use language to share their ideas, knowledge, feeling and desires. According to
Noermanzah (2017:2) explains that language is a message that is usually conveyed in the
many language in the world, one of them is English. It is known and spoken by all over
the world and has been used in many fields like economy, politics, educations, sciences,
and technology.
universities. For many years ago the material of English is emphasized in the structure
of the language, the students are expected to be able to recall all the pattern of tenses.
It is too hard for students, it makes the students are lazy to learn English. Beside that
the students are unable to speak English, they have difficulty to write their idea, and
difficult in understanding the text. So, one of the skill that is very important to help
the student can master all this skill in English is vocabulary. Vocabulary is needed to
improve the four English skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing in the
learner who just learns grammar without vocabulary will find difficulties in express
Vocabulary plays an important role in the four skills of language learning. So,
vocabulary should be thought in the class because there are still many faced by the
teacher or the students in teaching or learning vocabulary. The problems faced y the
teacher in teaching English vocabulary such as : less varied of teaching methods , lack
of adequate facilities, and limited time. The problems faced by the students in learning
strategies and tht students might find difficulties in developing their English
vocabulary, especially in getting the meaning of the words. This problem leads to
another problem that make the students unable fully improve their ability to use
English. According to Puspita Sari (2019:8), said that vocabulary is one of language
part that must be known by foreign learners to understand the four language skill.
Furthermore, Evy and Friends (2022), said that learning vocabulary is not only
memorizing words, but also requires the ability to recongnize these words, how to
remember them, how to pronounce them and how to use them appropriately and
correctly in sentences.
English teachers at SMPN 1 Lewolema still do not use the right methods in a
teaching less varied and resulting in less effect in the learning process and the lack of
learning media that teachers use when teaching is also an obstacle factor in the
learning process. The teacher must know the condition of the students. In the other
hand, method has an important role in teaching learning process. The method which
is used by the teacher can make students enjoy in learning. The teacher must use the
appropriate method in teaching learning process that makes students easy to acquire
the new vocabulary. According to Silsupur (2017), argues that games can make
students more interested in the learning process. Game is one method that can make
students enjoy the learning process. The students can do both of learning new
There are many games which used in teaching learning process. One kind of
game is Crossword Puzzle. By Crossword Puzzle, the students can get new
Crossword Puzzle are a learning method in the form of review tests in the form
Furthermore, Anggraeni (2018:2), states that Crossword Puzzle is a media that allows
students to think more creatively to enter letters so that they become words that match
the length of the box that is available. By using this strategy, fun teaching and
Puzzle to teach vocabulary. Every learning method certainly has ways and steps in
applying the method. Where each step in the learning method is certainly different. In
order for Crossword Puzzle strategy learning to run effectively and clearly, in more
(notes: if creating a Crossword Puzzle for your lesson is too difficult, include
transition elements that are not necessarily related to the lesson.). 3. Place keyword
puzzles to solve the problems by using some association : short definition (text that
explains the main ideas), categories with corresponding elements, opposite words. 4.
time. 6. Give prizes to those who answer the fastest. The advantages of this method
are invites students to learn to have fun discussions (Stimulating Discussio), inviting
(Independent Learning). So, Crossword Puzzle can train the student’s brain to recall
the new words and make students feel more fun, relaxed, and enjoyable. Based on the
background above, the writer would like to conduct a study under the title “ The
4. What are the students reaction in joining teaching vocabulary using the Crossword
Puzzle method?
This study may be a considered as supplementary reading for those who will
teach English vocabulary. This study is expected to provide input and solutions in
This study is expected to be able to create a fun learning atmosphere and activate
students, students will more easily understand vocabulary material that presents
many abstract concepts and in the end it is expected that students have optimal
learning outcomes.
This writing is a reference for those who will conduct the same research. It is also
expected that this study can enable them to widen their knowledge and deepen
From the identification of the problems set out in this study, it is necessary to limit the
problem so that the study carried out is more focused on the problems to be solved. This
study only focuses on vocabulary teaching using the Crossword Puzzle teaching method
In this study, researchers used the Crossword Puzzle game in teaching vocabulary
skills in the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Lewolema because previously in this seventh grade
the teaching had not used the application of game methods so that it could affect student
learning outcomes. The application of the Crossword Puzzle game can be applied to any
Crossword Puzzle is a game that involves learners to fill in empty boxes with
Vocabulary is the collection of words or phrases used in English for speaking and
various activities, such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The purpose is
for students to understand and use the new words in the right context.
strategy learning to run effectively and clearly, makes the following steps
implementation, namely :
include transition elements that are not necessarily related to the lesson.).
short definition (text that explains the main ideas), categories with
Teaching English is a dynamic and rewarding profession that involves a blend of art
and science. To be an effective English teacher, we need to understand the nuances of the
language, the psychology of learning, and the art of creating engaging lessons. Teaching
English refers to the processes and methods used to teach English as a foreign language.
According to Islamiyah (2011), the goal of English language instruction for children is to
implications for learning the culture of the native speakers of that language, as explained in
teaching English language instruction for children aims to equip them with good
communication skills.
In addition, Rahmadhita (2020), in English language learning, there are several skills
Research shows that effective teaching methods can improve students' listening skills.
2. Speaking: Speaking skills are the main focus of many studies. For example, research
3. Reading: Reading skills are also a concern, where the development of appropriate
Besides, the four skills mentioned, that be mastered by students.Vocabulary and grammar are
also very important in learning English.Vocabulary is key aspect in learning a new language.
Nurgiyantoro (2014:338) states that vocabulary is the wealth of words found in a language
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that in teaching English there are
several skills that are very important to learn, namely Reading, Listening, Writing,
basic of communication and Vocabulary plays an important role in the four skills of
language learning and students who just learns grammar without vocabulary will find
2.2 Vocabulary
learning a new language people have to know its vocabulary. Some experts define
vocabulary in various ways. According to Schmitt (2017) defines vocabulary as all the
words used in communication. It includes two important aspects, namely the first is
lexical (the word meaning) and the second is the use of words in the appropriate.
Furthermore, Paul Nation (2015), vocabulary is a collection of words used in verbal and
and how they are used in various contexts both in speaking, listening, reading and
writing. Meanwhile, Santoso and Andriyadi (2019), vocabulary is collection of words that
a person knows. Vocabulary is one of the most important components of the language
system to learn. Ernawati (2017), stated that vocabulary is very important in helping
students learn about new words and is one way to build linguistic awareness which
important both from theoretical and practical poin of view as stated by Ghaemi (2017)
that experts in the field of vocabulary development agree that vocabulary is a central
factor in the language learning process and vocabulary strengthening is necessary at every
stage of students language development. Anwar and Efransyah (2018), emphasize that
without grammar very little can be conveying, without vocabulary nothing can be
Based on definition from some experts above, the researcher conclude that vocabulary
is collection of words that a person knows includes knowledge of the meaning of words
and how they are used in various contexts both in speaking, listening, reading and
impossible for the students to read, write and speak a foreign language without having
enough knowledge of the vocabulary. Learning the new vocabulary does not only mean
memorizing the form of the word but also understand its meaning.
In short, vocabulary is a ever rest of language. For this reason, a person who wants to
be able to communicate in certain language has to master the vocabulary of that language
for the first time. It is one of the language aspects needs to be learned when people are
learning a language. Vocabulary mastery is important for anyone who learns the language
use in listening, speaking, reading, and writing besides grammar. A learner of the foreign
language will speak fluently, write easily, or understand what he or she reads or hears if
Teaching vocabulary is a complex task because the teaching includes not only the
meaning of words but also spelling and pronunciation of the words. A good teacher
should use appropriate presentation techniques and enough practice for certain word. The
teacher has to teach only the meaning of words but also use appropriate methods for each
vocabulary constitutes the activities of learning and teaching together that guide students
The purpose of teaching vocabulary is to help students bring and get the meaning
from words signs, signal, and symbols. To reach the goal of teaching vocabulary, the
students must be taught in many times about words and their meaning.
Below are the key principles of teaching vocabulary outlined by Nation (2022) :
those that are most commonly used across various context. These words
allow learners to engage with a wide range of texts and communicate more
learned when they are encountered in real life situation, authentic texts, or
discourse where learners see how words function within full sentences or
and nuances of words that might not be clear when learned in isolation.
word combinations).
over time to reinforce memory and transfer words from short-term to long-
term memory. Multiple encounters with the word across different contexts
and in different forms allow learners to retain and recall vocabulary more
5) Teaching words parts
more efficiently.
According to Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman (2018), there are two techniques in
a. Visual technique includes visuals, mime, and gesture. Visual includes flash
card, photograph, blackboard drawing, wall charts. They are extensively need
b. Verbal technique includes the use of illustrative situation (oral or written), use
Furthermore, Nurfauziah Manzur and Fatima (2023) states that the vocabularies are
developed using different methods and techniques, such as word game, crossword puzzle,
snake coil, word selection, word definition, letter and number game, search word, missing
letters, word formation, matching, identifying words and completion. From the explanation
above, the writer can conclude that in teaching that in teaching vocabulary teacher must use
many techniques. Teacher can choose the technique in teaching based on the situation. So, as
a teacher she or he must be smart and more creative during the teaching learning process. In
this research, the researcher used the crossword puzzle game in teaching vocabulary.
2.5 Crossword Puzzle in Teaching Vocabulary
game where the goal is to fill a grid of blank squares with letters, forming words across and
down based on provided clues. In Longman Handy Learners Dictionary of American English
(2016), stated that Crossword Puzzle is printed game in which words are fitted into numbered
square. Crossword Puzzle is a game which is consists of words in the grid that has to think
carefully to guess from the clue and can be exercise the mind. It means that crossword puzzle
is a game in which words from the clue are filled and guessed carefully in grid that can help
According to Silberman (2013), Crossword Puzzle are a learning method in the form of
review tests in the form Crossword Puzzles. Crosswords can be completed individually or in
groups. Furthermore, Anggraeni (2018:2), states that Crossword Puzzle is a media that
allows students to think more creatively to enter letters so that they become words that match
the length of the box that is available. By using this strategy, fun teaching and learning
From the definition above, it can be concluded that Crossword Puzzle is one of the fun
game in learning methods which consists of words from numbered the clue vertically and
horizontally that has to be guessed and thought carefully in a grid, and this game have a some
Every learning method certainly has ways and steps in applying the method. Where each
step in the learning method is certainly different. In order for Crossword Puzzle strategy
learning to run effectively and clearly, in more detail according to Melvin L. Silberman
creating a Crossword Puzzle for your lesson is too difficult, include transition elements that
3. Place keyword puzzles to solve the problems by using some association : short
definition (text that explains the main ideas), categories with corresponding elements,
opposite words.
The advantages of this method are invites students to learn to have fun discussions
inviting students to learn with peers or classmates (Perr Teaching), inviting students to learn
independently (Independent Learning). So, Crossword Puzzle can train the student’s brain to
recall the new words and make students feel more fun, relaxed, and enjoyable.