© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1875
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Cracks: These include all types of cracks, like alligator 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:
cracks, hairline cracks, longitudinal cracks, reflection
cracks and edge cracks. Analysis of data and information through
Deformation: These include corrugations, rutting,
past studies for the development of
shoving, shallow depressions, settlements and
upheavals etc. pavement condition index (PCI)
Disintegration: these include loss of aggregates,
stripping, raveling, potholes and edge breaking. Identification of study area
and reporting, the efficiency and reliability of the value for pavement quantification on a scale of 7-1, 7 being
measurement used critically, and the stakeholders involved the new pavement condition, and 1 being the poor condition.
in pavement development.
Boyapati Bhavath et al. (2015) [6] suggested how by data
Ryntathlang L. Teiborlang (2011) [2] evaluated Pavement collection, to evaluate the Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
Condition Index (PCI) for rural roads in Assam. The new and also analyze it to primarily prioritize pavement
instrument used worldwide is the Pavement Condition Index maintenance. Various distress data such as cracks, patches,
(PCI). It is a numerical ranking for the state of the pavement potholes, and ruts were gathered based on the level of
ranging from 0 to 100, 0 being the worst possible condition distress for the report. Weighting variables were often
and 100 the best possible condition. The author identified allocated to the various forms of distress. The Pavement
the methodology used to carry out the pavement survey and Condition Index (PCI) values were determined by the author
to test the pavement with case studies of four rural Assam from the deduction values (DV) and from the correlated
roads. In conclusion, this method removes the need to use deduction value (CDV) graphs. The analysis of traffic volume
pavement condition score, age factor score and traffic and data on riding quality were also considered. Thanjavur
volume score in the methodological approach of rating the (TM) pavements were found to have pavement condition
conditions of a pavement by this method. index (PCI) values ranging from 45-60 in which 25% of
cracks, 20% of patches, and 15% of potholes were found on
Shah U. Yogesh et al. (2013) [3] A study was conducted to both sections. It was concluded that the degree and quantity
assess the performance of urban road network pavement by of cracking and patching values play a vital role in the
using different indicators of pavement condition such as the pavement condition index (PCI) does not require any
Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Present Serviceability priority-based maintenance operation and pavements with
Rating (PSR), Roughness Index (RI) etc. First of all, efforts lower pavement condition index requires maintenance on
were made to establish and design the Combined Overall priority
Pavement Condition Index (OPCI) for some selected roads in
Noida. It has been concluded that the overall performance of Zumrawi M.E. Magdi (2015) [7] The analysis of traffic
the pavement depends on the average value of all volume and data on riding quality were also considered.
parameters. Index of pavement condition, roughness index, Thanjavur (TM) pavements were found to have pavement
pain index of pavement condition, structural capability index condition index (PCI) values ranging from 45-60 in which
of pavement condition and skid resistance index of 25% of cracks, 20% of patches, and 15% of potholes were
pavement condition. Furthermore, the use of multi-indices found on both sections. It was concluded that the degree and
condition indicators was suggested to be more useful in quantity of cracking and patching values play a vital role in
selecting suitable treatment to completely restore the riding the pavement condition index (PCI) does not require any
standard and structural integrity of the pavements. priority-based maintenance operation and pavements with
lower pavement condition index requires maintenance on
Adlinge S. Sharad et al. (2013) [4] In terms of reducing priority. It was concluded that the emphasis should be on
serviceability caused mainly by the creation of cracks and developing guidelines that are versatile enough for use in a
ruts, pavement failure was identified. The author described variety of circumstances that are systematic, straightforward
modules on the number of projects in India learned from and easy to comprehend.
pavement failures and issues encountered in recent years.
Different pavement maintenance strategies and initiatives Andrei Radu et al. (2015) [8] using basic pavement
that will help enhance the serviceable life of the pavements condition metrics, assessed the efficiency of flexible
have been addressed on the basis of previous experience It pavements. The pavement serviceability index (PSI),
was concluded that a major cause of cracking is the rapid pavement condition index (PCI), skid resistance (SR) and
increase in traffic loading, especially on new roads where the pavement damage were different parameters used in the
design is focused on lower traffic, the provision of weak analysis (consumed life). The PSI was assessed using the
shoulders leads to edge failure and poor sub-grade AASHTO road test. That ranges from 0-5.0 being the worst
corrugation effects on the surface. Bad drainage was also pavement condition and the best condition being 5. The
considered as the key issue causing the maximum pavement entire pavement is first divided into small sample units for
surface failure. the pavement condition index (PCI) and determined by
deduct values and correlated correction curves, SR by the
Katkar R. S et al. (2014) [5] investigated the ultimate aim skid resistance tester and pavement damage is a measure of
of the Maintenance Management System (MMS) is to the percentage of life absorbed at any given moment during
maximize the resources needed to update this utility. 70 the pavement's service life. Some ratings for these versatile
pavements were studied and the relationship between the pavements and suitable treatments were provided after
quality of the pavement and the corresponding cost of operating on all these parameters.
maintenance was given. The results of the research include a
clear and practical technique for categorizing the condition Karim M. A. Fareed et al. (2016) [9] examined the state of
of the pavement in terms of repair cost. They developed a surface of roads, recognize repair and rehabilitation needs in
Yemen. By using PAVER software (1982) condition rating
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1877
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
procedure as defined in technical manual TM 5-623, the not be widely accepted. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI)
author assessed pavement condition in terms of surface should be unique to the road network, tailored by road
distress. First, they inspect the sample device, identify the category, traffic type, environmental condition, etc.
type of distress, the degree of intensity, and then calculate
the density. Then the deduct value curves were used for each REFERENCES:
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© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1878