knoweth why there emanated all
the places which are in the receptacle of the Ineffable One
and also all which is in them, and why they went forth from the
last limb of the Ineffable One.... These things I will tell you in
the emanation of the universe. Pist. Soph. p. 225, Copt.

487. Ibid. p. 222, Copt.

488. Ibid. p. 127, Copt.

489. See Chap. IX, pp. 121, 122 supra.

490. Heb. vi. 19.

491. p. 203, Copt. Why there should be 24, when the dodecad or
group of Aeons in the world above was only 12, it is difficult to
say. But Hippolytus supplies a sort of explanation when he
says (op. cit. Bk VI. c. 33, p. 292, Cruice): Ταῦτά ἐστιν ἃ
λέγουσιν· ἔτι [δὲ] πρὸς τούτοις, ἀριθμητικὴν ποιούμενοι τὴν
πᾶσαν αὐτῶν διδασκαλίαν, ὡς προεῖπον [τοὺς] ἐντὸς
Πληρώματος Αἰῶνας τριάκοντα πάλιν ἐπιπροβεβληκέναι
αὐτοῖς κατὰ ἀναλογίαν Αἰῶνας ἄλλους, ἵν’ ᾖ τὸ Πλήρωμα ἐν
ἀριθμῷ τελείῳ συνηθροισμένον. Ὡς γὰρ οἱ Πυθαγορικοὶ
διεῖλον εἰς δώδεκα καὶ τριάκοντα καὶ ἑξήκοντα, καὶ λεπτὰ
λεπτῶν εἰσὶν ἐκείνοις, δεδήλωται· οὕτως οὗ τοι τὰ ἐντὸς
Πληρώματος ὑποδιαιροῦσιν. “This is what they say. But
besides this, they make their whole teaching arithmetical,
since they say that the thirty Aeons within the Pleroma again
projected by analogy other Aeons, so that thereby the
Pleroma may be gathered together in a perfect number. For
the manner in which the Pythagoreans divide [the cosmos]
into 12, 30, and 60 parts, and each of these into yet more
minute ones, has been made plain” [see op. cit. Bk VI. c. 28, p.
279, where Hippolytus tells us how Pythagoras divided each
Sign of the Zodiac into 30 parts “which are days of the month,
these last into 60 λεπτὰ, and so on”]. “In this way do they [the
Valentinians] divide the things within the Pleroma.” Cf. Μέρος
τευχῶν Σωτῆρος p. 364, Copt. In another book of the
Philosophumena (Bk IV. c. 7 Περὶ τῆς ἀριθμετικῆς τέχνης) he
explains how the Pythagoreans derived infinity from a single
principle by a succession of odd and even or male and female
numbers, in connection with which he quotes Simon Magus
(op. cit. p. 132, Cruice). The way this was applied to names
he shows in the chapter Περὶ μαθηματικῶν (op. cit. Βk IV. c.
11, pp. 77 sqq., Cruice) which is in fact a description of what
in the Middle Ages was called Arithmomancy, or divination by

492. p. 224, Copt. See also p. 241, Copt.—a very curious passage
where the Ineffable One is called “the God of Truth without
foot” (cf. Osiris as a mummy) and is said to live apart from his

493. In the beginning of the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος (p. 252, Copt.)
it is said of the Ineffable that “there are many members, but
one body.” But this statement is immediately followed by
another that this is only said “as a pattern (παράδειγμα) and a
likeness and a resemblance, but not in truth of shape” (p. 253,

494. What he does say is that the Ineffable One has two χωρήματα
or receptacles and that the second of these is the χώρημα of
the First Mystery. It is, I think, probable that an attempt to
describe both these χωρήματα is made in one of the
documents of the Bruce Papyrus. See pp. 191, 192 infra.

495. In addition to the enumeration contained in the so-called

interpretation of the mysterious “Five Words,” there appears in
the 2nd part of the Pistis Sophia (pp. 206 sqq. Copt.) a long
rhapsody in which it is declared that a certain mystery knows
why all the powers, stars, and heavenly “places” were made.
These are here again set out seriatim, and as the order in the
main corresponds with that in the five words translated in the
text, it serves as a check upon this last. The order of the
powers in the text was given in the article in the Scottish
Review before referred to, and, although this was written 20
years ago, I see no occasion to alter it.
496. It is the “last Parastates” who places Jeû and his companion
in “the place of those who belong to the right hand according
to the arrangement (i.e. οἰκονομία) of the Assembly of the
Light which is in the Height of the Rulers of the Aeons and in
the universes (κοσμοὶ) and every race which is therein” (p.
193, Copt.). A later revelation is promised as to these, but in
the meantime it is said that Jeû emanated from the chosen or
pure (εἰλικρινής) light of the first of the Five Trees (loc. cit.).

497. See nn. 1 and 3, p. 141 supra. As has been said, it is difficult
not to see in this “1st Precept” a personification of the Torah
or Jewish Law.

498. See n. 3, p. 146 supra.

499. See n. 2, p. 136 supra.

500. So Secundus, Valentinus’ follower, taught according to

Hippolytus (v. Chap. ΙΧ supra) “that there is a right and a left
tetrad, i.e. light and darkness.” This may be taken to mean
that the constitution of the light-world was repeated point for
point in the world of darkness. The middle world is of course
that where light and darkness mingle.

501. Jeû is generally called the ἐπίσκοπος or overseer of the Light.

He it is who has placed the Rulers of the Aeons so that they
always “behold the left” (p. 26, Copt.). He is also said to have
bound “in the beginning” the rulers of the Aeons and of
Destiny and of the Sphere in their respective places (p. 34,
Copt.), and that each and every of them will remain in the
τάξις or order and walk in the δρόμος or course in which he
placed them. We also hear in the Pistis Sophia proper of two
“books of Jeû” “which Enoch wrote when the First Mystery
spoke with him out of the Tree of Life and the Tree of
Knowledge in the Paradise of Adam” (p. 246, Copt.). In the
first part of the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος, however Jeû is
described as “the First Man, the ἐπίσκοπος of the Light, and
the πρεσβευτής or Ambassador of the First Precept” (p. 322,
Copt.); and it is further said in the same book that “the Book of
Jeû (not books) which Enoch wrote in Paradise when I
(Jesus) spoke with him out of the Tree of Life and the Tree of
Knowledge” was placed by His means in “the rock Ararad.”
Jesus goes on to say that He placed “Kalapataurôth the ruler
who is over Skemmut in which is the foot of Jeû, and he
surrounds all rulers and destinies—I placed that ruler to guard
the books of Jeû from the Flood and lest any of the rulers
should destroy them out of envy” (p. 354, Copt.).

502. Melchizidek is very seldom mentioned in the Pistis Sophia,

but when he is, it is always as the great παραλήμπτωρ or
“inheritor” of the Light (p. 34, Copt.). Jesus describes how he
comes among the Rulers of the Aeons at certain times and
takes away their light, which he purifies (p. 35, Copt.). He is
said to have emanated from the light of the 5th Tree of the
Treasure House, as Jeû did from that of the 1st (p. 193,
Copt.). In the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος, he is called the great
παραλημπτής or “receiver” of the Light (p. 292, Copt.). In the
2nd part of the last named document he is called Zorocothora
Melchizidek, an epithet which C. W. King in The Gnostics and
their Remains translates “light-gatherer.” It is also said in the
same 2nd part that “he and Jeû are the two great lights,” and
that he is the πρεσβευτής or “Legate” of all the lights which
are purified in the Rulers of the Aeons (p. 365, Copt.). We
may perhaps see in him and Jeû the antitypes of which the
Great Light and the First Precept are the paradigms.
Hippolytus, op. cit. Bk VII. c. 36, p. 391, Cruice, says that there
was a sect, the followers of one Theodotus, a τραπεζίτης or
money-changer, who said that there was “a greatest power
named Melchizidek who was greater than Christ.” Pseudo-
Tertullian repeats the same story and adds that Melchizidek is
“a celestial virtue of great grace,” who does for heavenly
angels and virtues what Christ does for men, having made
himself “their intercessor and advocate.” See auct. cit.
(probably Victorinus of Pettau) Against all Heresies, c. XXIV. p.
279, Oehl. He doubtless founded his opinion on the passage
in the Hebrews. The name seems to mean “Holy King” Cf. the
“King of Glory” of the Manichaeans, see Chap. XIII infra.

503. p. 35, Copt.

504. He is said to have emanated from the 2nd Tree (p. 193, Copt.)
and is nowhere distinctly named. But one may perhaps guess
from the order in which he occurs in the 2nd part of the Μέρος
τευχῶν Σωτῆρος that his name was Zarazaz, evidently a
cryptogram like those mentioned in n. 1, p. 139 supra. It is
also said that the Rulers call him “Maskelli after the name of a
strong (i.e. male) ruler of their own place (p. 370, Copt.).” This
name of Maskelli, sometimes written Maskelli-maskellô, is
frequently met with in the Magic Papyri. Cf. Wessely, Ephesia
Grammata, p. 28.

505. They are said to have emanated from the 3rd and 4th Tree
respectively (p. 193, Copt.).

506. p. 193, Copt. He is evidently called the Good because there is

a wicked Sabaoth sometimes called Sabaoth Adamas, and
the Great because there is a Little Sabaoth the Good who
seems to act as his messenger. It is this last who takes the
power from the Great Sabaoth the Good which afterwards
becomes the body of Jesus and “casts it into matter and
Barbelo” (p. 127, Copt.). He seems to be set over or in some
way identified with what is called the Gate of Life (p. 215,
Copt.) both in the Pistis Sophia and the Μέρος τευχῶν
Σωτῆρος (p. 292, Copt.).

507. p. 12, Copt., where he is oddly enough called the Little Iao the
Good, I think by a clerical error. Later he is said to be “the
great leader of the middle whom the Rulers call the Great Iao
after the name of a great ruler in their own place” (p. 194,
Copt.). He is described in the same way in the second part of
the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος (p. 371, Copt.).

508. See last note.

509. p. 12, Copt. This “power” is evidently the better part of man’s
soul like the Logoi who dwell therein in the passage quoted
above from Valentinus, see Chap. IX, p. 112 supra.

510. p. 194, Copt.

511. See n. 3, p. 137 supra.

512. So the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος (p. 321, Copt.).

513. The likeness of Mary the Mother and Mary Magdalene to the
seven Virgins appears in the translation of Amélineau (Pistis
Sophia, Paris, 1895, p. 60). Schwartze (p. 75, Lat.) puts it
rather differently. See also Schmidt, K.-G.S. bd. 1, p. 75. The
“receivers” of the Virgin of Light are mentioned on p. 292,

514. p. 184, Copt.

515. pp. 340, 341, Copt. As ⲒⲞϨ (ioh) is Coptic for the Moon, it is
just possible that there may be a kind of pun here on this word
and the name Iao. Osiris, whose name was often equated by
the Alexandrian Jews with their own divine name Jaho or Jah,
as in the Manethonian story of Osarsiph = Joseph, was also
considered a Moon-god. Cf. the “Hymn of the Mysteries”
given in Chap. VIII, where he is called “the holy horned moon
of heaven.”

516. See note 1, p. 138 supra. The Bruce Papyrus (Amélineau,

Notice sur le Papyrus Gnostique Bruce, Paris, 1882, p. 220)
speaks of the “Thirteenth Aeon, where are the Great Unseen
God and the Great Virgin of the Spirit (cf. the παρθενική
πνεῦμα of Irenaeus) and the twenty-four emanations of the
unseen God.”

517. See n. 2, p. 142 supra.

518. See Chapter IX, p. 104 supra.

519. p. 116, Copt.

520. I suppose it is in view of this maternal aspect of her nature

that she is alluded to in the latter part of the Μέρος τευχῶν
Σωτῆρος as βαρβηλω βδελλη “Barbelo who gives suck”? Her
place, according to the Bruce Papyrus (Amélineau, p. 218), is
said to be in the Twelfth Aeon.

521. There have been many attempts to make this name mean
something else than merely “Faith-Wisdom.” Dulaurier and
Renan both tried to read it “πιστὴ Σοφία” “the faithful Wisdom”
or “La fidèle Sagesse.” If we had more documents of the style
of Simon’s Apophasis, we should probably find that this
apposition of two or more nouns in a name was not
infrequent, and the case of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris will occur to
every Egyptologist. The fact that the name includes the first
and last female member of the Dodecad of Valentinus (see p.
101 supra) is really its most plausible explanation.

522. This Adamas seems to be an essentially evil power, who

wages useless war against the Light on the entry of Jesus into
his realm (p. 25, Copt.). His seat is plainly the Twelve Aeons
or Zodiac (p. 157, Copt.), and it is said in the Μέρος τευχῶν
Σωτῆρος that his “kingdom” is in the τοποι κεφαλης αἰωνων or
Places of the head of the Aeons and is opposite the place of
the Virgin of Light (p. 336, Copt.). In the second part of the
same document (i.e. the μ. τ. σ.) it is said that the rulers of
Adamas rebelled, persisting in the act of copulation
(συνουσία) and begetting “Rulers and Archangels and Angels
and Ministers (λειτουργοί) and Decans” (Δεκανοί), and that
thereupon Jeû went forth from the Place of the Right and
“bound them in Heimarmene and the Sphere.” We further
learn that half the Aeons headed by Jabraoth, who is also
once mentioned in the Pistis Sophia proper (p. 128, Copt.,
and again in the Bruce Papyrus, Amélineau, p. 239), were
consequently transferred to another place, while Adamas,
now for the first time called Sabaoth Adamas, with the
unrepentant rulers are confined in the Sphere to the number
of 1800, over whom 360 other rulers bear sway, over whom
again are set the five planets Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus,
and Jupiter (pp. 360, 361, Copt.). All this seems to me to be
later than the Pistis Sophia proper, to have been written at a
time when belief in astrology was more rife than in Hadrian’s
reign, and to owe something to Manichaean influence. The
original Adamas, the persecutor of Pistis Sophia herself,
seems identifiable with the Diabolos or Cosmocrator of
Valentinus, in which case we may perhaps see in the “Great
Propator” a merely stupid and ignorant power like the
Jaldabaoth of the Ophites and their successors. See p. 163

523. p. 145, Copt. So Irenaeus in his account of the Valentinian

doctrines, Bk I. c. 1, p. 12 sqq. I suppose there is an allusion
to this in the remark of Jesus to Mary that a year is as a day
(p. 243, Copt.). But all the astrology of the time seems to have
divided the astronomical day not into 24, but into 12 hours. It
was the same with the Manichaeans. See Chavannes and
Pelliot, “Un Traité manichéen retrouvé en Chine,” Journal
Asiatique, série X, t. XVIII. (Nov.-Dec. 1911), p. 540, n. 4.

524. But curiously enough, not the “souls” of fish. So in the Middle
Ages, the Manichaeans of Languedoc did not allow their
“Perfects” to partake of animal food nor even of eggs, but
allowed them fish, because they said these creatures were
not begotten by copulation. See Schmidt, Hist. des Cathares,
Paris, 1843. Is this one of the reasons why Jesus is called

525. This idea of man being made from the tears of the eyes of the
heavenly powers is an old one in Egypt. So Maspero explains
the well-known sign of the utchat or Eye of Horus as that “qui
exprime la matière, le corps du soleil, d’où tous les êtres
découlent sous forme de pleurs,” “Les Hypogées Royaux de
Thébes,” Ét. Égyptol. II. p. 130. Moret, “Le verbe créateur et
révélateur en Égypte,” R. H. R. Mai-Juin, 1909, p. 386, gives
many instances from hymns and other ritual documents. It
was known to Proclus who transfers it after his manner to
Orpheus and makes it into hexameters:

Thy tears are the much-enduring race of men,

By thy laugh thou hast raised up the sacred race of

See Abel’s Orphica, fr. 236.

526. See n. 1, p. 148 supra.

527. This is, perhaps, to be gathered from the Pistis Sophia, p. 36,
Copt. Cf. Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος, pp. 337-338. In another
part of the last-named document, the Moon-ship is described
as steered by a male and female dragon (the caduceus of
Hermes?) who snatch away the light of the Rulers (p. 360,

528. This seems to be the passage referred to later by Origen. See

n. 2, p. 159 infra.

529. The usual epithet or appellation of Osiris Neb-er-tcher = Lord

of Totality or the Universe. Cf. Budge, Book of the Dead,

530. So in the Ascensio Isaiae, of which Mr Charles says that “we

cannot be sure that it existed earlier than the latter half of the
2nd century of our Era,” it is said (Chap. IX, v. 15) “And thus
His descent, as you will see, will be hidden even from the
heavens, so that it will not be known who He is.” Charles, The
Ascension of Isaiah, p. 62. Cf. ibid. pp. 67, 70, 73 and 79.

531. pp. 39, 40, Copt. The reference is apparently to the Book of
Enoch, c. LXXX. (see Charles, Book of Enoch, pp. 212, 213,
and the Epistle of Barnabas, N.T. extra can., c. IV. p. 9,
Hilgenfeld). In the Latin version of the last-quoted book, it is
assigned to Daniel, which shows perhaps the connection of
Enoch with all this quasi-prophetic or apocalyptic literature.

532. According to the Valentinian system, his name was Θελητὸς

or “the Beloved.” See Chap. IX, p. 101 supra.

533. See Chap. VIII supra. Here he occupies a far inferior position
to that assigned him by the Ophites. In the Μέρος τευχῶν
Σωτῆρος he sinks lower still and becomes merely one of the
torturers in hell (p. 382, Copt., κ.τ.λ.). Thus, as is usual in
matters of religion, the gods of one age become the fiends of
the next. In the Bruce Papyrus (Amélineau, p. 212) he
appears as one of the chiefs of the Third Aeon. It is curious,
however, to observe how familiar the name must have been to
what Origen calls “a certain secret theology,” so that it was
necessary to give him some place in every system of
Gnosticism. His bipartite appearance may be taken from
Ezekiel viii. 2.

534. Probably the latter. See what is said about the Outer
Darkness in the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος, p. 319, Copt. where
it is described as “a great dragon whose tail is in his mouth
who is without the whole κόσμος and surrounds it.”

535. p. 83, Copt. So in the Manichaean legend, the First Man, on

being taken captive by Satan, prays seven times to the Light
and is delivered from the Darkness in which he is imprisoned.
See Chap. XIII infra.

536. This demon in the shape of a flying arrow seems to be well

known in Rabbinic lore. Mr Whinfield in J.R.A.S., April, 1910,
pp. 485, 486, describes him as having a head like a calf, with
one horn rising out of his forehead like a cruse or pitcher,
while to look upon him is certain death to man or beast. His
authority seems to be Rapaport’s Tales from the Midrash.

537. The basilisk with seven heads seems to be Death. See

Gaster, “The Apocalypse of Abraham,” T.S.B.A. vol. IX. pt 1, p.
222, where this is said to be the “true shape” of death. Cf.
Kohler, “Pre-Talmudic Haggadah,” J.Q.R., 1895, p. 590.
Death, as we have seen in Chap. IX, p. 107, was in the ideas
of Valentinus the creature of the Demiurge. For the dragon,
see Whinfield, ubi cit.

538. These “three times” are not years. As the Pistis Sophia opens
with the announcement that Jesus spent 12 years on earth
after the Resurrection, we may suppose that He was then—if
the author accepted the traditional view that He suffered at 33
—exactly 45 years old, and the “time” would then be a period
of 15 years, as was probably the indiction. The descent of the
“two vestures” upon Jesus is said (p. 4, Copt.) to have taken
place “on the 15th day of the month Tybi” which is the day
Clement of Alexandria (Strom. Bk I. c. 21) gives for the birth of
Jesus. He says the followers of Basilides gave the same day
as that of His baptism.

539. Epiphanius, Haer. XXVI. t. II. pt 1, p. 181, Oehler.

540. This doctrine of ἑρμηνεία occurs all through the book. The
author is trying to make out that well-known passages of both
the Old and New Testaments were in fact prophetic
utterances showing forth in advance the marvels he narrates.
While the Psalms of David quoted by him are Canonical, the
Odes of Solomon are the Apocrypha known under that name
and quoted by Lactantius (Div. Inst. Bk IV. c. 12). For some
time the Pistis Sophia was the only authority for their
contents, but in 1909 Dr Rendel Harris found nearly the whole
collection in a Syriac MS. of the 16th century. A translation
has since been published in Cambridge Texts and Studies,
vol. VIII. No. 3, Cambridge, 1912, by the Bishop of Ossory,
who shows, as it seems conclusively, that they were the
hymns sung by the newly-baptized in the Primitive Church.

541. Astrological doctrine first becomes prominent in Gnostic

teaching in the Excerpta Theodoti which we owe to Clement
of Alexandria. We may therefore put their date about the year
200. This would be after the time of Valentinus himself, but
agrees well with what M. Cumont (Astrology and Religion, pp.
96 sqq.) says as to the great vogue which astrology attained
in Rome under the Severi. Its intrusion into the Valentinian
doctrines is much more marked in the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος
than in the Pistis Sophia, and more in the Bruce Papyrus than
in either.

542. See Chap. VIII, pp. 73, 74 supra.

543. Origen, cont. Cels. Bk VI. c. 34.

544. Hippolytus (Chap. IX, p. 92), speaks of the Jesus of

Valentinus as the Joint Fruit of the Pleroma simply. Irenaeus
(Bk I. c. 1, p. 23, Harvey) goes into more detail: Καὶ ὑπὲρ τῆς
εὐποιΐας ταύτης βουλῇ μιᾷ καὶ γνώμῃ τὸ πᾶν Πλήρωμα τῶν
Αἰώνων, συνευδοκοῦντος τοῦ Χριστοῦ καὶ τοῦ Πνεύματος, τοῦ
δὲ Πατρὸς αὐτῶν συνεπισφραγιζομένου, ἕνα ἕκαστον τῶν
Αἰώνων, ὅπερ εἶχεν ἐν ἑαυτῷ κάλλιστον καὶ ἀνθηρότατον
συνενεγκαμένους καὶ ἐρανισαμένους, καὶ ταῦτα ἁρμοδίως
πλέξαντας, καὶ ἐμμελῶς ἑνώσαντας, προβαλέσθαι
προβλήματα εἰς τιμὴν καὶ δόξαν τοῦ Βυθοῦ, τελειότατον
κάλλος τε καὶ ἄστρον τοῦ Πληρώματος, τέλειον καρπὸν τὸν
Ἰησοῦν ὃν καὶ Σωτῆρα προσαγορευθῆναι, καὶ Χριστὸν, καὶ
Λόγον πατρωνομικῶς καὶ κατὰ [καὶ τὰ] Πάντα, διὰ τὸ ἀπὸ
πάντων εἶναι. “Αnd because of this benefit, with one will and
opinion, the whole Pleroma of the Aeons, with the consent of
Christos and the Spirit, and their Father having set his seal
upon the motion, brought together and combined what each
of them had in him which was most beautiful and brightest,
and wreathing these fittingly together and properly uniting
them, they projected a projection to the honour and glory of
Bythos, the most perfect beauty and star of the Pleroma, the
perfect Fruit Jesus, who is also called Saviour and Christ, and
after his Father Logos, and Pan, because He is from all.”
Compare with these the words of Colossians ii. 9: ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ
κατοικεῖ πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα τῆς θεότητος σωματικῶς. “For in
him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”

545. That the Valentinians considered the Dodecad (and a fortiori

the Decad) as having a collective entity, and as it were a
corporate existence, seems plain from what Hippolytus says
in narrating the opinions of Marcus: ταῦτα γὰρ δώδεκα ζώδια
φανερώτατα τὴν τοῦ Ἀνθρώπου καὶ τῆς Ἐκκλησίας θυγατέρα
δωδεκάδα ἀποσκιάζειν λέγουσι. “For they say that these 12
signs of the Zodiac most clearly shadow forth the Dodecad
who is the daughter of Anthropos and Ecclesia” (Hipp. op. cit.
Bk VI. c. 54, p. 329, Cruice). And again (loc. cit. p. 331,
Cruice): ἔτι μὴν καὶ τὴν γῆν εἰς δώδεκα κλίματα διῃρῆσθαι
φάσκοντες, καὶ καθ’ ἒν ἕκαστον κλίμα, ἀνὰ μίαν δύναμιν ἐκ τοῦ
οὐρανῶν κατὰ κάθετον ὑποδεχομένην, καὶ ὁμοούσια
τίκτουσαν τέκνα τῇ καταπεμπούσῃ κατὰ τὴν ἀπόρροιαν
δυνάμει, τύπον εἶναι τῆς ἄνω δωδεκάδος. “These are also
they who assert that the earth is divided into twelve climates,
and receives in each climate one special power from the
heavens and produces children resembling the power thus
sent down by emanation, being thus a type of the Dodecad
above.” The doctrine of correspondences or, as it was called
in the Middle Ages, of “signatures” is here most clearly stated.
In all this the Valentinian teaching was doubtless under the
influence of the ancient Egyptian ideas as to the paut neteru
or “company of the gods,” as to which see Maspero’s essay
Sur L’Ennéade quoted above.

546. It is said (p. 9, Copt.) that it is by him that the universe was
created and that it is he who causes the sun to rise.

547. As has before been said, this is attempted in one of the

documents of the Bruce Papyrus. See pp. 191, 192 infra. In
the present state of the text this attempt is only difficultly
intelligible, and is doubtless both later in date than and the
work of an author inferior to that of the Pistis Sophia.
548. p. 16, Copt. Yet the First Mystery is not the creator of Matter
which is evil, because Matter does not really exist. See Bruce
Papyrus (Amélineau, p. 126) and n. 2, p. 190 infra.

549. As mentioned in the Scottish Review article referred to in n. 1,

p. 135 supra, there is no passage but one in the Pistis Sophia
which affords any colour for supposing that the author was
acquainted with St John’s Gospel. All the quotations set forth
by Harnack in his treatise Über das gnostische Buch Pistis-
Sophia, Leipzig, 1891, p. 27, on which he relies to prove the
converse of this proposition, turn out on analysis to appear
also in one or other of the Synoptics, from which the author
may well have taken them. The single exception is this (Pistis
Sophia, p. 11, Copt.), “Wherefore I said unto you from the
beginning, Ye are not from the Cosmos; I likewise am not from
it”; John xvii. 14: “(O Father) I have given them thy word; and
the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world,
even as I am not of the world.” The parallel does not seem so
close as to make it certain that one document is copying from
the other. Both may very possibly be taken from some
collection of Logia now lost, but at one time current in
Alexandrian circles; or from the Gospel of the Egyptians, from
which the Pistis Sophia afterwards quotes.

550. See Chap. IX, p. 107 supra.

551. See last note. The Authades or Proud God of the Pistis
Sophia seems to have all the characteristics with which
Valentinus endows his Demiurge.

552. So Pistis Sophia sings in her second hymn of praise after her
deliverance from Chaos (p. 160, Copt.) “I am become pure
light,” which she certainly was not before that event. Jesus
also promises her later (p. 168, Copt.) that when the three
times are fulfilled and the Authades is again wroth with her
and tries to stir up Jaldabaoth and Adamas against her “I will
take away their powers from them and give them to thee.”
That this promise was supposed to be fulfilled seems evident
from the low positions which Jaldabaoth and Adamas occupy
in the Μέρος τευχῶν Σωτῆρος, while Pistis Sophia is said to
furnish the “power” for the planet Venus.

553. See Chap. IX, p. 108 and n. 1 supra.

554. All the revelations in the Pistis Sophia are in fact made in
anticipation of the time “when the universe shall be caught
up,” and the disciples be set to reign with Jesus in the Last
Parastates. Cf. especially pp. 193-206 Copt.

555. The idea may not have been peculiar to Valentinus and his
followers. So in the Ascensio Isaiae (x. 8-13) the “Most High
the Father of my Lord” says to “my Lord Christ who will be
called Jesus”: “And none of the angels of that world shall
know that thou art Lord with Me of the seven heavens and of
their angels. And they shall not know that Thou art with Me till
with a loud voice I have called to the heavens, and their
angels, and their lights, even unto the sixth heaven, in order
that you may judge and destroy the princes and angels and
gods of that world, and the world that is dominated by them.”
Charles, Ascension of Isaiah, pp. 70-71.

556. p. 194, Copt.

557. p. 230, Copt.

558. On the belief in the Millennium in the primitive Church, see

Döllinger, First Age of Christianity and the Church, Eng. ed.
1906, pp. 119, 123 and 268 and Ffoulkes, s.v. Chiliasts, in
Dict. Christian Biog.

559. p. 230, Copt. Cf. Luke xxii. 29, 30.

560. p. 231, Copt. “disciples” not apostles. So the Manichaeans

made Manes to be attended by twelve disciples. See Chap.
XIII infra.

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